Vesda-Hli-Gw: Programming and Operation Manual
Vesda-Hli-Gw: Programming and Operation Manual
Vesda-Hli-Gw: Programming and Operation Manual
Programming and Operation Manual
Document: LS10023-000NF-E
6/26/12 Rev: A2
P/N: LS10023-000NF-E: Rev. A2 ECN: 12-0294
Fire Alarm System Limitations
While a fire alarm system may lower insurance rates, it is not a substitute for fire insurance!
An automatic fire alarm systemtypically made up of smoke detec- bedrooms), smoking in bed, and violent explosions (caused by escap-
tors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warning devices, ing gas, improper storage of flammable materials, etc.).
and a fire alarm control panel with remote notification capabilitycan Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and alarm only
provide early warning of a developing fire. Such a system, however, when heat on their sensors increases at a predetermined rate or
does not assure protection against property damage or loss of life reaches a predetermined level. Rate-of-rise heat detectors may be
resulting from a fire. subject to reduced sensitivity over time. For this reason, the rate-of-
The Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat detectors be rise feature of each detector should be tested at least once per year
located throughout a protected premise following the recommenda- by a qualified fire protection specialist. Heat detectors are designed to
tions of the current edition of the National Fire Protection Association protect property, not life.
Standard 72 (NFPA 72), manufacturer's recommendations, State and IMPORTANT! Smoke detectors must be installed in the same room
local codes, and the recommendations contained in the Guide for as the control panel and in rooms used by the system for the connec-
Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at tion of alarm transmission wiring, communications, signaling, and/or
no charge to all installing dealers. These documents can be found at power. If detectors are not so located, a developing fire may damage the alarm system, crippling its ability to report a fire.
A study by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (an agency Audible warning devices such as bells may not alert people if these
of the United States government) indicated that smoke detectors may devices are located on the other side of closed or partly open doors or
not go off in as many as 35% of all fires. While fire alarm systems are are located on another floor of a building. Any warning device may fail
designed to provide early warning against fire, they do not guarantee to alert people with a disability or those who have recently consumed
warning or protection against fire. A fire alarm system may not provide drugs, alcohol or medication. Please note that:
timely or adequate warning, or simply may not function, for a variety
of reasons: Strobes can, under certain circumstances, cause seizures in people
with conditions such as epilepsy.
Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot reach the
Studies have shown that certain people, even when they hear a fire
detectors such as in chimneys, in or behind walls, on roofs, or on the
alarm signal, do not respond or comprehend the meaning of the signal.
other side of closed doors. Smoke detectors also may not sense a fire
It is the property owner's responsibility to conduct fire drills and other
on another level or floor of a building. A second-floor detector, for training exercise to make people aware of fire alarm signals and
example, may not sense a first-floor or basement fire. instruct them on the proper reaction to alarm signals.
Particles of combustion or smoke from a developing fire may not In rare instances, the sounding of a warning device can cause tempo-
reach the sensing chambers of smoke detectors because: rary or permanent hearing loss.
Barriers such as closed or partially closed doors, walls, or chimneys A fire alarm system will not operate without any electrical power. If
may inhibit particle or smoke flow. AC power fails, the system will operate from standby batteries only for
Smoke particles may become cold, stratify, and not reach the ceiling a specified time and only if the batteries have been properly main-
or upper walls where detectors are located. tained and replaced regularly.
Smoke particles may be blown away from detectors by air outlets. Equipment used in the system may not be technically compatible
Smoke particles may be drawn into air returns before reaching the with the control panel. It is essential to use only equipment listed for
detector. service with your control panel.
The amount of smoke present may be insufficient to alarm smoke Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premise to a
detectors. Smoke detectors are designed to alarm at various levels of central monitoring station may be out of service or temporarily dis-
smoke density. If such density levels are not created by a developing abled. For added protection against telephone line failure, backup
fire at the location of detectors, the detectors will not go into alarm. radio transmission systems are recommended.
Smoke detectors, even when working properly, have sensing limita- The most common cause of fire alarm malfunction is inadequate
tions. Detectors that have photo-electronic sensing chambers tend to maintenance. To keep the entire fire alarm system in excellent work-
detect smoldering fires better than flaming fires, which have little visi- ing order, ongoing maintenance is required per the manufacturer's
ble smoke. Detectors that have ionizing-type sensing chambers tend recommendations, and UL and NFPA standards. At a minimum, the
to detect fast-flaming fires better than smoldering fires. Because fires requirements of NFPA 72 shall be followed. Environments with large
develop in different ways and are often unpredictable in their growth, amounts of dust, dirt or high air velocity require more frequent mainte-
neither type of detector is necessarily best and a given type of detec- nance. A maintenance agreement should be arranged through the
tor may not provide adequate warning of a fire. local manufacturer's representative. Maintenance should be sched-
uled monthly or as required by National and/or local fire codes and
Smoke detectors cannot be expected to provide adequate warning of should be performed by authorized professional fire alarm installers
fires caused by arson, children playing with matches (especially in only. Adequate written records of all inspections should be kept.
