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Security and Frontend

Breaking the Conundrum

Sabrina Burney and Sonia Burney

Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo

Security and Frontend Performance
by Sonia Burney and Sabrina Burney
Copyright 2017 Akamai Technologies. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
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Editors: Virginia Wilson and Brian Interior Designer: David Futato

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November 2016: First Edition

Revision History for the First Edition

2016-11-03: First Release

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Table of Contents

1. Understanding the Problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Challenges of Today: Rise of Third Parties 1
Technology Trends 3
Start at the Browser 4

2. HTTP Strict-Transport-Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
What Is HSTS? 5
Last Thoughts 7

3. iFrame and Content-Security-Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Third Party Risks 9
The Basics: <script> 11
Improving Frontend Performance 11
Reenforcing Security at the Browser 15
Last Thoughts 21

4. Web Linking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Prefetch and Preload 23
Where Does Security Fit In? 24
Last Thoughts 25

5. Obfuscation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Learn from Our Attackers 27
Alternative Application: URL Obfuscation 28
URL Obfuscation Benefits 29
Last Thoughts 34

6. Service Workers:
An Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
What Are Service Workers? 35
Gotchas! 37

7. Service Workers: Analytics Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Performance Monitoring Today 39
Track Metrics with Service Workers 40
Last Thoughts: Now Versus the Future 42

8. Service Workers: Control Third Party Content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Client Reputation Strategies 43
Move to Service Worker Reputation Strategies 43
Last Thoughts 48

9. Service Workers: Other Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Input Validation 51
Geo Content Control 52
Last Thoughts 54

10. Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
What Did We Learn? 56
Last Thoughts 57

iv | Table of Contents
Understanding the Problem

More often than not, performance and security are thought of as

two separate issues that require two separate solutions. This is
mainly due to the implications posed behind various performance
and security products. We typically have either security solutions or
performance solutions, but rarely solutions that offer both.
As technology has advanced, so have our attackers, finding newer
and better ways to impact both the performance and security of a
site. With this in mind, it has become even more critical to come up
with solutions that bridge the gap between security and perfor
mance. But how do we do that?
We need to shift the focus to what we can do at the browser by lever
aging various frontend techniques, such as web linking and obfusca
tion, versus solely relying upon the capabilities of a content delivery
network (CDN) or the origin. We can take advantage of all the new
and emerging frontend technologies to help provide a secure and
optimal experience for usersall starting at the browser.

Challenges of Today: Rise of Third Parties

Many of the recent web-related concerns stem from an increase in
web traffic as well as an increase in security attacks. More specifi
cally, many of these concerns arise due to the presence of embedded
third party content. Third party content is a popular topic due to the
many risks involved, including both the potential for site perfor
mance degradation as well as the introduction of security vulnera

bilities for end users. Lets discuss some of these issues in detail
before diving into techniques to address them.

Web Traffic
The latest trends suggest an accelerated increase in overall web traf
fic; more and more users access the Web through mobile and desk
top devices. With the growth in web traffic and ultimately
bandwidth, end users continue to demand improved browsing expe
riences such as faster page loads, etc. Keeping that in mind, we not
only need to adapt our sites to handle additional user traffic, but we
need to do so in an optimal way to continue delivering an optimal
browsing experience for the end user.
One of the higher profile frontend issues arising today is single point
of failure. By definition, single point of failure is a situation in which
a single component in a system fails, which then results in a full sys
tem failure. When translated to websites, this occurs when a single
delayed resource in a page results in blocking the rest of the page
from loading in a browser. Generally, blocking resources are respon
sible for this type of situation due to a sites dependency on execut
ing these resources (i.e. JavaScript) before continuing to load the rest
of the page. Single point of failure is more likely to occur with third
party content, especially with the increase in web traffic and the
obstacles in trying to deliver an optimal experience for the end user.

Attacks on the Rise

While web traffic continues to grow, security threats continue to
increase as well. Many of these threats are motivated by financial
means or for the purposes of harvesting data, while others execute
distributed denial of service (DDoS) or spamming attacks to bring
down origin web infrastructures.1
When discussing security, many different areas can be targeted dur
ing an attack, including the end user and/or the origin infrastruc
ture. While security at the origin is important, providing a secure
browsing experience for the end user is equally important and is

1 Takeaways from the 2016 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, David Bisson,
accessed October 13, 2016, http://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/security-data-

2 | Chapter 1: Understanding the Problem

now the focus as security threats continue to rise. Given the guaran
tee of a secure experience in the browser, end users are more likely
to return to a site without having to worry about compromised con
tent affecting their experiences.
As the effort to support increased web bandwidth and security
threats continue, so does the need to adapt our sites to handle the
increased load in an optimal and secure way for the end user.
Today, attackers are targeting vendor-related content due to the fact
that proper security measures are not always in place and verified
with third party content. From Alexas Top 100 domains, pages on
average fetch 48 embedded first party resources while fetching 62
embedded third party resources. Based on these numbers, we can
see how heavily reliant websites are on third party contentinclud
ing fonts, images, stylesheets, etc. Because of this dependency, web
sites are exposed to vulnerabilities like single point of failure and the
potential for delivering malicious content to end users.

Technology Trends
Based on the latest issues, we need solutions to bridge the gap and
address both performance concerns as well as security holes at the
browser leveland some of the latest technologies do just that. Tak
ing a look at service workers and HTTP/2, these are both technolo
gies aimed at improving the browsing experience; however, both of
these methods are restricted to use over a secure connection
(HTTPS). These technologies are ideal in demonstrating how solu
tions can improve both performance and security for any given
Other frontend techniques exist to help mitigate some of the secu
rity and performance vulnerabilities at the browser. Leveraging
<iframe>, Content-Security-Policy, HTTP Strict-Transport-
Security, and preload/prefetch directives prove to help protect sites
from third party vulnerabilities that may result in performance deg
radation or content tampering.

Technology Trends | 3
Start at the Browser
The main idea behind all these technology trends and frontend
techniques is to help provide a secure and optimal experience for
the end user. But rather than focusing on what a content delivery
network, origin, or web server can do, lets shift that focus to what
the browser can do. Lets start solving some of these issues at the
In the remaining chapters, we will go through each of the frontend
techniques and technology trends mentioned at a high level in this
chapter. We will review implementation strategies and analyze how
these techniques help achieve an end users expectation of a secure
yet optimal experience, starting at the browser.

4 | Chapter 1: Understanding the Problem

HTTP Strict-Transport-Security

Based on recent conference talks and development in technology,

we see that society is moving towards secure end user experiences.
The examples of service workers and HTTP/2 working strictly over
HTTPS demonstrates this movement; additionally, Google
announced in late 2015 that their indexing system would now prefer
indexing HTTPS URLs over HTTP URLs to motivate developers to
move to HTTPS. Generally, the quick fix solution here is to enforce
an HTTP to HTTPS redirect for the end user; however, this still
leaves the end user open to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks in
which a malicious end user can manipulate the incoming response
or outgoing request over a nonsecure HTTP connection. Further
more, the redirect method adds an additional request that further
delays subsequent resources from loading in the browser. Lets
explore how HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS), a frontend
security technique, can address these issues.

