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S3a s4 Design Note

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CH IAH 5 75 1/ P/ S 3A-S4 Emb ed m ent d ep th = 1. 71 m Re qu ired len gth = 3.2 1 m De sign va lu es: M (Desig n) = 23 .51 kN*m Sh ear area 1
Con tig uo us p ile w all Sum V > 0 (met) / = 1.6 2 Ve rif y c on tiguou s pile wall N (Desig n) = -13. 67 kN erf a s(t au ) = 3 .3 c m/m
Calculation b asis: Da te : 1 2/17 /201 6 E = 2 10 0.00 k N/cm Pile ce ntres = 1 . 75 0 m Ve rificat ion of con crete la gging:
No ep redistribution Time : 3 :1 0:47 PM I = 725 33 1.7 0 cm / m Pile diameter = 0.62 0 m Max eah = 17.8 kN /m
Act ive ep a cc ording to: D IN 408 5 De sign to DIN 104 5 17 .2.1, Para . (6) Diamet er (ste el) = 0.45 0 m Th ickn . o f inf ill-w all = 0 .1 00 m
Equivalent ep coe ff icie nt kah [-] = 0. 200 Co ncre te: B 35 Re q. = 0.40 0 % Th ickn . p ress. d ome = 0. 050 m
Passiv e ep a ccordin g to: S tre ck St e el: B St 420 /500 re q. As = 12. 1 cm Allow. = 7 000. 00 kN /m
Soldie r p ile w idt h = 0. 62 m bet ar (Co ncrete) = 23.0 0 MN/ m Sh ear design: Work. = 2 72 1.79 kN/m
Soldie r p ile c entre s = 1.7 5 m bet as (Ste el) = 4 20 .0 0 MN/ m Q (D es ign) = 67 .6 6 kN Ve rificat ion OK
10 Sectio n len gth au t om atic req . ga mma = 1 .750 b0 = 0.48 4 m; z = 0. 346 m
(pas sive) = 2.00 Re duction o f inte rn al fo rces = 0.00 0 tau0 = 40 3. 3 kN /m

2 0.0

0. 10
3.0 0 3.4 0
0 0.0 0 .5 -0 .4

16.6 -1 4.0 -12 .2
-1 3. 4
-79 .6 -1 . 1 3 8.7 9. 3 0 .0
e ph /e ah [k N/m ] M [ kN*m /m] Q [ kN/m] N [kN/m ] w [m m]
-5 EJ = 8.7 04 E+4 kN*m

1 3. 00 (1)


1 9. 00 (2)



-30 GW (31.0 0) G W (3 1. 00 )
0 .0
delt a wate r p r.
dp w [kN/ m]
3 5. 00 (3)
C on tigu ou s p ile wa ll

D ept h ' c (a) c(p )

So il [m ] [kN /m] [kN /m] [ ] [kN/m ] [kN/ m] active p assive De sign ation 0.62 m
-40 13 .00 17.0 7.0 32. 0 6 .0 6.0 0.66 7 -1.
-1. 00 0 s an d
19 .00 18.0 8.0 37. 0 6 .0 6.0 0.66 7 -1.
-1. 00 0 s an d
>19 .0 0 19.0 9.0 27. 0 2 0. 0 20. 0 0.66 7 -1.
-1. 00 0 san ds tone 1 .7 5 m

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Global safety factor concept (DIN 1054 old)

Contiguous pile wall

CHIAH 5751/ P/ S3A-S4

Date: 12/17/2016

Time: 3:10:47 PM

All heights are with reference to the wall top.

Max. subdivisions to excavation base: 0.100

Max. subdivisions below excavation base: 0.100

Excavation level = 1.50 m

Soldier pile width = 0.62 m

Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m

Groundwater level (right) = 31.00 m

Groundwater level (left) = 31.00 m

Water pressure set to "0.0" if directed to earth side.

Berms on the active side

No. x1 x2 dh a x y Surcharge Live

[-] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [-]

1 0.10 3.50 3.00 0.06 0.03 1.18 20.00 ja

Distributed load p = 0.00 kN/m as live load

No ep redistribution

Type of toe support:

Section length automatic

Soil properties

Layer Base gam gam' phi c(act) c(pas) d(a)/phi d(p)/phi

[-] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-] [-]

1 13.00 17.00 7.00 32.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -0.859

2 19.00 18.00 8.00 37.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -0.743

3 35.00 19.00 9.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 0.667 -0.907

Active ep coefficient

Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200

determined after: DIN 4085

Layer Base kagh kach phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 0.256 0.877 32.000 21.34

2 19.00 0.205 0.772 37.000 24.68

3 35.00 0.318 0.993 27.000 18.01

Active ep ordinates

from to top bottom water pressure

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.000 0.097 0.000 0.490 0.00 0.00

0.097 1.035 0.491 13.364 0.00 0.00

1.035 1.272 13.364 16.625 0.00 0.00

1.272 1.500 16.626 17.775 0.00 0.00

1.500 1.603 17.775 18.409 0.00 0.00

1.603 2.013 18.409 20.947 0.00 0.00

2.013 2.219 20.947 22.216 0.00 0.00

2.219 2.923 22.216 25.657 0.00 0.00

2.923 13.000 25.657 69.538 0.00 0.00

13.000 19.000 58.400 80.000 0.00 0.00

19.000 31.000 107.185 179.597 0.00 0.00

31.000 35.000 179.597 191.030 0.00 0.00

Passive ep coefficient.

determined after: Streck

FOS coefficient passive ep = 2.00

Layer Base kpgh kpch phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 6.016 5.859 32.000 -27.50

2 19.00 8.001 6.943 37.000 -27.50

3 35.00 4.375 4.922 27.000 -24.50

Passive ep ordinates for eta(p) = 2.00

from to top bottom

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

1.27 1.50 0.00 0.00

1.50 1.60 -0.00 -7.28

1.60 2.01 -7.28 -26.72

2.01 2.22 -26.72 -37.79

2.22 2.92 -37.79 -68.78

2.92 13.00 -68.78 -431.36

13.00 19.00 -551.81 -845.15

19.00 31.00 -545.36 -918.08

31.00 35.00 -918.08 -976.93

Resultant loading (h)orizontal und (v)ertical

Depth h v

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.00 4.31

0.10 0.49 4.50

1.03 13.36 9.54

1.27 16.63 10.81

1.50 17.77 11.26

1.50 -0.00 4.31

1.60 -7.28 0.52

2.01 -26.72 -9.60

2.22 -37.79 -15.36

2.92 -68.78 -31.49

Internal forces

Depth N Q M

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN*m/m]

0.00 -0.0 0.0 0.0

0.10 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0

1.03 -7.0 -6.5 -2.1

1.27 -9.4 -10.1 -4.1

1.50 -11.9 -14.0 -6.8

1.60 -12.2 -13.6 -8.2

2.01 -10.4 -6.7 -12.7

2.22 -7.8 -0.1 -13.4

2.92 9.3 38.7 -1.1

Displacment values

analysed with EJ = 8.704E+4 kN*m

Depth w
[m] [mm]

0.00 -0.4

0.10 -0.4

1.03 -0.2

1.27 -0.2

1.50 -0.1

1.60 -0.1

2.01 -0.0

2.22 -0.0

2.92 0.0

Maximum values

Maximum moment = 13.4 kN*m/m

Maximum shear force = 38.7 kN/m

Corresponding normal force = -7.8 kN/m

Maximum displacement = 0.4 mm

Wall crown rotation = -0.01

Contiguous pile wall verification

E = 2100.00 kN/cm

I = 725331.70 cm4/m

Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)

Concrete: B 35

Steel: BSt 420/500

betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m

betas (steel) = 420.00 MN/m

req. gamma = 1.750

Reduction of internal forces = 0.000

M (Design) = 23.51 kN*m

N (Design) = -13.67 kN

Pile centres = 1.750 m

Pile diameter = 0.620 m

Diameter (steel) = 0.450 m

Req. = 0.400 %

req. As = 12.1 cm

Shear design:

Q (Design) = 67.66 kN

b0 = 0.484 m

z = 0.346 m

tau0 = 403.3 kN/m

Shear area 1

req. as(tau) = 3.3 cm/m

Verification of concrete lagging:

Max eah = 17.8 kN/m

Thickn. of infill-wall = 0.100 m

Thickn. press. dome = 0.050 m

Allow. sigma = 7000.0 kN/m

Working sigma = 2721.79 kN/m

Verification OK

Maximum moment = 13.4 kN*m/m (depth = 2.22 m)

Corresp. values: N = -7.8 kN/m; Q = -0.1 kN/m; w = 0.0 mm

Maximum shear force = 38.7 kN/m (depth = 2.92 m)

Corresp. values: N = 9.3 kN/m; M = -1.1 kN*m/m; w = 0.0 mm

Maximum normal force = 12.2 kN/m (depth = 1.60 m)

Corresp. values: Q = -13.6 kN/m; M = -8.2 kN*m/m; w = 0.1 mm

Maximum displacement = 0.4 mm (depth = 0.00 m)

Corresp. values: N = -0.0 kN/m; Q = 0.0 kN/m; M = -0.0 kN*m/m

Increase of embedment depth by 20.00 %

Embedment depth tg = 1.71 m

Section length = 3.21 m

Verification of sum H

req. eta = 1.50

Eph = 173.68 kN/m

(Eph = determined with wall friction angle = -phi.)

Eah = 31.32 kN/m

Uh = 61.45 kN/m

eta = Eph / (Eah + Uh) = 1.87

Verification sum V

Force values in kN

The sign is positive if forces

is directed downwards.

For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and

the cohesion components differently. The friction component is

only used in front of the soldier pile. For Cv and Cv we use an

analogous assumption.

Pv = 0.00

Eav = 8.52 (Eah = 21.81)

Epv - 0.5 * Cv = -24.94

Epv = -28.76

Cv = 7.64 with tan(10.7)

G = 24.21

Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm

Sum V = 15.44 (compression)

Case 1:

(Eav + Cv + G) / (Epv - 0.5 * Cv) > eta(v) (siehe EAB EB9)

eta(v) = 1.62

Case 2:

Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)

Qg = compressive force due to skin friction

and tip pressure (see EAB R 9)

The following must be verified:

Qg >= 49.10 (for eta(v) = 1.5)

Horizontal water pressure determined classically.

Verification of heave safety

Required Heave FOS = 1.50

Minimum Heave FOS = 22.18

Width = 0.40 m
Weight G = 22.49 [kN/m]

Eav (delta = 2/3 * phi) = 5.09 [kN/m]

Cohesive force K = 19.25 [kN/m]

Bearing cap. load Pg = 474.35 [kN/m]

FOS = (Pg + Eav + K) / G


CHIA H 5751/ MP/ S3A-S 4 Ankerabstand a = 1.75 m D esign values: M (Design) = 101.08 kN* m Shear area 1
Cont iguous pile w all Ankersthle: Fak tor (aktiv /Ruhe) = 0.00 Verify contiguous pile w all N (Design) = -116.84 kN erf as(tau) = 4. 5 cm/ m
Calculat ion basis: Embedm ent dept h = 1.30 m Required length = 6. 30 m E = 2100.00 k N/c m Pile centres = 1.750 m Verific at ion of concrete lagging:
No ep redistribut ion Sum V > 0 (met) / = 7.35 I = 725331. 70 cm 4/ m Pile diameter = 0.620 m Max eah = 34.7 kN/m
Ac tive ep according to: DIN 4085 Date: 12/17/2016 D esign to DIN 1045 17.2. 1, Para. (6) D iamet er (steel) = 0.450 m Thickn. of infill-wall = 0. 100 m
Equivalent ep coeff icient kah [ -] = 0.200 Time: 3:13:17 PM C oncrete: B 35 R eq. = 0.444 % Thickn. press. dome = 0.050 m
Pass ive ep according to: St rec k St eel: BS t 420/500 req. As = 13.4 cm Allow. = 7000.00 k N/m
Soldier pile widt h = 0. 62 m betar (Concrete) = 23. 00 MN/m Shear des ign: Work. = 5313.59 kN/ m
Soldier pile cent res = 1. 75 m betas (St eel) = 420. 00 MN/m Q (D esign) = 93. 80 kN Verific at ion OK
10 Sect ion length automat ic and degree of fixity f rom 0.000 preset req. gamm a = 1. 750 b0 = 0.507 m; z = 0.345 m
(passive) = 2.00 R eduction of internal forces = 0.000 t au0 = 535. 7 kN/ m

20. 0
0 .1 0
3.0 0

3 .4 0
0. 00
0 0.0 0.5 1.2
1. 50

1.5 0
16. 6 -6.8 53.6 -14.0 -11.9 -36. 5
3.5 0

57.8 -1.5
5. 00
-5 -0.0/34.7 -40.4 -88.6
-64. 4 -2. 2 -73. 7 0.0
eph/eah [kN /m] M [k N*m/ m] Q [kN /m] N [ kN/m] w [m m]
EJ = 8.704E +4 kN *m

-10 An ch o r 1 (2 6 .50 m, 20 .0 ) (71 .9 kN/m) (eta = 3 1.9 7 )

St 15 7 0/1 77 0 5 Li tz en 0 ,6 '' ; l p = 11.0 0 m
13.00 (1)


19.00 (2)



-30 G W (31.00) GW (31.00)

delt a water pr.
dpw [ kN/m ]
35.00 (3)
Co ntig uo us p ile wa ll

Depth ' c(a) c(p)

Soil Designat ion
[m] [kN/m] [kN /m] [] [ kN/ m] [kN/m ] activ e pass ive
-40 13. 00 17.0 7.0 32.0 6.0 6.0 0.667 -1.000 sand
0 .6 2 m

19. 00 18.0 8.0 37.0 6.0 6.0 0.667 -1.000 sand

>19.00 19.0 9.0 27.0 20.0 20. 0 0.667 -1.000 sandstone 1.7 5 m

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Global safety factor concept (DIN 1054 old)

Contiguous pile wall

CHIAH 5751/ MP/ S3A-S4

Date: 12/17/2016

Time: 3:13:17 PM

All heights are with reference to the wall top.

Max. subdivisions to excavation base: 0.100

Max. subdivisions below excavation base: 0.100

Excavation level = 5.00 m

Soldier pile width = 0.62 m

Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m

Groundwater level (right) = 31.00 m

Groundwater level (left) = 31.00 m

Water pressure set to "0.0" if directed to earth side.

Berms on the active side

No. x1 x2 dh a x y Surcharge Live

[-] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [-]

1 0.10 3.50 3.00 0.06 0.03 1.18 20.00 ja

Distributed load p = 0.00 kN/m as live load

No ep redistribution
Type of toe support:

Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset

Anchors and struts

No. y Angle Length Normal force EF EJ

[-] [m] [] [m] [kN/m] [kN] [kN*m]

1 1.50 20.00 21.00 71.93 2.100E+7 - Anchor

Anchor steel verification

Anchor centres = 1.75 m

Factor (0 = active; 1 = at-rest) = 0.000

Verify with: St 1570/1770 5 Litzen 0,6''

Allow. A = 628.0 kN

Anchor no.

1 Work. A = 125.9 kN < 628.0 kN

Soil properties

Layer Base gam gam' phi c(act) c(pas) d(a)/phi d(p)/phi

[-] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-] [-]

1 13.00 17.00 7.00 32.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -0.859

2 19.00 18.00 8.00 37.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -0.743

3 35.00 19.00 9.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 0.667 -0.907

Active ep coefficient

Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200

determined after: DIN 4085

Layer Base kagh kach phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 0.256 0.877 32.000 21.34

2 19.00 0.205 0.772 37.000 24.68

3 35.00 0.318 0.993 27.000 18.01

Active ep ordinates

from to top bottom water pressure

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.000 0.097 0.000 0.490 0.00 0.00

0.097 1.035 0.491 13.364 0.00 0.00

1.035 1.272 13.364 16.625 0.00 0.00

1.272 1.500 16.626 17.775 0.00 0.00

1.500 2.013 17.775 20.947 0.00 0.00

2.013 3.019 20.947 26.073 0.00 0.00

3.019 3.712 26.073 29.093 0.00 0.00

3.712 4.009 29.093 30.387 0.00 0.00

4.009 5.000 30.387 34.701 0.00 0.00

5.000 5.100 34.701 35.136 0.00 0.00

5.100 6.100 35.136 39.491 0.00 0.00

6.100 6.200 39.491 39.927 0.00 0.00

6.200 13.000 39.927 69.538 0.00 0.00

13.000 19.000 58.400 80.000 0.00 0.00

19.000 31.000 107.185 179.597 0.00 0.00

31.000 35.000 179.597 191.030 0.00 0.00

Passive ep coefficient.

determined after: Streck

FOS coefficient passive ep = 2.00

Layer Base kpgh kpch phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 6.016 5.859 32.000 -27.50

2 19.00 8.001 6.943 37.000 -27.50

3 35.00 4.375 4.922 27.000 -24.50

Passive ep ordinates for eta(p) = 2.00

from to top bottom

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

4.01 5.00 0.00 0.00

5.00 5.10 -0.00 -7.16

5.10 6.10 -7.16 -57.16

6.10 6.20 -57.16 -60.76

6.20 13.00 -60.76 -305.43

13.00 19.00 -390.21 -683.54

19.00 31.00 -448.09 -820.82

31.00 35.00 -820.82 -879.67

Resultant loading (h)orizontal und (v)ertical

Depth h v

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.00 4.31

0.10 0.49 4.50

1.03 13.36 9.54

1.27 16.63 10.81

1.50 17.77 11.26

2.01 20.95 12.50

3.02 26.07 14.50

3.71 29.09 15.68

4.01 30.39 16.19

5.00 34.70 17.87

5.00 -0.00 4.31

5.10 -7.16 0.59

6.10 -57.16 -25.44

6.20 -60.76 -27.31

Internal forces

Depth N Q M A(h)

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN*m/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.10 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0

1.03 -7.0 -6.5 -2.1

1.27 -9.4 -10.1 -4.1

1.50 -11.9 -14.0 -6.8 67.6

1.50 -36.5 53.6 -6.8

2.01 -42.6 43.7 18.2

3.02 -56.3 19.8 50.5

3.71 -66.8 0.7 57.8

4.01 -71.5 -8.2 56.7

5.00 -88.4 -40.4 33.0

5.10 -88.6 -40.0 28.9

6.10 -76.3 -8.1 0.5

6.20 -73.7 -2.2 0.0

Displacment values

analysed with EJ = 8.704E+4 kN*m

Depth w

[m] [mm]

0.00 1.2

0.10 1.2

1.03 0.3

1.27 0.1

1.50 -0.1

2.01 -0.6

3.02 -1.3

3.71 -1.5

4.01 -1.5

5.00 -1.0

5.10 -0.9

6.10 -0.1

6.20 0.0

Maximum values

Maximum moment = 57.8 kN*m/m

Maximum shear force = 53.6 kN/m

Corresponding normal force = -66.8 kN/m

Maximum displacement = 1.5 mm

Wall crown rotation = 0.05

Contiguous pile wall verification

E = 2100.00 kN/cm

I = 725331.70 cm4/m

Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)

Concrete: B 35

Steel: BSt 420/500

betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m

betas (steel) = 420.00 MN/m

req. gamma = 1.750

Reduction of internal forces = 0.000

M (Design) = 101.08 kN*m

N (Design) = -116.84 kN

Pile centres = 1.750 m

Pile diameter = 0.620 m

Diameter (steel) = 0.450 m

Req. = 0.444 %

req. As = 13.4 cm

Shear design:

Q (Design) = 93.80 kN

b0 = 0.507 m

z = 0.345 m

tau0 = 535.7 kN/m

Shear area 1

req. as(tau) = 4.5 cm/m

Verification of concrete lagging:

Max eah = 34.7 kN/m

Thickn. of infill-wall = 0.100 m

Thickn. press. dome = 0.050 m

Allow. sigma = 7000.0 kN/m

Working sigma = 5313.59 kN/m

Verification OK

Maximum moment = 57.8 kN*m/m (depth = 3.71 m)

Corresp. values: N = -66.8 kN/m; Q = 0.7 kN/m; w = 1.5 mm

Maximum shear force = 53.6 kN/m (depth = 1.50 m)

Corresp. values: N = -36.5 kN/m; M = -6.8 kN*m/m; w = 0.1 mm

Maximum normal force = 88.6 kN/m (depth = 5.10 m)

Corresp. values: Q = -40.0 kN/m; M = 28.9 kN*m/m; w = 0.9 mm

Maximum displacement = 1.5 mm (depth = 3.71 m)

Corresp. values: N = -66.8 kN/m; Q = 0.7 kN/m; M = 57.8 kN*m/m

Embedment depth tg = 1.30 m

Section length = 6.30 m

Verification of sum H

req. eta = 1.50

Eph = 149.13 kN/m

(Eph = determined with wall friction angle = -phi.)

