CA6 Contactors
CA6 Contactors
CA6 Contactors
visit for the most up to date information SSNA2014
Electronic coils offer many Two user-selectable modes
advantages CA6 contactors with electronic coils
operate in either the E mode for nor-
Behind the attractive outward appear-
ance of the CA6 contactor are advanced
engineering solutions that offer con-
mal operation or the EI mode for in-
terfacing directly with a Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC) or other low
CA6 Contactors
venience and savings. The entire line
can be equipped with an electronically level signal source (13...30.2 VDC).
The coil is set in the E mode from the
controlled coil that reduces pick-up
factory, offering all of the functions and
currents by 60% on average. Holding
advantages of an electronic coil with
current is also reduced.
CA6 EI electronic coils offer many unique the exception of electronic interface. An
Comparison of pick-up and advantages over conventional types orange jumper located on the bottom
holding current [VA] of the contactor can be quickly changed
2100 Smooth, even operation over the if interface from a PLC is desired. A de-
1800 entire voltage range minimizes the tailed technical explanation of CA6-EI
1500 possibility of contact bounce coils along with connection diagrams
can be found in the Technical Section.
1200 No safeguards are necessary to
900 bridge brief supply interruptions
600 Precisely defined pick-up and drop-
300 out voltages, eliminate the possibility
0 of chattering
Conventional Coil Electronic Coil
Jumper set in E mode
Electronic coils operate over a much (factory default)
holding broader voltage range, providing
flexibility in applications and lower
Other advantages of the CA6 electronic costs due to reduced inventory
coil include:
Direct connection to a PLC
Overvoltage protection and suppres-
sion circuits (eliminating interfer- Jumper set in EI
ence from the coil) are standard mode (user selectable)
1 CA6-115-EI Contactor
2 CA6-140-EI Contactor
3 Main Terminal Set
4 Lug set 8
5 Mechanical Interlock 1
6 Aux. Contact Block 5 2
7 Aux. Contact Block 8
8 Aux. Contact Block 11 2
9 Aux. Contact Block CA6 contactors utilize the latest modular design 5
10 Terminal Cover techniques that speed installation, reduce panel
11 Surge Suppressor space and facilitate maintenance 11
SSNA2014 visit for the most up to date information
Contactors - AC Coil
Three Pole - Series CA6
A Non-Reversing, Three Pole Contactors With AC Coil, Series CA6 (Open type only)
Ratings for Switching AC Motors (AC2 / AC3 ) Auxiliary Open Type
CA6 Contactors
250 350 80 140/145 177 250 ~ ~ 75 100 200 250 1 1 CA6-250-EI-11- 2180
300 450 97 170/176 213 293 ~ ~ 100 125 250 300 1 1 CA6-300-EI-11- 2375
420 540 135 238/250 298 424 ~ ~ 150 175 350 400 1 1 CA6-420-EI-11- 5125
630 800 200 355 450 500 ~ ~ 200 250 500 600 1 1 CA6-630-EI-11- 8746
860 1000 250 500 560 ~ ~ ~ 250 300 600 700 1 1 CA6-860-EI-11- 11900
CA6-420-EI contactor
Note: CA6 open-type contactors include terminal bolts. If lugs are CA6 EI coils are electronically controlled coils with the following
required, see page A99 for ordering information. characteristics:
Ability to connect directly to a low level signal source such as a
Coil Codes PLC (13-30 VDC at 15mA max.)
CA6-115 /140 /180 CA6-115-EI ...CA6-420-EI Very low pull-in and holding current for contactors in this
AC Voltage Range AC Voltage Range size class
Coil Code 50 Hz 60 Hz Coil Code 50 Hz / 60 Hz Threshold voltages for pull-in and drop-out are very precisely
24 ~ 24V 24 24V defined, eliminating chattering
120B 110V 120V 120 110-130V Supply voltage dips are bridged without extra equipment
208 ~ 208V 220W 208-277V EI coils cover a much wider voltage range with only one coil
240B 220-230V 240V 460W 380-500V
277 240V 277V
380 380-400V 440V CA6-630-EI ...CA6-860-EI
480 415V 480V AC Voltage Range
575 500V 575V Coil Code 50 Hz / 60 Hz
120 110-130V
208W 200-220V
240W 230-250V
277 277V
480 440-480V
-EI designates contactor with Electronic Interface coil.
Other voltages available, see page A104-A105. Non-standard coil voltages not listed here must
be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.
For CSA Elevator duty rating, consult Technical Information on page A109.
Ratings are higher for contactors with electronic coil:
Ordering Instructions CA6-140-EI-11- CA6-180-EI-11-
Specify Catalog Number 500V = 98 kW 500V = 126 kW
690V = 135 kW 690V = 176 kW
Replace () with Coil Code See Coil Codes 24 VAC Coil is not available for CA6-420-EI.
on this page Coil is rated AC/DC.
Non-Reversing, Three Pole Contactors With DC Coil, Series CA6 (Open type only)
Ratings for Switching AC Motors (AC2 / AC3) Auxiliary Open Type
CA6 Contactors
Ie [A] kW (50 Hz) UL/CSA HP (60 Hz) Contacts per
1 3 Contactor
AC-3 AC-1 230V 415V 500V 690V 115V 230V 200V 230V 460V 575V NO NC Catalog Number Price
1 CA6-115-L22- 880
115 250 37 64/66 80 111 10 25 40 40 75 100 1
1 CA6-115-EI-11- 1005
1 CA6-140-L22- 1425
140 250 45 78/82 80 111 15 30 40 50 100 125 1
1 CA6-140-EI-11- 1625
135 1 CA6-180-L22- 2004
180 250 57 101/105 98 ~ 40 50 60 150 150 1 CA6-140-EI contactor
1 CA6-180-EI-11- 2290
with DC coil
210 350 67 118/122 147 205 ~ 50 60 75 150 200 1 1 CA6-210-EI-11- 2385
250 350 80 140/145 177 250 ~ ~ 75 100 200 250 1 1 CA6-250-EI-11- 2700
300 450 97 170/176 213 293 ~ ~ 100 125 250 300 1 1 CA6-300-EI-11- 2950
420 540 135 238/250 298 424 ~ ~ 150 175 350 400 1 1 CA6-420-EI-11- 6395
630 800 200 355 450 500 ~ ~ 200 250 500 600 1 1 CA6-630-EI-11- 8746
860 1000 250 500 560 ~ ~ ~ 250 300 600 700 1 1 CA6-860-EI-11- 11900
CA6-420-EI contactor
with DC coil
Note: CA6 open-type contactors include terminal bolts. If lugs are
required, see page A99 for ordering information.