What Is HSTS?
The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) header is a security
technique that enforces the browser to rewrite HTTP requests into
HTTPS requests, for a secure connection to the origin servers dur
ing site navigation. From HTTP Archive, 56% of base pages are
using the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security technique and this
number will continue to grow as HTTPS adoption continues to
grow. Not only does this header provide browser-level security, but
it also proves to be a frontend optimization technique to improve

the end user experience. By utilizing this header and the associated
parameters, we can avoid the initial HTTP to HTTPS redirects so
that pages load faster for the end user. As mentioned in High Perfor
mance Websites by Steve Souders, one of the top 14 rules in making
websites faster is to reduce the number of HTTP requests. By elimi
nating HTTP to HTTPS redirects, we are essentially removing a
browser request and loading the remaining resources sooner rather
than later.
The example in Figure 2-1 demonstrates how the browser performs
a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, either using a redirect at a proxy
level or at the origin infrastructure. The initial request results in a
302 Temporary Redirect and returns location information in the
headers, which directs the browser to request the same page over
HTTPS. In doing so, the resulting page is delayed for the end user
due to time spent and additional bytes downloaded.

Figure 2-1. Redirect

When using the Strict-Transport-Security technique in

Figure 2-2, we immediately see an improvement in delivery due to
the elimination of the HTTP to HTTPS redirect for subsequent
non-secure requests. Instead, the browser performs a 307 Internal
Redirect for subsequent requests and a secure connection is initial
ized with the origin infrastructure. From a frontend performance
standpoint, initial header bytes are eliminated due to the removal of
302 Temporary Redirect and the page is delivered sooner to the end
user over HTTPS.

Figure 2-2. Internal browser redirect with Strict-Transport-Security

6 | Chapter 2: HTTP Strict-Transport-Security

Keep in mind that an initial 302 Temporary Redirect or
301 Permanent Redirect is still needed to ensure the
resulting HTTPS request returns the Strict-
Transport-Security header; however, any subsequent
requests will result in a 307 Internal Redirect at the
browser and will continue to do so until the time to
live (TTL) expires, which is described in the next sec

The Parameters
In order to take advantage of the Strict-Transport-Security
header from both a performance and security point of view at the
browser, the associated parameters must be utilized. These parame
ters include the max-age, includeSubDomains, and preload direc
[; _includeSubDomains_]
[; _preload_]

The max-age directive allows developers to set a time to live (TTL)

on the browsers enforcement of a secure connection to a website
through the security header. The optional includeSubDomains
directive allows developers to specify additional pages on the same
website domain to enforce a secure connection. Lastly, the optional
preload directive allows developers to submit sites to a Strict-
Transport-Security list maintained on a per-browser basis to
ensure that secure connections are always enforced. Preload lists
have various requirements including a valid browser certificate and
a full HTTPS site including subdomains.

Last Thoughts
With a simple security technique, we eliminate man-in-the-middle
(MITM) attacks over a nonsecure connection. While this method
proves successful, the security protocol should be investigated to
ensure MITM attacks can be avoided over a secure connection as
well. Several SSL and TLS versions have exploitable vulnerabilities
that should be considered while moving to a secure experience and
deploying this security enhancement.

Last Thoughts | 7
As a basic frontend technique, reducing the number of redirects, by
default, reduces the number of browser requests, which can help to
improve page load times. We are essentially moving the redirect
from a proxy or origin infrastructure level to the browser for the
next HTTP request. As with any additional headers, developers
are often worried about the size of requests being downloaded in
browser. The latest HTTP/2 provides header compression, which
reduces the size of requests. Additionally, for nonchanging header
values, HTTP/2 now maintains header state without having to re-
send duplicate headers during a session. Given these new benefits,
we can safely utilize additional security techniques such as Strict-
Transport-Security, without affecting overall page delivery perfor
mance. While a single HTTP header serves as a great example of
bridging the gap, we will cover other techniques such as Content-
Security-Policy to address both performance and security con
cerns in a similar manner.

8 | Chapter 2: HTTP Strict-Transport-Security

iFrame and

As mentioned in Chapter 1 of this book, the latest trends include the

rise in third party popularity, which exposes end users to several
risks associated with this type of content. These risks mainly con
cern single point of failure and the potential for delivering compro
mised content to end users. Because third party content is not under
developer control, we must utilize alternate methods to address both
performance and security concerns. We can implement <iframe>
and Content-Security-Policy techniques to improve the frontend
browsing experience while enforcing security at the browser, specifi
cally when embedding third party content.

Third Party Risks

Third party content is essentially untrustworthy content for obvious
performance and security concerns. Lets take a look at a sample
third party resource that is often used in Google Ad implementa
tions. Generally, the resource in Example 3-1 would be included in
the base page of a wesbsite.

Example 3-1. Google resource

Not only does the browser load the initial resource, but the browser
continues to load subsequent embedded third party resources in
Figure 3-1, which can lead us to the mentioned vulnerabilities.

Figure 3-1. Third party waterfall

At any point, these additional resources in Figure 3-1 can fail, slow
the page load, or become compromised and deliver malicious con
tent to end users. Major headlines indicate how often both ad con
tent and vendor content are compromised and this trend will only
continue to grow as web traffic continues to grow. With the evolving
nature of third party content, we as developers cannot prevent these
situations from happening, but we can better adapt our sites to han
dle these situations when they occur.

10 | Chapter 3: iFrame and Content-Security-Policy

The Basics: <script>
The <script> tag is the most common technique to load a script
resource via HTML, for both first party content and third party con
tent. From a performance point of view, this tag allows for the
potential of single point of failure. With the latest version of HTML
(HTML5), we are introduced to the script paramaters async and
defer, which can help avoid single point of failure by delaying
download and execution of low-prioty content such as Google Ad
content. However, these parameters cannot always be used because
of the lack of browser support or the fact that we can not delay the
execution of the scripts for business reasons. From a security point
of view, this tag provides third party providers with access to sites by
executing scripts without restrictions. Overall, using the script tag
for third party content is not the most optimal solution when it
comes to trying to bridge the gap between frontend optimizations
and security reenforcement at the browser level.

Improving Frontend Performance

Lets review techniques that could help address performance con
cerns, especially around the issue of single point of failure.

<script> Versus <iframe>

The <iframe> tag has been around for quite some time and develop
ers are well aware of the pitfalls associated with using this tag. More
specifically, iframes can block the onload event, block resource
downloads, and they are one of the most DOM-expensive elements.
But even with these pitfalls, there are ways to avoid some of these
negative effects using newer methods or technologies such as
HTTP/2 and dynamic iframes, which will be addressed below. From
Alexas Top 100 domains, 65% of sites use the <iframe> tag today so
we find that developers continue to use this tag despite the down
falls. The reason for continued usage is due to the benefits associated
with this tagmainly when used with third party content.
While not commonly referred to as a frontend optimization techni
que, <iframe> provides performance benefits and, at the same time,
enhances security at the browser as described briefly below. We will

The Basics: <script> | 11

dive into techniques to achieve the following points as the chapter

Avoid delaying first party resource downloads by using a sepa

rate connection for third party content.
Avoid single point of failure as a result of failed third party con
Protect end users by blocking malicious or known content from
being delivered.

The <iframe> tag allows developers to safeguard first party content

and the end users browsing experience while loading and executing
third party content in an optimal way.
While using dynamic iframes in Example 3-2, we can eliminate sin
gle point of failure issues as well as restrict access to a site using
additional security enhancements discussed in the next section.

