S3a s4 Design Note
S3a s4 Design Note
S3a s4 Design Note
CH IAH 5 75 1/ P/ S 3A-S4 Emb ed m ent d ep th = 1. 71 m Re qu ired len gth = 3.2 1 m De sign va lu es: M (Desig n) = 23 .51 kN*m Sh ear area 1
Con tig uo us p ile w all Sum V > 0 (met) / = 1.6 2 Ve rif y c on tiguou s pile wall N (Desig n) = -13. 67 kN erf a s(t au ) = 3 .3 c m/m
Calculation b asis: Da te : 1 2/17 /201 6 E = 2 10 0.00 k N/cm Pile ce ntres = 1 . 75 0 m Ve rificat ion of con crete la gging:
No ep redistribution Time : 3 :1 0:47 PM I = 725 33 1.7 0 cm / m Pile diameter = 0.62 0 m Max eah = 17.8 kN /m
Act ive ep a cc ording to: D IN 408 5 De sign to DIN 104 5 17 .2.1, Para . (6) Diamet er (ste el) = 0.45 0 m Th ickn . o f inf ill-w all = 0 .1 00 m
Equivalent ep coe ff icie nt kah [-] = 0. 200 Co ncre te: B 35 Re q. = 0.40 0 % Th ickn . p ress. d ome = 0. 050 m
Passiv e ep a ccordin g to: S tre ck St e el: B St 420 /500 re q. As = 12. 1 cm Allow. = 7 000. 00 kN /m
Soldie r p ile w idt h = 0. 62 m bet ar (Co ncrete) = 23.0 0 MN/ m Sh ear design: Work. = 2 72 1.79 kN/m
Soldie r p ile c entre s = 1.7 5 m bet as (Ste el) = 4 20 .0 0 MN/ m Q (D es ign) = 67 .6 6 kN Ve rificat ion OK
10 Sectio n len gth au t om atic req . ga mma = 1 .750 b0 = 0.48 4 m; z = 0. 346 m
(pas sive) = 2.00 Re duction o f inte rn al fo rces = 0.00 0 tau0 = 40 3. 3 kN /m
2 0.0
0. 10
3.0 0 3.4 0
0 0.0 0 .5 -0 .4
16.6 -1 4.0 -12 .2
-1 3. 4
-79 .6 -1 . 1 3 8.7 9. 3 0 .0
e ph /e ah [k N/m ] M [ kN*m /m] Q [ kN/m] N [kN/m ] w [m m]
-5 EJ = 8.7 04 E+4 kN*m
1 3. 00 (1)
1 9. 00 (2)
-30 GW (31.0 0) G W (3 1. 00 )
0 .0
delt a wate r p r.
dp w [kN/ m]
3 5. 00 (3)
C on tigu ou s p ile wa ll
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Date: 12/17/2016
Time: 3:10:47 PM
No ep redistribution
Soil properties
Active ep coefficient
Active ep ordinates
Passive ep coefficient.
Depth h v
Internal forces
Depth N Q M
Displacment values
Depth w
[m] [mm]
0.00 -0.4
0.10 -0.4
1.03 -0.2
1.27 -0.2
1.50 -0.1
1.60 -0.1
2.01 -0.0
2.22 -0.0
2.92 0.0
Maximum values
E = 2100.00 kN/cm
I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Concrete: B 35
N (Design) = -13.67 kN
Req. = 0.400 %
req. As = 12.1 cm
Shear design:
Q (Design) = 67.66 kN
b0 = 0.484 m
z = 0.346 m
Shear area 1
Verification OK
Verification of sum H
Uh = 61.45 kN/m
Verification sum V
Force values in kN
is directed downwards.
For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and
analogous assumption.