A Reversing, Three Pole Contactors With AC Coil, Series CA6 (Open type only)
Ratings for Switching AC Motors (AC2 / AC3) Auxiliary Open Type
CA6 Contactors
Note: CA6 open-type contactors include terminal bolts. If lugs are CA6 EI coils are electronically controlled coils with the following
required, see page A99 for ordering information. characteristics:
Ability to connect directly to a low level signal source such as a
Coil Codes PLC (13-30 VDC at 15mA max.)
Very low pull-in and holding current for contactors in this
CA6-115 /140 180 CA6-115-EI ...CA6-420-EI
size class
AC Voltage Range AC Voltage Range
Threshold voltages for pull-in and drop-out are very precisely
Coil Code 50 Hz 60 Hz Coil Code 50 Hz / 60 Hz
defined, eliminating chattering
24 ~ 24V 24 24V
Supply voltage dips are bridged without extra equipment
120B 110V 120V 120 110-130V
EI coils cover a much wider voltage range with only one coil
208 ~ 208V 220W 208-277V
240B 220-230V 240V 460W 380-500V
277 240V 277V
380 380-400V 440V CA6-630-EI ...CA6-860-EI
480 415V 480V AC Voltage Range
575 500V 575V Coil Code 50 Hz / 60 Hz
120 110-130V
208W 200-220V For Reversing Contactors without power wiring add suffix -LW to catalog number
240W 230-250V and deduct $175 for CA6-115180 and $360 for CA6-210-EI860-EI. Example:
277 277V CAU6-115-22- becomes CAU6-115-22--LW. Control wiring is not included.
For control wiring, add suffix -CW to catalog number and add $20.
480 440-480V
Example: CAU6-115-22- becomes CAU6-115-22--CW.
-EI designates contactor with Electronic Interface coil.
One NC auxiliary contact on each contactor is used for electrical interlocking.
Other voltages available, see page A104-A105. Non-standard coil voltages not listed here must
be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.
For CSA Elevator duty rating, consult Technical Information on page A109.
Ratings are higher for contactors with electronic coil:
Ordering Instructions CA6-140-EI-11- CA6-180-EI-11-
Specify Catalog Number 500V = 98 kW 500V = 126 kW
690V = 135 kW 690V = 176 kW
Replace () with Coil Code See Coil Codes 24 VAC Coil is not available for CA6-420-EI.
on this page Coil is rated AC/DC.
Reversing, Three Pole Contactors With DC Coil, Series CA6 (Open type only)
Ratings for Switching AC Motors (AC2 / AC3)
Auxiliary Open Type
CA6 Contactors
Ie [A] kW (50 Hz) UL/CSA HP (60 Hz) Contacts per
1 3 Contactor
400V/ Catalog
AC-3 AC-1 230V 415V 500V 690V 115V 230V 200V 230V 460V 575V NO NC Number Price
2 CAU6-115-L42- 2250
115 250 37 64/66 80 111 10 25 40 40 75 100 1
1 CAU6-115-EI-22- 2484
2 CAU6-140-L42- 3400
140 250 45 78/82 80 111 15 30 40 50 100 125 1
1 CAU6-140-EI-22- 3800
135 CAU6-180-L42- 4715
180 250 57 101/105 98 ~ 40 50 60 150 150 1 1
CAU6-180-EI-22- 5129 CAU6-180 reversing contactor
with DC coil
210 350 67 118/122 147 205 ~ 50 60 75 150 200 1 1 CAU6-210-EI-22- 5816
250 350 80 140/145 177 250 ~ ~ 75 100 200 250 1 1 CAU6-250-EI-22- 6440
DC operating mechanism
300 450 97 170/176 213 293 ~ ~ 100 125 250 300 1 1 CAU6-300-EI-22- 6951
Mechanical and electrical
420 540 135 238/250 298 424 ~ ~ 150 175 350 400 1 1 CAU6-420-EI-22- 13836 Reversing power wiring
(using Power Wiring Kit
630 800 200 355 450 500 ~ ~ 200 250 500 600 1 1 CAU6-630-EI-22- 19440 Cat.# CA6-VL[T])
Mounting plate
860 1000 250 500 560 ~ ~ ~ 250 300 600 700 1 1 CAU6-860-EI-22- 25790
Control wiring available;
see footnote
Note: CA6 open-type contactors include terminal bolts. If lugs are CA6 EI coils are electronically controlled coils with the follow-
required, see page A99 for ordering information. ing characteristics:
Ability to connect directly to a low level signal source such as
a PLC (13-30 VDC at 15mA max.)
Very low pull-in and holding current for contactors in this size
Coil Codes class
Threshold voltages for pull-in and drop-out are very precisely
CA6-115 / 140 / 180 CA6-115-EI...CA6-420-EI defined, eliminating chattering
DC DC Supply voltage dips are bridged without extra equipment
Voltage Range Voltage Range
Coil Code Coil Code EI coils cover a much wider voltage range with only
24D 24V 24D 24V one coil
110D 110V 120D 110-130V
220D 220V 220D 200-255V
Note: Conventional DC coils have high
current pick-up winding and low current CA6-630...CA6-860-EI
seal-in winding wired in parallel.
