The Gampola Period of Ceylon History. RY H. W. Codrington.
The Gampola Period of Ceylon History. RY H. W. Codrington.
The Gampola Period of Ceylon History. RY H. W. Codrington.
lony 2iil
260 JOUR,NAL. n,.A.s' (cEYLoN) fVor. XXXII.
2. X'rom the cletails of the reign given ir.t Mhu it ,ruy
be-concluded that it wa-.{ of ,o11" t*gtir.
llhe orrly clle a.s
to iLs end is. that supplierl by the ,n,irlrro of Mtidav:r,]a Vihar6
in H6'rispattu issLrcd in saka 1677. This rehea,rses tlie
TIIE GAMPOLA PERIOD OF CEYtOt'l traditiorral history of the place. The vihare had been
folnded by Valagam Bd,hu, but had fallen into clisrepair,
TIISTORY when by reason of the rebellion of Boda mapaDandii
RY against
Pard,krama BA,hu of Kurunegala the priests
at the capital
H. W. CoonrNcttox. scattered and one of them, Ndgala Vanaratana
Sarni, w_ent
to the courrtry of Balavita ancl settled at Mtirlavala. Ho
Nearly thirty years have elapsecl since
Mr' E' W' Perera reportecl hi.q desire to restore tire vihA,rd to
of the tire king oI D[di_"J"lt o'utuoblu contribution to the :history
His Life and
gama, wlio, as we shall see, was pari,krama BAhu
V. It
b-"tf.ft periocl in liis paper " Alakesvara
thus seems probable that the reign of parakrama Bnhu
:fi*"* " gn'lS.Cn., XVIII, No' 55' 1904)' new ended in disaster.
material l,as been discovered since' It is' however'
material Vannl Bhuvanalka Bi,hu III,
,to place before the student in a concise form such
'i,l as writers on t'he period o{ten 1. The Mhu calls the next hing Vanni llhuvanaika
as ,,vailable, the more so
really surmise' It is hoped that in Bahu but gives no details. M Raj puts his accession in
fr.,r"nt a,g fact $'hat is fact' will be readily A.D. f327 and assigns to him a ,eign of 14 years. Thc
the {ollowing pages any tlerluct'ion from
distinguished from the fact itself'
Kurunegala tank is attributetl to him (Ceylon Literary
Refore dealing with the Gampola period
proper it is Register, VI, 380). The spurious Adrbulugala sannesc&
necessary to consicler the reigns immecliately preceding the purports to have been given by Sri Naika Bhuvaneha Rahu
year 1344-5.
at Jayavarddhanapura in the Vesak of Saka .1254 (lBB2) to
one Hifi Bandara ; it men.bions Sri Danta ph,ya as having
Parlkrama Blhu IV'
bcen built by the king's father (Bell, Report on the Kegatti
1. The Mha before its continuation under Kirtti$rt l)istrict, pp. 42, 104). Another of Algam Vehera, ir.r Ka!u_
encled with the reign of Pard'krama Bahu
IV' This king gampola Hatpattu claims to have been issued by Bhuva_
stat'ement of
came to the throne accorcling to the explicit neka Bahu in Saka l2b2 (1930), on Thursdal,, the fifth of
the contemporary Daladd' Si''ito in the Saka year 1247
the bright half of Vesak (?.1,.C., gg2).
review from thie
(1325^6), ur.,t it, is convenient to begin our
tlate. The accession of Bhuvanaika Bahu IV' the first of 2. The ?ao I Ahih Liieh, wriiten by Wang Ta_yuan
the Gampola kings, as we shall see' occurred
in Saka 1266 in 1349, speaks of Kao-lang-pu or. Oolombo as visited in
thereignsof twokings' Parak- November, 1330, in terms not inconsigtent with the tlescrip_
iisnn ul.' We thirefore have
rlama Bahu rv aml vanni Biruvanaika ]lahu lrr, ancl the fion of Ibn Batuta given below enAg. (,,,8., XX\rIIt,
or Vijaya B6hu V, No. 73).
rvhole or part of the reign of a third, Jaya
of a reign
iri this p"riua of ninetee'n years' The attribution 3. The name of Vanni Bhuvanaika Baliu frequently
modern Rajauali'ya in
of 24 years to Parakrama Bahu IV by a occurs in the traditional accounts of places in the northern
the lack
o-"rr", h"r"o{ter cited as M Raj, thus is impossible ; part of the Kurunegala District. This king perhaps may
making this king
of arithority in this work is betrayerl by its lrave been a contemporary of Vijaya BEhu V. On
or Saka yeat' but in the other
come to the tlirone, not in any Bud'dhist
the Christian Year 1303'
262 ,TOITIINAI,, R,.A.S. (CDYLON) IVOT,. XXXII. No. 86. - 19331 GAMr,or,A prnroD oI- cErrLoN
hand, a confusion between him and his better known name- Sheikh Uthmdn of Shir6z, which
furnished guides to pitgrim*
sake of Yd,pahu is not impossible. to the peak. ft seems fairly certair., thu"uforu,
" Konak6.r ,, cannot, be Kurunegil-;;;" that
Vijaya Bihu V. '
but must be sought at no great" di";;.; often assumed,
1. Buceessor is called Jaya Bahu by tb.e Mhu,
'Ihis king's the gem bearing country and north from Sripd,da in
but in the 1{S, llne RR, and the B-B is styled Vijaya B6,hu. which Ibn Batuta descended f"o*
oi Citi^utO, through
The ,11 -Baj assigns to him a leign of 12 years, which we mosque mentioned by - il" mountain. Tho
the traveller as yet has not
shall see is probably not far from the truth. He is described identified. As to thc ,,Sultan of been
,,He Ko.rui.a" ,, fbn Batuta
in lhe Mhu as being " a very powerful king " (rdje esi maheb- eays : is called by the name of Alkondr
balo). He rnust be the Vijaya Bdhu, montioned in the ola and possesses
the wh'ite elephant . . . rt happened
report oi Ekniifigoda Disd,va oI l82l on the Saman D6vd,l6 to it iu monarch that
the great men of hie
of Sabaragamuva, who " being victorious offered thevillages
and made his son kt"q:i1';"","ffi:f:til,1,1ffi;
Kotaketana, Dimbulwala and Dehipahala "; he is there F,
deprived of his sight.,,1 After visiting
li peak the- Ibn Batuta
placod between Pard,krama Bahu IV and Mahafu Pdrakum went to Dondra, Galle and Colomb-o.
of Jayavarddhanapura (cf. Ceylon Antiqua,ry, X, pt. 2, p. 96). This last place he
alser1\1 as in the possession of a Muslim
2. This Vijaya Bd,hu also must be the king of tho name named Jalasti,
who held it with an Abyssinian gur"irorr.--
belonging to the " Pard,krama varh6a." under whom Sile- Abyssinians were
often employed as elaves in IndiJ;
u fo"t."uu
varirda composed the Pdrami' Mahd, Sataka. This priest was of these at Janjira is mentioned in the and settlement
the pupil of Dharmmakirtti of the Palabatgala succession, Bombay Gazetteer,
1896, Vol. f, pt. ii, p. 84, The
point to be noted hereisthe
who lived under Bhuvanaika Bdhu of Yd,pahu. He himself presence of a foreign strongholJ
later assumed the name of Dharmmakirtti, under which he
in corombo. This in com_
bina.tion with the apparent removal
appears in the Gadal6deniya inscription of the third year of
of the royal seat,to the
neighbourhood of Adam,s peak and
Bhuvanail<a 'Behu IV. He presided at the Convocation
its undoubted trans_
ference to Gampola in the next
reign *r,rt qoufUy the state_
held in A.B. l9f2 (1369-70) a,nd died at the age of ll0. He ment of the Mhu as to. the might of
had ceasod to be Sarfigharaja before the Convocation of Vijaya tsahu. Even in
the Hill Country at this perioJ the
Sid,uiuoaq.a Kailaim_potr,
A.B. f939 (1396-?). At the latest then this Sildvadisa w&g shows the local bandaras to have
1""r, ,.""yiorbulent.
born about 1285 ; if he died shortly after the assembly of
1369-70, his birth must be placed at the earliest about 1259.
4. perhaps with Vijaya Bd,hu V has to be identified
the " Vijaya parakkari Behu ,, of Gu*poiu,
He can hardly have composed the Poramr, Mahd' Botalca tle []narhbuud,-Ttarampariiaa married twowho according
before the age of 20, Thus Vijaya Bahu of the Pardkragra fMd,yingamu-rafa, sisters from
varir5a must be the king now undor discussion.l
not as his principal queens, by
whom he had four children. :.ecessarlly
TLe son b;.;;" a priest under
3. fn August, 1344, Ibn Batuta le{t tlie Maldives for the name of Rahula anrl was given
Ceylon. He found the "sultan of Ceylon," Arya Cakra- Gaigatilaka Vihare.
Of the three daughters, one, Ratipathd,mi,
vartti, recently engaged in the pearl fishery, and was supplied died childless.
