Tensiontype Headache A Lifecourse Review
Tensiontype Headache A Lifecourse Review
Tensiontype Headache A Lifecourse Review
Conflict of Interest: There are no conflicts of interest associated with this study.
Abbreviations: CTTH: Chronic Tension Type Headache; DMHDS: Dunedin
Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study; ETTH: Episodic Tension-
Type Headache; ICHD: International Classification Of Headache Disorders; IHS:
International Headache Society; NZ: New Zealand; TTH: Tension-Type Headache
Received: September 14, 2015; Accepted: October 19, 2015; Published: October 29,
migraine due to overlapping features [12]. Evidence suggests that [26]. Findings show that, after examination by a physician,
features common to both types of headaches include the presence 35.6% of patients remained unclassified [27], one-third of TTH
of throbbing, unilateral pain [13, 14], muscle tension [15, 16] and patients were misdiagnosed with sinusitis, followed by other
aggravation by physical activity [17]. Further evidence suggests misdiagnoses such as hypertensive or cervicogenic headache,
that stress, fatigue, alcohol and menstruation are common [28] and as few as 1.3% of patients obtained a correct diagnosis
triggers for TTH and migraine [18]. TTH is the most costly type of of TTH [28]. The lack of specific markers of tension-type headache
headache for society, due to its greater prevalence [19]. As such, presents a substantial challenge in differential diagnosis of IHS-
identifying the precursors and distinctive characteristics of TTH is defined TTH and migraine due to the overlap of symptoms and
a research priority. precipitants of each headache type [12, 29, 30]. Many patients
with chronic tension type headache (CTTH) over-use medication
The aim of this review is to identify factors that characterize
[24, 31], making it difficult to distinguish CTTH from medication
TTH as a specific entity and to address a gap in epidemiological
overuse headache [32]. Further, TTH and migraine have been
data from Australasia. Here we provide an overview of current
shown to frequently coexist [33, 34]. For instance, findings from
research on TTH and highlight our findings with headache
our longitudinal study show that around four percent of adults
sufferers from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and
experience coexisting TTH and migraine [30].
Development Study (DMHDS). The DMHDS is a prospective and
representative cohort study that has collected information face- The coexistence of TTH and migraine, together with the
to-face about headache symptoms longitudinally from age 7 difficulty in clinical settings to differentiate TTH from migraine,
to age 38 years [20]. Given the lack of specific markers of TTH have led some researchers to argue that TTH and migraine are
and the common transitions between TTH, migraine, and other not distinct clinical entities but represent opposite ends of a
headache subtypes, longitudinal prospective studies are required pain severity continuum (i.e., continuum-severity theory) [35,
to address gaps in knowledge about the risk factors, specificity, 36]. However, the vast majority of people with TTH never seek
incidence, and course of TTH in adults [5, 21, 22]. Our ongoing medical attention [23, 31]. Hence the apparent lack of distinction
research is one of a limited number of longitudinal studies that between TTH and migraine in clinical settings may reflect referral
can address these gaps in knowledge. bias [37]. Population-based evidence of significant differences
in epidemiological characteristics suggests that migraine and
Headache classification tension-type headaches are distinct entities [36, 38]. We found,
The classification of TTH is based on its phenotype as defined by for example, that migraine was related to familial factors, anxiety,
the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD). In and stress reactivity, whereas TTH was associated with neck or
extant research, TTH is classified according to the ICHD-II. The back injury in early childhood [30]. Other studies have found that
ICHD-II describes four categories for TTH: infrequent episodic; the prevalence of migraine is higher in women than men yet for
frequent episodic; chronic; and probable. The criteria further tension-type headaches women are only slightly more affected
classify TTH based on the presence or absence of a coexisting than men [37, 38]. The risk factors for TTH appear to be different
disorder of the peri-cranial muscles. from those for migraine. Poor self-rated health, little sleep and
an inability to relax after work are predictive of TTH whereas
Tension-type headache is typically characterized by bilateral high work load, familial disposition, lack of secondary education
pressing or tightening pain that occurs in the frontal or occipital and frequent TTH are risk factors for migraine [39]. Whether TTH
areas, is of mild to moderate intensity, and is not exacerbated and migraine represent distinct or similar entities continues to
by physical activity [23]. There is no nausea or vomiting, but be debated. Nonetheless, the aforementioned research suggests
photophobia or phonophobia may be present. Probable TTH that distinguishing TTH from other types of headaches purely on
is defined as a headache fulfilling all but one of the diagnostic the basis of symptoms is difficult.
