Lec 31
Lec 31
Lec 31
Prof. K. Rajagopal
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Lecture - 31
Geosynthetics in Flexible Pavements I
A very good afternoon students, in todays lecture let us look at the design and
construction aspects of the road pavements using the geosynthetics.
Well, all of us know that we require good pavements, so that we can drive the vehicles
comfortably on the roads. And some of the requirements of these roads, the road surface
should remain smooth and unyielding that is, when you drive at the vehicle either car or
a scooter, the surface should not penetrate into the ground. How it happens when you
drive on a wet mud road, it should be unyielding. So, that the free movement of the
vehicles is ensured and it should provide a good support in all the seasons.
That is very important, because these roads are open round the year all the time. And so
even in the worst of the rainy season, the road surface should provide a good ridable
surface. And the thickness of the pavement it should be sufficient to reduce the tyre
pressures, that are applied of the road surface to aim less than allowable bearing
pressures, when these pressures are transferring into the subgrade and depending on the
how we construct, we can categories the pavements into two categories. The first one is
the flexible pavement. This consists of multiple layers, which have very low or zero
flexural strength. As you may recall, the flexural strength is the bending stiffness or the
bending strength that we have, what we studied in the case of simple supported beams
and other cases. And then the other type of road pavement could be a rigid, rigid
pavement like rain force concrete pavement. This consists of rigid layer, which has
excellent flexural strength and stiffness. So, no matter what is below that pavement, the
load is as a distributed over a very wide area, thus ensuring that the rider comfort is
Well let us look at the load transfer in the flexible pavements. And the use of
geosynthetics is more or a predominant use of geosynthetics is in the case of flexible
pavements, because in the case of rigid pavements like reinforce concrete pavements, we
may not require any geosynthetics. So, these flexible pavements, they reflect the
deformation of the lower layers to the upper layers. That is because they do not have any
flexural stiffness.
Whatever happens in the lower layer, gets immediately reflected up to the upper layers
and the load transfer to the lower layers is through grain to grain contact between the
particles. So, if there is good contact by way of very coarse grained particles and a good
interlocking, we can expect a good load transfer to the layers below. And good
interlocking with very large and angular particles helps in spreading the loads to larger
Our object is when the load is transferred to the pavement; it should distribute over as
wide an area as possible, so that the pressure that we are a transferring into the subgrade
is reduced. And apart from the good interlocking sometimes we may use binders, they
could be a bitamin binder or cement binder. Binder also can help in load spreading
ability. Once you are able to bind the particles together, they may act as semi rigid
layers. And these flexible pavements, the uppermost that is the top layer is the strongest
and as we go down, as the pressure is decreasing, we can use more inferior materials that
are less strong.
So, here we see an example of the wave pattern that is a reflected from bottom layers.
What we are looking at is a container yard that is built on extremely soft clay and the
because of the applied loads, the pressures are transferred into the soft place soil. And
because this soft place is extremely soft, it has formed the mud way pattern and that
same thing is reflected to the ground surface. And our object of constructing these
pavements is, these types of a reflection do not happen, whatever angulations that are
there in the layers below, they are not reflected to this top surface. Because once this
happens the readability it decreases and we cannot use this surface any more.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:40)
Well, here is a transaction of flexible pavement. What we see at the top is the bitumen
wearing course that is made of Bitumen Rashfalt or just simply thar that we use in India
and then we have base course and then a sub base course. The base course usually
consists of very large stones whereas; the sub base course may consist of a smaller
stones. And this thickness of the pavement that is consisting of the sub base course and
then the wearing course, this total thickness T depends on the strength of the subgrade
and then the traffic loading with the design life, the properties of the individual layers
and so on.
And here you see this, the close up of the granular sub base layer, which is consisting of
the smaller sized particles as compared to the base course.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:32)
The design of the pavements is based on the CBR value, the California Bared Ratio and
what you are looking at is the apparatus to perform the CBR test. We take a soil
specimen compactor to the desired density at an optimum moisture contact, as we do it in
site and then there is a standard way of applying the loads. And we have put some
standard surcharge weight and then we apply the loading at a standard rate of loading.
