Intakes and Outfalls

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Engineering in the Water Environment

Good Practice Guide

Intakes and outfalls

First edition, October 2008

Your comments
SEPA is committed to ensuring its Good Practice
Guides are useful and relevant to those carrying out
engineering activities in Scotlands rivers and lochs.

We welcome your comments ont his Good Practice

Guide so that we can improve future editions. A
feedback from and details on how to send your
comments to us can be found in Appendix 2.

This document was produced in association with Robert Bray Associates and Royal Haskoning.
Engineering in the Water Environment Good Practice Guide
Intakes and outfalls
First edition, October 2008
(Document reference: WAT-SG-28)


1 Introduction 2
1.1 Whats included in this Guide? 2
1.2 Basic Terminology 3

2 How outfalls impact on rivers and lochs 5

2.1 How outfalls impact rivers and lochs 5
2.2 Erosion 6
2.3 Trapping of Sediment 6
2.4 Entrapment of fish 6
2.5 Impact to the Riparian zone 7

3 Demonstrated Need 8
3.1 Introduction 8
3.2 Is there a Demonstrated Need? 8

4 Options appraisal 9
4.1 Introduction 9
4.2 Alternative Approaches 9
4.3 Selecting the best option 9

5 Good Practice Design and implementation 23

5.1 Introduction 23
5.2 Location 23
5.3 Alignment and design of intakes 25
5.4 Alignment or outfalls 28
5.5 Other Mitigation 29

6 Sources of further information 35

6.1 Publications 35
6.2 Websites 35

7 Glossary 36

Appendix 1 types of environment 38

Appendix 2 Feedback form - Good Practice Guide WAT-SG-28 40

1 Introduction
This document is one of a series of Good Practice Guides produced by SEPA to help people involved in the
selection of sustainable engineering solutions. The Guide is intended for use by those considering engineering
activities in rivers or lochs to provide solutions that:

reduce the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of rivers and lochs;
reduce the need for long-term maintenance, helping to reduce cost.
Any engineering works must be designed to suit site-specific conditions. The Guide is not intended as a
technical design manual but focuses on the environmental aspects that should be considered when undertaking
a project.

Using the Guide will help with the process of obtaining an authorisation for works under the Water
Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2005 (CAR) (see for more

1.1 Whats included in this guide?

SEPA expects all applications for new engineering activities under CAR to follow good practice. Good practice is
defined as the course of action that serves a demonstrated need and is sustainable (i.e. the work is justified and
the chosen design is effective), while minimising ecological harm, at a cost that is not disproportionately high.

Applicants proposing to undertake an engineering activity will be expected to demonstrate to SEPA that good
practice has been adopted (Box 1).

Box 1: Summary of SEPA good practice tests

1. Have you demonstrated a need for the proposed activity?
2. Have you considered appropriate alternative approaches?
3. Does the proposal represent the best environmental option?
4. Is the activity designed appropriately?
5. Have all necessary steps been taken to minimise the risk of pollution and damage to habitat or flora/fauna
during construction?

This Guide is designed to help applicants follow the steps outlined in Box 1 to:

select sustainable river engineering solutions;

provide the information required in the CAR application form

1 Under CAR, new engineering activities in Scotlands rivers, lochs and wetlands require and authorisation.
Authorisations take various forms and more information is available in the CAR Practical Guide available from
To help applicants through the process, the guidance is divided into four stages (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Key sections of this Guide

Section 3 The first step when identifying a sustainable engineering

Demonstrated need solution is to determine whether new engineering work is
necessary. This section will help applicants assess the need for
new engineering.

Section 4.1 There are often multiple solutions to a river engineering

Identification of options problem. This section provides information on relevant
engineering options.

Section 4.2 This section provides guidance to help you select the most
Selecting best option suitable and sustainable engineering option.

Section 5 Successful river engineering requires selection of a suitable

Design and option followed by appropriate design and implementation.
implementation This section provides guidance on design and implementation

Colour-coded boxes in the Guide highlight key information.

Blue boxes provide details of other useful sources of information

Green boxes provide summaries of important points

Orange boxes provide summaries of regulatory information

1.2 Basic terminology

Figure 2 gives details of some basic structural components of intakes and outfalls that will be referred to
throughout this Guide. Descriptions of these components are given in the Glossary (Section 7).

Figure 2a Schematic diagram of an intake associated with a weir showing the main structural components

Mitred headwall headwall
flush with bank
outfall pipe soffit

outfall pipe

Erosion protection apron

Figure 2b Typical outfall details showing the main structural components.

2 How intakes and outfalls impact on rivers and lochs
Intakes and outfalls can result in many impacts to the physical habitat (morphology) of rivers. These impacts are
explained below.

Main impacts of intakes

Deposition of sediment and a reduction in sediment supply to downstream reaches
Deposition can lad to the need for dredging
Entrapment of fish
Direct loss of bank-side (riparian) habitat
Following the good practice guidance in this document will help reduce the risk of these

Main impacts of outfalls

Outfalls can increase erosion and lead to an increase in sediment supply to downstream reaches of rivers
and lochs
Trapping (accumulation) of sediment
Entrapment of fish
Direct loss of bank side / riparian habitat
Following the good practice guidance in this document will help reduce the risk of these

2.1 Sediment at intakes

As water is abstracted through the intake, sediment is typically drawn towards the intake structure or point of
diversion. Sediment may either be drawn into the intake structure or may be trapped behind it. This reduces the
amount of sediment that is supplied to downstream reaches. If sediment is drawn into the intake, there is the
risk of damage to the intake facility and end operation machinery (e.g. turbines, gates and valves).

