Adw535 01
Adw535 01
Adw535 01
ADW 535
Line type heat detector
Beginning with production version 151215 and FW version
The ADW 535 is an integrating line type heat detector that consists
of the evaluation unit and one or two sensing tubes. The sensing
tube is made of copper (Cu), stainless steel (St) or Teflon (PTFE).
Apart from the processor-controlled evaluation electronics, there is
one fully electronic pressure sensor and one artificial pressure
generation device in the evaluation unit per sensing tube.
Fig. 1 ADW 535-2
The working principle is based on the volume expansion of gas Thanks to its excellent properties under severe ambient conditions,
due to heating in a pneumatically sealed system and the conse- the ADW 535 is used wherever problems are to be expected owing
quential pressure increase. If the pressure in the sensing tube rises to latent disturbance variables during operation such that optimal
to values as defined by the ADW 535 firmware, the system triggers protection can no longer be guaranteed with conventional point de-
an alarm. tectors. Examples of such applications:
The pneumatically sealed system is composed of the sensing tube Road, railway and underground railway tunnels, underground
that is locally installed in the area to be monitored and is sealed at mining;
the end with a terminal screw fitting. The sensing tube is connected Paint spray and paint shops, chemical industry, tank storage,
to the evaluation unit, in which the pneumatic line is wired to the etc. (for Ex zones see T 140 458 and T 140 459);
LTHD supervising unit. The supervising unit consists of a fully elec- Car park halls, car decks on ships, loading platforms.
tronic differential pressure sensor, a pressure pump and a step The ADW 535 can also be deployed in areas where conventional
motor. There is regular ambient air in the entire pneumatic volume. point detectors are used. Local regulations and provisions must be
The ADW 535 with two sensing tubes has two completely inde- observed from case to case.
pendent pneumatic circuits, thus it also has two supervising units. The names and specifications of the EN 54-22 product standard
All control circuitry and measured value recordings are individually contained in this documentation relate to the draft issue prEN 54-
designed for each sensing tube. 22.
The ADW 535 is available in four versions: The response behaviour of the ADW 535 is tested in compliance
Thermoplastic housing for normal applications: with:
ADW 535-1 for 1 sensing tube, 2 relays/OCs EN 54-22 = class A1I to GI;
ADW 535-2 for 2 sensing tubes, 4 relays/OCs UL/ULC = according EN 54-22 class A1I to GI.
When setting up ADW 535 fire alarm systems, the infor-
Housing for difficult ambient conditions and Ex applications (ATEX)
mation and specifications in Technical Description
see T 140 458 and T 140 459:
ADW 535 must be observed and adhered to. This in-
ADW 535-1HDx for 1 sensing tube, 2 relays/OCs
cludes among others:
ADW 535-2HDx for 2 sensing tubes, 4 relays/OCs
General Section 1
The ADW 535 has four slots for expansion modules. The following Planning Section 4
modules can be fitted: Mounting Section 5
XLM 35 SecuriLine eXtended Module (not UL/ULC tested); Installation Section 6
RIM 36 Relay Interface Module with 5 relays (2 units); Commissioning Section 7
SIM 35 Serial Interface Module. Operation Section 8
The ADW 535 can be connected to a superordinate FACP by
means of potential-free change-over contacts.
With the installation of an XLM 35, the ADW 535 can be ideally
connected via the addressable loop to the SecuriFire and Integral
fire alarm systems.
The RIM 36 is available as a further installation option. This mod-
ule makes the individual alarms and the pre-signals Diff and
Max available as relay contacts. The relays are also freely pro-
grammable via the ADW Config configuration software.
Up to 250 ADWs can be networked with the SIM 35 and can also
be visualised and operated on a PC using ADW Config.
The ADW has an SD memory card to log operating data.