Eah = 48.79 kN/m

Uh = 47.00 kN/m

eta = Eph / (Eah + Uh) = 1.56

Verification sum V

Force values in kN

The sign is positive if forces

is directed downwards.

For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and

the cohesion components differently. The friction component is

only used in front of the soldier pile. For Cv and Cv we use an

analogous assumption.

Pv = 43.05

Eav = 71.52 (Eah = 183.02)

Epv - 0.5 * Cv = -22.00

Epv = -21.77

Cv = -0.45 with tan(10.7)

G = 47.55

Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm

Sum V = 139.67 (compression)

Case 1:

(Eav + Cv + G) / (Epv - 0.5 * Cv) > eta(v) (siehe EAB EB9)

eta(v) = 7.35

Case 2:

Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)

Qg = compressive force due to skin friction

and tip pressure (see EAB R 9)

The following must be verified:

Qg >= 243.19 (for eta(v) = 1.5)

Horizontal water pressure determined classically.

Anchor and strut forces

No Depth Length Force

[-] [m] [m] [kN/m]

1 1.50 21.00 71.93 Anchor

Verify deep-seated stability

Necessary FOS = 1.50

Anchor Depth Length Height(anchor w.) pres Ah poss Ah eta

[-] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-]

1 1.50 21.00 0.00 67.59 2160.87 31.968

Values for most unfavourable slip plane

x y G Eah Eav C H tetta phi

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] []

0.00 6.20 - 150.5 56.1 - - - -

0.10 6.21 10.6 152.4 56.8 0.6 0.0 -7.17 32.03

3.50 6.64 458.1 210.8 78.5 20.6 0.0 -7.17 32.03

19.73 8.68 2942.2 305.3 113.7 98.2 0.0 -7.17 32.03

(H = horizontal seismic force)

Verification of heave safety

Required Heave FOS = 1.50

Minimum Heave FOS = 21.79

Width = 1.00 m
Weight G = 113.17 [kN/m]

Eav (delta = 2/3 * phi) = 34.99 [kN/m]

Cohesive force K = 37.80 [kN/m]

Bearing cap. load Pg = 2393.02 [kN/m]

FOS = (Pg + Eav + K) / G


CHI AH 5751/ MP / S3A-S4 Ankerabstand a = 1.75 m Design v alues: M (Design) = 198.42 kN *m Shear area 2
Contiguous pile wall zul (Gurtung) = 18.00 k N/cm Verify contiguous pile w all N (Design) = -352.10 kN erf as (t au) = 19.5 cm /m
Calculation basis: zul (Gurtung) = 10.50 kN/ cm E = 2100.00 k N/cm Pile c ent res = 1.750 m Verif ication of c onc ret e lagging:
No ep redistribution zul V (Gurtung) = 19.80 kN/ cm I = 725331. 70 cm / m Pile diameter = 0.620 m Max eah = 67.4 kN/m
Active ep according t o: D IN 4085 Ankersthle: Fakt or (aktiv/Ruhe) = 0.00 Design t o DI N 1045 17. 2.1, P ara. (6) Diam eter (steel) = 0.450 m Thickn. of inf ill- w all = 0.150 m
Equivalent ep coef ficient kah [-] = 0.200 Gurtbemess ung: Gleichlast [M=q*a/10] Concrete: B 35 Req. = 0.832 % Thickn. press. dom e = 0.075 m
Pas sive ep according to: Streck Em bedment depth = 1.50 m Required length = 14.00 m Steel: BSt 420/ 500 req. A s = 25. 1 cm Allow. = 7000. 00 kN/ m
Soldier pile width = 0.62 m Sum V > 0 (m et) / = 20. 32 betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m Shear design: Work. = 4584.28 kN/m
Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m Date: 12/ 17/ 2016 betas (Steel) = 420.00 MN/m Q (Design) = 268.80 kN Verif ication O K
10 Sec tion lengt h automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset Time: 3:35: 11 PM req. gamma = 1.750 b0 = 0.562 m; z = 0.339 m
(passiv e) = 2.00 Reduct ion of internal forces = 0.000 tau0 = 1412.9 kN/m

0 .10
3 .00

3 .40
0. 00
0 0. 0 0. 5 0.1
1. 50

1 .5 0
16. 6 -6.8 36.1 -14.0 -11.9 -30. 2
][ 1 20, M = 16 .3 kN* m; Q = 46.7 k N
si g = 13.5 kN /c m , W = 1 2 1.4 cm 23.5
3 .50

tau = 3.3 k N/c m, si g (v) = 1 4.6 kN /cm 24.1

5 .0 0
-5 ][ 16 0, M = 3 6.0 k N *m ; Q = 1 02.9 k N -28. 3 52.6 -57.9 -82.0 -122.2
si g = 15.5 kN /c m , W = 2 3 2.0 cm
3 .75

tau = 5.1 k N/c m, si g (v) = 1 7.9 kN /cm

8 .7 5
][ 24 0, M = 8 5.3 k N *m ; Q = 2 43.8 k N -113.4 153.6 -108. 2 -201.2 -296. 5
-10 si g = 14.2 kN /c m , W = 6 0 0.0 cm
3 .7 5

tau = 6.4 k N/c m, si g (v) = 1 8.0 kN /cm An cho r 1 (26 .50 m, 20 .0 ) (53 .3 kN/m) (eta = 32.2 4)
101.0 St 1 570/1 7 70 5 L itz e n 0 ,6 '' ; l p = 11.0 0 m -2.8
12. 50
-0.0/ 67.4 -68.4 -399. 6 13.00 (1)
An cho r 2 (25 .50 m, 20 .0) (11 7.6 kN /m ) (e ta = 1 3.62 )
-92.8 -3.3 -371. 6 0. 0
St 1 570/1 77 0 5 L itz e n 0 ,6 '' ; l p = 11.0 0 m
-15 eph/eah [ kN/m] M [kN*m/m ] Q [kN /m] N [ kN/ m] w [mm]
E J = 8.704E+4 k N*m
An c ho r 3 (24 .50 m, 20 .0) (2 78.6 kN /m ) (e ta = 7 .26)
St 1 57 0/1 77 0 5 L itze n 0,6 '' ; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
19.00 (2)



-30 GW (31. 00) GW (31.00)

delta wat er pr.
dpw [kN /m]
35.00 (3)
C onti guo us pi le w all

Dept h ' c (a) c(p)

S oil Designat ion
[m ] [kN/ m] [ kN/m] [ ] [kN/m ]
[kN/m] [k N/m] ac tive passive 0.62 m
-40 13.00 17.0 7.0 32.0 6.0 6.0 0.667 -1.000 sand
19.00 18.0 8.0 37.0 6.0 6.0 0.667 -1.000 sand
>19.00 19.0 9.0 27.0 20.0 20.0 0.667 -1.000 sandstone 1 .75 m

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Global safety factor concept (DIN 1054 old)

Contiguous pile wall

CHIAH 5751/ MP/ S3A-S4

Date: 12/17/2016

Time: 3:35:11 PM

All heights are with reference to the wall top.

Max. subdivisions to excavation base: 0.100

Max. subdivisions below excavation base: 0.100

Excavation level = 12.50 m

Soldier pile width = 0.62 m

Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m

Groundwater level (right) = 31.00 m

Groundwater level (left) = 31.00 m

Water pressure set to "0.0" if directed to earth side.

Berms on the active side

No. x1 x2 dh a x y Surcharge Live

[-] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [-]

1 0.10 3.50 3.00 0.06 0.03 1.18 20.00 ja

Distributed load p = 0.00 kN/m as live load

No ep redistribution

Type of toe support:

Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset

Anchors and struts

No. y Angle Length Normal force EF EJ

[-] [m] [] [m] [kN/m] [kN] [kN*m]

1 1.50 20.00 21.00 53.32 2.100E+7 - Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 20.00 117.55 2.100E+7 - Anchor

3 8.75 20.00 19.00 278.57 2.100E+7 - Anchor

Anchor steel verification

Anchor centres = 1.75 m

Factor (0 = active; 1 = at-rest) = 0.000

Verify with: St 1570/1770 5 Litzen 0,6''

Allow. A = 628.0 kN

Anchor no.

1 Work. A = 93.3 kN < 628.0 kN

2 Work. A = 205.7 kN < 628.0 kN

3 Work. A = 487.5 kN < 628.0 kN

Bending verification of waling:

Moment due to: Uniform load [M=q*a/10]

Waling parallel with anchor

a = 1.75 m Allow. sigma = 18.00 kN/m

No. Waling q [kN/m] M [kN*m] W [cm] sig [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 53.3 16.3 121.4 13.5

2 ][ 160 117.6 36.0 232.0 15.5

3 ][ 240 278.6 85.3 600.0 14.2

Shear verification of waling:

Allow. tau = 10.50 kN/m

Allow. sigma(v) = 19.80 kN/m

No. | Waling Q [kN] S/s/I [1/cm] tau [kN/cm] sigma(v) [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 46.7 0.071232 3.3 14.6

2 ][ 160 102.9 0.049586 5.1 17.9

3 ][ 240 243.8 0.026170 6.4 18.0

Soil properties

Layer Base gam gam' phi c(act) c(pas) d(a)/phi d(p)/phi

[-] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-] [-]

1 13.00 17.00 7.00 32.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -0.859

2 19.00 18.00 8.00 37.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -0.743

3 35.00 19.00 9.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 0.667 -0.907

Active ep coefficient

Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200

determined after: DIN 4085

Layer Base kagh kach phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 0.256 0.877 32.000 21.34

2 19.00 0.205 0.772 37.000 24.68

3 35.00 0.318 0.993 27.000 18.01

Active ep ordinates

from to top bottom water pressure

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.000 0.097 0.000 0.490 0.00 0.00

0.097 1.035 0.491 13.364 0.00 0.00

1.035 1.272 13.364 16.625 0.00 0.00

1.272 1.500 16.626 17.775 0.00 0.00

1.500 2.013 17.775 20.947 0.00 0.00

2.013 3.019 20.947 26.073 0.00 0.00

3.019 4.009 26.073 30.387 0.00 0.00

4.009 5.000 30.387 34.701 0.00 0.00

5.000 5.101 34.701 35.142 0.00 0.00

5.101 6.014 35.142 39.114 0.00 0.00

6.014 7.027 39.114 43.528 0.00 0.00

7.027 8.041 43.528 47.941 0.00 0.00

8.041 8.750 47.941 51.031 0.00 0.00

8.750 9.054 51.031 52.355 0.00 0.00

9.054 10.068 52.355 56.768 0.00 0.00

10.068 11.081 56.768 61.182 0.00 0.00

11.081 12.095 61.182 65.595 0.00 0.00

12.095 12.500 65.595 67.361 0.00 0.00

12.500 12.600 67.361 67.796 0.00 0.00

12.600 13.000 67.796 69.538 0.00 0.00

13.000 13.100 58.400 58.760 0.00 0.00

13.100 13.900 58.760 61.640 0.00 0.00

13.900 19.000 61.640 80.000 0.00 0.00

19.000 31.000 107.185 179.597 0.00 0.00

31.000 35.000 179.597 191.030 0.00 0.00

Passive ep coefficient.

determined after: Streck

FOS coefficient passive ep = 2.00

Layer Base kpgh kpch phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 6.016 5.859 32.000 -27.50

2 19.00 8.001 6.943 37.000 -27.50

3 35.00 4.375 4.922 27.000 -24.50

Passive ep ordinates for eta(p) = 2.00

from to top bottom

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

12.09 12.50 0.00 0.00

12.50 12.60 -0.00 -7.16

12.60 13.00 -7.16 -26.03

13.00 13.10 -35.62 -43.33

13.10 13.90 -43.33 -87.92

13.90 19.00 -87.92 -337.25

19.00 31.00 -239.66 -612.39

31.00 35.00 -612.39 -671.24

Resultant loading (h)orizontal und (v)ertical

Depth h v

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.00 4.31

0.10 0.49 4.50

1.03 13.36 9.54

1.27 16.63 10.81

1.50 17.77 11.26

2.01 20.95 12.50

3.02 26.07 14.50

4.01 30.39 16.19

5.00 34.70 17.87

5.10 35.14 18.05

6.01 39.11 19.60

7.03 43.53 21.32

8.04 47.94 23.05

8.75 51.03 24.25

9.05 52.35 24.77

10.07 56.77 26.50

11.08 61.18 28.22

12.09 65.60 29.95

12.50 67.36 30.64

12.50 -0.00 4.31

12.60 -7.16 0.59

13.00 -26.03 -9.24

13.00 -35.62 -14.23

13.10 -43.33 -18.24

13.90 -87.92 -41.45

Internal forces
Depth N Q M A(h)

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN*m/m] [kN/m]

0.00 -0.0 0.0 0.0

0.10 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0

1.03 -7.0 -6.5 -2.1

1.27 -9.4 -10.1 -4.1

1.50 -11.9 -14.0 -6.8 50.1

1.50 -30.2 36.1 -6.8

2.01 -36.3 26.2 9.2

3.02 -49.9 2.3 24.0

4.01 -65.1 -25.7 12.8

5.00 -82.0 -57.9 -28.3 110.5

5.00 -122.2 52.6 -28.3

5.10 -124.0 49.0 -23.1

6.01 -141.2 15.2 6.4

7.03 -161.9 -26.7 1.0

8.04 -184.4 -73.1 -49.2

8.75 -201.2 -108.2 -113.4 261.8

8.75 -296.5 153.6 -113.4

9.05 -303.9 137.9 -69.1

10.07 -329.9 82.6 43.0

11.08 -357.6 22.8 96.8

12.09 -387.1 -41.4 87.8

12.50 -399.4 -68.4 65.5

12.60 -399.6 -68.0 58.7

13.00 -397.9 -61.5 32.5

13.10 -396.3 -57.5 26.6

13.90 -371.6 -3.3 0.0

Displacment values

analysed with EJ = 8.704E+4 kN*m

Depth w

[m] [mm]

0.00 0.1

0.10 0.0

1.03 -0.2

1.27 -0.3

1.50 -0.3

2.01 -0.5

3.02 -0.6

4.01 -0.6

5.00 -0.4

5.10 -0.4

6.01 -0.3

7.03 -0.2

8.04 -0.2

8.75 -0.5

9.05 -0.7

10.07 -2.0

11.08 -2.8

12.09 -2.5

12.50 -2.1

12.60 -2.0

13.00 -1.4
13.10 -1.3

13.90 0.0

Maximum values

Maximum moment = 113.4 kN*m/m

Maximum shear force = 153.6 kN/m

Corresponding normal force = -201.2 kN/m

Maximum displacement = 2.8 mm

Wall crown rotation = 0.01

Contiguous pile wall verification

E = 2100.00 kN/cm

I = 725331.70 cm4/m

Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)

Concrete: B 35

Steel: BSt 420/500

betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m

betas (steel) = 420.00 MN/m

req. gamma = 1.750

Reduction of internal forces = 0.000

M (Design) = 198.42 kN*m

N (Design) = -352.10 kN

Pile centres = 1.750 m

Pile diameter = 0.620 m

Diameter (steel) = 0.450 m

Req. = 0.832 %

req. As = 25.1 cm
Shear design:

Q (Design) = 268.80 kN

b0 = 0.562 m

z = 0.339 m

tau0 = 1412.9 kN/m

Shear area 2

req. as(tau) = 19.5 cm/m

Verification of concrete lagging:

Max eah = 67.4 kN/m

Thickn. of infill-wall = 0.150 m

Thickn. press. dome = 0.075 m

Allow. sigma = 7000.0 kN/m

Working sigma = 4584.28 kN/m

Verification OK

Maximum moment = 113.4 kN*m/m (depth = 8.75 m)

Corresp. values: N = -201.2 kN/m; Q = 153.6 kN/m; w = 0.5 mm

Maximum shear force = 153.6 kN/m (depth = 8.75 m)

Corresp. values: N = -296.5 kN/m; M = -113.4 kN*m/m; w = 0.5 mm

Maximum normal force = 399.6 kN/m (depth = 12.60 m)

Corresp. values: Q = -68.0 kN/m; M = 58.7 kN*m/m; w = 2.0 mm

Maximum displacement = 2.8 mm (depth = 11.39 m)

Corresp. values: N = -366.3 kN/m; Q = 4.0 kN/m; M = 100.9 kN*m/m

Embedment depth tg = 1.50 m

Section length = 14.00 m

Verification of sum H

req. eta = 1.50

Eph = 269.65 kN/m

(Eph = determined with wall friction angle = -phi.)