Pa,trpath6mi, marriei Danturd Banddra
by him with guides to Adam's Peak. The seat of the Sinha- T,"...:"13,
obtained the Unaribuva lands; she and
lese king was " Konakd,r," situated between two hills, Rubies had ;fi;;,J::
were found here, and outside the city was the mosquo of l. Voyages d,Ibn Batoutalr. .. rzffi
p. ttJ?-!:
t. n. f,he
tho nams as y...conar.,,
C";;;.i 1*""^,"'",
ru^'|\:P,: howsver.,is Lno translation gives
name'amo ,f::%::
Alkonir aa ,,c,,-r .-1lf f.l_.1bi", p".t""i[."i_r.i,Jir.i
l.-;rl**t M"ha Sk*k", loO-f ro,'J oaanor^*ainnaroyo, *,iilf"f
w'LUUr ane thenT:*ytlh
and rnen reneared--w-ith
re "*G;,;;;;'# iiit$;:;,ir ;*:";lifi
tho namo ,r .r"rr-
vv. 4"13 in tho colophon, p. 784; SE., p. 400. vowel. See.rn,,t,S. C'a., xxrxltcl.
zs,li'jo"ol "' "-."r.iu"J.ulli
264 JOrIriNAr,. li.A.s. (cEYLoN) [Vor,. XXXII
No. 86.-1933] cAMpoLA pEnroD or cEyLoN nrsrony 265
The Lirird, Diigiri Kumdrihd,mr, was the great grancimother Bhuvanaika Behu's name in the Lafrketilaka inscription
of Tennakon Maha Disava antl Kuda Disava'l in his thild year or about 1347 is an indication that his
5.'l'liere seem t,o be but two 'insariptions ol'the reign' predecessor had to
reign, the accession o{ Vijaya
The Kiilar.liva Kitsirimevan Vihare epigraph relates l'hat Bahu, whpther ag sole ruler or not, may have to be put some-
after the elapse of 1887 years of the Budtlhist era, that is what later or about 1336. Some colour is lent to this supposi-
in A.D. i344-5, Vilgammula nrlaha himi of tlre Gairgatald' tion by the date A.B. 1894 (1351-2) assigned by the NB,
Karambavald,na succession, with the help of the minister S,H, and, following these authorities, by the l?,8 and Mhu
Alagakkonara, the tenth irr the lineage of NiS6amka Afagak- to the fourth year of Bhuva,naika Bdhu IV. This leaves
konAr" who came of the Vairci desce.rrt, repaired the vihdre' eleyen or twelve years for the reigns of ParS,krama Bdhu IV
whichhadbeenmairrtainedcorrtinuorrsiyfortengenerations and Bhuvanaika BE,hu III, that is if this last named king
ofthe(monastic)successionfromt'hereigno{Kit'silimevan' was not for some time a contemporary of Vijaya Bdhu V.
Slaves etc. were received from the hing, llut' his name is
possibly belongs to t'he next reign' Bhuvanaika Bdhu IV-
given. This record
ih",lut" is quoted wrongly by Wickremasinghe asr A'B' 1876' 1. We now come to the first of the Gampola kings,
Another inscription rela'tes to a private clonation of fields Bhuvanaika Bahu IV. There can be no doubt as to the
at vilvala Vihare in uda Hev[hti,la a,r'rd is dated in the date of his accession, as it is clearly given in the Larhk6-
year of Siri Saigalro Sri Vijaya Balru cakra'vartti' tilaka and Gadaiadeliya inscriptions of his third year as
A secontl record <if this same year is mentioned on the Saka 1266 (1344-5). Wickremasinghe's date Saka 1264 is
reverse of the Kf;,ragala slab, the obverse of which
contains wrong. As aiready stated, this king's fourth year is equated
a clocument of the eleventh year of Parakrama Behu VI' by the Iv.-S and later books with A.B. 1894 or l35l-2. This
The script ol both sitles clelinitely is later than that of the date seems to be connected with the activities of the minister
Vilvala epigraph, and the style of the operring sent'ence of S6nnlamk6,dhik6,ra at Kd,flcipura in India, at Devunuvara
"l8bcoeo rP @ cr:d cf c -6 aJ O oo mr
the reveri o CIr @ I 5 cr'cJ and at Larirkatilaka, but possibly may re{er to the inquisition
estod O?tJoo.)Q) shows that this is not the original grant of into the state of the Sarhgha and the Convocation presided
Vijaya Bd,hu but a schedule attachecl to that of Pald'krama over by Vanaratana of Amaragiri-vasa, in which case the
salru vr. Its contents wili be cliscussecl rvith the fourth year may be that of the king's rule counted from
of the Alagakkonara farnilY' the death, abdication or deposition of his predecessor. If
the year 1894 is meant to be the fourth from the officia,l
6.Assuming for t'he moment that both the K6ragala
Behu V' we accession, it undoubtedly is wrong.l
and the Vilvala inscriptions refer to our Vijaya
Iind that his reign lasted at least for l1 years' If its end is 2. The M ,Baj gives Bhuvanaika Bdhu IV a reign ol
marked by the accession of Bhuvanaika Bahu
IV and seven years. The Vgiriya D6vd,le inscription, however, of
Pardkrama Bahu V, who both came to the throne in the Saka 1337 and A.B. 1957 refers to a grant in the tenth year
1266 (1344-5)' its initial point will o{ this reign by Sri Parakrama Bahu Epa. fn the present
same Saka year, namely,
be about 1333-4' Co-regen"ies, however' in the Gampola state of our knowledge we must' allow this king a reign from
;rg:":l'"-3"" t:YlY!-1in":'1"':1"': " 1344-5
to 1354.5.
to 1353-4 at ieast,, or, if the tenth year be expired,
oi his collect'ion calls the t<;nX
I. Nevill's pr6cis m&nuscrrp[
.uiXr' guhu t.Ol tt " templo Larhk6tilalra' brri tlLo
l. A}:a Narendracuitd,ualokanappradipikduo gives A.B. l8g0
against him. ior the coronat,ion, doubtloes calculated {rom the year l8g4 in the
(cnvr,oN) [Vol' XXXII I{o. 86.- 1933'l (,+AMpoLA PEltroD OF CDYLON ursrony 267
266 JouRNAr,, B.A.s. .
' 4. In Saka 1282 (1360) t'he ministers ment'ioned in the I Arya Cakravartti levied tributo from tho hill and low
I districts and the nino totamun\s. Afagakkondra, in this
Vigulavatta inscript'ion are Sivalkofu Lakdivu Adhikdra, ;f
book called Alake6vara, objecting to tbis tribute, built the
*no nua aheady appeared in Saka t28l in the preceding fortrese of Jayavarddhana K6ttE, provisionecl it for a siege,
r"tg" S*u Larirka- ldhikar., the founder of 'Larhkatilaka; and then hanged the Jaffna king's tax collectors. A.yu
PurAkru** Pal,ird,ja ; and Virasirirha Patirdja'
Cakravartti thereupon dispatchecl an army from Soli-ratra
The government by S6ndlarirkddhikdra as Senevirat or the C6|a country with instructions to attack Gampola
must be placed after 1360 and before the accession to power and Kdtt6 on one and the samo day. The rand force advanced
of Alagakkonara. In the Unainbuae-Ttarampardua SEnadhi' by way of Matale, and Bhuvanaika B6hu of Gampola fled to
pati raja is saicl to have restored the Unafiibuva property Rayigama. The Hill Country army, however, attacked the
io the youngest of the seven daughters of Patipathdmi and Tamils by night and routed them. The Jaffna troops, which
Dantur6 Ban{Era, apparently after the death of " Vita came by sea, landed at p6,nadurE, advanced to Colombo and
Parakkarir B6,hu." encamped at Gorakdna in Demafagoda, ,,holding the inter_
The Niyangamp6ya document of 1374, now existing vening country by a continuous line of defence.,' AlakeS_
only in copies, describes the activities of the two ministers vara defeated them in various engagements (O6aJ Od) ,
Alagakkondra antl Bhd,skara, the Jaya Maha LE Si!5'4a' destroyed the ships lying at p6nad.ur6, and went back to
who are compared. to the two brothers the sun and moon' Rayigama, Bhuvanaika Bdhu returning to Gampola.
.{lagakkondra is here oaid to be the " lord of the excellent
city ol Vaflci, crest jewel of the Valik v&rh6a," and Bhdskara Of the two acoounts the almost contemporary NB must
to be o{ the " Yipra v&fr64," which norurally should mean be preferred. It is certain that the attack by Arya Cakra_
the Rrahman casl,e. It is the first named of this pair who vartti took place in the reign of Vikrama Bdhu III. The
is tho chief figure in the reigus of Vikrama Behu III and of Niyangampaya record of lB?4 speaks of Alagakkondra
his sucoessor. He seems to have risen to prorninenae after before that date as having beaten the Arva, that is Arya
1360. f
Cakravartti, and also of both him and Jaya Maha L6
5. Tlte Mhu, rvritten in the oighteenth century, follows Sitrar;a as having repelled the enemy. It seems likely that
the /l-R and states that Afagakkondra o{ the Girivatrr6a lived the Convocation of A.B. f g12 (l869-70), the account of
at, Pdrd,tle4iya on the Mahavdligaiga, built Jayavarddhana which is placed by the -l[B after ilre JalTna defeat, was
Kotte and dwelt thore. 'l'he 1{$, composed some ten years intended to restore tho discipline of the Saligha, which
or so aftor his death, gives his birth-place as Rd,jagr6ma or
had sufiered during the subjection of the country to the
Rayigama. According to this chronicle, finding it expedient
that the enemies of the country and religion should bekept Tamils. The introduction of Bhuvanaika Bdhu by the
at a d.istance, Afagakkondra built the fortress of New Jaya' author of the .Baj possibly may be clue to knowlecige of the
varddhanapura at D6,rugrd,ma, not far from the harbour ol Maydra Ba,nileiaya, which describos Bhuvaneika, BAhu V
Colombo, and stationed himself there with the army. There' and the fi,pd (Vira BEhu) as being at Gampola and Alagak-
upon Arya Cakravartti, the king of Jaffna, came with an kondra as at Rayigama. This Alagakkondra, however, as
ormy of Tamils at one and the same time by sea and land we shall see, w&s Vira Alake6vara, the ,, nephew ', of the
but was clefeated, Afagakkondra capturing his encampments conqueror of the Tamils. The confusion between the two
at Colonrbo, Vattala, Negombo antl Chilaw. The Rai, ha's continued to the present day. The flight to
whioh gives the traditiortal account, of a Iater age, states that
the^r, has
JouB,NAr,, R,.A.s. (cEYLoN) [voi-. XXXII;
repucliation by his army' " What profiteth us a king rvho insmiprion of Saka lBil7, A.B. f OOZ
in the VFgiriya
has deserted an army such as we ? " perltaps resulted in the 1a.n.i+rS1.