Example 3-2. Dynamic <iframe>

<script type="text/javascript">
var myIframe=document.createElement("IFRAME");
function (e) {
var myElement=document.createElement("SCRIPT");
}, false);

The JavaScript above dynamically creates an iframe that loads a

third party resource, while avoiding some of the previously men
tioned pitfalls of the <iframe> tag. Additionally, we gain the benefit
of loading this third party resource on a separate connection to
avoid slowing down first party resource downloads in the case of
delayed content.

<script> and Content-Security-Policy

Content-Security-Policy (CSP) is a security enhancement which
is available for use both as an HTTP header as well as a HTML

12 | Chapter 3: iFrame and Content-Security-Policy

<meta> tag. This particular policy is used to safeguard sites from
third party providers by whitelisting known or safe domains, which
can help in the situation where compromised or unknown content is
executing scripts on a site. The results can potentially impact the
end users browsing experience from both a performance and secu
rity point of view. From Alexas Top 100 domains, 2% of sites are
using the Content-Security-Policy header today, which is rela
tively low due to the maintenance required for using this policy.
Content-Security-Policy usage will continue to grow in popular
ity due to its benefits, especially with third party or unknown con
tent that has the potential of being compromised.
Using Content-Security-Policy with the <script> tag, we can
restrict access and eliminate single point of failure from compro
mised content delivered through unknown third party vendors. The
code samples in Examples 3-3 and 3-4 demonstrate the pairing of
both techniques.

Example 3-3. <script>


Example 3-4. Content-Security-Policy header and tag

default-src 'self';
img-src 'self' https://*.google.com;
script-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://themes.googleusercontent.com;
frame-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="
default-src 'self';
img-src 'self' https://*.google.com;
script-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://themes.googleusercontent.com;
frame-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;">

As mentioned, Content-Security-Policy can be used in the

HTML <meta> tag option or as an HTTP header option. The combi

Improving Frontend Performance | 13

nation of <script> and Content-Security-Policy further enforces
security at the browser while preventing compromised content from
delaying page loads.

<script> Versus <iframe> Versus CSP

Lets compare each of the above methods with the basic <script>
tag under the conditions of single point of failure as shown in Fig
ures 3-2 and 3-2. In doing so, we observe that the basic <script> tag
with a delayed third party resource can in fact delay the rest of the
page from loading in the browser. In the sample Figure 3-2 filmstrip,
the browser attempts to load the third party resource using
<script> until the per-browser specified timeout kicks in.

Figure 3-2. WebPageTest visually complete comparison

Figure 3-3. WebPageTest visually complete comparison zoom

Taking a closer look at Figure 3-3, the alternate methods result in

faster page loads so that the end user can continue site usage
without waiting for the delayed resource. When using the <script>
tag in conjunction with Content-Security-Policy, compromised
third party content will no longer result in single point of failure due
to the security policies in placea script from an unknown source

14 | Chapter 3: iFrame and Content-Security-Policy

does not belong to the whitelisted set of domains and is now
blocked. When replacing the <script> tag with the <iframe> tag,
we observe that the browser attempts to load the delayed third party
resource while continuing to load the rest of the page for the end

Reenforcing Security at the Browser

Lets look into how the previously mentioned techniques, <iframe>
and Content-Security-Policy, can not only help eliminate certain
performance issues but reenforce end user security at the browser

By definition, the sandboxing concept involves separating individual
running processes for security reasons. Within the web development
world, this technique allows developers to execute third party con
tent with additional security measures in place, separate from first
party content. With that, we can restrict third party domains from
gaining access to the site and end users.
As mentioned, developers are well aware of the <iframe> tag; how
ever, HTML5 introduced a new sandbox parameter shown in
Example 3-5 that provides an additional layer of security at the
browser while maintaining the performance benefits associated with
the <iframe> tag. In a similar way, Content-Security-Policy pro
vides us with the same method of sandboxing third party content
through use of the header or <meta> tag equivalent as shown in
Example 3-6.
Using the sandbox attribute alone, we can prevent scripts and/or
plugins from running, which can be useful in the situation of load
ing third party images for example.

Example 3-5. <iframe>

<iframe src="http://3rdparty.com/object.html" sandbox></iframe>

Example 3-6. Content-Security-Policy header and tag

default-src 'self';

Reenforcing Security at the Browser | 15

img-src 'self' https://*.google.com;
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://themes.googleusercontent.com;
frame-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="
default-src 'self';
img-src 'self' https://*.google.com;
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://themes.googleusercontent.com;
frame-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;

We are also given flexibility in how third parties can execute content
on first party websites by using a whitelist method, which allows
developers to protect the end users by specifying exactly what third
parties can display or control when loading content. The sandbox
attribute has the following options:


Third party content often comes in the form of JavaScript objects,

which require certain allowances to be able to execute functionality
as desired. Given that situation, we can allow-scripts but continue
to prohibit popups or plugins from running as shown in Examples
3-7 and 3-8.

Example 3-7. <iframe>


16 | Chapter 3: iFrame and Content-Security-Policy

Example 3-8. Content-Security-Policy header and tag
default-src 'self';
img-src 'self' https://*.google.com;
script-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://themes.googleusercontent.com;
frame-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
sandbox allow-scripts
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="
default-src 'self';
img-src 'self' https://*.google.com;
script-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://themes.googleusercontent.com;
frame-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
sandbox allow-scripts">

Sandboxing allows developers to restrict certain functionalities per

third party resource embedded in a page. With <iframe>, we are
able to avoid a scenario where single point of failure delays other
resource downloads and, with the new sandbox directive, we are
able to provide an additional layer of security at the browser.

Inline Code
When working with certain third parties such as analytics vendors,
developers are often given segments of code to insert inline into the
base pages of websites as shown in Example 3-9.

Example 3-9. Analytics code sample

<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var s = document.createElement("script"),
el = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
s.async = true;
s.src = (
document.location.protocol ==
el.push.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el );

In doing so, not only are we introducing the risk of single point of
failure by allowing these resources to be downloaded without pre

Reenforcing Security at the Browser | 17

caution, but we are also providing full site access to these third par
ties without security measures in place. Third party content can
never be guaranteed so developers must ready sites to adapt to these
situations when they occur.
HTML5 introduced another parameter for the <iframe> tag, which
is known as the srcdoc attribute. The srcdoc attribute allows devel
opers to load inline code within the <iframe> tag. In doing so, the
srcdoc and sandbox attributes can both be used as in Example 3-10
to prevent single point of failure and provide an additional layer of
security for the end user.

Example 3-10. srcdoc and sandbox

srcdoc='<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var s = document.createElement("script"),
el = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
s.async = true;
s.src = (
document.location.protocol ==
el.push.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el );

Embedding inline code via the <iframe> tag ensures that third party
content, such as analytics code shown above, will not affect the
remaining resource downloads. Again, using this method, we have
that ability to avoid single point of failure protect end users at the
browser in case of compromised content.

18 | Chapter 3: iFrame and Content-Security-Policy

Referrer Policies
End users today demand both an optimal and secure experience;
security for the end user includes providing a certain level of privacy
so developers must come up with ways to fulfill these expectations.
The concept of referrer policies is a relatively new concept; however,
its a simple one that enforces a security measure to protect end user
information. In looking at an example of navigating to a site requir
ing login information, end users generally enter their information
and the site redirects the user to his/her account with a URL that
includes information about that end user (Example 3-11).