The pick-up winding is taken out of DC
Voltage Range
the circuit after the armature pulls in. Coil Code For Reversing Contactors without power wiring add suffix -LW to catalog num-
Price includes two winding coil and ber and deduct $175 for CA6-115180 and $360 for CA6-210-EI860-EI.
an L11 block including one NC late
120 110-130V
Example: CAU6-115-22- becomes CAU6-115-22--LW. Control wiring is not
break auxiliary contact mounted on 240W 200-255V
the right side. See page A119 for functional
schematic and see page C116 for a starter
For control wiring, add suffix -CW to catalog number and add $20.
wiring diagram. Example: CAU6-115-22- becomes CAU6-115-22--CW.
-EI designates contactor with Electronic Interface coil.
One NC auxiliary contact on each contactor is used for electrical interlocking.
Other voltages available, see page A104-A105. Non-standard coil voltages not listed
here must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.
For CSA Elevator duty rating, consult Technical Information on page A109.
Ratings are higher for contactors with electronic coil:
CA6-140-EI-11- CA6-180-EI-11-
Ordering Instructions 500V = 98 kW 500V = 126 kW
Specify Catalog Number 690V = 135 kW 690V = 176 kW
24V DC Coil not available for CA6-420-EI. Customers selecting 24V DC Coils
Replace () with Coil Code See Coil Codes should consider the EI functionality of the CA6 (see page A118-A119).
on this page Coil is rated AC/DC
NEMA Auxiliary
1 3 Contacts
Size Catalog
115V 230V 200V 230V 460V 575V NO NC Number Price
00 1/3 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2 1 0 CAN7-12-10- 155
0 1 2 3 3 5 5 1 0 CAN7-16-10- 174
Application Notes
NEMA contactors are UL Listed and rated in accordance with the requirements of NEMA standards
publication ICS-2. These contactors are labeled for applications that require compliance with NEMA
Sizes are based on standard NEMA classifications.
Easy coil change and contact replacement. See page A56 for CAN7 coils and pages A104-A105
for CA(N)6 coils and contacts.
Snap-on auxiliary contact blocks available in many configurations. See pages A47-A48 (CA[N]7)
and page A102 (CA[N]6).
Available as open units or in Type 1, 3R, 4, 4X and 12 enclosures. Contact your Sprecher + Schuh
representative for enclosed pricing. NEMA sized starters with AC Coils are listed on page C46.
Note: CA6 open-type contactors include terminal bolts. If lugs are required,
see page A99 for ordering information.
Ordering Instructions
Refer to page A84 for CAN7 dimensional information and page A124 for CAN6 dimensions.
Specify Catalog Number Other voltages available, see page A56 for CAN7 and pages A104-A105 for CAN6.
See Coil Codes Non-standard coil voltages not listed here must be ordered and installed separately as
Replace (Q) with Coil Code on this page. renewal parts.
-EI designates contactor with Electronic Interface coil.
CA6 Contactors
NEMA Auxiliary
1 3 Contacts
Size Catalog
115V 230V 200V 230V 460V 575V NO NC Number Price
00 1/3 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2 1 0 CAN7-12E-10- 242
0 1 2 3 3 5 5 1 0 CAN7-16E-10- 267
CAN6-180-L22- 2004
4 ~ ~ 40 50 100 100 1 1
CAN6-180-EI-11- 2290
Application Notes
NEMA contactors are UL Listed and rated in accordance with the requirements of NEMA stan-
dards publication ICS-2. These contactors are labeled for applications that require compliance
with NEMA standards.
Sizes are based on standard NEMA classifications.
Easy coil change and contact replacement. See page A57 for CA(N)7 coils and pages
A104-A105 for CA(N)6 coils and contacts.
Snap-on auxiliary contact blocks available in many configurations. See pages A47-A48
(CA[N]7) and page A102 (CA[N]6).
Available as open units or in Type 1, 3R, 4, 4X and 12 enclosures. Contact your Sprecher +
Schuh representative for enclosed pricing.
Power wiring available but not
included (see page A100)
CA6 EI coils are electronically controlled coils with the following characteristics:
Ability to connect directly to a low level signal source such as a PLC (13-30 VDC
at 15mA max.)
Very low pull-in and holding current for contactors in this size class
Threshold voltages for pull-in and drop-out are very precisely defined, eliminat- CA6-180-VYU
ing chattering
Supply voltage dips are bridged without extra equipment
EI coils cover a much wider voltage range with only one coil
CA6-115 CA6-115
2M S
Coil Codes
CA6-115180 CA6-115-EI CA6-180-EI
AC Voltage Range AC Voltage Range CA6-180-VLHB
Coil Code 50 Hz 60 Hz Coil Code 50 Hz / 60 Hz
24 ~ 24V 24 24V
120B 110V 120V 120 110-130V
208 ~ 208V 220W 208-277V
240B 220-230V 240V 440W 380-440V
277 240V 277V
380 380-400V 440V
480 415V 480V
575 500V 575V
For Contactors with power wiring add suffix -PW to catalog number and add $273.
Example: CA6Y2-115-22--LW becomes CA6Y2-115-22--PW. Control wiring is
not included.
-EI designates contactor with Electronic Interface coil.
One NC auxiliary contact on each contactor is used for electrical interlocking.
Ordering Instructions Other voltages available, see page A104-A105. Non-standard coil voltages not listed here
Specify Catalog Number must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.
HP selection based on UL508 for Industrial Applications.
See Coil Codes HP selection based on CSA Elevator Duty Ratings.
Replace (Q) with Coil Code on this page. See typical Wye-Delta Wiring Diagram on page C112.
CA6 Contactors
Accommodation for dual Main Terminal Set,
connections to each pole Dual Conductor, Touch Safe
Accepts flat or round conductors (price as complete set, contain-
Touch safe to IP20 according to ing 2 blocks, 6 lugs)
IEC 60529
Eliminates need for Terminal Shields
For CA6-115(-EI);
Main Terminal Sets (catalog #: CA6-HB) are specifically 140(-EI); 180(-EI) CA6-HB2 200
designed for connecting line and load to all three poles
on CA6 contactors. Each touch safe terminal set contains
three built-in terminals capable of carrying two round For CA6-210-EI to 420-EI CA6-HB3 295
Multiple conductors (flat or round)
fit in each terminal on CA6-HB Main conductors or multiple flat conductors. Main Terminal
Terminal Sets (top view) Sets add a clean finished appearance to CA6 contactors
For CA6-115(-EI);
140(-EI); 180(-EI) CA6-AT1 5
Control Wire Terminal
2 x 2.5mm2
For CA6-210-EI to 420-EI CA6-AT2 15
Connects 2M contactor
CA6-210-EI to 420-EI...
