Nearly Zero Energy Building (Nzeb) Using Iot and Smart Grid: P. Deepak, Z. Anees Hussain
Nearly Zero Energy Building (Nzeb) Using Iot and Smart Grid: P. Deepak, Z. Anees Hussain
Nearly Zero Energy Building (Nzeb) Using Iot and Smart Grid: P. Deepak, Z. Anees Hussain
AbstractCurrent energy policy and climate mitigation goals Provide an easier model to monitor the
require distinct reductions of the primary energy demand in the consumption of power
building sector. The existing building stock poses challenge since
clear-cut technical and economical retrofit strategies for different Will pave way for reduction of power usage
types of existing buildings are still not established. The goal of Lets drill down into devices used to light, and heat and
the study is to identify such retrofit strategies to achieve optimal cool buildings, and the efficiencies that can be delivered
cost levels and to assess costs and benefits of nearly zero energy when these devices are networked and can talk to each
buildings (nZEB). Firstly building types are defined by covering
single-family houses, multi-family houses, office buildings and
other. Only 1 percent of the worlds buildings use systems
school buildings. Secondly, a large set of generic energy to control and network lighting, and just 7 percent of
efficiency measures are described, covering seven strategic fields, lighting in commercial buildings is controlled by smart
namely building envelope measures, heating and hot water control systems. Beyond lighting, networked heating and
supply technologies and fuel choice, ventilation and lighting cooling devices can cut loads of energy consumption, too.
systems, electricity and district heat mixes. This covers the usage (1) Use of Smart appliances also helps us to reduce
of smart home appliances, eco-friendly building ventilation pollution.
system. Thirdly, energy performance is calculated based on
technical and physical characteristics and using building energy II. LITERATURE SURVEY
balance software. Fourthly, investment costs and life cycle costs Usage of energy reduction technique involves the usage
are established based on unitary costs of building elements and of proper structural arrangement of buildings and also
building technologies. Cost-effectiveness is determined based on
smart usage of electricity. The building must be
the net present value method which is compared to the annuity
method for a couple of cases. The integration of smart grid and constructed properly by providing it a natural ventilation
IoT(Internet of Things) is a new concept for conserving more area, so that the usage of power will be reduced in homes.
energy. Using dynamic glasses as windows improves the visual
Keywords: smart appliances, nZEB, smart grid glare, reducing the cooling heating usage by 20% and
reduce peak load by 30%. In the beginning, it was speed
and performance. We love our electronic gadgets and PCs
We consume a lot of energy in places of stay, work and to be fast and furious, no matter if the energy consumption
worship. The number of power generating stations are very was over the top. The industry responded accordingly: the
less when compared to the power consuming areas. circuit design universe focused on speed and performance,
Because of this we experience power shortage every time. so following Moores Law, doubling transistor density
In order to overcome this situation we provide ideas for every 24 months, the goal was always to make things faster
reducing power consumption. Thereby, the extent of power and more frequent, and laptops becoming more robust and
shortage can be tackled. First of all, we identify the areas being able to run bigger programs. This leads to more
which consume more power and provide them with some power consumption. The introduction of smart Integration
name. The next thing would be providing a large number of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology in controlling home
of energy efficient and mitigation measures such as appliances can help and improve lifestyle of all user groups
providing smart usage of electronic appliances by especially to the disabled and elderly people in term of
automation of home appliances, by providing an inlet for safety and comfortable. The implementation of combined
natural ventilation and cool breeze by designing the wired and wireless systems would be of most practical in
architecture of the building. By following the above said designing a smart home system especially in cutting the
aspects, the concept of designing an efficient building is systems installation cost for conventional home. The
achieved. Though the cost for building a zero energy smart phone is the connected to the monitoring system by
building will be high, the future benefits of this are very using the TCP/IP networking method via Wi-Fi. A
cost-effective. Design objectives of this project will pave graphical user interface (GUI) is developed as the
way for: monitoring system which exhibits the information gathered
from the system. The GUI opens an option to the user to
Provide easier access to home appliances
examine the fall as well as making the confirmation or 340
International Journal of Students Research In Technology & Management
Vol. 3(04), April 2015, ISSN 2321-2543, Pg. 340-342
cancellation. A remote panic button has also been tested number of switches and outlets set up for Internet of
and implemented in the same android based smart-phone. Things might see each switch and outlet replaced at five-
In addition, the monitoring system can also answer the call year intervals, in order to keep up-to-date with
automatically after the emergency alarm has started. technological changes. This translates into a ten-fold
Appliance control subsystem enables the user to control increase in waste requiring disposal.
