Degenerative Disc Disease - Adrienne Ingalls PDF
Degenerative Disc Disease - Adrienne Ingalls PDF
Degenerative Disc Disease - Adrienne Ingalls PDF
January 2006
1.d. Recommendations 6
3. Ayurvedic Assessment 18
6. General Recommendations 20
6c. Maintenance 22
8. References 29
Internet References
9. Appendix 31
10. Biography 33
1.a. Case Study (Jan) Initial Interview Review of Symptoms, Pain, Self
Assessment - September 2005
Jan is 50 years old and is 5 foot two inches tall. She is petite and has striking red
hair and green eyes. She is a computer programmer by trade and has been married for
seven years. Her history is as follows: In 1990, Jan began experiencing pain in her lower
back which got exponentially worse by 1991. She went to a physician, whom, after
seeing the results of an MRI told her she had a bulging disc in L4/L5. After visiting the
doctor she underwent physical therapy for several months, but continued to have low
back pain. Prior to her initial back pain in 1990, Jan was physically active. Her activities
then included swimming, skiing and dancing.
In 1993 Jan was sharing a room with her nephew at her parents house during the
4th of July weekend and was awakened suddenly by her nephew screaming in the middle
of a nightmare. As she jumped up from the bed, she immediately felt a pop in her low
back and sharp pain in her right leg. The searing pain started to radiate down her leg
two days later, accompanied by numbness and tingling. She described the sensation of
her leg feeling like someone taking a hot iron and tracing a path down my leg... She
called the physician who initially diagnosed her bulging disc in 1991. He refused to see
Jan. He said there was nothing wrong with her. She saw another physician a week later,
who advised her to get an MRI. He also told Jan there was more to the bulging disc
part of the disc went into the spinal canal and was now putting pressure on the joint. He
spoke about doing laser surgery, a new treatment for the low back at the time. Jan was
not comfortable with this idea and spoke with a family member who referred her to Dr.
Sachdez, a neurosurgeon. By this time, two weeks had passed. Dr. Sachdez took a look
at the MRI results and immediately decided to conduct emergency surgery on Jan the
next morning. Dr. Sachez was afraid that Jan had suffered nerve damage as a result of
that 2-week period she spent looking for a doctor. One of the nerves involved controlled
bowel and bladder function, and so this was extremely serious. The first surgery was
done on July 23, 1993.
As a result of surgery, Jan was in the hospital for a week, after which she once
again went to physical therapy. Most of the initial pain went away during this period.
Two months later, in September, 1993, Jan had a severe allergy attack which caused a
coughing fit, during which she felt the same searing pain/pop as before in her back. She
called Dr. Sachdez, who was unable to do another cat scan and felt that the inflammation
left from the previous surgery would cloud the image from the CAT scan. He also did
not want her aggravating or putting pressure on her disc if that were the case. He also
mentioned that it was too close to the previous surgery on July 23rd. and recommended
complete bed rest for Jan for a period of six weeks. At the conclusion of the six week
period, Jan went to the Doctor once again, did a cat scan with contrast and found out that
the L4/L5 discs had been herniated on the same (right) side. Dr. Sachdez recommended
yet another surgery, a Discectomy, which is the surgical removal of part or the entire
offending intervertebral disc. She had a second surgery in November 1993, and was
pain-free for a year.
Jan underwent post-surgical Physical Therapy for her back and a drop foot (right
leg) which was a result of nerve damage caused by waiting two weeks to see Dr. Sachdez
after Dr. Lansen refused to see her. She also had to learn to walk again. She could feel
nothing below her right knee. This continued for a year following the first surgery. The
doctors were also unsure as to the eventual prognosis of her dropped right foot and Jan
was told it was unlikely that she would get any feeling back at all in her right foot. The
physical therapist also massaged Jans back and gave her several exercises and massages
for the foot muscles. Towards the end of Physical Therapy Jan was given a Leg Brace. I
asked her to describe the brace and she told me it was a plastic brace molded to her foot,
and went from the ball of the foot under the back and side of her heel up the back of leg
to under the knee. A year later the pain came back again in her lower back and became
more and more painful. This happened to her on a gradual basisthere was no episode
that triggered the pain. She was taking painkillers by the end of 1994 regularly. I then
asked her about her quality of life at this point, and she mentioned she had strange
feelings and feelings of frustration, devastation and basically giving up at that point.
There was gradual disintegration over a two-year period which affected Jans activities of
daily living--even walking became very painful.
In March 1996 Jan went back to Dr. Sachdez who did another MRI and found
another herniation of the disc, (L4/L5) this time on the left side. Dr. Sachdez
recommendation was for Jan to have yet another Discectomy. This would be the third
Discectomy in three years. At this point Jan wanted a second opinion. She went to
another physician, Dr. Spevak, a spine specialist who was referred to her by another
relative. Jan then found out that she had degenerative disk disease and needed a spinal
fusion. Dr. Spevak said the real problem was not the herniated disk, but that the discs
were disintegratedthe vertebrae were basically crumbling, and therefore having another
discectomy would not fix the problem long-term. By now it was the fall of 1996. Jan
spoke to Spevak about her options. He told Jan to get a disco gram, a test where a needle
is inserted the vertebrae of the spine to see if the doctors can recreate the pain because he
suspected that there was a second disc that was causing the problem: L5-SI. Normally
they would insert the needle through the spinal cord to the discs. Dr. mentioned the
needle could also go to the spine from the side of the body. Jan took Demerol and asked
that only if they were able to get to her spine through her side would she be okay with the
test. She had an unfortunate incident with a spine tap once before and was determined
not to have it happen again.. The results were that the two discs were involved (L4/L5
and L5/S1) and Dr. Spevak recommended spinal fusion surgery for both discs at the same
time. For the next two months Jan was living on painkillers and took the opportunity to
do research on spinal fusions. In January 1997 she decided to do the surgery.
On March 12, 1997 Jan had a 10-hour spinal fusion surgery at the Hospital for
Joint Diseaseswhich was a double fusion surgery with instrumentation and a bone
graftrods and screws. The bone graft came from her hip. She was in ICU for a
weekend. Titanium rods were placed in her back in the lumbar/sacral vertebrae: L4-L5
and L5/SI. Jan mentioned she was out for eight to nine months after the surgery. She
did not see a Physical Therapist at this time. She started physical therapy a month after
surgery for a few months. After a year, she began to feel better and do things she
couldnt do before. She could walk again. Sitting was the worstwalking was not
greatlying down was the most comfortable for her. Jan mentioned that she was able to
finally go out of her house in September6 months after the surgery.
