Fedi Superfluid ToE v2
Fedi Superfluid ToE v2
Fedi Superfluid ToE v2
Marco Fedi
Marco Fedi1
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Universit e della Ricerca (MIUR), Italy
We know that a real vacuum (zero-energy space) doesn't exist [1, 2, 3,
4, 5]. By describing it as superuid quantum space (SQS) it's shown how
gravity can arise as absorption of space's quanta eected by fermions,
when they are described as topological defects in SQS (superuid vor-
tices). Gauss's law for gravity mathematically supports this hypothesis,
since it denes an incoming radial ux, and the plausibility of this mech-
anism has been also conrmed through a set of CFD simulations. In this
case, a gravitational eld is an incoming ow of space's quanta and this
leads to the formulation of a uid equivalence principle, able to show how
gravity may be the origin of all relativistic eects, also in special relativ-
ity, producing a simplication in the theory of relativity. It is discussed
how the uid dynamics of a SQS would be able to replace Einstein's
curved space-time and to explain gravitational waves. Not less important
when considering uid space, this hypothesis would not conict with the
Michelson-Morley experiment and would open up a new scenario on the
nature of light and on Hubble's law. A simple experiment is suggested
to proof uid quantum gravity and its consequences. Among these, the
mechanism of SQ absorption would automatically lead to the unication
of the four fundamental interactions, making us reinterpret the universe
as a uid phenomenon, from subatomic to cosmic scale.
1 marco.fedi@istruzione.it; marco.fedi.caruso@gmail.com
1 Gravity as a uid dynamic phenomenon in a superuid quan-
tum space. 3
1.1 Fluid quantum gravity and relativity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Photon as a phonon through superuid quantum space. . . . . . 10
1.2.1 Reinterpretation of Lorentz factor and Hubble's law. . . 12
1.3 Gravitational waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 Verication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5 Twin paradox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.6 Black holes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3 Conclusion 29
1 Gravity as a uid dynamic phenomenon in a
superuid quantum space.
Figure 1: Two particles move the one toward the other since they're absorbing the
uid (SQS) which they're
! immersed in. This phenomenon is in direct agreement with
Gauss's law for gravity V g dA = 4GM .
(uj )
=0 (1)
(ui uj ) p
ui uj
= + + (2)
xj xi xj xj xi
((E + p)uj ) T
= k (3)
xj xj xj
The condition of two stationary spheres immersed in an incompressible uid
was set and the pressure integral of the forces acting on them was calculated.
The analysis took into account the response to absorption velocity and to dis-
tance between the spheres. To simplify the simulations, the system was reduced
as showed in g. 22 (annex).
The attractive force produced by pressure forces and momentum, where A
corresponds to the surface of the inner sphere and d~ is the unit vector for the
distance between the spheres, is represented by the following equation:
Fa = ~ A
(p + (~u ~n)(~u d))d ~ d~ (4)
The analysis of velocity and pressure, with respect to the distance (radius)
from the absorbing sphere is illustrated in g. 16 and the diagrams in g. 24,
25, 26 and 27 (annex) show an inverse quadratic dependence on distance and a
quadratic dependence on the ow velocity.
Renement of computational grid and domain enlargement helped to reduce
the curvature of the ow lines, up to a virtually radial ow (g. 23).
The behavior of the attractive force shown by this analysis is concordant with
Newton's law of universal gravitation, since the attractive force decreases with
distance (radius) according to an inverse square law and quadratically grows
according to the velocity of the ux (g. 24, 25, 26). Two equal spheres have
been considered, corresponding to equal masses in Newton's law.