Pv = 0.00
Epv = -28.76
G = 24.21
Case 1:
eta(v) = 1.62
Case 2:
Width = 0.40 m
Weight G = 22.49 [kN/m]
CHIA H 5751/ MP/ S3A-S 4 Ankerabstand a = 1.75 m D esign values: M (Design) = 101.08 kN* m Shear area 1
Cont iguous pile w all Ankersthle: Fak tor (aktiv /Ruhe) = 0.00 Verify contiguous pile w all N (Design) = -116.84 kN erf as(tau) = 4. 5 cm/ m
Calculat ion basis: Embedm ent dept h = 1.30 m Required length = 6. 30 m E = 2100.00 k N/c m Pile centres = 1.750 m Verific at ion of concrete lagging:
No ep redistribut ion Sum V > 0 (met) / = 7.35 I = 725331. 70 cm 4/ m Pile diameter = 0.620 m Max eah = 34.7 kN/m
Ac tive ep according to: DIN 4085 Date: 12/17/2016 D esign to DIN 1045 17.2. 1, Para. (6) D iamet er (steel) = 0.450 m Thickn. of infill-wall = 0. 100 m
Equivalent ep coeff icient kah [ -] = 0.200 Time: 3:13:17 PM C oncrete: B 35 R eq. = 0.444 % Thickn. press. dome = 0.050 m
Pass ive ep according to: St rec k St eel: BS t 420/500 req. As = 13.4 cm Allow. = 7000.00 k N/m
Soldier pile widt h = 0. 62 m betar (Concrete) = 23. 00 MN/m Shear des ign: Work. = 5313.59 kN/ m
Soldier pile cent res = 1. 75 m betas (St eel) = 420. 00 MN/m Q (D esign) = 93. 80 kN Verific at ion OK
10 Sect ion length automat ic and degree of fixity f rom 0.000 preset req. gamm a = 1. 750 b0 = 0.507 m; z = 0.345 m
(passive) = 2.00 R eduction of internal forces = 0.000 t au0 = 535. 7 kN/ m
20. 0
0 .1 0
3.0 0
3 .4 0
0. 00
0 0.0 0.5 1.2
1. 50
1.5 0
16. 6 -6.8 53.6 -14.0 -11.9 -36. 5
3.5 0
57.8 -1.5
5. 00
-5 -0.0/34.7 -40.4 -88.6
-64. 4 -2. 2 -73. 7 0.0
eph/eah [kN /m] M [k N*m/ m] Q [kN /m] N [ kN/m] w [m m]
EJ = 8.704E +4 kN *m
19.00 (2)
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Date: 12/17/2016
Time: 3:13:17 PM
No ep redistribution
Type of toe support:
Allow. A = 628.0 kN
Anchor no.
Soil properties
Active ep coefficient
Active ep ordinates
Passive ep coefficient.
Depth h v
Internal forces
Depth N Q M A(h)
Depth w
[m] [mm]
0.00 1.2
0.10 1.2
1.03 0.3
1.27 0.1
1.50 -0.1
2.01 -0.6
3.02 -1.3
3.71 -1.5
4.01 -1.5
5.00 -1.0
5.10 -0.9
6.10 -0.1
6.20 0.0
Maximum values
I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Concrete: B 35
N (Design) = -116.84 kN
Req. = 0.444 %
req. As = 13.4 cm
Shear design:
Q (Design) = 93.80 kN
b0 = 0.507 m
z = 0.345 m
Shear area 1
Verification OK
Verification of sum H
Uh = 47.00 kN/m
Force values in kN
is directed downwards.
For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and
analogous assumption.
Pv = 43.05
Epv = -21.77
G = 47.55
Case 1:
eta(v) = 7.35