In 2003, Jan began experiencing some neck pain as well as shoulder pain. Jan
then had x-rays done by an Associate Physician who told her her neck was messed up
and that she had Arthritic conditions in her neck. When Jan pressed him for a more
specific answer he would not give one to her and told her there was nothing to worry
about. He then went on to state that the area where she had her spinal fusion (L4/L5;
L5/SI) was extremely strong because of the titanium rods, but that as a result of the rods,
there was pressure directly above the area, which could have contributed to the
degeneration of the cervical vertebrae. He also told her she would definitely need yet
another surgery soon. Jan was far from happy to hear this news. Her shoulder got worse
in the fall of 2004. As a result of a sudden fall in December of 2004 her entire shoulder
froze up. There was no mobility at all, and even touching the shoulder was painful. She
had frozen shoulder surgery in Jan. 18, 2005 followed immediately with physical therapy
through July 2005. In September 2005, Jan decided to try Structural Yoga Therapy.
In early November, 2005, Jan called me to let me know that she was experiencing
unusual joint pain in her elbows, hips and fingers. I immediately told her to see a
physician and because of the sites mentioned, and her physical build, I suggested a
possible bone density test. She called me back two days before her session on November
8, 2005 to let me know that she had a bone density test and the results indicated that she
had osteoporosis in both of her hips and her right hand. At that point, I asked her if this
was her first bone density test. Her response was that in February 2000 she had a bone
density test done and was told she had osteopenia. At the time, however, her physician
told her that the test results were a bit higher than he would like, but that she should not
really worry about it and also recommended that she carry on with whatever she was
doing in daily life. The only other recommendation made was to take high doses of
Jan is 50 years old and is 5 feet two inches tall. She is petite and has striking red
hair and green eyes. Jan is extremely energetic and vibrant.
Bodyreading results indicated that Jan has flat feet with the right leg more
pronated and the left leg slightly more supinated. She tends to favor her right leg when
standing and also hyperextends the right knee. A leg length test revealed that her right
leg was slightly longer than the left. The Sacroiliac Test revealed weakness initially on
the right side but when tested twice more both sides of Jans sacrum were unstable.
There was, however, more of a drop on the right side. When in supine positions, Jans
left hip is higher and her pelvis is rotated. A Balance test also revealed difficulty
balancing unilaterally. The Range of Motion and Muscle Tests revealed several weak
and tight muscles.
Prone Hip
External Rotation 70/75 4/3.5 70/75 4/3.5
Internal Rotation 44/45 3/4 44/45 3/4
Hip Extension 15/15 2.5/3 15/15 2.5/3
Gluteus Maximus MT 4/3.5 3.5/3.5
Supine Knee
Flexion 153/143 153/143
Prone Knee
Extension MT 2.5/4 2.5/4
Flexion MT 3/3.5 3.5/3.5
** with left side, left pelvis rotated to right; with right side hip rolled all the way up off
the Mat.
- indicates a significant change in measurement over the three month period.
1.c. Summary of Findings Jan
L = Left; R = Right
Note: Jans ROM for External Hip Rotation is excessive with less ROM in Hip Internal
Rotators. Both Adductors need to be stretched and strengthened. Because of the dropped
foot, the muscles of the lower Right leg need to be strengthened, including the peroneals,
gastrocnemius and instrinsic muscles of the foot. The tensor fascia lata on both sides
need to be strengthened as well as the external rotators. Core Musculature needs to be
strengthened, with emphasis on the Tranversus abdominus and the obliques, in particular.
1.d. Recommendations
I saw this client on a weekly basisone to two times a week and made the
following recommendations.
I gave Jan the entire Joint Freeing Series (JFS) to practice at home with
modifications as follows, and with a deliberate focus on the breath:
JFS No. 5 (Hip External and Hip Internal Rotation): Started with legs together in
Dandasana. Take a full, slow and deep breathinhale and exhale. One more inhale,
then on exhalation, beginning with the left foot flointednot flexed and not pointed,
externally rotate the left hip as you slide the leg out to the side and away from the
midline. I also instructed Jan to keep the foot flointed and then think of the fifth toe
turning to the ceiling.
For the entire Joint Freeing Series, there was a tremendous emphasis of breath
with movement and cues about the freeing qualities of the breath to affect a lightness of
being (including the inner and outer body), awareness, and consciousness of mind, body
and spirit. Jan has a tendency to do things quickly without thinking. A note here is that
by allowing the breath to lead the way in her movement patterns, Jan became much more
aware of what her body could and could not do, instead of giving up before even doing
the work.
Other Recommendations:
(1) To strengthen adductors, mid/low traps and abdominals: (a) Setubandha with a
yoga block between the thighs. We also worked with the feet and peroneals in this pose
as well as really engaging the muscles of the back body and the back of the arms as they
supported her body by pressing firmly into the earth to lift the heart center to the ceiling.
This pose was a combination of static and dynamic beginning with a slow breath and
dynamic movement three times and then holding for 10-30 seconds or 6-8 breaths; (b)
the block was then released and after doing apanasana with an emphasis towards a
neutral spine, rolling bridge was taught to work the abdominals (6 repetitions and
progressed to 12 reps); (c) Navasana;
(2) Half Dog v. the Wall with a block between the thighs and hands shoulder width
against the wall. (a) added slow running in place to work the muscles of the lower leg.
(4) To work on serratus and mid-trapezius: (a) Cat-Bow pose. And (b) single arm
cobra; (c) plank pose with one arm off the floor also used a block between legs here to
engage adductors.
(5) (To Strengthen Hip Extensors and External Hip Rotators): (a) Eka Pada
Salambasana (Single Leg Locust) Worked with each hip/leg in both a neutral and
externally rotated position. (b) Vrksasana; (c) Warrior II focusing on the hip rotators,
muscle and organic energy. With all prone exercises/asanas given to Jan a pillow was
placed below the pelvis to support the lumbar spine.
(6) (To improve overall Balance, Coordination and Prioprioception): (a) Balancing
Tree on Floor; (b) with a block between hands: (c) standing on a foam pad and progress
to a half-foam roller. (d) Standing Balance Exercise with a 1lb dumbbell in each hand.
