Co CurricularActivities TUEFA16
Co CurricularActivities TUEFA16
Co CurricularActivities TUEFA16
New Student Seminar
Tuesday, 12:30pm - 1:45pm
BOBST, Room LL151
Section #3
Co-Curricular Activities
An important part of becoming acclimated to NYU is to enjoy not only the academics side of the
university but to take part in co-curricular experiences. To help facilitate this, students are
required to attend 3 events throughout the semester. One event should be offered through
the Applied Psychology Department (e.g., APUG Club, Inside Scoop, etc.); another event should
come from Steinhardt's Office of Student Affairs (refer to S.E.E. flier); and a final event can be
from anywhere at NYU (e.g., lecture, panel talk, literary reading, etc.).
As proof of attendance, you are required to fill out the Events Participation Form completely,
which includes the event's date, title, and a brief description. On another page, you should
type a short explanation (at least half a page) of why you selected the event and how it
enriched your NYU experience. You will also need to secure the signature and email address
from the coordinator or representative of the event. Please attach the short explanation as an
attachment, while the form should be uploaded as a scanned attachment. If you are unsure
how to do this, speak to your O.L. and they will assist you.
October 4th (Attended between 9/6 and 10/3)
November 8th (Attended between 10/4 and 11/7)
December 6th (Attended between 11/8 and 12/5)
New Student Seminar
Tuesday, 12:30pm - 1:45pm
BOBST, Room LL151
Section #3