Moreover, a sphere absorbing the uid in which it is immersed generates a
radial attraction eld equal to the Schwarzschild solution,
2Gm 2Gm
ds2 = 1 dr2 + r2 (d2 + sin2 d2 ) c2 1 2 dt2 (5)
c2 r c r
suggesting that the metric tensor of GR may be expressed through uid
dynamic forces. Fluid quantum space which evolves in time, instead of curved
geometric spacetime (g. 2, 3, 4). Here a 3D space plus time, not space-time
as a single physical entity, is dened, since time may simply arise as a chain of
events occurring in a 3D uid quantum space; events which may be more or less
close ( time dilation) depending on the gravitational force acting in a given
frame of reference, also when a at Minkowski space is considered, as discussed
Figure 2: how the presence of a massive body curves spacetime (a) or absorbs uid quantum
space (b), here in analogy with a bell-mouth spillway.
Figure 3: the Lense-Thirring eect according to Einstein's curved spacetime (a) and to uid
dynamics (b). Here as an analogy with the Coriolis eect in a cyclone.
4 mR2
B= cos (6)
5 r3
FC = 2m(R)uR . (7)
Figure 4: Gravitational lensing (a) and the motion of a satellite (b) according to SQS, still
in analogy with a bell-mouth spillway representing the gravity of a star which curves space
(in our case, which absorbs SQS).
Other eects which can be described by the uid dynamics of SQS are the
gravitational lensing:
~ )
( ~ = 4G d2 0 dz(~0 , z) (8)
c2 |~b|2
u() = A cos( 0 ) (9)
Figure 5: Fluid equivalence principle (FEP): it is impossible to distinguish between the two
equivalent situations of a body moving at a given velocity through a stationary uid and a
uid owing toward a stationary body at the same velocity. This would also occur as far as
a body interacting with SQS is concerned.
The formula is
v = vsq + v (10)
where v is the velocity of the total resultant ow acting on the moving body,
determined by the vector sum of the velocity at which SQ are absorbed (vsq )
and/or of the body's translational velocity (v) through uid space. According to
the FEP, any translational velocity therefore provokes an apparent gravitational
eld (g ) acting on the accelerated body and detected as an increase of inertia
but basically a weight force opposite to motion (W ) (g.6). Other cases of
quantum vacuum friction have been discussed by several authors [29, 30, 31].
Figure 6: Weight acting in the opposite direction to motion (drag weight, W ) due to the
apparent gravitational eld caused by motion through SQS. At low, everyday speeds this eect
wouldn't be noticed, since SQS's viscosity is quasi-zero, as for every superuid, but the eect
of apparent viscosity would play a key role at relativistic velocities (extreme shear stress),
increasingly opposing acceleration.
This is in agreement with the relativistic eect of mass increase, which would
actually be a resistance to acceleration due to an increasing gravitational force
acting in the opposite direction to motion. This issue is clear if we suppose that,
when dealing with accelerated particles in synchrotrons, we make a dimensional
mistake, swapping kgf with kg, i.e. interpreting a weight force (W ) pointing
in the opposite direction to acceleration as the increased inertia of a mass. If
drag weight grew according to Lorentz factor (1.2.1)(22), it would be the cause
of the so-called relativistic mass increase:
a= . (11)
The new equation expressing the total weight of a body in uid quantum
gravity would be:
W0 = q (13)
v 2
1 csq
where vsq < ve (g.7)(1.4), thus on Earth: W < 7 1010 kg per kilogram.
t t
t0 = q =q (14)
v2 RS
1 c2
1 r
v= 2rg = 2. (16)
Where (16) relates velocity and gravity (as gravitational potential ) in the
formula of the second cosmic velocity, also meaning that a given velocity in SR
corresponds to a certain gravity (drag weight), equivalent to that of a gravita-
tional eld g in a point where the absorption of SQ occurs at the same velocity.
Fig.7 indeed shows how a gravitational eld corresponds to an absorption veloc-
ity eld (velocity potential) analogous to that of g.16 in the CFD simulations
(absorption of SQ sink at origin) and, on the right, the equivalence between
translational velocity and absorption velocity of a gravitational eld, explaining
the relativistic phenomenon of illusory mass increase (drag weight) and unifying
the cause of time dilation in SR and GR (gravity in both cases).
All relativistic eects can be therefore explained through the sole action
of gravity (g.7), described as a uid dynamic force occurring in SQS.