Stand on one foot on the floor and the other leg extended in front of body; with eyes open
and gently swing arms back and forthto challenge close eyes. Repeat c and d here as
(7) Client was retrained how to navigate functional activities of daily living using the
support of her foundation (legs); her core musculature and maintaining a neutral spine
throughout in sitting, standing and lying activities. Other activities included sitting at her
desk at work, with or without the phone, brushing her teeth, sitting/lying in bed and
squatting. Additionally, attention was paid to releasing the neck muscles during
(8) Supine Back body release, crawling exercise, spinal rock and neutral cat were
given as warm-ups at the beginning of every session.
(9) Tadasana was utilized to address the correct postural alignment.. Abdominal
exercises were also given while standing in Tadasana. Since the abdominal muscles
must protect your back while youre standing and moving round they should be trained
while youre standing and moving. Back Trouble, A New Approach to Prevention
and Recovery, Deborah Caplan, PT.
September, 2005
Jan began to make progress on the exercises given above. She was very diligent
in doing the exercises and asanas that she liked, and not so diligent in doing the ones she
was not fond of. In addition, it takes her a few times to learn things and make them her
own. Her balancing improved only slightly in August. She was also worried about
losing her job and mentioned that she had only about six or so months leftshe was
under the impression that her employer would be laying a bunch of workers off at her
October, 2005
Jan mentioned that her general sense of well being had begun to improve from our
meeting four weeks ago. Her balance and proprioception had improved to the point that
she no longer needed help. She stated that her low back was generally okay, but when
she gets fatigued from sitting too long at work or stressed out, her back seizes up. I
reminded her about the wave breath, and the deep ujayii breath and she mentioned
forgetting to do them. I then gave her specific homework to do each of these breathing
practices for 10-15 minutes every day, whether or not there was an episode. A
visualization technique was also added to the instruction with the utilization of a soft,
transparent ball and breathing this soft ball into the area of tension/tightness (lower back)
wherever she felt pain or discomfort. Towards the end of October, Jan mentioned feeling
tightness in her hips (which began to hurt especially when doing the JFS), elbows and
right fingers, wherein she was instructed to see a physician.
November 2005
Hamstrings showed some improvement as well as glutes. I also got a call from
Jan in early November to get some news. After receiving a bone density scan, she had
been diagnosed with Osteoporosis in her hips and the right hand. She was now extremely
depressed. In spite of this, I noticed that the ROM in her left shoulder was practically
back to 180 degrees, in spite of a complaint that at the 1 oclock position of lifting her
arm over her head, she felt a catch in the joint. I saw her the next day for her session,
and we spent the entire session doing the Joint Freeing Series, Strengthening and
Restorative Poses.
December 2005
The Rolling Bridge was taken out of Jans exercise program and a modification
was made to Navasana--the boat pose. It became a rolling half-boat, emphasizing the
eccentric contraction movement of the asana. Weight bearing exercises/asanas were
given and encouraged through the proximal joints of the body, especially the femoral and
humeral heads in quadruped positions, and included neutral alignment of the wrist. Jan
was taught how to get on and off the floor, bed or any surface. Core Stability continued
to be emphasized and Squats with a Stability Ball was added to her program as well as
wall push-ups and push hands v. wall. To challenge weight bearing proprioceptive
exercises and tools were added, including discs, foam rollers and stability balls. I also
encouraged Jan to do weight training and cardiovascular exercise as an addition to
Structural Yoga Yoga Therapy and she is now committed to doing so. I also added a
gentle vinyasa to her program. Jan also reported that her back was much better 90% of
the time and she felt lighter and more energetic than she had been in years. Jan our
Structural Yoga Therapy Sessions to this overall sense of wellbeing.
all kinds of stress. The cervical spine curves slightly inward, the thoracic curves outward,
and the lumbar curves inward. Even though the lower portion of your spine holds most of
the body's weight, each segment relies upon the strength of the others to function
Between each vertebra of the spine is a soft, gel-like cushion called a disc that
helps absorb pressure and keeps the bones from rubbing against each other, otherwise
referred to as intervertebral discs. The annulus is the discs outer layer and the strongest
area of the disc. It also helps keep the discs center intact.
Lumbar Spine
The lowest part of the spine is called the lumbar spine. This area has five
vertebrae. However, sometimes people are born with a sixth vertebra in the lumbar
region. The base of your spine (sacrum) is a fusion of many bones, and when one of them
forms as a vertebra rather than part of the sacrum, it is called a transitional (or sixth)
vertebra. This occurrence is not dangerous and does not appear to have any serious side
The lumbar spine's shape has what is called a lordotic curve. The lordotic shape is
like a backwards "C". If you think of the spine as having an "S"-like shape, the lumbar
region would be the bottom of the "S". The vertebrae in the lumbar spine area are the
largest of the entire spine, so the lumbar spinal canal is larger than in the cervical or
thoracic parts of the spine. Because of its size, the lumbar spine has more space for the
nerves to move about.
Low back pain is a very common complaint for a simple reason. Since the lumbar
spine is connected to the pelvis, this is where most of weight bearing and body movement
takes place. Typically, this is where people tend to place too much pressure, such as:
lifting up a heavy box, twisting to move a heavy load, or carrying a heavy object. Such
repetitive injuries can lead to damage to the parts of the lumbar spine.]
In between each of the five lumbar vertebra is a disc, a tough fibrous shock-
absorbing pad. At the end of each vertebra are endplates which help hold individual
discs in place. Each disc contains a tire-like outer band (called the annulus fibrosus) that
encases a gel-like substance (called the nucleus pulposus).
Nerve roots exit the spinal canal through small passageways between the vertebrae and
discs. Pain and other symptoms can develop when the damaged disc pushes into the
spinal canal or nerve roots. (reprinted from
bodys weight and is not as supported as other areas of the spine, e.g. the thoracic spine
which has the ribcage surrounding it as well as several muscles. People between the ages
of 30-5o years of age appear to be vulnerable because the elasticity and water content of
the nucleus decreases with age.
Disorders Affecting Intebertebral Discs, Herniated and Bulging Discs
A slipped disc can mean a ruptured disc or herniated disc (pronounced her-knee-
ate-ed). Unlike the name slipped disc, discs do not slip. Each intevertebral disc is
sandwiched between two vertebrae supported by a system of ligaments that help hold the
spinal package together.
Disc disorders are contained or non-contained. A bulging disc is an example of a
contained disc disorder. It has not yet broken openthe nucleus pulposus remains
contained within the annulus fibrosus. It could be compared to a volcano prior to
eruption and may be a precursor to herniation. The disc may protrude into the spinal
canal without breaking open. The gel-like interior (nucleus pulposus) does not leak out.
