Client Deal Entry To Settlement - Treasury: Uture Rocess Odel
Client Deal Entry To Settlement - Treasury: Uture Rocess Odel
Client Deal Entry To Settlement - Treasury: Uture Rocess Odel
Deal Entry to Settlement
- Treasury
Author: Consultant
Creation Date: May 11, 2004
Last Updated: July 26, 2004
Document Ref: FSI/300100879/BP080/Issue1.2
Version: Issue 1
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Document Control..................................................................................2
Purpose ...........................................................................................4
Scope and Application......................................................................4
Treasury Event Catalog..........................................................................1
Treasury Business Functions.............................................................1
Process Listing and Process Descriptions................................................2
XTR001 Enter Deals: Fixed Deposits Short Term Money.................2
Process Flow Diagrams Enter Deals: Fixed Deposits and Short Term
Money ...................................................................................................3
XTR002 Enter Placements..............................................................4
Process Flow Diagrams Enter Placements............................................6
XTR003 Enter Rollovers .................................................................6
Process Flow Diagrams Enter Rollovers................................................8
XTR004 Enter Withdrawals.............................................................9
Process Flow Diagrams Enter Withdrawals.........................................10
XTR005 Enter Inter Account Transfer............................................11
Process Flow Diagrams Enter Inter Account Transfer..........................12
XTR006 Generate Journal Entry....................................................13
Process Flow Diagrams Generate Journal Entries................................14
XTR007 Enter Exposure Transaction for Interest Adjustment.........15
Process Flow Diagrams Enter Exposure Transaction for Interest
XTR008 Manage Bonds.................................................................17
Process Flow Diagrams Manage Bonds...............................................19
XTR009 Manage Stocks.................................................................19
Process Flow Diagrams Manage Stocks..............................................21
Gap Analysis........................................................................................22
Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable.........................................25
Open Issues....................................................................................25
Closed Issues..................................................................................25
The purpose of this document is to illustrate the Future Process Models
for Treasury Capturing Al-Mudharabah fixed deposits. These
processes describe the accounting related process using the Oracle
Treasury (XTR) application to meet the functional requirements of
Investment & Treasury Department. The major focus of this document
is to center on common accounting processes, transactions and steps
associated with each process.
The following assumptions are being made:
1. The proposed solution is based on mapping requirement from the TN
Print. It has been edited to best fit into Oracle Business Flow for
Treasury module.
2. The proposed solution enables TN to capture Al-Mudharabah
deposits, Stocks, and Bonds in the future.
3. This document serves as a high level Future Business Model, it is not
intended to be used as an operation manual.
4. Payment report for inter-account transfer is sent directly to the
respective bank. It will not be coursed through Account Payables.
5. Upon bank reconciliation in Cash Management, Debit amount will be
reconciled to treasury transaction through open interface.
XTR001 Enter Deals: Short Term Internal Initial flow to Al-Muharabah entry As required / Daily
Money Fixed Deposits
XTR002 Enter Placements Internal Entering New Placements Business As required / Daily
XTR009 Manage Stocks Internal Entering Stocks Business flow As required / Daily
F503 Daily Cash The Daily Cash Position Report is required daily This is identified as a
Position Report to access how much fund is available for TN. customization requirement.
(Cash Management) The bank account balances is obtained from Please refer to Gap Analysis. XTR-
Oracle Cash Management G003
XTR102 Maturities The Maturities Schedule can be produce by
Schedule submitting standard Oracle reports in
Treasury. The reports can be viewed on the
screen or printed as a hard copy.
XTR103 GIA Reciprocal? When entering a placement, TN would decide
if its is a GIA Reciprocal deal placement
XTR104 Marketing Decides If it is a GIA-Reciprocal Placement, TN
Marketing would make decision on FD
XTR105 GIA Indicative Rate If it is a GIA Normal Placement, TN would
obtain the highest possible indicative rates
from the Financial Institution corporate
XTR106 New Placement? If it is New Placement, follow the New
Placement business flow. Please refer to
XTR107 Rollover? If it is a Rollover, follow the Rollover business
flow (XTR003); else follow the Withdrawal
business flow (XTR004).