Example 3-11. Login redirect URL

URL: http://profile.example.com?uname=myusername&time=1472756075

Generally, many sites, such as social media sites, include third party
content, which is subsequently loaded with the current URL being
used as a Referrer header for these third parties as shown in
Example 3-12. In doing so, we are essentially leaking information
about the end user and his/her session to these third parties so pri
vacy is no longer guaranteed.

Example 3-12. Third party resource

URL: http://3rdparty.com/abc.js
Referrer: http://profile.example.com?uname=myusername&time=1472756075

Referrer policies provide developers with the ability to provide a

level of privacy that end users expect. Both the <iframe> tag and
Content-Security-Policy techniques include new (and experi
mental) parameters that help achieve these goals.
The <iframe> tag includes a new attribute called referrerpolicy,
which allows developers to control how first party URLs are inges
ted by third party providers. Similarly, the Content-Security-
Policy technique includes a referrer policy attribute called
referrer, which essentially provides the same level of privacy
options as provided by the iframe referrerpolicy option. Both of
these techniques can be used with several different options depend
ing on the use case.

Reenforcing Security at the Browser | 19

Browser will not send first party URL in Referrer.
Browser will not send first party URL in Referrer if protocol is
downgraded from HTTPS to HTTP.
Browser will send first party origin domain in Referrer.
Browser will send first party origin domain in Referrer under
cross origin conditions.
Browser will send full first party URL in Referrer.
Using the referrer policy technique with the <iframe> as shown in
Example 3-13 provides developers with a way to avoid potential sin
gle point of failure situations while adding the benefit of privacy for
the end user. Additionally, the referrer policy technique with
Content-Security-Policy can be applied in both the HTTP header
form as well as the <meta> tag equivalent as shown in Example 3-14.
Content-Security-Policy also provides the same level of privacy,
while protecting end users from compromised or unknown content.

Example 3-13. <iframe>


Example 3-14. Content-Security-Policy header and tag

default-src 'self';
img-src 'self' https://*.google.com;
script-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://themes.googleusercontent.com;
frame-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
referrer origin
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="
default-src 'self';
img-src 'self' https://*.google.com;

20 | Chapter 3: iFrame and Content-Security-Policy

script-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://themes.googleusercontent.com;
frame-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com;
referrer origin">

These techniques enforce a different flavor of security by focusing

on the browser and protecting the end user, while still delivering
third party content in an optimal way.

Because this technique is still in the experimental

phase, caution should be used before implementing the
referrer policy techniques through <iframe> and
Content-Security-Policy due to variable browser

Last Thoughts
Overall, both the <iframe> tag and Content-Security-Policy tech
niques prove to be useful in situations that result in performance
issues and/or security issues. More specifically, the newly introduced
directives including sandbox, srcdoc, referrerpolicy, and refer
rer allow developers to improve the frontend user experience in a
secure manner.
As mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, Content-Security-
Policy is often overlooked due to the required maintenance and the
added bytes to requests when downloaded in a browser. Again, with
HTTP/2, we are given header compression and maintained header
state, which allows more room for utilizing security techniques such
as Strict-Transport-Security and Content-Security-Policy.
We have other ways in which we can utilize Content-Security-
Policy along with other frontend optimization techniques to ach
ieve similar security and performance benefits, which will be
explored in the next chapter.

Last Thoughts | 21
Web Linking

Web linking is a technique aimed at improving the frontend user

experience by delivering prioritized resources faster to the end user
through the use of the Link header or <link> tag. The Link techni
que provides the rel attribute with various options including dns-
prefetch, preconnect, prerender, prefetch, and preload. While
all of these techniques improve page load performance, we will
focus on prefetch and preload.

Prefetch and Preload

The prefetch technique, as shown in Example 4-1, forces the
browser to load low-priority resources that might be needed on the
next page navigation. While this technique should be used with cau
tion, we can see how the frontend user experience is improved with
predetermined resource downloads and faster navigation page load.

Example 4-1. <link> tag and header

<link rel="prefetch" href="/dir/common.js">
Link: </dir/common.js>; rel=prefetch

The preload technique, as shown in Example 4-2, forces the

browser to load high-priority resources that are needed on current
page navigation. This technique should be used for resources
deemed critical (required for page render and major site functional

ity) to achieve an improved frontend user experience without
degrading site performance.

Example 4-2. <link> tag and header

<link rel="preload" href="/dir/styles.css">
Link: </dir/styles.css>; rel=preload

By definition alone, these web linking techniques prove to be useful

in improving overall page load from a frontend point of view.

Where Does Security Fit In?

The Link technique provides the AS attribute, which allows us to
specify exactly what kind of resource the browser is loading:

The AS attribute provides a way to apply security policies on a per-

resource type basis by using the Link technique in Example 4-3
along with the Content-Security-Policy technique in
Example 4-4.

Example 4-3. <link> tag and header

<link rel="preload" href="/dir/styles.css" as="style">
<link rel="prefetch" href="/dir/common.js" as="script">
Link: </dir/styles.css>; rel=preload; as=style
Link: </dir/common.js>; rel=prefetch; as=script

24 | Chapter 4: Web Linking

Example 4-4. Content-Security-Policy header and tag
http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="
default-src 'self';
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
script-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com"
default-src 'self;
style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
script-src 'self' http://3rdparty.com

Last Thoughts
While pairing Link and Content-Security-Policy techniques, we
are able to improve page delivery while applying distinct security
measures to particular types of resources, such as JavaScript objects
and stylesheet objects. All resources are not created equal so they
should not be treated equal with a global security policy. Script type
resources may require more security measures versus style type
resources, and so, the AS attribute provides a method to associate
policies on a per-resource type basis.

Last Thoughts | 25

Obfuscation is a common frontend optimization technique that pro

vides both security and performance benefits at the browser when
applied to inline or external code. From a security point of view,
developers are able to conceal implementation logic in order to
avoid allowing attackers to reverse engineer code. From a perfor
mance point of view, obfuscation can reduce the size of code (page
weight), implying that the browser will load and execute this content
faster. Code obfuscation is a basic example of how we, as developers,
can implement solutions that provide benefits in both security and
performance areas. While the technique of obfuscating code has
been around for quite some time, other areas of sites such as
resource URLs can utilize this to further enhance frontend security
and performance.

Learn from Our Attackers

To explore other applications, lets discuss how attackers deliver
malicious payloads today. Origin infrastructures will often have a
web application firewall implemented to block certain types of appli
cation layer attacks such as directory traversal attempts for sensitive
files (Example 5-1). Attackers will then obfuscate their payloads in
order to avoid detection from preset firewall rules, and in doing so,
they are able to deliver malicious payloads to origin servers as
intended (Example 5-2).

Example 5-1. Original URL

Example 5-2. Obfuscated payload

Decimal Encoded: http://www.example.com/test?file=&#47;&#101;&#116;

URL Encoded: http://www.example.com/test?file=%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd

In Example 5-2, obfuscation is applied in the form of different types

of encodings including decimal and URL encoded payloads. Lets
use the same concept of obfuscating payloads and apply this to other
areas of sitesmore specifically, lets apply obfuscation to embedded
third party URLs.

Alternative Application: URL Obfuscation

Why obfuscate third party URLs? Attackers will often target vendor
content in order to bring down a site either through compromising
content or degrading site performance. Many times, companies do
not enforce security or performance measures for third party part
ners largely due to the focus being on first party content and pro
tecting origin infrastructures. Developers need a way to mask the
sources of these third party resources in an attempt to deter attack
ers from targeting vendor content in the first place.