CA6-HB3 CA6-420-VYHB 247
to S contactor
Wye-Delta (2M to S jumper) CA6140(-EI ) to 180(-EI)
Connects 2M contactor
CA6-210-EI to 420-EI... CA6-420-HU
CA6-420-VT CA6-420-VT 273
to S contactor CA6-L420
CA6-210-EI to 420-EI
CA6 Contactors
Accessory Description contactor... Catalog Number Price
CA6-115(-EI) to 180(-EI) CA6-TC180 46
Main Terminal Cover - CA6-210-EI to 420-EI CA6-TC420 76
CA6 touch protection CA6-630-EI to 860-EI CA6-TC860 103
Line or load (price each)
IP20; IEC60529 & DIN 40 050 CA6-630-EI to 860-EI CA6-TCS860 103
protection CA6-630-EI to 860-EI CA6-TCR860 103
CA6-630-EI to 860-EI CA6-TCE860 103
3 contactors, 2 O/L relays & 1 relay/ For CA6-115(-EI) to 180(-EI) CA6-MY180 175
timer (Wye-delta) For CA6-210-EI to 420-EI CA6-MY420 210
CA6-630-EI to 860-EI CA6-MY860 364
Terminal Covers not necessary when using Main Terminal Sets (CA6-HB)
which are insulated.
DOL starter/relay terminal covers
Reversing starter/relay terminal cover
Line-side panel relay and reversing terminal cover
53 61
84 72
mounted to left side at the factory.
1 1 Outside left or right CA6-S2-11 46
44 25
44 23
2 0 Outside left or right CA6-S2-20 46 Outside left position Outside right position
(CA6-S2) (CA6-S2)
Form C 61
Electronic Inside left or right 76
32 34
Compatible 62 64
Miscellaneous Accessories
Accessory Description For use with... Catalog Number Price
Interlocks CA6 to
CM6-C02 57
CA7-60...97 contactors
Mechanical / Electrical Interlock -
Two built-in N.C. auxiliaries
CM6-D02 68
CM6-D02 CA6 contactors
Miscellaneous Accessories
Accessory Description For use with... Catalog Number Price
CA6 Contactors
Surge Suppressor - Limits voltage spikes
when switching off coil. Attaches to all CA6
RC Link:
21-48V 50Hz . 24-55V 60Hz Conventional CRC6-48
95-110V 50 Hz / 110-127V 60 Hz AC Coils CRC6-110 37
190-240V 50Hz / 220-277V 60Hz CRC6-240
380-550V 50Hz / 440-575V 60Hz CRC6-550
Varistor Link:
12-55V 50/60Hz Conventional CRV6-55
56-136V 50/60Hz AC Coils CRV6-136 37
137-277V 50/60Hz CRV6-277
278-575V 50/60Hz CRV6-575
Varistor Link:
24-28V AC/DC CRV6-40
48-72V DC Electronic (-EI) Coils CRV6-55
43-65V 50/60Hz CRV6-75
208-277 50/60 Hz CRV6-550
380-400V 50/60Hz CRV6-460
Marking Systems
Pkg. Price
Component Description Qty. Catalog Number Each
Label Sheet -
1 sheet with 105 self-adhesive paper 1 CA7-FMS
labels each, 6 x17mm
Marking Tag Sheet -
1 sheet with 160 perforated paper
labels each, 6 x 17mm. To be used with See
transparent cover page
Transparent Cover - 100 A54
To be used with Marking Tag Sheets
Tag Carrier -
For marking with Clip-on Tags. See 100
Terminals Section for complete listing of
Clip-on Tags.
EI contactors are supplied with factory installed integrated surge protection (see page A105).
Minimum order quantity is one package of 100. Price each x 100 = total price.
AC Control Voltages CA6-95, CA6-110 Optional RC
AC Coil Varistor
CA6-115, CA6-140 Module
Codes Module
Conventional Coil
50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No.
24V ~ ~ 24A CA6-TG407 CRC6-48 CRV6-55
~ 24V ~ 24 CA6-TG013 CRC6-48 CRV6-55
32V 36V ~ ~ CA6-TG481 CRC6-48 CRV6-55
42V 48V ~ 48 CA6-TG482 CRC6-48 CRV6-55
48V 55V ~ 48A CA6-TG414 CRC6-48 CRV6-55
110V 120V ~ 120B CA6-TG473 CRC6-110 CRV6-136
CA6 A.C. Coil (typical)
~ 208V ~ 208 CA6-TG049 CRC6-240 CRV6-277
220-230V 240V ~ 240B CA6-TG441 CRC6-240 CRV6-277
240V 277V ~ 277 CA6-TG480 CRC6-240 CRV6-277
380V-400V 440V ~ 380 CA6-TG071 CRC6-880 CRV6-575
415V 480V ~ 480 CA6-TG475 CRC6-550 CRV6-575
440V 508V ~ ~ CA6-TG478 CRC6-550 CRV6-575
500V 575V ~ 575 CA6-TG479 CRC6-550 CRV6-575
550V 600V ~ 600 CA6-TG476 CRC6-550 CRV6-575
Price 212 See page A103 for pricing
Items in grey are obsolete.
Other coil voltages available. Contact your Sprecher + Schuh representative for information.
Not factory installed, must be ordered separately.
