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IAJPS 2017, 4 (06), 1471-1475 Foruzan Kavarizadeh et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: http://www.iajps.com Research Article


Mostafa Rezaei Tavirani1, Reza Valizadeh2, Foruzan Kavarizadeh3*
Professor of Biophysics, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran.
School of Medicine, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran.

Anatomy is one of the basic essential sciences of medicine, which is recognized as a root that gradually formed
other basic medical sciences. Therefore, educational program and curriculum are very important aspects of
anatomical science. This study aimed to evaluate and compare training programs of the PhD in anatomical sciences
in ten different universities according to European standards. This descriptive - comparative study was conducted
using multi-stage sampling method to choose 10 universities from five continents. Then, curricula of PhD in
anatomy for ten selected universities were compared to Iranian curriculum according to European standards. Data
were collected using information provided in official website of respective universities. In this study, we evaluated
eight elements of the training programs in which three elements including duration of program, educational content
and educational levels of the ten selected universities were consistent with European standards. However, we found
no information regarding duration of PhD program in the Iranian curriculum. Our findings indicated that African
universities perform weaker than other universities. In addition, training program of doctoral anatomy in Iran
showed satisfactory standards in comparison to other universities across the world. The training program in Iran
was consistent with the world's greatest universities as well as European standards. Hence, future studies are
recommended to focus on the correct implementation of training programs.
Keywords: Curriculum, PhD Anatomy, Standard ORPHEUS.
Corresponding Author: \
Foruzan Kavarizadeh, QR code
School of Medicine,
Ilam University of Medical Sciences,
Ilam, Iran. Email: pubmedp@gmail.com;
Tel: +989189127926703

Please cite this article in press as Foruzan Kavarizadeh et al Curriculum Audit of Iranian PHD of Anatomy
According to European Standard, Comparing with Worldwide Selected Countries, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017; 4(06).

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (06), 1471-1475 Foruzan Kavarizadeh et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION based models that would help the promotion of

Anatomical science is one of the oldest and most educational system. The integration of a systematic,
basic disciplines of medical sciences; it focuses on comprehensive, and eclectic curriculum is an
studying and analyzing the structure of human body inseparable foundation of the education system of
and other animal species in different fields of each community; in order to be effective, a
developmental anatomy, microscopic anatomy, and curriculum must be designed, revised, and reformed
macroscopic anatomy. Applying mentioned in line with up to date needs of society [5, 6]. An
techniques and procedures have paved the ground for Orpheus standard includes eight fields of research,
further research on the growth and evolution of result, admission policies, curriculum, supervision,
various species and the categorization of this doctoral dissertation, assessment, and infrastructure;
discipline in two distinct branches of embryology and the present study focuses on the investigation of PhD
comparative anatomy. The term curriculum curriculum. The main objective of the present study
signifies activities included in a training program, the is investigating the compliance of anatomical
final educational objective set for the project, and sciences PhD curriculum in Iran, in comparison to
required steps for the realization of this objective. some other countries, with Orpheus standards.
According to Genns definition of curriculum (1995),
whatsoever activities conducted in relation with MATERIALS AND METHODS:
training programs can be gathered under the umbrella The present comparative study was conducted in
term of curriculum [1]. Apart from related concepts, order to compare anatomical sciences PhD
terminology, and conceptions, each curriculum curriculum of famous universities in Iran and other
consists of four distinct parts of content, teaching and countries around the world in three stages, with the
learning strategies, assessment processes, and measuring rod being Orpheus standards. The
evaluation processes. In fact, the indices provided by curricula of worldwide accredited universities are
the Department of Health and Biomedical Science, assessed according to London Times Higher
which were designed primarily to coordinate the Education Standard Journal, which is the oldest
doctoral training programs for medical and health ranking journal in the world; the ranking criteria
domain in developed countries, are now considered presented by Times include education, research, the
as European standards [2]. PhD is the highest impact of research (future citations to published
university educational level which consists of a set of articles), industrial proceeds (innovations and
coordinated, educational and research activities [3]. industrial applications), and international cooperation
Although the tendency towards PhD research- (professors and students) [7, 8]. Then, a researcher-
oriented courses is increasing worldwide, the made checklist, based on Orpheus European
majority of developing countries still focus on Standards of PhD education in the field of Health and
training programs at universities [4]. Research-based Biochemical, which was published in 2012, was
method is a common method for training PhD applied to assess the quality of PhD curricula of
students around the world; the main objective of accredited universities around the world [9]. Finally,
research-based courses is promoting learning and the curriculum of studied universities was compared
training through original research and training according to the researcher-made checklist. A list of
academic-minded individuals. Anatomical science is all universities which met inclusion criteria was
one of the oldest and most basic disciplines of prepared and some universities were selected out of
medical sciences; various branches of medical each continent; Saint Louis University (USA) and
sciences are supposed to have originated from this McGill (Canada) were selected from America,
discipline. Owing to advances in the field of medical Galway University (Ireland) and Masaryk (Czech)
sciences, this discipline has enjoyed drastic alteration from Europe, International Delhi University (India)
in the last two decades. Increase in the number of and Mersin (Turkey) from Asia, University of Sidney
PhD students and, consequently, the need for more (Australia) and University of Otago (New Zealand)
economic, human, and facility resources have from Oceania, and University of Khartoum (Sudan)
necessitated the implementation of changes in this and University of Nairobi (Kenya) were selected
discipline. Despite the lack of experimental proofs, it from Africa. Then, according to the made checklist,
can be surely stated that PhD curriculum of following criteria were examined and assesses:
anatomical sciences is not consistent with the general structure of curriculum, duration of the
mission, content, duration, and the needs of learners. training program, mission, objectives, procedures,
It, also, seems that subject-oriented models, despite teaching/selection-oriented content, stages of
being successful, have deficiencies, the precise education, and the role and position of graduates in
diagnosis of which will yield more efficient research- PhD curriculum of anatomical sciences.