As water is abstracted at the intake, the amount of water in the river is reduced. This reduces the amount of
sediment that the river can carry downstream. It causes the sediment to be deposited at the intake structure
and leads to a decrease in the amount of sediment that is supplied to downstream reaches.

Large amounts of sediment deposition at the intake structure can require regular dredging to stop sediment
being drawn into the intake and to maintain the efficiency of the abstraction. This dredging disrupts and
damages habitat, and can risk causing pollution by releasing finer sediment downstream.

The reduction in sediment transported downstream can lead to erosion of the bed and banks at downstream
reaches. This may lead to the failure of bank-side and in-stream structures (e.g. bridges, culverts, outfalls and
hard bank protection structures), and a change in flood risk.

The reduction in sediment downstream and increased erosion can damage important habitats (e.g. bank-side
habitat) and habitats that depend on a supply of sediment from upstream reaches (e.g. spawning gravels, gravel
bars and islands).

The quality of habitats in rivers and lochs is controlled by relationships between flow and sediment. Disturbing
one can have a range of impacts on the other. It is therefore important to consider all potential impacts when
choosing the best design solution for intakes.

2.2 Erosion around outfalls
Increased flows due to discharges can cause erosion (scour) of the bed and bank below an outfall which
increases the supply of sediment to downstream reaches of rivers and lochs.

The outfall structure itself can extend into the channel and create localised turbulent flows, leading to localised
erosion (Scour) of the bed and bank of the river (see figure 3 below). This increased erosion also increases the
supply of sediment to downstream reaches of rivers and lochs.

Rivers may also attempt to adjust to an increase in flow

and sediment supply. This may lead to increased bank
erosion and channel widening downstream of the outfall.
The increased bank erosion can lead to more sediment
being supplied to the system, leading to still further
channel adjustments, thereby exacerbating the problem.

Increased amounts of sediment in rivers and lochs can

smother habitats important for fish spawning, aquatic
invertebrates and macrophytes.

Localised erosion around the outfall structure itself, can

lead to the structure being damaged.
Figure 3 shows where the outfall structure extending into the channel has caused erosion (scour) of the bank, increasing
sediment supply downstream and leading to damage of the structure itself

2.3 Trapping of sediment

Sediment may be trapped behind or in front of outfall structures, such as erosion aprons (if extending into the
channel) and outfall pipes (for example pipes leading to outfalls submerged under the water), leading to
localised accumulations.

Larger accumulations of sediment can affect flood risk by reducing the flood conveyance capacity of the
channel and resulting in partial or full blockages of culverts and bridges.

A significant build up of sediment around a submerged outfall may result in a partial blockage of the outlet
pipe. This can result in the back up of effluent, e.g. sewage, and the inefficient operation of the outfall system.

2.4 Entrapment of fish

If appropriate screens are not in place fish can be drawn into intakes and submerged outfalls, especially small
and juvenile fish. This can have a significant effect on fish migrations. In lochs, fish often follow currents to
guide migration and can be attracted to intakes and outfalls instead of the loch outlet. This can also have a
significant effect on migrations.

Intakes and their associated infrastructure (e.g. impoundments) may also cause a physical barrier to fish
migrating upstream. Consideration of fish passage for impoundments is beyond the scope of this Guide but this
is essential for any new intake structure where impoundments are required. Contact your local SEPA office
( or your Local District Salmon Fishery Board ( for more advice on this

Migration throughout the river catchment is essential to the survival of many species of fish. For example,
salmon travel as adults from the sea up the river to spawn and then, as juveniles, migrate back downstream to
the sea. Other fish such as brown trout use the whole river catchment throughout their life cycle, migrating
upstream to smaller headwaters to spawn and moving downstream to feed and grow in the larger rivers where
more food may be available. Other fish species that make significant migrations are sea trout, eels, sea lamprey
and river lamprey.

2.5 Impact to the riparian zone
Bank side or riparian habitat can also be lost, either through the direct removal of vegetation by the
construction of an intake or outfall structure, or indirectly by exacerbating bank side erosion and resulting in
bank collapse.

Riparian habitat is crucial for the proper functioning of aquatic ecosystems, and provides an important habitat
for many aquatic and terrestrial species. It is also an important source of food for many aquatic invertebrates.

3 Demonstrated need
3.1 Introduction
The first step to identifying a sustainable engineering solution is to determine whether new engineering work is
necessary. This Section will help applicants assess the need for new engineering.

A significant number of engineering activities are undertaken to address a perceived rather than real problem
(e.g. bank protection on river bank that isnt eroding or gravel removal from a pool that hasnt filled in).

Activities that are carried out without a demonstrated need can negatively impact on ecological quality and tie
up capacity in the water environment that is no longer available for activities associated with real problems.

Therefore in order to demonstrate best practice, the applicant must satisfy SEPA that their application is
associated with a real need to carry out the works.

3.2 Is there a demonstrated need?

In general a new discharge or abstraction will require a new outfall or intake structure, so demonstrating a need
for a new structure is relatively straightforward. However, options for using existing outfalls and intakes should
always be explored and discussed with SEPA.

After 1st April 2007, surface water drainage systems for new developments must be treated by a sustainable
urban drainage (SUD) system. A discharge from a SUD system to a river or loch may not always need a new
outfall structure, particularly if the discharge is via a constructed channel / swale and replicates a natural
drainage system. The objective of a fully sustainable urban drainage system for surface water should be to
dispense with an outfall structure altogether.

The questions in Box 2 should be considered before deciding if a new intake is necessary.

Box 2 Is a new intake structure required?

Am I using my water efficiently?
Ensure that existing water is used efficiently before increasing volumes abstracted or creating new
sources/intake structures. Contact SEPA for more information on the efficient use of water.
Can I use an existing abstraction point?
It may be possible to take water from an existing abstraction point. But before increasing abstraction
volumes, contact SEPA to discuss potential impacts on the water environment and implications for existing
abstraction authorisations.