criteria. TTH is primarily diagnosed by the absence of features
that characterize other primary headaches [21] and by the Epidemiology
exclusion of other organic disorders [24]. On the basis that
According to the epidemiological literature on TTH, there are
diagnosis of TTH is made by the absence of associated symptoms
wide variations in the estimated prevalence of TTH. Although
diagnostic of migraine, Monteith and Sprenger (2010) suggest
discrepancies are likely due to many factors, to a reasonable
that the sensitivity and specificity of classification for TTH could
extent methodological differences can account for variability
be contended [21]. An initiative to stimulate further research into
in prevalence estimates [24]. There is evidence that population
the mechanisms and treatment of TTH prompted the release of
estimates of TTH prevalence differ for questionnaire- versus
a third edition beta version of the International Classification of
interview-based assessments [22, 40]. There are inconsistencies
Headache Disorders (ICHD-3 beta) in 2013 [25]. This version is
between individuals self-report of factors that trigger, aggravate,
purported to have made improvements over the ICHD-II, and the
and ameliorate their headache and interview-based or objective
International Headache Society (IHS) contend that it would be
measures. This work suggests that although questionnaires
unhelpful to continue to use the previous ICHD-II for scientific
provide useful information about individuals perceptions about
work (p.633; IHS 2013).
their headache, they are subject to recall bias, and thus may not
Current diagnostic ambiguity contributes to the significant adequately identify actual relationships between TTH and other
number of people who are misdiagnosed or who are assigned factors [41]. Further, the majority of epidemiological studies on
a diagnosis of probable TTH, or who remain unclassifiable TTH are cross-sectional and do not provide information on what
happens to prevalence rates over time, or the order of onset with they have aged: from 11.1% at age 26; 16% at age 32; and 11.6%
respect to comorbid disorders, or how chronicity may develop at age 38. In young adulthood, individuals are in the process of
[5, 22]. establishing their careers, social networks, and health practices.
It is possible that for some young adults, coping with these life
For a majority of individuals, first onset of TTH is before age 20
transitions impacts physical and psychological processes that
[7, 23], with peak prevalence between the ages of 30 and 39
increase their susceptibility to TTH. This idea is supported by
years [31]. Data from our study show that 34.5% of New Zealand
findings showing that compared to healthy controls, individuals
(NZ) children between 7-13 years of age experience frequent
with TTH display higher levels of perceived stress and deficient
headaches. Only 9% of these children grow up to have TTH in
problem-solving skills [46, 50]. Although the observed variation
adulthood. 11.1% of 26-year old study members were classified
between our prevalence rates and those of the Danish
as having TTH and this rate increased to 17.5% at age 32 years [42,
epidemiologic study by Lyngberg and colleagues (2005) [7] may
43]. Of those with TTH at age 32, 10.3% had infrequent episodic
to some extent reflect methodological differences, recent work
tension-type headache (ETTH), 87.2% had frequent ETTH, and
suggests that prevalence rates of TTH are influenced by culture
2.6% had chronic TTH [43]. The lifetime prevalence of TTH in the
and degree of urbanization [40]. Future research could explore
general population ranges between 30% and 78%24 and there is a
this notion.
slight decrease with advancing age [1].
Lyngberg and colleagues further reported that, of individuals
Prevalence of TTH varies by age, gender, geographical region
diagnosed with episodic or chronic TTH, 45% went into remission,
[1, 40] as well as according to education level and employment
39% had an unchanged frequency of episodic TTH, and 16% had
status [43]. The prevalence of TTH in our NZ females is twice
either unchanged or newly diagnosed chronic TTH [7]. Similarly,
that of males, consistent with the female-to-male ratio reported
a clinical 10-year follow-up study showed that 75% of individuals
in various studies (ranging from 1.16:1 to 3:l [1]). There is also
initially diagnosed with episodic tension-type headache
evidence that the prevalence of TTH increases with higher levels
continued to experience episodic TTH, and 25% of the study
of education [3]. Individuals with TTH in our study were more
population progressed to chronic TTH. In those diagnosed with
likely to have obtained a bachelors or graduate-level degree
initial chronic tension-type headache, 31% remained chronic,
compared to those without headache [44]. For chronic tension-
21% had developed medication overuse, and the remaining 48%
type headache (CTTH), however, there may be an inverse relation
had reverted to the episodic form [51]. In our study, 9.2% of study
between headache and education level [45]. Data from studies
members experienced remission from age 26 to 38 years, 6%
examining the relation between TTH and employment status
reported TTH at two of the three age group periods, and 2.7%
are also equivocal. TTH has been reported to be associated
had a late onset of TTH at age 38.