Stepping away from the traditional application of obfuscation, we
will now proxy and obfuscate third party URLs. Under normal cir
cumstances, the browser parses a page and fetches third party
resources from a third party provider as shown in Example 5-3. If
we rewrite third party URLs to use a first party URL and obfuscated
path/filename as shown in Example 5-4, the flow will change with
the introduction of a reverse proxy. The reverse proxy has been
introduced in Figure 5-1 to provide a way to interpret obfuscated
requests, which can be done through use of Varnish, Apache
mod_rewrite functionality, any other reverse proxies that would
allow request rewrites, or simply a content delivery network. The
browser will now parse a page and fetch obfuscated content, and the
reverse proxy will then interpret the obfuscated request and fetch

28 | Chapter 5: Obfuscation
third party content on behalf of the end users browser. In doing so,
we will achieve both enhanced security and performance at the

Example 5-3. Original path

<img src="http://image.3rdparty.com/images/header_banner.jpg"/>

Example 5-4. New path

<img src="http://firstparty.example.com/fY4dCrWhjwjIu8Wkdhfjhg"/>

Figure 5-1. Third party workflow

URL Obfuscation Benefits

The URL obfuscation technique improves overall delivery perfor
mance and provides an additional layer of security for the end user,
including benefits in areas such as privacy and resource download

URL Obfuscation Benefits | 29

Because we are now proxying third party requests, we are able to
enforce an additional layer of privacy by masking end users from
third party providers who may not be as trusted as some of the more
popular vendors. Additionally, were concealing the source of third
party content, which will deter attackers from targeting the provid
ers and negatively impacting sites from both a security and perfor
mance point of view.

Single Point of Failure

As mentioned, third party content exposes us to the risks of single
point of failure, which can happen through compromised content or
simply delayed content. Using the method of proxying and obfuscat
ing third party content provides more developer control to handle
these situations, by allowing strict monitoring and disaster-recovery
implementations in order to adapt to these situations when they
occur. More specifically, developers can implement measures to
monitor how long it takes to fetch a resource and, if the resource
takes too long, serve alternate content to avoid single point of fail
ure. Additionally, company security measures can be applied to
proxied content in the same way first party content is secured so we
are able to enhance security as well.

Improved Delivery Time

Lets dive into how URL obfuscation can provide various frontend
performance benefits when it comes to actual resource downloads,
especially with content classified as third party.

Introducing a reverse proxy into the flow provides an additional
layer of caching for third party content, which ultimately brings
resources closer to end users.

DNS Lookup and Connection

With the widely used HTTP/1.1, browsers open a single connection
per unique hostname. Under the conditions of a page loading sev
eral resources from different third party domains, we observe in
Figure 5-2 how much time is spent in DNS Lookup and Connection

30 | Chapter 5: Obfuscation
in the browser due to HTTP/1.1 properties. DNS Lookup is the time
spent to perform a domain lookup while Connection is the time
spent when the browser initiates a connection to the resolved
domain address. Both of these metrics contribute to how long a
browser will take to load a resource.

Figure 5-2. HTTP/1.1 browser conditions

If we apply URL obfuscation to all third party resources in a page,

we observe in Figure 5-3 a reduction in overall DNS Lookup and
Connection in the browser. Proxying these resources under the
same first party hostname allows us to eliminate the browser open
ing many different connections.

Figure 5-3. HTTP/1.1 browser conditions with URL obfuscation

With the recently introduced HTTP/2, browsers open a single con

nection per unique origin server. Additionally, we are introduced to
the idea of multiplexing in that a browser can open a single connec
tion to fetch multiple resources at the same time. Keeping the fea
tures of HTTP/2 in mind, we can couple HTTP/2 with URL
obfuscation to provide even more of a reduction in overall DNS
Lookup and Connection in the browser as shown in Figure 5-4. This
is mainly due to the multiplexing feature in that a single connection
is now the most optimal approach with HTTP/2.

URL Obfuscation Benefits | 31

Figure 5-4. HTTP/2 browser conditions with URL obfuscation

Recall that Content-Security-Policy is a security technique aimed
at whitelisting known third party domains, while prohibiting
unknown third party domains from accessing and executing content
on a site. When used as a header, it can grow large and often
becomes harder to maintain as shown in Examples 5-5 and 5-6. Not
only are we at risk of a large header delaying resource download
time, but we are essentially exposing the sources of third party con
tent as shown in the following examples. As mentioned earlier,
attackers will target vendor content in order to bring a site down.
That being said, we need to ensure information about vendor con
tent is concealed as much as possible.

Example 5-5. Content-Security-Policy

default-src * data: blob:;script-src *.facebook.com
*.fbcdn.net *.facebook.net *.google-analytics.com
*.virtualearth.net *.google.com*
*.spotilocal.com:* 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'
fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net fbcdn-static-b-a.akamaihd.net
*.atlassolutions.com blob:; style-src * 'unsafe-inline'
data:;connect-src *.facebook.com *.fbcdn.net
*.facebook.net *.spotilocal.com:* *.akamaihd.net
wss://*.facebook.com:* https://fb.scanandcleanlocal.com:*
*.atlassolutions.com attachment.fbsbx.com
ws://localhost:* blob:

Example 5-6. Content-Security-Policy

script-src 'self' *.google.com *.google-analytics.com
'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *.gstatic.com
*.googlesyndication.com *.blogger.com
*.googleapis.com uds.googleusercontent.com

32 | Chapter 5: Obfuscation
*.blogspot.com; report-uri /cspreport

Coupling the technique of URL obfuscation with Content-

Security-Policy, we can overcome the associated risks of large
header size and content exposure as shown in Example 5-7. From a
security point of view, proxying third party content masks the origi
nal source and deters attackers from targeting vendor content. From
a frontend performance point of view, grouping third party content
under a smaller set of first party hostnames can decrease the size of
the Content-Security-Policy header, which is delivered on a per-
resource download basis.

Example 5-7. Original and replacement

script-src 'self' *.google.com *.google-analytics.com
'unsafe-inline *.gstatic.com *.googlesyndication.com
*.blogger.com *.googleapis.com uds.googleusercontent.com
www-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com *.blogspot.com;
report-uri /cspreport

script-src 'self' *.obf1.firstparty.com 'unsafe-inline'
*.obf2.firstparty.com ; report-uri /cspreport

Thinking ahead with HTTP/2, we are also introduced to header

compression, which avoids sending similar headers back and forth
across the same connection. Instead, headers are maintained on a
session basis to avoid the resending of duplicate headers. With this
feature, we are also given a restriction in that header compression is
provided up to 4K. For any headers that exceed this limit, the origi
nal header will continue being resent over the same connection,
which can have an effect on the overall download time of resources.
While using the Content-Security-Policy header, we are at risk of
exceeding the header compression limit due to how large this
header can become. With the coupling of HTTP/2 and URL obfus
cation, we are essentially reducing the size of the Content-
Security-Policy header by proxying and grouping third party
resources. In doing so, developers can take advantage of HTTP/2
header compression due to the reduction in Content-Security-
Policy header size.

URL Obfuscation Benefits | 33

Last Thoughts
Overall, we can see how proxying and obfuscating third party con
tent provides benefits in a number of different areas. These areas
include enabling faster browsing experiences, adapting to single
point of failure situations, and utilizing the Content-Security-
Policy technique without exposing sources of vendor content. With
this technique, we address common concerns when dealing with
third party content while improving both frontend delivery as well
as browser-level security.

