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“ASSIMIL” spare-time daily courses FRENCH WITHOUT TOIL BY A. CHEREL # illustrated by Pierre SOYMIER and Robert GRING “ASSIMIL” 5, rue Saint-Augustin (Bourse) PARIS (2°) BRUXELLES AMSTERDAM - DUSSELDORF - LAUSANNE - LONDON MADRID - MONTREAL - NEW YORK - TORINO HOW TO LEARN FRENCH WITHOUT TOIL Has it ever happened to you to find yourself hum- ming a snatch of song, without remembering exactly when and where you picked it up? When you first heard it you probably did not pay any particular attention to it at the time. Still, your memory registered it, and now it recurs to you automa- tically. Two or three days later, you would vainly iry to recall it to mind. But if by chance you hear it again and yet again, several days in succession, then not only do you remember it, but it grows to be a real obsession. Upon this natural and subconscious power of reten- tion we have based the present Course of French. We do not require from you any hard work, — nor indeed any “ work ” at all. You just have to listen to the records, and to read the text-book and its explanations, with the same atten- tion that you would give to the rules of a new game. If you do this regularly, once or twice a day, say, ten minutes at a time, the process of intuitive assimila- tion will do the rest. That is to say, you will understand the French text of the lessons with ease, and will be able to repeat each paragraph immediately after having read it. That will be the first, or passive stage of your study. Then, after about two months, you will reach VI a point where the active stage begins : for each new lesson, you will take up another one, starting from the first, and translating it from English into French. This will be an easy matter, the graduation of the course being such as to offer no serious obstacle to your progress. It is the logical way of learning a language : first understand, then speak, in the same way as you acquired your English in your infancy. At the rate of one lesson a day, you will thus ac- quire a practical knowledge of French in about six months of spare-time study. Let us add that this is no “ school French ”, but the real everyday language of the French people. Pronunciation There is no need to give you advice on pronunciation if you use the records : they speak for themselves. But for those students who cannot afford them, we have done our best to figuye the French pronunciation in English sounds. Tt should be emphasized that the chief difficulty lies in the English habit of stressing the beginning of each word, while in French it is the reverse, and again in the slurring over of unaccented syllables. French words must be pronounced fully, in an even tone, with a slight stress on the last sonorous syllable. ‘uoReiounuoid yoozsad ainsua pue juapnys ay 0} djay ayqenyeaur ue ase Aayy ynq ‘g[qesuadsiput Ajainjosqe Jou are sprosa1 ay} ‘yYOoq ay} uy Ayjeoeuoyd paqiiosues, st 3X9} YousrT wt SY ‘yea sjuapnys ayy I10F 13 ajyajdwoo B aptAcid 0} SB OS Pasn Udaq sALY ,,Sad1OA,, JaJayip Ue} “SPSHIE YouETT pezus]ey Aq spiove1 auoydowesS uo pepsodar udeq aay [OL Foy AL YIMI4T JO SO8VIOXI pue stOssaT 4, Squoord « HOL LONOHLIM HONG » 1 oun (uf) You will find the French text on the left- hand page, and the English equivalent and notes opposite, on the right-hand page. Where the French phrasing is different from the English, literal translations are given in brackets. Premiére (1%) Lecon (First Lesson) (Pron. : pr’miarr |’soit) (See Notes (5) and (1) on pronunciation, p. ?* Bon voyage! 1 — Nous partons pour la France. 2 — Ah! et quand partez-vous (1) ? é sa c 3 — Nous partons probablement a la fin de la semaine. 4 — Et allez-vous directement 4 Paris? 5 — Nousvallons—a Paris, puis—a Nice. deux (duh) 2 Please remember thai all you are required to do is to understand the French texi, and to repeat each paragraph immediately after you have read it. Do not worry about the little differences in construction, they will be explained in good time. PRONONCIATION (pronoficiacion). — boi (1) vwa- yazh (2). — I noo parrton poorr la frais’ (3). — 2a (4) kai parrti voo? — 3 noo parrtoh probabl'man a la fia d'la sman’ (5). — 4 4 ali voo diraktmah a pari (6)? — 5 noo- zalofi a pari, piiizanis (7). (1) off: nasal sound, as in song (Final g not sounded). (2) a: inlermediate between a in fat and a in far. (3) afi: nasal sound as in wand (Final d not sounded), (4) 4: closed a sound, as in Mary or in sale. (5) a: sound of e in sell. (6) i: sound of e in me. (7) i: German ii, or Scotch u as in abune (iry to pronounce ce with rounded lips). Safe (Good) journey 1 We are leaving (we depart) for (the) France. — 2 Ah! and when are you leaving (depart you)? — 3 We are probably leaving (depart) at the end of the week. — 4 And are you going (go you) straight (directly) to Paris? — 5 We are going (go) to Paris, then to Nice. NOTES. — (1) Vous partez, you leave or you are leaving ; partez-vous? (with hyphen): do you leave? or are you leaving? I LECON 3 trois (trwa) 6 — Restez-vous longtemps & (2) Paris? 7 — Nous restons environ une semaine. 8 — Vouswavez de la chance! 9 — Eh bien, alors, au revoir. 10 — Au revoir, et bon voyage! EXERCICE (ig'zarrsis’). — 1 Nous partons; vous partez. — 2 Nous_allons; vous_allez. — 3 Nous restons; vous restez. — 4 Nous_avons; vous_avez. — 5 Partons-nous? Partez-vous? — 6 Allons-nous; allez- vous? —— 7 Restons-nous? Restez-vous? — 8 Avons- nous? Avez-vous? oo°o The “liaison ” (lidzomi, that is, the carrying over of the final censonant on to the next word, is peculiar to French. Thus : nous allons is pronounced : nooz’aloh, and vous allez : vooz'alii. We indicate it with the sign _. Deuxiéme (2°) Lecon (Second Lesson) {Pronon. : duhziam’) Voulez-vous_un taxi (1)? 1 — Porteur! Porteur! 2 — Voila, Madame! quatre (catr’) 4 6 Are you staying (stay you) long (long time) in (at) Paris? — 7 We are staying (we stay) about (environ) a week. ~ 8 You are lucky (you have of the chance)! — 9 Well, then, good-bye! — 10 Good-bye, and happy (good) journey! NOTES. — (2) At the end: a la fin. — We go to Nice: nous_allons & Nice. — We stay in Nice: nous restons 4 Nice. 6 rasst& voo lofitah a pari? — 7 noo rastom afiviromi tin’ s'man’, 8 voozavié d'la shafis'! — 9 abi-if (8) alorr érr'vwarr (9). — 10 érr'vwarr 4 bea vwa-yazh! (10). (8) if: nasal sound as in slang (Final g not sounded). (9) 0: © in sore. 8: 0 in note, (10) zh: s in pleasure. 1 We are leaving or we leave; you are leaving or you leave. — 2 We are’ going or we go; you are going or you go. — 3 We are staying or we stay; yoa are staying-or you stay. — 4 We have or we are having; you have or you are having. — 5 Are we leaving? or Do we leave? Are you leaving? or Do you leave? — 6 Are we going? or Do we go? Are you going? or Do you go? — 7 Are we staying or Do we stay? Are you staying or Do you stay? — 8 Have we? or Are we having? Have you or Are you having? PRONONCIATION. — vool& voozui (1) taxi? — 1 porrturr (2). — 2 vwala, madam! (1) uf: nasal sound, es in trunk (Final k not sounded). (2) us: sound half-way between u in burr and o in love. Do you want (will you) a taxi? 1 Porter! Porter! — 2 There you are, Madam! NOTES. — (1) A taxi: un taxi, while: a week: une semaine. This introduces one of the chief difficulties of the French ianguage. All nouns are either masculine or feminine. A or an before a masculine noun is un, and une before a feminine. — Why is a taxi masculine and a week feminine? There is no reason: the fact must be accepted. The best way to remember it is always to link in your mind noun and article, as if it were one: faxyi: un taxi; week : une semaine. 2° LECON 5 cing (siak) —— Prenez ma valise, s’il vous plait (2) ! — Bien, Madame. — Attention, elle est fragile. — Oui, Madame. Voulez-vous—un taxi? — Oui; mettez la valise avec moi. — Montez, Madame. CoO TAH HM A Ww — Voici pour vous. 10 — Merci bien, Madame. 41 — Chauffeur, a I’Hotel (3) de France! 12 — Trés bien, Madame. EXERCICE. 1 Vous voulez; nous voulons. ~-- 2 Vous prenez; nous prenons. —- 3 Vous mettez; nous mettons. —- 4 Vous montez; nous montons. — 5 Pre- nez-vous la valise?> — 6 Nous allons directement a Vhétel. — 7 Nous avons la valise. — 8 Voici un taxi. — 9 Voila lhétel. ooo Voici Voila : There is or there are. here is or here are. oo°0 Watch your pronunciation! Preserve the full vowel sounds, but put the stress on the final syllable only; for exam- ple: parfons, alienfion, merci, chauffeur, laxi. six (sis) 6 3 pr'nd ma valiz silvoopla! — 4 bi-if madam. — 5 at'taision, al a frazhil. — 6 wi madam, voola voozui taxi? — 7 wi; matt la valiz avac mwa. — 8 moiti, madam. — 9 vwaci poorr voo. —- 10 marci bi-ii madam. — 11 shéfurr, alétald’ frais’. — 12 wa bi-if, madam. 3 Take my bag, please! — 4 Right (Well), Madam. — 5 Be careful (Atiention), it (she) is fragile. — 6 Yes, Madam. Do you want (Will you) a taxi? — 7 Yes; put the case with me. — 8 Get in (mount), Madam. — 9 This is (here is) for yourself. — 10 Thank you very much (well), Madam. — 11 Chauffeur, to the Hotel de France! — 12 Certainly (very well), Madam. (2) S'U vous plait és literalty : if it pleases you. (3) His aimost always mute in French. As for I’ see Jesson N°7, par. 1. 1 You want; we want, — 2 You take: we take. — 3 You put; we put. — 4 You go up (mount); we go up. — 5 Do you take the bag? — 6 We go directly to the hotel. — 7 We have the bag (or suit-case). — 8 Here is a taxi. — 9 There is the hotel. e090 When listening to the record, olwous stort from the he- ginning. that is to say, if you want to hear the 2nd or 3rd lesson, start from the Ist: you cannot do too much revision. 2° LECON 7 sept (sat) Troisiéme (3°) Lecon Prenons Vascenseur (1) 1 — Avez-vous—une chambre libre? 2 — Certainement, Madame; pour vous seule? 3 — Oui; une petite chambre. 4 — Voyons... nouswavons une chambre & douze francs. 5 Jean, montrez la chambre douze 4 Madame. 6 — Snivez-moi, Madame. Prenons I’ascen- seur. & 7 Voici la chambre. 8 Elle est petite, mais propre et bien meublée. 9 — C'est bon; montez ma valise, sil vous plait. EXERCICE. — 1 Avez-vous? Avons-nous? —— 2 Vous voyez; nous voyons. —- 3 Voyez; voyons. — 4 Vous montrez; nous montrons. — 5 Montrez-moi ma chambre, s'il vous plaft. — 6 Vous suivez; nous suivons. —— 7 Ma chambre est bien meublée. — 8 Ma valise est petite. —- 9 Prenons__un taxi. — 10 Prenez ma valise et suivez-moi. huit (ii) 8 PRONONCIATION, — pr'nofi lasaisurr (1). — 1 avi- vooziin’ shafibr’ (2) libr'? — 2 sirtin'mad, madam; poorr voo sull’? — 3 wi; iin’ p'tit’ shafibr’, — 4 vwa-yoil... noozavoih iin’ shafbr’ a dooz fai. —- 5 zhai, moftré la shaibr’ dooz a madam. — 6 siiwi mwa, madam, pr'nof lasaisurr. — 7 wack la shar’, — 8 alap'tit, ma propr’ 4 bi-in muhbla’ (3) — 9 sabom; mofté ma valiz silvoopla. (1) s in our figured pronunciation is always a clean and hard $ as in sister. (2) Pronounce br as in brave. . (3) uh: like u in burn, bul sounded tong and close. The accent after & (&') indicates ¢ mule, thal is a faint,ex or uh sound, Let us take the lift 1 Have you a room vacant (free)? — 2 Certainly, Madam; for yourself only (alone)? — 3 Yes; a small room. ~— 4 Let me (us) see... we have a room at 12 francs. — 5 John, show (fe) room 12 to the lady (to Afadam). — 6 — Follow me, Madam. Let us take the lift, — 7 Here is the room, — 8 It is small, but clean and well furnished. — 9 It is all sight (wood); bring up (mount) my bag, please. NOTES. —(1) Sce lesson 7, par. 1. — Nous prenons : we take; prenons : let us take. — Vous prenez: you take; prenez! take! 1 Have you? Have we? — 2 You see: we see. — 3 See; Let us see. — 4 You show; we show. — 5 Show me my room, please. — 6 You follow; we follow. —- 7 My coom is well fur- niched. — 8 My bag is small. — 9 Let us take a taxi, — 10 Take my bag and follow me. 3° LECON 9 neuf (nuf) me (4°) Lecon Elle a de la chance! 1 — Alllez-vous souvent au théatre (1) > 2 — Rarement; nous—allons plus souvent au cinéma. Eiko a. bien de fa. chuxne | + 3 — Nous aussi; ot allez-vous ce soir? 4 — Ce soir, nous restons_a la maison; et vous? 5 — Nous ne savons pas encore; 6 nous—attendons notre cousine Emma. 7 — Votre cousine de Lille? 8 — Oui: eile arrive probablement ce sow. 9 — Est-elle (2) toujours aussi amusante? 10 — Toujours; elle ne change pas. 11 — Elle a bien de la chance! dix (dis) 10 PRONONCIATION. — &lad'la shaiis! — 1 ala voo soo- van 6 tat’ (1)? — 2 rarrman; noozalom plii soovah 4 ci- nima. — 3 noozési; oo al& voo s’swarr? -— 4 s'swarr, noo raston a la mazoh; avoo? — 5 noon’ (2) savon pazaficorr; — 6 noozatafido nots’ coozin’ am'ma. — 7 vot’ coozin d’fil'? — 8 wi; Alariv probabl'mai s’swarr. — 9 Atal toozhoorr asi ami zaht'? — 10 toozhoorr; aln’ shafizh’ pa. — 11 ila biifid'la shafis! (2) @: a in father. — Tr’ as in tram. (2) Notice: noon’ for nous ne. The final groups pl, bl, tr, er, cle... should always be sounded logether, without the intermission of an e as is done in English : people, table, centre, acre, ele... She has got (of the) luck! 1 Do you often go (go you offer) to the theatre? — 2 Rarely; we go more often to the pictures (cinema). — 3 So do we (H’e also}; where are you going (go you) this evening? — 4 This evening, we are staying at home (at the house); and you? ~ 5 We do not know yet; — 6 we are expecting (attend) our cousin Emma. — 7 Your cousin from (of) Lille? — 8 Yes; she is probably coming (she arrives prob.) this evening. — 9 Is she always as (also) amusing? — 30 Always; she does not change. — 11 — She has got some luck (She has well of the luck)! NOTES. — (1) At the, to the, before a feminine noun : Aa la. Before a mase. au: Au thédtre, au cinéma (masc. nouns un théatre, un cinéma}. — A la maison (fein, noun + une maison : a hvitse). (2) In est-elle (atal’), we do not use the sign, the hyphen being sujficient indication. o00 This lesson starfs the second side of the first record; we ad- vise you to listen again to the first three lessons (first face), which ycu should now understand wilhoul referring to the book. French without toil. — 2. 4° LECON Al onze (ofz’) EXERCICE. — 1 Nous_avons; nous savons. — 2 Vous__avez; vous savez. — 3 Nous__attendons; vous .attendez. -— 4 Nous montons; nous montrons. — 5 Vous montez; vous montrez. — 6 Vous changez; vous ne changez pas. —- 7 Nous suivons; nous ne suivons pas. — 8 Vous prenez; vous ne prenez pas. — 9 Ou est-elle? Elle est_au théatre. — 10 Vous ne restez pas souvent 4 la maison. — 11 Oi est votre maison? Cinquiéme (5°) Lecon een NEE Parlez-vous francais? 1 — Parlez-vous francais? 