FCC Warning
WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radi- Canadian Requirements: This digital apparatus does not
ate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in exceed the Class A limits for radiation noise emissions
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause inter- from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference
ference to radio communications. It has been tested and Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communica-
found to comply with the limits for class A computing tions. This Class A digital apparatus complies with Cana-
device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules, dian ICES-003.
which is designed to provide reasonable protection against Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radio-
such interference when operated in a commercial environ- electriques depassant les limites applicables aux appareils
ment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is numeriques de la classe A prescrites dans le Reglement
likely to cause interference, in which case the user will be sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des
required to correct the interference at his own expense. Communications du Canada. Cet appareil numerique de la
classe A est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
HARSH, NIS and NOTIFIRENET are all trademarks; and Acclimate Plus, FlashScan, NOTIFIER, ONYX, ONYXWorks, VeriFire and VIEW are all registered
trademarks of Honeywell International, Inc. ARCNET is a registered trademark of Datapoint Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation.
2012 by Honeywell International, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited.
Manual Usage
This manual is written with the understanding that the user has been trained in the proper operations and services for
this product. The information provided in this manual is intended to assist the user by describing the configurations
and how they affect operations.
Table of Contents
Section 1 Product Overview .................................................................................................... 3
1.1: Product Description .......................................................................................................................................3
1.2: Features..........................................................................................................................................................3
1.3: Compatibility .................................................................................................................................................4
1.4: System Architecture.......................................................................................................................................4
Figure 1.1 Network Architecture............................................................................................................5
1.5: IP Port Requirements .....................................................................................................................................6
1.6: Installation Overview.....................................................................................................................................6
1.6.1: Required Equipment ............................................................................................................................6
1.6.2: Power Supply and Communication Connections ................................................................................7
1.6.3: Board Layout .......................................................................................................................................7
Figure 1.2 VESDA-HLI-GW Board.......................................................................................................7
Table 1.1 LED Definitions .....................................................................................................................8
Section 2 Configuration ........................................................................................................... 9
2.1: Configuration Web Page ................................................................................................................................9
2.2: Connecting the Configuration Computer.......................................................................................................9
2.3: Configuring the VESDA-HLI-GW................................................................................................................9
2.3.1: Logging into the Web Page .................................................................................................................9
2.3.2: VESDA-HLI-GW Configuration Menus...........................................................................................10
2.3.3: VESDA-HLI-GW Configuration Settings.........................................................................................10
2.3.4: Zone Mapping and Control by Event ................................................................................................12
Table 2.1 Zone Setting/Alarm State Relationships ..............................................................................12
2.3.5: Error Log ...........................................................................................................................................13
Table 2.2 Error Log Message Definition..............................................................................................13
Appendix A: IP Settings ......................................................................................................... 15
A.1: Viewing Existing Settings...........................................................................................................................15
A.2: Resetting Factory Default Settings .............................................................................................................15
Appendix B: Viewing Gateway Configuration...................................................................... 17
B.1: Required Equipment ...................................................................................................................................17
B.2: Viewing the Configuration..........................................................................................................................17
1.2 Features
Monitor (NCA-2, LCD-160, ONYXWorks) - Highest Priority event is shown on annunciators.
Fire Alarms
Point Disable
Detector Fault
Scanner Fault
Power Fault
Low Flow
High Flow
Filter Fault
Field Wiring Fault
Auto learn Failure
No Answer.
NOTE: The trouble categorizations are generic and each encompasses several troubles.
Further information can be obtained by referring to XTralis resources.
Supervision Troubles:
Modbus Communications Fault (Indicates that VESDA-HLI-GW can not talk to VESDA
VESDA Trouble
Read Status:
Device Type
Alarm State - Alert/Action/Fire1/Fiew2/Trouble/Isolated
Smoke Level - This is a percentage of obscuration from 0% to 3.1% as defined by VESDA
Detector Alarm Thresholds
Control (From NCA-2 and ONYXWorks):
Reset - Resets all detectors on the VESDAnet
Isolate/Enable - Isolates (Disables) and enables single detector on the VESDAnet
Silence - Silences all local piezos on detectors
Zone Mapping
DCC mode is supported for Canadian applications
Walk test is not supported by the VESDA gateway
History - Rolling history is maintained on the gateway
Alarms and Prealarms are latched by the VESDA detectors. Reset is required to unlatch.