4 Options appraisal

4.1 Introduction
It is a basic principle of good practice to consider a range of alternatives in addressing an identified problem or
need. Without consideration of alternatives it is not possible to determine if the approach represents the best
environmental option. There are often multiple solutions to a river engineering problem or need. This section
will provide information on relevant engineering options and will provide guidance to help applicants select the
most suitable and sustainable type of intake or outfall structure.

4.2 Alternative approaches

This Guide identifies five generic types of intake (Box 3) and four generic types of outfall (Box 4), which are
examined in more detail in Section 4.3.

A range of suitable options should be considered when planning a new intake or outfall structure. The guidance
given in Section 4.3 will help you determine the range of options that may be suitable for your circumstances.

Box 3 Types of intake

I Bank-side with no in-stream structure
Intake structure built into the bank with no flow deflection or fore bay structures.
II Bank-side with in-stream structure
Intake structure built into the bank with a flow deflection structure or fore bay.
III Bank-side with weir
Intake structure built into the bank drawing water from a storage area behind a weir.
IV Bed intake
Intake structure is buried in the river bed and spans the width of the channel. Inlet feature is flush with
the substrate or raised to form a small weir.
V Submerged
Intake structure on the bottom of the bed submerged under the water. Structure does not span the river
and has one inlet port, or a series of inlet

Box 4 Types of outfall

I Submerged
II Partially submerged
III Bank side
IV Set back has one inlet port, or a series of inlet

4.3 Selecting the best option

Once all the alternatives have been evaluated the best practical environmental option should be chosen. This
does not always mean adopting a soft engineering approach, best practical environmental option means
choosing the approach that that is effective at address the problem or need, while minimising environmental
impact as far as practical. It also has to be cost effective (see box 5) and achievable.

Box 5 Proportionate cost
The most cost-effective solution is the one that minimises environmental harm or maximises environmental
benefit at a proportionate cost. In itself, large absolute cost does not constitute disproportionate cost. For
example, incurring significant costs to prevent significant environmental harm or achieve significant gain
would be considered proportionate. But incurring significant cost for minor environmental gain would be
considered disproportionate and not cost-effective.

The type of intake or outfall will largely depend on the abstraction properties or type of discharge and site
conditions. This document attempts to guide you through some of the key points that should be considered for
each type of structure.

Many different designs will fall into the generic types of intake and outfall identified by this Guide, it is
important to recognise that the diagrams below are intended as examples.

Type of intake I: Bank-side with no in-stream structure
Intake structure built into the bank with no in-stream flow deflection structures in the river (Figure 4). It
may have a control structure such as a sluice.
Figure 4 Example of plan view of bank intake without in-stream structure

Plan view

LOW IMPACT please note this is the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of the river and does
not take into account the impact of any water abstracted.

Suitable for:
Abstraction of relatively low volumes of water;
Lowland environments (see Appendix 1 for a description).

Not suitable for:

Environments where there are large fluctuations in water level as is often the case in upland environments
(see Appendix 1 for a description).

Key points:
No or limited in-stream works required for construction, thus reducing impacts.
Choosing a location where the water is deepest will allow greater submergence of the intake.

Abstraction is dependant upon the water level; very low water levels can be a problem.

Type of intake II: Bank-side with in-stream structure
Intake structure built into the bank with a flow deflection structure in the river used to divert flow towards
the intake and/or used to trap sediment.
Figure 5 Example of plan view of bank intake with in-stream structure creating a fore bay

Plan view

MINIMAL/MODERATE IMPACT please note this is the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of
the river and does not take into account the impact of any water abstracted.

Suitable for:
Situations where sediment ingress may be a concern;
Straight sections of a river to help sweep flow past the intake.

Not suitable for:

Streams with a large fluctuation in flow, e.g. upland environments (see Appendix 1);
High energy environments (i.e. most upland streams). Placing in-stream structures in such an environment
can lead to significant erosion and scour of the bed and banks. The structure itself also risks failure in
such a high energy environment.

Key points:
Fore bays can be used to help trap sediment in front of the main inlet structure. The first sill into the fore
bay will stop large bed load from entering the intake. The second sill at the end of the fore bay will stop
finer sediment from entering the head race and conveyance system.
Flow deflectors placed in straight channels can be used to sweep the flow towards the intake and carry
bed load away from the intake (Figure 6). The angle to the main channel flow and position of the
deflector are crucial as they determine the direction and strength of flow past the intake.

Any deflector structure must be positioned correctly as there is a risk it could lead to erosion of the bed
and bank downstream of the intake. The position and angle of the deflector is likely to be site-specific
and specialist advice from hydrologists and geomorphologists should be sought during the design stage.
If flow is diverted towards the intake, the increased flow can reduce the efficiency of the fish screens.

Figure 6 Schematic plan view of bank intake with in-stream structure used to divert flow

Plan view

Type of intake III: Bank-side with weir
Intake structure built into the bank drawing water from a storage area behind a weir (Figure 7).
Figure 7 Schematic plan view of a bank intake with weir

Plan view

HIGH IMPACT please note this is the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of the river and does
not take into account the impact of any water abstracted.

Suitable for:
Most stream types;
Streams with variable flow regime or where a substantial portion of the flow is to be diverted.

Not suitable for:

rivers with high sediment loads the storage area in front of the weir can fill up well before the design life
is reached if used in rivers with a high sediment load, and result in high maintenance costs (need for regular

Key points:
Suitable for wide variety of stream types.

High risk of sediment accumulation behind weir and may require dredging.
May be a barrier to fish passage. Will need to consider fish passes and screens.