4 x fastening holes
Connection principle
3 x cable screw Examples and information about the connection principle
unions M20 are found in Technical Description ADW 535, T 140 358,
Reserved openings for 4 x expansion slots Sec. 6.
cable screw unions 2 x M20 / 1 x M25 for expansion modules
Switch positions on the LMB 35 main board System limits without ADW HeatCalc calculation
Pos. Area / Display Purpose The system limits apply to planning without the ADW HeatCalc
C A11 to G01 / Normative system limits calculation software. There are two areas, with the following mean-
A12 to G02 / Acc. to EN 54-22, Cl. A1l to Gl ing:
L01 / L02 Sensing tube length I / II Normative system limits acc. to EN 54-22, Class A1l to Gl,
015 to 115 (per tube) Sensing tube length in m Positions C > A11 to G02
W00 to W09 Sensing tube monitoring Non-normative system limits
E E01 to E99 Event mem.; E01 E99 concerning sensing tube monitoring, positions W04 to W09.
G00 to G99 Event group G00 G99
F V00. to 99 (3 blocks) Read out firmware version Normative system limits
I IA1 / IA2 Triggering; test alarm (IA.) Positions C > A11 to G02 have configured values which are nec-
IF1 / IF2 Test fault IF.) essary for alarm response sensitivity and sensing tube monitoring
IP1 / IP2 Test pre-signal IP.) compliant with EN 54-22. The setting designation is deciphered as
IC1 / IC2 Test check IC.) follows:
N IP / Sub / GA Polling IP setting 1st digit Response grade A, b, C, etc.
169. / 254. / 001. / 001 (example) 2nd digit Response grade addition 1, 2, (only on A / B)
o o00 Log off expansion modules; 3rd digit Sensing tube 1, 2 (number on ADW).
(optional modules, all)
Example: A22 Response grade A / response grade addition 2 /
P UP1 / UP2 Pressure values output; 2 sensing tubes = Class A2 with 2 sensing tubes
UL1 / UL2 Initial reset pressure (UP.)
TP1 / TP2 Initial reset length (UL.)
MP1 / MP2 Test pressure (TP.) Non-normative system limits
Absolute pressure (MP.) Settings W04 to W09 contain non-normative system limits con-
R R00 Perform state reset cerning sensing tube monitoring. The alarm response sensitivity
compliant with EN 54-22 is not influenced but rather corresponds
T Y10 to Y99 / M01 to M12 Date and time;
to the settings of the additionally set EasyConfig switch positions
d01 to d31 / H00 to H23 Poll (RE),
C > A11 to G02.
M00 to M59 / S00 to S59 Setting (SE)
U U01 / U02 Start initial reset (per tube) For more information about switch positions W01 to W09 with re-
X X01 to X03 can be parameterised gard to sensing tube monitoring, please refer to Technical Descrip-
tion T 140 358, Sec. The settings always apply to both
(with ADW Config)
sensing tubes.
The table lists only the available switch positions. For in- B
formation about the input procedure please refer to A D
Technical Description T 140 358, Sec. 8.3. C
Commissioning Re-programming
When commissioning the ADW 535, it is necessary to perform an Example: ADW 535-2 (2 sensing tubes) compliant with EN 54-22,
initial reset in order to acquire basic data (e.g. pressure check de- Class A2l. Sensing tube I = 85 m, sensing tube II = 95 m. Re-
pendent on the connected sensing tube volume). A sealing check quired switch position C > A22 > L01 > 085 > L02 > 095.
of the connected sensing tube is also carried out during the initial Measure Display Procedure / remarks
reset. 1. Press UP key Flashing A12 > Displays the Default
If the ADW 535 is operated without the ADW HeatCalc calcula- W00 > L01 > 115 > setting
tion, commissioning with the EasyConfig procedure can be car- L02 > 115
ried out directly on the ADW 535. 2. Press UP key In sequence A12 / Displays switch posi-
until -C---- C tion group C
For projects in which the ADW HeatCalc calculation software was
used or in which customer-specific adaptations have to be made in 3. Press OK key A1 Displays Class A1 in
the device configuration, the ADW Config configuration software group C
has to be used. 4. Press UP key In sequence A1 / Displays Class A2 in
until -A2--- A2 / b / C / etc. group C
5. Press OK key A21 Displays Class A2
Starting up
for 1 sensing tube
Before the ADW 535 is switched on, it is absolutely nec-
6. Press UP key In sequence A21 / Displays Class A2
essary that all of the required measures have been per-
until -A22- A22 for 2 sensing tubes
formed (see T 140 358, Sec. 7.1).