Eah = 94.42 kN/m

Uh = 72.61 kN/m

eta = Eph / (Eah + Uh) = 1.61

Verification sum V

Force values in kN

The sign is positive if forces

is directed downwards.

For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and

the cohesion components differently. The friction component is

only used in front of the soldier pile. For Cv and Cv we use an

analogous assumption.

Pv = 269.01

Eav = 330.93 (Eah = 846.87)

Epv - 0.5 * Cv = -34.70

Epv = -34.33

Cv = -0.74 with tan(12.3)

G = 105.67
Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm

Sum V = 670.18 (compression)

Case 1:

(Eav + Cv + G) / (Epv - 0.5 * Cv) > eta(v) (siehe EAB EB9)

eta(v) = 20.32

Case 2:

Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)

Qg = compressive force due to skin friction

and tip pressure (see EAB R 9)

The following must be verified:

Qg >= 1058.41 (for eta(v) = 1.5)

Horizontal water pressure determined classically.

Anchor and strut forces

No Depth Length Force

[-] [m] [m] [kN/m]

1 1.50 21.00 53.32 Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 117.55 Anchor

3 8.75 19.00 278.57 Anchor

Verify deep-seated stability

Necessary FOS = 1.50

Anchor Depth Length Height(anchor w.) pres Ah poss Ah eta

[-] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-]

1 1.50 21.00 0.00 50.11 1615.57 32.243

2 5.00 20.00 0.00 160.57 2186.75 13.619

3 8.75 19.00 0.00 422.34 3067.01 7.262

Values for most unfavourable slip plane (Anchor 3)

x y G Eah Eav C H tetta phi

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] []

0.00 13.90 - 570.0 215.5 - - - -

0.10 13.91 23.7 572.4 216.4 0.6 0.0 -4.32 37.01

3.50 14.16 901.5 646.2 244.8 20.5 0.0 -4.32 32.03

17.85 15.25 4345.2 716.1 274.9 86.4 0.0 -4.32 32.03

(H = horizontal seismic force)

Verification of heave safety

Required Heave FOS = 1.50

Minimum Heave FOS = 21.60

Width = 2.50 m

Weight G = 640.70 [kN/m]

Eav (delta = 2/3 * phi) = 179.07 [kN/m]

Cohesive force K = 84.00 [kN/m]

Bearing cap. load Pg = 13577.80 [kN/m]

FOS = (Pg + Eav + K) / G


C HIA H 5751/ M P/ S3A-S4 Ankerabstand a = 1. 75 m D esign values: M (Design) = 199. 63 kN* m Shear area 2
C ont iguous pile wall zul (G urtung) = 18.00 kN/cm Verify contiguous pile w all N (Design) = -657. 76 kN erf as(tau) = 21.0 cm/m
C alc ulat ion basis: zul (G urt ung) = 10. 50 kN/ cm E = 2100.00 kN/cm P ile centres = 1.750 m Verification of concrete lagging:
N o ep redist ribution zul V (Gurt ung) = 19.80 kN/ cm I = 725331. 70 cm / m P ile diam eter = 0.620 m M ax eah = 69.5 kN /m
Active ep according to: DIN 4085 Ankerst hle: Faktor (akt iv/Ruhe) = 0.00 D esign to DI N 1045 17. 2. 1, Para. (6) D ia met er (steel) = 0.450 m T hickn. of infill-wall = 0.150 m
Equivalent ep coeffic ient kah [ -] = 0. 200 Gurtbemessung: Gleichlast [M=q*a/10] C onc ret e: B 35 R eq. = 0.431 % T hickn. press. dome = 0.075 m
Pass ive ep accordin g t o: S treck Embedment depth = 1. 50 m Required length = 17.50 m St eel: BS t 420/ 500 req. As = 13.0 c m Allow. = 7000.00 kN /m
Soldier pile w idth = 0.62 m Sum V > 0 (met ) / = 29.46 betar (C oncrete) = 23. 00 MN/m S hear design: W ork. = 4732.46 kN/m
Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m Date: 12/17/2016 betas (St eel) = 420.00 MN/m Q (Des ign) = 280.94 k N Verification OK
10 Sect ion length automatic and degree of fixity from 0. 000 preset Time: 3: 34: 37 PM req. gamm a = 1. 750 b0 = 0. 578 m ; z = 0.336 m
(passive) = 2.00 R eduction of internal forces = 0.000 t au0 = 1446.0 k N/m

20. 0

0. 10
3 .40
0 0. 0 0.5 -0. 3

1 .5 0
16.6 -6. 8 31.9 -14.0 -11.9 -28.6
][ 12 0 , M = 1 5 .0 k N*m ; Q = 4 2.7 kN
sig = 1 2 .3 k N/cm, W = 12 1 .4 c m 23. 5
3 .50

tau = 3 .0 kN /cm , s ig (v ) = 13 .4 kN/c m

5 .0 0
-5 ][ 1 80 , M = 44 .1 k N *m; Q = 1 2 6.1 kN -43.1 73.3 -62.1 -80.5 -129.7
sig = 1 4 .7 k N/cm, W = 30 0 .0 c m
3 .75

tau = 5 .2 kN /cm , s ig (v ) = 17 .3 kN/c m 28. 5

8 .7 5
][ 2 00 , M = 57 .5 k N *m; Q = 1 6 4.3 kN -50.5 88.9 -87.5 -208.7 -272. 9
-10 sig = 1 5 .1 k N/cm, W = 38 2 .0 c m
3.7 5

tau = 5 .8 kN /cm , s ig (v ) = 18 .1 kN/c m 23.5 An c hor 1 ( 26.5 0 m, 2 0 .0) (4 8.8 kN/m ) (e ta = 29.6 5)
St 1 57 0 /1 7 70 5 L i tzen 0,6 '' ; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
1 2 .50
-114.1 160.5 -133.0 -375.9 -482.7 13.00 (1)
][ 2 60 , M = 95 .7 k N *m; Q = 2 7 3.4 kN
58.4/ 69. 5
sig = 1 2 .9 k N/cm, W = 74 2 .0 c m A nch or 2 ( 25 .5 0 m , 2 0 .0 ) (1 44.1 kN /m) (eta = 1 1.4 7 )
3 .50

tau = 6 .3 kN /cm , s ig (v ) = 16 .9 kN/c m S t 15 7 0/17 70 5 L i tze n 0,6 ' '; lp = 1 1.0 0 m

-15 16.00 88. 7 -2.3
-0. 0/ 69. 2 -65. 1 -599.3
A n ch o r 3 (24.50 m, 2 0.0 ) (1 87.7 kN /m) (eta = 8 .19 )
-94.2 3.8
S t 15 7 0/1 77 0 5 Li tze n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
-569. 3 0.0
eph/eah [kN/m ] M [k N*m/ m] Q [kN /m] N [ kN/m ] w [mm] 19.00 (2)
EJ = 8. 704E+4 kN* m
-20 A nch or 4 (2 3 .50 m, 20.0 ) (3 12 .4 k N/m ) (e ta = 6.1 7)
S t 15 70 /1 77 0 5 L itze n 0 ,6' '; lp = 11 .00 m


-30 GW (31.00) GW (31. 00)

delta w at er pr.
dpw [kN /m]
35.00 (3)
Co n tig u ous pil e wa l l

S oil Dept h ' c(a) c(p) Designation

[m ] [ kN/ m] [ kN/m ] [ ] [kN /m] [ kN/ m] act ive passive
-40 13.00 17. 0 7.0 32.0 6. 0 6.0 0.667 -1.000 s and
0 .6 2 m

19.00 18. 0 8.0 37.0 6. 0 6.0 0.667 -1.000 s and

>19. 00 19. 0 9.0 27.0 20.0 20. 0 0.667 -1.000 sandstone 1 .75 m

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Global safety factor concept (DIN 1054 old)

Contiguous pile wall

CHIAH 5751/ MP/ S3A-S4

Date: 12/17/2016

Time: 3:34:37 PM
All heights are with reference to the wall top.

Max. subdivisions to excavation base: 0.100

Max. subdivisions below excavation base: 0.100

Excavation level = 16.00 m

Soldier pile width = 0.62 m

Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m

Groundwater level (right) = 31.00 m

Groundwater level (left) = 31.00 m

Water pressure set to "0.0" if directed to earth side.

Berms on the active side

No. x1 x2 dh a x y Surcharge Live

[-] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [-]

1 0.10 3.50 3.00 0.06 0.03 1.18 20.00 ja

Distributed load p = 0.00 kN/m as live load

No ep redistribution

Type of toe support:

Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset

Anchors and struts

No. y Angle Length Normal force EF EJ

[-] [m] [] [m] [kN/m] [kN] [kN*m]

1 1.50 20.00 21.00 48.82 2.100E+7 - Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 20.00 144.09 2.100E+7 - Anchor

3 8.75 20.00 19.00 187.73 2.100E+7 - Anchor

4 12.50 20.00 18.00 312.42 2.100E+7 - Anchor

Anchor steel verification

Anchor centres = 1.75 m

Factor (0 = active; 1 = at-rest) = 0.000

Verify with: St 1570/1770 5 Litzen 0,6''

Allow. A = 628.0 kN

Anchor no.

1 Work. A = 85.4 kN < 628.0 kN

2 Work. A = 252.2 kN < 628.0 kN

3 Work. A = 328.5 kN < 628.0 kN

4 Work. A = 546.7 kN < 628.0 kN

Bending verification of waling:

Moment due to: Uniform load [M=q*a/10]

Waling parallel with anchor

a = 1.75 m Allow. sigma = 18.00 kN/m

No. Waling q [kN/m] M [kN*m] W [cm] sig [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 48.8 15.0 121.4 12.3

2 ][ 180 144.1 44.1 300.0 14.7

3 ][ 200 187.7 57.5 382.0 15.1

4 ][ 260 312.4 95.7 742.0 12.9

Shear verification of waling:

Allow. tau = 10.50 kN/m

Allow. sigma(v) = 19.80 kN/m

No. | Waling Q [kN] S/s/I [1/cm] tau [kN/cm] sigma(v) [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 42.7 0.071232 3.0 13.4

2 ][ 180 126.1 0.041481 5.2 17.3

3 ][ 200 164.3 0.035109 5.8 18.1

4 ][ 260 273.4 0.022925 6.3 16.9

Soil properties

Layer Base gam gam' phi c(act) c(pas) d(a)/phi d(p)/phi

[-] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-] [-]

1 13.00 17.00 7.00 32.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

2 19.00 18.00 8.00 37.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -0.743

3 35.00 19.00 9.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 0.667 -0.907

Active ep coefficient

Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200

determined after: DIN 4085

Layer Base kagh kach phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 0.256 0.877 32.000 21.34

2 19.00 0.205 0.772 37.000 24.68

3 35.00 0.318 0.993 27.000 18.01

Active ep ordinates

from to top bottom water pressure

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.000 0.097 0.000 0.490 0.00 0.00

0.097 1.035 0.491 13.364 0.00 0.00

1.035 1.272 13.364 16.625 0.00 0.00

1.272 1.500 16.626 17.775 0.00 0.00

1.500 2.013 17.775 20.947 0.00 0.00

2.013 3.019 20.947 26.073 0.00 0.00

3.019 4.009 26.073 30.387 0.00 0.00

4.009 5.000 30.387 34.701 0.00 0.00

5.000 5.101 34.701 35.142 0.00 0.00

5.101 6.014 35.142 39.114 0.00 0.00

6.014 7.027 39.114 43.528 0.00 0.00

7.027 8.041 43.528 47.941 0.00 0.00

8.041 8.750 47.941 51.031 0.00 0.00

8.750 9.054 51.031 52.355 0.00 0.00

9.054 10.068 52.355 56.768 0.00 0.00

10.068 11.081 56.768 61.182 0.00 0.00

11.081 12.095 61.182 65.595 0.00 0.00

12.095 12.500 65.595 67.361 0.00 0.00

12.500 13.000 67.361 69.538 0.00 0.00

13.000 13.100 58.400 58.760 0.00 0.00

13.100 14.100 58.760 62.360 0.00 0.00

14.100 15.100 62.360 65.960 0.00 0.00

15.100 16.000 65.960 69.200 0.00 0.00

16.000 16.100 69.200 69.560 0.00 0.00

16.100 17.100 69.560 73.160 0.00 0.00

17.100 17.400 73.160 74.240 0.00 0.00

17.400 19.000 74.240 80.000 0.00 0.00

19.000 31.000 107.185 179.597 0.00 0.00

31.000 35.000 179.597 191.030 0.00 0.00

Passive ep coefficient.

determined after: Streck

FOS coefficient passive ep = 2.00

Layer Base kpgh kpch phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

2 19.00 8.001 6.943 37.000 -27.50

3 35.00 4.375 4.922 27.000 -24.50

Passive ep ordinates for eta(p) = 2.00

from to top bottom

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

15.10 16.00 0.00 0.00

16.00 16.10 -0.00 -9.38

16.10 17.10 -9.38 -74.61

17.10 17.40 -74.61 -89.27

17.40 19.00 -89.27 -167.50

19.00 31.00 -137.49 -510.21

31.00 35.00 -510.21 -569.07

Resultant loading (h)orizontal und (v)ertical

Depth h v

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.00 4.31

0.10 0.49 4.50

1.03 13.36 9.54

1.27 16.63 10.81

1.50 17.77 11.26

2.01 20.95 12.50

3.02 26.07 14.50

4.01 30.39 16.19

5.00 34.70 17.87

5.10 35.14 18.05

6.01 39.11 19.60

7.03 43.53 21.32

8.04 47.94 23.05

8.75 51.03 24.25

9.05 52.35 24.77

10.07 56.77 26.50

11.08 61.18 28.22

12.09 65.60 29.95

12.50 67.36 30.64

13.00 69.54 31.49

13.00 58.40 31.15

13.10 58.76 31.31

14.10 62.36 32.97

15.10 65.96 34.62

16.00 69.20 36.11

16.00 -0.00 4.31

16.10 -9.38 -0.57

17.10 -74.61 -34.52

17.40 -89.27 -42.16

Internal forces

Depth N Q M A(h)

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN*m/m] [kN/m]

0.00 -0.0 0.0 -0.0

0.10 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0

1.03 -7.0 -6.5 -2.1

1.27 -9.4 -10.1 -4.1

1.50 -11.9 -14.0 -6.8 45.9

1.50 -28.6 31.9 -6.8

2.01 -34.7 21.9 7.1

3.02 -48.4 -1.9 17.6

4.01 -63.6 -29.9 2.2

5.00 -80.5 -62.1 -43.1 135.4

5.00 -129.7 73.3 -43.1

5.10 -131.6 69.7 -35.8

6.01 -148.7 35.9 12.6

7.03 -169.5 -6.0 28.1

8.04 -192.0 -52.4 -1.1

8.75 -208.7 -87.5 -50.5 176.4

8.75 -272.9 88.9 -50.5

9.05 -280.4 73.2 -25.9

10.07 -306.4 17.9 20.7

11.08 -334.1 -41.8 9.0

12.09 -363.6 -106.1 -65.6

12.50 -375.9 -133.0 -114.1 293.6

12.50 -482.7 160.5 -114.1

13.00 -498.2 126.3 -42.3

13.10 -501.4 120.5 -30.0

14.10 -533.5 59.9 60.5

15.10 -567.3 -4.3 88.6

16.00 -599.1 -65.1 57.6

16.10 -599.3 -64.6 51.1

17.10 -580.8 -20.8 2.7

17.40 -569.3 3.8 0.0

Displacment values

analysed with EJ = 8.704E+4 kN*m

Depth w

[m] [mm]

0.00 -0.3

0.10 -0.3

1.03 -0.4

1.27 -0.5

1.50 -0.5

2.01 -0.6

3.02 -0.7

4.01 -0.7

5.00 -0.6

5.10 -0.6

6.01 -0.8

7.03 -0.9

8.04 -0.7
8.75 -0.6

9.05 -0.6

10.07 -0.7

11.08 -0.6

12.09 -0.5

12.50 -0.6

13.00 -0.9

13.10 -1.0

14.10 -2.0

15.10 -2.3

16.00 -1.7

16.10 -1.6

17.10 -0.4

17.40 0.0

Maximum values

Maximum moment = 114.1 kN*m/m

Maximum shear force = 160.5 kN/m

Corresponding normal force = -375.9 kN/m

Maximum displacement = 2.3 mm

Wall crown rotation = 0.01

Contiguous pile wall verification

E = 2100.00 kN/cm

I = 725331.70 cm4/m

Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)

Concrete: B 35
Steel: BSt 420/500

betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m

betas (steel) = 420.00 MN/m

req. gamma = 1.750

Reduction of internal forces = 0.000

M (Design) = 199.63 kN*m

N (Design) = -657.76 kN

Pile centres = 1.750 m

Pile diameter = 0.620 m

Diameter (steel) = 0.450 m

Req. = 0.431 %

req. As = 13.0 cm

Shear design:

Q (Design) = 280.94 kN

b0 = 0.578 m

z = 0.336 m

tau0 = 1446.0 kN/m

Shear area 2

req. as(tau) = 21.0 cm/m

Verification of concrete lagging:

Max eah = 69.5 kN/m

Thickn. of infill-wall = 0.150 m

Thickn. press. dome = 0.075 m

Allow. sigma = 7000.0 kN/m

Working sigma = 4732.46 kN/m

Verification OK
Maximum moment = 114.1 kN*m/m (depth = 12.50 m)

Corresp. values: N = -375.9 kN/m; Q = 160.5 kN/m; w = 0.6 mm

Maximum shear force = 160.5 kN/m (depth = 12.50 m)

Corresp. values: N = -482.7 kN/m; M = -114.1 kN*m/m; w = 0.6 mm

Maximum normal force = 599.3 kN/m (depth = 16.10 m)

Corresp. values: Q = -64.6 kN/m; M = 51.1 kN*m/m; w = 1.6 mm

Maximum displacement = 2.3 mm (depth = 14.90 m)

Corresp. values: N = -560.4 kN/m; Q = 8.9 kN/m; M = 88.1 kN*m/m

Embedment depth tg = 1.50 m

Section length = 17.50 m

Verification of sum H

req. eta = 1.50

Eph = 289.56 kN/m

(Eph = determined with wall friction angle = -phi.)