Type of intake IV: Bed intake
Intake structure is buried within the river bed or sunk within a small weir and spans the width of the
channel. There are two generic types:

Bed intake sometimes called Tyrolean type (Figure 8). Can be built directly into the bed. Bars across the
top of the structure stop boulders, though not fine sediment, from entering the intake chamber.

Coanda screen intake built into a small weir that spans the channel (Figure 9). Employs the Coanda screen
affect allowing water to be abstracted efficiently without the ingress of sediment. Can exclude fine
Figure 8 Schematic diagram of bed intake Tyrolean type

Side view

Figure 9 Schematic diagram of bed intake Coanda type

The Coanda type intake (Figure 9) has a screen with a wedge wire panel installed on the sloping
downstream face of a weir. This screen allows water to pass through while allowing fine sediment, larger
sediment, debris and fish and excess water to flow safely downstream. Water flows through the wire mesh
screen to the collection system at the base.

MODERATE/HIGH IMPACT (where impoundment involved) please note this is the impact on the
physical habitat (morphology) of the river and does not take into account the impact of any water

Suitable for:
Upland streams;
Straight stream sections;
Streams with high coarse bed load (e.g. boulders and cobbles). Coanda types can exclude finer sediments.

Not suitable for:

Streams with high suspended load or fine bed load component (e.g. silt and sand);
Lochs and lowland rivers.

Key points:
The design of bed intakes allows larger sediments (boulders/cobbles/gravel) to be carried downstream of
the obstruction when flows are sufficient.
The Coanda type also allows finer sediments to be carried downstream excluding them from the intake.
Can operate in highly variable flow regimes.
Limited maintenance required.
Low maintenance, self-cleaning screen no moving parts and no power required to remove debris and

Tyrolean type may require a removal system for fine sediments.
Coanda type intakes need a weir of sufficient height for the screen to operate properly.
Need to consider fish passage with a Coanda weir.

Type of intake V: Submerged
Submerged intakes differ from a bed intake (type IV) in that they abstract water from a single point within
a river or loch, as opposed to water abstraction across the entire width of the channel. The intake structure

rest on top of the river or loch bed, submerged under the water, with the inlet feature raised into the
water column (Figure 10); be buried under the bed of the river or loch, with the inlet feature raised into
the water column;
be associated with a tower structure raised into the water column with multiple inlets (Figure 11).

Figure 10 Submerged intake piping above bed Figure 11 Tower intake

MODERATE IMPACT please note this is the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of the river
and does not take into account the impact of any water abstracted.

Suitable for:
Submerged intakes may be suitable for both lochs and rivers;
Deep environments (e.g. lochs and deep rivers) with high amounts of mobile sediment.

Key points:
Tower intakes allow water to be withdrawn from various depths, improving the quality of water
abstracted and minimising the prospect of sediment intake if sediment builds up around the base.
Operate within a large variation of water level.
Can locate the structure off-shore to minimise the exposure of juvenile fish to the intake.
Low impact on the bank and riparian zone.

Adequate depth required.
May lead to localised erosion.
The structure should not be located in areas that are likely to leave the inlet exposed during dry periods.

Types of outfall I - Submerged
Submerged outfalls are suitable for discharges that require initial dilution and also for high volume /
velocity discharges, this includes:

Sewage effluent

Industrial effluent

Cooling water

Hydro-scheme discharge
Figure 12 submerged outfall

NOTE: river bank reinstated with soil and toe planting

such that no visual evidence of the outfall exists
Chamber 2
(omitted on
small outfalls) Chamber 1

low water
level high flow
dip plate and
high level weir
low flow silt trap

outfall pipe
with concrete surround
outfall pipe does not protrude
beyond the bank line

LOW IMPACT - please note this is the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of the river and does
not take into account the impact of any discharge on water quality.

Key points:
Outfall soffit should be below low water level.

Outfall pipe should not protrude beyond the bank line

Pipe should be buried beneath the bank and native bank vegetation should be re-established

Safe access should be provided

Sample chamber should be provided (if necessary)

Adequate river depth is required

Location and alignment should be carefully considered (see sections 5.2 and 5.3)

Type and extent of erosion protection required should be carefully considered (section 5.4). Underwater
erosion protection may be required and should be laid below natural bed level.

Maintenance inspections should be planned

Types of outfall II - Partially submerged
Partially submerged outfalls are suitable for clean water discharges often of high velocity such as;

Hydro-scheme discharge

Water treatment works discharge

Figure 13 partially submerged outfall

Outfall pipe does not protrude

beyond the bank line

LOW IMPACT - please note this is the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of the river and does
not take into account the impact of any discharge on water quality.

Key points:
Outfall pipe should not protrude beyond the bank line

Pipe should be buried beneath the bank and native bank vegetation should be re-established

Safe access should be provided

Sample chamber should be provided (if necessary)

Location and alignment should be carefully considered (see sections 5.2 and 5.3)

Type and extent of erosion protection required should be carefully considered (section 5.4).

Maintenance inspections should be planned

Types of outfall III - Bank side
Bank side outfalls should only be used where there is inadequate water depth for a submerged outfall or set
back outfall.

Mitred headwall
flush with bank

Raised inlet
to help reduce
blocking by silt

Figure 14 Bank side outfall Figure 15 photograph Bank side outfall with
mitred headwall

HIGH IMPACT - please note this is the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of the river and does
not take into account the impact of any discharge on qater quality.

Key Points:
Should only be used where there is inadequate water depth for a submerged outfall or set back outfall

Mitred headwall is flush with bank allowing for easy maintenance (e.g. mowing) and reducing trip

No part of the outfall structure should protrude beyond the line of the bank, this includes headwalls,
wingwalls and protection aprons.