Sensing tube correctly mounted, cleaned (blown out) 7. Press OK key L01 Displays length entry
and only then connected to the ADW sensing tube I
Isolation strips on the Lithium battery (LMB 35) re- 8. Press OK key 015 Displays minimum
moved length = 15 m
9. Press UP key Stepwise, 015 / Displays length in
until -085- 020 / 025 to 085 5 m steps
Startup sequence and procedure:
(= 85 m)
1. Switch on voltage supply (FACP), step motor goes into starting
10. Press OK key L02 Displays length entry
position, pressure pump is completely wound.
sensing tube II
2. EasyConfig: Select required switch position for operation ac-
11. Press OK key 015 Displays minimum
cording to System limit table (e.g. C > A22 > L01 > 085 >
length = 15 m
L02 > 095) see Re-programming.
- or: 12. Press UP key Stepwise, 015 / Displays length in
ADW Config: after making adjustments to the configuration until -095- 020 / 025 to 095 5 m steps
(alarm thresholds, set values according to ADW HeatCalc, (= 95 m)
other criteria according to Tables A and B) select switch posi- 13. Press OK key Flashing - - - New setting is pro-
tion X01, X02 or X03. (approx. 4 x) grammed
3. Set date and time via LMB 35 with EasyConfig or from 14. Check: Flashing A22 > Displays the new set-
ADW Config (adoption by PC). Press UP key W00 > L01 > 085 > ting
4. Following a minimum waiting time of 5 min after switching L02 > 095
on, an initial reset must be performed. (See Initial reset.
Important: The initial reset must always be performed under
the systems normal conditions, i.e. if possible, under the
normal operating temperature of the sensing tube.
5. The ADW 535 is now ready for operation.
Initial reset Testing the effective heat characteristic is usually not necessary.
Switch position U01 = initial reset for sensing tube I If required, it is possible to generate the necessary heat (similar to
Switch position U02 = initial reset for sensing tube II an actual fire) with test devices to simulate the response of the
Measure Display Procedure / remarks ADW 535 (see Technical Description T 140 358, Sec.
1. Press UP key Flashing A22 > System-specific set-
W00 > L01 > 085 > ting Article numbers / spare parts
L02 > 095 Short designation Article number
2. Press UP key In sequence A22 / Displays switch set- ADW 535-1 11-1000000-01-XX
until -U---- C / to U ting group U ADW 535-2 11-1000000-02-XX
3. Press OK key U01 Displays initial reset ADW 535-1HDx (T 140 458 / T 140 459) 11-1000001-01-XX
On for sensing tu- ADW 535-2HDx (T 140 458 / T 140 459) 11-1000001-02-XX
be I
XLM 35 SecuriLine eXtended line module 11-2200003-01-XX
4. Press UP key Stepwise, U01 / Selection U01, initial
RIM 36 Relay Interface Module 11-2200005-01-XX
until U01- U02 reset for sensing tu-
SIM 35 Serial Interface Board 11-2200000-01-XX
be I
SMM 535 Serial Master Module 11-2200001-01-XX
5. Press OK key Static U, Pressure pump is
Flashing 01 fully wound ART 535-10 external temperature sensor 11-1000002-10-XX
6. Vent sensing Static U, Pressure equalisa- Ethernet cable 3.0 m 30-6800006-02-XX
tube for 60 s Flashing 01 tion at 0 SD memory card (industrial version) 11-4000007-01-XX
7. Press OK key Flashing U01 Test pressure LMB 35 main board (for ADW 535-1 / -2) 11-1200001-01-XX
Wait (automatic sequen- Length check LEB 35 extension board (for ADW 535-2) 11-1200002-01-XX
ce, approx. 2 min) Pressure build-up LSU 35 complete supervising unit 11-1200003-01-XX
Sealing check Lithium battery BR 2032 11-4000008-01-XX
Flashing - - - Initial reset comple- M20 cable screw union (set of 10) 11-4000006-01-XX
ted M25 cable screw union (set of 10) 11-4000005-01-XX
The display - - - signals only the completed initial reset proc- Adapter US cable screw union AD US M-inch 11-2300029-01-XX
ess. Depending on the result, there may be an initial reset UMS 35 Universal Module Support 4301252.0101
fault. Technical Description ADW 535 T 140 358
Following the sequence above, the initial reset must be carried out Technical Description ADW 535HDx (ATEX) T 140 458
separately for each individually selected sensing tube. Operating Instructions ADW 535HDx (ATEX) T 140 459
Mounting and installation T 140 360
Checking fault and alarm release Material for sensing tube T 140 362
Block or switch off fire incident control and remote alert- Commissioning protocol T 140 363
ing on the superordinate FACP. Data sheets XLM 35 T 140 088
RIM 36 T 140 364
To check the fault and alarm release, test triggerings must be not tested to UL/ULC
carried out in switch position I. Observe the information in Techni-
cal Description T 140 358, Sec. 7.7.1.