Besides what described in g. 2, 3, 4, also mass increase - or better,
what would be the current interpretation of drag weight -, time dilation
and, consequently, Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction, which depends on time
dilation and therefore does not need to be discussed here. In uid quantum
relativity, to be relative is the relative velocity of SQ (v ) with respect
to a frame of reference, which produces or varies the gravitational force
acting on it.
Figure 7: equivalence of a gravitational eld (left) and a velocity eld (center), where
the latter corresponds to the absorption velocity (vsq ). In both cases we have sink at the
origin and equipotential surfaces. On the right, a given translational velocity (SR) through
SQS corresponds to being in a point of a gravitational eld (GR) where space's quanta are
absorbed at the same velocity.
To understand now why Lorentz factor is built on the ratio ( ) between the
translational velocity of a body and the speed of light, we need to discuss the
nature of light in relation to the possible existence of a SQS. Let us hypothesize
that a photon is a pulse through a superuid medium, i.e. a phonon through
SQS. As shown below, all equations and facts seem to conrm that. But rstly,
it is necessary to remind that
a= (17)
0 0
expressing the velocity of a pulse (then also of a phonon) through SQS, where
the numerator has unit Pa 2 . Mathematically analogous to:
c= . (18)
0 0
Figure 8: Density () and deformability () of SQS at the origin of photon-phonon's trans-
verse EM eld (b), whose oscillations are due to harmonic, orthogonal compressions of space's
quanta, while the main pulse propagates along the z axis. On the left (a), the probable
quantum mechanism at the origin of transversality, due to compression and spin.
En = (n + )~ (20)
2 ~ is vacuum (SQS) contribution, as well as for a phonon, where the har-
monic oscillator eigenvalues for the mode k (k wave number) are
En = (n + )~k n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (21)
Both photons and phonons:
femit fobs
obey the doppler eect z= fobs
can produce photoelectric eect and Compton scattering thanks to their
can have a spin [19, 22]. In this case photon would be a special spin-1
v 1
arcsin0 =r (22)
1 vp
Where vp , is the speed of a pulse through the uid space and v is the
relative velocity from the FEP. By approaching vp = c, uid space's dilatancy
would play a key role in preventing further acceleration.
Valid the analogy photon-phonon (17), c2 corresponds then to the square
2 2 1Pa 2 1
of the pulse velocity c = vp =
0 0 . The similarity with vs a in [23] is
interesting, where vs is the speed of sound through a compressible superuid. If
this is true, we could state that light is the sound of space, inasmuch it would be
a pulse (phonon) through a uid space, which doesn't conict with the outcome
of the MM-experiment if the ether wind corresponds to the gravitational eld
Figure 9: motion-induced gravitational acceleration (g ) causing drag weight (W = mg )
increase, currently interpreted as relativistic mass increase. This graph can also be read as a
rheogram of uid quantum space. As shear rate and the velocity of the relative ow of SQ shift
toward relativistic values, collisions among SQ intensify and viscosities, albeit initially near-
zero, critically increase, until granular uid space's dilatant behavior leads to an asymptote,
corresponding to the speed of a pulse, vp = c, in SQS. Thus, as sound has a given speed
through a given uid, light would have one through SQS, corresponding to 299792458 m/s.
Moreover, E = mc2 would be intelligible as the ratio between the rest mass-
energy of a body and the energy of 1 m3 of SQS2 (0 ) multiplied by the Young's
modulus for SQS ( 0
0 = ), where 0 = 1Pa:
m 0 m
E = mc2 = = . (23)
0 0 0
p (24)
1 v2 0 1
where v expresses the FEP. It means that (24) could be used also in place of
if we knew the velocity of the SQ ow in a given point of a gravitational
1 Rrs
eld (g. 7).
We can now try to dene the formula for drag weight. While the formula for
classical drag force is
FD = v v 2 CD A (25)
there is in this case no dependence on surface (A) or shape (CD ) for a body
traveling through SQS. According to the FEP, the same dynamics valid for
standard weight has indeed to be valid also for drag weight, i.e. dependence
only on mass and eld intensity. Hence it has to be true: FDqs = W = mg .
