Fivepillarplan PDF
Fivepillarplan PDF
Fivepillarplan PDF
FIVE PILLAR PLAN - October 2009 revision Version 5 (May 31, 2010)*
The Grand Lodge of BC & Yukon, as a parent organization of Freemasons,
Five Pillar Plan
promotes and advances the Masonic Fraternity in this jurisdiction and serves LEADERSHIP EDUCATION COMMUNICATION MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY
as a support system to individual lodges by building a modern, dynamic
organization with universal appeal and by creating a favourable climate for
meaningful organizational change.
* Note: The 5-Pillar Plan is a living document and many of its elements will
continue to evolve. Updates and revisions will occur as committees and
individuals continue to work on their assigned areas of responsibility.
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FIVE PILLAR PLAN - October 2009 revision Version 5 (May 31, 2010)*
LEADERSHIP LE1. Present the Lodge Officers and Ladies (Masonic April 16, 17, 18 2010 Leadership Committee Improved leadership
Develop and maintain Leadership) Conferences every two years. Next - 2012 performance as measured in a
exceptional and inspiring survey utilizing the Masonic
LE2. Hold an annual two-day seminar for incoming DDGMs. Spring Annually Deputy Grand Master Leadership Profile.
leaders who are competent,
creative, dynamic and LE3. Update and maintain the Lodge Officers Leadership 2010 / 11 Leadership Committee More Brethren seeking
committed. Development Workshop. Continue to conduct at least leadership roles.
one workshop annually in each region in alternate
years from the Lodge Officers and Ladies Surveys for seminars and
Conferences. workshops (before and after)
and pre- / post-evaluation of all
LE4. Develop a definition of the desirable characteristics / 2010 / 11 Leadership Committee training as to value and skill
skills sets required for a leader in Freemasonry development success.
(Masonic Leadership Profile) to be used for guidance in
selecting, training and developing Masonic leaders.
LE5. Provide mentorship for Candidates and Lodge Officers TBA Education Committee
through expanded use of the Mentorship Program.
Develop simplified instructions and guidelines to assist
EDUCATION ED1. Encourage and assist Lodges to conduct regular high DDGMs to report annually on
Expand our knowledge of quality education / enlightenment at meetings and to status within the Lodges and
Freemasonry, society and have libraries and resource centers by: their District.
the liberal arts and sciences ED1.1. District Education Officers to demonstrate the DDGMs and District Education Alternatively communicated
through thought provoking, variety of ways to present enlightenment Officers through Secretaries returns and
entertaining and relevant (preference is for interactive education preferably / or report(s) form the District
enlightenment. including multi-media delivery). Education Officers.
ED1.1.1. Develop defined expectations for DEOs. June 2011 (@GL) Leadership Committee Report of the Grand Lodge
Committee on Education
ED1.1.2. Provide public speaking and presentation April annually (to DGM and SGW
skills workshop for DEOs (and other Grand DDGMs)
Lodge and Lodge Officers). June 2011 (@GL) Leadership Committee
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FIVE PILLAR PLAN - October 2009 revision Version 5 (May 31, 2010)*
ED2. Meet the Masonic educational needs of the Brethren Development schedule Ashlar College of Freemasonry
by developing a Masonic Diploma Program. required.
COMMUNICATION CN1. Address the application of current systems and Ad hoc Grand Lodge Systems and protocols
Ensure good two-way technology for communication: Committee on Electronic developed and successfully
communication and Communication Enhancing implemented.
CN1.1. Review the processes and methods of TBA Our Working Tools to work
disperse all information and communication between GL and the Lodges of Survey of Lodge Secretaries and
with in close consultation with
resources clearly, effectively this Jurisdiction, and recommend and implement the Grand Secretary DDGMs Annual Reports confirm
and in a timely manner. enhancements and changes where these can be progress.
made using available technologies. Grand Secretary to implement.
Greater ease and efficiency of
CN1.2. Identify and implement opportunities to increase TBA communication (survey to
communication between the Lodges of this determine perception of
Jurisdiction and their members using electronic Brethren).
communications technologies.
CN2. Develop and implement protocols for the TBA Grand Secretary
communication of all information.
CN4. Review our Grand Representatives Program to Report by May 5, 2010 Fraternal Relations Committee
ensure it is productive and make certain it is
communicated, promoted and understood.
CN7. Review the purpose and frequency of publication of the TBA Regional Representatives:
Grand Lodge Bulletin and consider alternatives (e.g. - Collins, Bisson, Westmacott,
glossy magazine, e-zine, etc.). Phillips
CN8. Develop a clearing house of district events (electronic TBA Grand Secretary
calendar) for the entire jurisdiction.
MEMBERSHIP ME1. Develop and implement a system which provides for a 2010 / 11 W. Bro. Myles Makortoff Average on-going increase in
Retain current members and high level of candidate preparation and retention (e.g. membership of 2%.
attract new candidates. the 6-Step Program).
Survey indicates the
ME2. Upgrade and maintain the Lodge Excellence Program TBA Research Committee and Membership is increasingly
including links to resources related to program Regional Representatives Active and Satisfied.
elements. All Lodges fulfill minimum
standards of Lodge Excellence
ME3. Develop a Lodge Planning booklet for Lodges 2011 / 12 Leadership Committee
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FIVE PILLAR PLAN - October 2009 revision Version 5 (May 31, 2010)*
ME5. Design and implement an electronic survey of Master Present results at 2010 Ad hoc Committee re:
Masons placing emphasis on new Brethren who have Grand Lodge Electronic Survey
been in the Craft for less than five (5) years. Communication
ME6. Investigate, develop and implement mechanisms to Underway (? Specifics Membership Committee
enhance the retention, restoration and recruitment of and associated
Brethren. This should include collaboration with our timelines)
concordant bodies of men and women.
COMMUNITY CY1. Provide needed resources, guidance and support to TBA Community Relations Comm. Feedback from community,
Develop a meaningful Lodges. Brethren, new members and
relationship with our positive impact on membership.
CY2. Provide resources and guidance to ensure that Lodge TBA Building Committee
communities. Buildings reflect the image required to promote a
favourable impression of Freemasonry.
CY3. Grand Lodge to encourage and support participation in TBA Grand Secretary
appropriate community event and initiatives.
CY4. Develop a DVD (long, short and on-line formats) Preview @ GL 2010 - Ad hoc Committee (Cross
providing information regarding Freemasonry. complete by Sept. responsible)
CY5. Charitable donations to recognized societies within our By April 30 annually Grand Master
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SM1. Conduct an Organizational Analysis of our Grand Ad hoc Committee on Feedback from Brethren
Providing a sound jurisdiction which will include: Organizational Analysis (survey) confirming the more
foundation for our Five efficient and effective operation
SM1.1. Organizational Chart for elected and appointed Dec. 31, 2010 of their Grand Lodge.
Pillars. Grand Lodge Officers
SM1.2. Job descriptions for Grand Line Officers (GM, Dec. 31, 2010
DGM, J & SGW, G Treas., G Secretary)
SM1.5. Terms of office for the Grand Master, Deputy May 31, 2012
Grand Master, Senior and Junior Grand Wardens
SM2. Define and communicate the role of the Regional On going Grand Master
SM3. Manage and maintain the Five Pillar Plan On going Senior Grand Warden
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