Instead the disc remains intact except a small bubble pops out attached to the disc.
A non-contained disc is one that has either partially or completely broken open
a herniated or ruptured disc. For e.g., imagine a tube (annulus fibrosus) of toothpaste
(nucleus pulposus) placed under pressure. The pressure causes the toothpaste within the
tube to move wherever it can. If any part of the tube is weak toothpaste may leak out.
When a disc herniates the contents may spread out to the spinal cord and nerves. The
disc material has little space to go into the area occupied by the spinal canal and nerve
Regarding the leaky toothpaste tube, the discs gel-like nucleus contains a
chemical that irritates the nerves causing them to swell. After the chemical agent has
done its job, the remnants of the chemical remain and continue to press on the irritated
and swollen nerves. To complicate matters, sometimes fragments from the annulus (tire-
like outer disc wall) break away from the parent disc and drift into the spinal canal.
These fragments may travel in the spinal canal, and depending on the type of injury and
the condition of the discs, more than one disc may herniated, rupture, or bulge.
Sometimes injury causes a combination of disc disorders. There are five stages of Disc
Stage I: Slight movement of the gel within the envelope with no peripheral
neurological signs and symptomsoften pain free. These symptoms include: muscle
atrophy, tingling, numbness, loss of control and sensitive to sensations of heat and cold.
Stage II: Larger movement of the nuclear gel but still contained within the
annular ring; mild back pain
Stage III: Mild to moderate protrusion of the nuclear material: back and leg pain
is present without true positive neurological signs
Stage IV: Disc bulges, impinging on the nerve root with positive neurological
signs and back pain
Stage V: A disc extrusion or sequestration where the nuclear material has left the
annular ring; back pain actually diminishes while neurological signs and symptoms
extend more peripherally and intensify
The disc, especially in the lumbar spine, often protrudes posteriorly and laterally
and can be a result of flattening the lumbar curve with an overstretched posterior
longitudinal ligament.
A constant pain in the lower back and uncontrollable weakness in the legs or feet
is a common symptom for people who suffer from a herniated disc. Although the
symptoms can be different, the cause is often the same a disc in the spine has herniated,
and is exerting pressure on a nerve root.
Most lumbar herniations are the result of years of pressure exerted on the lower
spine, the area of the back that gets the most usage. Gravity, weight, and bad posture
over a period of time tend to take their toll and we as humans also tend to rely more on
the lower back than the rest of the spine for strength activities such as lifting heavy
objects and reaching for things. Over time, the back simply gets tired and gives out in
an attempt to inform the body that it is tired.
All joint/disc injuries are a vata imbalance. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,
Chapter II, V. 47 states: Yoga Pose is mastered by relaxation of effort, lessening the
tendency for restless breathing, and promoting an identification of oneself as living
within the infinite breath of life. As a result of this vata imbalance, the breath or prana
is also affected and should therefore be considered as a way to heal through Structural
Yoga Therapy. Jan was, and continues to be very aware of her body. She made a
conscious effort to work with the breath during our sessions and did her breathing
practices homework diligently. I taught her the Wave Breath, and the Spinal Rock
utilizing the Breath and used visualization with the breath as part of her home practice.
Fig 1: Lumbar Disc Herniation (
A: Exiting nerve root.
B: Disc.
C: Torn outer annulus.
Fig 1: Degenerative Disc Disease (
A: Outer annulus.
B: Inner core where protein is degenerated, making the disc less able to
function as a "shock absorber."
Figure 2: X-ray of Degenerative Disc Disease
A: Disc degeneration with collapsed disc space at L5-S1. (
2.c. Related Challenges
Degenerative Disc Disease is particularly debilitating, from a physical, emotional
and mental standpoint. Approximately 90% of disc herniations will occur at L4/L5 or
L5/S1, which causes pain in the L5 nerve or S1 nerve, respectively. In most cases, if a
patients low back and/or leg pain is going to resolve after a lumbar herniated disc, it will
do so within about six weeks. During this period conservative treatment should be used
to help reduce the back pain, leg pain and discomfort caused by the herniated disc.
Presentation: Decreased lordosis. Flexion may, but not always, accentuate symptoms and
extension may reduce and centralize the symptoms. In upright standing there is often a
lateral shift of the ribcage away from the painful side and pelvis opposite from ribcage,
which can lead to a functional scoliosis.
Approach: Always work on stability before mobility. Core Stability and Hip
Differentiation are primary for this population. Exercises in Pilates and Asanas in Yoga
Therapy should follow these two principles. Stretch and strengthen the piriformis.
Stretch the psoas and quadratus lumborum in mid ranges. The Joint Freeing Series Nos.
6 & 7 would apply here as well as the Side of Hip Stretch, Warrior II and Triangle from
the 24 Asanas from the Structural Yoga Therapy Kinesiology Chart. It is also important
to work with the breath with this population to free energy and space within the body and
increase awareness.
manipulation techniques, carefully applied pressure, massage and manual
manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (adjustments)
(3) Acupuncture Some patients report that acupuncture has provided relief
from back pain and helps to promote healing
(5) Osteopathy - Osteopathy helps the muscles relax and creates increased
flexibility. It is a system of diagnosis and treatment that involves mobilization,
joint manipulation and massage.
3. Ayurvedic Assessment
Degenerative Disc Disease affects Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The degeneration of the
discs is caused by Vata and the inflammation or pain that is sometimes caused by this
condition (for example sciatic pain) is a Pitta imbalance. A vata-balancing diet, is one of
the goals for this condition. A secondary goal would be to balance Pitta with abdominal
exercises. Nutrition is also important here. Lots of water is crucial for this population, as
well as a diet using both oils and herbs to increase both circulation and movement in the
joints. SYT Notes. Muscles function is to move bones. The stronger a muscle is, the
more support it can offer the joint, so it is also important to strengthen the muscles
surrounding the area of the degeneration as well as the supporting muscles of foundation:
the legs. In addition, the muscles along the entire back body also need to be strengthened
above and below the area of degeneration.
People with Degenerative Disc Disease benefit from doing yoga poses that
balance vata, enhance Kapha as well as decrease Pitta. Weight bearing poses such as
standing poses would be very important here. Other poses would be poses that
decompress the spine (work in neutral and elongated spine positions). The first focus
would be stability before mobilityworking on stabilizing the pelvis and spine and
then adding dynamic movement later. Another emphasis would be to work on the
abdominal muscles because they are usually lethargic and/or weak with this population.