34 | Chapter 5: Obfuscation
Service Workers:
An Introduction

Service workers have become progressively popular over the last

couple of years. Last year, the talk was all about what service workers
are, now its about how we can use them. How do they help solve
some of the common performance and security concerns with the
modern browser? The next few chapters will discuss various applica
tions of service workers, in an effort to bring further performance
and security gains to the browser. Before diving into different use
cases, lets briefly go over what service workers are and the architec
ture behind how they work so that we can better understand why
they help bridge the gap between security and performance.

What Are Service Workers?

Textbook definition of a service worker: a script that is run by your
browser in the background, apart from a webpage.1 Its essentially a
shared worker that runs in its own global context and acts as an
event-driven background service while handling incoming network

1 Using Service Workers, Mozilla Development Network, accessed October 13, 2016,

As displayed in Figure 6-1, a service worker lives in the browser
while sitting in between the page/browser and the network, so that
we can intercept incoming resource requests and perform actions
based on predefined criteria. Because of the infrastructure, service
workers address the need to handle offline experiences or experien
ces with terrible network connectivity.

Figure 6-1. Service worker architecture

To get service workers up and running, certain event listeners need

to be implemented, as displayed in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2. Events

These event listeners include the install and activate events, which
allow developers to set up any necessary infrastructure, such as off
line caches, prior to resource handling. Once a service worker has
been installed and activated on the first page request, it can then
begin intercepting any incoming resource requests on subsequent
page requests using functional events. The available events are fetch,
sync, and push; we will focus on leveraging the fetch event in the
next few chapters. The fetch event hijacks incoming network
requests and allows the browser to fetch content from different
sources based on the request or even block content if desired.

36 | Chapter 6: Service Workers: An Introduction

As with any new technology, there are of course several caveats.2
Knowing these will help gain insight as to why service workers can
provide both a secure and optimal experience for the end user.

Service workers must be served over HTTPS. Given the ability

to hijack incoming requests, its important that we leverage this
functionality over secure traffic to avoid man-in-the-middle
Service workers are not yet supported in all browsers.
The browser can terminate a service worker at any time. If the
service worker is not being used or has been potentially tam
pered with, the browser has the ability to put it into sleep mode
to avoid impacting website functionality from both a security
and performance perspective.
The service worker has no DOM access, which suggests there is
less risk of code or objects being injected by an attacker.
Fetch events are limited to a certain scope: the location where
the service worker is installed.
Fetch events do not get triggered for <iframe>, other service
workers, or requests triggered from within service workers
(helps to prevent infinite loops of event handling).

In the next few chapters, we will discuss these caveats in relation to

specific service worker implementations.

2 Service Workers: An Introduction, Matt Gaunt, accessed October 13, 2016, http://

Gotchas! | 37
Service Workers:
Analytics Monitoring

Lets jump right into the first application of service workers, analyt
ics monitoring.

Performance Monitoring Today

Over the last few years, third party performance monitoring tools
have gained a lot of traction due to all the benefits they provide for
most businesses. The reason these tools have had a significant
impact on businesses is because of all the powerful data they are able
to provide. More specifically, these tools are able to monitor perfor
mance by collecting timing metrics, which are then correlated to
various revenue growth or even conversion business metrics. Busi
nesses are then able to make logical decisions based on these key
performance indicators (KPIs) to improve the end users experience
overall and gain that competitive edge over other businesses.
Many popular performance monitoring tools exist today, as shown
in Figure 7-1; some are in-house, but the majority are third party
components that are able to collect and present the data in a logical

Figure 7-1. Performance monitoring tools

Each of these has unique capabilities bundled with the data and
metrics they provide for measuring performance. Some measure
performance over time versus others that measure single snapshots
or even request transactions. And of course, some take the approach
of real user monitoring (RUM) versus simulated traffic performance
So what do third party analytics monitoring tools have to do with
service workers? Typically, these tools expose their services via REST
APIs. Given this approach, these tools are unable to track and pro
vide data for offline experiences. As we advance in technology, year
by year, it is important to note that we are constantly coming up
with new ways to provide new types of experiences for our end
users. If performance metrics have that much of an impact on the
business and on the end users, then its critical that we provide that
data for offline experiences.

Track Metrics with Service Workers

The navigator.connect API enables third party analytics platforms
to register service workers that expose APIs to track metrics, for
both online and offline experiences. As long as the services are avail
able/implemented by service workers, we can use the naviga
tor.connect API to connect to third party platforms.
In Example 7-1, note that we need to define two event handlers. We
need to first successfully install the service worker and connect to
the third party platform via the activate event. Then, during each
fetch event, we can log and save pertinent metrics.

40 | Chapter 7: Service Workers: Analytics Monitoring

Example 7-1. Connect to third party API
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
analytics', {name: 'analytics'}));

self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
navigator.services.match({name: 'analytics'}).then(
port.postMessage('log fetch'));

These service workers are then able to report these metrics when
connectivity is reestablished so that they can be consumed by the
service. Numerous implementation strategies exist for reporting the
metrics; for example, we can leverage background sync so that we
do not saturate the network with these requests once the user
regains connectivity.

Where Do Performance and Security Fit In?

Why is leveraging service workers for third party analytics a poten
tially better solution than what we have today?
Many third party analytics tools that provide RUM data require
injection of a particular blocking script in the <head> of a base page.
This script cannot run asynchronously and cannot be altered in any
way. The problem is that placement of a third party blocking script
at the beginning of the page may delay parsing or rendering of the
HTML base page content, regardless of how small or fast it is.
Mpulse and Adobe Analytics are good examples of tools that require
blocking JavaScript at the <head> of the base page. By introducing
third party content earlier in the page, the site is more susceptible to
single point of failure or even script injection, if that third party con
tent is compromised or the third party domain is unresponsive.
Generally, more popular third party performance tools are reliable,
but there are some with security holes, or that cause performance
degradation to the first party site.
Service workers remove the piece of monitoring code from the ini
tial base page that collects and beacons out data to the third party
platforms. By placing the connect JavaScript logic in the installation
event handler, we have less blocking client-side JavaScript that can
run asynchronously, which reduces the risk for single point of fail

Track Metrics with Service Workers | 41

ure or script injection attacks. Thus there is no impact to the parsing
or rendering of the HTML content.

Last Thoughts: Now Versus the Future

If service workers can help third party performance monitoring
tools go unnoticed to the site and end user, why are they not being
leveraged everywhere already? As with any new technology, coming
up with a standard takes timetime to vet, time to find the holes,
and time to gain popularity. Also note that third party platforms
need to expose their services to service workers. Many timing APIs
have yet to include this functionality, such as Googles Navigation
Timing API. Given their infancy, and the reasons mentioned above,
service workers still have a long way to go before becoming part of
the standard.

42 | Chapter 7: Service Workers: Analytics Monitoring

Service Workers:
Control Third Party Content

Now lets broaden the scope from third party analytics tools to all
third party content. More specifically, lets discuss how to control the
delivery of third party content.