Eah = 107.85 kN/m

Uh = 77.07 kN/m

eta = Eph / (Eah + Uh) = 1.57

Verification sum V

Force values in kN

The sign is positive if forces

is directed downwards.

For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and

the cohesion components differently. The friction component is

only used in front of the soldier pile. For Cv and Cv we use an

analogous assumption.

Pv = 414.82

Eav = 507.35 (Eah = 1241.54)

Epv - 0.5 * Cv = -35.81

Epv = -36.23

Cv = 0.83 with tan(12.3)

G = 132.08

Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm

Sum V = 1019.28 (compression)

Case 1:

(Eav + Cv + G) / (Epv - 0.5 * Cv) > eta(v) (siehe EAB EB9)

eta(v) = 29.46

Case 2:

Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)

Qg = compressive force due to skin friction

and tip pressure (see EAB R 9)

The following must be verified:

Qg >= 1581.39 (for eta(v) = 1.5)

Horizontal water pressure determined classically.

Anchor and strut forces

No Depth Length Force

[-] [m] [m] [kN/m]

1 1.50 21.00 48.82 Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 144.09 Anchor

3 8.75 19.00 187.73 Anchor

4 12.50 18.00 312.42 Anchor

Verify deep-seated stability

Necessary FOS = 1.50

Anchor Depth Length Height(anchor w.) pres Ah poss Ah eta

[-] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-]

1 1.50 21.00 0.00 45.88 1360.52 29.655

2 5.00 20.00 0.00 181.28 2079.73 11.473

3 8.75 19.00 0.00 357.69 2929.20 8.189

4 12.50 18.00 0.00 651.27 4018.24 6.170

Values for most unfavourable slip plane (Anchor 4)

x y G Eah Eav C H tetta phi

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] []

0.00 17.40 - 807.3 317.7 - - - -

0.10 17.41 30.0 809.8 318.7 0.6 0.0 -4.25 37.01

3.50 17.66 1115.6 892.0 350.4 20.5 0.0 -4.25 37.01

16.91 18.66 4894.2 968.7 383.4 80.7 0.0 -4.25 37.01

(H = horizontal seismic force)

Verification of heave safety

Required Heave FOS = 1.50

Minimum Heave FOS = 21.55

Width = 3.20 m

Weight G = 1038.47 [kN/m]

Eav (delta = 2/3 * phi) = 257.42 [kN/m]

Cohesive force K = 105.00 [kN/m]

Bearing cap. load Pg = 22021.88 [kN/m]

FOS = (Pg + Eav + K) / G


CHI AH 5751/ MP / S 3A -S 4 A nk erabst and a = 1. 75 m Design v alues: M (D esign) = 194.32 kN *m Shear area 2
Contiguous pile wall zul (Gurtung) = 18. 00 kN/ cm Verif y cont iguous pile wall N (Design) = -1007.54 kN erf as (tau) = 22.7 cm/m
Calculation basis: zul (Gurtung) = 10. 50 kN/ cm E = 2100.00 k N/cm Pile centres = 1.750 m Verif ication of concrete lagging:
No ep redistribution zul V (Gurtung) = 19. 80 kN/ cm I = 725331.70 c m / m Pile diam et er = 0.620 m Max eah = 108. 4 kN /m
Active ep ac cording to: DIN 4085 A nk ers thle: F aktor (aktiv/R uhe) = 0.00 Design t o DI N 1045 17. 2.1, Para. (6) Diameter (s teel) = 0. 450 m Thick n. of infill-wall = 0. 170 m
Equivalent ep coefficient kah [ -] = 0.200 G urt bem essung: Gleichlast [M=q*a/ 10] Concrete: B 35 Req. = 0. 400 % Thick n. press. dome = 0.085 m
Pas sive ep acc ording t o: Strec k E mbedment dept h = 2. 60 m Required length = 21. 80 m Steel: BSt 420/ 500 req. A s = 12.1 c m Allow . = 7000.00 k N/m
Soldier pile width = 0.62 m S um V > 0 (met) / = 29.17 betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/ m Shear design: Work. = 5743. 07 kN/ m
Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m Date: 12/17/2016 betas (S teel) = 420.00 MN/ m Q (Design) = 300. 11 kN Verif ication O K
10 Sec tion length automatic and degree of fixit y f rom 0.000 preset Time: 3:40:28 PM req. gamma = 1.773 b0 = 0.619 m ; z = 0.333 m
(passiv e) = 2.00 Reduction of internal forces = 0.000 tau0 = 1454.3 kN/ m

3.0 0

3 .40
0 0.0 0.5 -0. 5
1. 50

1 .50
16. 6 -6.8 32. 8 -14.0 -11. 9 -29.0
][ 12 0, M = 15 .2 k N*m ; Q = 4 3.6 kN
sig = 1 2.6 kN /cm , W = 12 1.4 cm 23.5
3 .5 0

ta u = 3 .1 k N/cm, sig (v) = 1 3.7 kN /cm 18.9

5 .00
-5 ][ 1 80 , M = 4 2.4 kN * m; Q = 1 2 1.1 kN
-39.9 68.8 -61.2 -80.8 -128.1
sig = 1 4.1 kN /cm , W = 30 0.0 cm
3 .75

ta u = 5 .0 k N/cm, sig (v) = 1 6.6 kN /cm 23.5

8 .75
][ 2 20 , M = 6 5.0 kN * m; Q = 1 8 5.8 kN -64.1 107.6 -91. 9 -207.1 -279.7
-10 sig = 1 3.3 kN /cm , W = 49 0.0 cm
3 .75

ta u = 5 .6 k N/cm, sig (v) = 1 6.4 kN /cm 43. 3 An c ho r 1 ( 26 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (4 9 .8 kN/m) (eta = 23.3 3)
St 1 57 0/1 7 70 5 L i tze n 0 ,6' '; l p = 1 1.0 0 m
1 2 .5 0
][ 2 20 , M = 6 8.7 kN * m; Q = 1 9 6.1 kN -57.7 96.3 -114.4 -382.6 -459.3 13.00 (1)
sig = 1 4.0 kN /cm , W = 49 0.0 cm An c ho r 2 ( 25 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (1 3 8.4 kN /m ) (e ta = 10 .03 )
3 .50

ta u = 5 .9 k N/cm, sig (v) = 1 7.4 kN /cm 14.1 St 1 57 0/1 7 70 5 Li tze n 0 ,6 ''; l p = 1 1.0 0 m
-15 1 6 .0 0
][ 2 60 , M = 9 8.1 kN * m; Q = 2 8 0.1 kN -111.0 171. 5 -129.4 -575.7 -685.2
sig = 1 3.2 kN /cm , W = 74 2.0 cm An c ho r 3 ( 24.50 m, 20.0 ) (2 1 2.3 kN /m ) (e ta = 6 .1 0)
3 .20

ta u = 6 .4 k N/cm, sig (v) = 1 7.3 kN /cm St 1 57 0/17 70 5 Li tze n 0 ,6 ''; l p = 1 1.0 0 m

93.1 -2.2 19.00 (2)
80.0/107.2 -73.9 -808.9
-20 -82. 6 An c hor 4 ( 23.50 m, 20.0 ) (2 2 4.2 kN /m ) (e ta = 5 .40)
4.0 -779.4 0. 0
St 1 57 0/17 70 5 L it ze n 0 ,6 ''; l p = 1 1.0 0 m
eph/ eah [kN/m] M [kN *m/ m] Q [ kN/ m] N [kN/m] w [mm]
An c hor 5 ( 22.50 m, 20 .0 ) (3 2 0.2 kN /m ) (e ta = 4 .94)
EJ = 8.704E+4 kN* m
St 1 57 0/17 70 5 L it ze n 0 ,6 ''; l p = 1 1.0 0 m

-30 GW (31.00) GW (31. 00)

delt a water pr.
dpw [ kN/m]
35.00 (3)
C onti gu ou s pi l e w al l

D ept h ' c(a) c(p)

Soil Designation
[m ] [kN/ m] [kN /m] [ ] [kN /m] [kN /m] active pass ive 0 .62 m
-40 13.00 17.0 7. 0 32.0 6. 0 6. 0 0.667 -1.000 sand
19.00 18.0 8. 0 37.0 6. 0 6. 0 0.667 -1.000 sand
>19.00 19.0 9. 0 27.0 20.0 20.0 0.667 -1.000 sandstone 1 .75 m

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Global safety factor concept (DIN 1054 old)

Contiguous pile wall

CHIAH 5751/ MP/ S3A-S4

Date: 12/17/2016

Time: 3:40:28 PM

All heights are with reference to the wall top.

Max. subdivisions to excavation base: 0.100

Max. subdivisions below excavation base: 0.100

Excavation level = 19.20 m

Soldier pile width = 0.62 m

Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m

Groundwater level (right) = 31.00 m

Groundwater level (left) = 31.00 m

Water pressure set to "0.0" if directed to earth side.

Berms on the active side

No. x1 x2 dh a x y Surcharge Live

[-] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [-]

1 0.10 3.50 3.00 0.06 0.03 1.18 20.00 ja

Distributed load p = 0.00 kN/m as live load

No ep redistribution
Type of toe support:

Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset

Anchors and struts

No. y Angle Length Normal force EF EJ

[-] [m] [] [m] [kN/m] [kN] [kN*m]

1 1.50 20.00 21.00 49.78 2.100E+7 - Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 20.00 138.37 2.100E+7 - Anchor

3 8.75 20.00 19.00 212.33 2.100E+7 - Anchor

4 12.50 20.00 18.00 224.17 2.100E+7 - Anchor

5 16.00 20.00 17.00 320.17 2.100E+7 - Anchor

Anchor steel verification

Anchor centres = 1.75 m

Factor (0 = active; 1 = at-rest) = 0.000

Verify with: St 1570/1770 5 Litzen 0,6''

Allow. A = 628.0 kN

Anchor no.

1 Work. A = 87.1 kN < 628.0 kN

2 Work. A = 242.2 kN < 628.0 kN

3 Work. A = 371.6 kN < 628.0 kN

4 Work. A = 392.3 kN < 628.0 kN

5 Work. A = 560.3 kN < 628.0 kN

Bending verification of waling:

Moment due to: Uniform load [M=q*a/10]

Waling parallel with anchor

a = 1.75 m Allow. sigma = 18.00 kN/m

No. Waling q [kN/m] M [kN*m] W [cm] sig [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 49.8 15.2 121.4 12.6

2 ][ 180 138.4 42.4 300.0 14.1

3 ][ 220 212.3 65.0 490.0 13.3

4 ][ 220 224.2 68.7 490.0 14.0

5 ][ 260 320.2 98.1 742.0 13.2

Shear verification of waling:

Allow. tau = 10.50 kN/m

Allow. sigma(v) = 19.80 kN/m

No. | Waling Q [kN] S/s/I [1/cm] tau [kN/cm] sigma(v) [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 43.6 0.071232 3.1 13.7

2 ][ 180 121.1 0.041481 5.0 16.6

3 ][ 220 185.8 0.030153 5.6 16.4

4 ][ 220 196.1 0.030153 5.9 17.4

5 ][ 260 280.1 0.022925 6.4 17.3

Soil properties

Layer Base gam gam' phi c(act) c(pas) d(a)/phi d(p)/phi

[-] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-] [-]

1 13.00 17.00 7.00 32.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

2 19.00 18.00 8.00 37.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

3 35.00 19.00 9.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 0.667 -0.907

Active ep coefficient
Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200

determined after: DIN 4085

Layer Base kagh kach phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 0.256 0.877 32.000 21.34

2 19.00 0.205 0.772 37.000 24.68

3 35.00 0.318 0.993 27.000 18.01

Active ep ordinates

from to top bottom water pressure

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.000 0.097 0.000 0.490 0.00 0.00

0.097 1.035 0.491 13.364 0.00 0.00

1.035 1.272 13.364 16.625 0.00 0.00

1.272 1.500 16.626 17.775 0.00 0.00

1.500 2.013 17.775 20.947 0.00 0.00

2.013 3.019 20.947 26.073 0.00 0.00

3.019 4.009 26.073 30.387 0.00 0.00

4.009 5.000 30.387 34.701 0.00 0.00

5.000 5.101 34.701 35.142 0.00 0.00

5.101 6.014 35.142 39.114 0.00 0.00

6.014 7.027 39.114 43.528 0.00 0.00

7.027 8.041 43.528 47.941 0.00 0.00

8.041 8.750 47.941 51.031 0.00 0.00

8.750 9.054 51.031 52.355 0.00 0.00

9.054 10.068 52.355 56.768 0.00 0.00

10.068 11.081 56.768 61.182 0.00 0.00

11.081 12.095 61.182 65.595 0.00 0.00

12.095 12.500 65.595 67.361 0.00 0.00

12.500 13.000 67.361 69.538 0.00 0.00

13.000 13.100 58.400 58.760 0.00 0.00

13.100 14.100 58.760 62.360 0.00 0.00

14.100 15.100 62.360 65.960 0.00 0.00

15.100 16.000 65.960 69.200 0.00 0.00

16.000 16.100 69.200 69.560 0.00 0.00

16.100 17.100 69.560 73.160 0.00 0.00

17.100 18.000 73.160 76.400 0.00 0.00

18.000 19.000 76.400 80.000 0.00 0.00

19.000 19.200 107.185 108.392 0.00 0.00

19.200 19.300 108.392 108.995 0.00 0.00

19.300 20.000 108.995 113.219 0.00 0.00

20.000 20.600 113.219 116.840 0.00 0.00

20.600 31.000 116.840 179.597 0.00 0.00

31.000 35.000 179.597 191.030 0.00 0.00

Passive ep coefficient.

determined after: Streck

FOS coefficient passive ep = 2.00

Layer Base kpgh kpch phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

3 35.00 4.375 4.922 27.000 -24.50

Passive ep ordinates for eta(p) = 2.00

from to top bottom

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

19.00 19.20 0.00 0.00

19.20 19.30 -0.00 -16.72

19.30 20.00 -16.72 -63.49

20.00 20.60 -63.49 -92.70

20.60 31.00 -92.70 -415.73

31.00 35.00 -415.73 -474.58

Resultant loading (h)orizontal und (v)ertical

Depth h v

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.00 4.31

0.10 0.49 4.50

1.03 13.36 9.54

1.27 16.63 10.81

1.50 17.77 11.26

2.01 20.95 12.50

3.02 26.07 14.50

4.01 30.39 16.19

5.00 34.70 17.87

5.10 35.14 18.05

6.01 39.11 19.60

7.03 43.53 21.32

8.04 47.94 23.05

8.75 51.03 24.25

9.05 52.35 24.77

10.07 56.77 26.50

11.08 61.18 28.22

12.09 65.60 29.95

12.50 67.36 30.64

13.00 69.54 31.49

13.00 58.40 31.15

13.10 58.76 31.31

14.10 62.36 32.97

15.10 65.96 34.62

16.00 69.20 36.11

16.10 69.56 36.28

17.10 73.16 37.93

18.00 76.40 39.42

19.00 80.00 41.07

19.00 107.18 39.16

19.20 108.39 39.55

19.20 -0.00 4.31

19.30 -16.72 -3.31

20.00 -63.49 -24.62

20.60 -92.70 -37.93

Internal forces

Depth N Q M A(h)

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN*m/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.0 -0.0 0.0

0.10 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0

1.03 -7.0 -6.5 -2.1

1.27 -9.4 -10.1 -4.1

1.50 -11.9 -14.0 -6.8 46.8

1.50 -29.0 32.8 -6.8

2.01 -35.1 22.8 7.5

3.02 -48.7 -1.0 18.9

4.01 -63.9 -29.0 4.4

5.00 -80.8 -61.2 -39.9 130.0

5.00 -128.1 68.8 -39.9

5.10 -129.9 65.3 -33.1

6.01 -147.1 31.4 11.3

7.03 -167.8 -10.5 22.2

8.04 -190.3 -56.8 -11.5

8.75 -207.1 -91.9 -64.1 199.5

8.75 -279.7 107.6 -64.1

9.05 -287.2 91.9 -33.8

10.07 -313.2 36.6 31.7

11.08 -340.9 -23.2 38.8

12.09 -370.4 -87.4 -16.9

12.50 -382.6 -114.4 -57.7 210.6

12.50 -459.3 96.3 -57.7

13.00 -474.9 62.0 -18.1

13.10 -478.0 56.2 -12.2

14.10 -510.1 -4.4 14.0

15.10 -543.9 -68.5 -22.2

16.00 -575.7 -129.4 -111.0 300.9

16.00 -685.2 171.5 -111.0

16.10 -688.9 164.6 -94.2

17.10 -726.0 93.2 34.9

18.00 -760.8 25.9 88.7

19.00 -801.0 -52.3 75.8

19.20 -808.9 -73.9 63.2

19.30 -808.9 -73.0 55.9

20.00 -798.8 -44.2 12.9

20.60 -779.4 4.0 0.0

Displacment values

analysed with EJ = 8.704E+4 kN*m

Depth w

[m] [mm]

0.00 -0.5

0.10 -0.5

1.03 -0.7

1.27 -0.7

1.50 -0.8

2.01 -0.9

3.02 -1.0

4.01 -1.0

5.00 -0.9

5.10 -0.9

6.01 -1.0

7.03 -1.1

8.04 -0.9

8.75 -0.9

9.05 -0.9

10.07 -1.3
11.08 -1.3

12.09 -0.9

12.50 -0.7

13.00 -0.7

13.10 -0.7

14.10 -0.6

15.10 -0.5

16.00 -0.6

16.10 -0.7

17.10 -1.6

18.00 -2.2

19.00 -1.9

19.20 -1.7

19.30 -1.6

20.00 -0.8

20.60 0.0

Maximum values

Maximum moment = 111.0 kN*m/m

Maximum shear force = 171.5 kN/m

Corresponding normal force = -575.7 kN/m

Maximum displacement = 2.2 mm

Wall crown rotation = 0.01

Contiguous pile wall verification

E = 2100.00 kN/cm

I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)

Concrete: B 35

Steel: BSt 420/500

betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m

betas (steel) = 420.00 MN/m

req. gamma = 1.773

Reduction of internal forces = 0.000

M (Design) = 194.32 kN*m

N (Design) = -1007.54 kN

Pile centres = 1.750 m

Pile diameter = 0.620 m

Diameter (steel) = 0.450 m

Req. = 0.400 %

req. As = 12.1 cm

Shear design:

Q (Design) = 300.11 kN

b0 = 0.619 m

z = 0.333 m

tau0 = 1454.3 kN/m

Shear area 2

req. as(tau) = 22.7 cm/m

Verification of concrete lagging:

Max eah = 108.4 kN/m

Thickn. of infill-wall = 0.170 m

Thickn. press. dome = 0.085 m

Allow. sigma = 7000.0 kN/m

Working sigma = 5743.07 kN/m

Verification OK

Maximum moment = 111.0 kN*m/m (depth = 16.00 m)

Corresp. values: N = -575.7 kN/m; Q = 171.5 kN/m; w = 0.6 mm

Maximum shear force = 171.5 kN/m (depth = 16.00 m)

Corresp. values: N = -685.2 kN/m; M = -111.0 kN*m/m; w = 0.6 mm

Maximum normal force = 808.9 kN/m (depth = 19.30 m)

Corresp. values: Q = -73.0 kN/m; M = 55.9 kN*m/m; w = 1.6 mm

Maximum displacement = 2.2 mm (depth = 18.20 m)

Corresp. values: N = -768.7 kN/m; Q = 10.5 kN/m; M = 92.4 kN*m/m

Embedment depth tg = 2.60 m

Section length = 21.80 m

Verification of sum H

req. eta = 1.50

Eph = 609.56 kN/m

(Eph = determined with wall friction angle = -phi.)