Where the meaning of CD A in (25) is represented by mass, i.e. the quantity
of matter exposed to the ow, regardless of shape and surface. Thus, we just
need to dene the formula of g . We know that it has to increase according to
Lorentz factor, whose reformulation (24) precisely contains the dependence on
velocity and medium's density as in (25). The formula for drag weight can be
therefore written as:
W = vm p 1 (26)
1 v2 0 1
where a = 1 m/s2 and v is a unit vector expressing the direction of motion.
In conclusion, the gravitational eld is expressed as
1 ve2 GM
g = r = r 2 (27)
2 r r
when gravity is caused by the mass of a celestial body, and as
g = v p 1 = va 1 (28)
1 v2 0 1
when it is induced by motion through SQS.
Figure 10: Gravitational waves according to uid quantum gravity. A cyclical variation in
SQS's density, due to a likewise cyclical variation of the absorption velocity (changing position
of the quadrupole) may explain them without the concept of space-time deformation.
The changing rate in the absorption of space's quanta, occurring twice the
orbital frequency (2q ) , causes periodic decompressions (0 ) in SQS (g.10.b),
interpreted as space-time deformation (hij ). In linear gravity we have:
gij = ij + hij . Quantum gravity as sound-like waves in a superuid space has
also been discussed by Consoli and Pappalardo [36].
1.4 Verication.
In uid quantum gravity, within the photon-phonon analogy, we should be able
to measure dierent velocities for light traveling up/downward with respect to
a gravitational eld, since the drift velocity of SQ (vsq , not to be confused with
the speed of action of gravity which, according to this theory, corresponds to c,
i.e. to a pulse through SQS) should be subtracted or added to c, determining a
detectable blue/redshift as:
c + (vobs vsource )
fobs = (29)
where fobs is the observed frequency and vobs vsource the dierence be-
tween the velocity of the gravitational ow at the point of observation and that
at the source (g. 7).
Also Einstein's relativity predicts this eect (gravitational blue/redshift),
where the cause is however (only) time dilation but we should detect that the
shorter the distance between source and detector is, the higher the deviation
from Einstein's predictions, especially near the surface of the absorbing body,
where vsq has the highest value. Tests should be improved in this direction,
under 30 cm height dierence between source and detector [28]. As far as the
verication of uid quantum gravity is concerned, the fact that it seems able to
describe all relativistic eects predicted by Einstein, although desirable, since
any new theory has to respect experimental evidences, makes it dicult to think
of tests which underline dierences when compared with GR.
Surely, if the MM-experiment were performed again by measuring the fre-
quency shift of laser beams traveling up/downward with respect to a gravi-
tational eld (by using however a dierent interferometer, a Hanbury-Brown-
Twiss, to avoid the cancellation of the sought eect due to the round trip of
the beams in the Michelson interferometer) a blueshift would be detected for
light traveling downward and, vice versa, a redshift and this would be congruent
with both theories. The test suggested below should however determine whether
light has dierent speeds while traveling up/downward with respect to a gravi-
tational eld, instead of not being aected by gravity (we know that, according
to the relativistic eect of gravitational redshift, the variation of the detected
frequency is merely caused by the dierent speed of the observer's clock).
One could object that c is then relative and unreliable but this value is
simply the speed of light when not modied by a gravitational eld. In a round
trip, the speed of light is for instance unmodied when detected. Thus, in an
Earth-Moon round-trip test for measuring the speed of light, or in satellite com-
munications, the slower velocity during the outward trip of EM waves, would be
compensated by their faster velocity during the return trip (g. 11.b), nothing
would be noticed and the detected average speed would be exactly c. Therefore,
a dierence could be only detected in a one way trip of light (g. 11.a). GPS
would only have to correct frequency, as they actually do. Moreover, this theory
also predicts the bending of light rays (g. 11.c) as a uid dynamic eect similar
to the bending of sound caused by wind, since the ether wind corresponds here
to the gravitational eld.