And we get a curve something like this. On the x axis, we have the penetration in
millimeters, y axis the load in so many kilograms per centimeter square. And if you get a
graph something like this, where the load is linearly increasing with penetration, there is
no initial correction that we apply, but sometimes because of a initial imperfections, the
compaction or in the loading. Initially the pressure may not be developed, and the
pressure is slow to develop. And only after sometime, the pressure goes on increasing in
linear proportion to the penetration. In this case what we do is, we do some initial
correction like this, and shift the origin here, and we need to look at the load set to
different settlements 2.5 millimeters and 5 millimeters settlement; this is as per the
standard course of practice.
And we get the load and then the CBR value is the load, that we measure at either 2.5
millimeter or 5 millimeter settlement divided by the standard load multiplied by 100
percent. So, these are the standard load at 2.5 millimeters, the standard load is 1370 kgs
and at 5 millimeter settlement it is 2055 kgs. And we can calculate the CBR value which
could be even higher than 100 percent depending on the load that we measure.
And the US army engineers, they were the first one to suggest the thickness of
pavements depending on the type of loading that we have. And here we see some very
highly empirical formula, where the t thickness is given in terms of centimeters square
root of P multiplied by square root of 1.75 by CBR minus 1 by pi times p c. By taking
this P inside this square root, we can write the thickness that is the thickness of the
pavements as the square root of 1.75 P divided by CBR minus A divided by pi, where T
is the thickness of pavements in centimeters, and the P is the wheel load in kgs, and the
CBR is the California bearing ratio in percentage. And the small p c this quantity that is
the tyre pressure in so many kgs per centimeter square, and capital A is the contact area
which is nothing but the wheel load divided by the tyre pressure that we see here. And
we see that the thickness of the pavement is very much dependent on the load that is
coming from the wheels and then the CBR value, and then the distribution area the tyre
contact area.
And this is another formula once again proposed by US army core of engineers where
they have given the thickness in terms of some more parameters. Actually C is the
coverage ratio and P by 8.1 times CBR minus A by P to the whole root. Once again we
see that the thickness of the pavement is a function of the wheel load and inversely
proportional to the CBR value. The tyre contact area is increasing for the given load and
given tyre pressure our thickness of the pavement decreases. And this is another formula
is actually, the earlier ones they do not have the number of load passes and then the
allowable rate depth, the previous formulas that we saw, they are for standard depth of
75 millimeters.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:40)
And here we have two more parameters N that is the number of traffic passes of a
standard equivalent wheel loads, and then the P is the wheel load, and r is rut depth that
is a given in terms of millimeters or centimeters and then the C u is the undrained
cohesive strength of the subgrade soil. Either C u or CBR both are linearly related to
each other. The C u is approximately 30 times the CBR in so many kilo Pascal units.
And the Indian roads congress IRC is also given the thickness of pavement in terms of
the subgrade CBR value and these are given for standard axle loads of 8160 kgs. That is
approximately equal to 80 kilo Newtons and this is given in terms of so many millions of
standard axle loads the msa. For 10 msa 20 30 50 100 150 msa and the thickness as you
can see, it goes on increasing with the number of axle loads. Actually here also we see
that as the number of load passes is increasing, the thickness of the pavement increases.
And this data that is given by IRC 37-2001, that is also highly empirical and the typical
pavement composition could be the Bitumen concrete, that is the top most wearing
course. If given as 40 mm up to 50 m s a, that is the millions of standard axle loads and
beyond that for 100 and 150 mm, the bitumen concrete layer is given as 50 mm. And
then the DBM that is the Dense Bitumen Macadam, a thickness is linearly increasing
with a higher number of load passes. Then the granular base and sub base thickness is
given as base course layer of 250 mm and the sub base layer of 350 mm. And so, if you
add up 40 70 250 and 300, you get this total thickness of 660 and these data they are
given for different CBR values 5 percent, 7 percent, 10 percent and so on.