For conventional DC coils, the pickup winding must be connected to a NC late-break auxiliary contact. (See page A122)
CA6 Contactors
AC Control Factory Factory
AC Coil CA6-115-EI
Voltages Integrated Installed
Codes CA6-140-EI CA6-300-EI CA6-630-EI
CA6-420-EI Suppressor External
CA6-180-EI CAN6-300-EI CA6-860-EI
on Coil Suppressor
Circuit Board Module
EI Coil CA6-250-EI
60 Hz 50/60 Hz Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No.
~ 24V 24 CA6-TGE855 CA6-TGE855 ~ ~ No CRV6-40
~ 42-64V 48 CA6-TGE864 CA6-TGE864 ~ ~ No CRV6-75
~ 110-130V 120 CA6-TGE865 CA6-TGE865 CA6-THE865 ~ Yes ~
~ 208-277V 220W CA6-TGE866 CA6-TGE866 CA6-THE866 ~ Yes
~ 380-500V 460W CA6-TGE867 CA6-TGE867 CA6-THE867 ~ Yes RC 100N CA6 A.C. -EI coil
~ 110-130V 120 ~ ~ ~ CA6-TJE865 Yes ~ (typical)
~ 200-220V 208W ~ ~ ~ CA6-TJE878 Yes ~
~ 230-250V 240W ~ ~ ~ CA6-TJE879 Yes ~
~ 277V 277 ~ ~ ~ CA6-TJE880 Yes ~
~ 380-415V 380 ~ ~ ~ CA6-TJE867 Yes ~
~ 440-480V 480 ~ ~ ~ CA6-TJE868 Yes ~
Price 515 515 685 1030
Items in grey are obsolete.
Other coil voltages available. Contact your Sprecher + Schuh representative for
more information.
Coil Codes in bold letters and shaded indicate coils that are standard stocked Special capacitor module supplied on CA6-420 only, not shown in catalog.
items. Coil is rated AC / DC.
Factory external suppressor module provided where shown, included with Customers with 24VDC applications should strongly consider using the
replacement coil. EI functionality of the CA6 (see pages A118-A119).
Factory integrated suppressor is overvoltage category III, for optional category IV, Contactor manufactured with 380-500V coils can not be interchanged with any
e.g. lightning protection, a CRV6-550 module can be added. other coils because of the circuit board built into the base of the CA6-420.
Arc Chutes
Arc Chutes For Price/
(typical) use with... Catalog Number Set
CA6-95 CA6-A95 145
CA6-95-EI CA6-AE95 145
CA6-110 CA6-A110 196
CA6-110-EI CA6-AE110 196
CA6-115 CA6-A115 196
CA6-115-EI CA6-AE115 196
CA6-140 CA6-A140 237
CA6-140-EI CA6-AE140 237
CA(N)6-180 CA6-A180 280
CA(N)6-180-EI CA6-AE180 280
CA6-210-EI CA6-AE210 530
CA6-250-EI CA6-AE250 635
CA(N)6-300-EI CA6-AE300 735
CA6-420-EI CA6-AE420 835
Items in grey are obsolete and have limited availability.
Replacement Contactors Cross Reference, Series CA1 to Series CA6 (Open Type Only)
Ratings for Switching AC Motors (AC2 / AC3 / AC4) Series CA1 Series CA6 A
Ie [A] kW (50 Hz) UL/CSA HP (60 Hz) Obsolete Equivalent
CA6 Contactors
1 3
400V / Catalog Catalog
AC-3 AC-1 230V 415V 500V 690V 115V 230V 200V 230V 460V 575V Number Number
115 250 37 64/66 80 111 10 25 40 40 75 100 CA6-115
10 25 40 40 75 100 CA1-60
140 250 45 78/82 80 111 15 30 40 50 100 125 CA6-140
15 30 50 50 100 125 CA1-100 CA1-10
180 250 57 101/105 98 135 ~ 40 50 60 150 150 CA6-180
~ ~ 60 60 150 150 CA1-150
210 350 67 118/122 147 205 ~ 50 60 75 150 200 CA6-210
~ ~ 75 100 200 250 CA1-250
250 350 80 140/145 177 250 ~ ~ 75 100 200 250 CA6-250
300 450 97 170/176 213 293 ~ ~ 100 125 250 300 CA6-300
~ ~ 150 150 350 400 CA1-480
420 500 135 238/250 298 424 ~ ~ 150 175 350 400 CA6-420
Available auxiliary contacts may vary. See selection pages for more information.
A Technical Information
CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6-
115(-EI) 140(-EI) 180(-EI) 210-EI 250-EI 300-EI 420-EI 630-EI 860-EI
CA6 Contactors
Values in ( ) represent ratings for AC-2 & AC-3 and result in reduced lifespan of
25%. Use 400V values for full life span.
Second number is rating for the -EI model.
