HTTP WWW Computerhope Com Unix Overview HTM
HTTP WWW Computerhope Com Unix Overview HTM
HTTP WWW Computerhope Com Unix Overview HTM
Below is a listing of each of the Unix and Linux commands currently listed on Computer Hope
and a brief explanation of each command. This is a full listing which means not all the below
commands will work with your distribution and may also not work because of your privileges.
Clicking on any of the commands will display additional help and information about that
Command Description
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a2p Create a Perl script from an AWK script.
access The system function which checks a user's permissions to access a file.
agrep Version of the grep utility which also matches approximate patterns.
apt-cache Search for information about software packages available through APT.
aptitude Text-based front end for the APT package management system.
as An assembler.
bc A calculator.
chroot Run a command or shell from another directory, and treat that directory as root.
depmod Generate a list of kernel module dependences and associated map files.
dirname Strip the filename from a pathname, leaving only the directory component.
dpkg Query, install, remove, and maintain Debian software packages and their dependencies.
findsmb List information about machines networked with the Samba protocol.
foreach Execute a set of commands once for each of a given set of input items.
gzip Create, modify, list the contents of, and extract files from GNU zip archives.
iostat Report CPU and I/O statistics for devices and partitions.
ip Display and manipulate information about routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels.
join Join the lines of two files which share a common field of data.
mailcompat Provide SunOS 4.x compatibility for the Solaris mailbox format.
make Automatically build executable programs and libraries from source code.
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man Display the manual page of a given command.
mv Move files and directories from one location to another, and optionally rename them.
nohup Instruct a command to continue running even if the session is disconnected or the user logs
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nroff Format documents for terminal display or line-printer.
partprobe Inform the operating system about changes to the partition table.
pax Read and write file archives, and copy directory hierarchies.
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pine A client for using mail and newsgroups.
pkill Send a signal to any process whose attributes match a regular expression.
pvs Display the internal version information of dynamic objects within an ELF file.
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rename Rename multiple files according to a regular expression.
rm Delete files.
rn A newsgroup reader.
rsync A fast and versatile file copying tool capable of synchronizing files across remote systems.
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sag Under Solaris, Graphically displays system activity data generated by sar.
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sleep Wait a given number of seconds.
strftime Format strings that represent the system date and time.
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tabs Set tab stops on a terminal.
tar Create, modify, list the contents of, and extract files from tar archives.
timex Report process data and system activity for a specified command.
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tput Initialize a terminal or query the terminfo database.
trap A function which "traps" signals and interrupts, and reacts to them.
tty Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input.
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until Execute a set of commands until a certain condition is true.
uptime Display information about how long the system has been running.
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wc Display a count of lines, words, and characters in a file.
whereis Locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command.
xargs Build and execute complex commands, and execute them on multiple files.
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xset A user preference utility for X.
zipsplit Split a single zip archive into a set of smaller zip files.
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