Figure 11: possible test for verifying uid quantum gravity and photon as a phonon through
SQS. Clocks at source and at detector are synchronized to exclude gravitational time dilation
and the speed of light is measured after it has traveled up/downward with respect to the
gravitational eld (a). A slightly lower speed should be detected while light travels upward
and, vice versa, light should be faster. The two opposite eects would be balanced in a round
trip of light (b) giving vL = c. On the right (c) uid quantum gravity predicts the bending
of light due to the gravitational eld as a ow of SQ and photon as a phonon of SQ, without
resorting to curved space-time.
In the suggested test, a laser beam travels from a source till a detector,
whose clock is synchronized with that at the source to exclude gravita-
tional time dilation and the speed of light (as time needed to reach the
detector) is measured. While propagating upward light should have a
slightly lower speed and higher speed when traveling downward. The use
of optical clocks based on Al+ ions or even preciser clocks is recom-
1 1
Trocket = q =p (30)
1 v 1 v 0 1
into photons or space's quanta themselves .
3 Photons could remain trapped,
since we can have ve > vsq / c, as ve =
r and vsq on g = r 2 .
depends on
While the produced SQ would be absorbed, reducing the gravitational ow and
keeping vsq < c. Boundary layer annihilation (might it have a correlation with
Hawking radiation?) would therefore maintain the equilibrium. Since ve > vsq ,
an event horizon could form when vsq c. But not singularities, since
r 0 vsq
(r, t) ~2 2 4~2 as 2
i~ = (r, t) + |(r, t)| (r, t) + Vext (r, t)(r, t) (31)
t 2m m
From (31) Proment, Onorato and Barenghi [41], elaborate the continuity
and linear momentum conservation equations for an inviscid, barotropic, com-
pressible and irrotational uid:
+ (v) = 0, (32)
3 assumed that fermions are superuid vortices of SQ
+ (v )v = + (33)
t 2 2
where the last term in (33) is the quantum stress tensor, which represents
an important dierence from classical Euler equation. Albeit the superuid is
irrotational, quantized vortices can appear, with a quantized circulation analo-
gous to what described in the Bohr model, as the wavefunction must return to
its same value after an integral number of turns
v dl n. (34)
C(t) m
where m is the mass of the superuid particle and 2n the phase dier-
ence around the vortex. Eq. (34) is also the additional condition to impose
to the Madelung equations, as a hydrodynamic alternative to the Schrdinger
equation, to describe a superuid vortex. These vortices behave as gaps in
the medium where superuidity breaks down and the presence of a topological
structure where pressure and density go to zero, would suggest the non-necessity
of renormalization, since no ultraviolet divergence would occur if hydrodynamic
equations of vortices were used to describe the force elds of subatomic particles.
The reasons for considering fermions and other particles as superuid vortices
of SQ are several. We could, for instance, explain the appearance of particle-
antiparticle pairs from quantum vacuum
4 as a perturbative phenomenon anal-
ogous to that described in a Krmn vortex street (g. 12)
Figure 12: a computer simulation of a Krmn vortex street. Similar perturbations in a SQS
might be responsible for the appearance of particle-antiparticle pairs as right- and left-handed
superuid vortices of space's quanta.