Additionally, with degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, the sacrum usually
becomes rigid as it attempts to support the entire spine. Another approach towards this
population would be to create as much intervertebral space as possible in the lumbar
spine, to allow the sacrum to be free to drop downward and thereby also releasing itself
from L5. Additionally a whole picture view and approach would be towards
decompression of the entire spine, and not just the area that is affected. Frawley, David,
Yoga and Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization, Twin Lakes, Lotus Press,
The order of exercises should be the following model:
(a) Stability before Mobility (referring to both the spine, pelvis and legs). The
client should also be retrained to do activities in daily life with a strong awareness of the
breath and neutral spine.
(b) If a client has had a disctectomy, the tissue contracts during healing
towards the site of the trauma and at the same time. This loss of movement creates
tension and a loss of flexibility at the injured site, as well as the vertebra just above and
below it. To address the above, giving poses and utilizing pranayama and visualization
techniques with an eye towards creating space between the discs, as well as focusing on
the muscles close to the vertebra right above and below the injured area; and secondly,
bearing in mind that the spine is a single entity and that what happens at one end of it
affects the other end and therefore the entire spine, a strong emphasis on length
throughout the entire spine would be key to success with this population.
(d) Balance poses are also very important for this population
(e) Increasing the challenge of both static, dynamic and balance poses to
challenge the client as needed.
1. Feet Turned Outward Psoas, Ext. Hip Rotators, TFL, Gluteus Minimus
Sartorius, Gluteus Maximus
2. Feet Turned Inward TFL, Gluteus Mininimus
3. Hip Elevated Quadratus lumborum, psoas Same as opposing side
4. Hip Twisted Abdominus oblique, psoas, Same as opposing side
tensor fascia lata, sartorius
5. Hyperextended Knee Hamstrings, gastrocnemius Lower quadriceps, popliteus
with a neutral spine. Additionally, when doing a forward bend such as Paschimottanasa,
the first instruction should be to root the sitz bones to the floor and lengthen the spine on
an inhale. This elongation and lengthening should be kept while moving into the pose
and the client should go only as far as needed. If the thoracic spine begins to round, the
client would need to move back to where the entire spine stays in a neutral position and
would only go forward a few inches. Blanket(s) should also be placed under the clients
buttocks to facilitate neutral spine and to release the hip flexors. Poses like Uttanasana,
Ardha Parsvottonasa and Prasarita Padottanasana can be taught with hands placed on the
wall, and the client would only come as far as the torso is parallel to the floor.
Apanasana, a normally contraindicated pose, can be taught one leg at a time keeping the
spine in neutral as a modification. In addition, a note here would be to make sure each
knee stays in line with the hip while doing the asana. With prone back bending poses it is
important to place a blanket under the hips/pelvis to ease any pressure on the lumbar
spine. The general principle in all yoga poses is the elongation of the spine (back body).
A cue to elongate the front and side bodies will help here as well. Twisting poses should
be approached with extreme caution and the emphasis with twists should be on
elongating the spine and lifting from the ribcage.
The yoga practice needs to be both slow and mindful, to increase awareness of
both the inner and outer body, as well as the breath. A vigorous vinyasa practice would
be contraindicated for this population.
6. General Recommendations
Muscle Control for Pain Control): The majority of people who come to yoga therapists
for degenerative disc disease and/or back pain are mainly interested in obtaining relief
from pain. Regaining muscle control and support of the injured lumbar segment will
assist in relieving pain, and this is a potent selling point for the program. Notably, a
considerable amount of the Yoga therapists clients have been suffering recurrent and/or
chronic pain or have gained only temporary relief from previous treatments, and are
actively seeking something that will help them in the long term. Compliance with the
asanas increases when clients observe that once they can achieve activation of their deep
musclesparticularly the co-contraction of the transversus abdominis and multifidi,
(whose support can accommodate this deficit), their backs feel safer or they can control
their pain. The very first treatment session should concentrate on the above.
Additionally, with this population always begin with supine and side-lying positions and
progress to standing, kneeling and seated positions to regain function and control.
Low Impact Aerobics - Low-impact Aerobics offers many benefits including improved
muscular endurance, coordination, strength, weight loss and strong abdominal muscles
(as the abdominal muscles get stronger the load to the lumbar spine is decreased). The
loads on the discs during walking are only slightly greater than when lying down.
Walking, bicycling, and swimming are excellent forms of aerobic exercise.
Studies have shown that aerobics help to combat anxiety and depression, two
things that are common with people with Degenerative Disc Disease. Often there is a
feeling of complacency and giving up because by the time they get to the Structural
Yoga Therapist, they have tried many modes of medical intervention which may not have
worked entirely to their satisfaction, physically or otherwise. Therefore, svadyaya or
self-study as well as Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender) are necessary components of
adherence to the Structural Yoga Therapy program and the client needs to be made aware
of this. The Structural Yoga Therapist should also gently direct the client towards this
and allow them to look and work from the inside out. The cultivation of self-awareness
through your practice is an essential aspect, not only for your recovery from depression
but for the ultimate goal of your yoga practice to become a jivan mukti, an awakened
one. Amy Weintraub, Yoga for Depression.
The beginning of the exercise program. The first exercise to introduce involves
lying supine on the floor with the arms by the sides, knees bent and feet on the floor.
Pillows should be placed under the head, the extended arms by the side and under the feet
to facilitate relaxation in this position. The client may stay in the position for 10-16
minutes to begin. The wave breath and the spinal rock may be practiced while in this
position to facilitate awareness.
Following this exercise, Judith Lasaters Down in the Back: Poses for the
Lower Back Program can be taught. The length of this program varies, depending on
the time available, and can last anywhere from twenty-five to thirty-five minutes. The
poses consist of the following: (1) supported down dog pose using a yoga strap tied to a
doorknob and placed in front of hips, while the client goes into dog pose on the floor.
The belt around the hips supports the body weight, and as the client hangs, the abdomen
relaxesthe wave breath can be done here too; (2) Supported Half Dog Pose: this pose
gently stretches the long muscles of the back by placing the lower back in traction; (3)
Simple Supported Backbend: this can be used as a good introduction to backbends and is
gentle, improves flexibility, and is possible for almost anyone; (4) Elevated Twist on a
Bolster: this pose is a great way to stretch the external rotator muscles and also stretches
the muscles at the sides of the rib cage, including the latissimus dorsi. When these
muscles are stretched, the function of the lumbo-sacral spine is enhanced; (5) Supported
Childs Pose; and (6) a basic relaxation pose with Legs on a Chair.
