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List the Name of EACH SPEAKER! As well main points to cover in statements!
Nuclear PRO Nuclear CON

Speaker 1 (Environment & Health): Paulina Speaker 1 (Environment & Health): Paulina
Not as dangerous as perceived; there are a Nuclear waste
multitude of safety measures taken. The mining and refining of fuel for
The evidence over six decades nuclear reactors (uranium and
shows that nuclear power is a safe plutonium) cause harm as this
means of generating electricity. releases CO2
The risk of accidents in nuclear The mining of such material causes
power plants is low and declining. damage the landscape.
There is wildlife monitoring around The products of nuclear fission have
plants with a multitude of long half lives, which means that
safeguards causing for the they will continue to be radioactive
environment around to be and therefore hazardous- for
protected. many thousands of years.

Speaker 2 (Environment & Health): Ivanna Speaker 2 (Environment & Health): Ivanna
Minimal carbon emissions Extremely dangerous and can cause
There is no direct CO2 emissions multiple defects and cancers.
You can use already clean nuclear Nuclear waste can have drastically
energy to power electric vehicles bad effects on life, causing
making things twice as clean. cancerous growths,or causing
Generating electricity from fossil genetic problems for many
fuels results in greenhouse gas generations of animals and plants.
emissions far higher than when Residents living near nuclear power
using nuclear. plants have shown more stress and
concerns due past events.

Speaker 3 (Cost, Infrastructure, Speaker 3 (Cost, Infrastructure,

Sustainability): Cody Sustainability): Cody
Not Expensive to run Expenive to start up
Even if it had a carbon tax of 100 In 2002 - 2008 was 2 billion to as
per CO2 ton it would still be cheaper high as 9 billion per unit.
than fossil fuels. In the U.S.A a nuclear power plant
Nuclear power plants can produce was estimated to cost around $14
large amounts of very cheap and billion.
affordable electricity for the public. In 2003 uranium was around $11
In many places, nuclear energy is per pound however in 2007 it rose
competitive with fossil fuels as a to $100 per pound, showing how
means of electricity generation. unstable its price can be
Speaker 4 (Cost, Infrastructure, Speaker 4 (Cost, Infrastructure,
Sustainability): Paolo Sustainability): Paolo
Nuclear power plants can be hooked up It would be costly and timely to convert to
onto already existing power nuclear energy and it cant power
The US power grid is divided in everything; and uranium is limited.
three smaller and it that helps make Global power consumption today is
it less difficult to convert certain about 15 terawatts. And to reach
fossil fuel based plants into nuclear. this quota of power production
With a complete combustion or there would need to be 15,000
fission, only 8 kWh of heat can be nuclear reactors.
generated from 1 kg of coal, and There is nowhere near enough
around 24,000,000 kWh from 1 kg uranium needed to power such an
of uranium. endeavor
There have estimates of up to more Only 200 years worth of easy to
than 5,000 years (at our current) access and safe to use Uranium left
worth of energy from nuclear on the earth.
energy if we use it to its full Reactors need to be retired every 50
potential. to 70 years.

Renewable PRO Renewable CON

Speaker 1 (Environment & Health): Paulina Speaker 1 (Environment & Health): Paulina
Have no air pollution and have low carbon Interfere a lot of the wildlife and effects a
and greenhouse gases. lot of birds.
Wind and solar systems generate 233 birds have been recovered from
electricity with no air pollution. the sites of 3 california desert solar
Require very little water to operate. power plants
have low carbon and greenhouse The laboratorys wildlife says that
gas. many of the birds had been fatally
Biomass helps reduce the amount of singed, broken, or otherwise fatally
waste in landfills. crippled by the facilities.
Landfills produce gases that can be In total wind and solar are
collected and combusted for energy. estimated to cause 141,000 total
birds a year.

Speaker 2 (Environment & Health): Ivanna Speaker 2 (Environment & Health): Ivanna
Reduce cost of healthcare and takes care of Health: The process of acquiring materials
your body and the clean air system for renewable energies is dangerous.
Has reduced the overall cost of Biomass is a source that still
health care since fossil fuels cause a releases methane and releases
lot of breathing problems disgusting odors
Examples of problems neurological Cents are unpleasant to humans.
damage, heart attacks, and cancer. Solar panels use heavy metals
Americans spend approximately meaning that when making and
$361.7 to $886.5 billion every year mining the metals those building
on overall health of the population. and collecting can be at risk.