2 — Pas —encore; je commence seulement; 3 mais je parle anglais et allemand (1). — Trouvez-vous le frangais (2) difficile? —— Je ne le trouve pas trop difficile. Avec de la patience, on—arrive a tout. — Vous avez raison. — Répétons la premiére lecon. oon nw | — La premiére lecon est trés facile. 10 — Et la cinquiéme aussi. 11 — Toutcest facile, avec de a patience. douze {deoz’) 12 1 We have; we know. — 2 You have; you know. —- 3 We wait; you wait. — 4 We go up (mount); we show. — 5 You go up; you show. — 6 You change; you do not change. — 7 We follow; we do not follow. — 8 You take; you do not take. — 9 Where is she? — She is at the theatre. — 10 You de not often stay at home. — 11 Where is your house? PRONONCIATION. — 1 parrlivoo fraisk? — 2 pazafi- corr; zh’ comafis’ sul'mai; — 3 mazh’ parrlangla & alma (1). — 4 trooviveol’ fraisk dificil? — 5 zh’ n'lutroov pa tro di- ficil. — 6 avac d'la pasiaiis ofinarivatoc. — 7 vooeava razon, ripitoa lapr'miarr I'sof. — 9... tra facil. — 10 @ la siikiam 6si. — 11 tootifacil, avacd'la pasiaiis! (1) Keep the a sound pure, and not as in also. Do you speak French? 1 Do you speak French? —~ 2 Not yet; I am only begin- ning (1 commence solely), — & but I speak English and German. — 4 Do you find (the) French difficult? — 5 I do not find it too difficult. — 6 With (of the) patience, one gets over (arrives at) everything. — 7 You are right (have reason). — 8 Let us repeat the first lesson. — 9 The first lesson is very easy. — 19 And so is the Sth (and the 5th also). — 11 Everything is easy, with (of the) patience! NOTES. — (1) Adjectives of nationality do not take a capital letter. (2) Le frangais (the French fanguage) is a masculine noun. —- The iy la before a fem. noun, and le before a masc. — Thus : 1a maison, la chambre, la patience,.ta legon (fem. nouns), but, le taxi, le chauffeur (mase. nouns), 5° LECON 13 treize (traz) EXERCICE. — 1 Vous parlez_anglais. — 2 Nous parlons__allemand. — 3 Je parle néerlandais (na- arlaida). — 4 On parle francais. —- 5 Répétez la troisiéme lecon, s'il vous plait. — 6 Elle n'est pas trés difficile. — 7 Vous ne savez pas_encore la cinquiéme lecon. — 8 Vous_avez toujours raison. — 9 Pas toujours, mais souvent. Sixiéme (6°) Lecon (Pron. : siziam’) Cest déja trés bien 1 Nous voici a la fin de la premiére semaine de lecons (1). 2 Nous ne savons pas—encore grand-chose; 3 mais nous commencons seulement, 4 Nous comprenons les (2) cinq premiéres (3) lecons, 5 et c’est (4) déja trés bien. 6 Nous—allons continuer chaque jour, 7 et nous_espérons parler francais dans trois mois. 8 Ce n’est pas trop difficile. 9 Aujourd’hui, nous—allons chanter une petite chanson frangaise (5). quatorze (catorrz’) 14 1 You speak English. — 2 We speak German. — 31 speak Dutch ( Netherlandish”), — 4 French spoken (One speaks French). — 5 Repeat the 3rd lesson, please. —— 6 It (she) is not very difficult. — 7 You do not yet know the 5th lesson, — 8 You are always right (have always reason). — 9 Not always, but often. PRONONCIATION. — sa dazha tra bi-ifi. —- 1 noo vwaci a la fiid’ la pr'miar’ s'man' d’ I'som, — 2 noon’ savon pazaicorr grafishéz; — 3 ma noo comaisof sulmai. — 4 nou coiprnofi [a cii (1) pr'miarr I'soi, — 5 & a dazha tra bi-in. — 6 noozalof continiia shak zhoorr, — 7 & nooedspiroa parrl& frafisa dai twa mwa, — 8 s'na pa tro dificil. — 9 ézhoorrdiii, noozalofi shafité iin’ p'tit” shaison frafisaz, (Vous ne savez pas. — Pronounce : voon’ savipa.) (1) In cing, the final q is not pronounced before a consonant, We are already doing very well 1 Here we are (We here are) at the end of the first week of lessons. — 2 We do not know much yet (“great thing”); — 3 but we are only beginning. — 4 We understand the first five (five first) lessons, — 5 and it (this) is already very well. — 6 We are going to continue every (each) day, — 7 and we hope to speak French in three months. — 8 It (this) is not too difficult. — 9 To-day, we are going fo sing a little French song (song Fr.). NOTES. — (1) The s of the plural is not pronounced. (2) The, plural, is les for both masc. and fem. nouns. (3) Note that the adjective also takes an s in the plural. (4) C'est (ce est) is literally “this is”. (5) Une chanson is feminine; the adjective frangais becomes francaise in the feminine, . 6* LECON 15 quinze (kifiz’) Frére Jacques 10 Frére Jacques, (bis) 11 Dormez-vous? (bis) 12 Sonnez les matines! (bis) Bim, bam, bom! (bis) Let us remind you once again that you are not ex- pected to translate from English into French. All you have to do at present is to understand the French text, and fo repeat each paragraph from memory, immediately after having read it. seize (saz) 16 10 fraré zhaké (1) — 11 dorrm& voo? — 12 sona lamatiné! (1) €: unaccented final e, as « er » in butter. Only sounded in verse or song. Friar James 10 Friar James (twice), — 11 Are you sleeping (sleep you)? — 12 Ring the matins! Ding, ding, dong! As exercise, we shall ask you to copy out today’s lesson transposing the verbs from the Ist to the 2nd person plural, that is, using you instead of we. The Ist paragraph will be: Here you are, etc. The 2nd par.: You do not know yet and so on to the end. When you have finished, check with the help of the following key : 1 Vous voici... 2 Vous ne savez... — 3 Vous commen- cez... — 4 Vous comprenez... — 6 Vous allez... — 7 ... vous espérez... — 9 ... vous allez. ooo The cedilla placed under the ¢ (¢) in francais, com- mengons, lecon, indicates thet the e is to be sounded like 8. Learning a language is like rolling a snow-bali : the hardest part is to get it started. Once you have done that, it will make itself. All you have to do is to push it along. 6° LECON 17 dix-sept (dis-sat) Septiéme (7°) Lecon (Pron. ; satiam’) REVISION ET NOTES (Pron. : r’vizi-om & not) 1 The is le before a masculine noun, and la before a feminine : le taxi, la semaine, la France. Le and la change to I’ befoxe a vowel or an h mute : Uhétel. l'ascenseur. In the plural, the is always les: les taxis, les semaines, les__hétels, les__ascenseurs. 2 A or an are un before a masculine noun, and une before a feminine : Un __hétel, un taxi, un_ascen- Seur; ume semaine, une legon. 3 Verbs. -— So far, we have become Familias with three forms of the present : Je trouve, nous trouvons, vous trouvez. Je parle, nous parlons, vous parlez. Je répéte, nous répétons, vous répétez. Je pense, nous pensons, vous pensez. Je trouve, nous trouvons, vous touvez. Je reste, nous restons, vous restez. We have also met: elle change, she changes, elle aytive, she arrives, and we can form : dix-huit (diziiit) 18 Elle parle, she speaks; elie répete, she repeats; elle pense, she thinks; elle trouve, she finds; elle reste, she slays. These are all regular verbs. We have also had a glimpse of irregular verbs in: elle a, she has (nous avons, vous avez), and elle est, she is, but we do not intend to pause over them yet. Avec de la patience on arrive A tout! 4 Masculine and feminine. Read over the following several times : Un taxi, le taxi; um voyage, le voyage; um por- teur, le porteur; um__hotel, Phétel; unm ascen-eur, las censeur; unm théatre, le thédtre; un cinéma, le cinéma; un soir, le soir; un jour, le jour; un mois, le mois; un frére, le frére. Une lecon, Ia lecon; la France; ume fin, la fin; une semaine, la semaine; ume chance, la chance; une valise, Ia valise; ume chambre la chambre; une maison, Ia maison; une cousine, la cousine; ume pa- tience, la patience; ume chanson, la chanson. oo°0 We do not expect you to commit the gender of all these nouns to memory immediately; it is a matter of habit. But we emphasise the need always to link the noun and article together in your mind; as if it were one word. It is the only practical way to remember them. We might give you many more explanations about these first six lessons, but we do not want to burden your mind unduly. After all, you only have to understand and repeat the text, and you will find the above sufficient for the present. 7 LEGON 19 dix-neuf (diznuf) Huitiéme (8°) Lecon (Pron. : See huit (page 8) and add iéme) Asseyez-vous 1 (On sonne). — Qui est 1A? 2 — C’est moi, Duval. 3 — Entrez! 4 — Bonjour, mon (N. 1) cher Morin; com- ment—allez-vous ? 5 — Tres bien, merci; et vous-méme? 6 — Comme vous voyez, parfaitement bien. 7 — Asseyez-vous—ici (1), je vous prie. 8 — Merci. Une cigarette? 9 — Avec plaisir. Alors, que pensez-vous de la situation politique> 10 — Mon Dieu (2), pas grand-chose de bon; 11 pour moi, la crise ministérielle est—inévitable. 12 — Je pense que ce n'est pas sir; 13 vous voyez tou!—en noir. 14 — Jrespére (3) que vous—avez raison, vingt (vit) 20 PRONONCIATION., — (From now on, we shall not give the figured pronunciation in full, but only for such words as may offer difficulties.) ay& voo. — 1 off son’ — ki A la? — 2 ...mwa, diival. — 3 antral — 4 bofizhoorr ... sharr morifi; comaftalivoo? — 5... marrci Avoomam’? — 6 com’ ... vway&, parrfat'man. — 7 ashyévoozisi, j' voopri’. — 8 ... cigarat’ (1) — 9 ... plazire alorr k'pafisivoo ... sitiiasiof politike, — fidiuh ... grai- shéz d’bon; — 11... criz ministé itabl’ (2). _ 12 ch’pafis k'snapasiirr, — 13 ... vway tootai nwarr. — 14 zhasparr’ k’ voozav& razon. (1) Do net slur the a in ga. (2) bl’ as in probably and not as in table. Sit down (sit you) 1 Someone (one) is ringing. -- Who is there? — 2 It is I (ne), Duval. — 3 Come in (enter)! -- 4 Good morning (good day), my dear Morin; how are you (go you)? — 5 Very well, thank you; and yourself? — 6 As you see, perfectly well. —- 7 Sit down here, please (I pray you). — 8 Thank you. A cigarette? — 9 With pleasure. Well (then), what do you think of the political situation? — 10 Good Lord (Aly God), not much (great thing of good); — 11 As I see it (for me), the ministerial crisis is unavoidable. — 12 I think that if is not certain; — 13 you see all in black. — 14 I hope you are right (Aave reason). NOTES. -—- (N. 1) See paragr. 1, next revision lesson (14th), (1) Asseyez-vous : sit down, or be seated, is literally : sit you or sit yourself. Asseyons-nous : Let us sit down, (2) Mon Dieu! is a much milder expression than My God! in English. (3) Jespére, for « je espére >, Je becomes ¥ before a vowel or hk mute, in the same way as ce becomes ¢ and Je, Y. 8 LECON 21° vingt et un (vinta ui) EXERCICE. — 1 Asseyez-vous 1a; asseyons-nous_, ici. —- 2 Je vous prie; nous vous prions; vous nous priez. — 3 Je pense que c’est sir. — 4 Nous pen- sons que ce n’est pas stir. — 5 Que voyez-vous? — 6 Entrons_ici. — 7 N’entrez pas la! — 8 Compre- nez-vous la situation? —- 9 Je commence; vous com- mencez; nous commencons. Neuviéme (9°) Lecon (Pron. : nuviam) Aimez-vous les livres? 1 — Que lisez-vous 1a? 2 — C’est_un roman francais, tres— intéres- sant. 3 — Vous comprenez donc le francais? 4 — Non; c’est—une traduction. 5 — Ma femme et moi, nous lisons aussi un livre francais; 6 mais ce n'est pas—un roman; 7 c'est un livre de philosophie. 8 — C’est trop sérieux pour moi; 9 jaime les livres amusants (1). 10 — Moi aussi; mais je m’intéresse (2) un peu a tout. vingt-deux (vint'duh) 22 1 Sit down there; jet us sit down here. — 2 | beg (pray) you; we beg you; you beg us. — 3 I think (that this) it is cer- tain. — 4 We think (that this) it is not certain. —- 5 What do you sce? — 6 Let us go in (enter) here. — 7 Do not go in (enter) there! — 8 Do you understand the situation? — 9 I be- gin (commence); you begin; we begin. PRONONCIATION. — Amivoo lilivr’? — 1 k’ lizévoo. — 2 satuhromatt cofipr'na dof, — 4 noi, satin’ noolizofi 6si 6 masnapazuh roman; .— 8 ... sariuh. — 9 zham ... live’ zamiizah. — 10 ... zh’ miftdras’ ufpuh atoo, (1) Keep the s sound sharp, and not sh. Do you like (the) books? I What are you reading (read you) there? — 2 It is a French novel (romance) very interesting. — 3 Then you understand (y. und. then the) French? — 4 No; it is a translation. — 5 My wife and I (me, we) are also reading (we also read) a French book; — 6 but it is not a rovel; — 7 it is a book on (of) philosophy. — 8 That UW) is too serious for me; — 9 I like (the) entertaining (amusing) books. — 10 So do I (Me also); but I take a little interest in everything. NOTES. — (1) See Lesson 6, Note 3. (2) Je miintéresse (for « j’intéresse moi >), “I interest me” : I interest myself. 9° LECON 23 ~~ vingt-trois (vifit'trwa) 11 — [ly a (3) des (N. 2) livres pour tous (4)' les goiits. EXERCICE. — 1 Nous comprenons_un peu le francais. —- 2 Votre livre n’est pas trés_amusant. — 3 Vous aimez les livres sérieux. —- 4 Nous lisons souvent des romans__anglais. — 5 Il y a une lettre pour vous. — 6 Elie n’est pas pour moi, mais pour mon frére. — 7 J’aime; nous__aimons; vous__aimez. — 8 Je n’aime pas; nous n’aimons pas; vous n’aimez pas. Lecon (Pron. : dizi&m’) fy a temps pour tout 1 — Venez-vous avec nous au match de football? 2 — Je regrette, mais je n’ai pas le temps; 3 j’ai trop de travail aujourd'hui, _~ Allonst Vous ne pouvez pas toujours travailler! vingt-quaire (vifit’catr’) 24 11 ilia ... toolagoo. 11 There are (some) books for all (the) tastes, (3) Il y a: There is or There ave, indifferently. ~ There is a house: Il y a une maison. — There are some houses : JI y a des maisons (neaning there exists or exist). Voila une maison: There (you sce) is a house; voila des maisons : there (you see) are (some) houses. — Voici une maison : Here is a house. Voici des maisons : Here are (some) houses. CN. 2) means : Next revision lesson (14th), (4) Tout aicans : everything o7 all. Before a mase. plural, it becomes tous. 2 We understand French a little (a litile the Fr.). — 2 Your book is not very entertaining (amusing). — 3 You like (the) se- rious books. — 4 We often read (read often) (some) English novels. — 5 There is a letter for you. —— 6 It (She) is not for me, but for my brother. — 7 I like, we like, you like. — 8 I do not like; we do not like; you do not like, Un frére is a brother, or a friar. oo0°0 As you have no doubt noticed, there is no liaison after et (and). PRONONCIATION. — ilia tai poorteo, — 1 v'na. 2 zh'rgrat’ mazh'napal'tai; — 3... trod'trava’y’ (1) dzhoorr- diii. — 4 ... pouva ... travay’. (1) y’ represents the sound of y in you. There is time for everything 1 Are you coming (cee you) with us to the football match Gn. of f.)? — 2 I am sorry (regret), but I have no (not the) time; — 3 I have too much (of) work to-day. — 4 Come! (Let us ye!) You cannot work always! — 10° LECON 25° vingt-cing (viit'sifik) 5 — J'ai (1) promis de (N. 3) terminer ce travail pour ce soir. 6 — Vous pouvez aussi bien le terminer de- main matin. 