Eah = 302.21 kN/m

Uh = 99.34 kN/m

eta = Eph / (Eah + Uh) = 1.52

Verification sum V
Force values in kN

The sign is positive if forces

is directed downwards.

For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and

the cohesion components differently. The friction component is

only used in front of the soldier pile. For Cv and Cv we use an

analogous assumption.

Pv = 565.51

Eav = 698.98 (Eah = 1664.08)

Epv - 0.5 * Cv = -49.02

Epv = -49.47

Cv = 0.89 with tan(9.0)

G = 164.54

Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm

Sum V = 1380.90 (compression)

Case 1:

(Eav + Cv + G) / (Epv - 0.5 * Cv) > eta(v) (siehe EAB EB9)

eta(v) = 29.17

Case 2:

Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)

Qg = compressive force due to skin friction

and tip pressure (see EAB R 9)

The following must be verified:

Qg >= 2143.55 (for eta(v) = 1.5)

Horizontal water pressure determined classically.

Anchor and strut forces

No Depth Length Force

[-] [m] [m] [kN/m]

1 1.50 21.00 49.78 Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 138.37 Anchor

3 8.75 19.00 212.33 Anchor

4 12.50 18.00 224.17 Anchor

5 16.00 17.00 320.17 Anchor

Verify deep-seated stability

Necessary FOS = 1.50

Anchor Depth Length Height(anchor w.) pres Ah poss Ah eta

[-] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-]

1 1.50 21.00 0.00 46.78 1091.53 23.333

2 5.00 20.00 0.00 176.81 1772.87 10.027

3 8.75 19.00 0.00 376.34 2297.44 6.105

4 12.50 18.00 0.00 586.99 3171.41 5.403

5 16.00 17.00 0.00 887.85 4390.18 4.945

Values for most unfavourable slip plane (Anchor 5)

x y G Eah Eav C H tetta phi

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] []

0.00 20.60 - 1109.9 427.2 - - - -

0.10 20.61 35.9 1112.8 428.2 2.0 0.0 -4.35 26.99

3.50 20.87 1317.5 1206.5 461.4 20.5 0.0 -4.35 37.01

15.97 21.81 5295.1 1321.5 497.5 75.1 0.0 -4.35 37.01

(H = horizontal seismic force)

Verification of heave safety

Required Heave FOS = 1.50

Minimum Heave FOS = 3.99

Width = 3.84 m

Weight G = 1578.49 [kN/m]

Eav (delta = 2/3 * phi) = 271.70 [kN/m]

Cohesive force K = 170.00 [kN/m]

Bearing cap. load Pg = 5851.98 [kN/m]

FOS = (Pg + Eav + K) / G


CH IA H 5751/ M P/ S 3A -S 4 Ankerabst and a = 1.75 m Design v alues: M (Design) = 202. 33 kN*m S hear area 2
Contiguous pile wall zul (Gurtung) = 18. 00 kN/ cm V erif y contiguous pile w all N (D esign) = -1368.21 k N erf as(tau) = 40. 0 cm/ m
Calc ulation basis: zul (Gurtung) = 10.50 kN/c m E = 2100.00 k N/cm Pile cent res = 1. 750 m V erificat ion of concrete lagging:
No ep redist ribut ion zul V (Gurtung) = 19.80 k N/cm I = 725331. 70 cm / m Pile diameter = 0.620 m M ax eah = 124.1 kN/m
Active ep according to: DI N 4085 Ankersthle: Faktor (aktiv /Ruhe) = 0.00 Design t o DI N 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6) Diameter (st eel) = 0.450 m T hic kn. of infill-wall = 0. 170 m
Equivalent ep coeff icient kah [ -] = 0.200 Gurt bemessung: Gleichlast [ M=q*a/10] Concrete: B 35 Req. = 0.400 % T hic kn. press. dome = 0.085 m
Passive ep according to: St rec k Em bedment depth = 3.00 m R equired length = 24.80 m S teel: BS t 420/ 500 req. A s = 12. 1 cm A llow. = 7000.00 kN/m
Soldier pile w idth = 0.62 m Sum V > 0 (met) / = 36.28 betar (Concrete) = 23. 00 MN/ m Shear design: W ork. = 6574.36 kN /m
Soldier pile c entres = 1.75 m Date: 12/19/ 2016 betas (St eel) = 420. 00 MN/m Q (Design) = 386.12 kN V erificat ion OK
10 Sect ion length automat ic and degree of fixit y f rom 0.000 preset Time: 4:24:55 P M req. gamma = 1. 906 b0 = 0.611 m; z = 0. 325 m
(passive) = 2.00 Reduction of internal forces = 0.000 tau0 = 1942.5 kN /m

0. 10

3.4 0
0 0.0 0.5 -0. 8

1.5 0
16.6 -6. 8 32.6 -14.0 -11.9 -28.9
][ 12 0 , M = 15 .2 kN* m; Q = 43 .4 kN
sig = 1 2.5 kN /cm , W = 12 1.4 cm 23.5
3 .5 0

tau = 3.1 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 3.6 kN /cm 18.6

5.0 0
-5 ][ 1 80 , M = 4 2.8 kN *m ; Q = 1 22 .3 kN -40. 6 69.9 -61. 4 -80. 7 -128.5
sig = 1 4.3 kN /cm , W = 30 0.0 cm
3 .75

tau = 5.1 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 6.8 kN /cm 24.7

8.7 5
][ 2 20 , M = 6 3.2 kN *m ; Q = 1 80 .6 kN -60.9 103.1 -90. 9 -207.5 -278. 1
sig = 1 2.9 kN /cm , W = 49 0.0 cm

tau = 5.4 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 6.0 kN /cm 37.9 Anc ho r 1 (2 6 .50 m , 20 .0 ) (4 9.6 kN/m ) (e ta = 2 2.0 1)
St 1 57 0/1 77 0 7 Litzen 0,6 ' ; l p = 11 .00 m
12 .50
][ 2 20 , M = 7 6.9 kN *m ; Q = 2 19 .7 kN -71. 4 117.0 -118.9 -381. 0 -466.9 13.00 (1)
sig = 1 5.7 kN /cm , W = 49 0.0 cm An cho r 2 (2 5 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (1 39 .7 kN/m) (eta = 7.9 5)
3.5 0

tau = 6.6 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 9.4 kN /cm 35.7 St 157 0/1 77 0 7 Litz en 0,6 ''; l p = 11 .00 m
-15 16 .00
][ 2 20 , M = 6 7.1 kN *m ; Q = 1 91 .6 kN -52.0 97.2 -108.6 -583.3 -658.2
sig = 1 3.7 kN /cm , W = 49 0.0 cm An cho r 3 (24 .50 m, 20.0 ) (2 06 .4 kN/m) (eta = 5.2 8 )
3.2 0

tau = 5.8 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 7.0 kN /cm 14. 6 St 157 0/1 770 7 Litz en 0,6 ''; l p = 11 .00 m
19 .20 19.00 (2)
][ 28 0, M = 12 0.2 kN *m ; Q = 3 43 .5 kN
80.0/ 107. 2 -115.6 220.6 -148.2 -781. 8 -916. 1
2.6 0

sig = 1 3.4 kN /cm , W = 89 6.0 cm

An cho r 4 (23 .50 m, 20 .0 ) ( 251 .1 kN/m) (eta = 4.30 )
21.80 tau = 7.3 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 8.4 kN /cm 101.1 St 157 0/1 770 7 Litz en 0,6 ''; l p = 11 .00 m -1. 9
-0.0/124.1 -81.6 -1025. 6
-82.6 -3.7 -996.1 0.0
An cho r 5 (22 .50 m, 20 .0 ) ( 219 .0 kN/m) (eta = 3.49 )
St 1 57 0/1 77 0 7 Litz en 0,6 ''; l p = 11.00 m
-25 -142.4
eph/ eah [kN/ m] M [kN*m /m] Q [ kN/m] N [kN /m] w [mm ]
An cho r 6 (22 .50 m, 20 .0 ) ( 392 .5 kN/m) (eta = 3.46 ) EJ = 8. 704E+4 kN *m
St 1 57 0/1 77 0 7 Litz en 0,6 ''; l p = 11.00 m

-30 GW (31. 00) GW (31.00)

delt a water pr.
dpw [ kN/ m]
35.00 (3)
Co n tig uo u s p ile wal l

D ept h ' c(a) c(p)

Soil D esignation
[m ] [ kN/ m] [kN/ m] [] [ kN/ m] [kN/ m] act ive passive 0.62 m
-40 13.00 17.0 7. 0 32.0 6.0 6.0 0. 667 -1.000 sand
19.00 18.0 8. 0 37.0 6.0 6.0 0. 667 -1.000 sand
>19. 00 19.0 9. 0 27.0 20.0 20. 0 0. 667 -1.000 sandst one 1.7 5 m

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Global safety factor concept (DIN 1054 old)

Contiguous pile wall

CHIAH 5751/ MP/ S3A-S4

Date: 12/19/2016

Time: 6:51:47 PM
All heights are with reference to the wall top.

Max. subdivisions to excavation base: 0.100

Max. subdivisions below excavation base: 0.100

Excavation level = 21.80 m

Soldier pile width = 0.62 m

Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m

Groundwater level (right) = 31.00 m

Groundwater level (left) = 31.00 m

Water pressure set to "0.0" if directed to earth side.

Berms on the active side

No. x1 x2 dh a x y Surcharge Live

[-] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [-]

1 0.10 3.50 3.00 0.06 0.03 1.18 20.00 ja

Distributed load p = 0.00 kN/m as live load

No ep redistribution

Type of toe support:

Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset

Anchors and struts

No. y Angle Length Normal force EF EJ

[-] [m] [] [m] [kN/m] [kN] [kN*m]

1 1.50 20.00 21.00 49.55 2.100E+7 - Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 20.00 139.74 2.100E+7 - Anchor

3 8.75 20.00 19.00 206.41 2.100E+7 - Anchor

4 12.50 20.00 18.00 251.05 2.100E+7 - Anchor

5 16.00 20.00 17.00 218.96 2.100E+7 - Anchor

6 19.20 20.00 17.00 392.52 2.100E+7 - Anchor

Anchor steel verification

Anchor centres = 1.75 m

Factor (0 = active; 1 = at-rest) = 0.000

Verify with: St 1570/1770 7 Litzen 0,6''

Allow. A = 897.0 kN

Anchor no.

1 Work. A = 86.7 kN < 897.0 kN

2 Work. A = 244.5 kN < 897.0 kN

3 Work. A = 361.2 kN < 897.0 kN

4 Work. A = 439.3 kN < 897.0 kN

5 Work. A = 383.2 kN < 897.0 kN

6 Work. A = 686.9 kN < 897.0 kN

Bending verification of waling:

Moment due to: Uniform load [M=q*a/10]

Waling parallel with anchor

a = 1.75 m Allow. sigma = 18.00 kN/m

No. Waling q [kN/m] M [kN*m] W [cm] sig [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 49.6 15.2 121.4 12.5

2 ][ 180 139.7 42.8 300.0 14.3

3 ][ 220 206.4 63.2 490.0 12.9

4 ][ 220 251.1 76.9 490.0 15.7

5 ][ 220 219.0 67.1 490.0 13.7

6 ][ 280 392.5 120.2 896.0 13.4

Shear verification of waling:

Allow. tau = 10.50 kN/m

Allow. sigma(v) = 19.80 kN/m

No. | Waling Q [kN] S/s/I [1/cm] tau [kN/cm] sigma(v) [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 43.4 0.071232 3.1 13.6

2 ][ 180 122.3 0.041481 5.1 16.8

3 ][ 220 180.6 0.030153 5.4 16.0

4 ][ 220 219.7 0.030153 6.6 19.4

5 ][ 220 191.6 0.030153 5.8 17.0

6 ][ 280 343.5 0.021178 7.3 18.4

Soil properties

Layer Base gam gam' phi c(act) c(pas) d(a)/phi d(p)/phi

[-] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-] [-]

1 13.00 17.00 7.00 32.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

2 19.00 18.00 8.00 37.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

3 35.00 19.00 9.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 0.667 -0.907

Active ep coefficient

Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200

determined after: DIN 4085

Layer Base kagh kach phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 0.256 0.877 32.000 21.34

2 19.00 0.205 0.772 37.000 24.68

3 35.00 0.318 0.993 27.000 18.01

Active ep ordinates

from to top bottom water pressure

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.000 0.097 0.000 0.490 0.00 0.00

0.097 1.035 0.491 13.364 0.00 0.00

1.035 1.272 13.364 16.625 0.00 0.00

1.272 1.500 16.626 17.775 0.00 0.00

1.500 2.013 17.775 20.947 0.00 0.00

2.013 3.019 20.947 26.073 0.00 0.00

3.019 4.009 26.073 30.387 0.00 0.00

4.009 5.000 30.387 34.701 0.00 0.00

5.000 5.101 34.701 35.142 0.00 0.00

5.101 6.014 35.142 39.114 0.00 0.00

6.014 7.027 39.114 43.528 0.00 0.00

7.027 8.041 43.528 47.941 0.00 0.00

8.041 8.750 47.941 51.031 0.00 0.00

8.750 9.054 51.031 52.355 0.00 0.00

9.054 10.068 52.355 56.768 0.00 0.00

10.068 11.081 56.768 61.182 0.00 0.00

11.081 12.095 61.182 65.595 0.00 0.00

12.095 12.500 65.595 67.361 0.00 0.00

12.500 13.000 67.361 69.538 0.00 0.00

13.000 13.100 58.400 58.760 0.00 0.00

13.100 14.100 58.760 62.360 0.00 0.00

14.100 15.100 62.360 65.960 0.00 0.00

15.100 16.000 65.960 69.200 0.00 0.00

16.000 16.100 69.200 69.560 0.00 0.00

16.100 17.100 69.560 73.160 0.00 0.00

17.100 18.000 73.160 76.400 0.00 0.00

18.000 19.000 76.400 80.000 0.00 0.00

19.000 19.200 107.185 108.392 0.00 0.00

19.200 20.000 108.392 113.219 0.00 0.00

20.000 21.000 113.219 119.253 0.00 0.00

21.000 21.800 119.253 124.081 0.00 0.00

21.800 21.900 124.081 124.684 0.00 0.00

21.900 22.000 124.684 125.288 0.00 0.00

22.000 23.000 125.288 131.322 0.00 0.00

23.000 23.200 131.322 132.529 0.00 0.00

23.200 31.000 132.529 179.597 0.00 0.00

31.000 35.000 179.597 191.030 0.00 0.00

Passive ep coefficient.

determined after: Streck

FOS coefficient passive ep = 2.00

Layer Base kpgh kpch phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

3 35.00 4.375 4.922 27.000 -24.50

Passive ep ordinates for eta(p) = 2.00

from to top bottom

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

21.00 21.80 0.00 0.00

21.80 21.90 -0.00 -16.72

21.90 22.00 -16.72 -24.81

22.00 23.00 -24.81 -86.49

23.00 23.20 -86.49 -92.70

23.20 31.00 -92.70 -334.97

31.00 35.00 -334.97 -393.82

Resultant loading (h)orizontal und (v)ertical

Depth h v

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.00 4.31

0.10 0.49 4.50

1.03 13.36 9.54

1.27 16.63 10.81

1.50 17.77 11.26

2.01 20.95 12.50

3.02 26.07 14.50

4.01 30.39 16.19

5.00 34.70 17.87

5.10 35.14 18.05

6.01 39.11 19.60

7.03 43.53 21.32

8.04 47.94 23.05

8.75 51.03 24.25

9.05 52.35 24.77

10.07 56.77 26.50

11.08 61.18 28.22

12.09 65.60 29.95

12.50 67.36 30.64

13.00 69.54 31.49

13.00 58.40 31.15

13.10 58.76 31.31

14.10 62.36 32.97

15.10 65.96 34.62

16.00 69.20 36.11

16.10 69.56 36.28

17.10 73.16 37.93

18.00 76.40 39.42

19.00 80.00 41.07

19.00 107.18 39.16

19.20 108.39 39.55

20.00 113.22 41.12

21.00 119.25 43.08

21.80 124.08 44.65

21.80 -0.00 4.31

21.90 -16.72 -3.31

22.00 -24.81 -6.99

23.00 -86.49 -35.10

23.20 -92.70 -37.93

Internal forces

Depth N Q M A(h)

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN*m/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.10 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0