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (06), 1471-1475 Foruzan Kavarizadeh et al ISSN 2349-7750

FINDINGS: Students are required to publish the findings of their

PhD course of anatomical sciences in Saint Louis research project in either a credited journal or
University includes two fall and spring semesters, to domestic research journal [15]. In the University of
which a summer one is added in case of necessity; if Otago, full time PhD courses last from 2.5 to 5 years
the student passes the comprehensive exam at the end and part time courses are supposed to last from 4 to 8
of these two semesters, he gets to choose the title of years; students are required to participate in seminars
his dissertation. Students pass theoretical subjects in and report the progress of their projects monthly [16].
the first two years and they are obliged to complete According to rules and regulations of the University
their dissertation in 2, or maximum, 3 years. Subject of Khartoum, full time PhD course lasts 2 to 5 years
of Ethics is required; the majority of courses deal and part time courses last 3 to 6 years; students of
with science and anatomy courses and there are no research-oriented course are supposed to participate
direct courses of statistics and research methodology in 6-10 seminars during their 3-5 years course [17].
[10]. According to the curriculum of McGill In Nairobi University, teaching is implemented with
University, students must pass 15 required courses, an eclectic approach, combining topography,
finalized by successfully passing the comprehensive microscopy, macroscopy, cardiology, and clinical
test. Students share the findings and progression of anatomy [18]. Anatomical sickness PhD period
their dissertations with peers, higher and lower consists of 50 courses, 30 of which are specific and
education students, and their professors and use their required and 20 of which are doctoral dissertation.
ideas, if necessary. Students are, also, required to The curriculum is mainly designed to meet national
pass the comprehensive test, which consists of two and local needs, explicate future academic
parts of written composition and interview, in, at responsibilities of the students, emphasize
most, 18 months [11]. In Galway University, PhD international communications, and apply modern
students supervise educational activities of MA technologies. The research stage starts when the
students. They are, also, in direct relationship with student passes the comprehensive test successfully
faculty members in the field of research. The and it ends with the completion of the dissertation
structured, systematic PhD course of anatomical [4].
sciences lasts 4-6 years, during which the students are
required to complete their thesis in one of majors of DISCUSSION:
anatomical sciences [12]. According to rules and The present comparative study was conducted in
regulations of Masaryk University, PhD students are order to compare anatomical sciences PhD
supposed to cooperate in teaching required courses, curriculum of famous universities in Iran and 40
participate in teaching anatomy courses for a other countries around the world, with the measuring
maximum of 4 hours per week, participate in research rod being Orpheus standards [19]. The overall
programs of the faculty, and present research findings standard structure of a PhD course was assessed in
in professional conferences, at least, once during their various countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceanic,
education course; full time and part-time PhD course and America. According to the reports of Irans
in anatomical sciences lasts for 4 and 7 years [13]. In Health Organization, doctoral training programs
International University of Delhi, an anatomical should be based on research and critical, analytics
science PhD courses lasts, at least 2 an, at most, 5-6 thinking. Based on the obtained results, Galway,
years. Teacher-training courses are presented in order Masaryk, Mersin, and Sydney universities obtained
to train teachers and professors with qualified excellent scores and Saint Louise, McGill,
abilities for various educational levels and International Delhi, Otago, Khartoum, Nairobi, and
disciplines. Specific, theoretical courses, research Iran universities attained good score. The next factor
methodology, and teaching courses are required is duration of the PhD course; this factor was
during the first year [14]. Academic education is clarified in all universities, except for Iran university.
provided in four distinct levels in Mersin university According to the standard definition, PhD course
and PhD anatomical sciences is on the third level; must be structured within a time period of 3-4 years.
this course takes about 4 years and all units are The indicator of mission was clarified in all
presented in the four required semesters [13]. universities; the results showed high score of this
According to regulations of University of Sidney, factor in the assessment checklist of all universities.
passing theoretical courses takes 6 months for full Saint Louise, McGill, Masaryk, Khartoum, and Iran
time and 1 year for part time students; two third of universities attained excellent score and Mersin,
the duration of the course must be passed doing Sydney, and Otago universities attained good scores.
research and the remaining one third is devoted to According to the standard of educational mission, a
curricula, workshops, lectures, and seminars. PhD course must generate certain qualifications in

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (06), 1471-1475 Foruzan Kavarizadeh et al ISSN 2349-7750

candidate students. The next factor to be assesses is study. The present study was, also, inconsistent with
educational objectives and goals, according to which those studies the results of which emphasized the
students must enough knowledge about the discipline necessity of revising and reforming curriculum of
they are studying, skills they might get, and required Iranian universities [23].
research methodology. According to the results of the
analysis of this factor, Iran university attained CONCLUSION
excellent score and universities of Saint Louise, According to the findings of the present study,
McGill, Mersin, Sydney, Otago, Masaryk, Delhi, curriculum of Iranian universities is on the same level
Khartoum, and Nairobi attained good score. Teaching with credited worldwide universities and is consistent
must be done in a research and student-based manner with their standards. It is recommended for future
so that it ensures the acquisition of certain researches to investigate proper implementation of
qualifications and capabilities during the training curricula and address other existing challenges.
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