Case 2:
Width = 1.00 m
Weight G = 113.17 [kN/m]
CHI AH 5751/ MP / S3A-S4 Ankerabstand a = 1.75 m Design v alues: M (Design) = 198.42 kN *m Shear area 2
Contiguous pile wall zul (Gurtung) = 18.00 k N/cm Verify contiguous pile w all N (Design) = -352.10 kN erf as (t au) = 19.5 cm /m
Calculation basis: zul (Gurtung) = 10.50 kN/ cm E = 2100.00 k N/cm Pile c ent res = 1.750 m Verif ication of c onc ret e lagging:
No ep redistribution zul V (Gurtung) = 19.80 kN/ cm I = 725331. 70 cm / m Pile diameter = 0.620 m Max eah = 67.4 kN/m
Active ep according t o: D IN 4085 Ankersthle: Fakt or (aktiv/Ruhe) = 0.00 Design t o DI N 1045 17. 2.1, P ara. (6) Diam eter (steel) = 0.450 m Thickn. of inf ill- w all = 0.150 m
Equivalent ep coef ficient kah [-] = 0.200 Gurtbemess ung: Gleichlast [M=q*a/10] Concrete: B 35 Req. = 0.832 % Thickn. press. dom e = 0.075 m
Pas sive ep according to: Streck Em bedment depth = 1.50 m Required length = 14.00 m Steel: BSt 420/ 500 req. A s = 25. 1 cm Allow. = 7000. 00 kN/ m
Soldier pile width = 0.62 m Sum V > 0 (m et) / = 20. 32 betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/m Shear design: Work. = 4584.28 kN/m
Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m Date: 12/ 17/ 2016 betas (Steel) = 420.00 MN/m Q (Design) = 268.80 kN Verif ication O K
10 Sec tion lengt h automatic and degree of fixity from 0.000 preset Time: 3:35: 11 PM req. gamma = 1.750 b0 = 0.562 m; z = 0.339 m
(passiv e) = 2.00 Reduct ion of internal forces = 0.000 tau0 = 1412.9 kN/m
0 .10
3 .00
3 .40
0. 00
0 0. 0 0. 5 0.1
1. 50
1 .5 0
16. 6 -6.8 36.1 -14.0 -11.9 -30. 2
][ 1 20, M = 16 .3 kN* m; Q = 46.7 k N
si g = 13.5 kN /c m , W = 1 2 1.4 cm 23.5
3 .50
8 .7 5
][ 24 0, M = 8 5.3 k N *m ; Q = 2 43.8 k N -113.4 153.6 -108. 2 -201.2 -296. 5
-10 si g = 14.2 kN /c m , W = 6 0 0.0 cm
3 .7 5
tau = 6.4 k N/c m, si g (v) = 1 8.0 kN /cm An cho r 1 (26 .50 m, 20 .0 ) (53 .3 kN/m) (eta = 32.2 4)
101.0 St 1 570/1 7 70 5 L itz e n 0 ,6 '' ; l p = 11.0 0 m -2.8
12. 50
-0.0/ 67.4 -68.4 -399. 6 13.00 (1)
An cho r 2 (25 .50 m, 20 .0) (11 7.6 kN /m ) (e ta = 1 3.62 )
-92.8 -3.3 -371. 6 0. 0
St 1 570/1 77 0 5 L itz e n 0 ,6 '' ; l p = 11.0 0 m
-15 eph/eah [ kN/m] M [kN*m/m ] Q [kN /m] N [ kN/ m] w [mm]
E J = 8.704E+4 k N*m
An c ho r 3 (24 .50 m, 20 .0) (2 78.6 kN /m ) (e ta = 7 .26)
St 1 57 0/1 77 0 5 L itze n 0,6 '' ; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
19.00 (2)
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Date: 12/17/2016
Time: 3:35:11 PM
Allow. A = 628.0 kN
Anchor no.