Client Reputation Strategies

When we talk about control with reference to unknown third
party content, what often comes to mind are backend solutions such
as client reputation strategies, web application firewalls (WAFs), or
other content delivery network/origin infrastructure changes. But
with the increased usage of third party content, we need to ensure
that we offer protection not only with these backend strategies, but
also to our end users starting at the browser. We want to make sure
requests for third party content are safe and performing according
to best practices. So how do we do that? Lets leverage service work
ers to control the delivery of third party content based on specific
criteria so that we avoid accessing content that causes site degrada
tion or potentially injection of malicious content not intended for
the end user.

Move to Service Worker Reputation Strategies

Note the simple service worker diagram in Figure 8-1. The service
workers fetch event intercepts incoming network requests for any

JavaScript resource and then performs some type of check based on
a predefined list of safe third party domains, or using a predefined
list of known bad third party domains. Essentially, the fetch event
uses some type of list that acts as a whitelist or blacklist.

Figure 8-1. Service worker diagram

Lets take this solution and build on it to make it an adaptive reputa

tion solution. In addition to the whitelist/blacklist, lets come up
with logic that can use the forward and block mechanisms of the
service worker. Specifically, lets use a counter and a threshold time
out value to keep track of how many times content from a third
party domain exceeds a certain fetch time. Based on that, we can
configure the service worker to block a third party request if a
resource from a specific domain has exceeded the threshold X
amount of times.

44 | Chapter 8: Service Workers: Control Third Party Content

A Closer Look
First, we need to handle the installation and activation of the service
worker so that we make the initial list of third parties accessible
upon worker interception of any incoming resource requests
(Example 8-1).

Example 8-1. Activate service worker

self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
if (self.clients && clients.claim) {

var policyRequest = new Request('thirdparty_urls.txt');

fetch(policyRequest).then(function(response) {
return response.text().then(function(text) {

During the activate event, we can set up a connection to some list

of third party domains. The text based file could live at the origin, at
a content delivery network, at a remote database, or at other places
that are accessible to the service worker.
Now, as shown in the pseudocode in Example 8-2, when a resource
triggers a fetch event, limited to JavaScript only in this example, we
can configure the service worker to block or allow the resource
request based on two conditions: the whitelist/blacklist of third
party domains and the counter/threshold adaptive strategy.

Example 8-2. Fetch event handler pseudocode

self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {

// only control delivery of JavaScript content

if (isJavaScript) {
// determine whether or not the third party
// domain is acceptable via a whitelist
isWhitelisted = match(resource,thirdpartyfile)
if (isWhitelisted) {
getCounter(event, rspFcn);
var rspFcn = function (event){
if (flag > 0){

Move to Service Worker Reputation Strategies | 45

// if we have exceeded the counter
// block the request OR serve from an offline cache
// send the request forward
// if the resource has exceeded a fetch time
if (thresholdTimeoutExceeded) {
} // else do nothing

// add resource to offline cache

else {

Note the following method in particular:
getCounter(event, rspFcn);
This method fetches the current state of the counter for a third party
domain. Remember that, for each fetch event, we can gather a fetch
time for each resource. But the counter needs to be maintained
globally, across several fetch events, which means we need to be able
to beacon this data out to some type of data store so that we can
fetch and retrieve it at a later time. The implementation details
behind this method have not been included but there are several
strategies. For the purposes of the example, we were able to leverage
Akamais content delivery network capabilities to maintain count
values for various third party domains.
Upon retrieving the counter value, we have a decision to make as
seen in the implementation:

If we have exceeded the number of times the third party content

hit the threshold timeout for fetch time, as indicated by the
counter value, then we can either block the request from going
forward OR we can serve alternate content from an offline

46 | Chapter 8: Service Workers: Control Third Party Content

cache. (An offline cache needs to be set up during the installa
tion event of a service worker.)
If we have NOT exceeded the counter, then we send the request
forward and record whether or not it has exceeded the fetch
time on this run, in this case, if it has exceeded 500 milli
seconds. If the resource hit our predefined threshold value, then
we can update the counter using the updateCounter method.

Again, the implementation details for this method have not been
included, but you will need to be able to beacon out to a data store
to increment this counter. If the resource did not hit the threshold
value, then there is no need to update the counter. In both cases, we
can store the third party content in the offline cache so that if the
next time a fetch event gets triggered for the same resource, we have
the option to serve that content from the cache.

Sample code
Example 8-3, shows a more complete example for the pseudocode in
Example 8-2.

Example 8-3. Fetch event handler

self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
// Only fetch JavaScript files for now
var urlString = event.request.url;

if(isJavaScript(urlString) && isWhitelisted(urlString)) {

getCounter(event, rspFcn);
var rspFcn = function (event){
if (flag > 0){
// If counter exceeded, retrieve from cache or serve 408
caches.open('sabrina_cache').then(function(cache) {
var cachedResponse =
if(response) {
console.log("Found response in cache");
return response;
} else{
console.log("Did not find response in cache");
return (new Response('', {status: 408,
statusText: 'Request timed out.'}));
}).catch(function() {
return (new Response('', {status: 408,

Move to Service Worker Reputation Strategies | 47

statusText: 'Request timed out due to error.'}));
} else{
Promise.race([timeout(500), fetch(event.request.url,
{mode: 'no-cors'})]).then(function(value){
console.log("Timeout threshold hit, update counter");
updateCounter(event.request.url); // use promises here
} else console.log("Timeout threshold not reached,
retrieve request, w/o updating counter");
// If counter not exceeded (normal request)
// then add to cache
caches.open('sabrina_cache').then(function(cache) {
console.log("Adding to cache");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Error" + error);
throw error;
}};} else { event.respondWith(fetch(event.request)); }});

Last Thoughts
There are numerous ways to implement the getCounter and update
Counter methods so long as there exists the capability to beacon out
to some sort of data store. Also, Example 8-3 can be expanded to
count the number of times a resource request has exceeded other
metrics that are available for measurement (not just the fetch time).
In Example 8-3, we took extra precautions to ensure that third par
ties do not degrade performance, and do not result in a single point
of failure. By leveraging service workers, we make use of their asyn
chronous nature, so there is a decreased likelihood of any impact to
the user experience or the DOM.

Just like JavaScript, service workers can be disabled

and are only supported on certain browsers. It is
important to maintain fallback strategies for your code
to avoid issues with site functionality.

The main idea behind this implementation is to avoid any unneces

sary performance degradation or potential script injection by only
allowing reputable third party content that meets the criteria that we

48 | Chapter 8: Service Workers: Control Third Party Content

set in place. We are essentially moving security and performance to
the browser, rather than relying solely on backend client reputation,
WAFs, and other content delivery network/origin infrastructure sol

Last Thoughts | 49
Service Workers:
Other Applications

Using service workers to control the delivery of third party content

or even monitor third party performance is critical. But what about
first party resources? Or frontend techniques to improve the perfor
mance and security with base page content in general? Service work
ers can be leveraged in many different ways, including through
input validation and geo content control, which are discussed briefly

Input Validation
Input validation strategies typically involve client-side JavaScript,
server-side logic, or other content delivery network/origin logic in
an effort to not only prevent incorrect inputs or entries, but also to
prevent malicious content from being injected that could potentially
impact a site overall. The problem with some of the above strategies
is that a site still remains vulnerable to attacks.
With client-side JavaScript, anyone can look to see what input vali
dation strategies are in place and find a way to work around them
for different attacks such as SQL injections, which could impact the
end users experience. With server-side logic or other content deliv
ery network/origin features, the request has to go to the network
before being validated, which could impact performance for the end

How can service workers mitigate some of these vulnerabilities?
Lets use the service worker fetch handler to validate the input field
and determine whether to forward or block a resource request. Of
course service workers can be disabled, as with JavaScript, but it is
up to the developer to put backup sever-side strategies in place as a
preventative measure.
Benefits of using service workers:

Remove the need to have the request go to the network, server,

content delivery network, or origin, which removes additional
validation delay.
Reduce the risk of those requests being intercepted if we block
them before even forwarding to the network.
Service workers have no DOM access so malicious content is
likely not going to be injected to change the page and how it
validates form fields.