Further along the program. As the client begins to improve with the asanas
above, which are mostly about stretching and release, static and dynamic poses should be
introduced with an eye towards strengthening. Stretching and release should not be
forgotten, howevera good balance is needed. I have observed with this population that
most clients respond favorably to an emphasis on both stretching and strengthening
exercises right from the beginning. However, depending on whether the clients
predominant dosha is Vata, Pitta or Kapha this approach may need to be re-routed or
modified. In Structural Yoga Therapy, the Therapists approach is dependent on what the
client presents in terms of physical, mental and emotional or mind, body and spirit as
well as their dosha imbalance and what kosha they also present at the session.
6.c. Maintenance
On a physical level, it is important that the client fully understands that the
changes that Degenerative Disc Disease has caused in his/her life can be helped, and as a
result, the approach to exercise, diet, pranayama and meditation has to be a commitment
to a daily practice. This means that anything contrary to what is taught from a safety
perspective will allow symptoms to worsen. Therefore, neutral spine needs to be
addressed, understood fully and incorporated into daily activities and all movement
There is more to Degenerative Disc Disease than what meets the eye. It is
important that the Structural Yoga Therapist get to the root of the actual problem by
listening to what the client says as well as what the client doesnt say. Ultimately success
will be imminent if there is mutual respect and understanding as well as empathy,
flexibility and accommodation on the part of the Structural Yoga Therapist as well as
having the ability to hold the seat of the Teacher and also to hold a sacred and safe
space for the client at all times.
Mukunda Stiles, in his book Structural Yoga Therapy, p.323 states: The state of
balance, or harmony, is called sattva. This is the goal of yoga therapyto achieve a
sattvic state of peace and tranquility.. . .By purifying the body, senses, and mind, the yogi
experiences his natural self. . . . The process of structural yoga is therefore presented as
part of a larger scheme aimed at contentment through self-realization (p. 327).
7. Questions and Answers from
In one of the earlier question/answer columns, if I remember correctly, you talked about
working with someone with a herniated disc. I went to the archive and didnt find what I
was looking for. What I remember is that in working with someone with a herniated disc
you could give gentle twists or side bending to maybe ease the bulge of the disc back into
place. I have a student who has a herniated disc so any information you might offer
would be greatly appreciated. He has some discomfort but a doctor who saw him said
since he was skiing with no problems, surgery to correct the herniation wasnt
recommended. Also, what postures would you recommend and what postures would you
avoid? What would be the best way to approach this condition to best serve him?
Thanks for your help. Sincerely, S.
A. For herniation avoid strong or prolonged forward bending as they nearly always
herniated posteriorly and to the right side. Safest is gently backbends while encouraging
elongation of the spinal column that is pelvis moving away from the cranium. Twists
are usually good as long as that same principle is applied. I also highly recommend
water, as disc problems are often associated with dehydration.
I have been studying some of the books written by Viniyoga teachers and I notice in
some books Utthita Trikonasaana is performed with the feet pointing forward. I was
taught that one foot turns out to 90 degrees and the other in 15 degrees. My questions if
not whether one is right or wrong but the effects to the structure of each. My
understanding is if the feet are pointing forward you slightly come forward before going
to the side to place the hand on the floor. In trying this I find if I dont go slightly
forward the hand wont reach the floor as the pelvis and ribcage come into contact with
each other. I also would like to know which method you would consider safer in general
and especially with those who have sacrum or low back problems. It would seem to me
with one foot turned out the sacrum is more vulnerable.
I have a student who has a herniated disc. I am a new teacher and am not too informed
on how to proceed. I have been told that those with disc herniation should not do strong
forward bends or lateral bends. If this is the case, is there something they can do as an
alternative while the class is doing these types of poses that can help his/their condition.
Thanks for your help. Sharon.
A. Good question and well framed. Indeed the point is not how to do the pose but
rather what is happening to the body in the manner in which the body does it. Changing
the way in which they do yogasanas benefits many people with postural misalignments or
injuries. I feel it is safest to look carefully at the student and assure that they are not
harmed, stressed or aggravated but helped by this potentially beneficial practice. . . . .
The major motion to give students with herniated disc is mild backbending such as a
locust or sunbird (Chakravakasana leg lifting from cat pose), one leg at a time. The
most common herniation is L4-L5 disc moving to the right side (80%) therefore usually
locus lifting the right leg as you extend the leg provides the most relief.
A. Yes, this is the general rule, however, I find nearly all students benefit from locust
as long as they learn to decompress before they lift the legs. The legs must be reaching
backward during the poses. Some students can even do cobra with no problem. Bending
forward with knees bent is often OK. However, I would not even give this for someone
who is having active discomfort and not able to walk upright.
I am suffering from Back Pain since 3 years. I work for a software company in India.
Recently Yoga session started in our company and I joined it. I dont remember all the
names of asanas correctly. I get immediate relief from back pain within 5 minutes after
starting yoga session. But the session is held weekly and hence after 3 or 4 days my back
pain starts again. I request anybody to suggest me asanas which I can do daily and which
would bring relief to my back pain. Thanks. Kiran.
I have been on holiday sorry for delayed reply . . . In my experience, the rolling bridge
pose as I learned from Mukunda Stiles has been of tremendous help for me and my yoga
students as a therapeutic treatment of back pain. I have found it to be helpful for pain
relief throughout the spinal column when done slowly, progressively, and with attention
to the physical response of the body. For people suffering from back pain, I recommend
this one dynamic (flowing on the breath) asana above all others. If you would like
instruction in this asana, it is best given in person or by reviewing the instructions in
Structural Yoga Therapy. IF you would like, I can give you general technique through
this forum.
You do not state the specifics of your back issue. If this is a chronic condition, you may
want to post to Mukunda or make arrangements to see him for a private session so that
you can receive specific and personalized instruction. Generally, back pain indicates a
weakness or imbalance of the muscles which stabilize the spinal column. You may need
to strengthen muscles in your belly or your back, or to stretch muscles which are holding
tension or are short in proportion to their antagonist (opposing muscle). Overall
strengthening exercises as found in a good general yoga class will help you to develop
your general fitness level, decreasing the apin level, and to become more aware of the
area of tension or weakness which is causing the back pain, empowering you to
appropriate action to avoid it in the future.