Soil properties
Active ep coefficient
Passive ep coefficient.
Depth h v
Internal forces
Depth N Q M A(h)
Displacment values
Depth w
[m] [mm]
0.00 0.1
0.10 0.0
1.03 -0.2
1.27 -0.3
1.50 -0.3
2.01 -0.5
3.02 -0.6
4.01 -0.6
5.00 -0.4
5.10 -0.4
6.01 -0.3
7.03 -0.2
8.04 -0.2
8.75 -0.5
9.05 -0.7
10.07 -2.0
11.08 -2.8
12.09 -2.5
12.50 -2.1
12.60 -2.0
13.00 -1.4
13.10 -1.3
13.90 0.0
Maximum values
E = 2100.00 kN/cm
I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Concrete: B 35
N (Design) = -352.10 kN
Req. = 0.832 %
req. As = 25.1 cm
Shear design:
Q (Design) = 268.80 kN
b0 = 0.562 m
z = 0.339 m
Shear area 2
Verification OK
Verification of sum H
Uh = 72.61 kN/m
Verification sum V
Force values in kN
is directed downwards.
For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and
analogous assumption.
Pv = 269.01
Epv = -34.33
G = 105.67
Specific weight (retaining wall) = 7.85 g/cm
Case 1:
eta(v) = 20.32
Case 2:
Width = 2.50 m
C HIA H 5751/ M P/ S3A-S4 Ankerabstand a = 1. 75 m D esign values: M (Design) = 199. 63 kN* m Shear area 2
C ont iguous pile wall zul (G urtung) = 18.00 kN/cm Verify contiguous pile w all N (Design) = -657. 76 kN erf as(tau) = 21.0 cm/m
C alc ulat ion basis: zul (G urt ung) = 10. 50 kN/ cm E = 2100.00 kN/cm P ile centres = 1.750 m Verification of concrete lagging:
N o ep redist ribution zul V (Gurt ung) = 19.80 kN/ cm I = 725331. 70 cm / m P ile diam eter = 0.620 m M ax eah = 69.5 kN /m
Active ep according to: DIN 4085 Ankerst hle: Faktor (akt iv/Ruhe) = 0.00 D esign to DI N 1045 17. 2. 1, Para. (6) D ia met er (steel) = 0.450 m T hickn. of infill-wall = 0.150 m
Equivalent ep coeffic ient kah [ -] = 0. 200 Gurtbemessung: Gleichlast [M=q*a/10] C onc ret e: B 35 R eq. = 0.431 % T hickn. press. dome = 0.075 m
Pass ive ep accordin g t o: S treck Embedment depth = 1. 50 m Required length = 17.50 m St eel: BS t 420/ 500 req. As = 13.0 c m Allow. = 7000.00 kN /m
Soldier pile w idth = 0.62 m Sum V > 0 (met ) / = 29.46 betar (C oncrete) = 23. 00 MN/m S hear design: W ork. = 4732.46 kN/m
Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m Date: 12/17/2016 betas (St eel) = 420.00 MN/m Q (Des ign) = 280.94 k N Verification OK
10 Sect ion length automatic and degree of fixity from 0. 000 preset Time: 3: 34: 37 PM req. gamm a = 1. 750 b0 = 0. 578 m ; z = 0.336 m
(passive) = 2.00 R eduction of internal forces = 0.000 t au0 = 1446.0 k N/m
20. 0
0. 10
3 .40
0 0. 0 0.5 -0. 3
1 .5 0
16.6 -6. 8 31.9 -14.0 -11.9 -28.6
][ 12 0 , M = 1 5 .0 k N*m ; Q = 4 2.7 kN
sig = 1 2 .3 k N/cm, W = 12 1 .4 c m 23. 5
3 .50
tau = 5 .8 kN /cm , s ig (v ) = 18 .1 kN/c m 23.5 An c hor 1 ( 26.5 0 m, 2 0 .0) (4 8.8 kN/m ) (e ta = 29.6 5)
St 1 57 0 /1 7 70 5 L i tzen 0,6 '' ; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
1 2 .50
-114.1 160.5 -133.0 -375.9 -482.7 13.00 (1)
][ 2 60 , M = 95 .7 k N *m; Q = 2 7 3.4 kN
58.4/ 69. 5
sig = 1 2 .9 k N/cm, W = 74 2 .0 c m A nch or 2 ( 25 .5 0 m , 2 0 .0 ) (1 44.1 kN /m) (eta = 1 1.4 7 )
3 .50
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Date: 12/17/2016
Time: 3:34:37 PM
All heights are with reference to the wall top.