And here we see the same data given for 10 percent of the CBR value and as the CBR
value increases, the requirement of the pavement thickness reduces. So, for example, for
150 million standard axle loads for a CBR of 10 percent, the total pavement thickness is
650 and here for a CBR value of 5 percent it is 770. Once again the standard pavement
BC thickness that is Bitumen Concrete thickness is given as 40 mm up to 50 msa and 50
mm for higher number of load passes. And then the DBM thickness and the base course
and sub base course thicknesses are given.
And when it comes to rigid pavement, we do not have too many layers. We have only 2
layers, the one is the top most layers that is the rigid reinforce concrete layer or just
simply PCC layer. And because this reinforced concrete surface itself is very hard, it will
also act as a wearing course. We do not have additional concrete layer and sometimes
this RCC could be the pre-stressed concrete, in order to take care of a heavy loading or in
order to take care of extremely weak subgrade. And the purpose of this rigid pavement is
to distribute the load to a very wide area and this could be constructed on a prepared sub
or base course layer. Basically, the base course is consisting of coarse grind particles that
can act as a good drainage layer.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:41)
This case, it should also provide a good uniform support to the reinforce concrete slab
that is a fabricated at the side. And the load distribution here this in the case of rigid
pavements is because of the flexural rigidity of the pavement layers so it has very good
stiffness so it can distribute the load over a very wide area. And the design of the
thickness is the function of the structural analysis. And in this lecture or in this course we
will only look at the flexible pavements and because that is more appropriate, when we
are using the geosynthetics.
In that case the provision of very strong and stiff geosynthetics layer can help in evening
out these volume changes and the geosynthetics can be used as a separator or along with
reinforcement function. This separator helps in preventing the mixing up of different
layers and filter layer, it could act as a filter layer. If we use as a woven or a non woven
geotextile, they prevent the piping phenomenon.
Then as a drainage layer, we use stick non woven geotextile very near to the top surface
tracked as a drainage layer, to lead the surface water that is infiltrating into the pavement
section away from the pavement. And within the bitumen or the asphalt layer, we can use
the paver fabrics to reduce the intensity of the reflection cracking and that is one main
purpose of the geosynthetics. These the application of the geosynthetics we will see in
some other lecture.
But just to a give you a brief idea, here is the separation function of the geosynthetics.
Let us say that, we have provided a designed thickness of the aggregate layer and which
is underline by a soft subgrade. As the time passes with the number of traffic loads,
gradually, the stone aggregate might just simply get disintegrated and sink into the soft
subgrade because there is not much of support given from the subgrade. If you able to
provide a good separator either in the form of a textile or as a geogrid, because of the
restraint that is provided, this aggregate layer is preserved better and it acts as a good
pavement layer because its integrity is preserved.
This geosynthetics that we provide because of the friction, that is developed between the
geosynthetics and the aggregate layer. It prevents the lateral spreading of this aggregate
that is one form of failure. If there is nothing to hold the aggregate, once there is the
wheel loads are applied, the aggregates will just simply spread laterally. And because of
the good friction and interlocking, that is developed along the geosynthetic surface.
Some lateral restraint is provided to the aggregate thus ensuring a better load
(Refer Slide Time: 22:17)
These geosynthetics can also help in improving the bearing capacity. See without the
geosynthetic, this could be the bearing capacity failure under wheel load. And if we
provide a reinforcement layer, the bearing, the shear surface does not propagate through
this reinforcement and the failure is within this top soil. And we have seen that whenever
the rapturous surfaces are prevented from formation, the failure is within the top layer.
And because of the failure is now in a very shallow or a thin layer of soil, the bearing
capacity is much more than what it is for a soil of infinite thickness. So, here in this case
the bearing capacity is increased by load spreading and confinement of the soil.
Well let us look how we can design these pavements. And before we design or before we
go into the discussion of design, let us look at a dual wheel configuration, because the
dual wheel configuration is very typical one in all these transport vehicles, the Lorries
that transport heavy goods. And how do we treat the load, that is coming from a dual
wheel. Say if there is an axle load of P because there are 4 wheel loads, you have 4 times
A c that is the contact area of a single tyre, p c is the tyre inflation pressure.
