AU208 Computer Programming
AU208 Computer Programming
AU208 Computer Programming
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
To impart knowledge in programming using C language
To give an overview of the use of C program in Automotive industry
Microcontroller modules in Automobile- C in Automotive industry; Introduction to C
programming- Data types keywords operators; Arrays- Matrix operation Structure;
Functions Recursion Macros; Pointers Memory allocation storage class; Files transfer of
data in blocks; Introduction to MATLAB; Steps for software development; MISRA C standard.
Expected outcome.
After this course students will be able to do simple programs in C language and
familiar with the interface.
Text Book:
1. 1. Bryon S.Gottfried, Programming with C Language.
1. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C
2. B.W. Kernigham & Dennis M Ritchie, C programming language.
3. Deitel, How to Program C
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.ExamMarks
Microcontroller modules in Automobile; Microcontroller 7
programming high level language, assembly language
I and machine language; Compiler, assembler and
interpreter; Integrated development environment; Chip
burning; Use of C in Automotive industry. 15%
Introduction to C programming - Data types; Keywords, 7
Constants and Variables; Escape Sequences; Various I/O
II functions; Header files; Type casting; Various operators;
Precedence of operators; Branching statements; Looping
statements; Nested loops; break and continue instructions. 15%
Arrays; One dimensional arrays; Selection sorting; Binary 7 15%
searching; Various string handling functions;
III Multidimensional Arrays; Matrix Operations (Addition,
Transpose and Multiplication) Sorting of Strings; Structure
and Union; Array of Structures.
Functions; Call by value and call by reference method; 7 15%
Passing One Dimensional and Multidimensional Arrays to
IV a Function; Matrix operations using functions; Recursion;
Factorial and Fibonacci series using recursive calls;
Macros; Pre-processor directives; Scope of variables.
Pointers; Pointer to an array; Pointer to a structure; Array 7 20%
V of pointers; Pointer to a pointer; Dynamic memory
allocation; Reallocation of memory; Self Referential
structure; Stack and heap; Storage class.
Files; Reading, Writing, Appending and rewriting of text 7 20%
and binary files; Transfer of data in blocks, Moving of file
pointer in a file; Introduction to MATLAB; Steps for
software development; MISRA C standard.
Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)
Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)
Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.