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Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks

and Deep Learning

A Practical Guide with Applications in Python

Sebastian Raschka
2016 - 2017 Sebastian Raschka


Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

TensorFlow in a Nutshell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Computation Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Placeholder Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CPU and GPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

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Sebastian Raschka!forum/ann-and-dl-book
Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics
This appendix offers a brief overview of TensorFlow, an open-source library for numerical
computation and deep learning. This section is intended for readers who want to gain a basic
overview of this library before progressing through the hands-on sections that are concluding
the main chapters.
The majority of hands-on sections in this book focus on TensorFlow and its Python API,
assuming that you have TensorFlow >=0.12 installed if you are planning to execute the code
sections shown in this book.
In addition to glancing over this appendix, I recommend the following resources from
TensorFlows official documentation for a more in-depth coverage on using TensorFlow:

Download and setup instructions

Python API documentation
TensorBoard, an optional tool for visualizing learning

TensorFlow in a Nutshell

At its core, TensorFlow is a library for efficient multidimensional array operations with a
focus on deep learning. Developed by the Google Brain Team, TensorFlow was open-sourced
on November 9th, 2015. And augmented by its convenient Python API layer, TensorFlow has
gained much popularity and wide-spread adoption in industry as well as academia.
TensorFlow shares some similarities with NumPy, such as providing data structures and com-
putations based on multidimensional arrays. What makes TensorFlow particularly suitable
for deep learning, though, are its primitives for defining functions on tensors, the ability of
parallelizing tensor operations, and convenience tools such as automatic differentiation.
Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 2

While TensorFlow can be run entirely on a CPU or multiple CPUs, one of the core strength
of this library is its support of GPUs (Graphical Processing Units) that are very efficient
at performing highly parallelized numerical computations. In addition, TensorFlow also
supports distributed systems as well as mobile computing platforms, including Android and
Apples iOS.
But what is a tensor? In simplifying terms, we can think of tensors as multidimensional
arrays of numbers, as a generalization of scalars, vectors, and matrices.

1. Scalar: R
2. Vector: Rn
3. Matrix: Rn Rm
4. 3-Tensor: Rn Rm Rp

When we describe tensors, we refer to its dimensions as the rank (or order) of a tensor,
which is not to be confused with the dimensions of a matrix. For instance, an m n matrix,
where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns, would be a special case of
a rank-2 tensor. A visual explanation of tensors and their ranks is given is the figure below.


Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 3


Code conventions in this book follow the Python 3.x syntax, and while the code examples
should be backward compatible to Python 2.7, I highly recommend the use of Python >=3.5.
Once you have your Python Environment set up (Appendix - Python Setup), the most
convenient ways for installing TensorFlow are via pip or conda the latter only applies if you
have the Anaconda/Miniconda Python distribution installed, which I prefer and recommend.
Since TensorFlow is under active development, I recommend you to consult the official
Download and Setup documentation for detailed installation instructions to install Ten-
sorFlow on you operating system, macOS, Linux, or Windows.

Computation Graphs

In contrast to other tools such as NumPy, the numerical computations in TensorFlow can
be categorized into two steps: a construction step and an execution step. Consequently, the
typical workflow in TensorFlow can be summarized as follows:

Build a computational graph

Start a new session to evaluate the graph
Initialize variables
Execute the operations in the compiled graph

Note that the computation graph has no numerical values before we initialize and evaluate it.
To see how this looks like in practice, let us set up a new graph for computing the column sums
of a matrix, which we define as a constant tensor (reduce_sum is the TensorFlow equivalent
of NumPys sum function).
In [1]:

Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 4

1 import tensorflow as tf
3 g = tf.Graph()
5 with g.as_default() as g:
6 tf_x = tf.constant([[1., 2.],
7 [3., 4.],
8 [5., 6.]], dtype=tf.float32)
9 col_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf_x, axis=0)
11 print('tf_x:\n', tf_x)
12 print('\ncol_sum:\n', col_sum)

Out [1]:

1 tf_x:
2 Tensor("Const:0", shape=(3, 2), dtype=float32)
4 col_sum:
5 Tensor("Sum:0", shape=(2,), dtype=float32)

As we can see from the output above, the operations in the graph are represented as Tensor
objects that require an explicit evaluation before the tf_x matrix is populated with numerical
values and its column sum gets computed.
Now, we pass the graph that we created earlier to a new, active session, where the graph gets
compiled and evaluated:
In [2]:

1 with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess:

2 mat, csum =[tf_x, col_sum])
4 print('mat:\n', mat)
5 print('\ncsum:\n', csum)

Out [2]:

Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 5

1 mat:
2 [[ 1. 2.]
3 [ 3. 4.]
4 [ 5. 6.]]
6 csum:
7 [ 9. 12.]