15 106
26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 40 212
5. 5
Technical data
Type ADW 535
Voltage supply range 9 to 30 (UL/FM = 10.6 to 27) VDC
Maximum power consumption, in 12 VDC operation in 24 VDC operation typical
measured at 9 VDC 18 VDC 24 VDC
ADW 535-1 Quiescent/fault approx. 75 approx. 45 approx. 35 mA
Alarm I approx. 90 approx. 52 approx. 42 mA
Test approx. 660 approx. 270 approx. 210 mA
Heated below 20 C approx. 775 approx. 360 approx. 275 mA
ADW 535-2 Quiescent/fault approx. 95 approx. 53 approx. 43 mA
Alarm I + II approx. 125 approx. 71 approx. 57 mA
Test approx. 660 approx. 290 approx. 230 mA
Heated below 20 C approx. 775 approx. 375 approx. 290 mA
Additionally with 1 RIM 36 approx. 48 approx. 23 approx. 15 mA
Additionally with 2 RIM 36 approx. 96 approx. 46 approx. 30 mA
Additionally with XLM 35 (not tested to UL/ULC) approx. 20 approx. 10 approx. 5 mA
Additionally with SIM 35 approx. 20 approx. 10 approx. 5 mA
SMM 535 (not from ADW but rather from PC via USB connection) max. 100 mA
Switch-on current peak (caused by EMC protection elements on the ADW supply input) approx. 5 A
for max. 1 ms
Sensing tube length see T 140 358, Sec. 4.6
Sensing tube diameter, copper (Cu), steel (St) (outer / inner) 5/4 mm
Sensing tube diameter, PTFE (outer / inner) 6/4 mm
Response range EN 54-22, class A1l Gl (UL/ULC, according class A1I Gl)
Protection type in accordance with IEC 529 / EN 60529 (1991) 65 IP
Ambient conditions in accordance with IEC 721-3-3 / EN 60721-3-3 (1995) 3K5 / 3Z1 Class
Environmental group acc. EN 54-22 III Group
Extended ambient conditions:
Temperature range evaluation unit 30 +70 C
Sensing tube temperature range 40 +180 C
Max. permissible storage temperature for evaluation unit (without condensation) 30 +70 C
Humidity ambient condition of evaluation unit (continuous, IP65) 95 % rel. humidity
Humidity ambient condition of sensing tube (continuous) 70 % rel. humidity
Max. loading capacity, relay contact 50 (UL max. 30) VDC
1 A
30 W
Max. loading capacity per OC output (dielectric strength 30 VDC) 100 mA
Plug-in terminals 2.5 mm
Cable entry for cable 5 12 (M20) / 9 18 (M25) mm
Housing material ABS blend, UL 94-V0
Housing colour Grey 280 70 05 / anthracite violet 300 20 05 RAL
Approvals EN 54-22 / (FM 3210 / UL521)
Dimensions ADW 535-1 / -2 (W x H x D, without/with packaging) 250 x 212 x 134 / 262 x 238 x 170 mm
Weight ADW 535-1 (without/with packaging) 1,500 / 1,780 g
Weight ADW 535-2 (without/with packaging) 1,970 / 2,250
Power consumption at maximum permitted voltage drop in the electrical installation (decisive value for calculating the conductor
May cause the protective circuit to trigger immediately in the case of power supplies with overload protective circuits (primarily in
devices with no emergency power supply and output current of < 1.5 A).
Lower or higher temperature ranges are also possible subject to consultation with the manufacturer. When using the sensing
tube at 100C and above, use metal pipe clamps.