And in other words, we can calculate the tyre pressure by dividing the axle load with 4 A
c and because we have the two wheels close together, we need to do some empirical
calculations. And if assume that the load spreading below each wheel is something like
this within a shallow depth. Let us say d by 2 below the surface, we can assume that the
tyre pressures are independent of each other and the pressure is just simply p c, but
below this the affect of the space between the 2 wheels comes into picture.
And because of that the actual pressure that is transferred is lesser and this P e c that is
the equivalent pressure is just simply p c by square root of 2 and this is because of the
standard wheels. And if you have one single wheel, this is just simply p c is equal to P e
c or P e c is equal to p c.
And now, let us look at the design of unpaved roads as given by Giroud and Noiray way
back in 1981. They have given semi empirical design method that is based on some
mathematical analysis and some empirical correlations.
And some of the assumptions, the aggregate layer is assumed to have very high CBR
value, that is CBR of more than 80 percent. Usually, the granular sub base material that
we use, that will achieve a CBR of much more than 80 usual about 100 to 150. And the
subgrade soil is assumed to be soft clay without any friction angle 5 is equal to zero. And
C u u can be taken as 30 times the CBR where, CBR is the California bearing ratio of the
foundation soil. And the number of vehicle passes is less than 10000 passes and standard
axle load of 80 kilo Newtons is considered. 80 kilo Newtons is approximately 8155 kgs
that is equivalent to our IRC standard axle load. And the failure is only by plastic shear
that is acting within the subgrade soil.
Some of the assumptions are the subgrade soil is saturated in undrained condition, and
the base course aggregate has a CBR of at least 80, and rectangular contact area of the
tyres, because they have considered the dual wheel configuration. And they assume that
this rectangular contact area of l by b, just for simplifying the analysis.
They have assumed that the surface pressure is transferred into the subgrade soil in a
pyramidal fashion. And they assume that this load dispersion angle is the same in both
reinforced and unreinforced case for simplicity. And the bearing capacity is increased
from elastic to ultimate state because of the inclusion of geotextile that we will see a bit
later on.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:43)
The other assumptions are that the only failure that they have considered is within the
subgrade soil. The friction angle of the aggregate layer is assumed to be large enough to
rule out any shear failure within the aggregate layer. And the interface friction between
the aggregate layer and the geogrid or geotextile is large enough to rule out any sliding
failure of the base.
The aggregate layer provides a pyramidical distribution of the load P by 2 that is axle
load of P that is divided by 2 in the left side and the right side of the wheels. So, we have
P by 2 of the load and the wheels are assumed to travel along the same track along the
road so that at every cross section of the road, we have similar load distribution and
similar rutting and so that, we can just simply use a 2 dimensional analysis.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:53)
And the main assumption is because of the provision of the reinforcement, we can
increase the bearing capacity factored from pi that is 3.1422 plus pi that is 5.14 and that
is based on some observations laboratory and field observations by Bahrenberg and
Bender, that were published in way back in 1978. And they have shown that, the bearing
capacity of undrained clay soil is 3.3 c, when there is no reinforcement. And when there
is fabric reinforcement placed above the clay soil, this bearing capacity factor increases
almost 6 so this is the observation was given by Barenberg and Bender was used by
Giroud and Noiray to develop their method of analysis.
And the case one that is the unreinforced case. The stress on the subgrade soil because of
the load dispersion is P by 2 that is the load transferred into each wheel divided by B
plus 2 h naught tan alpha times l plus 2 h naught tan alpha. Where, h naught is the
thickness of the pavement 2 because the load is dispersed in 2 directions plus gamma h
naught is the overburden pressure. And this pressure the P naught and the subgrade level
is equated to the elastic limit of the pressures pi C u plus gamma h naught.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:42)
And by equating these two, we can get an equation in terms of the C u and the wheel
load and h naught and by solving this h naught, we can get the thickness that we require.
So, that the pressure that is transferred into the subgrade is less than the allowable
bearing capacity of the soil.
So, this same relation written in a slightly different form and here if we know the c that is
the cohesive strength of the subgrade soil and the wheel load P, we can calculate h
(Refer Slide Time: 33:27)
And the case two is with reinforcement. And here the pressure that is transferred into the
subgrade soil is P by 2 by B plus 2 h tan alpha times l plus 2 h tan alpha plus gamma hits
minus Pg, that is the membrane support that is given by the reinforcement. This is the
vertical component and here now we assume general shear failure so that is 2 plus pi
times C u that is our bearing capacity.
