Federal Directive 15 PDF

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This Directive provides standard clasifi e. Whit. A person having origins in any of
cations for recordkeeping, collection, and pres- the original peoples of Europe, North Africa,
entation of data on race and ethnicity in Fed- or the Middls East
eral program administrative reporting and sta-
tictical activities These classftatons should 2. Utilization for Recordkeeping and
not be interpreted as being scientifc or anthro- Reporting
pological in nature, nor should they be viewed To provide fleiility, it is preferable to col-
as determinants of eligibilit for participation lect data on race and ethnicity separately. If
in any F-deral program. They have been de- separate race and ethnic categories are ed,
veloped in response to needs expressed by both the minimum designa;ions are:
the executive branch and the Congress to pro- a.:
vide for the collection and use of compatible, -Ameican Indian or Alaskan Nativc
nonduplicated, crrhangeable racial and ethnic -Asia. or Pacific Islander
data by Federal agencies -Black
L Defnitions b. R'hi-ici*:
The basic radcal and ethnic categories for -Hispanic origin
Federal statistics and program administrative -Not of Iispanic origin
reporting are defined as follows: When race and ethnicity are collected sep
a Americcmn In ican or Aias/kn Natite. A arately, the number of White and Black per-
person having origins in any of the original sons who are Hispanic- must be identifiable,
peoples of North America, and who maintains and capable of being reported in that category.
cultural identification through tribal afllation If a combined format ised to collect racial
or community recognition and ethnic data, the minimum acceptable cate.-
b. Asicn or Pccific rslaner.A person having goriesare: -
origins in any of the original peoples of the Aierican Indian or Aa a Native
Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subconti- Asian or Pacific Islander
nent, or the Pacific Islands This area includes, Black, not of Hispanic origin
for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Hispanic
Philippine Islands, and Samoa. White. not ofHispanic origin.
c. Black. A person having origins in any of The category which most closely reflects the
the black racial groups of Africa. individual's recognition in his community
d. Hisxpnic. A person of Mexican, Puerto should be used for purposes of reporting on
Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or persons who are of mixed racial and/or ethnic
other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of origins
In no case should the provisions of this Di-
Drective No. 1 supersedes ction 7(h) and Ex- rective be construed to limit the collection of
hibit F of OM'B CrcIar No. A-" dted May 3, 1974 data to the categories described above. How-
and as revised My 1, 1977. ever, any reporting required which uses more

detail shall be organized In such a way that the clearance process, a dec request for a var-
additional categories can be aggregated into iance should be made to the OFSPS-
these basic racial/ethni categories
The minfmm standard colection categories 3. Effective Date
shall be rtilized for reportingas follows: The provisions of this Directive are effctive
a Civa rights compliance reportig.The cat. immediately for al new and revised record-
egories specified above will be und by all agn- keeping or reporting qlremenr containin
des in either the separat. or mcomined format racial and/or ethnic iformaton All ei
for civil rights complianc reporting and equal recordkeepin or reporting requirement shall
employment reporting for both the public and be ade consstent. wit this Dreive at the
private sectors and for all levels of overn- time they are ub~mid for extasion, or not
ment Any variatio requiri les detailed later tha January 1, 1980.
data or data which cant be aggregated into
the basic cafteoria will have to be specifically 4. Presentaiion of Race/Ethnic Data
approved by the Ofc of Federal Statistical Displays of racial and ethni compliance and
Policy and Standards for executve aenies. statstical data wil use the category desina-
,More detailed reporting which can be are- tlon listed above. The dasination "nonwhite"
gated to the basic categories may be used at is not acceptabla for use in the presentation of
the agencies' disLetion. Federal Government data. It is ot to be used
b. Gdenerogm-ra tierur
and grcnt in any publiction of compliance or statistical
reportin. Whenever an agency sbject to this data or in the tet atof any complia or st
Directive issues new or revised amfni tistical repor
reporting or reordkeeping equire meant which In cases- wher the above designations are
include racial or ethni data, the agency will considered Inappropriate for presentaton of
use the race/ethnic categories described above. statistical data on particuar programs or for
A varianc can be specifically requested from the particular regional areas the sponsoring
Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Stand- agency may use:
ards, but such a varianc will be granted only (1) The designations Black and Other
if the agency can demnsatb that it is not Races" or "All Other Baces," as collective de-
reasonable for the prmary reporter to deter- scriptions of minority races when the most
mine the racial or ethnic background in terms summary distinction bcween the majority and
of the speciied: categories, and that such de minority races is appropriate;
ttrmination is not critical to the ad-mngatta n - (2) The designations -Wht Ck.- and
of the program- in queston, or if the specific "AU Other Races' when the dist on among
program- is diected to only one or a limited the majority race, the principal milnoty race
number of race/ethnic groups e, TIndian tri- and other races is approprita; or
bal activities (3) The designaion of a paricular minor-
c Statitic reporting. The categories de- ity race or races and the inclusion of "Whites"
scribed In this Directive will be ued an a min- with "An Other Races, " if such a collective de-
imum for federally sponsored statistical data scription is appropriate
collection where race and/or ethnicty is re- In displaying dailed information which
quired, ecpt when: the collection involves a represents a combinaton of race and e ity,
sample of such size that the data on the smaller the description of the data being displayed
categories-would be -reliable, or when the must clearly indicate that both bases of classi-
collection effort focuses on- a specific racial or cation are being used.
ethnic group. A repetitive survey shall be When the primary focus of a statistical re-
deemed to have an adequate sample size if the port is on two or more specific identifiable
racial and ethnic-data can be reliably aggre- groups in the population one or more of which
gated on a biennial basis. Any other variation is racial or ethnic, it is acceptable to display
will have to be specifcailly authorized by O1B data for each of the particular groups sepa-
through the reports clearance process (see rately and to describe data relating to the re-
OM:B CIrcular No. A-40). In those cases where mainder of the population by an appropriate
the data collection is not subject to the reports collective descripton.


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