No ep redistribution
Allow. A = 628.0 kN
Anchor no.
Soil properties
Active ep coefficient
Active ep ordinates
Passive ep coefficient.
Depth h v
Internal forces
Depth N Q M A(h)
Displacment values
Depth w
[m] [mm]
0.00 -0.3
0.10 -0.3
1.03 -0.4
1.27 -0.5
1.50 -0.5
2.01 -0.6
3.02 -0.7
4.01 -0.7
5.00 -0.6
5.10 -0.6
6.01 -0.8
7.03 -0.9
8.04 -0.7
8.75 -0.6
9.05 -0.6
10.07 -0.7
11.08 -0.6
12.09 -0.5
12.50 -0.6
13.00 -0.9
13.10 -1.0
14.10 -2.0
15.10 -2.3
16.00 -1.7
16.10 -1.6
17.10 -0.4
17.40 0.0
Maximum values
E = 2100.00 kN/cm
I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Concrete: B 35
Steel: BSt 420/500
N (Design) = -657.76 kN
Req. = 0.431 %
req. As = 13.0 cm
Shear design:
Q (Design) = 280.94 kN
b0 = 0.578 m
z = 0.336 m
Shear area 2
Verification OK
Maximum moment = 114.1 kN*m/m (depth = 12.50 m)
Verification of sum H
Uh = 77.07 kN/m
Verification sum V
Force values in kN
For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and
analogous assumption.
Pv = 414.82
Epv = -36.23
G = 132.08
Case 1:
eta(v) = 29.46
Case 2:
Width = 3.20 m
CHI AH 5751/ MP / S 3A -S 4 A nk erabst and a = 1. 75 m Design v alues: M (D esign) = 194.32 kN *m Shear area 2
Contiguous pile wall zul (Gurtung) = 18. 00 kN/ cm Verif y cont iguous pile wall N (Design) = -1007.54 kN erf as (tau) = 22.7 cm/m
Calculation basis: zul (Gurtung) = 10. 50 kN/ cm E = 2100.00 k N/cm Pile centres = 1.750 m Verif ication of concrete lagging:
No ep redistribution zul V (Gurtung) = 19. 80 kN/ cm I = 725331.70 c m / m Pile diam et er = 0.620 m Max eah = 108. 4 kN /m
Active ep ac cording to: DIN 4085 A nk ers thle: F aktor (aktiv/R uhe) = 0.00 Design t o DI N 1045 17. 2.1, Para. (6) Diameter (s teel) = 0. 450 m Thick n. of infill-wall = 0. 170 m
Equivalent ep coefficient kah [ -] = 0.200 G urt bem essung: Gleichlast [M=q*a/ 10] Concrete: B 35 Req. = 0. 400 % Thick n. press. dome = 0.085 m
Pas sive ep acc ording t o: Strec k E mbedment dept h = 2. 60 m Required length = 21. 80 m Steel: BSt 420/ 500 req. A s = 12.1 c m Allow . = 7000.00 k N/m
Soldier pile width = 0.62 m S um V > 0 (met) / = 29.17 betar (Concrete) = 23.00 MN/ m Shear design: Work. = 5743. 07 kN/ m
Soldier pile centres = 1.75 m Date: 12/17/2016 betas (S teel) = 420.00 MN/ m Q (Design) = 300. 11 kN Verif ication O K
10 Sec tion length automatic and degree of fixit y f rom 0.000 preset Time: 3:40:28 PM req. gamma = 1.773 b0 = 0.619 m ; z = 0.333 m
(passiv e) = 2.00 Reduction of internal forces = 0.000 tau0 = 1454.3 kN/ m
3.0 0
3 .40
0 0.0 0.5 -0. 5
1. 50
1 .50
16. 6 -6.8 32. 8 -14.0 -11. 9 -29.0
][ 12 0, M = 15 .2 k N*m ; Q = 4 3.6 kN
sig = 1 2.6 kN /cm , W = 12 1.4 cm 23.5
3 .5 0
ta u = 5 .6 k N/cm, sig (v) = 1 6.4 kN /cm 43. 3 An c ho r 1 ( 26 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (4 9 .8 kN/m) (eta = 23.3 3)
St 1 57 0/1 7 70 5 L i tze n 0 ,6' '; l p = 1 1.0 0 m
1 2 .5 0
][ 2 20 , M = 6 8.7 kN * m; Q = 1 9 6.1 kN -57.7 96.3 -114.4 -382.6 -459.3 13.00 (1)
sig = 1 4.0 kN /cm , W = 49 0.0 cm An c ho r 2 ( 25 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (1 3 8.4 kN /m ) (e ta = 10 .03 )
3 .50
ta u = 5 .9 k N/cm, sig (v) = 1 7.4 kN /cm 14.1 St 1 57 0/1 7 70 5 Li tze n 0 ,6 ''; l p = 1 1.0 0 m
-15 1 6 .0 0
][ 2 60 , M = 9 8.1 kN * m; Q = 2 8 0.1 kN -111.0 171. 5 -129.4 -575.7 -685.2
sig = 1 3.2 kN /cm , W = 74 2.0 cm An c ho r 3 ( 24.50 m, 20.0 ) (2 1 2.3 kN /m ) (e ta = 6 .1 0)
3 .20
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Date: 12/17/2016
Time: 3:40:28 PM
No ep redistribution
Type of toe support:
Allow. A = 628.0 kN
Anchor no.