7 — Non, vraiment, c’est— impossible; 8 excusez-moi (2), je vous prie. 9 — Vous—avez tort : il y a temps pour tout : 10 pour le travail et pour le plaisir. EXERCICE. — 1 Nous_avons le temps; vous n’avez pas le temps. — 2 Nous ne le regrettons pas. ~~ 3 Quand venez-vous_au théatre avec moi? — 4 Nous ne pouvons pas travailler aujourd’hui. — 5 Avez- yous promis de chanter? —- 6 Nous__espérons que vous trouvez ce livre intéressant. — 7 Vous avez raison, et je n’ai pas tort. — 8 Nous_avons souvent tort. — 9 Avons-nous toujours tort? Onziéme (11°) Legon C’est trés_aimable de votre part 1 — Bonjour, Mademoiselle; j’espére que je ne vous dérange pas? 2 — Mais non, Monsieur; que désirez-vous? 3 — Savez-vous ot est votre oncle? 4 — Je pense qu’il est dans sa chambre; pour- quoi? vingt-six (vifit’ 5 promid’ tarminas’ trava'y ... s'swarr. — 6 ... poovi 7 matin, — 7 ... vramaii, satifposibl (2). — 8 akski: 9 torr ... tai... — 10 ... plazirr. (2) bl as in probably, and not as in English « possible ». 5 I have promised to finish (terminate) this work for this evening. — 6 You can as (also) well finish it to-morrow morning. —.7 No, really, it is impossible; — 8 excuse me, please. — 9 You are (have) wrong: there is time for everything, — 10 for (the) work and for (the) pleasure. NOTES. — (1) J'ai for je ai, I have (nous avons, vous avez, il a, elle a: we have, you have, he has, she has). (2) Excusez-moi: excuse me; vous m’excusez : you excuse me, Allons! corresponds to Come! or Come on! 1 We have (the) time; you have no (not the) time. ~ 2 We do not regret it. — 3 When are you coming (come you) to the theatre with me? — 4 We cannot work to-day. — 5 Have you promised to sing? — 6 We hope that you find this book interes- ting. —- 7 You are right, and 1 am not wrong. — 8 We are often wrong. — 9 Are we always wrong? PRONONCIATION. — trazamabl d'votr’ parr. — 1... ma- d'mwazal; zhisparr... darafizh’, — 2 m'siuh ... diziri 3 sav ... 00 A votroficl’ (1). — 4 ... poorrkwa? (1) cl as in clay and not as in uncle. It is very kind of you (This is very amiable of your part) 1 Good morning (G. day, Miss); I hope (that) I do not disturb you — 2 Why (But), no (sir); what, do you want (desire)? — 3 Do you know where your uncle is (is y. uncle)? — 4 1 think (that) he is in his room; why? French without toil. — 3 11° LECON 27 ~~ vingt-sept (vifit'sat) 5 —- Je désire lui (1) montrer ce journal; 6 il y a uncarticle sur (2) la photographie, 7 et cela l'intéresse (3) sdrement. 8 — Crest trés_aimable de votre part; 9 voulez-vous monter dans sa chambre? 10 C’est la deuxieme porte 4 droite. 11 — Merci bien, Mademoiselle. en — om EXERCICE. -—— 1 Pourquoi voulez-vous me par- ler? — 2 Vous ne nous dérangez pas. — 3 Cela ne m'intéresse pas. —- 4 Pouvez-vous lui montrer sa cham- bre? —— 5 Votre photo est dans le journal. — 6 As- seyez-vous __ici, 4 ma droite. —— 7 I] est trés_aimable; elle est trés__aimable; c’est trés_aimable. — 8 Mettez ce livre dans ma valise. Douziéme (12°) Lecon C’est parfait! 1 — Garcon! un café! 2 — Bien, Monsieur. Dans—un verre ou dans_une tasse> vingt-huit (vift'iit) 28 5 ... dazirr li moftr& s'zhoorrnal. — 6 ilia ui’ narticl’ (1) siirr ... fotografi’, — 7 as'la lintéras’ stirrmai. — 8 trazamabl’ ase Parr; — 9 vool&voo mofiti. — 10 ... duhziam’ porrtadrwat’. (1) CP as in clear and not as in article. 5 I wish (desire) to show him this newspaper; — 6 there is an article on (the) photography, — 7 and that is sure to interest him (int. h. surely). — 8 It is very kind of you; 9 will you go up to (mount inio) his room? — 10 It is the second door to the right. — 11 Thank you. NOTES. — () Lui: to fim or to her. Nous vou- Jons lui parler : We want to speak to him (or to her). — Nous voulons le déranger : We want to disturb him. — Nous voulons Ja déranger: We want to disturb her. — Nous voulons lui montrer ce livre : We want to show this book to him (or to her). (2) In sur, on, the u is pronounced shorter than in str (sure). Be sure you pronounce the s clean, and not sh. (3) Cela m'intéresse : that interests me. — Ceta Yinté- resse : That intercsts him (or her). — Cela nous intéresse : That interests us. — Cela vous intéresse : That interests you. — Cela les intéresse : That interests them. 1 Why do you want to (wilt you) speak to me? — 2 You do not disturb us. — 3 That does not interest me. —- 4 Can you shaw him his room? — 5 Your photo is in the paper. — 6 Sit down here, on (io) my right. — 7 He is very kind; she is very kind; it is very kind. — 8 Put this book into my suit-case. o0o°o If you have the records, you experience no difficulty with the liaison. It is a delicate matter : overdoing it is pedantic, and neglecting it shows a lack of education. PRONONCIATION. — — 2... dafizuivarr oo dai: This is perfect! 1 Waiter! (a) coffee! — 2 Right (Well), Sir. In a glass or in a cup? 12¢ LECON 29 vingt-neuf (viit'nuf) 3 — Dans—un verre, s'il vous plait; et bien chaud! 4 Donnez-moi aussi un journal d’aujourd’hui. 5 — Voulez-vous le « Petit (1) Parisien »? 6 — Le « Petit Parisien) ou un autre, cela m’est—égal, 7 — Parce que (2) le « Petit Parisien ») n’est pas— encore arrivé. 8 — Alors, donnez-moi un— autre journal. 9 — Je regrette, Monsieur, mais nous n’avons pas (3) d’autre journal. 10 — C'est parfait! EXERCICE. — 2 Je n'ai pas de journal. — 3 Hy a du café dans votre tasse. — 4 Il n'y a pas de café dans votre verre, — 5 Montrez-moi une autre chambre. — 6 Donnez-lui un autre journal. — 7 Nous._avons promis de travailler avec luii — 8 Quand commencez-vous? — 9 Nous commencons demain soir. 1 J'ai un journal d’aujourd’hui. trente (trait') 30 3... silvoopla ... sh6. — 4 dona ... — 5 I'p'ti pariziii? — 6 ... uf’nétr’, s‘la matigal. — 7 parrsk’ ... ariva. — 8 alorr... — 9 zh’ grat. 3 In a glass, please; and very (well) hot! — 4 Give me (a) to-day’s paper as well. — 5 Will you (have) the “Little Parisian” ? — 6 The “Little Parisian” or another, it is all the same to me. — 7 Because the “Little P.” has (is) not yet arrived. -- 8 Then, give me another paper. — 9 I am sorry (regret), Sir, but we have no (tot of) other paper. — 10 This is perfect! NOTES. — (1) Une petite maison: a little house (feminine). — Un petit journal: a little newspaper (mas- culine). (2) Pourquoi? Parce que... Why? Because... (8) J'ai un livre; je n'ai pas de livre: [ have a book; T have no book. — Vous_avez de la chance; vous n’avez pas de chance: You have luck; you have no luck, — Nous avons une autre chambre; nous n’avons pas d’autre chambre : We have another reem; we have no other room, — J'ai du travail; je n'ai pas de travail : J have some work; I have no work, — Avez-vous des verres? Je n'ai pas de verres : Have you any glasses? Il have no glasses. In the negative, always use simply de or d’ instead of du, de la, des. 1 I have (a) to-day’s paper (journal). — 2 1 have no paper. — 3 There is some coffee in your cup. — 4 There is no coffee in your glass. —- 5 Show me another room. — 6 Give him another paper. — 7 We have promised to work with him, — 8 When do you start (commence)? — 9 We start to-morrow evening. 12° LEGON 31° trente ef un (trafitd ui) Treiziéme (13°) Legon enorme eee Une visite pour papa 1 — Votre pére est-il & la maison? 2 — Non, Monsieur; i! esta son bureau; 3 mais maman est la, si vous voulez... 4 — Ne la dérangez pas, je vous prie. 5 A quelle heure votre pére rentre-t-il (1) d’or- dinaire? 6 — Oh, pasavant sept heures du soir. 7 — Et ott est son (N. 1) bureau? 8& — Rue de la République, numéro quatre, au deuxieme étage; 9 mais si vous voulez parler 4 ma mére... 10 — Non, merci; c’est_a votre pére que je désire parler; 11. au revoir, ma petite amie. trente-deux (traft'duh) 32 PRONONCIATION. — iin’ vizit’ ... papa. — 1 votr’ part’ atl... mazoi. — 2 ... m'siuh; ilatasof biiré; — 3 ma ma- mai... — 4 ... darafizha ... — 5 akalurr ... rafitr'til dorr- din&rr? — 6 6 pazavait sAturr di. — 7 4 00 a... — 8 rw’ Tla rapiblik’ niméro ... dtazh; — 9 ... parrlii mar, — 10 ... sdtavotr’ parr ... —- 11 érr’'vwarr, ma p'titami’. A visitor (visit) for daddy 1 Is your father (y. f. is he) at home? — 2 No, Sir; he is at his office; — 3 but mummy is there, if you wish... — 4 Do not disturb her, please. — 5 At what time (hour) does your father usually come home (re-enter) (of ordinary)? — 6 Oh, not before seven o’cl. (hours) in (of) the evening. — 7 And where is his office? — 8 Republic Street (Str. of the Rep.) number 4, (at the) second floor; — 9 but if you will speak to my mother...—10 No, thanks; it is to your father that I wish to speak; — 11 good-bye, my little friend (femin.). NOTES. — (1) HU est; est-il? He is, is he? — Il rentre; rentre-t-il? He comes home (re-enters); does he come home? The t is inserted for euphony. — Thus: il a, a-t-il? he has; has he? — Elle parle; parle-t-elle? She speaks; does she speak? — Elle donne; donne-t-elle? She gives; does she give? — Il désire; désire-t-il,? etc. oo°0 Take each noun of the lesson, and write it with a, the, my, thus: Une visite, la visite, ma visite. Then compare with the following key, Un papa, le papa, mon papa. — 1 Un pére, le pére, mon p. — Une maison, la maison, ma m. — 2 Un monsieur (a gentleman), le m., mon m. — Un bureau, le b., mon b. — 3 Une maman, la m., ma m. — 5 Une heure (an hour), Vheure, mon_h. (See less. 14, par. 1). — 6 Un soir, le s., mon s. — 7 Un bureau, le b., mon b. — 8 Une rue, la r., ma r. — Une république, la r., ma r. — Un numéro, le n., mon n. — Un étage, l’ét., mon_ét. — 9 Une mére, la m., ma m. — 10 Un pére, le p., mon p. — 11 Une amie, f'a., mon a. — Une chanson, la ch., ma ch. — 12 Un voyage, le v., mon v. — 13 Un naufrage, le n., mon n. — 15 Un pays, le p, mon p. 13° LECON 33 trente-trois Chanson 12 Bon voyage, monsieur Dumollet, 13. A Saint-Malo débarquez sans naufrage, 14 Bon voyage, monsieur Dumollet, 15 Et revenez si le pays vous plait. Quatorziéme (14°) Lecon REVISION ET NOTES 1 My is mon before a masc. noun, ma before a femin., mes in the plural : Mon pére, ma mére : My father, my mother. Mes parents (parrafi) : my parents. His or Her is son before a masc., sa before a fem., and ses before a plural noun. Thus : His or her book : son livre. His or her house : sa maison. His or her books : ses livres. His or her houses : ses maisons. However, mon and son are used instead of ma and sa before a feminine noun beginning with a vowel or h mute (bh is almost always mute in French) : Une amie : a female friend; mon_amie : my fem. friend; son__amie : his or her fem. friend. Une heure: an hour; mon_heure: my hour; son_heure : his or her hour. This is to avoid a hiatus, or coming together of two vowel sounds. Such is also the case in & I"hétel, instead of “ au hétel ”, at or to the hétel, or in & l'heure : in time (to the hour”), instead of “& la heure ”. trente-quatre 34 shafisof. — 12 ... m'siuh dimola. — 13 ... sifimalo dabarrk& sai néfrazh’. — 15 ar'v'nd sil’ payi voo pla. 12 Happy journey, Mr. Dum. — 13 At St-Malo land (disembark) safely (without wreck), — 14 Happy journey, Mr. Dum. — 15 And come again if you like the country (if the country pleases you). At the, to the is (barring the above exception) : au before a masc. and @ la before a fem. noun : Au bureau : at the office. A la maison : at home (at the house). Before a plural noun, it is always aux: Aux _amis: to (the) friends. Aux péres : to (the) fathers. Aux méres: to (the) mothers. When we say Fathers, Mothers, Friends, etc., in a general way in English, we omit the article. The French, however, say : Les péres, les méres, les amis, etc... 2 Of the, from the, some, any: du before a masc., de la before a fem., and des before a plural noun : Vous venez du bureau: you are coming from the office. La porte de la chambre: The door of the room. Avez-vous des tasses? Have you any cups? 14° LECON 35 trente-cing But here again, for euphony, just as au becomes & Il’, du tums into de I’ before a vowel or an h mute : Le garcon de W’hotel : the waiter of the hotel. 3 I have promised to finish : J'ai promis de terminer. The English to is here rendered by de and not a. This is one of the things you have to take for granted, without any explanation. Practice alone will teach you the use of the preposition. We are going to finish : Nous allons terminer {without any preposition) . Si vous voulez parler: If you want to speak. — Je désire travailler : J wish to work. 4 Masculine and Feminine. Please read paragr. 4 of Lesson 7, and then the following. Un plaisir, le plaisir; um dieu. le dieu; unm livre, le livre; um yoran, le roman; um goit (asic), le Quinziéme (15°) Lecon A la gare 1 — A quelle heure est votre train? 2 — Oh! j’ai encore du temps; 4 cing heures un guart. 3 — II est exactement cing heures; 4 avez-vous déja votre billet? 5 — Oui, le voici (1). Allons—au buffet. frente-stx 36 goiit; um temps, le temps; um match, le match; un football, le football; wn travail, le travail; un matin, le matin; um_oncle, Poncle; um article, Particle; un journal, Je journal; wm garcon, le garcon; un verve, le verre; um pére, le pére; wn bureau, le bureau; un numéro, le numéro; um_ étage, Vétage; um _ami, Pami; un naufrage, le naufrage; um pays, le pays. Une cigarette, la cigarette; ume situation, la situation; ume crise, la crise; ume raison, la raison; une traduction, la traduction; ume femme, la femme; une philosophie, la philosophie; une photo, la photo; une porte, la porte; ume rue, la rue; une république, la république. °o0°0 Do not worry about the little difficulties which you may encounter. They will disappear of themselves with practice. PRONONCIATION. — alagarr. — 1 akalurr ... win? — 2 =... dé taf; a sifkurrutkarr. — 3 ilatdxact’man ... — 4 biya. — 5... alofizobufa. At the station 1 What time (4t which hour) is your train? — 2 Oh, I have still (some) time; at a quarter past five (five hours a quarter). -— 3 It is exactly 5 o’cl (5 hours); — 4 have you your ticket already? — 5 Yes; here it is. Let us go to the buffet. NOTES. — (1) Le voici: here it (or he) is; fa voici : here she is; nous voici : here we are; vous voici : here you are; les voici: here they are. Avez-vous Pheure? Have you got the time? 15° LECON 37 trente-sept 6 — Que prenez-vous> 7 — De la biere. 8 —- Moi aussi. Garcon! Deux demis! 9 (Le garcon apporte les deux demis.) 10 — Combien 11 — Un franc cinquante, Monsieur. 12 — Voila... 13 — Mais non, c’est—a moi de payer. 14 — Pas du tout; je vous—ai invité (2). 15 — Alors, garcon, encore deux demis. 