Speaker 3 (Cost, Infrastructure, Speaker 3 (Cost, Infrastructure,

Sustainability): Cody Sustainability): Cody
Renewables can be quites cost effective Renewables can be expensive to create and
once in full swing and has plenty of maintain.
incentives. As a general way to describe
When you look at efficiency or renewables is that they do cost
energy input compared to output more especially because when
renewables are the most efficient. making plants and etc they require
(Wind Turbines being the most more intricate non-conventional
efficient). Chart in resources designs.
document. Wind turbines and solar panels
Wind and solar energy prices have typically utiliza rare materials and
been dropping since 2009 making it can be expensive to both buy and
a cheaper source of energy and this mine
makes it more attractive to those
who may want to invest in these
sources of energy.

Speaker 4 (Cost, Infrastructure,

Sustainability): Paolo Speaker 4 (Cost, Infrastructure,
There are already a few plants of all kinds Sustainability): Paolo
all we need to do is place new renewable Many renewable are based on geography
plants where fossil fuel ones stand. and cant be placed everywhere.
A lot of coal plants can be converted Dams can only be built on water
into biomass. sources
Making them more carbon neutral. Solar panels wont be as effective in
This also means that more money cloudy regions of the world or
doesnt need to be spent towards where the sun doesnt shine as
building new power plants. much, and wind turbines cant be
built in the atmosphere where they
would be much more useful.
Many forms of renewable energy
will be useless or much less effective
when it comes to where they are
built, meaning not all parts of the
world will get it.
Fossil Fuel PRO Fossil Fuel CON

Speaker 1 (Environment & Health): Paulina Speaker 1 (Environment & Health): Paulina
The means of controlling pollution from Carbon dioxide is released into the air
these fuels exists. when fossil fuels are burned.
Leading businesses are taking steps Environmental pollution is one of
to understand and manage their the major disadvantage of fossil
greenhouse gas emissions by fuels.
preparing annual greenhouse gas It is a known fact that carbon
inventories and setting long-term dioxide, gas released when fossil
targets to reduce emissions. fuels are burnt, is one of the primary
If we are able to control/reduce gases responsible for global
fossil fuel emissions, it will last warming.
much longer and we can depend on Rise in temperature of earth has
it a little more if emissions are resulted in melting of polar ice caps,
reduced but we should still try to flooding of low lying areas and rise
minimize the use of fossil fuels as in sea levels. If such conditions
energy. continue, our planet Earth might
face some serious consequences in
near future.

Speaker 2 (Environment & Health): Ivanna Speaker 2 (Environment & Health): Ivanna
Nuclear power plant accidents are far Public health issues
more devastating than fossil fuel accidents Fossil fuels are not at all
Even though nuclear power plant environment friendly.
incidents are less likely to happen, Burning of fossil fuels result in
they provoke a huge negative pollution and can cause serious
impact. environmental concerns.
Such as Fukushima and Chernobyl, Pollution-related diseases kill
they contaminated and killed a huge millions of children a year.
amount of people, and are far worse According to WHO, 7 million
than minor oil spills premature deaths annually linked to
air pollution.

Speaker 3 (Cost, Infrastructure, Speaker 3 (Cost, Infrastructure,

Sustainability): Cody Sustainability): Cody
Generates thousands of jobs Fossil fuels have higher consumer costs:
Fossil fuels generate hundreds of Gasoline costs $3.80 extra per
thousands of jobs every year. To gallon, diesel an additional $4.80
abandon the use of fossil fuels per gallon, coal an extra 24 cents
would lead to lots of people being per kilowatt-hour, and natural gas
jobless which could seriously affect another 11 cents per kilowatt-hour
the economy all over the world. that we dont see in our fuel or
energy bills.
A new report from the International
Monetary Fund says global use of
fossil fuels costs taxpayers and
consumers $5.3 trillion year.

Speaker 4 (Cost, Infrastructure, Speaker 4 (Cost, Infrastructure,

Sustainability): Paolo Sustainability): Paolo
Fossil Fuels are very reliable they have Fossil fuels will run out eventually
been around for a long time and are more Clearly fossil fuel reserves are finite,
reliable than solar and wind energy. but it's only a matter of when they
Already have existing fossil fuel run out. Globally, every year we
grids around the U.S, and also a little currently consume the equivalent of
cheap, already have existing over 11 billion tonnes of oil in fossil
designs. fuels. Crude oil reserves are
Carbon capture and storage help vanishing at the rate of 4 billion tons
reduce greenhouse emissions a year, if we carry on at this rate
generated by fossil fuels. Have been without any increase for our
around since the industrial growing population or aspirations,
revolution, Give guarantee reliable our known oil deposits will be gone
supply of electricity. by 2052.
Well still have gas left, and coal too.
If we increase gas production to fill
the energy gap left by oil, then those
reserves will only give us an
additional eight years, taking us to
2060. But the rate at which the
world consumes fossil fuels is not
standing still, it is increasing as the
world's population increases and as
living standards rise in parts of the
world that until recently had
consumed very little energy. Fossil
Fuels will therefore run out earlier.

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