I have a client who is suffering low back pain and down the legs as well as reduced
mobility due to spondylolysis and spondylolistheses. He has suffered from it for over a
year and can not say precisely what brought it on although he feels strongly that negative
energy is a key factor. He has trouble lifting his legs, walks with a shuffling gait, and has
great trouble with stairs. He tries to limit the muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory
meds but they are the only treatment that gives relief. He has tried physio but did not
find it helpful. He is in his forties and not physically active.
. . . At L5-SI there are degenerative and plate changes and a grade I anterolisthesis of L5
on SI. There is loss of disc space height. There is a diffuse disc bulge associated with
the anterolisthesis. This results in mild narrowing of the neural foramina bilaterally. The
spinal canal remains widely patent. Although it is not well seen on these images, there
appears to be a bilateral pars defect of L5.
I think I understand that this is fundamentally a mechanical problem: The bilateral pars
defect of L5. My inclination is to recommend hamstring stretches and gentle core
strengthening to start. I am unsure how to proceed considering the disc bulge and pars
defects. Any advice and insight into this condition, that you are able to offer, would be
much appreciated. Namaste, M.
A. First let us define what are spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis. The former,
according to Tabers Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary, is a general term meaning a
breaking down of the vertebrae structure and the latter is any forward slipping of one
vertebrae on the structure and the latter is Any forward slipping of one vertebrae on the
one below it. Predisposing factors include the previous, degeneration and birth defects
such as spina bifiuda. Thanks for the details medical assessment accompanying your
summary of this client. You say he is not physically active. That is a major hurdle to
overcome. He needs to be given a program that he will do one that will motivate him to
attempt to overcome with self effort the pain and limited range of motion that he is
blessed with learning form. In general I start this type of client with simple
recommendations for exercising and lifestyle changes that will support lessening his
stress. That would focus on joint freeing series to increase circulation, increase water
intake and regulation of sleeping, resting, eating habits especially getting to bed on time.
If he will not do this then I would refer him back to physical therapy or other modalities
that will take care of him. Having the initiative to work on himself cannot be a burden
for a yoga therapist otherwise you are a yoga teacher trying to do physical therapy. A
major distinction for me is that a yoga therapist should focus on clients doing yoga
sadhana to improve his entire lifestyle not merely exercise therapy. Let us leave that to
the PT and OT world.
That said my experience of these conditions is that they respond well to a combination of
deep tissue bodywork and personalized yoga routine based on an assessment of what is
weak with yoga to strengthen the specific muscles and an assessment of limited range of
motion so that program will also focus on increase joint range of motion (not stretching
muscles; as that intention will heighten inflammation due to increasing pitta). Rarely are
the hamstrings tight enough to cause limited range of motion except in this type of
chronic condition. But still I find more relief not from stretching what yoga teachers find
tight, better is to strengthen what is weak. In this combination of skills I have counseled
a client to 11 years of relative comfort, that is, when he followed my advice. . . . It is a
condition of management, not elimination of the difficulty. Blessings.
I wonder if you would take the time to address osteoarthritis in general. Im looking for
what people can do to avoid it and to stop it from attacking joints. (Pretty big subject, but
I know you have ideas on it.) Also, I have a new student with a rotator cuff problem.
How should I handle that as far as telling her which poses to do and not to do?
Thank you. I always enjoy your messages. K from Iowa
For any form of arthritis, I recommend my joint freeing pose series from my book. This
is best to do by itself without any other form of exercise for 2 weeks minimum. This can
relieve much of the pain. AI also mentioned the arthritis diet from Indra Devi, which is a
cure. The anti-pitta diet from Ayurvedic diets is recommended as a long-term solution.
IF you didnt get that I can send it to you.
For rotator cuff problems again I recommend Joint Freeing series do the entire series and
the motions for the shoulder do twice as many as others. In general it is a vata imbalance
and needs gently but persistent activity. Stretches can irritate it. I do not recommend
trying to stretch out the shortened muscles or trying to increase range of motion. Do all
poses but do not try to stretch the shoulder. When you feel the shoulder stretching, back
off . . .
Dear Mukunda, I have a sister-in-law who has had 2 back surgeries and one hip surgery
due to degenerative arthritis. The last back surgery was 3 months ago and it does not
seem to have helped her much. She is 68 years old and has never done yoga. She is of
German descent and a farmer of stocky build. Would there be something you could
suggest that I could help her with? She has also had rotary cuff surgery because of a
severe injury, and it left her with a weak arm. Her only exercise is walking. Also for a
bursitis at the upper femur: how can that be stretched? Thank you for all the e-mails. I
do enjoy them. J.
A. For someone at this stage of life, who only does walking for exercise, the joint
freeing series is the best to give her. By emphasizing learning to coordinate the motions
with her breath, she can begin to develop more bodily intuitive sensitivity to what she
should and shouldnt be doing. I would not give more specifics unless I see such a
person face to face. Bursitis is not a condition that responds to stretching. Stretching
increases pitta and bursitis as well as arthritis is an inflamed pitta condition. Therefore
doing stretching is quite likely to inflame her condition. JFS is much better to be done
gently and slowly to her capacity. If she is willing to make some bigger changes I would
recommend she undertake Indra Devis arthritis diet, which is basically for all increased
pitta conditions. This will make the biggest difference. Details can be found on the
archive site for Q & A. Blessings, Mukunda
Namaste. I hope all has been well with you. I have recently had the dx. (Via MRI) of
slight bulging disk at L 2--L 3 (bulges to the left), and also narrow neural canal at L4-L5,
causing constant pain. Would you be willing to educate me as to which postures should
be avoided or modified? And also, do you know of any yoga therapy which might be able
to "put the disk back in"? I do have a body bridge, and could lie over it sideways (on the
left side), which seems to me might help. I am very discouraged, sad and worried, and
would appreciate your input greatly. I am going to go to a good acupuncturist, and maybe
a chiropractor to try to help this. Thank you very much. S
A. There are many factors for disc not all bulging disc cause pain. In my experience
the major factors for lower back pain are overworked, emotional struggles with intimate
friends and dehydration. Increasing water to half your body weight in ounces per day and
keeping to it for at least 3 months makes a major difference. Disc can be replaced but
major need is for strength in all the supportive tissues. I cannot give you specific
guidance in this format a face to face session would be required for that. MD analysis is
helpful for me but is not enough and in the right direction I need to assess muscles and
joint mobility. However contraindications are all extreme motions of backbends, forward
bends, and twists. These are all safe when done with full breathing, learning to send prana
to detect energy in the region, and awareness of what specific muscle you are stretching
or strengthening in each pose. This information is found in my book under kinesiology of
Thus it is not that a specific pose is recommended but rather what muscle to work and
how in each Asana. Often small misalignments in Asana are needed to generate energy
flow to disc spaces. This is why classes rarely help with back pain. I find that gluteals and
in general hip rotator muscles are often quite weak when they are assessed in an
individual session. By custom designing the program I can often help people return to
pain free movements. I am doing what I can to train people to do this; so far the group in
Boston will have some graduates this fall. The training requires a lot of diligence and a 2
year commitment. I would suggest you read more on my archive website -- for more comprehensive suggestions, it is searchable by topic
In one of the earlier question/answer columns, if I remember correctly, you talked about
working with someone with a herniated disc. I went to the archive and didn't find what I
was looking for. What I remember is that in working with someone with a herniated disc
you could give gentle twists or side bending to maybe ease the bulge of the disc back into
place. I have a student who has a herniated disc so any information you might offer
would be greatly appreciated. He has some discomfort but a doctor who saw him said
since he was skiing with not problems, surgery to correct the herniation wasn't
recommended. Also, what postures would you recommend and what postures would you
avoid? What would be the best way to approach his condition to best serve him? Thanks
you for your help. Sincerely, S
8. References
Caplan, Deborah, P.T., Back Trouble, A New Approach to Prevention and Recovery,
Triad Publishing Company, 2000
Clemente, Carmine D., Anatomy: A Regional Atlas of the Human Body, Baltimore-
Muich/Urban & Schwarzenberg
Coulter, David H., Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, Body and Breath Inc.
