2G-Call Flow
2G-Call Flow
2G-Call Flow
Setting up a call between two communication devices seems very quick and very simple operation, but
when we look deeper in to this and analyse this then we can understand that a lot of operations are
happening with in a short span of time.
Before going deep in to this first I will give a brief introduction of various elements included in this
1.BTS-BTS stands for Base Transceiver Station. It is nothing but your Tower which radiates the signal
to your mobile. It is the first player in this operation which always have a touch with the mobile.
2.BSC-BSC stands for Base Station Controller. It is a large unit which controls all the BTS(Towers). We
can say that a number of BTS are controlled by a single BSC. There are so many BSCs present in an
area depending on the number of users and all are inter connected.
3.MSC-MSC stands for Mobile Switching Centre .It is responsible for switching the call to the called
subscriber. A number of BSCs are connected to the MSC and it controls the BSC.
4.HLR-HLR stands for Home Location Register. It is the server which stores the details of the all the
subscribers permanently.
5.VLR-VLR stands for Visitor Location Register. It is the server which stores the details of the all the
visiting subscribers temporarily.
All the above said units are interconnected and plays a vital role in call connection.
Call Setup:
1.When a subscriber initiates a call by dialling a number in his mobile it directly send a request to the
BTS which he comes under.
3.From the BSC the request is made to the MSC to which it is connected.
4.Then MSC sends a request to the HLR to check the information about the caller like account
balance(if pre-paid),live user, area of the caller etc.
5.After checking all the details the HLR sends a acknowledgement message to the MSC that the caller
is O.K. to make a call or not.
6.If that message is O.K. the operation continues or else the MSC sends a NOT O.K. message to the
BSC which has made the request and BSC to the BTS and BTS to the Mobile. At the next instance the
call get disconnected.
7.If the message received by the MSC is O.K. then it again sends a request to the HLR to find the called
party(the subscriber to whom call is made).
8.The called party and the caller may come under the same MSC or different MSC. If both comes under
the same MSC then the HLR finds the subscriber easily and informs the MSC that to which area the
called party belongs. The MSC therefore establishes an air link between the both parties. Thus the call
gets connected.
9.If both parties comes under different MSC then the HLR again search for the MSC to which the called
party belongs and inform the same to the MSC of the caller. Thus the MSC of the caller establishes an
air link between the both parties. Thus the call gets connected.
After the call gets disconnected the Billing is made the Billing Server which is present in the HLR.