where pairs formed by a right- and a left-handed vortex occur due to a pertur-
bation of the ow. In our case the ow may be represented by the gravitational
eld and the disturbance by other particles [25] or stochastic perturbations of
SQS. The trigger to the formation of vortex-antivortex pairs in uid quantum
space, corresponding to matter and antimatter within our analogy, might be-
sides be a phase transition similar to the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, where
bound vortex-antivortex pairs get unpaired at some critical temperature. In the
case described by Kosterlitz and Thouless, the vortices can exist above a critical
temperature of
TC = (35)
where is a parameter depending upon the system which the vortex is in and
kB is Boltzmann's constant. Also the mathematics of Lamb-Chaplygin dipoles
is interesting for describing the dynamics of symmetric vortices. The stream
function [13] of the ow is:
J (kr) sin r<a
= 0 (ka)2 1 (36)
U r r sin r>a
where J0 and J1 are the zero- and rst-order Bessel functions. When the rst
root of J1 is ka the solution corresponds to a dipole. Single isolated particles
could be therefore considered as vortex singlets or monopole vortices, whose
origin would be linked to another, symmetric, particle. The equations of su-
peruid vortices might be then the new basis on which to describe the wave
equations of fundamental fermions [24]. In this direction, Sbitnev's work [6]
is also noteworthy: he considers quantum vacuum as a superuid and applies
quantum considerations to Navier Stokes equations. Sbitnev describes vortex
objects (vortex balls) which, unlike Hill's spherical vortices, show intersected
streamlines and satisfactorily reproduce fermions' spin by varying their orienta-
tion at each revolution.
Figure 13: vortex street phenomena (here from [27]) may help understanding how particles
and interactions might arise as perturbations in a SQS.
Let us now see how the quantum potential of a vortex particle would orig-
inate. Recami and Salesi [32] reect on the fact that in fermions quantum
potential is strictly related to spin, which is seen as the source itself of quantum
potential. Salvatore Esposito [34], citing Recami and Salesi, denes two velocity
elds related to a quantum particle, one external, ~vB = m S , with S as the
phase of the function in the Schrdinger equation (i
t = H ), considering
1 1 1 R2
natural units (~ = 1), and
2m = 2m R2 as the internal velocity and
~vS =
he asserts that, since we can know the external initial conditions but not the
initial conditions of internal motion, and since quantum mechanics is based on
a probabilistic formulation which comes into play exactly when we deal with
incognizable parameters, the quantum potential of the particle is totally deter-
mined by its internal motion ~vS ~s, where ~s is the direction of the spin. From
[34] we have
1 1
Q = m~vS ~vS (37)
2 2
We see then that the quantum potential of a particle, described as a super-
uid vortex of SQ, is determined by the vortex itself, i.e. by its spin as angular
momentum. The mechanism of absorption (g.1) would be due to spin and
viscosity (although minimal), while pressure in SQS would play a fundamen-
tal role in keeping the vortex indenitely active (see also [37]). The origin of
SQS's pressure has of course to be sought in the Big Bang, when it had to be
innitely high. The role of a pressure gradient in determining quantum gravity
is discussed in 2.2.
While local variations in the density of SQS could explain dark matter as a
sort of intermediate state between non-structured SQS (dark energy) and the
emergence of topological defects, i.e. vortices, whose spin generates kinetic
energy and then mass within the energy-mass equivalence. This would justify
dark matter halos as dark matter nebulas which have led to the formation of
matter. Agreement with Huang [8] about this issue is therefore expressed.
Figure 14: evolution of a torus vortex into a quasi-spherical shape. This might justify the
compression of space's quanta into virtual photons within the absorption-emission mechanism
(1.1, 2.2). If a space's quantum (red in the picture) in the torus needed the same time
necessary for two turns of the vortex around its vertical axis, to return in the same position,
then the vortex would have spin (i.e. the system returns in the same state after a rotation
of 720).
Figure 15: current (a) and suggested (b) Feynman diagram which describes a charged
particle's self-energy, where indicates a space's quantum and a virtual photon as a discrete
packet of space's quanta.
The only dierence with the current mainstream would be having rst ab-
sorption and then emission. The Feynman diagram describing charged parti-
cles' self-energy might then change as suggested in g. 15.b. The suggested
absorption-emission mechanism could be possible if fermions were, for instance,
superuid vortices in SQS, as discussed in 2.1 (also [6] paper II, g.3, considers
a periodic energy exchange between a vortex and superuid quantum vacuum)
and the vortex dynamics illustrated in g.14 is especially interesting, since it
would also allow partial emission and re-absorption according to the current
Feynman diagram (g. 15.a), as shown in g.18: Coulomb's force would be
then determined by the recoil of the not re-absorbed component of SQ (virtual
The absorption-emission mechanism would be periodic, harmonic, and would
be in agreement with the undulatory nature of particles (g. 16).