Should have silt apron to aid silt removal / raised inlet to avoid silt build up in pipe

Safe access should be provided

Sample chamber should be provided (if necessary)

Native bank vegetation should be re-established after construction

Location and alignment should be carefully considered (see sections 5.2 and 5.3)

Type and extent of erosion protection required should be carefully considered (section 5.4).

Maintenance inspections should be planned

Types of outfall IV - Set back
Setback outfalls are suitable for low velocity clean water discharges such as discharges from a sustainable
urban drainage (SUD) system. A SUD system mimics natural drainage systems that aim to reduce the
impacts of flooding and pollution that were associated with some more traditional types of drainage
systems. A SUD system aims to reduce impacts on water quantity, water quality, amenity and biodiversity.

The Quantity of water released is restricted to the rate at which water would leave the site before
development took place. This is the greenfield rate of run-off.

The Quality of run-off from SUDS systems is managed by removing silt and pollution at source and
designing a management train too improve the quality of water in stages depending on the risk of
pollution. The management train is usually expressed as a design sequence: prevention source control
site control regional control with a series of treatment stages or SUDS features used to ensure pollution
is adequately controlled.

The Amenity and Biodiversity aspect of drainage is provided by maximising visual, social, environmental
and wildlife opportunities.

Wherever possible the outfall from a SUDS system should be an open low flow route e.g. swale, open
channel, or linear wetland. Where water flows directly from this type of route then it is unlikely to
block but consideration should be made to making the outfall location visible for any future
maintenance requirements.

Where the outlet from a SUDS system is through a pipe it should finish some distance from the entry to
the watercourse to provide a surface discharge route and semi-natural entry e.g. it should discharge to
a set back channel or wetland (see fig 16 and 17 below). Where water is discharged through a grille or
pipe then consideration should be given to blockage by debris. Where the end of the pipe is open then
consider risk of blockage e.g. by children, debris or vegetation (see section 5.4 other mitigation:

r ive

Surface water
discharge from a
pipe after treatment
through a SUDS
to a set back
wetland and

Figure 16 and 17 set back outfalls. Photograph courtesy of Robert Bray Associates

LOW IMPACT - please note this is the impact on the physical habitat (morphology) of the river and does
not take into account the impact of any discharge on water quality.

Key Points:
Outfall is setback from bank side and water edge

Erosion protection should be minimal as low velocities involved.

Bank side (riparian) and wetland can be planted with local native species so reducing the impact and
maximising biodiversity.

Swale / constructed channel bank profile should have a maximum slope of 1 in 3 for management and
health and safety considerations

Safe access should be provided

Sample chamber should be provided (if necessary)

Location and alignment of swale / constructed cannel should be carefully considered (see sections 5.2
and 5.3)

Need to ensure outfall location is kept clear of vegetation to ensure easy inspection

Outfall and wetland / channel maintenance should be planned

For futher information see:

Sustainable drainage systems: promoting good practice A CIRIA initiative (

5 Good practice design and implementation
5.1 Introduction
Successful adoption of good practice requires selection of a suitable option followed by appropriate design and
implementation. This section will provide guidance on design and implementation considerations and at gives
general principles that can be applied to all types of intake and outfall.

5.2 Location
Choosing an appropriate location for the intake or outfall is the first step in reducing the risk of sediment
deposition or erosion and scour. This will help reduce the risk of damage to the structure, helps reduce the
amount of erosion protection that may be required, and reduce the need for dredging.

Box 6 Location of intake and outfall structures

Should be located on a stable bank with no evident signs of erosion or undercutting.
Do not locate in areas of sediment deposition.

Location in rivers

Structures should be located on straight sections of rivers where there is less risk of erosion. The outside of
meander bends where erosion naturally occurs should be avoided (figure 18). The inside of bends, where
sediment tends to accumulate, should also be avoided.

structure location

Figure 18 Incorrect structure location.

Evidence of bank erosion structures should not be placed along sections of river where there is evidence of
bank erosion. Figure 19 and 20 below provide some examples of bank erosion.

Figure 19 Erosion on the outside of a meander bend. Figure 20 Erosion can also occur on straight stretches where
banks can be weakened by factors such as livestock grazing.

There are several different types of bank erosion, for further information on the different types of bank erosion
and different management solutions see the reference below.

For Further Information See

SEPA 2008 Good Practice Guide: Bank Protection ( )

Location in Lochs

Appropriate location - lochs

Do not locate intakes and outfalls in areas where sediment is depositing
Locate intakes and outfalls on a stable bank where there are no evident signs of erosion
Pipe soffit sould be below loch low water level
Avoid important habitats

Erosion occurs on the banks of lochs as well rivers. Areas where erosion is evident in lochs, such as wave washed
shores should be avoided. Pipe soffit (top of pipe) should be located below low summer water levels so it is not
exposed during dry periods (figure 21).

sediment stable
accumulation bank

high water low (summer)

level water level fish accumulate
in shallows

sediment input
housing from river
outfall pipe

Figure 21 pipe soffit below low water levels of the loch Figure 22 shows an appropriate location in lochs

Key habitats in lochs should also be avoided such as:

Macrophyte beds
Shallow littoral areas and embayments (habitat for some juvenile fish species)
Wave washed shores
Inlets and out lets (fish spawning areas)

5.3 Alignment and design of Intakes
Once you have mitigated impacts by locating the intake appropriately, the next step is to minimise impacts
through careful alignment and design of the intake.


The alignment of the intake can affect the localised scour and deposition of sediment around the intake
structure. It may also affect the performance of fish screens and trash racks, and affect the potential for ice
blockages and subsequent damage in cold climates. Alignment issues are important for rivers, but less relevant
to lochs. The alignment of an intake will also depend on the type of intake proposed, however some general
principles are discussed here.