with unemployment [46], whereas 32-year-old members of the
DMHDS with TTH were significantly more likely to be employed At the same time our findings suggest that, for many individuals,
than headache-free individuals. The roles of education and TTH is a persistent problem throughout young adulthood. Up to
employment in the development of episodic and chronic tension- 40% of cohort participants diagnosed with TTH at age 26 were
type headache clearly need further investigation. also diagnosed with TTH at age 32 and 43.5% of study members
diagnosed with TTH at age 32 were also diagnosed with TTH at
Prevalence rates of TTH vary widely across global regions
age 38 [43].
[40]. The global one-year prevalence of TTH has recently been
estimated at 32 % (30% for episodic TTH, 2.4 % for chronic TTH)
[40]. Episodic TTH rates range from 10.8% [47] to 37.3% [40] and
Precipitants and correlates of TTH
chronic TTH rates range from 0.6 % to 3.3% [40]. The cross-study Researchers have identified multiple precipitants and correlates
weighted aggregate rate of TTH is 13% [22], substantially higher of TTH [48]. The most frequently reported precipitants of TTH
than that for migraine with aura (4.4%) and chronic migraine are stress or mental tension [5], followed by sleep problems or
(0.5%) [22]. The average one-year prevalence rate is greater in fatigue [52]. There is also evidence that factors such as weather
European countries (53%) followed by South America (31.5%), changes [18], menstruation [53], and inability to relax after work
North America (30%), Asia (18.5%), the Middle East (10.3%), and [5] are all associated with TTH.
Africa (7%) [40]. There is a gap in epidemiologic research on TTH Although many studies have found that TTH is related to stress,
from Australasia [40]. In our study, the one-year prevalence of few studies have investigated subcomponents of stress or the
TTH was 11.6% at age 38 years. Most studies [22], including ours, timing with which the stress occurred. In our study, we found
report a greater prevalence of TTH than migraine. Presented in that overall levels of stress did not differ between adults with
Table 1 is selected epidemiology of tension-type headaches in TTH and those who were headache-free. TTH sufferers did,
adults (Table 1). however, report a high level of stress about bodily changes
[54]. It is possible that the stress of a changing body during
TTH as a dynamic condition adolescence increases an individuals vulnerability to developing
Research suggests that the one-year prevalence rate of TTH TTH. Individuals with TTH may also have different stress adaptive
changes during adulthood and that TTH is a dynamic condition mechanisms involving both cardiovascular activation and the
[48, 49]. For instance, rates of TTH increased from 79% to 87% pain control system [55]. In response to ongoing cognitive stress,
over a 12-year period among young adults in Denmark [7]. Our individuals with TTH maintained increased heart rate and blood
prevalence rates have similarly fluctuated in adult participants as pressure, whereas these decreased for migraineurs and controls.
Moreover, stress-induced pain responses were abnormally Our findings also add to evidence that TTH is frequently co-morbid
large while pain recovery was delayed for individuals with TTH with anxiety and depression [57] and with reports of repressed
compared to controls. These findings complement other findings anger and resentment [57-59]. We also found that adults
that pain sensitivity mediates the relationship between stress with TTH were less antisocial in childhood and less aggressive
and headache intensity in individuals with CTTH [56]. during adolescence and early adulthood than individuals
without headache [60]. This complements recent evidence that injury [30]. It is plausible that a neck or back injury can lead to
individuals with TTH have difficulty with outward expression of an increased vulnerability in the skeletal and pericranial muscles
anger; inward anger is thought to increase the intensity level of that increases susceptibility to TTH. This idea is supported by
headache through somatization [61]. Our findings using the SF- evidence that disturbances of the muscles of the upper cervical
36 Health Survey [62] also showed that adults with TTH report spine and neckshoulder region play a role in the pathogenesis of
significantly less vitality, poorer social functioning, and poorer tension-type headache [71, 72]. Research suggests that myogenic
physical and emotional health in everyday roles than individuals referred pain caused by active myofascial trigger points in the
without headache [30]. Presented in Table 2 are selected factors head, neck, and shoulder muscles might contribute to patterns of
associated with tension-type headaches in adults. head pain in individuals with TTH [24].