16 — Si vous voulez; A votre santé! EXERCICE. — 1 Vous ne nous dérangez pas du tout. — 2 Ot est ma femme? — 3 La voici. — 4 Aime-t-elle Ja bigre? — 5 Oui, mais je préfére une tasse de café. — 6 Avez-vous_apporté mes livres? — 7 Les voici. —- 8 Merci beaucoup; combien avez- vous payé? — 9 Je n’ai pas payé du tout. frente-huit 38 6 k’pr’nd voo? — 7 d’la bidrr. — 8 ... duhd'mi! — 9 aporrt’ Ja duhd’mi. — 10 coibiif? — 12 vwala. — 13 ... sitamwad paya. —- 14 padiitee: zh'vooz& ifviti ... voola; avotr'saata! 6 What do you drink (ake)? — 7 (Some) Beer. ~ 8 So do T (Me too), Waiter! Two half-(pints). — 9 The waiter brings the two half-(pints). — 10 How mucl _ 1t 150 francs, Sir. —— 12 There (you) are. -—— 13 No, no (But no): it is for (fo) me to pay. — 14 Not at (of the) all; L (have) invited you. — 15 Then, waiter, two more (still favo) hali-(pints). — 16 If you like (Guill): (to) your health! (2) Inviter + To invite. — J'ai invité: I have invited or I invited. The past indefinite is generally used in French instead of the past definite. Payer : To pay. — J'ai payé : I (have) paid. — Je vous, ai payé; T (have) paid you. Apporter : To briny. — J'ai apporté: I (have) brought. — Je vous_ai apporté votre billet : I (have) brought you your ticket. 1 You do not disturb us at all. — 2 Where is my wife? — 3 Here she is. —- 4 Does she like (the) beer? — 5 Yes. but I prefer a cup of coffee. — 6 Have you brought my books? — 7 Here they are. — 8 Thank you; how much did you pay (have you paid)? —9 I did not pay (have not paid) at all. 9o0o°o Un demi! for un demi-litre (half a litre), is the way to order a glass of beer (un verre de biére) in France. Le garcon may then inquire: Blonde ou brune? which is: light or dark? and in French beers means approximately : Lager or stout? Un bock! (bok) is the way to call for a smaller glass of beer. 15° LECON 39 trente-neuf Seiziéme Legon C’est_une bonne raison 1 — Monsieur, il y a quelqu’un qui vous demande. 2 — Qui est-ce? 3 — C’est_un monsieur Agé. 4 — Vous ne lui avez pas demandé (i) son nom? 5 —- Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur, j’ai encore oublié, 6 — Vous—étes toujours la méme! C’est_. énervant, a la fin! 7 — Ce monsieur m’a donné sa carte, 8 — Eh bien! qu’attendez-vous pour me la (2) donner? 9 — La voici, Monsieur. 10 — Une autre fois, apportez-la moi sur un plateau. 11 — Bien, Monsieur; mais je n'ai pas de (3) plateau. 12 — Ca, c’est_une bonne raison; 13 alors, prenez—une assiette! quarante (carrafit’) 40 PRONONCIATION. — sitiin'bon’ razoi. — 1 kalkuf ki vood’mand ilia — 2 kias? —- 3 satufim'siuh azha. —~ 4... d'maid& sof noi 5 parrdon& mam’! satanarvai ... fii! — 8 wee — 10 iinétr’ fwa, aporrt& ... siirrufplaté, — 11 ... pad’- platé. — 12 sa... — 13 ... pr'ndziin’ asiat’! That is a good reason 1 Sir, there is some one asking for you (who demands you). — 2 Who is it? — 3 It is an elderly gentleman. — 4 You did not ask (have not demanded (to) him his name? — 5 I’m sorry, Sir, I forgot again (have again forg.). ~ 6 You are always the (fem.) same! It is getting to be a nuisance (It is cnervating, at the end)! — 7 The (This) gentleman gave (has given) me his card. — 8 (EA) Well what are you waiting (for) to give it me (for me it to give)? — 9 Here it is, Sir, — 10 Another time, bring it (to) me on a tray. — 11 Very good, Sir, but I have no tray. — 12 (That), it is a good reason; —- 13 then, take a plate! NOTES. — (1) Je le demande : J ask for him. — Je Jui demande : J ask him. — Qui demandez-vous? Whom are you asking for? — Que demandez-vous? What are you asking (or asking for)? — Je vous demande : I ask you or T ask for you, (2) La carte, feminine. (3) See lesson 12, note 3. 16° LECON 41 quarante et un EXERCICE. — 1 Etes-vous sir qu'il y a quel- qu'un dans la maison? —- 2 N’oubliez pas de les_. inviter. — 3 Vous_avez raison. — 4 I] est temps d’al- ler & la gare. — 5 Si vous ne le savez pas, demandez- moi. — 6 Donnez-moi votre billet. — 7 Montrez-le moi. — 8 Combien de fois avez-vous_oublié mon nom? — 9 Je ne J'ai pas_oublié du tout. Dix-septiéme (17°) Legon Au contraire 1 — Etes-vous seule (1) 4 la maison? 2 — Je suis seule pour le moment; 3 ma mére est chez (2) son dentiste, 4 et la bonne est—allée (1) au marché. 5 — Me permettez-vous (3) de rester un peu avec vous? 6 — Mais—avec plaisir; asseyez-vous, je vous prie. quarante-deux 42 1 Are you sure that there is some one in the house? — 2 Do not forget to invite them, -- 3 You are right. — 4 lt is time to go the station. — 5 If you do not know it, ask me. — 6 Give me your ticket, — 7 Show it to me. — 8 How many times have you forgotten my name? — 9 I have not forgotten it at all. oo° Time is le temps, in a general way; but in the spe- cial meaning of “ occasion”, such as: Another time, several times, this time, it is fois (feminine). Cette fois, this time; une autre fois, another time; quelquefois (adverb) : sometimes. PRONONCIATION. — Scoftrarr’, — 1 At’voosull, — 2 zh'sii.... moma; — 3 mamarr a shi sci dafitist’, — 4 labon’ atala’ 6 marrsh&. — 5 m'parmata ufipuh ... — 6 ... asayavoo, zh'voopri’. On the (At the) contrary 1 Are you alone in (at) the house? — 2 | am alone for the moment; -- 3 my mother is at her dentist’s, — 4 and the maid has (is) gone to the market. — 5 Will you let (d. y. allow) me (tv) stay a little with you? — 6 Yes (But) with pleasure; sit down please. NOTES. —- (1) The final e indicates the feminine for adjectives : mon pere est seul; ma mére est seule. (2) Chez: at (or to) somebody's: Nous sommes chez mon oncle: We are at my uncie’s, — Nous _allons chez votre ami: H’e are going to your friend's. — Je suis chez moi: J am at home (at myself’s). Il est chez lui : He is at home. — Elle est chez elle : She is at home. (3) Me is moi after the verb (imperative), and me or m’ before. ~- Parlez-moi : Speak to me. — Vous me parlez : You speak to me. — Aimez-moi: Love me. -- M’aimez- vous? Do you love me? n use the records, efuul to read the pronunciation from time to time. It will help you to acquire the habit of pronouncing every vowel sound fully. French without toil. — 4 17* LECON 43 quarante-trois 7 — Merci; comme c’est calme, ici. 8 — Oui, nous sommes dans_une rue trés tranquille. 9 — Vous ne trouvez pas le temps long? 10 — J'ai mes—occupations pour passer le temps. 11 — Vous étes stire (1) que je ne vous dérange pas? 12 — Au contraire; je suis trés contente (1) de bavarder un peu; 13 cela ne m’arrive pas si souvent. EXERCICE. — 1 Je suis chez moi. —- 2 Nous sommes chez nous. —- 3 Vous_étes chez vous. — 4 Pardonnez-moi. — 5 Me pardonnez-vous? — 6 Je vous pardonne. — 7 Donnez-moi ce plateau. — 8 Me donnez-vous ce plateau? — 9 Me le donnez-vous? — 10 Je vous le donne. Dix-huitiéme (18°) Lecon Qu’est-ce que c’est? (1) 1 — Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la table? 2 — C’est_un paquet pour votre sceur, 3 — De chez la modiste, sans doute> 4 — Je ne pense pas; c’est_un commission- naire qui l’a apporté. 5 — De la part de qui? quarante-quatre 44 7 marsi; com'sacalm’ ici. — 8 ... noo som’ dafiziin’ rit’ tra trai- kil, — 9... troovd ... tai loi? — 10 zha mazociipasio& poorr pasil’ tai. — EL voozat™ zh’n'voo ditafizh’ pa? — 12... tra coftant’ d'bavaredé uapuh; — 13 s'lan'mariv’ pa si soovail. 7 Thanks; how calm it is here. — 8 It is (yes), we are in a very quiet street. — 9 Don’t you (Y. d.) find you have time on your hands (the time long)? — 10 1 have jobs (for) to pass the time. — 11 Are you (You are) sure (that) 1 am not disturbing you? — 12 On (Af) the contrary; f am very glad (content) to have a little chat (to chat a little); — 13 it does not happen to me so often. 1 I am at home, -—- 2 We are at home. —~ 3 You are at home. — 4 Pardon me. — 5 Do you pardon me? — 6 I pardon you. — 7 Give me this tray. — 8 Do you give me this tray? — 9 Do you give it tc me? — 10 I give it to you, Attention! Comment prononcez-vous calme? c, a, l, m, et non pas « cém » comme en anglais, PRONONCIATION, — kask’sa? — 1 kiAskilia ... — 2 satufipaka ... surr. — 3 d'shd Ja modist’ sah doot’, — 4 ch’n'pais’pa; satui comision’yr ki la aporrtéi. — 5 d'la- parrd'ki? What is it (that this is)? 1 What is there (what is it that there is) on the table? -~ 2 It is a parcel (packet) for your sister. — 3 From the milliner’s, no (without) doubt? — 4 I do not think (so); it was brought by a messenger (Jt is a commissionnaire who has brought it). —5 From (the part of) whom? NOTES. — (1) Qu’est-ce que c’est? (kassk’ sii), literally “What is this that this is”, means What is it? or Qu’est-ce (kiss); but the latter form is rarely used. 18° LECON 45 quarante.cing 6 — Je Vignore; Ja bonne ne lui a pas de- mandé. 7 — Iln’y a pas d’adresse? 8 — Non; voyez vous-méme (2). 9 — Crest lourd... peut-étre (3) des livres; 10 qu’est-ce que ca peut bien étre? 11 — Probablement une boite de chocolats, 12 d'un de ses nombreux—admirateurs. 13 — Alllons, ne soyez pas si mauvaise. 14 — Ext vous, ne soyez pas si curieux... EXERCICE, 1 Je iui ai parlé moi-méme. —~ 2 Qurest-ce que vous_avez (or : Qu’avez-vous) _ou- blié>? —~ 3 H est peut-étre déja chez lui (or: a la maison). —- 4 Nous _ignorons (or : Nous ne savons pas) qui ce monsieur peut bien_ étre. — 5 Ce paquet est beaucoup (bécoo) trop lourd pour vous. — 6 Ce travail est-il trop difficile pour vous? —- 7 Il peut le demander |ui-méme, We advise you to refer occasionally to pages 2, 4, 8, 10, so_as to be quite clear about the meaning of the letters and ragraphs showing the pronunciation, quarante-six 46 6 zh’ ligiorr (1); labon’ ... — 7 ilniapadadris? — 8 ... vway& voomam’. — 9 ... loorr ... puhtatr’ dalivr’s — 10 kask’sa pub biifinatr’, — 11 probabl'mani iia’ bwat’ d’sho- cola... — 12 dufd’sa nofibruhzadmiraturr. — 13 ... n'swaya . mévaz’. — 14 ... ciiriuh. (1) gn as in champignon. 6 I can't say (ignore it); the maid did not ask him. — 7 There is no address? — 8 No; see (for) yourself. — 9 It is heavy ... perhaps (some) books; — 10 whatever can it be (what is it that this can well be)? — 11 Probably a box of chocolates, — 12 from one of her numerous admirers. — 13 Come, do not be so wicked (femt.). — 14 And you don’t be so inquisitive (curious) yourself... (2) Vous-meéme, yourself; moi-méme, myself; lui-méme, himself; elle-méme, “herself. (3) Peut-étre, literally may (or can) be : perhaps. 1 I have spoken to him myself. — 2 What have you forgot- ten? — 3 He is perhaps already at home. — 4 We do nol know who that gentleman may (well) be. — 5 This parcel is much too heavy for you. — 6 Is this work too difficult for you? — 7 He can ask it himself. ooo Notons : Ignorer (inor&) means “ not to know ”, “ to be in ignorance of ”, and nol to ignore, the translation of which we shall see later. But : C’est_un_ ignorant == He is an ignorant (gn as in champignon). Donnez-lui cela de ma part : Give that to him from me. Pour ma part : on my pari, or for my share. 18° LECON 47 ~~ quarante-sept Dix-neuviéme (19°) Lecon eee eae Au concert 1 — Aimez-vous cette (1) artiste? 2 — Elle a une belle voix, 3 mais je trouve (2) que les chansons qu’elle chante 4 sont absolument_ idiotes (3) ! 5 — C'est vrai; les paroles sont stupides; 6 mais comment trouvez-vous la musique? 7 — La musique me plait; elle est_ originale. 8 — N'est-ce pas? C’est de ia musique mo- derne, 9 sans tomber dans les_exagérations du jazz. 10 — Ecoutons; voici qu’elle va (4) encore chanter. EXERCICE. — 1 Oi allez-vous? — Of allons nous? Oa va-t-il? — 2 Od va-t-elle? Od vont-elles? Ot vont-ils? — 3 Je vais chez moi. Nous._allons chez nous. — 4 Excoutez-moi un moment s'il vous plait? — 5 Je vous_écoute. — 6 Cela vous plait-il> —7 Cela ne me plait pas beaucoup. — 8 Attention, votre assiette va tomber! ~~ 9 C'est vrai, n’est-ce pas? quarante-huit 48 PRONONCIATION. — écoiisirr. — 1 Am’ voo satarrtist’? — 2 ala iin’ bal’ vwa, . zh’ traovk’ [a shafisofi kalshait’. — 4 sofitabsoliimait’ idiot’, —- 5 savra; laparol’ sof stiipid’; — 6 ma comafi troové ... miizic? — 7 la miizic m' pla; ala- torizhinal’. — 8 nasp&? sadlamiizik modarm’. — 9 safi toaba dai lazaxazhérasion. — 10 acoctoh; vwaci kalva aficorr’ shaiita. At the concert 1 Do you like this artist (femin.)? — 2 She has a beautiful voice, — 3 but I think (find) that the songs (which) she sings — 4 are absolutely idiotic! — 5 it is - true; the words (paroles) are stupid; — 6 but how do you like (find) the music? — 7 I like the music (The m. pleases me); it is striking (original). — 8 Isnt it? It is (of the) modern music, — 9 without going to (fall into) the exeesses of (the) jazz. — 10 Let us listen, there (here is that) she is going to sing again. NOTES. — (1) This is ce before a masc. noun or adjective beginning with a consonant: ce matin, this mor- ning; ce soir, this evening. — It is cet before a vowel or h mute : cet ami, this friend; cet hétel, this hotel. — Before a@ feminine noun or adj., tt is cette: cette maison, this house : cette femme, this woman; cette amie, this (female) friend. — We have seen the special form e’ in ¢’est. (2) How do you like this house? Comment trouvez-vous cette maison? — I think it is too small: Je la trouve trop petite. (3) See Less. 21, par. 5. — Tl estridiot; elle est idiote; ils sont_idiots; elles sont_idiotes. (4) Aller, to go is an irregular verb: Je vais, I go; nous_allons, we go; vous—allez, you go; il va, he goes; ils vont, they go. On the same pattern: avoir, to have; jai, I have; nous_, avons, we have; vous_avez: you have; ila: he has; ils. ont : they have. 1 Where are you going? Where are we going? Where is he going? — 2 Where is she going? Where are they (femin.) going? Where are they (masc.) going? — 3 1 am going home. We are going home. — 4 Listen to me one moment, please. — 5 I am listening to you. —- 6 Do you like that (Does that please you)? — 71 don't like it much (That does not please me very much). — 8 Mind (Altention!) your plate is going to fall. — 9 It is true, is it not? 19° LECON 49° quarante-neuf Vingtiéme (20°) Lecon Nous—allons au théatre 1 — Ot sont donc (1) vos amis? 2 — Ils ne sont pas_encore préts; 3 ils vont étre ici d’un moment— l'autre, 4 — Tl est dé&a huit heures un quart; 5 nous—allons sGrement étre en retard. 6 — Cela n’a pas d’importance; 7 le premier—acte n’est pas intéressant. 8 — C'est vrai; mais j’aime arriver A l'heure au théatre, 9 pour ne pas déranger les autres spectateurs. 10 — Les voici justement (2). Permettez-moi de vous présenter : 11 Monvami, M. Martin; mes—amis, M. et Mme Durand. 12 — Enchanté! 13 — Enchantés! Excusez-nous, je vous prie, nous sommes—en retard. 