A good alignment can:

Minimise the change in flow direction between the source body and diverted flow, thus helping to reduce
sediment ingress, deposition and erosion around the intake;
Allow for a sweeping and self-cleaning passage of sediment, trash and ice past the intake in the downstream

In rivers, the intake should be aligned so that the diversion angle between the main flow in the river and the
intake entrance is 1045 (Figure 23); the intake should not be aligned at an angle of 90 (Figure 24). An angle
of 1045 will help to minimise the change in flow direction between the source body and the diverted flow,
thus helping in turn to:

Reduce localised erosion and scouring of the bed and bank;

Reduce sediment deposition near the front of the intake;
Allow for a sweeping and self-cleaning passage of sediment, trash and ice past the intake.

Figure 23 Intake at 45 to flow correct alignment

Figure 24 Intake at 90 to flow incorrect alignment

Intake sill height

Locating the intake in deep water to allow for a high sill freeboard depth (height between the river bed and the
inlet pipe/feature as shown in Figure 25) can reduce the risk of sediment entering the intake structure.

Figure 25 Diagram showing sill freeboard depth

Flushing structures
Where sediment does accumulate in the intake structure or behind a weir, flushing structures can be built into
the intake to periodically flush out sediment during high flows.

Sluices and flushing canals can be incorporated into the intake structure itself (see Figure 7) or be incorporated
into a weir (Figure 26).

Careful consideration should be given to the time of year that flushing is carried out to avoid pollution of
downstream reaches with fine sediments.

Flushing should not be carried out during fish spawning times or in the period between spawning and the
emergence of juvenile fish. Contact your Local District Salmon Fishery Board ( for more
information on appropriate timing.

Flushing should be carried out under high flows to ensure that the sediments are carried down stream.

Figure 26 Schematic diagram of a weir with sluices for flushing sediment

5.4 Alignment of Outfalls
Correct alignment and design of the outfall can also help reduce scour around the structure and erosion of the
bed and banks of rivers and lochs. This will also help reduce the amount of erosion protection required. If
incorrectly aligned, the outfall can cause turbulence in the water and exacerbate scouring of the bed and banks,
and could lead to the structure itself being damaged.

The discharge should be in line with the flow of the river as this helps to reduce turbulence and erosion.

No part of the outfall structure should protrude beyond the line of the bank, this includes headwalls, wingwalls
and protection aprons. This helps to reduce turbulence and localised scour.

Figure 27
Discharge should be in direction of flow
outfall pipe at 45
ideally the outfall pipe should be angled
angle to flow at 45 to the direction of flow.
The Outfall structure should not protrude

beyond the line of the bank. This includes


headwall, wingwalls and


head wall protection apron.

wing wall



of flow

Figure 28 and 29 Outfall pipe protruding beyond bank

Figures 28 and 29 above show an outfall protruding beyond the bank that can lead to increased erosion. The
outfall structure can act as a flow deflector and deflect flow toward the bank downstream leading to increased
erosion and the requirement for further erosion protection.

The height between the outfall pipe and the river or loch bed should be minimised to help reduce erosion. This
can be achieved by:

laying the pipe as low as is practically possible

If the banks are particularly high, a properly designed drop pipe structure can be used to move the water to a
lower height (figures 30 and 31). They also have the advantage of acting as an energy dissipater (reducing the
discharge velocity) if the lower outlet pipe is placed a few inches off the bottom of the drop structure.

outfall pipe positioned
a few inches above the
base of the drop
pipe structure and near
the channel bed
drop structure


Figure 30 large height between outfall and water Figure 31 Example of a drop structure
will lead to scour

5.5 Other Mitigation

After impacts have been minimised by selection of an appropriate location and careful consideration of the
alignment and design of the intake or outfall, other mitigation measures can be considered.

This section contains guidance sheets on measures that can be used to reduce the impact of intakes and outfalls
on the morphology, hydrology and aquatic life of rivers and lochs. The sheets contain a summary of each of the
measures including; key points, diagrams, potential advantages/disadvantages and where appropriate, details on
installation and management requirements. The sheets do not provide definitive detail, but allow the user to
understand how each measure can be applied and where to find more information.

Mitigation sheet I: Erosion Control
The potential for localised erosion (Scour) around the intake or outfall structure should be minimised
through careful consideration of the location and design of the structure as described above. Once this has
been done then further requirements for erosion protection should be considered.

Low velocity discharges (such as discharges from SUDS) or abstractions in low energy environments (see
appendix 1) are unlikely to require any erosion protection. Where erosion protection is necessary, green
measures may be appropriate.

Whereas high velocity discharges, such as discharges from hydropower schemes or structures in high energy
environments (see appendix 1), have a high risk of erosion and are likely to require harder or grey
techniques to control erosion.

Green Erosion Protection

Green erosion protection has less impact on the bank side (riparian) habitat and biodiversity. In some urban
areas it can also improve the riparian habitat and biodiversity. Green erosion protection is most suited to
low energy environments. In the case of small structures in low energy environments, no erosion protection
may be necessary. In these cases it should be ensured that the bank is restored after the structure has been
constructed and the vegetation is re-established with appropriate native species. A large range of options
are possible including:

Low maintenance tough grasses and herbs (use locally sourced native vegetation)

Bio-degradable Geo-textile matting and prefabricated planting pockets and vegetated plots. Geo-textile
matting needs to be firmly secured to the bank to stop slippage and washout during high flows.

Grey Erosion Protection

Harder material may be required in high energy / active environments such as stone rip-rap. The extent of
erosion protection should be minimised and based on site specific requirements.