Electrical Data
CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6-
115(-EI) 140(-EI) 180(-EI) 210-EI 250-EI 300-EI 420-EI 630-EI 860-EI
CA6 Contactors
Switching Motor Loads (continued)
Wye-Delta (Star Delta) 230V [A] 199 242 312 364 433 520 727 ~ ~
50Hz 240V [A] 199 242 312 364 433 520 727 ~ ~
400V [A] 199 242 312 364 433 520 727 ~ ~
415V [A] 199(225) 242(268) 312(332) 364(393) 433(447) 520(546) 727 ~ ~
500V [A] 199 199 / 242 312 364 433 520 727 ~ ~
690V [A] 199 199 / 242 312 364 433 520 727 ~ ~
1000V [A] 80 95 113 139 165 200 277 ~ ~
230V [kW] 63 75 90 110 132 160 220 ~ ~
240V [kW] 66 80 100 125 150 160 250 ~ ~
400V [kW] 110 132 160 200 250 300 425 ~ ~
415V [kW] 114(132) 132(160) 160 220 250 315(335) 425 ~ ~
500V [kW] 132 132 / 160 200 250 315 375 530 ~ ~
690V [kW] 192 200 / 220 300 355 425 530 750 ~ ~
1000V [kW] 100 132 160 200 220 280 400 ~ ~
60 Hz 200V [HP] 60 60 75 100 125 175 250 ~ ~
230V [HP] 60 75 100 125 175 200 250 ~ ~
460V [HP] 125 175 200 250 350 450 600 ~ ~
575V [HP] 150 200 250 300 450 500 650 ~ ~
UL/CSA Elevator Duty
200V [A] 78 92 120 150 150 177 221 ~ ~
230V [A] 80 104 130 130 154 192 248 ~ ~
460V [A] 77 96 124 156 180 180 240 ~ ~
575V [A] 77 77 99 125 144 192 242 ~ ~
200V [HP] 25 30 40 50 50 60 75 ~ ~
230V [HP] 30 40 50 50 60 75 100 ~ ~
460V [HP] 60 75 100 125 150 150 200 ~ ~
575V [HP] 75 75 100 125 150 200 250 ~ ~
AC-1 Load, 3 Switching Ith [A] 250 250 250 350 350 450 540 800 1000
Ambient Temperature 40C 230V [kW] 100 100 100 139 139 179 199 319 398
240V [kW] 104 104 104 145 145 187 208 333 416
400V [kW] 173 173 173 242 242 312 346 554 693
415V [kW] 180 180 180 252 252 323 359 575 719
500V [kW] 217 217 217 303 303 390 433 693 866
690V [kW] 299 299 299 418 418 538 598 956 1195
1000V [kW] 433 433 433 606 606 779 866 ~ ~
Ambient Temperature 60C Ith [A] 210 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
230V [kW] 84 84 84 120 120 151 169 ~ ~
240V [kW] 87 87 87 125 125 158 177 ~ ~
400V [kW] 145 145 145 208 208 263 294 ~ ~
415V [kW] 151 151 151 216 216 273 305 ~ ~
500V [kW] 182 182 182 260 260 329 368 ~ ~
690V [kW] 251 251 251 359 359 454 508 ~ ~
1000V [kW] 364 364 364 520 520 658 736 ~ ~
Values in ( ) represent ratings for AC3 & AC4 and result in reduced lifespan of 25%.
Use 400V values for full life span.
Rating CA6-140 / CA6-140-EI.
A Electrical Data
CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6-
CA6 Contactors
Electrical Data
CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6-
115(-EI) 140(-EI) 180(-EI) 210-EI 250-EI 300-EI 420-EI 630(EI 860-EI
CA6 Contactors
DC Ratings
DC-1 Rating at 60C
Non-inductive or slightly 24VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
inductive loads, resistive 48VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
furnaces 110VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
220VDC [A] 3 3.3 3.3 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.2 ~ ~
1 Pole 440VDC [A] 0.6 0.75 0.75 1 1 1 1.2 ~ ~
24VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
48VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
2 Poles in Series 110VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
220VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
440VDC [A] 3 3.3 3.3 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.2 ~ ~
24VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
48VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
3 Poles in Series 110VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
220VDC [A] 135 210 210 300 300 380 425 ~ ~
440VDC [A] 11 11 11 14 14 14 15 ~ ~
See diagram to right for three poles wired in series for DC switching
A Electrical Data
CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6-
115(-EI) 140(-EI) 180(-EI) 210-EI 250-EI 300-EI 420-EI 630-EI 860-EI
CA6 Contactors
Capacitor Ratings
Capacitor Switching - 50Hz
Single Capacitor - 40C 230 V [kVar] 45 70 70 98 98 125 139 ~ ~
240 V [kVar] 47 73 73 102 102 131 145 ~ ~
400 V [kVar] 78 121 121 170 170 218 242 ~ ~
415 V [kVar] 81 126 126 176 176 226 252 ~ ~
500 V [kVar] 97 152 152 212 212 273 303 ~ ~
690V [kVar] 134 209 209 293 293 376 418 ~ ~
1000 V [kVar] 194 303 303 424 424 546 606 ~ ~
Single Capacitor - 60C 230 V [kVar] 38 59 59 84 84 106 119 ~ ~
240 V [kVar] 39 61 61 87 87 111 124 ~ ~
400 V [kVar] 65 102 102 145 145 184 206 ~ ~
415 V [kVar] 68 106 106 151 151 191 214 ~ ~
500 V [kVar] 82 127 127 182 182 230 258 ~ ~
690V [kVar] 113 176 176 251 251 318 356 ~ ~
1000 V [kVar] 164 255 255 364 364 461 515 ~ ~
Capacitor Bank- 40C 230 V [kVar] 45 70 70 98 98 125 139 ~ ~
240 V [kVar] 47 73 73 102 102 131 145 ~ ~
400 V [kVar] 56 76 111 170 170 218 242 ~ ~
415 V [kVar] 56 76 112 170 176 226 252 ~ ~
500 V [kVar] 56 76 113 172 212 273 303 ~ ~
690V [kVar] 57 78 114 174 247 356 418 ~ ~
1000 V [kVar] 58 79 116 177 251 361 606 ~ ~
Capacitor Bank- 60C 230 V [kVar] 38 59 59 84 84 106 119 ~ ~
240 V [kVar] 39 61 61 87 87 111 124 ~ ~
400 V [kVar] 56 76 102 145 145 184 206 ~ ~
415 V [kVar] 56 76 106 151 151 191 214 ~ ~
500 V [kVar] 56 76 113 172 182 230 258 ~ ~
690V [kVar] 57 78 114 174 247 318 356 ~ ~
1000 V [kVar] 58 79 116 177 251 361 515 ~ ~
Capacitor Switching - 60Hz
Single Capacitor - 40C 200 V [kVar] 39 61 61 85 85 109 121 ~ ~
230 V [kVar] 45 70 70 98 98 125 133 ~ ~
460 V [kVar] 89 139 139 195 195 251 279 ~ ~
600V [kVar] 116 182 182 255 255 327 364 ~ ~
Capacitor Bank- 40C 200 V [kVar] 39 61 61 85 85 109 121 ~ ~
230 V [kVar] 45 70 70 98 98 125 139 ~ ~
460 V [kVar] 56 76 112 171 195 251 279 ~ ~
600V [kVar] 57 77 114 173 246 327 364 ~ ~
Electrical Data
CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6-
115(-EI) 140(-EI) 180(-EI) 210-EI 250-EI 300-EI 420-EI 630-EI 860-EI
CA6 Contactors
Short-Circuit Coordination
Contactors without Motor Protection Relays
Mechanical Data
CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6-
115 115-EI 140(-EI) 180(-EI) 210-EI 250-EI 300-EI 420-EI 630-EI 860-EI
CA6 Contactors
Service Life
Mechanical AC [Mil.] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2
DC [Mil.] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2
Electrical AC-3 (400V) [Mil.] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R/F R/F
Shipping Weights
AC - CA6 [kg] 3.3 3.8 3.3 (3.8) 3.3 (3.8) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 28.6 28.6
[Lbs] 7.3 8.38 7.3 (8.4) 7.3 (8.4) 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 63 63
DC - CA6 [kg] 3.3 3.8 3.3 (3.8) 3.3 (3.8) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 28.6 28.6
[Lbs] 7.28 8.38 7.3 (8.4) 7.3 (8.4) 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 63 63
Terminations - Power
Direct Connection Hexagonal Bolt
b max. [mm] 25 30 52
s max. [mm] 5 6 8
Minimum 25mm2 (#4 AWG) -95mm2 (250mcm) with sleeve per DIN 46228.
