Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index Primer - 6

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subgroup to the total cost of materials represents the weight How are the price indices information made

made available to
CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS of each subgroup. the public?

WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX (CMWPI) The CMWPI series are posted on the PSA website at
Weights by Commodity Group for CMWPI (2000=100) upon their release and can be made available to
What is the Wholesale Price Index for Construction Materials the public in soft copies upon request. Data are also available at the
(CMWPI)? Commodity Group Weights th
Price Statistics Division (PSD), 16 Floor, Eton Cyberpod Centris
The CMWPI is a variant of the GWPI that measures the changes A. All Items 100.000 Three, EDSA cor. Quezon Ave., Quezon City (Telephone Number:
in the average wholesale prices of construction materials. It is used B. Sand and Gravel 1.567 3761959).
for the computation of price escalation of construction materials C. Concrete Products 43.870
for various government projects as indicated in the Presidential D. Cement 2.259
Decree (PD) 1594. E. Lumber 1.219 For further inquiries, write, call or visit:
F. Plywood 1.123
G. Fuels and Lubricants 9.091
The CMWPI is computed using the weighted arithmetic mean of P.O. Box 779, Manila, Philippines
H. Asphalt 0.356
price relatives, a variant of Laspeyres formula with fixed base
I. Glass and Glass Products 0.354
Tel. No. 4626600 loc. 804 or
year period weights.
J. Hardware 0.580 any Regional/Provincial office nearest you
a. Base Period. The current series uses 2000 as the base year. K. PVC Pipes 1.171
b. Market Basket. The current CMWPI market basket considered L. Plumbing Fixtures 5.909
those construction materials prevailing in 2000. The market M. Painting Works 2.598 PSA ON THE AIR
basket for the 2000-based series includes 108 items. N. Reinforcing Steel 12.131
O. Structural Steel 4.797 Tune in to PSA Serbilis sa Radyo, PSAs regular
A technical working group composed of representatives P. G.I. Sheets 1.106 weekly segment over DZRB-Radyo ng Bayan
from the Department of Public Works and Highways, National (738 KHz) every Saturday from 6:15-7:00 AM, for the
Q. Electrical Works 2.615
Housing Authority, Subdivision and Housing Developers latest updates in statistics and civil registration services.
Association, Incorporated, Construction Industries Association
R. Tileworks 2.565
of the Philippines of the Department of Trade and Industry S. Doors, Jambs and Steel Casement 6.689
(DTI), Philippine Contractors Association, National Statistical
Coordination Board, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, National d. Formula. The formula used in constructing the CMWPI is the
Economic and Development Authority and former NSO weighted arithmetic mean of price relatives, the Laspeyres
together with the experts from the Housing and Land Use formula with a fixed base period and weights.
Regulatory Board reviewed and finalized the composition of
e. Geographic coverage. The current series covers wholesale
the market basket and the weights for each commodity group.
trade intermediaries of construction materials in the NCR only.
Technical assistance was also provided by the representatives
from the Department of Transportation and Communication How are prices collected?
and Bureau of Product Standards of DTI. Prices are collected through personal interviews or actual price
quotations from selected sample outlets in NCR. Collection of
c. Weights. The weights for the 2000-based CMWPI utilized the st rd
prices is done during the 1 to 3 week of the reference month.
total bill of materials in the various construction projects in
2000. It represents the total weight of the series and is How often is the CMWPI released?
equivalent to 100 percent. The cost of all the materials under a The CMWPI is computed by the PSA on a monthly basis. It is
particular subgroup was taken as the cost of materials of that available fifteen days after the reference month. Available series
subgroup. The percentage of the cost of these materials in the are from 1997 to present.

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