Douillard, John, Body, Mind and Sport, Harmony Books, New York 1994
Frawley, David, Yoga and Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization, Twin Lakes,
Lotus Press, 1999;
Frawley, David, Ayurveda and the Mind, The Healing of Consciousness, Twin Lakes,
Lasater, Judith, Ph.D, P.T., Relax & Renew, Rodmell Press/Quality Books Inc., 1995
Myers, Thomas W., Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and
Movement Therapists, London, Churchill Livingstone, 2001
Saraswati Satyananda Swami, Meditations from the Tantras, Bihar School of Yoga,
Selby, Anna, Banish Back Pain, Harper Collins Publishers Limited, 2003
Stiles, Mukunda, Structural Yoga Therapy Physical Exam Manual: Range of Motion
and Muscle Testing
Web Resources
b.; herniated discs and degenerative disc disease
9. Appendix
Judith Lasaters Down in the Back Program reprinted from Relax and Renew
In Downward-Facing Dog Pose, one of the most versatile yoga poses, you make
an inverted V shape with your body, mimicking the stretch a dog takes when first rising
from sleep. In the supported version, Hanging Dog Pose, you loop a belt around your
hips and over a doorknob, and allow these props to support your body weight. As you
hang, the abdomen relaxes. It is this feeling of letting go that brings relief to those with
lower back pain.
Setting Up. Spread out your yoga mat, with then arrow end centered on the edge
of the open door. Firmly fasten your belt into a wide loop and place it around both
doorknobs. Step inside the loop and stand with your back to the door. Hold the belt and
walk forward until it presses against your body, where the thighs meet the torso.
Bend your knees, lean forward, and put your hands on the floor. Walk your feet
back toward the door and walk your hands forward until your body is in the shape of an
inverted B. Let the belt hold the weight of your body. Make sure that the belt pulls
evenly against both sides of the door . . .
Let your head hang as you allow the belt to hold your weight. Breathe slowly and
evenly as your back muscles lengthen. As you exhale, move your belly into the pelvis so
it forms a concave shape. Relax, confident that you are on your way back to health.
Practice hanging for two minutes and gradually increase to three minutes.
This pose gently stretches the long muscles of the back by placing the lower back
in traction. As your torso rests on the table, gravitys pull on the back muscles is
Stand in front of the table, feet hip-width apart. Bend forward from where your
torso meets your thighs, and rest your torso on the table. Your torso and legs should be at
ninety degrees to each other, with your legs straight and feet resting lightly on the floor. .
. . Rest your forehead either on the table or on your folded arms.
Breathe slowly and easily. Let your torso and arms rest completely on the table.
Slightly bend your knees and let the weight of your legs drop toward the floor. Allow
your back and neck to lengthen on each exhalation.
Simple Supported Backbend
Props: bolster, long-roll blanket
Sit on the floor in front of the long side of your bolster, knees bent and feet resting
on the floor, with a long-roll blanket by your side. Move slowly and with caution. If
lying back causes discomfort in your lower back, begin by lying on your side over the
bolster and then turning onto your back. If you can lie back, place your elbows on the
bolster. Then use one hand to support your neck as you take your head back. Now lie
over the bolster so that your middle back is supported and your shoulders rest
comfortably on the floor.
The length of your torso will affect your comfort in this pose. Breathe slowly and
evenly. Feel held by the props. Your arms are wide open and free. With each inhalation,
your front body opens; with each exhalation, your belly and organs soften and your mind
quiets. As you gradually relax, allow your back to sink into the props. Imagine you are
lying in a beautiful and safe space.
Practice Simple Supported Backbend for one minute, gradually increasing your
time in the pose. To come out, remove the eye bag. Push with your feet and slide
toward your head. Rest for a few breaths with your lower back flat on the floor and your
legs supported by the bolster.
Sit up in the middle of the long side of the Bolster. Bend your knees and place
your feet on the floor. Slide forward a little and place your hands on the floor behind
you. Gently lie back so that your hips rest in the middle of the bolster and your shoulders
lightly touch the floor.
Press your feet into the floor as you slide your hips to the far left side of the
bolster. Then move the feet over to align with the hips. Make sure the lowest rib on
either side of your back is supported by the bolster. Place your arms on the floor, palms
up, so they and your torso form a T shape.
10. Biography
Adriene has been teaching Yoga and Pilates for over ten years and has a private practice
in New York City where she teaches Structural Yoga Therapy, Yoga, Thai Yoga
Bodywork and Pilates. An avid Cyclist and New York City Marathoner, Adriene is also
a certified Personal Trainer and a Classical Pianist. Her multi-faceted background in
Yoga, Pilates and Health & Wellness allows for a full-circle approach when working with