1.03 -7.0 -6.5 -2.1

1.27 -9.4 -10.1 -4.1

1.50 -11.9 -14.0 -6.8 46.6

1.50 -28.9 32.6 -6.8

2.01 -35.0 22.6 7.4

3.02 -48.6 -1.2 18.6

4.01 -63.8 -29.2 3.9

5.00 -80.7 -61.4 -40.6 131.3

5.00 -128.5 69.9 -40.6

5.10 -130.3 66.3 -33.7

6.01 -147.5 32.5 11.6

7.03 -168.2 -9.4 23.7

8.04 -190.7 -55.8 -9.0

8.75 -207.5 -90.9 -60.9 194.0

8.75 -278.1 103.1 -60.9

9.05 -285.5 87.4 -31.9

10.07 -311.5 32.1 29.0

11.08 -339.3 -27.7 31.6

12.09 -368.7 -91.9 -28.7

12.50 -381.0 -118.9 -71.4 235.9

12.50 -466.9 117.0 -71.4

13.00 -482.4 82.8 -21.4

13.10 -485.5 76.9 -13.4

14.10 -517.7 16.4 33.6

15.10 -551.5 -47.8 18.2

16.00 -583.3 -108.6 -52.0 205.8

16.00 -658.2 97.2 -52.0

16.10 -661.8 90.2 -42.6

17.10 -698.9 18.9 12.2

18.00 -733.7 -48.4 -0.9

19.00 -774.0 -126.6 -88.1

19.20 -781.8 -148.2 -115.6 368.8

19.20 -916.1 220.6 -115.6

20.00 -948.3 132.0 25.7

21.00 -990.5 15.8 100.1

21.80 -1025.5 -81.6 74.0

21.90 -1025.6 -80.7 65.9

22.00 -1025.1 -78.7 57.9

23.00 -1003.4 -21.6 2.5

23.20 -996.1 -3.7 0.0

Displacment values

analysed with EJ = 8.704E+4 kN*m

Depth w

[m] [mm]

0.00 -0.8

0.10 -0.8

1.03 -1.0

1.27 -1.0
1.50 -1.1

2.01 -1.2

3.02 -1.3

4.01 -1.2

5.00 -1.1

5.10 -1.1

6.01 -1.3

7.03 -1.4

8.04 -1.2

8.75 -1.1

9.05 -1.2

10.07 -1.5

11.08 -1.4

12.09 -1.1

12.50 -1.0

13.00 -1.1

13.10 -1.1

14.10 -1.3

15.10 -1.1

16.00 -0.8

16.10 -0.8

17.10 -0.8

18.00 -0.7

19.00 -0.7

19.20 -0.7

20.00 -1.4

21.00 -1.9
21.80 -1.6

21.90 -1.5

22.00 -1.4

23.00 -0.3

23.20 0.0

Maximum values

Maximum moment = 115.6 kN*m/m

Maximum shear force = 220.6 kN/m

Corresponding normal force = -781.8 kN/m

Maximum displacement = 1.9 mm

Wall crown rotation = 0.01

Contiguous pile wall verification

E = 2100.00 kN/cm

I = 725331.70 cm4/m

Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)

Concrete: B 35

Steel: BSt 420/500

betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m

betas (steel) = 420.00 MN/m

req. gamma = 1.906

Reduction of internal forces = 0.000

M (Design) = 202.33 kN*m

N (Design) = -1368.21 kN

Pile centres = 1.750 m

Pile diameter = 0.620 m

Diameter (steel) = 0.450 m

Req. = 0.400 %

req. As = 12.1 cm

Shear design:

Q (Design) = 386.12 kN

b0 = 0.611 m

z = 0.325 m

tau0 = 1942.5 kN/m

Shear area 2

req. as(tau) = 40.0 cm/m

Verification of concrete lagging:

Max eah = 124.1 kN/m

Thickn. of infill-wall = 0.170 m

Thickn. press. dome = 0.085 m

Allow. sigma = 7000.0 kN/m

Working sigma = 6574.36 kN/m

Verification OK

Maximum moment = 115.6 kN*m/m (depth = 19.20 m)

Corresp. values: N = -781.8 kN/m; Q = 220.6 kN/m; w = 0.7 mm

Maximum shear force = 220.6 kN/m (depth = 19.20 m)

Corresp. values: N = -916.1 kN/m; M = -115.6 kN*m/m; w = 0.7 mm

Maximum normal force = 1025.6 kN/m (depth = 21.90 m)

Corresp. values: Q = -80.7 kN/m; M = 65.9 kN*m/m; w = 1.5 mm

Maximum displacement = 1.9 mm (depth = 21.00 m)

Corresp. values: N = -990.5 kN/m; Q = 15.8 kN/m; M = 100.1 kN*m/m

Embedment depth tg = 3.00 m

Section length = 24.80 m

Verification of sum H

req. eta = 1.50

Eph = 762.34 kN/m

(Eph = determined with wall friction angle = -phi.)

Eah = 399.40 kN/m

Uh = 99.34 kN/m

eta = Eph / (Eah + Uh) = 1.53

Verification sum V

Force values in kN

The sign is positive if forces

is directed downwards.

For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and

the cohesion components differently. The friction component is

only used in front of the soldier pile. For Cv and Cv we use an

analogous assumption.

Pv = 753.10

Eav = 870.02 (Eah = 2190.21)

Epv - 0.5 * Cv = -49.87

Epv = -49.47
Cv = -0.81 with tan(9.0)

G = 187.18

Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm

Sum V = 1759.62 (compression)

Case 1:

(Eav + Cv + G) / (Epv - 0.5 * Cv) > eta(v) (siehe EAB EB9)

eta(v) = 36.28

Case 2:

Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)

Qg = compressive force due to skin friction

and tip pressure (see EAB R 9)

The following must be verified:

Qg >= 2715.45 (for eta(v) = 1.5)

Horizontal water pressure determined classically.

Anchor and strut forces

No Depth Length Force

[-] [m] [m] [kN/m]

1 1.50 21.00 49.55 Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 139.74 Anchor

3 8.75 19.00 206.41 Anchor

4 12.50 18.00 251.05 Anchor

5 16.00 17.00 218.96 Anchor

6 19.20 17.00 392.52 Anchor

Verify deep-seated stability

Necessary FOS = 1.50

Anchor Depth Length Height(anchor w.) pres Ah poss Ah eta

[-] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-]

1 1.50 21.00 0.00 46.57 1024.75 22.006

2 5.00 20.00 0.00 177.87 1413.45 7.946

3 8.75 19.00 0.00 371.84 1964.95 5.284

4 12.50 18.00 0.00 607.75 2611.66 4.297

5 16.00 17.00 0.00 813.51 2841.08 3.492

6 19.20 17.00 0.00 1182.35 4090.61 3.460

Values for most unfavourable slip plane (Anchor 6)

x y G Eah Eav C H tetta phi

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] []

0.00 23.20 - 1434.1 529.1 - - - -

0.10 23.21 40.9 1437.6 530.3 2.0 0.0 -6.48 26.99

3.50 23.60 1489.8 1552.5 570.1 68.4 0.0 -6.48 26.99

15.97 25.01 5998.0 1749.7 632.1 251.1 0.0 -6.48 26.99

(H = horizontal seismic force)

Verification of heave safety

Required Heave FOS = 1.50

Minimum Heave FOS = 3.80

Width = 4.36 m

Weight G = 2062.67 [kN/m]

Eav (delta = 2/3 * phi) = 348.23 [kN/m]

Cohesive force K = 230.00 [kN/m]

Bearing cap. load Pg = 7254.96 [kN/m]

FOS = (Pg + Eav + K) / G


CHIAH 57 51 / MP / S3A-S4 A nk erab st and a = 1. 75 m De sign valu es: M (D e sign) = 1 95 .89 kN *m Shear area 2
Co ntiguou s pile wa ll zul (Gurt un g) = 18.0 0 kN/ cm Verif y c ontiguou s pile wall N (De sign) = -1 73 4. 43 kN erf as(tau ) = 4 9.9 cm/m
Ca lcula tio n ba sis: zul (Gurtun g) = 10 . 50 kN/ cm E = 2100 .00 k N/cm P ile cen tre s = 1 .7 50 m Verif ication of co ncre te lagg ing:
No e p red istrib ution zul V (Gu rtu ng ) = 19. 80 kN/cm I = 7 25 33 1.70 cm / m P ile d iam ete r = 0. 62 0 m Max eah = 13 8. 3 kN /m
Ac tive ep ac co rd ing to: DIN 40 85 A nk ersth le: F aktor (a kt iv/R uhe ) = 0 .00 De sign to DIN 104 5 1 7. 2.1, Pa ra . (6) Dia mete r (stee l) = 0 .450 m Th ickn. o f infill-wall = 0. 18 0 m
Eq uivalen t e p co ef ficien t kah [ -] = 0.20 0 Gurtb em essu ng: Gleichlast [M=q*a/ 10 ] Co ncre te : B 3 5 Req. = 0.4 00 % Th ickn. p re ss. dome = 0.0 90 m
Pa ssive e p acco rding to : S trec k E mbedme nt de pt h = 3 . 28 m Re quire d leng th = 27. 43 m Stee l: BS t 4 20 /500 req. A s = 1 2.1 cm Allow . = 700 0.00 kN/m
So ldier pile width = 0.62 m S um V > 0 (me t) / = 44 .78 be ta r (Co ncre te) = 23.0 0 MN/m S hear d esign : Work. = 6 53 4. 35 kN/ m
So ldier pile ce ntres = 1.75 m Date: 12 /1 9/2 016 be ta s (St ee l) = 4 20 .00 MN/m Q (De sign ) = 400 . 84 kN Verif ication OK
10 Se ction le ng th auto matic a nd d eg re e o f fixit y f rom 0.00 0 pre se t Time: 4:32 :5 1 P M re q. ga mma = 1 .995 b 0 = 0 .575 m ; z = 0 .3 12 m
(pa ssive) = 2 .0 0 Re duction o f inte rn al fo rce s = 0.0 00 tau 0 = 223 5.3 kN/ m

2 0.0
3.0 0

3.4 0
0. 00
0 0 .0 0.5 -1.1
1. 50

1 .5 0
16 .6 -6.8 3 2.6 -1 4. 0 -11 . 9 -28 .9
][ 12 0, M = 1 5.2 kN *m ; Q = 4 3.4 kN
sig = 12 .5 k N/cm, W = 12 1.4 cm 23.5
3.5 0

ta u = 3 .1 k N/cm , s ig(v) = 1 3 .6 kN /cm 18.7

5 .0 0
-5 ][ 1 80 , M = 42 .7 k N* m; Q = 1 2 2.0 kN
-40 .5 69 .6 -6 1.4 -80 .7 -1 28 .4
sig = 14 .2 k N/cm, W = 30 0.0 cm
3 .75

ta u = 5 .1 k N/cm , s ig(v) = 1 6 .7 kN /cm 24 .4

8 .7 5
][ 2 20 , M = 63 .6 k N* m; Q = 1 8 1.7 kN -6 1.6 104. 1 -91 .1 -20 7. 4 -27 8.5
-10 sig = 13 .0 k N/cm, W = 49 0.0 cm
3.7 5

ta u = 5 .5 k N/cm , s ig(v) = 1 6 .1 kN /cm 3 9.0 An chor 1 ( 26.5 0 m, 2 0.0 ) (4 9.6 kN /m ) (e ta = 1 4.6 3) -1 .8

St 15 70/17 70 7 L i tze n 0 ,6' '; l p = 11 .00 m
1 2.50
-68 .4 11 2.4 -117. 9 -3 81. 4 -4 65 .2 13.0 0 (1)
][ 2 20 , M = 75 .1 k N* m; Q = 2 1 4.5 kN 5 8.4 /6 9.5
sig = 15 .3 k N/cm, W = 49 0.0 cm An cho r 2 ( 25.5 0 m, 2 0.0 ) (1 39 .4 k N/m) (eta = 5.3 8)
3 .50

ta u = 6 .5 k N/cm , s ig(v) = 1 9 .0 kN /cm 30. 3 St 15 70 /17 7 0 7 Li tze n 0 ,6 ''; l p = 11 .00 m

-15 1 6.00
][ 2 20 , M = 76 .0 k N* m; Q = 2 1 7.2 kN -65 .1 12 0.0 -11 3.2 -58 1. 6 -66 6.5
sig = 15 .5 k N/cm, W = 49 0.0 cm An cho r 3 (2 4.5 0 m, 20.0 ) (2 0 7.7 kN/m) (eta = 3.5 2)

ta u = 6 .5 k N/cm , s ig(v) = 1 9 .2 kN /cm 3 6.0 St 15 7 0/177 0 7 Li tze n 0 ,6''; l p = 1 1.00 m

1 9.20 19.0 0 (2)
][ 2 40 , M = 81 .9 k N* m; Q = 2 3 4.0 kN
80 .0/1 07. 2 -55. 5 126. 0 -1 25 . 3 -7 90.2 -8 81 .6
2.6 0

sig = 13 .7 k N/cm, W = 60 0.0 cm 16 .2 An c hor 4 (2 3.5 0 m , 20.0 ) (24 5.1 kN/m ) (eta = 2.83)
ta u = 6 .1 k N/cm , s ig(v) = 1 7 .3 kN /cm
2 1.80 St 1 57 0/177 0 7 L itze n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
][ 3 0 0, M = 1 32 .1 k N* m; Q = 3 7 7.3 kN -111 .9 229. 1 -176. 2 -99 1. 1 -1138.6
2 .3 5

s ig = 1 2.3 kN /cm, W = 107 0.0 cm

24 .15 ta u = 7 .4 k N/cm , s ig(v) = 1 7 .8 kN /cm 9 3.5 Anc hor 5 (2 2.5 0 m , 20.0 ) (24 8.2 kN /m ) (e ta = 2 .78 )
-0.0/13 8.3 St 1 57 0/177 0 7 Litze n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m -79. 2 -124 9.0
-25 -2 .2 -1 219. 9 0 .0
Anc hor 6 (2 2.5 0 m , 20.0 ) (26 7.5 kN /m ) (e ta = 3 .16 )
-15 1.0 St 1 57 0/177 0 7 Litze n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
ep h/ ea h [kN/m] M [kN *m/m] Q [ kN/m] N [k N/m] w [ mm]
Anc hor 7 (2 2.5 0 m , 20.0 ) (43 1.3 kN /m ) (e ta = 3 .07 ) EJ = 8 .7 04 E+4 kN*m
-30 GW (31 .0 0) GW (31. 00 ) St 1 57 0/177 0 7 Litze n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
d elt a wa te r p r.
dp w [kN/ m]
35.0 0 (3)
C ontig u ou s pi le wa l l

D ep th ' c(a ) c(p )

S oil Designa tio n
[m ] [kN/ m] [kN /m] [ ] [kN /m] [kN /m] activ e passive 0.6 2 m
-40 1 3.00 17 .0 7. 0 32 .0 6.0 6.0 0.6 67 -1.0 00 sa nd
1 9.00 18 .0 8. 0 37 .0 6.0 6.0 0.6 67 -1.0 00 sa nd
>19. 00 19 .0 9. 0 27 .0 2 0.0 2 0.0 0.6 67 -1.0 00 san dsto ne 1 .75 m

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Global safety factor concept (DIN 1054 old)

Contiguous pile wall

CHIAH 5751/ MP/ S3A-S4

Date: 12/19/2016
Time: 4:32:51 PM

All heights are with reference to the wall top.

Max. subdivisions to excavation base: 0.100

Max. subdivisions below excavation base: 0.100

Excavation level = 24.15 m

Soldier pile width = 0.62 m

Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m

Groundwater level (right) = 31.00 m

Groundwater level (left) = 31.00 m

Water pressure set to "0.0" if directed to earth side.

Berms on the active side

No. x1 x2 dh a x y Surcharge Live

[-] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [-]

1 0.10 3.50 3.00 0.06 0.03 1.18 20.00 ja

Distributed load p = 0.00 kN/m as live load

No ep redistribution

Type of toe support:

Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset

Anchors and struts

No. y Angle Length Normal force EF EJ

[-] [m] [] [m] [kN/m] [kN] [kN*m]

1 1.50 20.00 21.00 49.60 2.100E+7 - Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 20.00 139.44 2.100E+7 - Anchor

3 8.75 20.00 19.00 207.70 2.100E+7 - Anchor

4 12.50 20.00 18.00 245.12 2.100E+7 - Anchor

5 16.00 20.00 17.00 248.19 2.100E+7 - Anchor

6 19.20 20.00 17.00 267.48 2.100E+7 - Anchor

7 21.80 20.00 17.00 431.26 2.100E+7 - Anchor

Anchor steel verification

Anchor centres = 1.75 m

Factor (0 = active; 1 = at-rest) = 0.000

Verify with: St 1570/1770 7 Litzen 0,6''

Allow. A = 897.0 kN

Anchor no.