Soil properties
Active ep coefficient
Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200
Active ep ordinates
Passive ep coefficient.
Depth h v
Internal forces
Depth N Q M A(h)
Displacment values
Depth w
[m] [mm]
0.00 -0.5
0.10 -0.5
1.03 -0.7
1.27 -0.7
1.50 -0.8
2.01 -0.9
3.02 -1.0
4.01 -1.0
5.00 -0.9
5.10 -0.9
6.01 -1.0
7.03 -1.1
8.04 -0.9
8.75 -0.9
9.05 -0.9
10.07 -1.3
11.08 -1.3
12.09 -0.9
12.50 -0.7
13.00 -0.7
13.10 -0.7
14.10 -0.6
15.10 -0.5
16.00 -0.6
16.10 -0.7
17.10 -1.6
18.00 -2.2
19.00 -1.9
19.20 -1.7
19.30 -1.6
20.00 -0.8
20.60 0.0
Maximum values
E = 2100.00 kN/cm
I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Design to DIN 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6)
Concrete: B 35
N (Design) = -1007.54 kN
Req. = 0.400 %
req. As = 12.1 cm
Shear design:
Q (Design) = 300.11 kN
b0 = 0.619 m
z = 0.333 m
Shear area 2
Verification OK
Verification of sum H
Uh = 99.34 kN/m
Verification sum V
Force values in kN
is directed downwards.
For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and
analogous assumption.
Pv = 565.51
Epv = -49.47
G = 164.54
Case 1:
eta(v) = 29.17
Case 2:
Width = 3.84 m
CH IA H 5751/ M P/ S 3A -S 4 Ankerabst and a = 1.75 m Design v alues: M (Design) = 202. 33 kN*m S hear area 2
Contiguous pile wall zul (Gurtung) = 18. 00 kN/ cm V erif y contiguous pile w all N (D esign) = -1368.21 k N erf as(tau) = 40. 0 cm/ m
Calc ulation basis: zul (Gurtung) = 10.50 kN/c m E = 2100.00 k N/cm Pile cent res = 1. 750 m V erificat ion of concrete lagging:
No ep redist ribut ion zul V (Gurtung) = 19.80 k N/cm I = 725331. 70 cm / m Pile diameter = 0.620 m M ax eah = 124.1 kN/m
Active ep according to: DI N 4085 Ankersthle: Faktor (aktiv /Ruhe) = 0.00 Design t o DI N 1045 17.2.1, Para. (6) Diameter (st eel) = 0.450 m T hic kn. of infill-wall = 0. 170 m
Equivalent ep coeff icient kah [ -] = 0.200 Gurt bemessung: Gleichlast [ M=q*a/10] Concrete: B 35 Req. = 0.400 % T hic kn. press. dome = 0.085 m
Passive ep according to: St rec k Em bedment depth = 3.00 m R equired length = 24.80 m S teel: BS t 420/ 500 req. A s = 12. 1 cm A llow. = 7000.00 kN/m
Soldier pile w idth = 0.62 m Sum V > 0 (met) / = 36.28 betar (Concrete) = 23. 00 MN/ m Shear design: W ork. = 6574.36 kN /m
Soldier pile c entres = 1.75 m Date: 12/19/ 2016 betas (St eel) = 420. 00 MN/m Q (Design) = 386.12 kN V erificat ion OK
10 Sect ion length automat ic and degree of fixit y f rom 0.000 preset Time: 4:24:55 P M req. gamma = 1. 906 b0 = 0.611 m; z = 0. 325 m
(passive) = 2.00 Reduction of internal forces = 0.000 tau0 = 1942.5 kN /m
0. 10
3.4 0
0 0.0 0.5 -0. 8
1.5 0
16.6 -6. 8 32.6 -14.0 -11.9 -28.9
][ 12 0 , M = 15 .2 kN* m; Q = 43 .4 kN
sig = 1 2.5 kN /cm , W = 12 1.4 cm 23.5
3 .5 0
tau = 5.4 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 6.0 kN /cm 37.9 Anc ho r 1 (2 6 .50 m , 20 .0 ) (4 9.6 kN/m ) (e ta = 2 2.0 1)
St 1 57 0/1 77 0 7 Litzen 0,6 ' ; l p = 11 .00 m
12 .50
][ 2 20 , M = 7 6.9 kN *m ; Q = 2 19 .7 kN -71. 4 117.0 -118.9 -381. 0 -466.9 13.00 (1)
sig = 1 5.7 kN /cm , W = 49 0.0 cm An cho r 2 (2 5 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (1 39 .7 kN/m) (eta = 7.9 5)
3.5 0
tau = 6.6 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 9.4 kN /cm 35.7 St 157 0/1 77 0 7 Litz en 0,6 ''; l p = 11 .00 m
-15 16 .00
][ 2 20 , M = 6 7.1 kN *m ; Q = 1 91 .6 kN -52.0 97.2 -108.6 -583.3 -658.2
sig = 1 3.7 kN /cm , W = 49 0.0 cm An cho r 3 (24 .50 m, 20.0 ) (2 06 .4 kN/m) (eta = 5.2 8 )
3.2 0
tau = 5.8 kN/cm , sig (v) = 1 7.0 kN /cm 14. 6 St 157 0/1 770 7 Litz en 0,6 ''; l p = 11 .00 m
19 .20 19.00 (2)
][ 28 0, M = 12 0.2 kN *m ; Q = 3 43 .5 kN
80.0/ 107. 2 -115.6 220.6 -148.2 -781. 8 -916. 1
2.6 0
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Date: 12/19/2016
Time: 6:51:47 PM
All heights are with reference to the wall top.
No ep redistribution
Allow. A = 897.0 kN
Anchor no.
Soil properties
Active ep coefficient
Active ep ordinates
Passive ep coefficient.
Depth h v
Depth N Q M A(h)
Displacment values
Depth w
[m] [mm]
0.00 -0.8
0.10 -0.8
1.03 -1.0
1.27 -1.0
1.50 -1.1
2.01 -1.2
3.02 -1.3
4.01 -1.2
5.00 -1.1
5.10 -1.1
6.01 -1.3
7.03 -1.4
8.04 -1.2
8.75 -1.1
9.05 -1.2
10.07 -1.5
11.08 -1.4
12.09 -1.1
12.50 -1.0
13.00 -1.1
13.10 -1.1
14.10 -1.3
15.10 -1.1
16.00 -0.8
16.10 -0.8
17.10 -0.8
18.00 -0.7
19.00 -0.7
19.20 -0.7
20.00 -1.4
21.00 -1.9
21.80 -1.6
21.90 -1.5
22.00 -1.4
23.00 -0.3
23.20 0.0
Maximum values
E = 2100.00 kN/cm
I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Concrete: B 35
N (Design) = -1368.21 kN
Req. = 0.400 %
req. As = 12.1 cm
Shear design:
Q (Design) = 386.12 kN
b0 = 0.611 m
z = 0.325 m
Shear area 2
Verification OK
Verification of sum H
Uh = 99.34 kN/m
Verification sum V
Force values in kN
is directed downwards.
For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and
analogous assumption.