Figure 16: sawtooth electrogravitational oscillator for a charged particle expressing its rest
mass variation while producing gravitational pull and electrostatic eld. Vacuum contribution
corresponds to the absorption of SQ.
where mef f (t) is the time-depending eective mass of the particle, which
would rapidly oscillate between two values (m0, mmax ), and ka is a costant of
mass-energy absorption expressed in kg/s, whose value is ka = m /temission ,
i.e. the ratio between the mass of a virtual photon and the necessary time to
emit it from the vortex. The proper mass of a fermion (this would be also valid
for neutral particles as discussed in 2.3) would then have a small margin of
variability at any instant and this aspect would agree with the indeterminacy
of quantum mechanics. The oscillatory behavior of superuid vortices shown
in g.16, might also account for the phenomenon of zitterbewegung (trembling
motion). In this respect see also [40] for a possible link with nutation occurring
in toroidal vortices. From (34) and (38) we have
u dl= , (39)
C(t) meff (t)
the time-depending circulation in the vortex, expressing the mass-energy
oscillation, due to absorption of SQ (gravity) and emission of virtual photons
(electrostatic eld). In 2.1 we have pointed out that the quantum potential
arises from the spin of the superuid vortex. Now, if the spin, thanks to a
minimal viscosity of quantum vacuum, is responsible for the absorption of SQ
and therefore for quantum gravity, g.17 (from the performed CFD simulations)
shows that a velocity potential (left) is causally linked to a negative pressure
potential (right), which could be expressed by resorting to the quantum pres-
sure tensor from Madelung equations (see also [37] for a pressure mediated link
between quantum vacuum and matter):
PQ = ln (40)
Figure 17: absorption velocity and pressure gradients from the performed CFD sim-
PQ = Q (41)
1 1
PQ = ((t btc)ka + m0 ) ~vS ~vS (42)
2 2
This would mean that the quantum potential of a superuid vortex ( spin
[34]), which causes SQ absorption, is directly linked both to a negative pres-
sure potential (g.17 right) and to the absorption velocity potential (g.17 left)
which corresponds to a mathematically analogous quantum force, Fq = Q,
interpreted as gravitational eld (in this case a mass-induced gravitational eld,
since we also have discussed the case of a gravitational eld induced by motion
in 1.1). We can see the following relations:
vsq = Fq = Q g = (43)
Figure 18: Electrostatic attraction and repulsion due to recoil caused by the emission of
virtual photons ( ) from superuid vortex-particles (charged fermions).
same charges (right) corresponds to Pauli exclusion principle (antisymmetric
Figure 19: -decay in unbound neutrons, (a) caused by vacuum energy absorption (SQ),
being n the neutron's mean lifetime. Here the W boson corresponds to the sum of the
absorbed SQ. (b) Feynman diagram for neutron's decay.
of their conicting spins. Matter-antimatter annihilation would be then sim-
ply due to the conicting spins of left- and right-handed vortices in antiparallel
Figure 20: Conicting (C) or mutual (M) spin would explain: Pauli exclusion principle
(a, forbidden; b, allowed anti-parallel spin, according to g. 18); particle-antiparticle
annihilation (c); mesons, such as 0 (d) or exotic atoms as ortho-positronium. Light grey
vortices correspond to matter (left-handed) and dark grey ones to antimatter (right-handed).
Without electrostatic repulsion, annihilation between two same charges with parallel spins
would occur (a) even without involving antiparticles, due to conicting rotations.
spin conguration, while, when they have parallel spin they can form un-
stable particles such as mesons (for instance a neutral pion 0 , g. 20.d) or
Conicting spins can also explain the decay occurring in nucleon resonances.
Quantum chromodynamics and the strong interaction as exchange of gluons
(seen as discrete amounts of space's quanta passing from a vortex to another)
can be therefore described in terms of adjacent superuid vortices in mutual-spin
conguration, as shown in g. 21.