<lict'atorship of Alagakkorfira. ' Bhuvanaika Bnhu V.
The NB, after <lescribing the defeat of the Jafinese l. Tlie actual year of Rhuvanaika B5hu,s
relates that the minister wa,s admitted into the circle o{ the not giyen in contemporary clocuments. accession is
fi ve ranks of princes @'ur,pad'hi,rdj a, mary(alikard'i a, 1t tad'eiard'ja, According to the
Nr9, however, up to, his
antarabhogikirciia, and' anuidsakaraja)' The titie actually elapsed from the death of^ljfteenth
year lg2g years hafl
in use was prabh,urriia. The Niyangampdya, document our nuaana.,, The Rdjauaritia
gives the year A.B. IgI4 (lg7l-2)
states thathe "received the sovereignty " (dcd:s $ Czij from for the *::"'-probaLlv
crlcutatit-,n t,o* tt'o al");",":::'::: ''l:
e bv
Vikrama Bd,hrr; in the next reign he is styled Srt' Lathk'id'lf i'
aa,re,. There is no doubt' that he became the real ruler or
nrreenrr year was
if expirecl in "J,,":r_jfi
f;" *;lj
dictator of the Sinhalese country' His religious endow-
ments were many. The IIIS mentions the Siidurugiri 2. 'Ihe Jength oj the reign is uncerl,ain.
Vihd,r6, pirive4as called Vaflcipurapurandata, Girivarh6a-
sa1'B: " fn the twentieth y"u" 'of ttrat iln.,uanaikaThe ffB
Sekhara, ancl Nissariika Alakesvara, as well as vihares in the
the .sulnr,rufu,Qu of bhat king, Vira
Ud;; ; the -Mehenavara
neighbourhood of his birth-place, Rayigama' The Niyan-
family came to the rhronel, (65.{'ioiO)
Ohap. XC, has : ', When i;;-;;;,
gampaya record speaks of his restoration of the Larhkd'tilaka the time of this king_after
he had
held swav for twenty years-had
Vina.e- ut Kd,la4iya, built by Mit Seneviradun in t'he Daihba- a ma,n cailetl
Viralrahrr altuinetl tlrc ror..rl rti-,,i+..,,"*nt*u,
;i, :
deniya time, about 1374. The Kitsirimevan Vihh'r6 at the
sum" pluc" had been restored in 1314-5 wit'h the help of the
family. The Niyangampdya VihSrE was restored and
is_ ba,sed on rhe
Vegiriya i'scription of. I.4l5, t,o*".r"., ll:
orl-"'it es to Bhuvanaika
amplifiecl by Jaya Maha LE Sitdrra also about 1374' -Bdhu dedications in hjs 20th tl,r,l
il-;;h, or perhaps his
:- n" reignecl, ut r"u,i-i,,"ionre,
6. The insuipt'ions of the reigrr ale irtll;tiii_#lr* until t405_6,
(I) Larirkdtilalia, third year, 15th waxing lnoon of 3. The king,s relationship
tJiduvap. Engraved immediately below tlrat to Vikrama R6,hu fff, with
whom he was associr
of the tliircl year of Bhuvanaika Bdhu IV' wi j esirrh a,s o",,,io,, i' il|"']l ]J+"i
(2) Mii,clavafa in Harispattu. third year, 18th) waxing tleeds of Alagahkonar:1, proceetJs , ,,Arr,l
moon of UriduvaP.
I']lt t: that city (sc. t<otto) t y tf," .,oi"thjs man becamo
Bahu V." ilhe r-orrls ,,thin nil,n ,, nf Bhuvaneka
(3) Vigula'vatta, fourth year, sth waniug moon of and Geiger transla,tes ,, ln tfrot
o""'"rro, in the original
AsaJa, Saka 1282. Published in tsell's Report on : to_, tf""Or,r,
"*ir.n Ot rrrraneka_
bdh, was (ki'g).', The l?1J, hnruo,"r,
the' Kegalla D'istrict, p. 79' Now in tire Kandy supplied the
material to tlie eighteenth century
M.uoeum. ;;;;,1"" of
defi'itely states that AJa gar,k koriara_i"."^J'Ur"* the Mhu,
(4) Niyangarnp5,ya {copies only' That in the British Irehu (Rh,uuo,neka Batti Bhuvanaika
Museum is in Or. 6606 (f65)' Another with (iampoia. Tlie evidence, ."r* ;";;;;;;-"ro,1 o.,a ,,,r.a in
af ttrc Siritttala Atro,nagaluuarhia, _g"i^iinr, on the part
Ilr. H. C. P' Bell). Navan amd"vasa, Slaka 1295'
A.B. 1916, KaliYuga 4474' .r''e etaremenr of rhe ;;;? ;;i"*, is conctusivo.
-EB, itself ; ;h;;;,;;;no
great value,
278 JouRNAr,, R.A.s. (oEYLoN) [Vor,. XXXII.
No. 86.- 1933-] eAM"oLA pERroD oF oEYLoN nrsronv 279
are :-
of Vira Bahu E,pd,. This oI course took place while Bhuva-
naika Rahu was on the throne, but after the t'rventieth year
# (l) Saganra (JRAS. CB., XXII, No. 65), alreacly
rvhen accorcling to line Mltr compiler this king had ceased r'eferred to.
to reign. (2) Larnkatilaka, ISth year, incomplete.
No. 86.-1g33] GAMroLA pERroD oF cuyr,oN nrsronv 2gl
280 JounNAL, R.a.s. (cDrrLON) fVor,. XXXII.
" After that Kumd,ra Alage6vara, own Bon of that pra-
The Gan6go da,attributed by llr. tsell (Reltort bhrrrdja called Alagesvara ; his father,s bdyd, yfta
on the Kegalla District, pp. 9l fI.) to this reign, is to be Alagee-
vara ; his younger brother Vira BAhu 6pd,
assignecl to Bhuvanaika Bahu yII (Epigr. Zeyt., IIl, p. 62). ; his son Vij"aya
epd, ; his younger brother Tunayesa;
D'Oyly mentions a sannasa of Blruvanaika llehu oiffOtte his uncle (lit. utju.
father) the above mentioned Vira Alage6vara,
granted at Srtdvaka in Saka lg2l (1399_1400). This seems being clefeated
at Rayigampura in battle with (his) "yoor.g""
to belong to a cycle of documents connected wibh the Malala brother Vira
Bd,hu 6p6,, went to the Coast and cominglgain
Kathd,aa and quite likely is spurious. rulecl here twelve
years. Afterwardg when he went away being caught
in the
Chinesc stratagem thro'gh his lcarmmai' a p."_rior*
" The Seven ,, Rulers or Mayors of the palace. Pa,rakrama Bd,hu Epd,, granclson
1or descendant, munuburui
of the above mentioned Senevira.dun (rulecl). After
ilhe -l[B deals very briefly with the reign of Bhuva_ seven persons had passecl arvay, lg5g years from
naika Bahu. After recording the Convocation held by the death
of our Buddha and 1722 years from the establishment
Dharmmakirtti I and Alagakkond,ra in A.B. l9l2 of
(136g_20i, the religion in Larirka in the month of poson hacl treen
it continues :
completed " (BR, p.2gb).
" The harmony of the church then establirhed prevailed
3. ft is clear that between the fifteenth year of Bhuva.
unbroken up to the fifteenth year of Bhuvankabdhu V. naika Bahu V or A.B. lg2g (lJg6.T) ancl the accession
Up to this fifteenth year there hacl elapsed lg29 vears from to
power of Vira Bd,hu about l3gl-2 we have to place
the rulo
the dea,th cf our Buddha. Afterward, in the 20th year of of KurnEira Alalcesvara, [IJ] lron of the great
that Bhuvan6kabEhu, the cousin german (suhurubadu) o! fI], and the first periocl of power of Vira .akeSva,raltll. W;
that king, the Dpe named Virabd,hu of the Mehenavara have seen that Alagakkondra is last heard of in
SoLa tgOa
family came to the throne.', (1382-3). As the harmony of the Sarirgha, rvhich
he estab-
lished in A.B. l9f2 (1969-20), Iasted until 1386_?,
The chronir:le then relates that he "overcame all the it is not
unreasonable to suppose that this last clate marks
his cleath
disturbances (sora siyalu uiEaatl,) of Tamils, Malalas, Moors and the consequent struggle for his place as dictator. Rut
(yonalca), etc., gave gifts to religious persons and cause<J ir he may have been clead before the Vijayanagar invasion
Convocation to be helcl in A.B. lg3g (1896-7) under the of
1385-6. His son prooably enjoyed po*"" fo, a short
presidency of Dharmmakirtti II and Maitreya of Galaturu- timo
only. The Maydla Sand,eiayaseems to have been written dur_
mula. ft was in his time that the _ly'B was completed. His ing the first dictatorship of Vira Alahe6vara
military arrangements are described ancl he is said to have say, 1387 and l3gl-2, when the yuvaraja Vira
[III] or betrveen,
struck terror into the hearts of fierce Loes (uirud,clha janayan,
Bahu apa
was with the king and queen at Gampola and
" opponents ") and to have driven away foreign enemies.
his broilrer
the prabhurija ancl Deva Mantri at Rayigama.