Pv = 753.10
Epv = -49.47
Cv = -0.81 with tan(9.0)
G = 187.18
Case 1:
eta(v) = 36.28
Case 2:
Width = 4.36 m
CHIAH 57 51 / MP / S3A-S4 A nk erab st and a = 1. 75 m De sign valu es: M (D e sign) = 1 95 .89 kN *m Shear area 2
Co ntiguou s pile wa ll zul (Gurt un g) = 18.0 0 kN/ cm Verif y c ontiguou s pile wall N (De sign) = -1 73 4. 43 kN erf as(tau ) = 4 9.9 cm/m
Ca lcula tio n ba sis: zul (Gurtun g) = 10 . 50 kN/ cm E = 2100 .00 k N/cm P ile cen tre s = 1 .7 50 m Verif ication of co ncre te lagg ing:
No e p red istrib ution zul V (Gu rtu ng ) = 19. 80 kN/cm I = 7 25 33 1.70 cm / m P ile d iam ete r = 0. 62 0 m Max eah = 13 8. 3 kN /m
Ac tive ep ac co rd ing to: DIN 40 85 A nk ersth le: F aktor (a kt iv/R uhe ) = 0 .00 De sign to DIN 104 5 1 7. 2.1, Pa ra . (6) Dia mete r (stee l) = 0 .450 m Th ickn. o f infill-wall = 0. 18 0 m
Eq uivalen t e p co ef ficien t kah [ -] = 0.20 0 Gurtb em essu ng: Gleichlast [M=q*a/ 10 ] Co ncre te : B 3 5 Req. = 0.4 00 % Th ickn. p re ss. dome = 0.0 90 m
Pa ssive e p acco rding to : S trec k E mbedme nt de pt h = 3 . 28 m Re quire d leng th = 27. 43 m Stee l: BS t 4 20 /500 req. A s = 1 2.1 cm Allow . = 700 0.00 kN/m
So ldier pile width = 0.62 m S um V > 0 (me t) / = 44 .78 be ta r (Co ncre te) = 23.0 0 MN/m S hear d esign : Work. = 6 53 4. 35 kN/ m
So ldier pile ce ntres = 1.75 m Date: 12 /1 9/2 016 be ta s (St ee l) = 4 20 .00 MN/m Q (De sign ) = 400 . 84 kN Verif ication OK
10 Se ction le ng th auto matic a nd d eg re e o f fixit y f rom 0.00 0 pre se t Time: 4:32 :5 1 P M re q. ga mma = 1 .995 b 0 = 0 .575 m ; z = 0 .3 12 m
(pa ssive) = 2 .0 0 Re duction o f inte rn al fo rce s = 0.0 00 tau 0 = 223 5.3 kN/ m
2 0.0
3.0 0
3.4 0
0. 00
0 0 .0 0.5 -1.1
1. 50
1 .5 0
16 .6 -6.8 3 2.6 -1 4. 0 -11 . 9 -28 .9
][ 12 0, M = 1 5.2 kN *m ; Q = 4 3.4 kN
sig = 12 .5 k N/cm, W = 12 1.4 cm 23.5
3.5 0
sig = 13 .7 k N/cm, W = 60 0.0 cm 16 .2 An c hor 4 (2 3.5 0 m , 20.0 ) (24 5.1 kN/m ) (eta = 2.83)
ta u = 6 .1 k N/cm , s ig(v) = 1 7 .3 kN /cm
2 1.80 St 1 57 0/177 0 7 L itze n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m
][ 3 0 0, M = 1 32 .1 k N* m; Q = 3 7 7.3 kN -111 .9 229. 1 -176. 2 -99 1. 1 -1138.6
2 .3 5
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Date: 12/19/2016
Time: 4:32:51 PM
No ep redistribution
Allow. A = 897.0 kN
Anchor no.
Soil properties
Active ep coefficient
Active ep ordinates
Passive ep coefficient.
Depth h v
Internal forces
Depth N Q M A(h)
Displacment values
Depth w
[m] [mm]
0.00 -1.1
0.10 -1.1
1.03 -1.3
1.27 -1.3
1.50 -1.4
2.01 -1.5
3.02 -1.6
4.01 -1.5
5.00 -1.4
5.10 -1.5
6.01 -1.6
7.03 -1.7
8.04 -1.5
8.75 -1.4
9.05 -1.5
10.07 -1.8
11.08 -1.8
12.09 -1.4
12.50 -1.3
13.00 -1.4
13.10 -1.4
14.10 -1.5
15.10 -1.3
16.00 -1.1
16.10 -1.1
17.10 -1.3
18.00 -1.3
19.00 -1.0
19.20 -0.9
20.00 -0.9
21.00 -0.8
21.80 -0.8
22.00 -0.9
23.03 -1.6
24.05 -1.5
24.15 -1.4
24.25 -1.3
25.04 -0.6
25.54 0.0
Maximum values
E = 2100.00 kN/cm
I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Concrete: B 35
N (Design) = -1734.43 kN
Req. = 0.400 %
req. As = 12.1 cm
Shear design:
Q (Design) = 400.84 kN
b0 = 0.575 m
z = 0.312 m
Shear area 2
req. as(tau) = 49.9 cm/m
Verification OK
Verification of sum H
Uh = 98.40 kN/m
Verification sum V
Force values in kN
is directed downwards.
For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and
analogous assumption.