The continuous exchange of discrete amounts of SQ (interpreted as gluons)
among the three vortices would account for the fact that most of the mass-energy
of bound quarks is in the form of force-eld energy and that color migrates from
a quark to another. A uid dynamic, quantum explanation seems to be clear and
necessary. The residual strong interaction can be likewise described as exchange
of SQ between vortices which are close together, when a tube arises, whose break
perturbs the uid space and simmetrically generates a quark-antiquark pair (
meson) as a vortex-antivortex pair (2.1), within a self-sustainable process.
An asymmetry may then arise as a mere probability from all dierent com-
binations and spin congurations that vortex-particles can assume. In g. 22,
by starting from a perfect symmetry ( S ), particles (light grey) and antiparticles
(dark grey) in a quark-gluon-lepton plasma (primordial universe) get stochasti-
cally mixed up and merge. Phenomena of annihilation and decay are statisti-
cally prevalent. The gure shows only one of the possible, innite combinations,
which produces in this case a single proton, two electrons and many photons and
totally erases antimatter. This means that the Big Bang (or rather a cascade
perturbation occurred in a calm, pre-existing SQS?) may have produced equal
amounts of matter and antimatter but the ways they have casually combined
may have led to baryon asymmetry. As we can see, this model also predicts,
in every possible combination of particles, the existence in the universe of more
leptons than baryons.
It is nally questionable whether some heavy bosons detected in synchrotrons
through photon counting couldn't be rather the outcome of unexpected annihi-
lation congurations of fundamental particles.
Figure 22: Baryon asymmetry as a mere probability which arises from all dierent combina-
tions and spin congurations that fundamental vortex-particles might assume, starting from
a perfect symmetry (S ).
3 Conclusion
We can rstly summarize in 12 points:
2. Due to the viscosity of SQS (near-zero but not zero), the vortices pro-
duce an incoming ow of space's quanta, corresponding (in a macroscopic
spherical object) to the ux described in Gauss's law for gravity. This
would be the mechanism of quantum gravity, coming from hydrodynamic
equations, where the quantum potential (as spin) physically corresponds
to the angular momentum of the superuid vortex and is linked to pressure
and density of SQS.
3. The absorption in the vortex is energetically balanced by an outcoming
ux of compacted space's quanta (virtual photons) which produce the elec-
trostatic eld, while attraction and repulsion are due to recoil. Feynman
diagram for a charged fermion's self-energy should be modied by placing
absorption before emission. Both absorption (gravity) and emission (elec-
trostatic eld) extend to innity according to Helmholtz's second theorem
and to Newton's and Coulomb's laws.
4. When no emission occurs the vortex is due to decay, because of its unsus-
tainable energy increase. This would be the -decay (weak interaction).
5. Vortices can interact through mutual or conicting spin, causing the strong
interaction in the rst case (through exchange of SQ, as gluons, from a
vortex to another), or annihilation in the second case.
9. Equations and evidences agree that photons can be special spin-1 phonons
through SQS ( 1.2). The velocity c would be the speed of a pulse in a spe-
cic medium (SQS), as every other medium allows a specic propagation
velocity for sound waves.
corresponds to the gravitational eld (point #1) everything seems to work
11. The redshift in Hubble's law doesn't increase with the distance of the
galaxies because of an accelerated expansion of the universe: this fact is
simply due to photons' energy loss, according to the distance they travel
through SQS (more precisely, according to the distance covered by the
pulse, assumed they are phonons).
might attend an enormous simplication in the physics of the present century,
up to only having a superuid quantum space and its hydrodynamic behavior.
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Other images and charts from the performed CFD simulations.
Figure 25: Test for force dependence on absorption velocity: sphere diameter 1mm,
distance 2mm. Tested velocities: 50, 100, 200, 500, 700, 1000 m/s. Other tested
conditions (50, 100, 200, 500 m/s) are shown in g. 6 and 7.
Figure 26:
Figure 27:
Figure 28: Test for force dependence according to the distance between the spheres.