Obtain GIA
Optional Indicative rates
Customization Generate and and select the
Report Review Maturities Yes highest rate
104 -GIA
No No
106 - New Placement? 107 -Rollover? C
Yes Yes
Treasury User
Marketing User
XTR201 Liaise with Financial Fund manager would correspond with Financial Institute
Institute about representative regarding placement details. This
placement details represent the initial call to the Financial Institution to
confirm on rates offered or advertised by them.
XTR202 Enter Details in Oracle Once information is obtained, the placement can be
Treasury recorded in Oracle Treasury. Enter Al-Mudharabah
deposits as Short Term Money Deal.
XTR203 Validate the Data Entry The placement entered requires validation. This enables
in TN to ensure all deals are captured correctly.
Oracle Treasury
XTR204 Generate the Placement Generate the Placement Request Form from Oracle
Requisition Form Treasury. The form is required as an initial appoval from
management to authrorize any placement.
XTR206 Cancel the Deal In If the placement is rejected, update Oracle Treasury to
Oracle Treasury record the rejection.
XTR207 Generate & Route Once approved, the Placement Letter is generated from
Placement Letter For Oracle Treasury and routed manually for approval. This
Signature represents the official placement form for correspondence
with financial institutions.
XTR208 Enter Inter Account If necessary, enter Inter Account transfer for cash
Transfer placement. Refer to XTR005.
XTR209 Call and Fax to Financial Call Financial Institution to confirm placement and fax the
Institute the Placement authorized Placement Letter to Financial Institution for
Letter placement confirmation.
XTR211 Obtain Certificate from Obtain the placement certificate from the Financial
Financial Institute Institution
XTR212 Generate and Print Generate Placement listing reports from Oracle Treasury
Reports for filing.
XTR307 Generate the Letter of Renewal Letter is generated from Oracle Treasury and routed
Renewal & Route for manually for approval.
END Approval
XTR309 Generate and Print Generate Placement listing reports from Oracle Treasury for
Reports filing.
Enterprise Roles
Treasury User
Treasury Super
XTR401 Liaise with Financial Fund manager would correspond with Financial Institute
Institute About representative regarding Withdrawal details if necessary.
Withdrawal Details
XTR403 Validate the Data Entry The Withdrawal entered requires validation. This enables TN to
in Oracle Treasury ensure all deals are captured correctly.
XTR404 Generate the Letter of Withdrawal Letter is generated from Oracle Treasury and routed
Withdrawal & Route for manually for approval.
XTR405 Fax Letter of Fax the authorized Letter of Withdrawal to Financial Institution
Withdrawal and Return for withdrawal confirmation. Return the Old Certificate if
Old Certificate necessary.
XTR406 Authorize the The settlement of the Interest and Principal would be authorized
Settlement of the in Oracle Treasury.
Interest and Principal
in Oracle Treasury
XTR407 Generate and Print Generate Withdrawal listing reports from Oracle Treasury for
Reports filing.
XTR408 Adjust Interest Rate? If necessary, adjust interest rate (indicative rate different from
actual rate) by using Exposure transactions.
Principal repayment
amount and
interest settlement
407 - Generate No
408 - Adjust
and Print Interest E
Reports Rate?
Enterprise Roles
Treasury User
Treasury Super
XTR501 Enter Inter Account Enter Inter Account Transfer to transfer funds between
Transfer in the System accounts in Oracle Treasury. Example, transfer fund from
BMMB Bank to May Bank for investment.
XTR502 Authorize Settlement of Authorize the settlement of Inter Account transfer in
Inter Account Transfer in Oracle Treasury
Oracle Treasury
XTR503 Generate Payment Payment Script or Report can be generated from Oracle
Script Treasury as instruction to finance or banks
Or Report
XTR504 Obtain Approval of the Payment Report is routed manually for approval
Payment Report
XTR506 Generate and Print Generate Settlement listing reports from Oracle Treasury
Reports for filing.
Customization Report
Enterprise Roles
Treasury User
Treasury Super
XTR602 Generate Journal Generate Journal Entries for the authorized batch accruals
Entries for Batch and non accruals. Accrual includes estimated expenses
Accruals and and income. Non-accrual includes cash flow related item
from settlement authorization.
XTR603 Review Journal Review the generated Journal Entries online
XTR604 GL Code or Journal Date Decide if Journal Entries are correct or require correction.