Pv = 950.95
Epv = -48.93
G = 207.00
Case 1:
eta(v) = 44.78
Case 2:
Qg / (Pv + Eav + G) > eta(v) (see EAB R 9)
Width = 4.83 m
CHIAH 5751/ MP / S 3A -S4 Ankerabs tand a = 2.00 m Design values : M (Design) = 167.18 kN* m S hear area 3
Contiguous pile wall zul (Gurtung) = 18.00 k N/cm V erify contiguous pile w all N (D es ign) = -2125. 45 kN erf as(tau) = 54.8 cm/m
Calculation basis: zul (Gurtung) = 10.50 kN/cm E = 2100.00 kN/c m P ile cent res = 1.750 m V erification of concrete lagging:
No ep redist ribution zul V (Gurtung) = 19.80 kN/ cm I = 725331. 70 cm /m P ile diameter = 0. 620 m M ax eah = 150.6 kN/m
Ac tive ep according to: D IN 4085 Ankersthle: F ak tor (aktiv/ Ruhe) = 0.00 Design to D IN 1045 17. 2.1, Para. (6) Diameter (steel) = 0. 450 m T hic kn. of inf ill-w all = 0. 190 m
Equivalent ep coefficient kah [-] = 0.200 Gurtbemessung: G leichlast [M=q*a/10] Concret e: B 35 Req. = 0.400 % T hic kn. press. dom e = 0.095 m
Passive ep according t o: S treck Embedment depth = 3.00 m Required length = 29. 20 m S teel: B St 420/ 500 req. As = 12.1 cm A llow. = 7000. 00 kN/m
Soldier pile width = 0.62 m Sum V > 0 (met) / = 57. 42 betar (Conc ret e) = 23.00 MN/m S hear design: Work. = 6389.34 kN /m
Soldier pile c entres = 1.75 m D at e: 12/19/2016 betas (S teel) = 420. 00 MN/m Q (Design) = 390. 12 kN V erification OK
10 Section length automatic and degree of fixity from 0. 000 preset T ime: 6:29:11 P M req. gamma = 2. 073 b0 = 0.487 m; z = 0.296 m
(passive) = 2. 00 Reduction of internal forces = 0.000 tau0 = 2699.5 kN/ m
20. 0
0. 10
3 .0 0
3 .40
0. 00
0 0.0 0.5 -1.4
1.5 0
16.6 -6. 8 32.6 -14.0 -11. 9 -28.9
][ 1 2 0, M = 1 5.2 kN * m; Q = 49.6 kN
s ig = 1 2.5 kN/c m , W = 12 1 .4 cm 23.5
3 .50
tau = 5 .5 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 6.1 k N/cm 38.8 An ch or 1 (2 6 .5 0 m, 2 0.0 ) (4 9.6 kN /m) ( eta = 1 0 .97 ) -2.1
St 1 570 /17 7 0 7 L it z en 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.00 m
12 .5 0
][ 22 0 , M = 7 5 .4 k N* m ; Q = 2 46.1 kN -68.9 113.1 -118.1 -381.3 -465.5 13.00 (1)
58. 4/ 69. 5
s ig = 1 5.4 kN/c m , W = 49 0 .0 cm An c ho r 2 (2 5.5 0 m , 20 .0 ) (13 9 .5 k N/m ) (eta = 4 .12 )
3.5 0
-25 26.20
s ig = 1 4.4 kN/c m , W = 89 6 .0 cm
80. 2
tau = 7 .8 k N/cm , si g( v) = 1 9.8 k N/cm
-0.0/150.6 -73.2 -1464.1
A nch or 6 (2 2 .50 m, 2 0.0 ) (2 98.5 kN /m) (eta = 2 .6 2)
-82.6 S t 1 570 /1 770 7 L itze n 0 ,6''; lp = 1 1.0 0 m -4.4 -1438.3 0.0
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Date: 12/19/2016
Time: 6:29:11 PM
No ep redistribution
Allow. A = 897.0 kN
Anchor no.
Soil properties
Active ep coefficient
Active ep ordinates
Passive ep coefficient.
Depth h v
Internal forces
Depth N Q M A(h)
Displacment values
Depth w
[m] [mm]
0.00 -1.4
0.10 -1.4
1.03 -1.6
1.27 -1.6
1.50 -1.7
2.01 -1.8
3.02 -1.9
4.01 -1.8
5.00 -1.7
5.10 -1.8
6.01 -1.9
7.03 -2.0
8.04 -1.8
8.75 -1.7
9.05 -1.8
10.07 -2.1
11.08 -2.1
12.09 -1.7
12.50 -1.6
13.00 -1.7
13.10 -1.7
14.10 -1.8
15.10 -1.7
16.00 -1.4
16.10 -1.4
17.10 -1.6
18.00 -1.5
19.00 -1.3
19.20 -1.3
20.00 -1.3
21.00 -1.2
21.80 -1.0
22.00 -1.0
23.03 -0.9
24.05 -0.8
24.15 -0.8
25.03 -1.2
26.00 -1.2
26.20 -1.1
26.30 -1.0
27.00 -0.5
27.50 0.0
Maximum values
E = 2100.00 kN/cm
I = 725331.70 cm4/m
Concrete: B 35
N (Design) = -2125.45 kN
Req. = 0.400 %
req. As = 12.1 cm
Shear design:
Q (Design) = 390.12 kN
b0 = 0.487 m
z = 0.296 m
Shear area 3
Verification OK
Verification of sum H
Uh = 90.23 kN/m
Verification sum V
Force values in kN
is directed downwards.
For soldier pile walls Epv (Bv) is calculated from the friction and
Pv = 1143.39
Epv = -44.36
G = 220.39
Case 1:
eta(v) = 57.42
Case 2:
Width = 5.24 m