The below pseudocode in Example 9-1 helps demonstrate how to

implement input validation via a service worker. The fetch event can
catch the POST request and analyze the fields before submission.

Example 9-1. Fetch event handler for form submission

self.onfetch = function(event) {
// get POST request from form submission
// analyze fields before submitting to network
if input field is valid
submit fetch(event.request)
else block

Geo Content Control

Delivering content to end users based on their specific geography
has been critical to business growth. Advanced technology available
at the content delivery network or origin has allowed businesses to
target end users with content based on their geo locations. But what
if we could make that determination at the browser, and then for
ward the request based on an end users geo location? Service work
ers can help by leveraging the GeoFencing API, which allows web

52 | Chapter 9: Service Workers: Other Applications

applications to create geographic boundaries around specific loca
Push notifications can then be leveraged when a user or device
enters those areas. But being a browser-specific technique, there is
the security concern in spoofing a geo location. With this in mind, it
is critical to maintain server-side logic for comparison purposes,
whether it exists at the origin or content delivery network, to ensure
that geo location data is not tampered with.
This functionality is still relatively new because of the different
caveats when accessing an end users geo location. But the idea of
moving this functionality to the browser, with possible access to an
offline cache for geo-specific content, can help eliminate the need to
make a decision at the content delivery network or origin, which
could help improve performance.

A Closer Look
Lets take a look at Example 9-2. During service worker registration,
different GeoFence regions would be added, along with any addi
tional offline caches for content.

Example 9-2. Register event handler: Adding GeoFences

.then((swRegistration) => {
let region = new CircularGeofenceRegion({
name: 'myfence',
latitude: 37.421999,
longitude: -122.084015,
radius: 1000
let options = {
includePosition: true
swRegistration.geofencing.add(region, options).then(
// log registration
// setup offline cache for geo-specific content

Once the service worker is active, it can start listening for users or
devices entering or leaving the GeoFence we set up during registra
tion (Example 9-3).

Geo Content Control | 53

Example 9-3. GeoFence enter event listener
self.ongeofenceenter = (event) => {
//if offline cache has region resources -> serve content

Because service workers can be disabled, having backend solutions

in place is critical. As an additional preventative measure, content
delivery networks or the origin can validate geo location and geo-
specific content being served back to the end user.

Last Thoughts
Input validation and geo content control are just a couple more ser
vice worker applications, but the use cases and applications will con
tinue to increase as we advance with this technology. The idea is to
take backend solutions and bring them to the browser in an effort to
mitigate some of the common security and performance issues we
see today.

54 | Chapter 9: Service Workers: Other Applications


Throughout this book, we have learned that a performance solution

can be a security solution and a security solution can, in fact, be a
performance solution. In the past and up until now, the majority of
the focus has been on improving conditions at the origin, by looking
at web infrastructure. Additionally, certain performance improve
ment techniques have been found to compromise security and vice
versa, certain security techniques have been found to compromise
performance. This is mainly due to business needs. End users
demand an optimal browsing experience and they will continue to
demand even faster and more secure browsing experiences. That
being said, we need to develop solutions that help bridge the gap
between security and performance, by bringing the focus to the
We have discussed major trends and prominent issues, including the
concept of single point of failure as well as the possibility of deliver
ing compromised content to end users. As developers, it is impor
tant to recognize when these situations can occur so that we can
better adapt our sites to handle unexpected behavior.
Much of the focus of this book has been on third party content due
to the fact that third party providers are becoming increasingly pop
ular as they are able to offload much of the work from companies
origin web infrastructures. End users are exposed to the many dif
ferent risks mentioned throughout this book due to this, so we can
see how the concept of bridging the gap at the browser is becoming
increasingly important.

What Did We Learn?
Over the course of this book, we have explored several existing tech
niques as well as newer technologies to help achieve an optimal
frontend experience that is also secure. Keep these simple yet power
ful points in mind:

Avoid the HTTPHTTPS redirect on every page request!

Use the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security technique to
cache these redirects and potentially configure browser pre
load lists to continue enforcing an initial secure connection.
Protect your sites from third party vulnerabilities
Sandbox, sandbox, sandbox.and srcdoc! Utilize the new
<iframe> directives introduced in HTML5 and correspond
ing Content-Security-Policy directives to better address
third party concerns.
Explore the latest on referrer policies. While still experimen
tal, adopting these practices in your sites will better ensure
privacy for your end users.
Improve content delivery in a secure way
Consider pairing preload and prefetch web linking techni
ques with Content-Security-Policy to gain a security
enhancement in addition to a frontend optimization techni
Deter attackers that target your vendor content by obfuscat
ing the sources in an optimal way.
Explore service workers!
While still considered new, explore the latest with service
workers as they can be powerful especially when bringing
security and performance enhancements to the browser.
Service workers provide more control including geo content
control and input validation methods, as well as monitoring
third party content (analytics code, ad content, etc.).

56 | Chapter 10: Summary

Last Thoughts
Remember to enhance techniques that exist today using the meth
ods described throughout this book. Additionally, stay up-to-date
with the latest technologies and look for newer ways to bring a
secure and optimal experience to the end user.
While security can be a vague term, there are many different areas
that are often dismissed. Origin web security is usually the focus, but
it is important to consider the different flavors of security including
privacy for end users, as well as the ability to conceal information
from potentially malicious end users.
Compromising security for a performance solution and vice versa is
no longer an option given the latest trends. Lets continue thinking
about solutions that provide benefits in both areas as the need con
tinues to increase.

Last Thoughts | 57
About the Authors
Sonia Burney has a background in software development and has
been able to successfully participate in many roles throughout her
years at Santa Clara University and in the tech world. Every role, at
every company, has driven her to learn more about the tech indus
try, specifically with regards to web experience and development.
While Sonias background consists of mostly software development
roles within innovative teams/companies, her current role at Aka
mai Technologies now includes consulting and discovering new sol
utions to challenging problems in web experiencespecifically,
coming up with algorithms designed to improve the frontend expe
rience at the browser. Outside of work, not only is she a dedicated
foodie, but she enjoys traveling, running, and spending time with
friends and family.
Sabrina Burney has worked in many different fields since graduat
ing from Santa Clara University. She has a background in computer
engineering and has always had a passion for technologies in the IT
world. This passion stems from learning about newer tech being
developed as well as enhancing tech that is already present and
underutilized. While Sabrina currently works at Akamai Technolo
gies, her experience inside and outside of Akamai includes roles in
software development and web security, as well as more recently the
web experience world. She is able to utilize her backgrounds in mul
tiple fields to help improve the overall end user experience when it
comes to navigating the Web. Sabrinas recent work is focused on
third-party content and ways to improve the associated vulnerabili
ties and concernsshe has several patents pending in this subject
area. Outside of work, she enjoys playing soccer with her fellow
coworkers as well as traveling with her family.

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