Vira Ala,he6-
It is to be noted that he is always spoken of as dpa. Bhuva- vara \ilas the elder brother.' yet Vira Bdhu ha<l secured
naika Behu V was still alive. appointment as yuvaraja, ancl it probably was l,his
implying as it did the right of succession to the
2. The A'-8, which up to the Convocar,ion of A.B. lgl2 which led to the trouble betryeen the two brothers.
is based on or raiher merely reproduces the _l[S, after the Vira
sentence " The harmony . , . . our Buddha,,, quoted above,
l^T^l: !"yl
his successors
figurcs refer ro rho order oi ahg"kko;;;
then proceecls :
in t hiTi-Jicto. govornmont,
282 JouRNAr,, R,.A.s. (cDYLoN) [Vol. XXXII. No. 86.*lg3B] cAMpoLA pnRroD ojr clryroN nrsrony
Bahri was stthurubad,u or brother-in-lalv of the king' There the fshnd. The king tried to entrap the
ambassador, but
is no cloubt as to his name. The Rajauant"4a, hov'ever, a was himself captured, and sent u p"iJoner
to ohina with his
late v'ork, calls him Vijaya Bahu and places lris accession ytl:., "],tl$ren, and leading *"rr. Th"*" arrived in China
in A.B. f934 (139I-2). The /?B assigns to him d reign of tn trne nmth year of yung_lo on the 9th clay of
twelve vears but omits the subsecluent rulers up to Pardkrama
the seventh
month, that is on July Zg, l4lL. On being
As Vrra AlakeSvara's second period of power bidden bythe
Bahu VI. emperor to select the most worthy person
as king, the cleposed
according to tlie S-Il lasted twelve years and he was carried ruler and his family unanimously choseyeh_pa _nai-na(d,,pi7nan),
ofi by the Chinese not later than 14II, Vira Bd'hu [IV] must who was sent out as king uncler Chinese suzerainty,
have governed at the most for some severl years, that ir superseded monarch also being dispatcherl
frorn 1391-2 to about 1398, for we have to allow for his trvo
to Oeylon.r The
now prince according to the Woo-heo_pden
(b. Lviii, p. b)
sons Vijaya ApalVl and Tu4ayesalVll, and at the least for was Seay-pa-nae-na, afterwards ,ru_"d pu_la-ko-ma
five vears ; in all probability he rulod for more than five, as La-cho (Parakrama Bd,hu rdja). As this
fi,pd, was sent from
the .l{S was completed after the Oonvocation of A.R. f939' China, he almost certainly cannot have
been pard,krama
Some manuscript notes of dates at Malvatte Vihd'r6 give Behu VI; the Chinese_historian may
well turru p"".rrrn.J
his date as A.B. 1941 or 1398-9, but the authority for the that this K6ffE king, who in r4BB anri rater paid
statement is rtot' hnown. tribute to
the emperor, was identical with the prince
chosen in china.
4. The NS mentions the domestic and foreign troubles Accorcling to Couto the deposecl king on
his return to Ceylon
at the beginning of Yira Bd,hu's reign. The reference t'rvo years after lris capture *u, *u..l"r"d
by ,,Alagexerol,,
doubtless is to the civil war between the two brothers. Vira
Alake6varaflll], perhaps after the death of Vira Bahu, returned
from India, re-assumed the government, and continued in ritl"gual inscription in Chinese, Tamil, and persian,
:_S an account of the presents
power for twelve years. This number of years is also grvrng oflered to Arlam,s peak
attributed. to " Alagexere " by Couto. But this aut'hor 'rnd Dondra (spotia Zeyl-, VIII, pt. xxx, Igl2; Ettigr. ZeyI,,
l'Ir, No. 36) ; it is dated tho firs-t
follows the same inversion of events as the Raj and makes aoy or the second month
rn the seventh year of yung_lo o"
Afake6vara to rule the country after the removal of the Fj",ru.y lb, 1409. The
.:*ptives arrived in China a,t the
king by the Chinese. The almost contempora,ry B.B puts encl of July, t4l l. Speculation
it beyond d.oubt that it was Vira Alakesvara who was kid- .:s to the preciso date the. kidnapping is uselJs.. Ch";;
ir,o was on a tour of inspection
nappecl, a statement corroborated by the Chinese authorities- is no reason to
The Raj, as we shall see, makes the captured king to be.
ii:lppose ""a'tfrl.u
that he was in any hulry to get to China. We
Vijaya Bahu IV.
lirly know of two visits to C"yf"" byback this officer. The
irscription of l40g from its date
and theienor of itslvordingz
The Raj gives the Sinhalese version of the affair. Accord-
ing to the Chinese sources Cheng Ho was sent' out in 1405
by the emperor as ambassador to the Western Seas and _. .ri.I. Uing Shih, c.B26,JRAS. Cj., XXIV, No.68, p. llg; pion-i-
c. 66. i6.. p. 9rj T"nnnri,
arrived in C:ylon. The king Ya-lieh-k'u-nai-erh (Al gak- ; C"yui', i:'dri,'di;:
2. " Of late. wo have .lespatched rnissions
kxAra[III]) plotted mischief and the ambassailor left. It is I f..nig', nat ions. and rlrrriirg to announco olu mandat
t,hot; j;;;;;;;;;"ihu o"ou,n rhey havc
statecl that the king was at enmity with the neighbouring ,', :l,j:":1.:jlJitl-tl-g-?t.'sing or ytur rrJ""n"u,.i proteoion. Thev
r^ u qrsdsrcr. or mrslorbulro and journoycd
states anil that frecluent border raids wore the reslrlt. Later t' ovr'rlasting recognition in s,'afotv
of 5.our iupr.r11^ virtue. .Wo,,othorefore.
' 'uu' offerirrgs in ricomp.nse.'and "".f
on, Cheng Ho again was sent to foreign countries and visited do'nor'..uo."nfly present before
'.,;.r.rha, rhe TJonoured- oiru, oriruiio"i".".";:,'"fie.
zeyl., ItI,p. 337).
284 JouB,NAr', R'A's' (cDYr'oN) [Vor'' XXXII' No. 86.-f933] GAMpoLA pERroD or cEyLoN srsrony 2gE
*Jr" totorully to the second v:.yage rather than
belongs AlakeSvara tlr,ice, as is actually done by the S,B itself,l we
,"-ifl" first, which began in 1405' and'' until fresh evidence find that Par5krama Behu VI actually rvas the llbth king
availa,ble,wemayconcludethatthekidnapBingofVira of the SuluvaftSa. This, in addition to the definite statemepi
perhaps 'early in l4l0'
li;;;;a,;t is to be placed in 1409 or from Ceylon
of the B.B that Pard,krama Bd,hu VI came to the throne
U Cooto is right in stating t'hat he was absent after " the seven " rulers had passecl away, is conclusive
in l4l2' 'against any identification of this pardkrama
io, t*o y"urr, hi, return may have been Bahu with the
fr,pd, of the same name, who was one of ,,the
tho seven.,, The
5. Vira AJake6vara ruled for some years during at least two, however, seem to have been contemporaries for a few
reign lasted
lifetime of Bhuvanaika Bd,hu V, whose years, Parakrama Bdhu VI counting his reign from A.B. lgbb
until Both the S"R and the
until 1405-6, if not 1407-8'
il4l2)as well as from lg58 (l4lb).
of him as Vira Alake6-
Chinese authorities agree in speaking
vara or Afagakkondra [III], and there is contemporary 7.
To sum up. The approximate dates of ,, the seven ,,
evidencethat.he*u*k,'o*''byanyot,hername'There rulers are as follows. The second column gives the dates on
was, therefore' no such king
as " Vijaya Bd'hu Vf'" The bhe supposition that the year of the Galle inscription
is that
Bdhu of the l(d'ragala irrscription must be
Vijaya of the capture of Vira Alake6vara :-
Bd,hu V.
to tho SA' IIII Kumdra Alake6vara c. 13g6-7
6. Tho next' and seventh ruler' according [trII] Vira AJake6vara c. 1387-8-I391-2
the sixth i{ we exclude one government of Vira Alakesvara'
![V] Vira Bahu l39l-2-c.-l397_8 r39l-2-1397
*u, rrma Bdhu 5'palVffi' " grandson " 1m'unuburu)
oI --.\
He may l! I vlJaya apa
th" S"n"oirudot, that is of S6ndlarhkd'dhikira' i l-I1 Tunayesa j
o, -"y not have been the prince selected
in China' It is Ala,ke6vara
Couto also has the story of the kidnapping' But'w'ith him B. To take the story of Sunetra Devi and t *orrr.
it was Dambacline Pandar Pracura Mabago or Bao (Pard'krama The accession of pardkrama Bdhu Vf is <iatecl in ",
A.B. lg55
Bdhu II), who was carrierl away by the Qhinese' The (Epigr. Zeylr,III, pp. b3 ff). The traditional story of his
emperor being angry at the affair sent him back to Ceylon' hiding in Four Korales can harcily be assigned
to the few
This king's wiclowed claughter with her two little sons had .years which elapsed between the capture of Vira AJake6vara
escaped at the time of the capture. After the Chinese had IIIII and 1412. Tradition is unanimous that his life was sought
embarked, Alagexere, to whom t'he king had given the govern- by AfakeSvara, and Couto seems to make the period
of iis
ment of the realm, seized the kingdom and tried to get hold secret stay in Four Korales to last the twelve jea"s
of etu-
of the princess and her children, but she hid herself and them l<eSvara's rule. It therefore seems probabte
ihat Sunetrd
in the parts about Ceitavaca. Atter Alagexere had ruled !)evi and her two children fled, not on th" abcluction
from China brought back of Vira
for a little over two years, a fleet Alakesvara by the chinese, but on his return
from exile in
the captive king ; but Alagexere murdered him an<l reigned _{ndia. The reason for his pursuit of the princes
and a (Buddhist may have
for ten years. He left, no sons' chagatar been that they were the next heirs to the
crorin. pardkrama rf
priebt) exercised. rule; he restored the elder prince Maha 1laht1 VI was sixteen years oltl at his accession as
stated in
Pru"*^ Mabago, and gave to his brother Madune Pracura 'r,be Raj, he must have
been born about 13g6 ancl have been
Ilabago the dominion of the Four Korales' It will be noted tyo years of age when Vira Alakedvara returned
1,b11t from
that ihe twelve years here assigned to Alagexere agree with india ; his brother thus will have been an infant
in arms.