1.3 Compatibility
Refer to the LS10026-051NF-E VESDA-HLI-GW Listing Document for supported panels and annunciators.
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 or later with the latest version of JAVA is required to configure the
NFN Network
Port Type
80 TCP
4016 TCP
62957 TCP
Functionality Restriction
Customer-Supplied Equipment:
A computer to run Internet Explorer and configure the VESDA Gateway
D15 D45
(See Table 1.1) Ethernet Connector
NUP A Serial Data
Connector (J6)
Trouble Relay
-24 V Out
+24 V Out
-24 V In
+24 V In
Label Description
D7 WDT Active/Lit indicates the system has undergone a reset due to a Watchdog
circuit firing.
D45 DATA Blinks to indicate data transmission to or from the Ethernet port.
File Reboot Displays a dialog box allowing the user to reboot the VESDA-HLI-GW.
Tools History Displays an events log with date, time, type of event, and description.
Set Gateway Displays a dialog box allowing the user to change the current password.
Password Default: 00000000 (eight zeros)
Backup... Browse to the folder where you would like to store current VESDA-HLI-GW
configuration settings, and then click Save.
Restore... Displays a dialog box allowing that allows the user to restore the VESDA-
HLI-GW configuration settings to a previously saved state.
Delete Objects Displays a dialog box allowing the user to choose to delete the objects
Database database and reboot.
Upgrade Firmware In the Look In drop down menu, select the file name that begins,
#VGNUW and has the extension .AR. Then click Open. An on-screen
dialog indicates a successful upgrade.
Language Displays a dialog box from which the user can navigate to and select the
desired language file.
IP Gateway Click the value and enter the IP address of the IP Gateway for the host
(Default is
MAC Address This is the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the gateway
Ethernet port and is not configurable.
NFN Settings Node Click value to assign the NFN node number of the VESDA-HLI-GW.
(Default is 0)
Navigation Property/
Sub-Item Description
Pane Item Node
Additional NFN Settings Panel Label Click value to enter panel label.
Properties (Contd) (Default is Vesda Gateway)
DCC Enable Check the box for DCC (Display and Control Center) participation. This
network function ensures that one location at a time is in command of
the Acknowledge, System Reset, Signal Silence, and Drill functions.
Channel A Select High for a high-noise NFN network.
Threshold Set to Low for a low-noise NFN network.
Style 7 Check the box for a Style 7 SLC (Signaling Line Circuit) configured
NFN network.
Uncheck the box for a Style 4 SLC configured NFN network.
Note: NCM Version does not appear when there is no NFN connection.
NCM Status Displays the NCM status, which can be: Piezo, UPS Failure, Network
Bits Fail Port A, Network Fail Port B, High Speed Audio, NCM Sniffer Mode
Active, Local Connection Limit Exceeded, or None.
Note: NCM Status Bits does not appear if when there is no NFN
Fire Network Always displays Accept Time since VESDA-HLI-GW accepts the time
Time Policy from the network, but does not broadcast time to the network.
Mapping Check the box next to each detector with which the gateway will
communicate. Once mapped, the gateway is able to access detector
Zone Label Double-click to display a list of zone labels.
Configuration Click on the zone to display its property screen.
Label Click on the value to change the zone label.
Click Save to save the change.
Monitored Label Click the value to enter the label for the detector.
Zone List
Zone Displays a list of the ten general zones supported by the gateway and
Configuration their settings.
Error Log Label text is red when there is an error. Click to display date, time, and
error description information. Refer to 2.3.5, "Error Log" for details.
Alarm State
Alert X X X X
Zone State Setting
Action X X X
Fire1 X X
Fire2 X
Any X X X X
Error Description
Connection Not Supported Device has an invalid wiring configuration on the NUP port, for
example, trying to attach an HSNCM with a serial cable.
Modbus Communication Fault Cannot communicate with HLI. For example, HLI is unplugged.
Missing Detector # Indicates a detector programmed into the system is offline (for
example # is a numeric value which is the detector number).
Appendix A: IP Settings
NOTE: The procedures in this appendix require the use of a USB flash memory drive.