While the biological mechanisms that predict progression Recent findings from epidemiological research examining the
from episodic TTH to chronic TTH have yet to be clarified, the association of chronic headache and chronic rhinosinusitis in
epidemiologic literature has identified both depression and middle aged adults revealed that CTTH is significantly associated
anxiety, and medication overuse, as primary factors that increase with chronic rhinosinusitis [73]. Indeed, individuals with chronic
the risk of headache progression [1]. Taken together, the research rhinosinusitis had a ninefold increased risk of having chronic
discussed above suggests that more precise classification of TTH headache compared with the general population.
may require a more refined analysis of known precipitants and
Some researchers have proposed that sympathetic hyperactivity
is the mechanism by which psychological factors such as stress
Genetics and neurobiology triggers the development of TTH. There is evidence that muscle
nociceptors can be stimulated by endogenous neurotransmitters
Genetic factors are most certainly involved in TTH pathogenesis and/or hormones such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and
[63], with a higher genetic influence for frequent ETTH than bradykinin [74]. This raises the possibility that activation of the
infrequent ETTH [64]. The population relative risk in relatives of sympathetic nervous system and hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal
individuals with chronic TTH was increased threefold compared axis in response to stress may be important in TTH pathogenesis.
with normal controls [65]. Sympathetic hyperactivity has been implicated in other pain
The exact neurological mechanisms of TTH are unknown. disorders such as fibromyalgia [61], and a number of studies have
Although TTH was previously considered to be primarily demonstrated differences in short-term nervous system response
psychogenic, recent evidence strongly indicates a neurobiological between TTH patients and controls in response to stress [75-77].
basis [66]. A distillate of recent research suggests that peripheral If prolonged hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system in
pain mechanisms are of importance in episodic TTH, whereas response to psychological stressors contributes to the abnormal
chronic TTH is related to sensitization of pain pathways in the pain processing observed in TTH, this may be accompanied by long-
central nervous system resulting from prolonged nociceptive term changes in cardiovascular function and haemodynamics.
stimuli from pericranial myofascial tissues [25, 67]. Findings from other work suggest that nitric oxide-related central
Several studies demonstrate a relationship between neck or sensitization may be an important mediator in pain mechanisms
head injury and headache [68-70]. Findings from this work of TTH [78, 79].
suggest that the relationship between injury and headache There is evidence that chronic TTH is associated with changes
is not strongly related to the temporal proximity of the injury. in brain structure. Research using magnetic resonance imaging
Instead, individuals with lifetime injuries to the head or neck had (MRI) voxel-based morphometry showed that patients with
increased risk of headaches, even if the injuries were remote to CTTH have significant gray matter decreases in areas of the
the onset of headache. In our research, nearly one quarter of brain involved in nociceptive transmission [73]. The gray matter
young adults with TTH suffered from a childhood neck or back reduction correlated with lifetime duration of headache. There is
Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 5
Journal of Headache & Pain Management
ISSN 1698-9465 Vol. 1 No. 1:2
also evidence of white matter abnormalities in elderly patients Non-pharmacologic management of TTH encompasses a wide
with TTH (34% of the sample compared with 7% of headache- variety of physical and psychological therapies. There is evidence
free controls) [80, 81]. Further, recent research shows that CTTH for the utility of therapies such as electromyography biofeedback
is associated with impaired motor learning [82]. CTTH patients alone or in combination with relaxation [91] and physiotherapy
had a deficit in use-dependent neuroplasticity within networks [92], and increasing evidence that cognitive-behavioral therapy
responsible for task performance [82]. may be effective in TTH [93]. However, for many therapies (e.g.,
acupuncture, emotional freedom therapy) there is currently no
In sum, advances in genetic and neurobiological research have
robust scientific evidence for efficacy [9]. There is some evidence
increased our understanding of the complex mechanisms that
that the combination of non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic
may lead to TTH. As the preceding discussion illustrates, there
therapies may be effective in the treatment of TTH [17]. Given
is strong evidence for a genetic predisposition for frequent ETTH
that the underlying pathophysiology of TTH is complex, future
and chronic TTH. Moreover, sensitization of pain pathways in the
studies focusing on the interaction of multi-modal treatments
central nervous system, and disturbances to the cervical spine or
are warranted [94].
musculature from prior injury, are positively associated with TTH.