the length of the reign allotted to Vira AlakeSvara by the 4. ?he question now may be asked how the captured
BR, and also that Parakrama Bahu VI according to the iiinhalese ruler, whom we know from contemporary
Pareui Sanrleiaya, vv. 196, 197, did have a brother, the to have been Vira AlakeSvara
yuvaraja of MayadununuYara. . Apart from the contemporary
il,ter times as Vijaya Bahu. fi wit be
came to be known in
noted that (l) some
BR, Couto', is the earliest account of the capture of the versions of lhe Raj contained a pedigree
of pardkrama Bahu
Sinhalese ruler which we possess' We may observe that rioarly taken from the parakuiba iirita,
and also (2) that
there is no mention of the fortification of K6t'tE and the i,i':r,dition knew the king carried ofl by
the Ohinese either as
Jaffna war. L':lr6,krama Bahu of Dadrbadeliya
as in Couto,s account or
as vijaya Behu as in the text of oan Raj. Now verse
2T of
2. Two, il not three, independent stories, therefore' tite Pciralcumba Birita, as so often in Sinhalese
is. not free from ambiguity.
have been incorporated in the Rai. One relates the revolt , The words coQO 6eUOl
against Arya, Cakravartti, led by the great Afagakkond'ra lI]'
a5g 8tf s/d.e@
_a*'ay6O "fiai.ama mean (a)
" grandson (or descendant)
in the time o{ Vikrama B6hu III. Another gives an account of f.ir1g (who was)
Savulu Vijaya Bahu,,, o, 1ay ,,son of king Savuru
of the capt'ure of the Sinhalese ruler by the Chinese, and' illil:t T:g
separated from this by the Jaffna war, the adventures of the
]li: ly"l:h"]g4)
grandson of king *rr"J,;*il; :
The U..r "
young prince, the Iater Par5,krama Bahu VI, and his mother o, /a,_wlrich gives"u.
tho pedigree of R,aiasir;tra-ii os
a grandson or king
'rvrra, ;h.';;*;;.[ii,ie
Sunetrd, Devi. We know from the S-R that t'he ruler carried viri*_;;#iil:i.
1*rg eclcd.. cr6zc$t6 ococ
off to China was Yira AlakeSvara IIII] and from Chinese v*c 6me",
xit _'
ocont gcodd
,rqdu..,< 6lO
?tdgd e?ra-d,A
^^Eg@-?t-o ^s9s9 Eci3 .f
a)ac.\t c5ctsQ gc6f,
lr)Jwcl e
sources that he arrived in that country in the middle of :* s Grl 5dOro 8:qeOo.l o}l?$tio 669 @',?rJ
Er:,,8 ced ooot eoo;t e**-{Lb oa*06
1411. Ahe Rajhas confused the great AlagakkonS'ra [I] and -a 86o
his " nephew" UI!. R&1,:i.sirirha o1@ cog
w&s son of sonarat by D. catharina.
290 JouliNAL, R,.A.s. (cEYLoN) [Vol. XXXII. No. 86..-lg88] GAMpoLa pDRroD
or cEyLoN rrrsrony 291
difficulty of interpretation rvas not felt merely in our times A strong point against the iclentification is the
is shown by the fact that Couto, whose informant made improbability of par5krama Bahu having great
been at the court
Parakrama Behu II to be the captive king, also calls Sunetrd of the rul6r, from whom he haa been
Devi his wiclowecl daughter, while the compiler of the existing childhood ; yet his presence there
in hiding since his
is necessr,ry if he was
Raj clearly took the pedigree to mean that Parakrama B5'hu carried oII to China.
VI was son oJ Vijaya Bahu, his mother naturally thus becoming 6. One matter still requires elucidation. This
Vijaya Bahu's queen. Once this last vievr of tlie pedigree identity of the Alake6vara said by tnu is the
was accepted, the insertion of the name Vijaya Bahu easily killed when parakrama Bahu VI
noi to have been
followecl. That Pardhrama Bdhu VI's father was not a to the throne. Couto
"u " by ,,Alagexere ,,
says the deported ruler was murdered
Vijaya Bd,hu is, I think, quite certain' The ,S-B was written his return to Ceylon,a little over two on
early in his reign and contains a mass of material laudatory y"or. after his capture.
But the deported ruler was Vira Al#esvara
o{ his descent. Yet it nowhere says that his father was & The tradition related by the Raj no [III] himself.
reigning king and it knows of no Vijaya Bd,hu among " the doubt is true. The time
of Vira Alake6vara,s return from China rnust
seven " who preceded him, the last king of this name very near that of pardkrama, Bd,hu
have been
being Vijaya Bdhu V. Another point is that Vira Afake6vara VI,s accession and his
removal was necessarl the security of the
was of the Mehe4avara varirSa on his father's side (Sagama {or ,,Alagexlre f.i"g.
inscription) ; the Kott6 kings in their documents alwayg
Couto's story of the murder of ,, on the""*night of
his landing after a reception ,,witli very
claim descent {rom Sumitra. For this reason alone Pardkrama deceitful demon-
strations " *uy be compared with
Behu VI cannot have been the son either of the ruler caried the lo"ot t.ujru;; ;;;;
by Mr' E. w. perera, according to which
off by the Chinese or of his brother Vira BEhu as stated slain at his coronation festival.
Alakesvara was
in the Malvatt6 Vihd,r6 manuscript notes of dates' The
Kudumirissa inscription, cited in support of the content'ion
7. No comments are necessary on flre story of
forbification of Kott6 and the Juffrru, the
that his father was a king, seems to be of Pard'krama Bdhu wo". A possiblo
explanation has been suggested a,bove
VIII. It confirms a grant made by the reigning king's tl:,e Eaj that Bhuvanaika, BEhu
for tho assertion of
father. The end of the document shows that the father fled from Gampola,
that the Alagakkondra-or.AlakeSvara ";rt
was " Srr Parakrama Bahu V!ida'un-tii'n'" The script [III] of the Mayura
B*nd,eiaya was confused with his ,ru-"*t
is notthat of the time of Pardkra,ma Bdhu VI'l the Girivarir.a
' 5. A short note is desirable as to the identification with ilf The compiler of the Raj may also well"'of have known that
the yuvaraja or fi,pa himi of llot po"rn
was vira BEhu. rf oo,
Pard,krama Bahu VI of the 5,p6,, select'ed by the Chinese fhe statement that the nephew of parakrama
BAhu II lived
emperor to succeecl the kidnapped ruler' As already stated' 'lt Gampola is explained. ; his name also was Vira Bd,hu.
it seems almost certain that the two were diflerent persons'
. The Gampola Dynasty.
l. Tlre Vrtcr' Ratndkora Pa'it'ciker' VRAS: CB',-XXII' .N-t' ,911
p. 3351 ealls Parikrarna Bdhu V['s father " Java Md Io mahipatl' f .
Traditionally the Garupola princes belongetl
But. ntaht put i is used 1 I ) o[ Rhuvanaika Bdhu tlto time oLMagna r, ,
.uenenavara to the
and ( 2 ) ot V rra Bfr,hu, the n.p[i'* oi ll, t5l<ratna 'ba ntt tl (Mnu" L)(X XL
varhSa, though there seem.s to be no
e ; t,XXXlII. 46: LXXXVIII' ti7); ncither was a king' S1t.n",tll cvidence therefor. The RR, however, states that the founcler
D:vi is called bzlso-, but this t'erm is used vory loosoly' . It rs apPirecl rl a capital. called Vtra V;f.."rr* in the
tl:re Raj to VicJ.iye Ba4dita's wiIo. If used in its striet sonse it may i'i,Kandf ^a1 Mhu ot
well h#e boen c"onferrecl t v ttt" t ittg on his nrother after his accession' I'll{rama l3ahu by tradition and in his own documents, was
tir. tlife deui was *o "o.1""*O- ut "- ,ou"t of lonour, cf' Epigr' Zeyl'' nntnuburu of Jaya Maha
II, No. 36. Lna Savufu pard,krama Bahu on
(cnYLoN) [Vol' XXXII' No. 86.-1g33j GAr'por,A prRroD on cEyLoN Hrsror.r
,n, JouRNAL' R.A.s. 2g3
country. This was in pard,krama BEhu I,s principality
theonosicleantlofVikramaB6huoftheMehenavaravam6a before he became king and therefore somewhere
on the other ; this last Vihrama Behu can hardly be any i, south of
Kala Oya.. The Moriya country, of course, derived the
other than Vikrama BShu III accoriling to t,he prrlsent, state tt
name from the Maurya princes, and it
of our knowledge.
is possibJe that the
story of the peahen arose from a misunderstanding
of the
The Mehenavara varh6a claimed descent from the prince name and a popular derivation of it from
Skt. mayira, pali
Bodhigupta, who with his brothers brought the Bo tree from moro. 'Ihe district perhaps is the same as Havuluva.
