DUWIND Brochure 10LQ
DUWIND Brochure 10LQ
DUWIND Brochure 10LQ
2015 2020
energy markets
3. Wind Energy
The TU Delft Wind Energy Institute (DUWIND) brings together This raises novel research challenges that we
engineering and science to meet the multidisciplinary take up in our DUWIND research program by
character of wind energy research and education. identifying three levels of analysis and design:
Our ambition is to deliver pioneering interdisciplinary Wind in sustainable power supply systems : the
research and education on the design and operation of interaction of large scale wind power with other energy
interrelated offshore wind energy technologies and - systems sources and consumers in the electricity system is the
to meet the societal energy needs and expectations. central theme, as well as the interaction with society.
This level of the Duwind research programme is new.
This folder gives a summary of the DUWIND The programme offers cooperation with research
research programme for the years 2015-2020. driven by the other sustainable energy sources,
under the umbrella of the Delft Energy Initiative.
Traditionally research on Wind Energy strongly builds on
mono-disciplinary approaches in engineering and applied Wind power station: here the main topics of
science. It is only recently that especially offshore wind designing and operating an offshore wind farm as
energy is expected to become an essential part of future power station are included. Integration of all design
sustainable energy systems. From this perspective it is not aspects for lowest cost of energy as well as advanced
only necessary to consider technologically efficient, reliable asset management are the two research lines.
and robust solutions of different components, but also Wind energy converters: in this level the turbine
reflect on interrelations of wind energy with other parts of itself, its components and required background
energy systems as well as the regulation and management knowledge, as well as alternative types on wind
of this sector. Cross-disciplinary cooperation and research energy converters are addressed. Optimization of
is essential to make further development possible. the design for lower cost of energy and longer life
time are the drives of this research programme.
Within TU-Delft wind energy research goes back to the late
seventies. Currently DUWIND spans across six faculties The DUWIND R&D programme 2015-2020 is a strong and
of the TU Delft : Aerospace Engineering (AE), Electrical wide set of multidisciplinary ambitions which show the
Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Sciences (EEMCS), strength of the interaction of the different groups within TU
Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG), Mechanical, Delft and the devotion to improving wind energy research and
Maritime and Material Engineering (3ME), Technology Policy industry at large. Compared to the previous R&D programme
and Management (TPM), and most recently Applied Sciences it is clearly making a switch from only a hard engineering
(AS). It involves 15 research groups. Over the years cross- focus on the wind turbine, to more system integration and
disciplinary research extended, driven by the increasing societal implication of wind energy engineering, accentuating
scale of wind energy. Not only the fact that wind turbines are the importance of research in offshore wind farms and wind
the largest rotating machines on earth, but also the steps in the overall sustainable energy system. For this reason,
from individual wind turbine to small onshore wind farms to some parts of the programme are very realistic in numbers
large offshore wind power stations have made integration and predictions, while others have a more experimental
of all related disciplines one of the most important foci. character. The latter newcomers have clear ambitions
Moreover the role of wind energy in society has changed and are eager to prove themselves in the years ahead.
dramatically: starting as a green, alternative, niche
innovation, it is now one of the fastest growing sources
of electricity provision in Europe and other continents. Prof. Dr. Ir. van Kuik, DUWIND Chairman
Technology Policy and Management
Development of entrepreneurial
Wind Energy
Aerospace Engineering
Improved understanding of the operating
principles of the drive train and their limitations
Aerospace Engineering
Develop the knowledge, tools to design
and model VAWT rotors up to 20 MW,
with a focus on floating concepts
Economics of Technology and Innovation Wind Energy
Rolf Knneke Gerard van Bussel, Gijs van Kuik, Roland Schmehl,
Carlos Simao Ferreira, Michiel Zaaijer,
Energy and Industry
Wim Bierbooms, Nando Timmer
Paulien Herder
Policy, Organization, Law and Gaming
Alexander van Zuijlen
Martijn Groenleer
Structural Integrity and Composites
Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship
Marcias Martinez, Dimitrios Zarouchas
Roland Ortt
Control and Simulation
Ethics & Philosophy of Technology
Max Mulder
Ibo van de Poel
Aerospace Structures and Computational Mechanics
Roeland de Breuker
Intelligent Electrical Power Grids
Peter Palensky, Mart van der Meijden
Design and Construction Process
DC Systems & Storage
Rob Schoenmaker
Pavol Bauer
Offshore Engineering
Delft Institute for Applied Mathematics
Andrei Metrikine, Eliz-Mari Lourens
Kees Vuik