Research has progressed our current understanding regarding
the means through which psychological factors lead to TTH,
Summary and Conclusions
suggesting sympathetic hyperactivity as a possible mechanism. TTH is the most prevalent primary headache type worldwide
Further, some studies indicate that CTTH is associated with and is associated with significant disability. The prevalence of
structural and functional changes in the brain. By utilizing these TTH differs by geographical region, with the prevalence of TTH
findings, future interventions may provide better treatment in NZ comparable to that of Asia and the Middle East. Further,
outcomes for people with TTH. the prevalence of TTH in young NZ adults is dynamic, with peak
prevalence at age 32 years. For a large proportion of sufferers,
Treatment however, TTH is a persistent problem.
There have been few recent advances in treatment options Although current diagnosis is primarily clinical and based on
for TTH. The treatment of tension-type headaches can be negative associations and by exclusion, a majority of individuals
divided into pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies with TTH do not seek medical attention. Thus, identifying the
[32, 83]. For a majority of individuals with TTH, the mainstays factors that characterize TTH as a specific entity has proven
in pharmacotherapy are simple analgesics and nonsteroidal difficult. Findings from our study suggest that TTH and migraine
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) [32]. In our cohort, over half of are associated with different developmental characteristics. NZ
adults with TTH were taking at least one form of prescription adults that have suffered a neck or back injury, and those who are
medication during the past 12 months compared to 35% of educated and employed are more likely to have TTH. Stress about
controls. In addition, 45% were taking analgesic medications bodily changes in adolescence is also a significant precipitant of
during the past 12 months (most were simple analgesics) TTH. Neurobiological studies suggest that TTH is associated with
compared to 25.6% of controls. Although simple analgesics and sympathetic hyperactivity and structural changes in the brain.
NSAIDs have proved effective in the treatment of acute TTH, their
Further research is needed to reliably determine what is so
efficacy decreases with increasing frequency and chronicity of
special about tension-type headache. Research using the updated
TTH [83].
beta version of the ICHD may shed new light on clinical features
In individuals with very frequent episodic TTH and those with that better characterize TTH. Moreover, a classification system
chronic TTH prophylactic, pharmacotherapy in the form of developed from studies that further examine the epidemiology,
antidepressants is widely used [32]. The tricyclic antidepressant neurobiology, and genetics of TTH is required.
amitriptyline is the recommended drug of first choice as it has
This review also highlights the need for further longitudinal
been shown to have a significant and clinically relevant effect in
research. Prospective studies that elucidate the multiple
the prevention of CTTH [84, 85]. Other evidence suggests that
correlates of TTH across the lifespan can provide clues regarding
the noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant
etiologic mechanisms and factors that characterize TTH as a
mirtazapine [86], and the serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake
specific entity.
inhibitor venlafaxine [87] may have comparable efficacy in the
treatment of CTTH to that of amitriptyline and may be better
tolerated. The effectiveness of other pharmacotherapies tested for
TTH has been variable. For instance, findings on the effectiveness Acknowledgement
of muscle relaxants appear equivocal [88, 89]. Research suggests The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study are
that botulinum toxin is ineffective or potentially harmful, thus is supported by the Health Research Council of New Zealand. Data
not recommended as treatment for CTTH [90]. Overall, research collection was partially supported by a National Heart Foundation
suggests that current pharmacotherapy options are far from Grant of New Zealand and US-NIMH grant MH45070. The authors
optimal. Future pharmacotherapies that appear promising in are indebted to Dr. Phil A Silva, founding director of the Study, Air
the treatment of CTTH include third-generation antidepressants, New Zealand, and the Study members for their participation and
nitric oxide inhibitors, Na+ and/or Ca2+, channel modulators, and continued support.
anticonvulsants [32].
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