07 Iajps07062017
07 Iajps07062017
07 Iajps07062017
Anatomy is one of the basic essential sciences of medicine, which is recognized as a root that gradually formed
other basic medical sciences. Therefore, educational program and curriculum are very important aspects of
anatomical science. This study aimed to evaluate and compare training programs of the PhD in anatomical sciences
in ten different universities according to European standards. This descriptive - comparative study was conducted
using multi-stage sampling method to choose 10 universities from five continents. Then, curricula of PhD in
anatomy for ten selected universities were compared to Iranian curriculum according to European standards. Data
were collected using information provided in official website of respective universities. In this study, we evaluated
eight elements of the training programs in which three elements including duration of program, educational content
and educational levels of the ten selected universities were consistent with European standards. However, we found
no information regarding duration of PhD program in the Iranian curriculum. Our findings indicated that African
universities perform weaker than other universities. In addition, training program of doctoral anatomy in Iran
showed satisfactory standards in comparison to other universities across the world. The training program in Iran
was consistent with the world's greatest universities as well as European standards. Hence, future studies are
recommended to focus on the correct implementation of training programs.
Keywords: Curriculum, PhD Anatomy, Standard ORPHEUS.
Corresponding Author: \
Foruzan Kavarizadeh, QR code
School of Medicine,
Ilam University of Medical Sciences,
Ilam, Iran. Email: pubmedp@gmail.com;
Tel: +989189127926703
Please cite this article in press as Foruzan Kavarizadeh et al Curriculum Audit of Iranian PHD of Anatomy
According to European Standard, Comparing with Worldwide Selected Countries, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017; 4(06).
candidate students. The next factor to be assesses is study. The present study was, also, inconsistent with
educational objectives and goals, according to which those studies the results of which emphasized the
students must enough knowledge about the discipline necessity of revising and reforming curriculum of
they are studying, skills they might get, and required Iranian universities [23].
research methodology. According to the results of the
analysis of this factor, Iran university attained CONCLUSION
excellent score and universities of Saint Louise, According to the findings of the present study,
McGill, Mersin, Sydney, Otago, Masaryk, Delhi, curriculum of Iranian universities is on the same level
Khartoum, and Nairobi attained good score. Teaching with credited worldwide universities and is consistent
must be done in a research and student-based manner with their standards. It is recommended for future
so that it ensures the acquisition of certain researches to investigate proper implementation of
qualifications and capabilities during the training curricula and address other existing challenges.
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