14 — Oh! mais pas du tout, madame; ne vous—excusez pas. cinquante (siikant’) 50 PRONONCIATION. — noozalomzotaatr’. — 1 00 sof- donk vézami? — 2 ... pazaiicorr pra; — 3 ilvoftatr'ici ... momaftalétr’. — 4 iladazha iiiturr’ ufkarr; ae. stirrmaa Atrair'tarr. — 6 ... difiporrtafs’; — 7 I'pr'midr act’ papa- ziftarasah. — 8 ... zham’ arriva alurr 6 tat’, — 9 ... lazétr spactaturr. — 10 zhiist'mah parmala .., prazafita. — 12) moi'nami tin, mazami ditrah, —~ 12 aiishantal — 13 afshaft&! axciizi noo ... som'zafir'tarr. — 14 6 ... n'voo- zaxciiz’ pal We are going to the theatre 1 Wherever are (then) your friends? — 2 They are not ready yet; — 3 they will (are going to) be here any moment (from one moment ta the others. — 4 It is already a quarter past eight (cight hours one quarter); 5 we shall certainly be late (in retard). — 6 That is of (has) no importance, — 7 the first act is not interesting, — 8 (It ts) true; but I fike to arrive on time (af the hh.) at the theatre, — 9 so as not to disturb the other spectators. — 10 Here they are just coming. Allow me to introduce (present) you : — 11 my friend, Mr. Martin; my friends, Mr. and Mrs. Du- rand. ~ 12 Delighted (Bachanted)! — 13 Delighted! Excuse us, please; we are late. — 14 Oh! (but) not at all! Madam! don’t apologize (excuse yourselves) NOTES. — (1) O0 est-il? Waere is he? — Ou est-il donc? Wherever is he? — Quw'est-ce que vous mangez? What are you eating? — Quwest-ce que vous mangez donc? Whatewer are you eatina? (2) Juste : just; justement : justly, precisely. 20° LECON 51 cinguante et un Chanson 15 Je suis_un—enfant gité. 16 De bonne figure, 17 Qui aime bien les petits patés, 18 Et les confitures. 19 Si vous voulez m’en (3) donner, 20 Je saurai (4) bien les manger! 21 La bonne aventure, 6 gai! La bonne aventure! Gater, to spoil, is quite unrelated with un gateau (ui gatd) ¢ a cake, Vingt et uniéme (21°) Lecon REVISION ET NOTES 1 Our verbs. Let us see what progress we have made in the use of verbs. First, we have a lot of regular verbs with infinitive in er, such as : rester, fo stay; parler, to speak. répéter, fo repeat; penser, to think. porter, fo carry; apporter, to bring. payer, fo pay; inviter, to invite. demander, fo ask; arriver, to arrive, prier, fo pray or beg; passer, to pass. trouver, to find; oublier, to forget. donner, to give; pardonner, to pardon, cinquante-deux 52 18 zhstiizufi/naiifai gati. — 16 d’boné figtirsé, — 17 ki am’ ».. lap'ti paté., — 28 ... cofifittirss. — 19 ... maidond, — 20 zh’ sora ... mafizha! — 21 ... 6 ga. Song 15 I am a spoilt child — 16 Fair of face. — 17 Who is fond of (likes well the) little pies — 18 And jams. — 19 If you like to (will) give me some, — 20 I'll know (well) how to eat them! -- 21 Good cheer (the good adventure) o gay! (3) Avez-vous des cigarettes? — J’en ai: I have (some). — Je n’en_ai pas: I have not any. (4) This is our first introduction to the future tense of verbs. It will be explained later on. Note the following idioms : 1 Il va arriver d'un moment_a l’autre. 2 Nous sommes_.en retard, n’est-ce pas? 3 Cela n’a pas d’importance. 4 Je m’excuse! 1 He is coming any time now. — 2 We are late, are we aot? — 3 That is ef no importance. — 4 I apologize! manger, fo eat; ignorer, to be ignorant of. aimer, to like or love; tomber, to fall. chanter, fo sing; enchanter, to delight. présenter, to present or introduce; excuser, fo excuse, déranger, fo disturb; énerver, to bother or enervate. bavarder, to chatter. We have seen the forms : Je reste, nous restons, vous restez, il ow elle reste, that is, the whole of the present of the indicative, except for the third person plural. Now as, an exercise, we will ask you to wrile out these forms for all the verbs listed above; e. eg. : Parler, je parle, nous parlons, vous parlez, il ou elle parle. 21" LECON 53 cinquante-trois Répéter, je répéte, etc... For manger, déranger we have : nous mangeons, nous dérangeons; e being inserted, to preserve the soft g sound. 2 Beside the regular verbs in “ er ’’, we have met : étre, to be; je suis, ] am; nous sommes, we are; vous._étes, you are; il ou elle est : he or she is; ils sont : they are; elles sont : they (feminine) are. Also, the imperative form: soyez! be! In the same imperalive form: voyez! see! prenez! take! permettez! allow! asseyez-vous! sit down! These are all verbs with their infinitives other than in er. 3 Aller is an irregular verb: Je vais, J go; nous_allons, we go; vous_allez, you go; il ou elle va, he or she goes; ils vont : they go; elles vont : they (feminine) go. 4 Avoir, fo have; j'ai, J have, nous__avons, we have; vous__avez, you have; il ou elle a, he or she has; ils_ ont, they have; elles__ont, they (feminine) have. 5 Adjectives take s in the plural, and e in the feminine : Un petit verre: @ small glass; deux petits verres : two small glasses. Une petite tasse : a small cup; deux petites tasses < two small cups. cinquante-quatre 54 Adjectives ending in e are the same for masculine and feminine. Un matin tranquille : @ quiet morning; Une maison tranquille : a quiet house. Des maisons tranquilles : (some) quiet houses. 6 To place the adjective correctly, before or after the noun, is a matter of practice. Generally, the adjective comes after when it is a longer word than the noun; but this is no strict rule, and we see, for instance : Une petite voix, a small voice. 7 Masculine and feminine. — Le train, un train; le temps, un temps; le quart, ua quart; le billet, un billet; le buffet, um buffet; le franc, um franc; le monsieur, un monsieur; le nom, un nom; le plateau, un plateau; Ie contraire, um contraire; le moment, un moment; le dentiste, un dentiste; le marché, um mar- ché; le paquet, um paquet; le commissionnaire, un commissionnaire; le concert, unm concert; le jazz, un jazz; le retard, um retard; Vacte, un__acte; le specta- teur, un spectateur; le paté, um paté. La biére, une biére; la santé, une santé; la rai- son, ume raison; la fin, une fin; la carte, ume carte; la fois, ume fois; Vassiette, ume assiette; la bonne, une bonne; Poccupation, ume occupation (1) ; la ta- ble, une table; la modiste, une modiste; la sceur, une sceur; la part, ume part; la voix, une voix; la parole, une parole; la musique, une musique; Pexagération, une exagération; importance, ume importance; Vaven- ture, une aventure; la confiture, une confiture. (1) — Most nouns ending in tion are feminine. Some nouns can be both masculine and feminine, such as: un grand artiste: a great artist; une grande ar- tiste : @ great {female) arlist. un_enfant gaté: a spoilt child; une enfant gatée : a spoilt (female) child. 21° LECON 5S cinquante-cing Vingt-deuxiéme (22°) Lecon (See pron. poge 22.) A TE Je ne vais pas bien 1 — Allez-vous mieux, ce matin? 2 — Non, c’est la méme (1) chose qu’hier (2), 3 — Avez-vous pris (3) de l’aspirine? 4 — Oui; j’encai (4) pris deux comprimés hier soir, et un ce matin; 5 mais j’ai encore de la fiévye. 6 — Avez-vous mangé quelque chose? 7 — Non, je n’ai pas d’appeétit. 8 — Si vous voulez, je vais téléphoner au doc- teur. 9 — Vous—étes bien aimable, mais ce n’est pas la peine pour le moment; 10 je vais rester tranquille 4 la maison, 11 et je suis sir gue cela va se passer (5) tout seul. 12 — Espérons-le; mais—en tout cas, je reste 4 votre disposition. cinquante-six 56 PRONONCIATION. — czh’s'va pa bili. — 1... miuh satin? — 2... la mam'shéz kiyarr. — 3... prid’ laspirin’, — 4 ... chafnipri ... coiprim& iyare swarr & ui... — §& ... aficorrd’ la five. — 6 ... maiizha kalk’ shoz? — 7... padapati, — 8 ... tiléfond 6 docturr. — 9 voozdt biif n’amabl’ ... snapalapan’ poorrl’ moma; — 10 .., rist& traii- kil, — 11 ah” sii siirrk’ s'la vas’ pas too sull. — 12 aspa- rofl’; mazafitoocé, zh’rast’ a vots’ dispozisian., I am not (going) well 1 Are you (going) better this morning? — 2 No, it is the same (thing) as yesterday. — 3 Have you taken any aspirin? — 4 Yes; 1 took (have of it taken) two tablets last night (yesterday evening), and one this morning; — 5 but I stitl have a (of the) fever. — 6 Have you eaten anything? — 7 No, I have no appetite. — 8 If you like (wilh, 1 am going to telephone (fo) the doctor. — 9 You are very (well) kind (amiable), but it is not worth it {it is not the pain) for the moment; 10 I will (am going to) stay quietly at home, —- 11 and I am sure that it will pass of its own accord (it is going to pass itself all alone). — 12 Let us hope so (i#); but in any (all) case, 1 will be (stay) at your disposal. NOTES. — (1) Méme, which we have seen in moi-méme, myself; lui-méme, himself, etc., alse means same. (2) Vous_avez le méme docteur que moi : You have the same doctor as I. — Que becomes qu’ before a vowel or h mute: Vous_avez le méme docteur qu’elle, You have the same doctor as she. (3) Vous prenez, nous prenons, vous_avez pris (irregular verb). (4) Note the use of en, meaning of tt, some, any; tt is placed before the verb. — Je mange de la confiture : / am eating jan. — J'en mange. J am eating some. — J’en_ai mangé : I have eaten same. (5) It will pass is @ reflexive verb im French : “It wilh pass itself” : Cela va se passer. So is to apologize, s’excuser : je m’excuse; nows nous , excusons; vous vous_excusez; il s’excuse. (Liferally: I excuse myself, we exc. ourselves, etc.) Tout seul: all alone, or by nuyself, on my own, or by himself, on his own. 22° LECON 57 cinquante-sept EXERCICE, -- 1 Je m'amuse. — 2 Je I’ai pris moi-méme. J’en_ai pris moi-méme. —- 3 Ce n’est pas la méme chose. — 4 Aimez-vous ce paté? — Je n'en_ ai pas mangé. — ‘5 Restez tranquille! — 6 J'ai trouvé cela moi-méme. — 7 J'ai trouvé cela tout seul. — 8 It parle tout seul. — 9 Avez-vous quelque chose & me demander? 000 Est-ce la peine Is it worth while. — Ce n'est pas la peine : /t is not worth while. C'est toujours la méme chose: /! is always the same thing. Je suis_allé tout seul : / went (“am gone”) by myself. Vingt-troisiéme (23°) Legon Ne vous tracassez (1) pas 1 — Le facteur est-i] déja passé? 2 — Oui; maiswil n’a (2) rien apporté pour vous; 3 attendez-vous quelque chose? 4 — Une lettre de mes parents, avec de Pargent. 5 — Ilya encore une (3) distribution 4 midi. 6 — J'espére bien avoir une lettre aujourd’hui. 7 — Si vous étes— court d'argent, 8 permeitez-moi de vous—en préter un peu. cinquante-huit 58 1 I enjoy (amuse) myself. — 2 1 have taken it myself. I have taken some myself. — 3 It is not the same (thing). — 4 Do you like this pie? — I have not (of it) eaten any. — 5 Keep (Stay) quiet! — 6 I (have) found this myself. — 7 I (have) found this by myself (without help). — 8 He is talking to himself (all alone), — 9 Have you anything to ask me? PRONONCIATION. — nuh voo tracasé pa. tury atil dazha pasd? — 2 ... riia'n’ aporrti ... veo kalk’shéz'? — 4 iin’ latr’ d'ma param, avac d’ larrzhan. — S ... iin’ distribiision a midi. — 6 zhasparr ... avwarr ... 6zhoorrdiii. — 7 si voozat’ z’acoorrd’arrzhah, — 8 parrmata .+. Voozan prata uf puh. Do not worry (yourself) 1 Has the postman been already (The postman is he already passed)? — 2 Yes; but he has brought nothing for you! — 3 are you expecting (awaiting) anything? — 4 A letter from my parents, with some money. — 5 There is another (stil/ a) delivery (distribution) at noon. — 6 1 do hope (hope well) to have a letter to-day. — 7 If you are (af) short of money, — 8 allow me to lend you (of it) a hitle. NOTES. — (1) To worry, intransitive in English, is a reflexive verb in French : je me tracasse, | worry; nous nous tracassons, we worry; vous vous tracassez, you worry; il se tracasse : he worries. But to worry, transitive in English, is equally so in French: ne le tracassez pas, do not worry him; cela me tracasse, taf worries ime. (2) Rien, nothing, requires the negative form, without pas: Je n’ai rien, J have nothing; ce n'est rien: if is nothing. -- Je n’ai pas mangé, J have not eaten; je wai rien mangé: [ have caten nothing. (3) Ii_y a encore une distribution or IL y a une autre distribution. French without toil. — 5 23° LECON 59 cinquante-neuf 9 — Je vous remercie; mais j’en_—ai encore assez pour un jour ou deux. 10 — Alors, ne vous tracassez pas; 11 si votre lettre n’arrive pas, je suis—a votre service, EXERCICE. — 1 Attendez-moi ici. — Ne m’at- tendez pas. — 2 Prétez-lui dix francs. — Ne lui prétez rien. — 3 Mangez un peu. — Ne mangez pas cela. —- 4 Partez vite. — Ne partez pas sans nous. —- 5 Soyez__a I"heure. — Ne soyez pas_en retard. —- 6 Remerciez-les de ma part. — Ne les remerciez pas. — 7 Avez-vous de ]’argent?> — J’en_ai assez, merci. ooo Merci : thank vou; je vous remercie: 1 thank you. Je désire la vemercier : J wish to thank her. Je suis_.& court d’argent : J am short of money. — Ce concert est court : this concert ts short. — Cette lettre est courte : this letter is short. Vingt-quatriéme (24°) Lecon (aerrertorcenaremnerrrmmemecormtenscemansoraanam Allons nous promener (1) 1 — Traversons la rue; 2 il me semble que les magasins sont plus—in- téressants de l'autre cété. soixante {swassaftt’) 60 r'marrsi’, ma zhafin’& ... asi... — 21... zh'siiiz’avotr sarvis’. 9 (1) thank you; but I have (of it) still enough for a day or two. — 10 Then, do not worry; — 11 if your letter does not come (arrive), I am at your service. 1 Wait for me here. — Do not wait for me. — 2 Lend him ten francs. — Do not lend him anything (Lend him nothing). — 3 Eat a litle. — Do not eat that. — 4 Go (Leave) quickly. — Do not go (leave) witl us. — 5 Be on time (at the hour), — Do not be late. — 6 Thark them from me (from my part), — Do not thank them. — 7 Have you any money? — | have lof iO enough, thank you. — alo noo prom’né. — 1 tr 7 iA sof piuz'intérasand’ [éur agi Let us go for a walk 1 Let us cross (traverse) the street; — 2 it seems to me that the shops are more interesting on (of) the other side. NOTES. — (1) Se promencr : reflexive verb, meaning “to promenade”. Allens-nous nous promene dre we going for a walk? -- Allez vous promener : Go for a walk, Allez-vous yous promener? Are you going for a walk? — 24° LECON 61 soixante et un 3 — Oui, il y a du soleil. 4 — Voyez ces robes; comment trouvez-vous la bleue (2) > 5 — Elle est trés simple, mais de bon goat. 6 — Pourtant, j’aime mieux la verte (2). 7 — C’est_une question de goiit; 8 pour moi, je préfére cette robe noire (2), la, dans le coin. 9 — Oui, le noir est toujours distingué; 10 mais j’ai déji trois robes noires, et c’est— assez. 