Terminations - Control
Combination Screw Head: Cross, Slotted, Pozidrive
Wires 1 or 2 [mm2] 1...4
[AWG] 16...12
Torque Requirement [Nm] 1.4...2.3
[Lb-in] 12...20
Control Modules
Wires 1 [mm2] 0.08...2.5
[AWG] 26...14
Degree of Protection - contactor IP00 per IEC 60529 and DIN 40 050
Type of Protection - with accessories
Single contactor cover IP1X per IEC 60529 and DIN 40 050
With main terminal set IP2X per IEC 60529 and DIN 40 050
Protection against accidental contact Finger and back-of-hand proof according to VDE 0106, Part 100
Coil Data
CA6- CA6- CA6- CA6-
CA6 Contactors
115180 115-EI300-EI 420-EI 630-EI860-EI
Voltage Range Conventional Coil EI Coil EI Coil EI Coil
AC: 50Hz, 60Hz, 50/60 Hz Pickup [x Us] 0.851.1 0.85 Us min1.1 Us max 0.85 Us min1.1 Us max 0.80 Us min1.1 Us max
Dropout [x Us] 0.30.6 0.3 Us min0.5 Us max 0.3 Us min0.5 Us max 0.1 Us min0.8 Us max
DC Pickup [x Us] 0.851.1 0.85 Us min1.1 Us max 0.85 Us min1.1 Us max 0.85 Us min1.1 Us max
Dropout [x Us] 0.300.6 0.3 Us min0.5 Us max 0.3 Us min0.5 Us max 0.1 Us min0.8 Us max
Coil Consumption
AC: 50Hz, 60Hz, 50/60 Hz Pickup [VA/W] 650 / 310 380 / 240 490 / 270 1915 / 1720
Hold-in [VA/W] 50 / 10 13 / 6 18 / 7 33 / 30
DC Pickup [W] 540 265 340 1980
Hold-in [W] 8 6 7 30
EI (B1-B2 24VDC Interface) [VA/W] ~ 15 ma 15 ma 15 ma
Operating Times
AC: 50Hz, 60Hz, 50/60 Hz Pickup [ms] 2047 2045 60100
Dropout [ms] 612 25110 70145
with RC Suppressor Dropout [ms] 918 ~ ~
DC Pickup [ms] 2747 2550 60100
with Integ. Suppression Dropout [ms] 1220 35110 70145
Insulation Class Class B according to VDE 0660, Table 22
CA6-EI Application Notes for 24 volt AC/DC Electronic Coils Control Circuit Wiring
To minimize wire resistance see the following:
The CA6-EI 24 VAC or 24 VDC electronic coils are sensitive to voltage drops. These
The wire gauge (cross-section) must be sufficient to allow a wire resistance of
notes are provided to assist customers in control wiring methods and the selection of
less than 150 milli-ohms for a regulated power supply and 100 milli-ohms for an
a power supply.
unregulated power supply. For unregulated power supplies, 16 AWG can be used for
< 10ms Ipeak = 25 amps Start-up peak runs up to 25 feet (longer for regulated power supply). Consult Sprecher+ Schuh
< 100ms Imean = 11 amps Pull-in values for additional information if longer runs are required.
> 100ms Ihold = 0.5 amps Average Hold-in values Stranded wire should be fitted with ferrules.
Circuit operation Terminations should be tightened within the recommended torque values.
While the electronic coil is switching on, the power supply must deliver a peak of 25 If multiple CA6-EI contactors are used in the control circuit, the electronic coil
amps. This period will not exceed 10ms. terminations should be fed directly from the power supply (home runs). Do NOT
During the contactor closing period, the pull-in current of the coil drops to 11 amps. parallel (jumper) multiple coil terminations. Switching of the home runs must be
This period will not exceed 100ms. accomplished through separate (individual) contacts of a control relay or control
After approximately 80ms the demand of the electronic coil will be reduced to the device.
holding value; which has an average of 0.5 amps. A Recommendation
Power supply selection A CA6 contactor used in the EI mode removes the burden of the coil from the 24
Use peak value (Ipeak) for the selection of the power supply. VDC power supply. The integrated electronic interface allows line voltage, or at least a
A regulated power supply is preferred. higher AC voltage (i.e., 120V), to be applied to coil terminals A1 A2, while the 24 VDC
If an unregulated power supply is utilized then the no load value of the power low level milli-ampere signal switches the B1 B2 interface. The EI mode (method)
supply must be less than 28 volts. Additional attention must be given to decrease has significant advantages over direct coil switching at 24 VDC. See the description of
the control wire resistance because unregulated power supplies have a high ripple operation on the next page.
Electronic coil drives are designed to minimize power requirements, but this
Customers with 24VDC applications should strongly consider using the control may exhibit higher inrush (540W, <10ms) when energizing. This must be
EI functionality of the CA6 (see pages A118-A119). taken into account for the proper sizing of supply devices, all-or-nothing relays,
Conventional DC coils are Two-Winding Coils. See page A119. and cross-sections of coil supply lines.