India, by his marriage with Sunan<16' the ex-nun (mehet.zi)' ;
According to the Pil'iiiuatiya Bodhigupta was created " Lak
maha l6na " and his brother Sumitra " Jaya maha l6nd""
2. Against the contention that the Gampola kings
It was from the last named prince that the Kdt!6 kings
belonged to the Mehenavara varir3a it may be urged thit
Vira BEhu is specifically stated to be of that clan
bracecl their origin. The clescendants of the Sakya princes' in the -l/B
and the works depenclent thereon, and therefore
brothers of A6oka's llueen, who brought the Bo tree, were that the
Gampola liings or at least Bhu'anaika BEhu
known by the general name of Ganavbsi, and in lhe Daladd' V were of a
different familv. But Vira BAhu was the suhurubagu
Sirita lhe royal family appears divided between these and d
,l of.
Bhuvanaika Bahu and not in the clirect descent
bhe Kifirh or Kdliiga clan (P. 58).
Kumara AlakeSvara of the GirivarhSa had been in
; and further
The RE relates how a Brahman in Mdyd rafa hid a before. It is also to be rememberect that Vira Bd,hu
was the
treasure antl how his daughter, inflamed by cupidity, was ruler under whom the -l[^_g v,as composed or finishecl.
bcrn in a peahen's egg, which was laid over the treasure' mention of his descent, therefore, is nothing
unusual ; it
The egg was taken to king Devanap6' Tissa and a princess only becomes so when taken from the context.
We have
appeared out o{ it. She was called Mayuravati and was seen that Vikrama Bdhu III traditionally
was of the Mehela-
ma.ri"cl to Stryyagotra, another of the princes who brought vara vam6a; it seems unlikely that Bhuvanaika
Bd,hu V,
the Bo tree. She was given Baluvatta, the village in which who was associated. rvith his predecessor on the throne,
the egg was found, and a number of other villages in R'ayigam of another clan.
Koral6, Md,ybilunna, Kurundgal K6raf6, and SiduruvS46'
The villages where her <laughter lived were called S6bala
(sdbaQa, " peahen "), corrupted later into Savuluva' Her
3. Granted. that these kings were all of or reputecl to
be of the Mehenavara clan, what was their connection
descendant was the Jaya Maha LEna Savufu Pardkrama with
bhe kings of Dadrbadeniya and Kurunegala ?
Bd,hu mentioned above. Now Savuluva or Havuluva was That there
was some kind of revolution seems certain,for
the name of an extensive gabad6gama or rather group of 1344 speaks of the father of the reigning
lbn Ratuta in
royal villages in Seven Korales, covering roughly the same king as having been
deposed and blinded, and as still living in
coontry as the modern Mayuravati K6ral' Saaulu prefixed ,lallen ruler he calls
the capital. Tlii,s
to royal names has been taken to mean SAlrya lcula' but' Alkonir, that is AfJgakkonara. Now the
probably in its origin was the name of the place *1ts1s fhe jflaSlkkonara family r-as of the GirivJrirSa, originally from
Vaflci in tlie C6ra country ; this clan, if we may
particular king, to whom it is applied, lived or whence hiir believe the
"Niyangampaya record, was of the valik varirsa, the
family took its origin. merchant
or VaiSya caste. Whatever the truth as
In chapter LXIX, 12, 13, of the Mhu we find Larirkd to this last may be,
it seems certain that the family was connected
Mahelana, laya Mahdlana ancl three others, descended from rvith royalty,
for in the twenty-second year of pard,krama
the Lambaka4r,ra (Ld,mani) race, clwelling in the Moriya Bahu II his
294 JouliNAr,, R,.A.s. (cEYLoN) [Vor,. XXXIT. No. 86.--1933] GAMPOLA pERroD ox, oEyr,oN nrsronv 2g5
chief queen was Sunetri Devi of tho Girivasa, that is the of Vijaya Bd,hu V and the anccstor of the Gampola kings.
Girivarir3a.l ft is quite possible, therefore, that Ibn Batuta We may be sure that the flaw in his pedigree, if such existecl,
mahes no mistake r'vhen he calls the cleposed kir-rg Alhond'r' was not fo;gotten by his enemies, and Alagakkond,ra, the
The question is whether he was Bhuvanaiha Bdhu' fII or name-gy which ho was known to Ibn Batuta, may be ciue
Vijava Bdhu V. to this.
The two brothers Bhuvanaika Bahu IV and Pard'krama
Bd,hu V came to the throne in Saka 1266 (1344-5)' X'rom
It may be argued tl,at All<ond,r just as rvell may have
been Vijaya Behu V. Ibn Batuta, however, speaks of one
the length of their reigns it may be judged that they were
son as having been matle king in his place. nor this reason
not, minors at that clate. The double accession thus is
harclly likely to have been the result of revolution ; more
and for the considerations already given touching the
double accession of Bhuvanaika Bahu IV and his brother it
p"ot ut ty it was due to the association of the sons in the
perhaps seems more tikeli- that Alkond,r was not Vijaya
government with their father, then a normal procedure'
Bd,hu Y but his predecessor.
l. *" have seen, it is possible t'hat the inclependent rer'gn of
Bhuvanaiha Behu IV began about 1347' So far as the
dates go, it may well have been Vijaya Behu V who was The internal disturbance, with which the reign of
ruling when Ibn Batuta visitecl " Konakd'r " in 1344' If l Par6,krama Bd,hu IV appears to have closed, favours the
*u o**rr-" him to have been the fzr'ther of Bhuvanaika Bdhu supposition that a new dynasty came to the throne or at least
IV and Pard,luama Bd,hu V, he presumably was orwas that the direct descent, was brohen. The " victory " referred
reputecl to be of tho llehenavara varhsa ;2 yet his " fat'her," to in connection with the Sabaragamuva Saman D6vdlE
*ho *u, deposecl and blinded, was Alkondr or Alagakkond'ra' dedications points to Vijaya BEhu V as being the first of the
ThevariousEuropeanrelationshipscorresponclingwiththose new line. This may have been the case if he was not own
rechoned as " father " and " son " by Sinhalese usage appear ;r
son to his predecessor. ff he was his son, he may have
in Hayley's Sinhalese Laws anil Customs, p' 160' Those by i
1 been responsible for the success{ul revolution against pardk-
which the " son " ig of a different clan from his " father " rama Bd,hu IV and even have been associated with his
are the following : (l) wife's son, (2) rvife's sister's son' father on the throne. Against this view is the omission of
(3) sister's daughter's husbantl, (4) f:r'ther's sister'g daughter's Fardkrama Bdhu II from the ancestors of Pardkrama Bd,hu VI,
i.hat, is, if this Kotte king was descended from Vijaya BEhu V
son, (5) mother's brother's rlaughter's son, and (6) mother's
sister'g son's son. Tirus it is quite possible that tho isee below, " The Descent of Pard,krama Bdhu VI "). On
l,he whole perhaps the balance of the evidence is that Vijaya
d.oposecl ancl blincled king may have been of the Girivarir$a'
llShu V was not own son or own brother's son to Bhuvanaika
On ttt" other hantl, he may have claimed the throno by
rightofclescent,fromParakramaBS,hullanrlhisGirivarirsa Flehu III.
qo".rr. In this case he may actually have been the father
It must, however, be emphasized that there is no certainty
,rs to all this or as to the relationship of Vijaya Bdhu V to
l. X'or the Niyangampd,ya rocortl, soe British trfusoum' Or'DEadlE 666O
ilhuvanaika Bahu IV and Pard,krama BAhu V. The pedigree
ttert. For Sunetrd D;";; ';;; ib.. or. 6606 (115), Alutnuuara
LJ,ZI, *i",' ti;, o' i;". t h;', ;; v"". I bo o .o <i'goo o- s co^o Q q co31 td o' { ;-'f the Gampola kings given by Wickremasinghe is largely
o.rj 66o*, u6a-l'o Omr og8-o oo 6:dOocotdrordoJO'I'howortr l,ased on surmise. All that is actually known is that Bhuva-
bso*i shouldbo SaOceo ,cf.NSundor lho reignof SenaI'
2. Tho " Pard,krama varh6a " of tho Pdrami Mahd Satoka" may laika Bd,hu anc'l Par5krama Bdhu were brothers and had a
moro than- "-lttglrtv linoage"' Brrt eoe frloy, Tho i',,:irqr!.:)n queen, Vihdra Mahd Devi ; that the mother of
Descont oI Paidkrama Bdhu VI"'
296 JouRNAr,, R.A.s. (cIxYLoN) [Vol. XXXII' No. 86.-f 933] G,{MpoLA pERroD or' cDyLON ErsroR:r 2gz
Pa'rakrama lJahu was Sumitra Devi ; ancl that Vira Bahu NiS3arhka Alake$vara (i/B). Vaflci was the olcl Cera capital ;
fi,pa was suhurubadu to Rhuvanaika Bd,hu V, whose queen was the family thus took its origin in the CEra kingdom. As to the
Ja;'asiri Biso. (l or " hill clan," the Cudamani l{ighanrlu, a
4. The term suhurubarlu is the equivalent of the modern Jain work of the eighth century, states that Malaiyaman
ma,ssind,. Tlius Vira Bd,hu's sister may have married the was a name of the CEra hing, who also was knciwn as Vaflciven_
king or he himself may have marriecl the king's sister. On tan or king of Vaiici. According to the Abhid,hd,na lhsam
the forrner supposition not only Vira B5,hu but his brothers
the Malaiyamd,n was the ruler of Malai-nd,clu between Toldai
also stood in the same relation to Rhuvanaika Bahu, in
whi,rh case tlie author of the l[S, who ignores Vira A]akeSvara, und the Cra country with his capital at Kovahr. Krishna-
may have noted the fact in order t,o explain the succession of swami Aiyangar in his Soali Ind,ia and, her Muhammailan
Vira Rd,huto power. Irr favour of the second supposition Inaaders, p. 16, speaks of the country west and north of
is the fact that, while his two brothers were at, Rayigama, Kudalflr as being under Malaiyamd,n chiefs subordinate to
Vira Bnhu not onlv lived with the royal familv at Gampola
but obtained, though the younger brother of the prabhurdja,
I the Cras. Their chief tolvn was Tirukdvalur. Whether
bhe Ceylon Girivarir6a was connected with these chieftains
tlie dignity of yuvaraja and with it the right of succession. is doubtful. As already mentioned, the Niyangampdya
It, therefore, is more likely that he had rnarried t'he king's record speaks of the great Alagakkoni,ra
sister. Bhuvanailia Behu presumably was childless. For [I] as belonging to the
Vanilr varirSa or merchant caste. That this is correct is
other possibilities of relationship, see Haylel', oyt. c'it., p' 159,
borne out by the tradition related by Queyroz (lib. I, cap. 4)
under massind,. It, may be mentioned t'hat the words " own
bhat " Alagueg6ra " was a foreign merchant. But in the
mother's son " in Wijesinhe's X[ha., XCl, 13, are not in the
original. bhirteenth century we find a lady of the Girivarirda as chief
queen to Parhkrama Bd,hu II. The little work on the liistory
The Alagakkoni,ra Family and its eonnection with Royalty. ;.rf the Alutnuvara D6val6, in which this information is given,
1. A separate account' of the AlagakkonS,ra farnily seems :Llso speahs of a royal officer, Girivasfi, (for Girivasii) Abo
to be desirable, though at, the cost of some unavoidable Arakmdndvan, perhaps a relative of the queen. The fact
repetition. ihat this lady was the consort of the king does not of itself
The Kii,laliya Kitsirimevan Vihd,r6 inscription of lrove that she was of royal birth. Accorcling to ancient
A.B. 1837 shows t'hat the Aftr'galdron[ra of the time was tenth lndian custom a Kqatriya s6uldr Ra11y a lady of the caste
in succession from NiS6arhka AJagakkond,ra, who came of the llext beneath his own, and in th, - '3 ages many of the
Vaflcipura lineage. Yilgamniula, then incumbent of the lraiSyas were of great wealth ancl power. We shall see
ternple, also was tenth in the monastic succession, which had rhortly that Afagakkondra's sister actually married. a prince
begun in the reign of Kitsirimevan. This ruler must be the ,rf the Ldmani clan. But whether parikrama Bdhu fl's
uncle of Parfr,krama B5,hu {. \4re rnay conclude, therefore, rrnion with the Girivarhsa lady as his principal queen was
that NiSSarhka Al:r,gakliona,ra livecl about t'he time of Vikrama a. m6salliance is anothe:' matter.
Behu and Gaja Behu II, that is in the second quarter of the
twelfth century.
The i/S mentions one Girivasd, Sen, who hetcl the rank of
The gotra-uirudu names of the f amily in the f ourteenth ..'\rakkd,miyd in the time o{ Sena f. Whether }re was of the
century were Vaiicipura purandara, GirivafrSa-sekhara, and *rme faruily as NiSsarirka Afagakkonara in the twelfth century
298 rouR,NAL, R.A.s. (cDrrLoN) [Vor,. XXXII. No. 86.-- 1933] eArrpor,A pnRroD or. crtrrrr,oN HrsToB,y 2gg
is not known. The name " Girivarir6a " *uy merely indicate ,lhe Huitsa
gatrileittga. whieh, from l,he irlenlitv
that the family so called came frnm Malai-n5,du, the " hill language, must have been written about the same ti;e
country."l (, the Kfi,ragala recorcl, states ilrat Rdganisum Dalasengamu
Migantarul was the ,, granclson ,, of the monk Nagasena
3. As already seen, referring to the year 1344 Ibn V_attala. There stayecl with him (ohu ueta zrz) piyamavavun
Batuta tells us that the father of the king then on the throne (Padmavati), sister of Attaniyaka who was related
was Alkon5,r (Alagakkonara), that he had been deposed ancl to (baitctu)
Alagakkonara. She married Maha Lo Siflgand, Sudasun,
blinded by the nobles, and was then still living. fn this and their graridson was Va'aratana MAhimi of the L:imani
same or the following year, that is in A.B. 1887, the Kitsiri-
t;l clan. He was of K5,ragala. We may observe that this
mevan Vihdr6 inscription, already mentioned, relates a T pedigree introduces another person, Attand,yaka,
benefaction by Alagakkond,ra nam amd,ttottarniyd,Ttan (sic), who appa-
,1 rently is different from the Artthandyaka Migantarun
bhe tenth in succession from Ni3Sarirka Alagakkond,ra. { of inu
Kd,ragala inscription ; he seems to be the brother of Ala,
To this same period belongs the grant of the eleventh $ gakkon5,ra mentioned in the Sdrhhatra ANtanagoluuarh,4&
year of Vijaya Bihu, the substance of which is preserved on t. Saka 1304. The relationship of Migantarun to padmavati
bhe reverse of the K5ragala inscription of Parakrama Bahu Vf . is nowhere stated, though he clearly was in the position of
This states that the vih5,rE was built in the reign of Vijaya lrer guardian or protector. He is described as B6gary,,isuru,
BAhu by Artthand,yaka Migantarun of Dafasengamuva for " chief of the Bd tree establishment,,' and so perhaps may
bhe devotions of the elder sister (sa,hod,ara bahunaniyan) of have been identical with or connected u,ith the Joy* Uut,
Afagakkon6ra pdday5, [I], by name Padmavati, who was LE of the time. lVe havo seen that Alagakkonara-
[1] ancl
with him, that is with Migantarunz (tarnan lafi,ga u.n). The Jaya Maha L6 Sitd,na in t3T4 were as the two brothers the
endowment o{ the vihdr6 is state,c{ to have existed " from sun and rnoon.
the Daiirbadeniya time in the monastic succession of Sri
Rejaguru Vanaratna Mahasvd,mi o{ Kiiragala up to - The Sri Rbjaguru Vanaratna of the Kd,ragala inscription
relating to the grant of Vijaya Bd,hu has been taken to be
this time," namely, tho reign of Pard,hrama Behu VI the Vanaratana Sarirghard,ja of the reign of parakrama Bahu
(sod 8og o106@ q0cqd gO8oo erosry lordcre VI. The wording, however, of the recorcl, untlerstoorl in its
616E67 OodoJtrr Ooc cOc@rsl OooJstsod ecooOzrfQ natural sense, " from the Daribaclerliya time in the monastic
odOeidceOrrJ sOOsd eedOr ). succession of Sri Rajaguru Vanaratna Mahasvd,mi of Kfi,ragala
eAl up to this time " implies that the Rajaguru mentioned was an
earlier monk of the name. Vanaratana I of the Amaragiri_
l. f, of course, was not a cook, as it
Tlna aralckdmiyd undor Sona rvasa, the President of the Convocation under Bhuvanaika
has beon rendored. In Epigr. ZeyI.,I, No. 8, wo fintl an arahtnehelcd,mi
associated with a nrahii-le s,rd" a, darld,nd, undoubtedly high royal Rd,hu IV, traditionally is known as of Devanagala. His
o{ficials, for thc purposo of settling disputos touching the Tooth rmonastic " grandson,', namely, his pupil's pupil, was Vana_
Relic lands. One of the princes who brought the Bd troo according to
the Sirhhala Bodltiaaritiaya was givon the rank ol aralcmEnd,, An
officer with tho samo titie is montionecl in Ni66arirka Malla's Ruanviili ,ratana of K5.ragala (Pustaka Nd,md,ual,i gathD. Was the
Dd,gaba insmiption (4.1.C., No. 145). iRaiaguru the monk known as Vanaratana T ? Antl was
2. Mr. S. Paranavitana on March 22, 1932, wrote : " I recently
prepared a fresh estampago of Vijayabihu's inscription at K6,ragala.
\Vanaratana I also of Kfi,ragala ? Some support for the
The narne in lines 2, 3, can, I think, be read fairly cortairrly as Oarrd
ol1sd Tho letters are not velv well proservod ; but from what ca,n l-;; printcd text gives in v, 183 thc rca:ling Alusengamtt,
bo soen on the stone. this reading is the only possiblo ono. Tho rvord Hunannaru. The inscription shov"s thab the first u.ord shouid be
Miqantar is tho Tamil forrr of Skt. Mahanta l' Dalasenga,tmu. A variant jn t,he manuscripts has Migunturu.
300 JOURNAL, R.A.s. loEvr,oN) [Vol. XXXII" No. 86.*1933.1 GAMPOLA ?aRrOD oI' cEyLoN nrsrony 30I
supposition that he was incumbent of the KSragala Vihd,rd he was dead by 1385-6. The statement of the ,B.E that he
built for an Afagakkonara lady or was in some way connected was at FerAdeniya before he fortified KottE is repeated by
with or maintained by the family is given by t\e fact that the Mhu. The authority f or this is not hnown .
both he and tlie great minister Alagakkonara [I] are spoken 6. The son of the prabhurd,ja was Kumh,ra Alake6vara
of as of Amaragiri (-l/8). On the other hand, NS,gasena of [II.l. His tenure of power as his father's successor seems to
Vattala, is rnentionecl by the y'[S as one of the prominent have been short.
monks tluring or before tlie reign of Par5,krama Bahu II.