Note that if we are only interested in the result of a particular operation, we dont need
to run its dependencies TensorFlow will automatically take care of that. For instance, we
can directly fetch the numerical values of col_sum_times_2 in the active session without
explicitly passing col_sum to as the following example illustrates:
In [3]:

1 g = tf.Graph()
3 with g.as_default() as g:
4 tf_x = tf.constant([[1., 2.],
5 [3., 4.],
6 [5., 6.]], dtype=tf.float32)
7 col_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf_x, axis=0)
8 col_sum_times_2 = col_sum * 2
11 with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess:
12 csum_2 =
14 print('csum_2:\n', csum_2)

Out [3]:

1 csum_2:
2 [array([ 18., 24.], dtype=float32)]


Variables are constructs in TensorFlow that allows us to store and update parameters of
our models during training. To define a variable tensor, we use TensorFlows Variable()

Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 6

constructor, which looks similar to the use of constant that we used to create a matrix
previously. However, to execute a computational graph that contains variables, we must ini-
tialize all variables in the active session first (using tf.global_variables_initializer()),
as illustrated in the example below.
In [4]:

1 g = tf.Graph()
3 with g.as_default() as g:
4 tf_x = tf.Variable([[1., 2.],
5 [3., 4.],
6 [5., 6.]], dtype=tf.float32)
7 x = tf.constant(1., dtype=tf.float32)
9 # add a constant to the matrix:
10 tf_x = tf_x + x
12 with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess:
14 result =


1 print(result)

Out [4]:

1 [[ 2. 3.]
2 [ 4. 5.]
3 [ 6. 7.]]

Now, let us do an experiment and evaluate the same graph twice:

In [5]:

Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 7

1 with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess:

3 result =
4 result =

Out [5]:

1 [[ 2. 3.]
2 [ 4. 5.]
3 [ 6. 7.]]

As we can see, the result of running the computation twice did not affect the numerical values
fetched from the graph. To update or to assign new values to a variable, we use TensorFlows
assign operation. The function syntax of assign is assign(ref, val, ...), where ref is
updated by assigning value to it:
In [6]:

1 g = tf.Graph()
3 with g.as_default() as g:
4 tf_x = tf.Variable([[1., 2.],
5 [3., 4.],
6 [5., 6.]], dtype=tf.float32)
7 x = tf.constant(1., dtype=tf.float32)
9 update_tf_x = tf.assign(tf_x, tf_x + x)
12 with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess:
14 result =
15 result =
17 print(result)

Out [6]:

Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 8

1 [[ 3. 4.]
2 [ 5. 6.]
3 [ 7. 8.]]

As we can see, the contents of the variable tf_x were successfully updated twice now; in the
active session we

initialized the variable tf_x

added a constant scalar 1. to tf_x matrix via assign
added a constant scalar 1. to the previously updated tf_x matrix via assign

Although the example above is kept simple for illustrative purposes, variables are an
important concept in TensorFlow, and we will see throughout the chapters, they are not only
useful for updating model parameters but also for saving and loading variables for reuse.

Placeholder Variables

Another important concept in TensorFlow is the use of placeholder variables, which allow
us to feed the computational graph with numerical values in an active session at runtime.
In the following example, we will define a computational graph that performs a simple
matrix multiplication operation. First, we define a placeholder variable that can hold 3x2-
dimensional matrices. And after initializing the placeholder variable in the active session, we
will use a dictionary, feed_dict we feed a NumPy array to the graph, which then evaluates
the matrix multiplication operation.
In [7]:

1 import numpy as np
3 g = tf.Graph()
5 with g.as_default() as g:
6 tf_x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
7 shape=(3, 2))
9 output = tf.matmul(tf_x, tf.transpose(tf_x))

Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 9

12 with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess:

14 np_ary = np.array([[3., 4.],
15 [5., 6.],
16 [7., 8.]])
17 feed_dict = {tf_x: np_ary}
18 print(,
19 feed_dict=feed_dict))

Out [7]:

1 [[ 25. 39. 53.]

2 [ 39. 61. 83.]
3 [ 53. 83. 113.]]

Throughout the main chapters, we will make heavy use of placeholder variables, which allow
us to pass our datasets to various learning algorithms in the computational graphs.


Please note that all code examples in this book, and all TensorFlow operations in general,
can be executed on a CPU. If you have a GPU version of TensorFlow installed, TensorFlow
will automatically execute those operations that have GPU support on GPUs and use your
machines CPU, otherwise. However, if you wish to define your computing device manually,
for instance, if you have the GPU version installed but want to use the main CPU for
prototyping, we can run an active section on a specific device using the with context as

1 with tf.Session() as sess:

2 with tf.device("/gpu:1"):


/cpu:0: The CPU of your machine.

/gpu:0: The GPU of your machine, if you have one.
/gpu:1: The second GPU of your machine, etc.

You can get a list of all available devices on your machine via

Appendix G - TensorFlow Basics 10

1 from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

3 device_lib.list_local_devices()

For more information on using GPUs in TensorFlow, please refer to the GPU documentation


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