XTR605 Update Journal Entries Update Journal dates or Journal Accounts before transfer
to GL
XTR606 Transfer Journal Entries Transfer the reviewed Journal entries to General Ledger.
to GL
XTR607 Period End GL Generate Journal Entry listing reports from Oracle General
Procedures Ledger for filing.
604 -Adjust No Transfer Journal 607-
GL Code Entries to GL Period End GL END
or Journal Procedures
Enterprise Roles
Treasury User
Treasury Super
Finance Super
XTR703 Validate the data Entry The data entry would be validated before processing.
in Oracle Treasury
XTR704 Authorize the The Settlement of the Interest and Principal would be
Settlement in authorized in Oracle Treasury.
Oracle Treasury
Customized screen
to auto calculate
interest amount
from principal
Enterprise Roles
Treasury User
Treasury Super
XTR801 Investment Community Bonds activity decision is based on the outcome of the
Bonds Decision Investment community. The Investment Community
decides if the Bond to be entered is New, or a Resell Bond
XTR802 Enter Resell Bonds Use the Fixed Income Securities Resales window to query
information existing Bonds for resell. Enter the Sale Amount for which
you resold the security.
XTR803 Setup New Bond Issue To enter a new purchase deal in Oracle Treasury, the
Bond Issue must be setup to record information of the
security investment.
XTR804 Enter Bonds Information Use the Fixed Income Securities window in Oracle
Treasury to enter new bonds puschase. Enter Bonds
information like Portfolio, Issue Code, Settlement Date,
value and etc.
XTR805 Validate the Data Entry The data entry would be validated before processing.
in Oracle Treasury
XTR806 Generate the Authority The Authority Purchase Slip is printed and routed for
Purchase slip approval manually.
XTR807 Approve Bond The Bond Placement Form would be routed manually to
Placement? the respective managers for approval.
XTR808 Cancel the Placement in If the placement is rejected, update Oracle Treasury to
Oracle treasury record the rejection
XTR809 Authorize the Authorize the settlement of the Bond in Oracle Treasury
Settlement in
Oracle Treasury
XTR811 Enter Inter Account If necessary, enter Inter Account transfer for cash
Transfer placement. Refer to XTR005.
XTR903 Enter Sell Stocks Use the Equity Market Transactions Stocks Resales
Information window to enter new stock purchased. Query your deal
806 - Generate the 807-Approve Yes 809 - Authorize the 811- Enterof
Authority Purchase number and enter stock sellininformations like number
Placement? Inter Account D
Slip resale shares, resale price.
Oracle Treasury Transfer
XTR904 Enter Stocks Information Use the Equity Market Transactions Stocks window to
enter new stock purchased. Enter stock information like
Enter inter account
No portfolio, number of shares, price per share, etc. transfer in Oracle
XTR905 Enter Cash Dividends Treasury if
Use the Equity Market Transactions Cash Dividends
insufficient funds
Information window to enter stock cash dividends. Enter information
like dividends declaration date, payment, and dividend
810 - Generate
808 - Cancel the
per share. Confirmation
Placement In
XTR906 Validate the Data Entry The data entry wouldLetter
Oracle Treasury be validated before processing.
in Oracle Treasury
Enterprise Roles
XTR907 Authorize the The settlement of the purchase stock or cash dividends
Treasury User
Settlement in Oracle would be authorized in Oracle Treasury.
Treasury Treasury Super
XTR908 Generate Confirmation Confirmation letters of Bond Epurchase can be generated.
Letter END
Treasury User
Treasury Super
Process Name: The system should automatically generate fund transfer letter to the bank.
Requirement Description: The system should automatically generate fund transfer letter to the bank.
Priority: H
Recommend Option 1.
Process Name: The system should support 3-way comparison of forecast, budget, current and previous year actual information for multiple user-
defined periods.
Requirement Description: The system should support 3-way comparison of forecast, budget, current and previous year actual information for multiple user-
defined periods.
Priority: L
1 Use Oracle Discover Cost effort to build Weekly/monthly Not determined, range of 5 days. YES
Benefit full requirement fit
2 Retain current manual Cost Minimal Weekly/ monthly 0
process Benefit full requirement fit
Recommend Option 1.
May 11 2004
Requirement Description: The Daily Cash Position Report is required daily to access how much fund is available for TN. The bank account balances is
obtained from Oracle Cash Management
Recommend Option 1.
July 26 2004
Open Issues
Closed Issues