11 — Entrons-nous? 12 — Si vous voulez; nous pouvons toujours demander les prix (3) ; 13 cela ne nous engage & rien (4). EXERCICE. — 1 Je vais me promener. — 2 Nous_allons nous promener. —- 3 Ils vont se promener. — 4 Vous ne semblez pas content. — 5 Le magasin est de l'autre cété de la rue. — 6 Ici, vous pouvez traverser sans danger. — 7 Asseyons-nous dans ce coin. ooo Vous pouvez toujours me le préter : you can lend it to me, anyway. Asseyez-vous toujours : Sit down anyway. soixante-deux 62 3... solay’. — 4 vwa-yé sirob’; comafi ... labluh’, — 5 ala trisifipl’, mad’boiigoo. — 6 poorrtai, zham'miuh lavart’. — 7 shtiin’ kast'iosid’ goo; — 8 ... zh’ prifaxr sitrob’ nwarr, te, dail’ kwik. — 9 ... I'nwarr a toozhoorr distiiga; — 10 dizha trwa rob’ nwarr, 4 satasé. — 11 afitrom noo? — 12 ... poovon .. manda lapri. — 13 s'lan’ noozaigazh’ ariiii. 6 Yes, it is sunny (there is some sun). — 4 See these dresses (robes); how do you like (find) the blue onc? — 5 It is very simple, but in (of) good taste. — 6 Still (however), I tike the green one better. — 7 It is a matter (question) of taste; — 8 as for me, I prefer that black dress there, in the corner. — 9 Yes, (the) black is always distinguished; — 10 but I already have three black dresses, and that is enough. — 11 Are we going in (Do we enter)? — 12 If you like (eill); we can (always) ask the prices, anyway; — 13 that does not commit (engage) us in any way (to nothing). Nous nous promenons: We are “promenading”, strolling along. — Vous vous promenez : You are strolling along, — Vous promenez-vous? Are you strollixg along? (2) Bleu: blue; vert : green; noir ; black. In the fem- inine : bleue, verte, noire. (3) Le prix, the price, like all nouns cnding in x, docs nat change in the plurat. (4) See Lesson 23, Note 2. 1 I am going for a walk, — 2 We are going for a walk. — 3 They are going for a walk. -~ 4 You do not scem pleased (content). — 5 The shop is on (of) the other side of the street. — 6 Here you can cress over without danger. — 7 Let us sit down in this corner. 24° LECON 63 soixante-trois Vingt- cinquiéme (25°) Lecon Qui sont les Duval (1)? 1 Monvami M. Duval (2) a environ trente- cing ans. 2 Il est_employé dans—une compagnie d’as- surances. 3 Il est marié, et a deux—enfants, un garcon (3) et une fille. 4 Mme Deval (4) est_un pew plus jeune que son mari. 5 Elie s’oceupe du ménage, de ses— enfants et de sa toilette. 6 Les Duval n’ont pas de bonne; mais_une femme de ménage 7 vient (5) chaque jour pour le gros travail. 8 Ils—habitent (6) un appartement de qua- tre piéces, 9 au troisiéme étage d’un_immeuble sans —as- censeur, 10 dans une rue tranquille de la rive gauche (7). soixante-quatre 64 PRONONCIATION. — ki sofi 1A diival? — 14 mof'n‘ami m'siuh a -Avirrofi trail’-cifkah. — 2 ilar’ aiplwa-y& dafziin’ cofpagii’d assuras’. — 3... maria & a duhz affah ... garr- sof... fiy’. — 4 macam’ Atwhpuh pli zhun’ k'soi marri. — 5 al’ sociap’ di manazh’, d'szz affah, dd’ satwalar’, — 6 ..nof- pad’bon’, maz'in’ fam d'mirazh. — 7 viin shak’ zhoorr .., gro trava-y’ 8 ilzabit’ ui'n’aparct’mand’ katr’ pias’, 96... atazh’ d'ufin'immubl’ safiz’ asatsurr, — 10 dais riv’ gosh’. Who are the Duvals? 1 My friend M. Duval is (has) about (environ) 35 (years). — 2 He is a clerk (employee) in an insurance company (company of “assurances”). — 3 He is married, and has two children, a boy and a girl — 4 Mrs. D. is a little younger (more young) than her husband. — 5 She busies herself with the (vecupies herself of the) household, (of) her children, and (of) her dresses (foilet).—6 The Duvals have no servant, but a charwoman (woman of household) ~~ 7 comes daily (cach day) for the heavy (big) work. — 8 They live in (inhabif) a four-room flat (apartment of four “picces”), — 9 on {at) the third floor of a building without @ lift, — 10 in a quiet street of the Left Bank. — NOTES. — (1) Proper nouns do not vary in the plural. (2) M. abrev. for Monsieur, used before the name only. (3) Un gargon ; a boy, or a waiter, (4) Mme abrev. for Madame, used before the name only, (5) Il vient (vi-ifi) : he comes (irregular verb). (6) Thabite, nous._habitons, yvous_habitez, il habite, ils_ habitent. The cnding ent of the third person plural is mute. Je méne, nous menons, vous menez, i] méne, ils ménent. «N. 1.) Je reste, nous restons, yous restez, il reste, ils restent. CT) The Left Bank of the Seine, in Paris. — La rive droite : the Right Bank, 25° LECON 65 soixante-cing 11 Hs (6) ménent—une vie calme, et restent 6) généralement chez—eux (8). 12 Ce sont des petits bourgeois, des Francais moyens. EXERCICE. 1 J'ai vingt-trois_ans. — 2 Elle n’a pas__encore trente ans. — 3 J] est plus jeune qu’elle. — 4 Elles bavardent tout le temps. — 5 IIs n’ai- ment pas se déranger. — 6 Ils pensent_absolument comme vous. — 7 IIs_arrivent_en retard chaque fois. Vingt-sixiéme (26°) Lecon Portrait de M. Duval 1 M. Duval est de taille moyenne (1), 2 ni trop grand, ni trop petit. soixante-six 66 110 ilman’ iin’ vi’ ca-lm’, rast’ zhanaral'mai shizuh. — 12 s'soi dap'ti boorrzhwa ... mwa-yiit. 11 They lead a quiet (calm) life, and generally stay at home. — 12 They (This) are lower middle class (some little “bourgeois”), (some) average French people. (8) Je suis_avec vous: / am with you; je suis_avec lui: J am with him; je suis_avec eHe : I am with her; je suis_avec eux: Iam with them; je suis_avec elles: IT am with them (feminine); vous_étes_ avec moi, avec nous : you are with me, with us. 1 1 am twenty-three. — 2 She is not yet thirty, — 3 He is younger than she. — 4 They chatter all the time. — 5 They do not like to disturb themselves. — 6 They think just (absolutely) like you. — 7 They come late every time. ooo Elles bavardent and elle bavarde are pronounced exactly alike; it is the same with Ils n’aiment pas and il n’aime pas. But we can detect the plural when we hear: Ils pensent__absolument... (pafis’t absoliimafi), owing to the “ liaison” of the final t, which does not exist in the singular : I] pense absolument... And similarly : Ils_arrivent (ilz’ arriv), instead of Il arrive (il’ arriv). PRONONCIATION. — porrtrad’ m'siuh. — 1. ... ad’ fa-y’ mwa-yan’, — 2 ni tro grafi ... p'ti. Portrait of M. Duval 1M. D. is of medium height (average size), — 2 neither too tall (large) nor too short (little), NOTES. — (i) Un Francais moyen: an average Frenchman. — Une Francaise moyenne: an average Frenchwoman. — Un bon jour: a good day; une bonne semaine : a good week. 26° LECON 67 — soixante-sept 3 Il s*habille (2) correctement, 4 et a le visage rasé & l’anglaise (3) ou a l’amé- ricaine, 5 Il a le teint coloré, les cheveux (4) noirs, §& et commence deja 4 étre chauve, 7 ce qui (N, 2) le tracasse beaucoup. 8 Il a essayé sans succés divers remédes contre la calvitie, 9 et ne désespére (5) pas—encore de trouver finalement le bon. 10 Mais—il garde cet espoir pour lui, 11 et n’en parle jamais, méme (6) & Mme Duval, 12 qui, de son cété, feint (7) de ne pas remar- quer 13 la présence des bouteilles de lotion dans la salle de bains. EXERCICE. — 1 I] n’est ni riche (rish) ni pauvre (pévr’). — 2 Elle a les cheveux blonds (bloi). — 3 Avez-vous déj& pris votre bain? —- 4 Gardez cela pour yous, n’en parlez pas, — § [| ne m’en_a jamais parlé. — 6 Je me rase tous les matins. soixante-huit 68 3 ilsabi-y’ corract'maa. — 4 .. I'vivazh’ raza alafiglaz’ 00 alamarican’. — 5 ... T'tif colorr&, lash’vah nwarr, — 6 ... maiis’ ... atr’ shé 7 sil’ tacas’ béco sai siic'sa divarr r'mAd’ coftr’ la ca-lvisl, — 9... di troovaé. final’man. —- 10 mazil gard’ sataspwarr ... 11 anafiparrl’ zham&, mam’... — 12 ki d’son cota, fid’n marrké. — 13 la prazajis’ da boota-y'd’ losion ...sal'd'bift 3 He dresses correctly, — 4 and is clean shaven (has the “aisage” shaved) in (at) the English or (the) American fashion. — 5 His complexion is (He has the compl.) ruddy, his hair (the hairs) black, — 6 and is already guing (begins already to be) bald, — 7 which worries him very much, —- 8 He has tried various (divers) remedies against (the) baldness without success, — 9 and does not yet despair of finding (to find) the right (goed) one finally. — 10 But he keeps (guards) that hope to (for) himself, 11 and never speaks of it, even to Mme D., — 12 who, on (of) her side, feigns not to notice (remark) ~— 13 the presence of the bottles of lotion in the bath-room (rovm of baths). (2) Je mhabille : I dress (myself); nous nous habillons, vous vous_habillez, il s’habille, ils s’habillent. 3) A Vangiaise, a l'américaine, sland for a la mode anglaise, a la mode américaine. (4) Un cheveu : @ hair; deux cheveux : two hairs; mes cheveux : my hair (Plural in French). — Nouns ending in eu take an x (not pronounced) in the plural, instead of an s. — Le neveu: the nephew; les neyeux : the nephews. — Le jeu: the game; les jeux : the yam (3) Espér to hope; désespérer : to despair. (6) A third meaning of méme: even. Moi-méme : myself, — Cest la méme chose: /t is the same thing. — Il ne le montre pas, méme a sa femme: //e does not show i, even to his wrfe. C7) Il feint : he feigns, irregular verb; remember also il vient : he comes. 1 He is neither rich nor poor. — 2 She has fair hair. — 3 Have you already had (taken) your bath? —- 4 Keep that to yourself, do not speak of it. — 5 He has never spoken of it to me. — 6 I shave (myself) every (all the) morning(s). 26° LECON 69 soixante-neuf Vingt-septiéme (27°) Lecon LE Et voici Mme Duval 1 Mme Duval est blonde, avec des yeux (1) gris bleu. 2 Elle est_encore assez jolie, 3 et elle ne lignore pas. 4 Tous les matins, elle passe de (N. 3) longs moments devant (N. 4) son miroir, 5 A s arranger les cheveux, 6 & se poudrer la figure et a se faire (2) les levres, 7 Mais c’est_une bonne ménagére; 8 elle aime cuisiner, 9 et fait (2) son marché elle-méme, 10 aprés_avoir accompagné ses—enfants A Vécole. 11 Cest_une vraie Parisienne (3), 12 un peu coquette (4), mais—active et coura- geuse (5), 13 et presque toujours de bonne humeur. soixante-dix (En Belgique : septante [saptait']) 70 PRONONCIATION. — & wwaci... — 1 ... blofd’ ... daziuh gri bluh. — 2 ... asa zholi’. — 3 n'lighorr ... — 4 too la mati... lofi momafi d'vafi soi mirrwarr. — 5 sarrafi- zha lash'veh, — 6 as’ poodra la figtirr ... s'farr’ lalavr’, 7... minatharr; — 8 ... ciiizin’, — 9 afR ... marrshd mam’. — 10 aprazavwarr acofipagii ... alicol. — 11 satin’ vra" parrizian’, — 12 .,. cocatt’ .., coorrazhubz’. —- 13 prask’ toozhoorrd’ bon’ iimurr. And here is Mme Duval 1 Mme D. is a blonde, with (some) grey-blue eyes. — 2 She is still quite (enough) pretty, — 3 and she is well aware of it (is not ignorant of it). — 4 Every (All the) mor- ning(s), she spends (passes) long moments in front of her mirror, — 5 in arranging (to arrange herself the) her hair, — § powdering her face (“to powder herself the face”) and doing her lips (“to do herself the lips’). — 7 But she (this) is a good housewife; — 8 she likes cooking (to cook), — 9 and does her shopping (market) herself, — 10 after having (after fo have) accompanied her children te (the) school. — 11 She (This) is a true Parisian, — 12 a little coquettish, but active and courageous, — 13 and almost always in good spirits (of good humour). NOTES. — (1) Veeil (lu-y’): the eye; les yeux (lai- ziuh) : the eyes; irregular plural. — Nate the plural of bleu: bleus, with s and not x (See Less. 26, N. 4) as it is an adjective, and not a noun, (2) Faire, to do, to make, is an irregular verb, and of a different conjugation from our verbs ending in er. For the present, we shall ouly note : Faire, to do, il fait, he does, il a fait: he las done. (3) Masculine would be: C’est lun vrai Parisien. (4) Another adjective doubling the final consonant in the feminine : il est coquet (coca), elle est coquette; (like bon, bonne; moyen, moyenne, parisien, parisienne). (GS) I est courageux (coorazhuh); elle est courageuse; il est actif; elle est_ active. 27" LECON 71° soixante et onze (En Belgique : septante et un) Sur le pont d’Avignon 14 Sur le pont d’Avignon, 15 Onvy danse, on—y danse, 16 Sur le pont d’Avignon, On_y danse tout en rond. 17 Les beaux (N. 5) messieurs tont comme ga... 18 Et les belles dames font comme ca... Sur le pont, etc... ooo Est-ee cris on bleu? [ys this uray or blie? En tout cas, cest_assez joli: /n any case it is quite pretty, Vingt-huitieéme (28°) Lecon REVISION ET NOTES 1 Our verbs. — We have now met the third person plural (present indicative) of the regular verbs ending in er. Let us refer to par. 1 of lesson 21, and do the exercise over again, adding ils ou elles : Parler, je parle, nous parlons, vous parlez, il parle, ils ou elles parlent. répéter, je répete, etc... soixante-douze (Belg. : septante-deux) 72 14 sieelé poh davighon. — 15 of’nidatsé ... — 17 ... tuo- lairon. On the bridge of Avignon 44 On the bridge of Avignon, ~ 15 People dance (One there dances), People dance, -—- 16 On the br. of Av., Peopte dance round and round (all in round). — 17 The fine gentlemen do like that... — 18 And the fine ladies do like that... Notez bien la forme : Jai la téte petite : My head is small. Je me rase la figure: / am shaving my face. Elle se poudre les cheveux : She is powdering her hair. Qu’avez-vous dams la main (min)? What have you in your hand? ooo Hh a les cheveux longs : His hair is long. Vous prononcez & Panglaise : You pronounce in the English way. Crest le bom! Ce n'est pas le bon! Jt is the right one! It is not the right one! You may have noticed the slight irregularity in répé- ter, je répéte, nous répétons, etc... The second & becomes @ in the first person singular. This is also the case in the third person plural : ils ou elles répétent : A propos of irregularities, let us also note : Mener, to lead; je méne, nous menons, vous menez, il ow elle méne, ils ou elles ménent. 2 Que, qui. Que mangez-vous? What are you eating? —- Qui est 1A? Who is there? In the above instances, que is what, and qui is who. 28 LECON 73 =~ soixante-treize (Belg. : septante-trois) La confiture que je mange : The jam which or that T am eating. La confiture qui est dans l'assiette : The jam that or which is in the plate. ‘We see from the above that qui may also mean that or which, but only when applying to the subject of the verb, La femme que j'accompagne : The woman whom | accompany. La femme qui m’accompagne: The woman who accompanies me. We can now see that que and qui are used both for persons and things, que applying to the object and qui to the subject of the verb. Voila ce que j’ai fait: Here is what (that which) J have done. Voila ce qui est fait: Here is what (that which) is done. 3 Des, de. — We have seen (Lesson 12, Note 3) that de is used instead of des in the negative. J'ai des tasses; je n’ai pas de tasses. De also replaces des before an adjective : J'ai de petites tasses : / have some small cups. This is the correct form; but in practice, you will sometimes hear : j’ai des petites tasses. 