Figure 32 A Bedrock river

Natural features such as bedrock lined channels / pools are common in high energy upland areas (see
figure 32 above). As these environments are very stable and not prone to erosion then little or no erosion
protection may be necessary. These features can be chosen as an appropriate location for an outfall to
reduce the need for erosion protection.

Discharges with high velocities may require energy dissipaters such as stilling basins (fig 33). Stilling basins
must be appropriately designed to suit the discharge and site conditions.

Figure 33 High velocity discharge with stilling basin


head wall

outflow pipe

water level

Stilling basin - dimension dependent
on size of pipe and exit velocity

For futher information see:

SEPA 2008 Good Practice Guide: Bank Protection ( )

Mitigation Sheet II: Screens
Screens maybe required to:

stop fish and mammals (e.g. otters) from entering the discharge or abstraction system

stop debris from entering and blocking the discharge or abstraction system

Health and safety reasons e.g. stop vandalism and to stop children from entering pipes

The design of the screen depends primarily on the purpose. For example, if it is to stop the migrating fish
from entering the outfall system, then the mesh size or spacing between the bars has to be appropriate for
the size and age of the target species. Screens to stop vandalism or the entry of children into outfall
systems on the other hand need to be strong enough so as to ensure the bars can not be bent or prised
from the frame or mounting structure.

Fish Screens
Migrating fish are often attracted to the fast flowing and turbulent water from higher volume discharges or
abstractions, significantly affecting upstream migrations. Screens are therefore required to stop fish
entering the discharge system. The Local District Salmon Fishery Board should be contacted if this is a
concern. Below are given some general principles on screens and where to find further information.

It is crucial to ensure that the appropriate type of fish screen is fitted to the structure. There are many
different types, dependant primarily on the fish species targeted, its life stage (i.e. juvenile, adult etc) and
the water velocity near the screen (commonly referred to as approach velocity).

Most fish screens require regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure that they operate at full efficiency.

Trash / Debris Screens

Screens to prevent debris from blocking the intake or outfall should be angled at 45. This reduces the risk
of debris building up at the screens and causing a blockage itself (figure 34). Screens may have to be
regularly checked and maintained. Screens are also used to prevent vandalism and for heath and safety
reasons, such as to prevent people entering larger discharge or abstraction systems.
Figure 34 screen angled at 45 to prevent debris, such as
falling branches from blocking the outfall and to prevent

For futher information see:

Environment Agency (2005) Screening for intakes and outfalls: a best practice guide.
This document is available to download for free from the Environment Agency web site (report
number SC030231)

Mitigation Sheet III: Flap Valves
Flap valves are primarily used on outfalls to prevent backflow, i.e. prevent water from backing up into the
pipe network during periods of high flow.

There are many different types, sizes and strengths of flap valves, and it is important to choose the one that
is most appropriate for the outfall system. They can, if not appropriate for the system, result in inefficient
discharge of effluent from the outfall.

head wall flap valve

flap valve in positive

closed position
(angled up slightly)

outfall pipe flanges for attachment

to head wall

Figure 35 and 36 Outfalls with flap valve.

Key Points:

Flap valves need to be robust to withstand damage during high flows

Require regular maintenance and checking, the valve should be kept clear of debris
Blockages increase the risk of damage and leave the outfall open to access from otters and fish, which
can then become trapped within the outfall system
The flap valve should be positioned to allow for easy access for routine maintenance and checking

Mitigation Sheet IV: Anti Seepage Collar
An anti-seepage collar is required to stop water from tracking along the pipe and causing bank erosion at
the point where the pipe emerges from the bank. It may be required where the soils are unstable and there
is significant overland and sub-surface flow.

water tracking
along the pipe

outfall flush with bank

Figure 37 Anti seepage collar

Key Points:

A clay barrier can form a natural anti-seepage barrier

The anti-seepage collar should extend into solid ground

6 Sources of further information
6.1 Publications
Screening for Intake and Outfalls: a Best Practice Guide, Science Report SC030231, Environment Agency, 2005.
Available from: [Accessed 5
April 2007].

A UK Guide to Intake Fish-Screening Regulations, Policy and Best Practice, Report prepared by Fawley Aquatic
for the Department of Trade and Industry, 1998. Available from: [Accessed 5
April 2007].

A Guide to Mini Hydro Developments, British Hydropower Association, 2004. Available from: [Accessed 5 April 2007].

Guide on How to Develop a Small Hydropower Plant, European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA), 2004.
[Updated version of the Laymans Guide (see below)] Available from: [Accessed 5
April 2007].

Laymans Guidebook on How to Develop a Small Hydro Site, European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA),
1998. Available from: [Accessed 5 April 2007].

Good Practice Guide: Bank Erosion Management for Rivers, WAT-SG-23, SEPA, 2007:

Good Practice Guide: Construction Methods, WAT-SG-29, SEPA, 2007:

British Water, BW: 2/05, (2005), Guidance to proprietary sustainable drainage systems and components SUDS:
Technical guidance:

CIRIA C697, The SUDS manual:

CIRIA C698, Site handbook for the construction of SUDS:

Environment Agency, (1999), River and wetlands best practice guidelines:

6.2 Websites
Association of Salmon Fishery Boards (ASFB):

British Hydropower Association (BHA):

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA):

Environment Agency:


Sustainable drainage systems: promoting good practice a CIRIA initiative:

Highways Agency:

The River Restoration Centre: www.the

7 Glossary
Aggradation Rising of the river bed due to depositional processes.

Apron Erosion protection below the outfall discharge.

Buffer strip/zone Area adjacent to the watercourse, left uncultivated often fenced off.

Catchment Total area of land that drains into any given river.

Channel incision Deepening of the channel due to erosion of the bed.

Effluent Any liquid, including particles of matter and other substances in suspension
in liquid.