The " Dailrbade4iya time," though according to the popular 7. 'Ihe succession then passed to Alagakkond,ra,s bdnd,,
designation of the coins of the period as Daiitbaileqti salli Vira AfakeSvara [Iff], and then to this prince,s younger
including the Kurunegala kings, may r:efer to Nagasena, brother Vira BehuepeflV], the suh,urubadu of Bhuvanaika
for two of the three villages dedicated are stated in the Bahu V. Athird brother was DevaMantri. These three are men.
inscription to have come down in his succession. So the tioned inlhe Mayfr,ra Sanileiaya; the yuvaraja or 6pE, himi
Rdjaguru, in spite ol the language employed in the epigraph lived at Gampola with the king and queen, the prabhurd,ja
nray be Vanaratana II. Alagakkonlra (that is, Vira Afake6vara [III]) and Dev himi
at Rayigama. The Sagama inscription is witness to their
royal descent, their clan on the father's side being the Mehela_
4. To revert to the Kitsirimevan Vihar6 record. It, has
vara and on the mother's the Ganavtisi. It has been asserted
been held that the Alagakkond,ra of A.B. 1887 (f344-5) is that Vrra Alakesvara was a Tamil and a Hindu, The pien-i-
identical with the minister of Vikrama tsehu III and Bhuva-
Tien states that he was a " Suoli " and a heretic. That he
naika Bahu V. This of coulse is possible, but there is no
adopted Hinduism during his exile in fndia may be possible
mention of an Alagakkond,ra in any of the documents con- ;
the interpretation of " Suoli " as Sofi or Co!a, however, is
taining lists of ministers and chiefs between 1344-5 and the
impossible as his descent from Sinhalese royalty is certain.
fortifi.cation of Kdttd and the expulsion of the Jafinese, which
Ma Huan in 1432 says that the king. Parakrama Bahu VI,
seem to have taken place not long before 1369-70. It there-
was of the " Soli " race and a Buddhist ; he also speaks of the
fore seems to me, though it is merely a matter of opinion,
Buddhist inhabitants of " Soli " and states that the writing
that the minister Afagakkonara of 1344-5 was of an earlier
employed in Java resembled that of " Suo-Ii." As to Pard,k-
generation. But, if this was the case, all or some o{ the
rama Bdhu, Ma Huan's statement should be compared
genealogical details in the summa,ry of Vijaya Bahu V's
with the Pciraltumba Birita, v.72 :-toQd e:ce qOeq<figd
grant at KS,ragala may be explanatory additions made bv ellCq@QC 6$6d61 " King Pard,krama Bahu of
the composer of the main document in the eleventh year of Dairbadenipura, ornament of the Savulu (race).,,
Parakrama Bahu VI. This view is supported by the identity,
o{ the language used inlhe Haritsa Sand,eiaua. It that " Soli ,, or ,, Suoli ,'
seems probable, therefore,
simply represents Sauulu. The Tao I Chih Liieh (JRAS.
CB., XXVIII, 73) makes the people of Ceylon ,,worthy
career has been dealt with above. The prabhuraja's brother
Artthanayaka is mentioned with liim in Saka 1304 (1382-3) 8. Yira AJake6vara [II! wa,sbd,r.,i of Afagakkond,ra [I].
in the Siithala Attanagaluaarfu,4a. This is the last occasionl Hayley, op. cit., p. 159, gives the various relationships by
onwhichAlagakkonara [I] isheardof, and it is probable that,) which one man is bdnd to a,nothor, namely (l) daughter;s
302 JouRNAL, R,.A.s. (cEyLoN) [Voi,. XXXII. No. 86.--1933] GAMpoLa pERroD otr cnyr,oN nrsrony 30.3
hus'bancl, (2) sistcr's son, (3) brother's daughter's husbancl,
then states tirat Pardkrama Bd,hu fi,pd, was the munu,buru
4) wife's brother's son, (5) father's sister's son's son, (6) of Seneriradun, that is o{ SEn5lafrk6dhikEra. We may,
{ather's brother's daughter's son, (7) mother's sister's therefore, take it as certain that he was not the son of
daughter's son, aud (8) mother's brother's son's son. Vira
10. f have used the expression ,,the royal AlakeSvaras ,,
(l) and (3) are improbable in the present case, a,s the for the sake of convenience, and not as implying that these
bearing of the family name of the father-in-law or the father- princes were members of the GirivaftSa. There is
in-larv's brother is not explained. (2) and (6) are out no evidence
that they were connected with that clan except through
of the question unless tho Girivarilsa was included in the
GanavHsi-varir6a, Yira AlakeSvara's mother's clan, which
y13q" tholgh it is possible that the Gampola royal famiiy
had VaiSya blood in their veins.
has to be proved. Tt has to be remembered that, the evidence
points to the GirivarirSa being a VaiSya clan. (4) would
I l. The pedigree is ae follows :_
make Alagakkond,ra's wife, and (8) his father's rrife members of
the Mehenavara clan. While a I{satriya ma,n could law{ully (l)
marry a Vai6ya \vomau, the reverse was impossible, and Ndgisena B"oJh""
accordingly both suggestions must be ruled out. There I
remain (5) and (7). B;' the first of these relationships A_la- T
gakkonara's father's sister would have married into the n u'
Ti# ?l *!i;f; u "** "' "'
MeJrenavara clan ; by the second, his mother's sister would lt Vijaya Behu V.
have been l.he wife of a Ganavti,si prince. fn either case the "lH I
froilr Daribade4iya. Vijaya Behu IV, the father of Parik- u: sumi'ir' Devil
rama Behu fII, is knowrt by the name of Bdsat. While, :;:#r*::n"
therefore, Sauulu is not inappropriate to the third and fourth I
Vijaya Bd,hu in its sense ol Sakya kulcr,, it is never found in Rhuvlnaika B:rhu IV : Vihtira trfahd Dovi : parekrama
use. On the whole it seems more likely that Savulu Vijaya BidhrV
Bd,liu was the fifth king of the name. Jaya Maha Le : ,luug]h,u"
Jaya Maha L6 - Sunetrd Dcvi
3. Further evidence as to the pedigree is supplied by j or u'o
the Hahsa Banileiaya, v. 43. Here nothing is said of I
Pardkrama Bd,hu son of Savufu Vijaya Bahu, or of Jaya
._- i
paratrama BEhu VI
Maha L6. Instead we have the statement that there was a lIayadunJ-.uvara yuvaraja
king of the Solar race, "Dala Prirakum raja," rendered in tho 5. The use of the term ,,pard,krama vati$a,,, jf this
commentary as Mahe, Pard,krama Bd,hu; from him or from has.reference to a specific_family, perhaps
may be explained
that race came Bhuvanaika Bd,hu, and afterwards Pard,krama Pd,rakum raja of the H;;ria Baid,eiayais pare,krame
:{ ?.{
B5,hu VI. This Bhuvanaika Bdhu may be the first or second tsahu I. He was, of course, of pdr.rdyan
origin. But this
or even the third of t'he name. But it also is possible that would not preclude Vijaya Bahu V's deJcendants
from styling
ihemselves as of the Mehenavara clan, for parEkrama
Bhuvanaika Bahu IV may be meant. It will be remembered Bdhu II
in his own work the Kaasi[umi,4a calls himself
that, he and Par6,krama Bahu V were brothers ancl married of the lineage
a common queen, Vihd,ra Mahd, Devi, a fact which may explain 'rf king_Paf,du and pinnacle oi th" Kgatriyas of the Lunar
race (ed. Madugalld Sidclhattha Th6ra,
the mention of both kings in the pedigreos. lggg, vv. 769, 770),
though his- father is spoken of as d.escerrded
from the prin#
rvho brought the Bo tree to Ceylon.
4. A strong point in favour oI the identification of the Tho Aseesslon Dato of parikrama Bihu VI.
Pard,krama B5,hu of the Pciralcu,mba Birita pedigree with th" l The date of pard,krama Bdhu,e acceesion
has been
fifth king of the name rather than with the second or third itiscussed in Epigragthia Zeylanieo,
III, pp. bB ff. ft was
is the persecution of SunetrS, Devi and her children. This is f,nere pointed out that the earlier
*ort * urrd aocuments of the
intelligible if the princes were near to the succession to the r*ign give this event as falling in
the Buddhist year lgSb,
crown, a position hardly likely were Pardkrama Bdhu II or a,nd that the actual date was
in the month of Vesak on or
ir,f'fier the full moon ancl
III their last ancestor to sit on the throne. Pard.krama before the new mclon of poson. This
rrsult was obtained. as follows :
Bd,hu IV is out of the question, as he was the son of Shuva-
naika Bd,hu II. There is no certainty about the pedigree, .. .
Tlu Nd,miiualiya is dated in the month of Vesak
io,Lirr iu
1343 in the tenth year of parakrarna
but on the supposition that the Pard,krama Bdhu son of rcgnal year cannot be gata B6,hu. This
or expired, for if so the
Savulu Yijaya Bahu was the Gampola king of the name, the taii'i in A.B. lgb4, for
which there is no authority; it is,
descont may have been as follov's :- t'M"th*-@ or rrt" r.otrru.
308 rounNAr,r R.A.s. (cEYr,oN) [Vot. XXXII. No. 86.- 19331 GAM"or,A pnnroD oF cEyLoN nrsrony B0g
therefore, current. The Yesak of the tenth current regnal " Sri Pardkrama Bdhu, who, being descended frrjm
year falling in Saka 1343, that of the first occurred in MahE, Sammata manifested from the Lambakarna
Saka 1334. But A.B. 1955 began on the full moon gotra, came to the throne, after uniting uncler one canopy the
of Yesak in that Saka year, Pardkrama 'Bahu, there- whole fshnd' of Ceylon, when lgbg y"ears had expired since
fore, oame to the throne between the commeneement of the omniscient great king Gautama, the sovereign of the
that Buddhist year and the end of Vesak, that is the new Law and chief of the three world.s.,'
moon of Poson. The date, seventh of the bright half of This seems to imply that the date A.B. lgbg marks the
Yesak, given by tha Raj does not, suit, as this falls at the end end of civil war.
of the Buddhist year and so in Saka 1335. ft is a favourite
date not uncommonly attributed to events in popular works.
In the -Boj itself it is that given for the capture of " Vijaya
BEhu " by the Chinese.