1 Work. A = 86.8 kN < 897.0 kN

2 Work. A = 244.0 kN < 897.0 kN

3 Work. A = 363.5 kN < 897.0 kN

4 Work. A = 429.0 kN < 897.0 kN

5 Work. A = 434.3 kN < 897.0 kN

6 Work. A = 468.1 kN < 897.0 kN

7 Work. A = 754.7 kN < 897.0 kN

Bending verification of waling:

Moment due to: Uniform load [M=q*a/10]

Waling parallel with anchor

a = 1.75 m Allow. sigma = 18.00 kN/m

No. Waling q [kN/m] M [kN*m] W [cm] sig [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 49.6 15.2 121.4 12.5

2 ][ 180 139.4 42.7 300.0 14.2

3 ][ 220 207.7 63.6 490.0 13.0

4 ][ 220 245.1 75.1 490.0 15.3

5 ][ 220 248.2 76.0 490.0 15.5

6 ][ 240 267.5 81.9 600.0 13.7

7 ][ 300 431.3 132.1 1070.0 12.3

Shear verification of waling:

Allow. tau = 10.50 kN/m

Allow. sigma(v) = 19.80 kN/m

No. | Waling Q [kN] S/s/I [1/cm] tau [kN/cm] sigma(v) [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 43.4 0.071232 3.1 13.6

2 ][ 180 122.0 0.041481 5.1 16.7

3 ][ 220 181.7 0.030153 5.5 16.1

4 ][ 220 214.5 0.030153 6.5 19.0

5 ][ 220 217.2 0.030153 6.5 19.2

6 ][ 240 234.0 0.026170 6.1 17.3

7 ][ 300 377.3 0.019676 7.4 17.8

Soil properties

Layer Base gam gam' phi c(act) c(pas) d(a)/phi d(p)/phi

[-] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-] [-]

1 13.00 17.00 7.00 32.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

2 19.00 18.00 8.00 37.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

3 35.00 19.00 9.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 0.667 -0.907

Active ep coefficient

Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200

determined after: DIN 4085

Layer Base kagh kach phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 0.256 0.877 32.000 21.34

2 19.00 0.205 0.772 37.000 24.68

3 35.00 0.318 0.993 27.000 18.01

Active ep ordinates

from to top bottom water pressure

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.000 0.097 0.000 0.490 0.00 0.00

0.097 1.035 0.491 13.364 0.00 0.00

1.035 1.272 13.364 16.625 0.00 0.00

1.272 1.500 16.626 17.775 0.00 0.00

1.500 2.013 17.775 20.947 0.00 0.00

2.013 3.019 20.947 26.073 0.00 0.00

3.019 4.009 26.073 30.387 0.00 0.00

4.009 5.000 30.387 34.701 0.00 0.00

5.000 5.101 34.701 35.142 0.00 0.00

5.101 6.014 35.142 39.114 0.00 0.00

6.014 7.027 39.114 43.528 0.00 0.00

7.027 8.041 43.528 47.941 0.00 0.00

8.041 8.750 47.941 51.031 0.00 0.00

8.750 9.054 51.031 52.355 0.00 0.00

9.054 10.068 52.355 56.768 0.00 0.00

10.068 11.081 56.768 61.182 0.00 0.00

11.081 12.095 61.182 65.595 0.00 0.00

12.095 12.500 65.595 67.361 0.00 0.00

12.500 13.000 67.361 69.538 0.00 0.00

13.000 13.100 58.400 58.760 0.00 0.00

13.100 14.100 58.760 62.360 0.00 0.00

14.100 15.100 62.360 65.960 0.00 0.00

15.100 16.000 65.960 69.200 0.00 0.00

16.000 16.100 69.200 69.560 0.00 0.00

16.100 17.100 69.560 73.160 0.00 0.00

17.100 18.000 73.160 76.400 0.00 0.00

18.000 19.000 76.400 80.000 0.00 0.00

19.000 19.200 107.185 108.392 0.00 0.00

19.200 20.000 108.392 113.219 0.00 0.00

20.000 21.000 113.219 119.253 0.00 0.00

21.000 21.800 119.253 124.081 0.00 0.00

21.800 22.004 124.081 125.314 0.00 0.00

22.004 23.026 125.314 131.480 0.00 0.00

23.026 24.048 131.480 137.645 0.00 0.00

24.048 24.150 137.645 138.262 0.00 0.00

24.150 24.249 138.262 138.861 0.00 0.00

24.249 25.043 138.861 143.653 0.00 0.00

25.043 25.540 143.653 146.648 0.00 0.00

25.540 31.000 146.648 179.597 0.00 0.00

31.000 35.000 179.597 191.030 0.00 0.00

Passive ep coefficient.

determined after: Streck

FOS coefficient passive ep = 2.00

Layer Base kpgh kpch phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

3 35.00 4.375 4.922 27.000 -24.50

Passive ep ordinates for eta(p) = 2.00

from to top bottom

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

24.05 24.15 0.00 0.00

24.15 24.25 -0.00 -16.66

24.25 25.04 -16.66 -69.38

25.04 25.54 -69.38 -92.39

25.54 31.00 -92.39 -261.98

31.00 35.00 -261.98 -320.83

Resultant loading (h)orizontal und (v)ertical

Depth h v

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.00 4.31

0.10 0.49 4.50

1.03 13.36 9.54

1.27 16.63 10.81

1.50 17.77 11.26

2.01 20.95 12.50

3.02 26.07 14.50

4.01 30.39 16.19

5.00 34.70 17.87

5.10 35.14 18.05

6.01 39.11 19.60

7.03 43.53 21.32

8.04 47.94 23.05

8.75 51.03 24.25

9.05 52.35 24.77

10.07 56.77 26.50

11.08 61.18 28.22

12.09 65.60 29.95

12.50 67.36 30.64

13.00 69.54 31.49

13.00 58.40 31.15

13.10 58.76 31.31

14.10 62.36 32.97

15.10 65.96 34.62

16.00 69.20 36.11

16.10 69.56 36.28

17.10 73.16 37.93

18.00 76.40 39.42

19.00 80.00 41.07

19.00 107.18 39.16

19.20 108.39 39.55

20.00 113.22 41.12

21.00 119.25 43.08

21.80 124.08 44.65

22.00 125.31 45.05

23.03 131.48 47.06

24.05 137.65 49.06

24.15 138.26 49.26

24.15 -0.00 4.31

24.25 -16.66 -3.28

25.04 -69.38 -27.31

25.54 -92.39 -37.79

Internal forces

Depth N Q M A(h)

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN*m/m] [kN/m]

0.00 -0.0 0.0 0.0

0.10 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0

1.03 -7.0 -6.5 -2.1

1.27 -9.4 -10.1 -4.1

1.50 -11.9 -14.0 -6.8 46.6

1.50 -28.9 32.6 -6.8

2.01 -35.0 22.7 7.4

3.02 -48.7 -1.2 18.7

4.01 -63.9 -29.1 4.0

5.00 -80.7 -61.4 -40.5 131.0

5.00 -128.4 69.6 -40.5

5.10 -130.2 66.1 -33.6

6.01 -147.4 32.2 11.5

7.03 -168.1 -9.6 23.3

8.04 -190.6 -56.0 -9.5

8.75 -207.4 -91.1 -61.6 195.2

8.75 -278.5 104.1 -61.6

9.05 -285.9 88.4 -32.3

10.07 -311.9 33.1 29.6

11.08 -339.6 -26.7 33.2

12.09 -369.1 -91.0 -26.1

12.50 -381.4 -117.9 -68.4 230.3

12.50 -465.2 112.4 -68.4

13.00 -480.7 78.2 -20.7

13.10 -483.9 72.3 -13.2

14.10 -516.0 11.8 29.2

15.10 -549.8 -52.4 9.2

16.00 -581.6 -113.2 -65.1 233.2

16.00 -666.5 120.0 -65.1

16.10 -670.1 113.1 -53.4

17.10 -707.2 41.7 24.3

18.00 -742.0 -25.6 31.7

19.00 -782.3 -103.8 -32.6

19.20 -790.2 -125.3 -55.5 251.4

19.20 -881.6 126.0 -55.5

20.00 -913.9 37.4 10.1

21.00 -956.0 -78.9 -10.2

21.80 -991.1 -176.2 -111.9 405.2

21.80 -1138.6 229.1 -111.9

22.00 -1147.8 203.6 -67.7

23.03 -1194.8 72.4 73.8

24.05 -1243.9 -65.1 78.0

24.15 -1248.9 -79.2 70.7

24.25 -1249.0 -78.4 62.8

25.04 -1236.5 -43.4 11.8

25.54 -1219.9 -2.2 0.0

Displacment values

analysed with EJ = 8.704E+4 kN*m

Depth w

[m] [mm]

0.00 -1.1

0.10 -1.1

1.03 -1.3

1.27 -1.3

1.50 -1.4

2.01 -1.5

3.02 -1.6

4.01 -1.5

5.00 -1.4

5.10 -1.5

6.01 -1.6

7.03 -1.7

8.04 -1.5

8.75 -1.4

9.05 -1.5

10.07 -1.8
11.08 -1.8

12.09 -1.4

12.50 -1.3

13.00 -1.4

13.10 -1.4

14.10 -1.5

15.10 -1.3

16.00 -1.1

16.10 -1.1

17.10 -1.3

18.00 -1.3

19.00 -1.0

19.20 -0.9

20.00 -0.9

21.00 -0.8

21.80 -0.8

22.00 -0.9

23.03 -1.6

24.05 -1.5

24.15 -1.4

24.25 -1.3

25.04 -0.6

25.54 0.0

Maximum values

Maximum moment = 111.9 kN*m/m

Maximum shear force = 229.1 kN/m

Corresponding normal force = -991.1 kN/m

Maximum displacement = 1.8 mm

Wall crown rotation = 0.01

Contiguous pile wall verification

E = 2100.00 kN/cm

I = 725331.70 cm4/m

Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)

Concrete: B 35

Steel: BSt 420/500

betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m

betas (steel) = 420.00 MN/m

req. gamma = 1.995

Reduction of internal forces = 0.000

M (Design) = 195.89 kN*m

N (Design) = -1734.43 kN

Pile centres = 1.750 m

Pile diameter = 0.620 m

Diameter (steel) = 0.450 m

Req. = 0.400 %

req. As = 12.1 cm

Shear design:

Q (Design) = 400.84 kN

b0 = 0.575 m

z = 0.312 m

tau0 = 2235.3 kN/m

Shear area 2
req. as(tau) = 49.9 cm/m

Verification of concrete lagging:

Max eah = 138.3 kN/m

Thickn. of infill-wall = 0.180 m

Thickn. press. dome = 0.090 m

Allow. sigma = 7000.0 kN/m

Working sigma = 6534.35 kN/m

Verification OK

Maximum moment = 111.9 kN*m/m (depth = 21.80 m)

Corresp. values: N = -991.1 kN/m; Q = 229.1 kN/m; w = 0.8 mm

Maximum shear force = 229.1 kN/m (depth = 21.80 m)

Corresp. values: N = -1138.6 kN/m; M = -111.9 kN*m/m; w = 0.8 mm

Maximum normal force = 1249.0 kN/m (depth = 24.25 m)

Corresp. values: Q = -78.4 kN/m; M = 62.8 kN*m/m; w = 1.3 mm

Maximum displacement = 1.8 mm (depth = 10.57 m)

Corresp. values: N = -325.5 kN/m; Q = 3.7 kN/m; M = 38.9 kN*m/m

Embedment depth tg = 3.28 m

Section length = 27.43 m

Verification of sum H

req. eta = 1.50

Eph = 876.96 kN/m

(Eph = determined with wall friction angle = -phi.)

Eah = 485.34 kN/m

Uh = 98.40 kN/m

eta = Eph / (Eah + Uh) = 1.50

Verification sum V

Force values in kN

The sign is positive if forces

is directed downwards.

For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and

the cohesion components differently. The friction component is

only used in front of the soldier pile. For Cv and Cv we use an

analogous assumption.

Pv = 950.95

Eav = 1044.41 (Eah = 2726.65)

Epv - 0.5 * Cv = -49.17

Epv = -48.93

Cv = -0.49 with tan(9.0)

G = 207.00

Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm

Sum V = 2152.70 (compression)

Case 1:

(Eav + Cv + G) / (Epv - 0.5 * Cv) > eta(v) (siehe EAB EB9)

eta(v) = 44.78

Case 2:
Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)

Qg = compressive force due to skin friction

and tip pressure (see EAB R 9)

The following must be verified:

Qg >= 3303.55 (for eta(v) = 1.5)

Horizontal water pressure determined classically.

Anchor and strut forces

No Depth Length Force

[-] [m] [m] [kN/m]

1 1.50 21.00 49.60 Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 139.44 Anchor

3 8.75 19.00 207.70 Anchor

4 12.50 18.00 245.12 Anchor

5 16.00 17.00 248.19 Anchor

6 19.20 17.00 267.48 Anchor

7 21.80 17.00 431.26 Anchor

Verify deep-seated stability

Necessary FOS = 1.50

Anchor Depth Length Height(anchor w.) pres Ah poss Ah eta

[-] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-]

1 1.50 21.00 0.00 46.61 682.06 14.633

2 5.00 20.00 0.00 177.64 956.22 5.383

3 8.75 19.00 0.00 372.82 1313.41 3.523

4 12.50 18.00 0.00 603.16 1704.37 2.826

5 16.00 17.00 0.00 836.38 2325.24 2.780

6 19.20 17.00 0.00 1087.73 3436.98 3.160

7 21.80 17.00 0.00 1492.98 4577.70 3.066

Values for most unfavourable slip plane (Anchor 5)

x y G Eah Eav C H tetta phi

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] []

0.00 25.54 - 1760.7 631.8 - - - -

0.10 25.52 45.3 1759.3 631.4 2.1 0.0 13.13 26.99

3.50 24.72 1600.7 1708.3 619.1 69.8 0.0 13.13 26.99

5.96 24.15 1188.7 1628.0 593.8 50.5 0.0 13.13 26.99

15.97 21.81 4563.5 1321.5 497.5 205.7 0.0 13.13 26.99

(H = horizontal seismic force)

Verification of heave safety

Required Heave FOS = 1.50

Minimum Heave FOS = 3.62

Width = 4.83 m

Weight G = 2543.46 [kN/m]

Eav (delta = 2/3 * phi) = 428.42 [kN/m]

Cohesive force K = 282.52 [kN/m]

Bearing cap. load Pg = 8501.61 [kN/m]

FOS = (Pg + Eav + K) / G


CHIAH 5751/ MP / S 3A -S4 Ankerabs tand a = 2.00 m Design values : M (Design) = 167.18 kN* m S hear area 3
Contiguous pile wall zul (Gurtung) = 18.00 k N/cm V erify contiguous pile w all N (D es ign) = -2125. 45 kN erf as(tau) = 54.8 cm/m
Calculation basis: zul (Gurtung) = 10.50 kN/cm E = 2100.00 kN/c m P ile cent res = 1.750 m V erification of concrete lagging:
No ep redist ribution zul V (Gurtung) = 19.80 kN/ cm I = 725331. 70 cm /m P ile diameter = 0. 620 m M ax eah = 150.6 kN/m
Ac tive ep according to: D IN 4085 Ankersthle: F ak tor (aktiv/ Ruhe) = 0.00 Design to D IN 1045 17. 2.1, Para. (6) Diameter (steel) = 0. 450 m T hic kn. of inf ill-w all = 0. 190 m
Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200 Gurtbemessung: G leichlast [M=q*a/10] Concret e: B 35 Req. = 0.400 % T hic kn. press. dom e = 0.095 m
Passive ep according t o: S treck Embedment depth = 3.00 m Required length = 29. 20 m S teel: B St 420/ 500 req. As = 12.1 cm A llow. = 7000. 00 kN/m
Soldier pile width = 0.62 m Sum V > 0 (met) / = 57. 42 betar (Conc ret e) = 23.00 MN/m S hear design: Work. = 6389.34 kN /m
Soldier pile c entres = 1.75 m D at e: 12/19/2016 betas (S teel) = 420. 00 MN/m Q (Design) = 390. 12 kN V erification OK
10 Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0. 000 preset T ime: 6:29:11 P M req. gamma = 2. 073 b0 = 0.487 m; z = 0.296 m
(passive) = 2. 00 Reduction of internal forces = 0.000 tau0 = 2699.5 kN/ m

20. 0

0. 10
3 .0 0
3 .40
0. 00
0 0.0 0.5 -1.4

1.5 0
16.6 -6. 8 32.6 -14.0 -11. 9 -28.9
][ 1 2 0, M = 1 5.2 kN * m; Q = 49.6 kN
s ig = 1 2.5 kN/c m , W = 12 1 .4 cm 23.5
3 .50

tau = 3 .1 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 3.6 k N/cm 18.7

5.0 0
-5 ][ 18 0 , M = 4 2 .7 k N* m ; Q = 1 39.5 kN -40.5 69.7 -61. 4 -80.7 -128.4
s ig = 1 4.2 kN/c m , W = 30 0 .0 cm
3 .75

tau = 5 .1 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 6.7 k N/cm 24. 5

8.7 5
][ 22 0 , M = 6 3 .5 k N* m ; Q = 2 07.5 kN -61.5 103.9 -91.1 -207. 4 -278.4
-10 s ig = 1 3.0 kN/c m , W = 49 0 .0 cm
3.7 5

tau = 5 .5 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 6.1 k N/cm 38.8 An ch or 1 (2 6 .5 0 m, 2 0.0 ) (4 9.6 kN /m) ( eta = 1 0 .97 ) -2.1
St 1 570 /17 7 0 7 L it z en 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.00 m
12 .5 0
][ 22 0 , M = 7 5 .4 k N* m ; Q = 2 46.1 kN -68.9 113.1 -118.1 -381.3 -465.5 13.00 (1)
58. 4/ 69. 5
s ig = 1 5.4 kN/c m , W = 49 0 .0 cm An c ho r 2 (2 5.5 0 m , 20 .0 ) (13 9 .5 k N/m ) (eta = 4 .12 )
3.5 0

tau = 6 .5 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 9.1 k N/cm 31. 1 St 1 57 0/17 7 0 7 Litz en 0 ,6''; l p = 11 .00 m

-15 16 .0 0
][ 22 0 , M = 7 4 .5 k N* m ; Q = 2 43.4 kN -63. 0 116.3 -112. 5 -581.9 -665.1
s ig = 1 5.2 kN/c m , W = 49 0 .0 cm A nch or 3 ( 24.5 0 m, 2 0 .0) (20 7 .5 k N/m) (e ta = 2.0 6)
3.2 0

tau = 6 .4 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 8.8 k N/cm 31.9 S t 15 7 0/17 70 7 L i tzen 0 ,6 '' ; lp = 1 1 .00 m

19 .2 0 19.00 (2)
80.0/107.2 -65.5 151. 4 -129. 1 -788.8 -890. 9
][ 24 0 , M = 9 1 .4 k N* m ; Q = 2 98.5 kN
2 .60

s ig = 1 5.2 kN/c m , W = 60 0 .0 cm 37.4 A nch o r 4 (23.5 0 m, 2 0 .0 ) (24 6.1 kN /m) (e ta = 2.2 9)

21 .8 0 tau = 6 .8 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 9.3 k N/cm S t 15 7 0/1 770 7 L i tze n 0,6 '' ; lp = 11 .0 0 m
][ 24 0 , M = 9 3 .0 k N* m ; Q = 3 03.7 kN -56.0 134.5 -150. 8 -1000.3 -1104.2
2 .3 5

s ig = 1 5.5 kN/c m , W = 60 0 .0 cm 15.6

24 .1 5 tau = 7 .0 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 9.6 k N/cm A nch or 5 (2 2 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (2 43.4 kN /m) (eta = 2 .3 1)
][ 280 , M = 12 9 .3 k N* m ; Q = 4 22.1 kN -95.5
S t 1 570 /1 770 7 L itze 222.9
n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m -173.7 -1214. 5 -1358.9
2 .0 5

-25 26.20
s ig = 1 4.4 kN/c m , W = 89 6 .0 cm
80. 2
tau = 7 .8 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 9.8 k N/cm
-0.0/150.6 -73.2 -1464.1
A nch or 6 (2 2 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (2 98.5 kN /m) (eta = 2 .6 2)
-82.6 S t 1 570 /1 770 7 L itze n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m -4.4 -1438.3 0.0

-142.4 An ch or 7 (2 1 .50 m, 20.0 ) (3 03.7 kN /m) (eta = 2.55 )

-30 GW (31.00) GW (31. 00) eph/eah [kN /m]
St 1 570 /17 7 0 7 L it z en 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
M [ kN*m/m] Q [ kN/m] N [k N/m] w [mm]
0.0 EJ = 8. 704E +4 kN* m
An ch or 8 (2 1 .50 m, 20.0 ) (4 22.1 kN /m) (eta = 2.60 )
delta water pr. St 1 570 /17 7 0 7 L it z en 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
dpw [kN/m]
35.00 (3)
C o ntig uo us p il e w a ll

Dept h ' c(a) c(p)

S oil Designation
[ m] [ kN/m ] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/ m] act ive passive 0. 62 m
-40 13.00 17.0 7. 0 32.0 6.0 6. 0 0. 667 -1.000 sand
19.00 18.0 8. 0 37.0 6.0 6. 0 0. 667 -1.000 sand
>19. 00 19.0 9. 0 27.0 20.0 20.0 0. 667 -1.000 s andstone 1.7 5 m

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Global safety factor concept (DIN 1054 old)

Contiguous pile wall

CHIAH 5751/ MP/ S3A-S4

Date: 12/19/2016

Time: 6:29:11 PM

All heights are with reference to the wall top.