End operations Where the abstracted water ends up (i.e. turbines, irrigation pump, water
supply, etc.).

Flushing canal Artificial canal used to flush sediment from fore bays, basins and traps back into
the river or loch.

Flushing sluice Valve or gate incorporated into intake structures and used for the purpose of
flushing sediment out the system.

Fluvial geomorphology Study of landforms associated with river channels and the processes that form
them. It considers the process of sediment transfer erosion, transport and
deposition in river channels and the relationship between channel forms and

Fore bay Area in front of the inlet feature used to help direct flow and trap sediment.

Gravity intake Intake whereby the water is feed into a conveyance system to end operations by
means of gravity.

Habitat Specific area or environment in which a particular type of plant or animal,

or group of plants or animals, live.

Head (hydraulic head) Height of water above any point of reference; the energy, kinetic or potential,
possessed by each unit weight of water (e.g. the height difference from the
intake to end operations).

Head loss Energy loss due to friction, eddies, changes in velocity or direction of flow.

Headwall Structural protection for the outfall pipe.

Incision Deepening of the channel due to erosion of the bed.

Inlet Structure through which water passes from the channel or fore bay into the
conveyance system.

Intake Structure associated with the abstraction of water from a river or loch,
including flow deflector, fore bay, inlet and sediment traps, sluices and sills (not
including weirs).

Littoral zone Area of shallow water at the loch shore between low and high water levels.

Macrophytes Aquatic plants can be emergent (above the water line) or submerged (below
the water line).

Meander A bend in the river formed by natural river processes e.g. erosion and deposition.

Mitred headwall Headwall that is flush with the bank slope.

Penstock Pipe that conveys water under pressure from the fore bay tank to the end

Riparian Area of land adjoining a river channel (including the river bank) capable of
exerting physical, hydrological and ecological impacts on the aquatic ecosystem
(e.g. shading, leaf litter input). In this Guide, the term riparian zone does not
include the wider floodplain.

Rip rap Angular stone placed to protect eroding banks, also referred to as rock armour.

Scour Erosion of the channel banks and bed due to excessive velocity of the flow.

Soffit Highest internal point of a pipe

Swale A natural depression or shallow drainage conveyance with relatively gentle side
slopes, used to store, route or filter runoff.

Wingwall Erosion protection at the sides of an outfall.

Appendix 1 Types of environment
River typologies have become a valuable tool for geomorphologists for identifying and interpreting river

Different rivers (or sections of channel within a river) display distinct characteristics that can influence the
considerations that need to be taken into account when installing an intake or outfall.

For the purposes of this guidance, rivers and streams have been divided into three categories as shown in Figure
A1 and outlined below:
transitional (piedmont);

The different types of environment can be found throughout the catchment and Figure A1 gives a generalised
overview of the different areas with a catchment.

Figure A1 Generalised diagram of different types of environment within the river catchment

Low Energy Environments

Transitional and lowland rivers are typically low energy environments where sediment sizes are generally a lot
smaller than that in upland streams (i.e. small cobbles, gravel and sand). Common features include; meandering,
riffle / pool sequences, braided. Also included in this category are man made, or modified (e.g. straightened)

One of the most important factors in influencing river type is slope. Low energy environments typically have a
slope of less than 1%. If you do not know the slope, it can be determined by looking at the contour lines on an
Ordinance Survey map. Look at how many metres a river falls over a kilometre e.g. a river falls 5 metres over
1 kilometre. To convert this to a percent, divide the number of metres fallen over the distance and multiply
by 100.

Number of metres fallen/distance X 100 = % slope

For the example above the slope in % is worked out as follows:

5/1000 X 100 = 0.5%

Figure A2 and A3 Photos of low energy environments

High Energy Environments

Upland rivers are typically high energy environments where sediment sizes are generally larger than that in
lowland streams (i.e. cobbles, boulders and bedrock). Common features include; exposed boulders, step-pool
sequences, exposed bedrock.

One of the most important factors in influencing river type is slope. High energy environments typically have a
slope of greater than 1%. If you do not know the slope, it can be determined by looking at the contour lines on
an Ordinance Survey map. Look at how many metres a river falls over a kilometre e.g. a river falls 25 metres over
1 kilometre. To convert this to a percent, divide the number of metres fallen over the distance and multiply by

Number of metres fallen /distance X 100 = %slope

For the example above the slope in % is worked out as follows:

25 /1000 X 100 = 2.5%

Figure A4 and A5 Photos of high energy environments

Appendix 2 Feedback form Good Practice Guide WAT-SG-28
SEPA is committed to ensuring our Good Practice Guides are useful and relevant to those carrying out
engineering activities in Scotlands rivers and lochs.

We welcome any comments you have on this Good Practice Guide so that we can improve future editions.

After completing the short questionnaire, please detach it and post to the address below or fax it to
01355 574 688.


WFD Administration Officer

5 Redwood Crescent
Peel Park
East Kilbride
G74 5PP

The aim of this Good Practice Guide is to set out the environmental aspects that should be considered when
undertaking engineering works and to help applicants choose sustainable engineering solutions that reduce
environmental impacts. This will also help them obtain an authorisation for works under the Water Environment
(Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2005.

1. Which of the following do you think describes how well the Guide meets these aims?

Excellent Good Average Poor

2. How relevant was the content of the Guide to your activity?

Very relevant Sometimes Not

relevant relevant

3. What elements of the guidance did you find most useful?

4. What elements of the guidance did you find least useful?

5. Did you find the Guide clear and easy to follow?

Yes Sometimes No

If there were areas that could be clearer, please let us know in the box below

7. Were there issues you felt should have been covered, omitted or dealt with differently in the Guide?

Please use the box below for other comments or suggestions on the Guide (continue on a new sheet
if required).


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