4 Avant is before (previously) and devant is before {in front of). If Ya fait avant vous : He did it before you (did). Il l’a fait devant vous : He did it in front of you. 5 Beau is beautiful, fe. Plural: beaux. Fem- inine : belle. Ce garcon est beau: this boy is good-looking. -— Ces garcons sont beaux. Cette fille est belle : This girl is good-looking. —~ Ces filles sont belles. soixante-quatorze (Belg, : septante-quatre) 74 Beau becomes bel in the masculine singular, before a vowel or an h mute : Un bel enfant : @ beautiful child. Un bel hatel : @ beautiful hotel. But : De beaux_enfants, de beaux _hétels (plural) . 6 Adjectives of colour are placed after the noun : Une maison blanche : a white house. — Des cheveux rouges : red hair. —- Un animal vert: @ green animal. 7 Votre is your (singular), and vos is your (plu- ral), irrespective of gender. Votre pére, votre mére, vos parents. 8 Masculine and Feminine.’ Le comprimé, un comprimé; le soir, um soir; Pappétit, unm _appétit; Je docteur, un docteur; le facteur, wm facteur; Pargent, un _ argent; fe service, um service; le magasin, um ma- gasin; le cété, um cété; le soleil, un soleil; le goat, wn goat; le coin, um coin; fe prix, wn prix; Pan, un__an; le mari, um mari: le ménage, un ménage; Pappartement, um _appartement; Pimmeuble, un _im- meuble: le bourgeois, un bourgeois; le visage, un vi- sage: le teint, wm teint; le succés, wm succes; le reméde. un reméde; Vespoir, um __espoir; le bain, un bain; Poeil, um_ ceil; le miroir, um miroir; le cheveu, un cheveu (pluriel les cheveux); le pont, unm pont. French without toil. — 6 28 LECON 75 soixante-quinze (Belg. : septante-cing) La chose, ume chose; Vaspirine, ume aspirine; la fidvre, une favre; la lotion, une lotion; la disposition, une disposition; 1a question, ume question; la distri- bution, ume distribution (1); la robe, ume robe; la compagnie, une compagnie; Vassurance, ume assu- rance; la fille, une fille (2); la toilette, ume toilette; la piéce, une piéce; la rive, une rive; la vie, une Vingt-neuviéme (29°) Lecon Et les_enfants? 1 André, l’ainé, a huitans et demi; 2 Anne-Marie, la cadette (1), enva six. 3 André ressemble plutét A sa mére; 4 il est blond comme elle, et a les mémes— yeux (2) gris bleu, 5 tandis que la fillette (3), sans—étre tout le portrait de son pére, 6 est brune (4) comme lui. 7 Elle est de santé délicate, 8 et de tempérament assez nerveux. 9 A part quelques (5) rhumes, André n'a ja- mais— été malade, 10 Sa sceur a eu (6) la rougeole et la grippe. soixante-seize (Belg. : septante-six) 76 vie; la taille, ume taille; la calvitie, une calvitie; la présence, ume présence; la bouteille, ume bouteille; ja salle, ume salle; la figure, ume figure (face and not figure); fa lévre, une lévre; la ménagére, une ménagére; Vécole, une école; Vhumeur, une humeur. (i) Most nouns ending in tion are feminine. (2) La fille : the daughter or the girl. PRONONCIATION, —~ dlazaifam? — 1 aidra, [ani a iiitandd'mi; — 2 an’mari’ cadat’ afi'na sis’. — 3... ri- sanbl’ plité ... — 4 bloi ... Ii mamz’ iuh gribluh, — 5 tafdik’ la fiyat’ safiz’ atr’ tool’ porrtrad’ ... — 6 ... briin’ com’ li, — safité dalicat’. — 8 tafpaéramaf ... narrvah. 9 aparr kalk riim’ ... zhamazataé malad’. — 10 sasurr a ii larcozhol’ ... grip’. What about (And) the children? 1 Andrew, the elder, is (has) eight and a@ half (years); —2 A. M. the younger, is (has of them) six. — 3 A. is rather like (“resembles rather to”) his mother; — 4 he is fair-hatred like her, and has the same grey-blue eyes, — 5 while the little girl, without being (to be) the living image (all the portrait) of her father, — 6 is dark like him. — 7 She is of delicate health, — 8 and of a@ rather nervous temperament. — 9 Apart from a few colds, A. has never been ill. — 10 His sister has had measles and (the) influenza. NOTES. — (1) Je suis votre ainé: I am your elder; il est votre cadet : he is your junior. Je suis l’'ainé de la famille (famiy’) : J ant the eldest of the family. (2) [ls_ont Ie méme nez (na), la méme bouche (beosh), les mémes_yeux : They have the same nose (masc.), the saute mouth (fem.), the same eyes (plural). (3) La fille: the girl (or daughter); la fillette: the littie girl, — La maison: the house; la maisonnette : the little house. — Le garcon : the boy; le garconnet : the small boy. ~- Tandis que ow pendant que. (4) Brun (brufi); fewtnine brune (brtin’) : brown, or (for hair), dark. (5) Quelque varies in the plural: quelque chose, something. -— Quelques bouteill ome or a few bottles, (6) Jai eu (ti) : I have had i été: I have been. 29° LECON 77 soixante-dix-sept (Belg. : septante-sept) 11 Elle est presque aussi grande que son frére, 12 et beaucoup plus précoce que lui. EXERCICE. ——- 1 Il a les yeux noirs et les che- veux bruns. — 2 I] ne ressemble pas__a ses parents. — 3 Allons-nous au cinéma ce soir? — Restons plutét & la maison (ou chez nous). — 4 J’ai invité quelques —amis. — 5 Elle a un gros (gré) rhume. — 6 Est-ce vrai que vous n’avez jamais_été malade? — 7 Pour- quoi sont-ils de si bonne humeur? Trentiéme 30) Legon M. Duval céde 1 M. Duval : Que faisons-nous dimanche pro- chain? 2 Mme Duval : S’il fait beau (1), nous pou- vonswaller 4 Fontainebleau; soixante-dix-huit (Belg. : septante-huit) 78 11... prask’ ési... —- 12 ... bdcoo ... priicos’. 11 She is almost as tall (grand) as her brother, — 12 and much more precocious than he (/im). 1 He has black eyes and dark hair. — 2 He does not look like his parents. — 3 Are we going to the pictures to-night? — Let us rather stay at home. — 4 | have invited a few friends. — 5 She has a bad ibig) cold. — 6 Is it true that you have never been ill? — 7 Why are they in such good spirits? Notons particuliérement : Je ne vous ressemble pas: / do not look like you. Il est trés grand, tandis qu’elle est toute petite : He is very tall, whilst she is quite short. Que voulez-vous, & part cela? What do you want, apart from that? PRONONCIATION. —— ... sad’. — 1... k'fazon ... di- mansh’ proshia? — 2 silfabo poovonz ala a fontan'blé; M. Duval gives way (cedes) 1 M. D.: What are we doing next Sunday? ~— 2 Mme D.: If it is (makes) fine, we can go to F.; NOTES. — (1) il fait beau temps: /f is (makes) fine weather. — Le temps is both time and weather. Faire, irregular verb. Je fais, nous faisons, vous faites, il fait, ils font; j'ai fait. 30° LECON 79 soixante-dix-neuf (Belg. : septante-neuf) 3 la forét est magnifique en (N. 3) cette saison, 4 et il y a un service de trains a prix réduits. 5 M. Duval : Ce n’est pas—une mauvaise idée, mais... 6 Mme Duval : Mais quoi? (2) 7 M. Duval : Les jours se font déja courts; 8 it fait déja nuit a six heures... 9 Mme Duval : Eh bien, si nous partons avant neuf— heures du matin, 10 nous pouvons trés bien prendre (3) un train de retour vers six heures, V1 et rentrer & la maison pour le diner. 12 M. Duval : C’est vrai, mais pourtant... 13 Mme Duval : Mais pourtant, il y a courses & Longchamp, n’est-ce pas? (N. 4) 14 Eh bien non, je ne veux (4) pas—aller trainer encore une fois les—enfants dans la foule; te 15 ils— ont besoin de grandW air et d’exercice! 16 M. Duval: Tras bien, ma chérie; mais je n’ai jamais—eu l’intention d'aller aux courses dimanche. quatre-vingts (catr'vii) 80 3 laforrd ... magiific’ ... sazoh. — 4 ... edrrvisd’ tii a pri radii. — 5... movaz’ ida’... — 6 makwa? — 7... s'foa ... coor; — 8 ... aii a sizurr ... — 9 ... avai nuvurr (1) . — 10... trifd’rtoorr varr... — 11... raftr& ding. ~ 12... poorrtai .. — 13 ... coors’... lofishafi naspa? — 14... zh’n'vuh paz’ al& tran& ... fwa ... fooll’, — 15 ilzon- biewitid’ graft’ are (2)... daxarrsis’. — 160... shdrri’ zhamaz’ii liftafsion (1) The final £ in neuf is pronounced v before a vowel or h mute. (2) The final d is pronounced t in the “ liaison”. Un grand homme (grafit’em') : a great man. Quand il (kafit’il) prend un (prafit'ufi) verre de vin : When he has (takes) a glass of unne. 3 the forest is magnificent at this time of the year (in this season), — 4 and there is a train service (serv. of fr.) at reduced prices. — 5 M, D.: It is not a bad idea, bat... — 6 Mme D.: But what? — 7 M. D.: The days are already getting (ake thentselves) short; —- 8 it is Gnakes) already dark (night) at 6 o'cl.. - 9 Mme D.: Well, if we go (depart) before 9 o’cl. in (of) the morning, — we can take a return train (ir. of ret.) about 6 o'cl, — 11 and return home for (fhe) dinner. -- 12 M. D.: (Uf is) True, but still... 13 Mme D.: But still there is racing (races) at Longchamps, isn’t that it? — 14 Certainly not. I don’t want to go dragging the children through (iz) the crowd again; — 15 they (have) need (of) open (great) air and (of) exercice! — 16 M. D.: Very well, darling (my cherished) ; but I never intended (Aave never had the intention) to go to the races on Sunday. (2) Que faites-vous? H7hat are you dving? — Qu’est-ce que cest? What is it? — Quoi? What? —- Avec quoi? With what? ou What with? -— Pourquoi? Why? or What for? (‘for what”), — What, used with a verb, ts que; otherwise, quoi. (3) Prendre, irreg. verb. : je prends (prafi), nous pre- ons, vous prenez, il prend (prafi), ils prennent (pran’); j'ai pris (pri). (A) Je veux : I will, J want to; nous voulons, vous vou- lez, we want to, you want to, Je_suis_en retard : 7 am late. — Vous. étes_en retard : Vow are fte. IL est_en retard : He is late. But: It est tard: /t is late (unp 30° LECON 81 quatre-vingt-un (catr'vifi um) EXERCICE. — 1 Il a fait mauvais temps toute la semaine. —— 2 Il est temps de rentrer, il se fait tard. — 3 Avez-vous__encore besoin de moi? — 4 Je ne veux pas lui céder chaque fois. — 5 Ne trainez pas les pieds (pid) comme cal! ooo Répétons : Il fait beau (temps) aujourd'hui : /t is fine (weather) to-day. Il fait nuit : /t is night (or dark). Je n'ai besoin de rien : J need nothing. Avez-vous Pintention d’y aller? Do you intend to go (there) ? Jaime le grand_ air : / like the open air. Trente et uniéme (31°) Lecon ee AC NES Il pleut! Le dimanche matin, il fait mauvais temps. M. et Mme Duval sont—encore au lit (1). M. Duval : Naturellement, il pleut; comme tous les dimanches. Mme Duval : Le temps a Vair bien pris. 5 M. Duval : Oui, nous enW avons pour toute la journée (2). 6 Mme Duval : Quelle heure est-il? 7 M. Duval: {1 n’est que (3) sept heures; nous n’avons qu’a rester couchés. 8 Mme Duval: Lesrenfants dorment— encore; 9 mais—ils vont bientét s’éveiller (4). 1 2 3 4 quatre-vingi-deux (catr'vii duh) 82 1 The weather has been bad the whole (all the) week. — 2 It is time to go home, it is getting (il makes itself} late. — 3 Do you {Have you) still need (of) me. — 4 1 will not give way to him {or her) every (each) time. — 5 Do not drag your (the) feet so (like that! PRONONCIATION. — ilpluh! — 1 .,. fa méva tai. — 2 soft’ aficorr’ dli. — 3... natural’man ... too la... — 4 pri. zhoorrna’. 6 ... kahurr‘atil? — . dorrm't’ aicorr; — 9 mazilvon It is raining! 1 On (The) Sunday morning, the weather is bad. — 2 M. and Mme D. are still in (at the) bed. — 3 M. D.: Of course (Naturally) it is raining; like every (all the) Sundays. — 4 Mime D.: The weather seems to be set (has the air well taken). — 3 M. D.: Yes, we are in for it (we have got of it) for the whole (all the) day. — 6 Mme D. : What ime is it? -- 7 It is only seven o’cl; we need not get up yet (lave only to remain in bed). — 8 Mme D.: The children are still sleeping: — 9 but they are going to wake up soon. NOTES. — (1) Etre au lit : fo be in bed. — Je vais au lit or je vais me coucher : f am going to bed. (2) Le jour : the day. — La journée means the duration of the day, all day long. — Je suis resté quatre jours a Bruxelles (briissal’) : J remained four days in (at) Brussels. ~- Que faites-vous toute la journée? What do you do all day long? (3) Ne... que: only, Je ne mange que de la soupe (soop’) : Z eat only soup. — Il w’a que vingt ans: He is only twenty. Nous wavuns qu'd commencer : We have only got to begin or We have but to begin. (A) S‘éveiller (reflecive) : to awake. Je m’éveille, nous nous_éveillons, vous vous.¢veillez, il s'éveille, ils s’éveil- lent. — Je me suis_ éveilié (CN. 5): I awoke. — Je suis_éveillé + fam awake (masc.). — Je suis éveillée : Tam awake (feminine). 31° LECON 83 quatre-vingt-trois (catr'vii trwa) 10 M. Duval biille, et se tourne sur l’autre cété, 11 Mme Duval, elle, reste éveillée, les_yeux au plafond. 12 Puis, elle se leve (S) sans bruit, 13 passe son peignoir, et va A la cuisine, 3h TBIE| Pmonegg, % EXERCICE. — 1 Je me lve tard le dimanche. — 2 Vous_avez I’air fatigué (fatigh). -—- 3 Je n'ai pas fermé I’ceil de toute la nuit. — 4 Alors, restez cou- ché (ou au lit). — 5 Dormez bien. — 6 Ii n’a pas Tair content. ooo We hope you are satisfied with your progress during your first month’s study. Do not forget to revise the earlier lessons as often as you can. Repetition is the secret of success. Trente-deuxiéme (32°) Lecon On s’arrange comme on peut (1) 1 Voici la disposition de l’appartement des Duval t 2 La porte d’entrée donne sur un petit vesti- bule, quatre-vingt-quatre (catr'vifi catr’) 84 10... ba-y’ _s'toorn” stirr J6tr’ — i... rast’ ava-ya’ he'uh ... pl — 12 pili... s‘lav’ saa brili, — 13... pa giiwarr ... cilizin’. — 14 oo ... praparr’ dii café. 10 M. D. yawns, and turns over (/imself) on to the other side. —- 11 As for Mme D., she remains awake, looking at (the eyes to) the ceiling. — 12 Then, she gets up, noiselessly (without noise); — 13 slips on (passes) her dressing gown. and goes to the kitchen, — 14 where she prepares some coffee. (5) Se lever (reflexive), to get up (literally : to raise oneself). Like mener, to lead, for the @: Je me léve, nous nous levons, vous vous levez, i! se lve, ils se lévent. — Je me suis levé : I have got up. 11 get up late on Sundays {the Sunday), — 2 You look tired, — 311 did not sleep a wink (have not closed the eye) the whole (of all the) night. — 4 Then, stay in bed. — 5 Sleep well. — 6 He doesn’t look pleased (content). 