Max. subdivisions to excavation base: 0.100

Max. subdivisions below excavation base: 0.100

Excavation level = 26.20 m

Soldier pile width = 0.62 m

Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m

Groundwater level (right) = 31.00 m

Groundwater level (left) = 31.00 m

Water pressure set to "0.0" if directed to earth side.

Berms on the active side

No. x1 x2 dh a x y Surcharge Live

[-] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [-]

1 0.10 3.50 3.00 0.06 0.03 1.18 20.00 ja

Distributed load p = 0.00 kN/m as live load

No ep redistribution

Type of toe support:

Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset

Anchors and struts

No. y Angle Length Normal force EF EJ

[-] [m] [] [m] [kN/m] [kN] [kN*m]

1 1.50 20.00 21.00 49.60 2.100E+7 - Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 20.00 139.49 2.100E+7 - Anchor

3 8.75 20.00 19.00 207.50 2.100E+7 - Anchor

4 12.50 20.00 18.00 246.05 2.100E+7 - Anchor

5 16.00 20.00 17.00 243.41 2.100E+7 - Anchor

6 19.20 20.00 17.00 298.48 2.100E+7 - Anchor

7 21.80 20.00 16.00 303.69 2.100E+7 - Anchor

8 24.15 20.00 16.00 422.11 2.100E+7 - Anchor

Anchor steel verification

Anchor centres = 2.00 m

Factor (0 = active; 1 = at-rest) = 0.000

Verify with: St 1570/1770 7 Litzen 0,6''

Allow. A = 897.0 kN

Anchor no.

1 Work. A = 99.2 kN < 897.0 kN

2 Work. A = 279.0 kN < 897.0 kN

3 Work. A = 415.0 kN < 897.0 kN

4 Work. A = 492.1 kN < 897.0 kN

5 Work. A = 486.8 kN < 897.0 kN

6 Work. A = 597.0 kN < 897.0 kN

7 Work. A = 607.4 kN < 897.0 kN

8 Work. A = 844.2 kN < 897.0 kN

Bending verification of waling:

Moment due to: Uniform load [M=q*a/10]

Waling parallel with anchor

a = 2.00 m Allow. sigma = 18.00 kN/m

No. Waling q [kN/m] M [kN*m] W [cm] sig [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 49.6 15.2 121.4 12.5

2 ][ 180 139.5 42.7 300.0 14.2

3 ][ 220 207.5 63.5 490.0 13.0

4 ][ 220 246.1 75.4 490.0 15.4

5 ][ 220 243.4 74.5 490.0 15.2

6 ][ 240 298.5 91.4 600.0 15.2

7 ][ 240 303.7 93.0 600.0 15.5

8 ][ 280 422.1 129.3 896.0 14.4

Shear verification of waling:

Allow. tau = 10.50 kN/m

Allow. sigma(v) = 19.80 kN/m

No. | Waling Q [kN] S/s/I [1/cm] tau [kN/cm] sigma(v) [kN/cm]

1 ][ 120 49.6 0.071232 3.1 13.6

2 ][ 180 139.5 0.041481 5.1 16.7

3 ][ 220 207.5 0.030153 5.5 16.1

4 ][ 220 246.1 0.030153 6.5 19.1

5 ][ 220 243.4 0.030153 6.4 18.8

6 ][ 240 298.5 0.026170 6.8 19.3

7 ][ 240 303.7 0.026170 7.0 19.6

8 ][ 280 422.1 0.021178 7.8 19.8

Soil properties

Layer Base gam gam' phi c(act) c(pas) d(a)/phi d(p)/phi

[-] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-] [-]

1 13.00 17.00 7.00 32.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

2 19.00 18.00 8.00 37.00 6.00 6.00 0.667 -

3 35.00 19.00 9.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 0.667 -0.907

Active ep coefficient

Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200

determined after: DIN 4085

Layer Base kagh kach phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

1 13.00 0.256 0.877 32.000 21.34

2 19.00 0.205 0.772 37.000 24.68

3 35.00 0.318 0.993 27.000 18.01

Active ep ordinates

from to top bottom water pressure

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.000 0.097 0.000 0.490 0.00 0.00

0.097 1.035 0.491 13.364 0.00 0.00

1.035 1.272 13.364 16.625 0.00 0.00

1.272 1.500 16.626 17.775 0.00 0.00

1.500 2.013 17.775 20.947 0.00 0.00

2.013 3.019 20.947 26.073 0.00 0.00

3.019 4.009 26.073 30.387 0.00 0.00

4.009 5.000 30.387 34.701 0.00 0.00

5.000 5.101 34.701 35.142 0.00 0.00

5.101 6.014 35.142 39.114 0.00 0.00

6.014 7.027 39.114 43.528 0.00 0.00

7.027 8.041 43.528 47.941 0.00 0.00

8.041 8.750 47.941 51.031 0.00 0.00

8.750 9.054 51.031 52.355 0.00 0.00

9.054 10.068 52.355 56.768 0.00 0.00

10.068 11.081 56.768 61.182 0.00 0.00

11.081 12.095 61.182 65.595 0.00 0.00

12.095 12.500 65.595 67.361 0.00 0.00

12.500 13.000 67.361 69.538 0.00 0.00

13.000 13.100 58.400 58.760 0.00 0.00

13.100 14.100 58.760 62.360 0.00 0.00

14.100 15.100 62.360 65.960 0.00 0.00

15.100 16.000 65.960 69.200 0.00 0.00

16.000 16.100 69.200 69.560 0.00 0.00

16.100 17.100 69.560 73.160 0.00 0.00

17.100 18.000 73.160 76.400 0.00 0.00

18.000 19.000 76.400 80.000 0.00 0.00

19.000 19.200 107.185 108.392 0.00 0.00

19.200 20.000 108.392 113.219 0.00 0.00

20.000 21.000 113.219 119.253 0.00 0.00

21.000 21.800 119.253 124.081 0.00 0.00

21.800 22.004 124.081 125.314 0.00 0.00

22.004 23.026 125.314 131.480 0.00 0.00

23.026 24.048 131.480 137.645 0.00 0.00

24.048 24.150 137.645 138.262 0.00 0.00

24.150 25.029 138.262 143.563 0.00 0.00

25.029 26.005 143.563 149.454 0.00 0.00

26.005 26.200 149.454 150.632 0.00 0.00

26.200 26.300 150.632 151.235 0.00 0.00

26.300 27.000 151.235 155.459 0.00 0.00

27.000 27.500 155.459 158.477 0.00 0.00

27.500 31.000 158.477 179.597 0.00 0.00

31.000 35.000 179.597 191.030 0.00 0.00

Passive ep coefficient.

determined after: Streck

FOS coefficient passive ep = 2.00

Layer Base kpgh kpch phi delta

[-] [m] [-] [-] [] []

3 35.00 4.375 4.922 27.000 -24.50

Passive ep ordinates for eta(p) = 2.00

from to top bottom

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

26.00 26.20 0.00 0.00

26.20 26.30 -0.00 -16.72

26.30 27.00 -16.72 -63.49

27.00 27.50 -63.49 -89.59

27.50 31.00 -89.59 -198.30

31.00 35.00 -198.30 -257.16

Resultant loading (h)orizontal und (v)ertical

Depth h v

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.00 4.31

0.10 0.49 4.50

1.03 13.36 9.54

1.27 16.63 10.81

1.50 17.77 11.26

2.01 20.95 12.50

3.02 26.07 14.50

4.01 30.39 16.19

5.00 34.70 17.87

5.10 35.14 18.05

6.01 39.11 19.60

7.03 43.53 21.32

8.04 47.94 23.05

8.75 51.03 24.25

9.05 52.35 24.77

10.07 56.77 26.50

11.08 61.18 28.22

12.09 65.60 29.95

12.50 67.36 30.64

13.00 69.54 31.49

13.00 58.40 31.15

13.10 58.76 31.31

14.10 62.36 32.97

15.10 65.96 34.62

16.00 69.20 36.11

16.10 69.56 36.28

17.10 73.16 37.93

18.00 76.40 39.42

19.00 80.00 41.07

19.00 107.18 39.16

19.20 108.39 39.55

20.00 113.22 41.12

21.00 119.25 43.08

21.80 124.08 44.65

22.00 125.31 45.05

23.03 131.48 47.06

24.05 137.65 49.06

24.15 138.26 49.26

25.03 143.56 50.98

26.00 149.45 52.90

26.20 150.63 53.28

26.20 -0.00 4.31

26.30 -16.72 -3.31

27.00 -63.49 -24.62

27.50 -89.59 -36.52

Internal forces

Depth N Q M A(h)

[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN*m/m] [kN/m]

0.00 0.0 -0.0 0.0

0.10 -0.4 -0.0 -0.0

1.03 -7.0 -6.5 -2.1

1.27 -9.4 -10.1 -4.1

1.50 -11.9 -14.0 -6.8 46.6

1.50 -28.9 32.6 -6.8

2.01 -35.0 22.7 7.4

3.02 -48.7 -1.2 18.7

4.01 -63.9 -29.2 4.0

5.00 -80.7 -61.4 -40.5 131.1

5.00 -128.4 69.7 -40.5

5.10 -130.3 66.1 -33.6

6.01 -147.4 32.3 11.5

7.03 -168.2 -9.6 23.4

8.04 -190.6 -56.0 -9.5

8.75 -207.4 -91.1 -61.5 195.0

8.75 -278.4 103.9 -61.5

9.05 -285.8 88.2 -32.3

10.07 -311.8 32.9 29.5

11.08 -339.6 -26.9 32.9

12.09 -369.0 -91.1 -26.5

12.50 -381.3 -118.1 -68.9 231.2

12.50 -465.5 113.1 -68.9

13.00 -481.0 78.9 -20.8

13.10 -484.1 73.1 -13.2

14.10 -516.3 12.5 29.9

15.10 -550.1 -51.7 10.6

16.00 -581.9 -112.5 -63.0 228.7

16.00 -665.1 116.3 -63.0

16.10 -668.8 109.3 -51.8

17.10 -705.9 38.0 22.2

18.00 -740.7 -29.3 26.3

19.00 -780.9 -107.5 -41.9

19.20 -788.8 -129.1 -65.5 280.5

19.20 -890.9 151.4 -65.5

20.00 -923.1 62.7 20.4

21.00 -965.2 -53.5 25.5

21.80 -1000.3 -150.8 -56.0 285.4

21.80 -1104.2 134.5 -56.0

22.00 -1113.4 109.0 -31.1

23.03 -1160.4 -22.1 13.8

24.05 -1209.5 -159.6 -78.5

24.15 -1214.5 -173.7 -95.5 396.6

24.15 -1358.9 222.9 -95.5

25.03 -1403.0 99.1 46.3

26.00 -1453.7 -43.9 73.7

26.20 -1464.0 -73.2 62.3

26.30 -1464.1 -72.4 55.0

27.00 -1454.0 -43.6 12.6

27.50 -1438.3 -4.4 -0.0

Displacment values

analysed with EJ = 8.704E+4 kN*m

Depth w

[m] [mm]

0.00 -1.4

0.10 -1.4

1.03 -1.6

1.27 -1.6

1.50 -1.7
2.01 -1.8

3.02 -1.9

4.01 -1.8

5.00 -1.7

5.10 -1.8

6.01 -1.9

7.03 -2.0

8.04 -1.8

8.75 -1.7

9.05 -1.8

10.07 -2.1

11.08 -2.1

12.09 -1.7

12.50 -1.6

13.00 -1.7

13.10 -1.7

14.10 -1.8

15.10 -1.7

16.00 -1.4

16.10 -1.4

17.10 -1.6

18.00 -1.5

19.00 -1.3

19.20 -1.3

20.00 -1.3

21.00 -1.2

21.80 -1.0
22.00 -1.0

23.03 -0.9

24.05 -0.8

24.15 -0.8

25.03 -1.2

26.00 -1.2

26.20 -1.1

26.30 -1.0

27.00 -0.5

27.50 0.0

Maximum values

Maximum moment = 95.5 kN*m/m

Maximum shear force = 222.9 kN/m

Corresponding normal force = -1214.5 kN/m

Maximum displacement = 2.1 mm

Wall crown rotation = 0.01

Contiguous pile wall verification

E = 2100.00 kN/cm

I = 725331.70 cm4/m

Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)

Concrete: B 35

Steel: BSt 420/500

betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m

betas (steel) = 420.00 MN/m

req. gamma = 2.073

Reduction of internal forces = 0.000

M (Design) = 167.18 kN*m

N (Design) = -2125.45 kN

Pile centres = 1.750 m

Pile diameter = 0.620 m

Diameter (steel) = 0.450 m

Req. = 0.400 %

req. As = 12.1 cm

Shear design:

Q (Design) = 390.12 kN

b0 = 0.487 m

z = 0.296 m

tau0 = 2699.5 kN/m

Shear area 3

req. as(tau) = 54.8 cm/m

Verification of concrete lagging:

Max eah = 150.6 kN/m

Thickn. of infill-wall = 0.190 m

Thickn. press. dome = 0.095 m

Allow. sigma = 7000.0 kN/m

Working sigma = 6389.34 kN/m

Verification OK

Maximum moment = 95.5 kN*m/m (depth = 24.15 m)

Corresp. values: N = -1214.5 kN/m; Q = 222.9 kN/m; w = 0.8 mm

Maximum shear force = 222.9 kN/m (depth = 24.15 m)

Corresp. values: N = -1358.9 kN/m; M = -95.5 kN*m/m; w = 0.8 mm

Maximum normal force = 1464.1 kN/m (depth = 26.30 m)

Corresp. values: Q = -72.4 kN/m; M = 55.0 kN*m/m; w = 1.0 mm

Maximum displacement = 2.1 mm (depth = 10.57 m)

Corresp. values: N = -325.5 kN/m; Q = 3.6 kN/m; M = 38.8 kN*m/m

Embedment depth tg = 3.00 m

Section length = 29.20 m

Verification of sum H

req. eta = 1.33

Eph = 762.34 kN/m

(Eph = determined with wall friction angle = -phi.)

Eah = 479.05 kN/m

Uh = 90.23 kN/m

eta = Eph / (Eah + Uh) = 1.34

Verification sum V

Force values in kN

The sign is positive if forces

is directed downwards.

For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and

the cohesion components differently. The friction component is

only used in front of the soldier pile. For Cv and Cv we use an

analogous assumption.

Pv = 1143.39

Eav = 1212.55 (Eah = 3243.84)

Epv - 0.5 * Cv = -44.85

Epv = -44.36

Cv = -0.99 with tan(9.0)

G = 220.39

Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm

Sum V = 2530.49 (compression)

Case 1:

(Eav + Cv + G) / (Epv - 0.5 * Cv) > eta(v) (siehe EAB EB9)

eta(v) = 57.42

Case 2:

Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)

Qg = compressive force due to skin friction

and tip pressure (see EAB R 9)

The following must be verified:

Qg >= 3864.49 (for eta(v) = 1.5)

Horizontal water pressure determined classically.

Anchor and strut forces

No Depth Length Force

[-] [m] [m] [kN/m]

1 1.50 21.00 49.60 Anchor

2 5.00 20.00 139.49 Anchor

3 8.75 19.00 207.50 Anchor

4 12.50 18.00 246.05 Anchor

5 16.00 17.00 243.41 Anchor

6 19.20 17.00 298.48 Anchor

7 21.80 16.00 303.69 Anchor

8 24.15 16.00 422.11 Anchor

Verify deep-seated stability

Necessary FOS = 1.50

Anchor Depth Length Height(anchor w.) pres Ah poss Ah eta

[-] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [-]

1 1.50 21.00 0.00 46.61 511.24 10.970

2 5.00 20.00 0.00 177.68 732.03 4.120

3 8.75 19.00 0.00 372.66 765.96 2.055

4 12.50 18.00 0.00 603.88 1384.72 2.293

5 16.00 17.00 0.00 832.61 1922.94 2.310

6 19.20 17.00 0.00 1113.09 2917.20 2.621

7 21.80 16.00 0.00 1398.46 3572.75 2.555

8 24.15 16.00 0.00 1795.11 4673.17 2.603

Values for most unfavourable slip plane (Anchor 3)

x y G Eah Eav C H tetta phi

[m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [] []

0.00 27.50 - 2063.7 727.2 - - - -

0.10 27.43 49.0 2054.4 724.4 2.0 0.0 34.46 26.99

3.50 25.10 1674.6 1751.3 632.0 82.5 0.0 34.46 26.99

17.85 15.25 6088.6 710.7 272.9 106.5 0.0 34.46 26.99

18.79 11.84 284.1 492.5 183.5 21.2 0.0 74.58 32.03

19.73 8.68 230.6 310.6 115.7 19.8 0.0 73.43 32.03

(H = horizontal seismic force)

Verification of heave safety

Required Heave FOS = 1.50

Minimum Heave FOS = 3.38

Width = 5.24 m

Weight G = 2949.71 [kN/m]

Eav (delta = 2/3 * phi) = 721.91 [kN/m]

Cohesive force K = 318.00 [kN/m]

Bearing cap. load Pg = 8918.39 [kN/m]

FOS = (Pg + Eav + K) / G


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