home appliances remotely whereas the security alert While Internet of Things devices can serve as energy-
subsystem provides the remote security monitoring. The conservation equipment, it is important to keep in mind
system is capable enough to instruct user via SMS from a that everyday good habits can bring the same benefits.
specific cell number to change the condition of the home Practical, fundamental considerations such as these are
appliance according to the users needs and requirements. often overlooked by marketers eager to induce consumers
The second aspect is that of security alert which is to purchase Internet of Things items that may never have
achieved in a way that on the detection of intrusion the been needed in the first place.(3)
system allows automatic generation of SMS, thus alerting
the user against security risk. In addition, the monitoring
system can also answer the call automatically after the Through internet, the various appliances are attached to
emergency alarm has started. Thus, this method of having a raspberry pi module. The module is connected to the
smart appliances situated in buildings will not only help us power socket with the help of the Ethernet cable. Then, by
to monitor the energy consumption of the entire building, using application software, the different appliances are
but also to help us to efficiently reduce power consumption controlled with the help of the smart phone as shown in Fig
in the buildings also. The increasing use of IoT (Internet 2. Even the intensity levels of tube lights can also be
of Things) is shown in Fig 1. (2) controlled using this mechanism. By varying the intensity
level of the bulbs, the distribution of brightness between
the bulbs can be varied easily and the power consumption
can be monitored.
When sensing and actuation systems are integrated by
connecting through the Internet, energy consumption as a
whole can be optimised. All devices will be integrated into
all forms of energy consuming devices (switches, power
outlets, bulbs, televisions, etc.) and be able to
communicate with the utility supply company in order to
effectively balance power generation and supply. This
integrating system for devices would also offer the
opportunity for users to remotely control their devices, or
centrally manage them via a cloud based interface, and
enable advanced functions like scheduling (e.g., remotely
powering on or off heating systems, controlling ovens,
changing lighting conditions etc.). Thus energy saving can
be achieved through IoT.
Besides home based energy management, the device is
especially relevant to the Smart Grid since it provides
systems to gather and act on energy and power-related
Fig1. The increasing use of IOT, Source: IDC (International Data
information in an automated fashion with the goal to
Corporation), 2014. improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and
sustainability of the production and distribution of
III. HYPOTHESIS electricity. Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure
(AMI) devices connected to the Internet backbone, electric
We find that the energy is mostly consumed due to utilities can not only collect data from end-user
improper monitoring of the appliances and also due to the connections, but also manage other distribution automation
architecture of the buildings. Because of this, lot of energy devices like transformers and reclosers.
is not utilised and over utilised than the prescribed level of
the usage. Because of the negligence, the devices are V. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION
consuming power much more than the prescribed use. The hardware used in building of smart appliances is a
For example, a traditional house built with 30 light raspberry pi module, internet connection and a Zigbee
switches and 30 electrical outlets might stand for 50 years, module as shown in fig 3. The connectivity is established
with all those components still being original at the end of by programming the raspberry pi module with the zigbee
that period. But a modern house built with the same 341
International Journal of Students Research In Technology & Management
Vol. 3(04), April 2015, ISSN 2321-2543, Pg. 340-342
module. Thereby, a wireless communication link is Integrating Smart Grid and IoT gives a wider space for
established with the help of an internet connection. energy conservation. The interface of the appliances that
we use in our home with the internet with the help of smart
applications helps us to develop an energy conserving
ecosystem as shown in Fig 4. IoT is an increasing demand
from the users and has a great scope in nearby future. (2)
All the pollution causing factors from appliances can be
brought into control with the help of IoT by designing a
Smart and Eco-Friendly Appliance. Also by having a
proper architecture in the designing of buildings, it helps
us to decrease the consumption of electricity and thereby
energy is conserved. More research on the aspects of
integrating Smart Grid and IoT will ensure an Eco-friendly
[1] Inova Fairfax Hospital, US.
[2] Market analysis on Worldwide and Regional Internet of
Things (IoT) 20142020 Forecast: A Virtuous Circle of
Proven Value and Demand by Denise Lund, Carrie
MacGillivray, Vernon Turner, Mario Morales. Reference
dwide Internet of Things (IoT) 20132020 Forecast:
Billions of Things, Trillions of Dollars (IDC #243661,
October 2013).
[3] Internet of Things Will Thrive On Energy Efficiency by
Owen Poindexter. Reference Site: