Final 00028
Final 00028
Final 00028
The unutilized forest and agricultural biomass such as residues aspect ratio of wood chip
left on forest floor and unutilized portions of farm crops is A cross-sectional area of liquid film
considered as one of the most promising domestic resources in B width of liquid film
Japan. The utilization of domestic biomass contributes to the d inner diameter of test tube
environmental protection of forests as well as the reduction in g gravitational acceleration
exhaustion of carbon dioxide. To promote the utilization of hm average depth of liquid film
woody biomass generated in forests and hilly agricultural areas, Ie energy gradient
the efficiencies for the transportation across hilly district regions M0 specific force
has to be improved. n roughness coefficient of Manning
nS frequency of transported wood chip
In the present study, the hydraulic transportation system of wood N number of wood chips
chips by means of liquid film flow in sloped pipeline is QL flow rate of liquid film
investigated. The wood chips produced by crushing or cutting QS flow rate of wood chip
forest biomass such as thinned woods and logging residues are QSmax maximum flow rate of wood chip
supplied to the pipeline laid on hilly district regions. The water is r radius of test tube
drawn by the pump from the water reservoir at the foot of a R hydraulic radius
mountain to the supply port of pipeline. The wood chips are average length of wood chips arranged in the cross
transported downward with the liquid film flow formed in the sa
direction on the liquid film
pipeline due to the gravity force. The hydraulic transportation sl longer side of wood chip
system in this study is simple and economical compared to the ss shorter side of wood chip
conventional forestry harvesting machines, but the stagnation of v velocity
wood chips can occur, which causes the blockade of wood chips vs velocity of wood chip
in pipelines [1]. The purpose of the study is to clarify the effect V volume of wood chip
of wood chip aspect ratio on the mechanism of blockade and angle formed by width of liquid film
maximum flow rate of wood chips. The test section imitating the x average distance of the neighboring wood chips
hilly terrain pipeline consists of three parts: the upstream part, the inclination angle of midstream part of test tube
downstream part and midstream part. Both the upstream and S density of wood chip
downstream parts of the test section are mounted with an incline
of 30 degree, and the midstream part of the test section is
mounted in the horizontal position. Three test tubes are used with
1 supercritical flow
inner diameters of 32mm, 50mm and 65mm. Wood chips are
2 subcritical flow
made of Balsa square timber, and the three kinds of aspect ratios
of wood chips are used, 333mm, 633mm and 933mm.
The density of wood chips is adjusted in the range of 600- Introduction
1000kg/m3 by varying the time to soak wood chips in the water.
To predict maximum flow rate of wood chips at a given liquid To reduce the exhaustion of carbon dioxide, the biomass resource
flow rate, the analytical model for blockade of wood chips is also is considered to be an important contributor to sustainable energy
investigated. strategies, since biomass has carbon neutral and renewable
The results obtained are as follows. The blockade of wood chips
in the pipeline is caused by the occurrence of hydraulic jump in Biomass resources can be classified into three categories [2]; (1)
horizontal flow, and the maximum flow rate of wood chips is Plantation biomass produced in the field without the land-use
greatly affected by the liquid film flow rate and aspect ratio of competition, (2) Waste biomass derived from the production
wood chips. The maximum flow rate of wood chips increases activities, and (3) Unutilized forest and agricultural biomass such
with increasing liquid film flow rate, but decreases with as residues left on forest floor and unutilized portions of farm
increasing aspect ratio of wood chips. From the comparison crops. Among them, the forest biomass derived from logging and
between the experimental data and the analytical model to predict thinning operations in forests is one of the most promising
the blockade of wood chips, it is found that the model gives a domestic resources in Japan. The potential annual energy of
fairly good agreement with the experimental results of maximum forest biomass is estimated to be one hundred million toe [2],
flow rate of wood chips at a given liquid film flow rate. which corresponds to 20% of the annual primary energy
consumption in Japan. The promotion of the utilization of forest
biomass also contributes to the environmental protection of
forests as well as the reduction in exhaustion of carbon dioxide. Wood chip supply system
However, since most of the forests in Japan locate in the Electric drill
mountain region, the forest biomass has not been used
continually due to the difficulty in carrying residues out of the
forest. In order to promote the utilization of forest biomass, the
efficiencies for the transportation across the mountains with steep
slopes have to be improved. DC power supply
Mixing device
In the present study, the hydraulic transportation system of wood
chips proposed by Sawai et al. [1] is investigated. The wood
chips produced by crushing or cutting forest biomass such as Test section
thinned woods and logging residues are supplied to the pipeline
laid on hilly district regions. The water is drawn by the pump
from the water reservoir at the foot of a mountain to the supply
port of pipeline. The liquid film is formed in the pipeline, and the Needle valve
Video camera
wood chips are transported downward with the liquid film flows
due to the gravity force. In the previous study [1], it is found that
the stagnation of wood chips in the hydraulic jump causes the
blockade of wood chips in pipelines. But the wood used in the
previous experiment was a cubic chip whose side length is 3mm.
The actual wood chips produced by crushing or cutting forest Gear pump PC
biomass are rectangular parallelepiped. The shape of wood chip
is considered to affect the mechanism of blockade and the
maximum flow rate of wood chips. The purpose of the study is to
clarify the effect of aspect ratio of wood chips on the maximum
flow rate of wood chips at a given liquid flow rate. The analytical
model to predict the blockade for various aspect ratios of wood Water storage tank
DC power supply
chips is also investigated.
Fig.1 Experimental Apparatus
Experimental Apparatus and Procedures
QS m3/s
QS m3/s
1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
QL m3/s [10-5] QL m3/s [10-5]
(a) S =567kg/m3 (b) S =1012kg/m3
[10-5] 3 [10-5] 3
d=50mm d=50mm
=0 3
=0 3
2 S=568kg/m 2 S=1000kg/m
QS m3/s
QS m3/s
1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
QL m3/s [10-5] QL m3/s [10-5]
(a) S =568kg/m3 (b) S =1000kg/m3
: Blockade of wood chips is observed at the hydraulic In the case of a=1 and S=1012kg/m3, stagnation of wood chips is
jump of the liquid film flow. observed right after the hydraulic jump, but the wood chips
arranged in layers in the liquid film are transported slowly with
the liquid film flow. The maximum flow rate of wood chips for
: Stagnation of wood chips is observed right after the S=1012kg/m3 is larger than that for wood chips whose density is
hydraulic jump, and the wood chips are arranged in layers smaller than water density. In the case of a=3 and S=1000kg/m3,
in the liquid film. The wood chips are transported slowly the wood chips arranged in layers in the liquid film are not
with the liquid film flow. observed after the hydraulic jump.
In the horizontal tube, the liquid film changes from supercritical Effect of liquid flow rate, chip density, tube diameter and chip
flow to subcritical flow, and the drastic increase in the depth and aspect ratio on maximum flow rate of wood chips
width of liquid film flow occurs, which is what is called
hydraulic jump. When QS becomes large at a given QL, blockade Figure 5 shows the variation of QSmax with QL for various
of wood chips is observed right after the hydraulic jump. densities of wood chips, S. In the case of a=1 in Figure 5(a), the
Therefore, at a given QL, the flow rate of wood chips has a maximum flow rates of wood chips for S=1000 kg/m3 is larger
maximum, which is defined as the maximum flow rate of wood than those for S=600 kg/m3 and 800 kg/m3. In the case of a=3 in
chips, QSmax. As shown in Figures 3 and 4, it is found that QSmax Figure 5(b), the effect of S on QSmax is small.
increases with increasing QL. From the results of comparison
between a=1 in Figure 3 and a=3 in Figure 4, it is found that Figure 6 shows the variation of QSmax with QL for various tube
QSmax for a=3 is smaller than QSmax for a=1 under the same diameters, d. The maximum flow rates of wood chips decreases
[10-5] 3 [10-5] 3
333mm S=600kg/m33 933mm S=600kg/m33
d=50mm S=800kg/m d=50mm S=800kg/m 3
=0 S=1000kg/m3 S=1000kg/m
2 =0
QSmax m3/s
QSmax m3/s
1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
QL m3/s [10-5] QL m3/s [10-5]
(a) 333mma=1 (b) 933mma=3
[10-5] 3 [10-5] 3
333mm d=32mm 933mm d=32mm
=0 d=50mm =0 d=50mm
3 S=800kg/m3
2 S=800kg/m d=65mm d=65mm
QSmax m3/s
QSmax m3/s
1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
QL m3/s [10-5] QL m3/s [10-5]
(a) 333mma=1 (b) 933mma=3
[10-5] 3 [10-5] 3
d=65mm 333mm d=65mm 333mm
=0 633mm =0 633mm
S=600kg/m3 933mm S=1000kg/m3 933mm
2 2
QSmax m3/s
QSmax m3/s
1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
QL m3/s [10-5] QL m3/s [10-5]
(a) S =600kg/m3 (b) S =1000kg/m3
Figure 7 shows the variation of QSmax with QL for various aspect Figures 8(a) shows the flow pattern maps of wood chips, when
ratios of wood chips, a. The maximum flow rate of wood chips is the wood chips for a=1 and for a=3 are mixed in equal volumes.
largely affected by the aspect ratio of wood chips. QSmax To clarify the effect of mixture on QSmax, the flow pattern maps of
decreases with increasing the aspect ratio of wood chips. wood chips for a=1 and a=3 are also shown in Figures 8(b) and
8(c). From the results of comparison in Figure 8, it is found that
QSmax for the wood chip mixture of a=1 and a=3 is between QSmax
Effect of mixture of two kinds of wood chips on flow pattern for a=1 and QSmax for a=3 at a given QL.
Figure 9 shows the schematic diagram of liquid film flow in both
the upstream inclined tube and midstream horizontal tube. The
cross section of the liquid film in the test tube whose inner
[10-5] 3 diameter is r is also shown.