CA6 Contactors
Conventional 3-lead DC Coil
1) The CA6 conventional DC coil has dual windings with three leads brought out.
One winding is the pick-up winding and the other is the holding winding.
The coil also has a built-in voltage limiting varistor (Z1).
2) The pick-up winding has low resistance while the holding winding has a higher
3) When the control circuit is energized, the contactor pulls-in through the lower
resistance pick-up winding and the NC late break auxiliary contact. After the
contactor seals in, the late break contact opens and the contactor is held in
through the holding winding.
4) The pick-up winding is not designed for continuous operation and must be dis-
connected by the late break contact immediately after the contactor pulls-in.
Ambient Temperature
Storage -55...+80C (-67...176 F)
Operation at rated current -25...+60C (-13...140 F) (40 C per UL)
Conditioned 15% current reduction -70 C (158 F)
Altitude at installed site 2000 meters above sea level per IEC 60947-1
Resistance to Corrosion / Humidity Damp-alternating climate: cyclic to IEC 68-2, 56 cycles.
Dry heat: IEC 68-2, +100C (212F), relative humidity <50%, 7 days
Damp tropical: IEC 68-2, +40C (104F), relative humidity <92%, 56 days.
Shock Resistance IEC 60068-2-27: Half sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 4g (12g in all three directions)
Vibration Resistance IEC 60068-2-6: Static >2g, in normal position
Operating Position See Dimensions pages
Standards IEC/EN 60947-1/-4-1/-5-1; UL508; CSA 22.2 No. 14
Approvals CE, cULus, CCC
Auxiliary Contacts
Conventional auxiliary contacts Suitable for electronic circuits
Switching, AC & DC Loads
AC-1 Ith at 40C [A] 16 0.1A at 250V
at 60C [A] 12 0.1A at 250V
AC-15 at rated operating voltage of: [V} 230 400 415 500 690
[A] 5.5 3 2.5 1.6 1 1...100mA at 3...125V
DC-13, switching electromagnets at: [V} 24 48 110 220 440
[A] 5 2 0.7 0.25 0.12 1...100mA at 3...125V
Short Circuit Protection - gG Fuse
Type 2 Coordination [A] 16 0.1
Rated Impulse Voltage Uimp [kV] 8 1.5
Load carrying capacity per UL/CSA
Rated Voltage [V] 600 max. 250V max.
Continuous Rating [A] 10 general purpose
Switching Capacity Heavy pilot duty (A600) 0.1A
Rated Voltage [V} 600 max.
Switching Capacity Standard pilot duty (P600)
Minimum Switching Capacity 17V, 10mA 17V, 5mA
Terminal Type
1...2.5 1...2.5
Maximum Wire Size per IEC 947-1 1...2.5 1...2.5
Flexible with Wire- 1 Conductor [mm2]
1...4 1...4
End Ferrule 2 Conductor [mm2]
Solid/Stranded- 1 Conductor [mm2]
1...4 1...4
Conductor 2 Conductor [mm2]
Recommended Tightening Torque [Nm] 1.4...2.3 1.4...2.3
Max. Wire Size per UL/CSA [AWG] 16...12 16...12
Recommended Tightening Torque [lb-in] 12...20 12...20
Degree of Protection IP2X per IEC 529 and DIN 40 050
Life-Load Curves
AC-1 / Non or slightly inductive loads, resistive furnaces; Ue= 400 VAC
AC-3 / Starting and stopping of running motors
CA6 Contactors
CA6-115(-EI) CA6-140(-EI) CA6-180(-EI) CA6-210-EI CA6-250-EI CA6-300-EI CA6-420-EI
AC-1 / AC-3
(Millions of Operations)
Contact Life
(Millions of Operations)
Contact Life
1 10 100 1000
NOTE: The life-load curves shown here are based on Sprecher+Schuh tests
according to the requirements defined in IEC 947-4-1. Since contact life in any
given application is dependent on environmental conditions and duty cycle, actual
application contact life may vary from that indicated by the curves shown here.
A Life-Load Curves
Mixed operation of squirrel-cage motors; Ue = 400 VAC
AC-3 90% Starting and stopping of running motors
CA6 Contactors
AC-4 (10%) 10
(Millions of Operations)
Contact Life
10 100 1000
Contact Life for Mixed Utilization Categories Heavy Duty Starting and Regular Short-time Operation
CA6-250-EI CA6-300-EI
NOTE: The life-load curves shown here are based on Sprecher+Schuh tests
according to the requirements defined in IEC 947-4-1. Since contact life in any
given application is dependent on environmental conditions and duty cycle, actual
application contact life may vary from that indicated by the curves shown here.
CA6 Contactors
250ms start time; 40% duty cycle
AC-3 5000
250ms start time
Max. Operating Rate [Ops/hr]
10 100 1000
Squirrel cage motors; starting, switching off during running; Ue = 400 VAC
1s start time; 40% duty cycle
AC-3 5000
1 sec. start time
Max. Operating Rate [Ops/hr]
10 100 1000
e2 c1
a c
Catalog Number a b c c1 d d1 d2 e e1 e2 e3 e4
CA6-115(-EI); 120 170 156 110.5 5.2 145 100 20 39 160 10
CA6-140(-EI); CA(N)6-180(-EI); (4-3/4) (6-11/16) (6-1/8) (4-11/32) (7/32) (5-11/16) (3-15/16) (13/16) (1-35/64) (6-19//64) (25/64)
CA6-210-EICA6-250-EI 155 205 180 110.5 6.5 180 130 25 48 193 12.5
CA(N)6-300(-EI); CA6-420-EI (6-1/8) (8-1/16) (7-3/32) (4-11/32) (9/32) (7-3/32) (5-1/8) (1) (1-7/8) (7-19/32) (31/64)
255 310 265 110.5 10 230 225 40 70 291 22
CA6-630-EICA6-860-EI M12
(10-3/64) (12-7/32) (10-7/16) (4-11/32) (25/64) (9-1/16) (8-55/64) (1-37/64) (2-3/4) (11-29/64) (55/64)