And this P g is the membrane support is related to the strain that is developed and the
secant modulus like this. The strain developed is also a function of several other factors
that we will see in a minute. The P g is written as k times epsilon by a times Square root
of 1 plus a by 2 s times square.
The epsilon that is the strain is written as b plus b prime by a plus a prime minus 1
where, b and the b prime they are the curve length. This is actually the shape is assumed
as parabola and this length b and b prime, that is before and after the load application and
a and a prime, these are the curved lengths before and after the load application. And
once we have these values, we can calculate epsilon and s is the settlement below the
load that is related to the rut depth.
Actually, the rut depth is say if there is some soil heaving the vertical distance from the
heaved portion up to the bottom depression is the rut depth whereas, the settlement is
depression measured from initial road surface. And if we know all these quantities, we
can calculate the epsilon. Once we have the epsilon and the other factors, we can
calculate the additional support that is given by the geosynthetic.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:34)
There are different cases that are possible a prime less than a, the epsilon can be written
as b by a minus 1 and s is related by this.
And the design procedure is very simple; we need to calculate h naught that is the
aggregate thickness from one of the governing equations relating the stress, that is
transferred into the subgrade soil by load dispersion through a height of h naught. And
step two is to calculate the thickness of the aggregate layer with geotextile or the
We can calculate the reduction in the thickness, delta h is h naught minus h. And
calculate h naught prime that is the aggregate thickness without geotextile, when the
number of load passes is considered. Because the previous equation is only for one single
load application or the constant load, and we need to modify the earlier equations by
considering the number of load passes. And the final step is calculating the thickness of
the aggregate as its prime is h naught prime minus delta h, where h naught prime is the
aggregate thickness for the un-reinforced case without any reinforcement.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:09)
For the purpose of considering the influence of the number of load passes the Giroud and
Noiray, they have used this expression that was proposed by Webster and Alfrodis.
Actually, this is also from the same group, the US army corps of engineering group who
said that h naught prime is 0.19 log N s divided by CBR to the power 0.63 where, N s is
the number of passes of the standard axle load of 80 kilo Newtons. This particular
relation is given for a rut depth of 75 millimeters; h naught is the thickness of the
aggregate layer in meters. And this particular equation is very restrictive because this is
only considering a standard axle load of 80 kilo Newtons.
And they have also Webster and his co workers they have also, given an extra palation
for other rut depths, because the previous equation is for a rut depth of a 75 millimeters.
And we can replace log N s in this equation by another empirical equation like this log N
s minus 2.34 times r minus 0.075 and this is for a rut depth larger than 75 millimeters.
And as we see as our allowable rut depth is increasing, the thickness of the aggregate
layer reduces.
And by combining these equations, we can get a more generalized formula for
calculating the thickness of the aggregate layer is h naught prime is equal to 119.24 log
of N plus 470.98 log P minus 271.01 r minus 2283.34 divided by C u to the power 0.063
where, h naught prime is the base course thickness for so many numbers of passes and N
is the number of traffic passes of axle load and then the C u is the undrained shear
(Refer Slide Time: 41:05)
And Giroud and Noiray what they have done is, they have gone through this equation
and they have developed a standard design slot, that gives the x axis the CBR value. The
y axis the h naught prime, and the delta h for standard axle load of 80 kilo Newtons, and
rut depth of 300 millimeters. The tyre pressure of 480 k P a for different modulus values
of the reinforcement layers ranging from 10 all the way to 480 kilo Newtons per meter.
This we can utilize for designing the thickness of this the aggregate layer for reinforced
pavements and actually it is a very simple way of applying this equation. And here we
also have the number of load passes N of 10, 100, 1000, 10,000. And you see that as the
number of load passes is increasing the thickness requirement of the aggregate is
increasing. Then as our reinforcement modulus is increasing, we need lesser thickness of
the pavement material. And we will see how to apply this design slot for design purpose.
We will see one example in the next class along with use of geosynthetics in the flexible