000 Se coucher is fo lie down or to go to bed; @tre couché : fo lie, or to be in bed. Je me couche & dix heures : / go to bed at 10 o’cl. — Il est_encore cou- ché (ou I} est_encore au lit) : He is still lying down (or in bed). Couchez-vous! Lie down’ — Allez vous coucher! Go to bed! — Couchons-nous! Let us lie down! — Allons nous coucher : Let us go to bed. Il a Pair és jeune + He looks very peuns. De quoi a-t-il lair? What does he look like? PRONONCIATION. — ofisarrafizh’ com’ 1... dispézisiond’ laparrtman ... — 2 ... porrt’ daftra p'ti. vastibal’. One manages as best one can (One arranges oneself as one can) 1 Here is the lay-out of the D.s’ flat: — 2 The entrance door opens (gi es) onto a little hall, NOTES. — a) Pouvoir (irreg, verb): je peux (puh), mous pouvens, vous pouvez, il peut, ils peuvent (puv’). — I have to manage: Je m'arrange comme je peux. 32° LECON 85 quatre-vingt-cing (catr'vin sink) 3 ot il y a une glace (2), un porte manteau (3), un porte-parapluies (4) et un coffre bas. 4 Le vestibuie se prolonge en un corridor jus- qu’a (5) la salle de bains, 5 Il y a deux portes de chaque cété : 6 a droite, le salon, puis la chambre a cou- cher (6) de M. et Mme Duval, 7 4 gauche, la salle 4 manger et la cuisine. 8 Ot couchent (6) les— enfants? 9 André, sur un lit pliant (7) dans la salle a manger, 10 et Anne-Marie sur un divan, dans le salon. 11 Le jour, le lit pliant est rangé (8) dans—un coin de fa salle 4 manger 12 et caché (9) derriére un rideau. 13 On s’arrange comme on peut. quatre-vingt-six (catr’ viisis) 86 « fin’ glas’ ufi porrt’maité ... porrt'parrapliii ... cofr’ ba. — s'proloizh’ afi'n'ufi corridorr zhiiska ... — 5 ... shak’ — 6 adrwat’ I'salof pili... shaibr’ a coosha . 7 agésh, sal’ a maazhd ... — 8 oocoosh’ ... — 9 ... li pli-yail — 10 divai — 11... rafizha dafizuicwii .. — 12... cash darriar’ ui ridé. 3 where there are a looking-glass, a coat-rack (‘‘carry- cloak”), an umbrella-stand (a “carry-umbrellas”), and a low chest. — 4 The hall extends (prolongs itself) into a passage (corridor) leading to (until) the bath-room. ~— 5 There are two doors on (of) each side : — 6 on the (to) right, the drawing-room (“saloon”), then the bedroom of M. and Mme D., — 7 on the (fo) left, the dining-room (“room to eat”) and the kitchen. — 8 Where do the children sleep? — 9 Andr., on a folding-bed in the dining-room, — 10 and Anne-M. on a sofa, in the drawing-room. ~~ 11 In the day-time, the folding-bed is put away (“ranged”) in a corner of the dining-room — 12 and hidden (“cached”) behind a curtain, —- 18 One has to manage as best one can. (2) Un miroir, a mirror, is usually smaller than, une glace, a looking-glass. (3) Un portemanteau, is hardly ever used in the English sense of a travelling bag (une valise). —- Un manteau: a cloak. (4) La pluie (pliii) : the rain. — Le parapluie: the unbrella, — I] pleut : it rains; il tombe de la pluie : rain is falling. (5) Jusque : until. — Jusqu’a présent or Jusqu’ici : until now. Jusque-la : until then (“there”), (6) Coucher, fo lie (down), often corresponds to our to sleep. — Ou avez-vous couché? Where did you sleep (have you slept)? (7) Plier (pli-ia) : to fold. Je plie, nous plions, vous pliez, il plie. ils plient (pliy’); j’ai plié. — Le pli de mon panta- lon : The crease of my trousers. (8) Ranger : to put away, or to set in order. Je range, nous rangeons (the e is inserted to preserve the soft g sound), vous rangez, il range, ils rangent (rafizh’). — Je suis au premier rang (rafi) : J am in the first row. (9) Cacher : fo hide; je cache, nous cachons, vous cachez, il cache, ils cachent (cash). 32° LECON 87 quatre-vingt-sept (catr'vii sat) EXERCICE. — 1 Ma fenétre (f’n&tr’) donne sur la rue. — 2 Fermez !a porte derriére vous, s. v. p. — 3 Avez-vous couché a l’hétel? — 4 J'ai oublié de ranger mes__affaires. — 5 Prenez votre manteau, il fait froid (frwa) ce matin. —- 6 Entrée libre. oo°0 Notons pour aujourd’hui : Ils dorment bien : they sleep well. Ils couchemt dans le méme lit: They sleep in the same bed. On ne peut pas toujours faire ce qu'on veut : One cannot always do what one wants fo. S.V.P. (as va pa) : Abréviation de « sil vous plait ». Trente-troisiéme (33°) Lecon Mme Duval fait du café 1 NousWavons laissé Mme Duval en train (1) de préparer du café. 2 Voyons_un peu ce qu'elle fait dans la cuisine, 3 D’abord (2), elle remplit (N. 1) une casse- role d’eau au robinet, 4 puis elle la met sur le fourneau & gaz UN. 6). 5 Ensuite, elle craque une allumette, allume le gaz, 6 pose le couvercle sur la casserole, 7 et, pendant que l’eau chauffe (3), quatre-vingt-huit (catr'vii uit) 88 1 My window opens (gives) on to the street. — 2 Please shut the door after (behind) you. — 3 Did you sleep at the hotel? -—~ 4 I have forgotten te put my things (* affairs”) in order (or away). — 5 Take your coat, it is (makes) cold this morning. — 6 Entrance free. o0o°0 Have patience with the verbs : their ways are strange but_you will get used to them in time Even French children find them difficult. PRONONCIATION. — ... fa dii café. — 1... las ... afi wiid’ préparé.... — 2 vwa-yoRe’ uipubskalfa. — 3 da- borr ... raipli in’ casrol’ dé tiad’ 6 ral a. foorrnd a gaz. — 5 aii - evac’ 2 6 péz'l'coovarcl’ ... — 7 paidaak’ [8 shéf". Mme D.. makes coffee 1 We have left Mme D. in the act of (in train of) preparing coffee. — 2 Let us mow see (a little) what (that which) she is deing (does) in the kitchen. — 3 First, she fills a pan with (af) water from (af) the tap, — 4 then she it on the gas-cooker (furnace). — 5 Afterwards, she “ ’) a match, lights the gas, — 6 puts (‘poses’) the lid on the pan, — 7 and, while the water is warming up (warms), NOTES. — (1) Je suis_en train de manger : J am (in the act of) cating, — Qu’étes-vous_en train de faire? What are you tin the act af) doing? (2) When describing a series of actions, the French use the introductory words in the following sequence : D'abord ... (First... puis (then) ensuite (afterwards), alors (and then) ..., enfin ... (finally). (3) Chaud (sheh) + warn, — Tl fait chaud aujourd'hui : It is zearm to-day, — Chauffer: To warm (up): Je me chauffe : 7 warn ayself; nous nous chauffons au soleil : we are warnting vursclves in the sun, 33 LECON 89 quatre-vingt-neuf (catr'vii nuf) 8 elle moud (4) le café, 9 et en garnit la cafetiére. 10 Quand l'eau se (5) met—A bouillir, 11 elle la verse sur le café, lentement, en plu- sieurs fois. 12 Une agréable odeur de café chaud 13 s’éléve (6) et remplit la cuisine. 14 Alors, Mme Duval sourit. EXERCICE. —- 1 D’abord, je vais_a la poste, puis & la gare (gar’): — 2 ensuite je passe chez mon oncle; —- 3 alors, je lui donne votre livre, —— 4 et enfin, Je rentre 4 la maison, As an additional exercise, repeat the last four sentences; first using nous, ¢.g. : nous allons a la poste, nous passons, etc.; then using vous, il and ils. Tf you can do this exercise in writing as well, so much the betier. oo°0 Don't forget the numbers at the top_of each page. Read them aloud. It is important_to_know how to count! quatre-vingt-dix (Belg. : nonante) 90 8 ... mool’ café, — 9 ... garmi la caf'tiarr. — 10 kai lés'mat’a boo-yirr, — 11... varrs’ ... lafit'mafi ... pliziurr fwa. 12 iin’ agréabl’ odurr ... shd. —~ 13 silav ... — 14 alorr ... soorri. 8 she grinds the coffee, — 9 and puts some in (“garnishes”) the coffee-pot (ith it). — 10 When the water begins to boil, — 11 she pours in onto the coffee, slowly, (in) several times. — 12 A pleasafit (agreable) smell (odour) of hot coffee — 13 rises up and fills the kitchen. — 14 And then Mme D. smiles. (4) Moudre: to grind (irreg. verb). — Le moulin (moolift) : the mill. G) Mettre (irreg.) : to put or set. — Se mettre a faire quelque chose : “fo put (or set) oneself to do something” : to begin doing something : commencer a faire — Quand il se met (ow commence) a parler, c’est pour long- temps : When he starts talking, it is for a long time. — Je mets (ma), nous mettons (mattef), vous mettez, il met (ma), ils mettent (mat’). (6) Se lever : to get up, to rise; s’élever : to mount up, to arise (reflexive), je me léve : I get up or out of bed; je méléve : J arise, [ mount up. 1 First 1 am going to the post-office, then to the station; — 2 afterwards 1 am calling (passing) at my uncle’s; — 3 then I give him your book, —- 4 and finally I return home. ooo Laisser : to leave or to let : J’ai laissé mon parapluie chez vous : / (have) left my umbrella at your place. Laissez-moi tranquille! Leave me in peace! Laissez-moi faire cela tout seul: Let me do that by myself. Laissez-nous! Leave us! French without toil. — 7 33° LECON 91° quatye-vingt-onze (Belg. : nonante et un) Trente-quatriéme (34*) Legon rer CS RT LESTE Une tasse de café 1 Mme Duval est gourmande : c’est son péché mignon (1) ; 2 et elle adore le bon café. 3 Elle s’en verse (2) une tasse, 4 y met deux morceaux (3) de sucre, 5 s’assied (4) sur une chaise 6 et savoure en silence la boisson délicieuse. 7 La tasse vide, elle se léve, 8 baille et s’étire voluptueusement, 9 puis se dirige vers la porte d’entrée, 10 qu'elle ouvre sans bruit. 11 Elle prend (5) la bouteille de lait 12 déposée 1a par le laitier, 13 referme la porte 14 et retourne (6) A la cuisine. 15 Sa journée (7) de travail commence : quaire-vingt-douze (Belg. : nonante-deux) 92 PRONONCIATION, —- iin’ tas’ d’ café. — 1... goorr- maid’ ... pashd mighoi; — 2... adorr .., — 3... sai varrs’ — 4 ima duh morrséd’ siicr’. — § sasié ... shaz’, — @ ... sa- voorr .., silafis’ ... bwasofi dilismhz’. — 7 ... vid’... s'lav’. — 8 ba’y’ @ satirr’ voliiptiiuhz’ma. — 9 piiis’ dirrizh varr ... — 10 kal’cowr’ sai brii. — 11 ... boota-y’ dla. — 12 di- poza lana. — 13 r'farrm’ ... — 14 ar'toorm. — 15 sa zhoorrna’ d’ trava-y’ comaiis’. A cup of coffee 1 Mme D. is a gourmand : it is her petty sin; — 2 and she adores (the) good coffee. — 3 She pours herself (of it) a cup, — 4 (éhere) puts two pieces of sugar ut it, — 5 sits (ierseif) down on a chair, —- 6 and savours the delicious drink in silence. — 7 Her (The) cup empty she gets up, — 8 yawns and stretches herself voluptuously, — 9 then makes for (direets herself towards) the front door, — 10 which she opens noiselessly (zcithout itoise). — 11 She takes the bottle of milk — 12 placed (deposited) there by the milkman, -- 13 (re)-closes the door — 14 and returns to the kitchen. ~~ 15 Her day's work begins : NOTES. — (1) Mignon: dainty; feminine, mignonne. (2) En stands for of it. — Je me verse un verre de lait : T pour myself a glass of inilk, — Je m'’enm verse un verre: T pour myself a glass (of it). — Versez-vous du vin (vii) : Pour yourself some wine. — Versez-vous-en + Pour yoursel) some. (3) Irreg. plural: un morceau, deux morceaux. (4) Irreg. verb. : s’asseoir (sasswarr): to sit down, Je massieds (massiéi), nous nous_asseyons (assayon), yous vous__asseyez (assa-ya), il s’assied (sassiii), ils s’asseyent (sassa-y’). (5) Prendre : fo take; je prends (prafi), nous prenons (pr'noft), vous prenez, il prend (prafi), ils prennent (pran’); j'ai pris (pri). (6) Fermer: to close, to shut; refermer : to close back or again. -- Tourner : fo turn; retourner : to return. (7) La journée : and not fe jour (See Less. 31, Note 2). 34° LECON 93 quatre-vingt-treize (Belg. : nonante-trois} 16 elle va maintenant faire du chocolat pour les— enfants, 17 qui ne sont pas—encore éveillés. Le café 18 A Paris, dans_une cafetiére, 19 Quand le marc (8) a bien bouilli, 20 On prend le café, c’est l’ordinaire. 21 Amis, faisons de méme (9) ici! EXERCICE. — Let us practise a few of the regular verbs in the lesson : Adorer, j'adore, nous_adorons, vous adorez, il adore, ils_adorent. Write the same for the following verser, savourer, se lever, bailler, s’étirer, diriger, déposer, refermer, re- tourner, commencer, s’éveiller. Trente-cinquiéme (35°) Lecon REVISION ET NOTES 1 Our verbs. — Beside our regular verbs in er, which we listed in Lesson 21, par. 1, and a few irregular verbs, such as aller, je vais, nous_allons, vous_allez. il va, ils vont, we have now met another sort of regular verb, those ending in ir : Remplir, fo fill up, je remplis, nous remplissons, vous remplissez, il remplit, ils remplissent; j’ai rempli. Gamir, fo garnish, to provide with ; je garmis, nous garnissons, vous garnissez, il garnit, ils garnissent; jai garni. ‘We have come across them at random, and are not yet properly acquainted with them. quatre-vingt-quatorze (Belg, ; nonante-quatre) 94 — 18 parti lorrdinarr’, 16... miftnai ... shocola ... — 17... ava-y’ . — 19 kafil’ marr .., boo-yi. — 20 ofipranl’ . — 21 ami fazofd’ mam’ ici. 16 she is now going to make (some) chocolate for the chifdren — 17 who are not yet awake. The coffee 18 (Aé) In Paris, in a coffee-pot, -- 19 When the coffee- grounds have (has) well boiled. — 20 People (One) take (the) coffee, such is the custom (that is the ordinary), — 21 Friends, Jet us do the (of) same here. (8) Le mare de café: coffe-grounds. — Elle lit Pavenir dans le marc de café: She read the future in coffee-grounds. — This is an old song; they don’t make coffee in France by boiling it in this way nowadays. (9) Faisons de méme or Faisons la méme chose. Let us also mention two irregular verbs in ir, which are most usual, and have a glance at them : Dormir, fo sleep; je dors {dorr), nous dormons, vous dormez, il dort (dorr), ils dorment (dorrm’) ; j'ai dormi. Ouvrir, fo open; j’ouvre, nous._ouvrons, vous__ou- vrez, il ouvre, ils ouvrent (oovr’); j'ai ouvert {oovarr) . La porte est__ouverte, et Ia fenétre est fermée ; The door is open (opened), and the window is closed. Ouvrez cette valise : Open this portmanteau. Fermez cette boite : Shut this box. 2 Grand in French means large, or tall, while large (larrzh’) means broad. — Cette place est trés grande : This square is very large. — Ma rue n'est pas large : My street is not broad. Gros (feminine grosse) is big, stout. — J'ai mangé un gros morceau de sucre : [ have eaten a big piece of sugar. 35° LECON 95 quatre-vingt-quinze (Belg. : nonante-cing) 3 En, dans are both in; their respective uses are lar- gely a matter of custom, and we shail note these as we go along. Generally speaking, dams has a more pre- cise sense of locality than en. — Em cette saison: Jn this season. Dams cette maison : /n this house. — En méme temps: At (/n) the same time. Dans ja méme chambre : In the same room. 4 N’est-ce pas? is an invariable idiom corres- ponding either to our /s if not? or Are they not? or to: Is it? Are they? etc. Vous partez, n’est-ce pas? You are leaving, are you not? Vous ne partez pas, n’est-ce pas? You are not lea- ving, are you? 5 Reflexive verbs are always used with the auxil- iary to be (&tre), and not to have {aveir), as is the case in English. Il s'est répété : he has repeated himself. Je me suis_ étiré : I (have) stretched myself. Ys se sont __oubliés : they have forgotten themselves. Nous nous sommes __aimés: we have loved each other. Vous._étes-vous parlé? Have you spoken to each other? 6 Un verre a vin: a wine glass; un verre de vin: a glass of wine.

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