=0 3
2 S=790kg/m3 for 333mm
S=827kg/m for 933mm
QS m3/s
v1 Supercritical Subcritical
flow flow
v1 v2
0 r
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
QL m3/s [10-5]
(a) Flow pattern map of wood chip mixture of 333mma=1 r
and 933mma=3
[10-5] 3
d=50mm Fig.9 Liquid film flow in test section
=0 3
2 S=851kg/m In the present section, one-dimensional analysis of hydraulic
QS m3/s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (M 0 )2 (M 0 )1 = 0 (1)
QL m3/s [10-5]
The terms (M0)1 and (M0)2 in equation (1) represent the specific
(b) Flow pattern map of wood chip for 333mma=1 forces before and after hydraulic jump, and are given by the
following equations;
[10-5] 3 Q1 2 hm1
( M 0)1 = + A1
d=50mm 2
QS m3/s
Q2 2 hm 2
( M 0) 2 = + A2
In the above equations, Q represents the flow rate of liquid film
0 and is given by the product by the cross-sectional area A and
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
QL m3/s [10-5] average velocity v.
R (I e ) 2
1 1
v= 3
where the roughness coefficient of Manning n is given by 0.01,
and the energy gradient Ie is given by sin30. The hydraulic B1
radius R is given by vs1 vs2
r sin
R= (9)
Fig.10 Flow of wood chips in horizontal tube
It is assumed that the characteristics of liquid film in the
upstream inclined tube can be applied to those in supercritical The blockade of wood chips in the test tube is caused by the
flow region in horizontal tube. The flow rate of liquid film in friction between wood chips and tube wall, when the number of
supercritical flow is given by substituting equations (5) and (8) wood chips in the cross direction on the liquid film exceeds the
into equation (4). limit of the number of wood chips.
x =
vs B2 v 2
(11) n S max = (14)
ns sl s a
where nS is given by dividing the flow rate of wood chip by the
B2 v 2
average volume of wood chip, and vS is assumed to be equal to QS max = n S max V = V (15)
the average velocity of liquid film v. sl s a
Figure 10 shows the schematic diagram of liquid film flow and
wood chip arrangement in the neighborhood of hydraulic jump. The average length of wood chips arranged in the cross direction
At the location of hydraulic jump from the supercritical flow to on the liquid film, sa is given by equation (16), assuming that the
subcritical flow, the drastic decrease in velocity and drastic half the number of wood chips are arranged under the condition
increase in the depth and width of liquid film occur. In the where longer sides of wood chips are arranged in perpendicular
supercritical flow before hydraulic jump, the wood chips are to the flow direction of liquid film, as shown in Figure 10.
transported under the condition where the longer sides of wood
s s + sl sl 1 6 N + sl 2 N + s s N 5
sa = (16) sa = = ss (22)
2 8N 4
The volume of wood chip, V is given by the shorter side ss and QSmax in the case of mixture of two kinds of wood chips is given
longer side sl of wood chips. by substituting equations (21) and (22) into equation (12). The
comparisons between the analytical model and experimental data
V = s s s s sl (17)
are shown in Figures 8(a). It is found that the solid curve
obtained by the analytical model agrees well with the
experimental results.
Substituting equations (16) and (17) into equation (15), QSmax is
expressed as a function of the aspect ratio of wood chip, a. In Figure 11, the experimental results for the equivalent aspect
ratio obtained by equation (21) are shown by the square symbols.
2 The analytical result, equation (20) gives a good agreement with
QS max = ss B2 v2 (18) the experimental results. Therefore, the blockade in the case of
1+ a mixture of two kinds of wood chips is predicted by using the
equivalent aspect ratio.
a= ( 1)
a (19)
ss 1
0.8 a=2
From the equation (18), it is found that QSmax decreases with
(QSmax )a/(QSmax )1
increasing a when the flow rate of liquid film is constant. Using
equation (18), the ratio of (QSmax)a for the given aspect ratio a to 0.6
(QSmax)1 for a=1 is expressed as a function of aspect ratio.
(QS max )a 2
(QS max )1
(20) QL=3.4710-5m3/s
1+ a 0
1 2 3 4 5
The comparisons between the analytical model, equation (18) and
experimental data are shown in Figures 3 and 4. The solid curves
in both figures represent QSmax obtained by equation (18), and Fig.11 Effect of aspect ratio on transportation limit of wood chips
agree well with the experimental results with the exception of the
conditions S=1000kg/m3 and a=1.
Subcritical flow
2. From the analytical results, it is found that QSmax is [2] Komiyama, H., Sakoda, A., and Matsumura, Y., Biomass
expressed as a function of the aspect ratio of wood chip at a Nippon, Nikkankougyou shinbunsha, 2003.
given liquid film flow rate. The blockade of wood chips in
the case of mixture of two kinds of wood chips is predicted [3] Harada, T., Wood Industry, 57-11, 2002, 480-483. 2002.