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The document discusses the COMFLEX grinding system produced by KHD Humboldt Wedag for cement plants.

The main components are the V-SEPARATOR, SEPMASTER LC separator, and roller press.

The roller press grinds the material between two rollers. It is available in different sizes and can have different roller designs for wear protection.


+ COMFLEX with ball mill


COMFLEX is multi - talented and supports different applications and products.

COMFLEX is suitable for new installations and upgrades of existing grinding plants.
In new installations, COMFLEX is an ideal single - stage grinding system for raw material, blast furnace

slag and cement.
For a number of grinding applications, COMFLEX combined with a ball mill has turned out to be the
best choice.
For upgrades, COMFLEX can be set up as a two - stage grinding system to meet or even exceed
customer expectations in terms of product quality and capacity.

tKHDHumboldtWedagGmbH ZABZementanlagenbau HumboldtWedagIndiaPrivateLtd. OOOKHDHumboldtEngineering

Colonia - Allee 3 GmbHDessau Mehtab House, A - 36, Mohan Mjasnizkaja ul., 24/7
51067 Cologne / Germany Brauereistrae 13 Co - op Estate, Mathura Road B. 1, Office 108 +49 221 6504 0 06847 Dessau-Rolau / Germany New Delhi - 110044 / India 101000 Moscow / Russia +49 340 50 29-2 13 +91 11 4210 1100 + 7 495 6 23 34 80

HumboldtWedag,Inc. KHDHumboldtWedagMachinery HumboldtWedagGmbH, HumboldtWedagGmbHMerkezi

400 Technology Parkway Equipment (Beijing) Co. Ltd P.O. Box 380 Almanya Trkiye stanbul ubesi
Norcross GA 30092 / USA CITIC Building, 25A Jeddah 21411 Ayazaga Mah. Meydadan Sk. No: 1 +1 770 810 7315 19 Jianguomenwai Street KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Beybi Giz Plaza K: 26&27
Beijing / China 100004 Tel: +966 2 671 7121 Maslak 34396 stanbul +86 10 6500 4101 Trkiye
COMFLEX System COMFLEX Separator
COMFLEX isamodular,compactandmulti - talentedgrindingsolution COMFLEX consists of the robust its own V-SEPARATOR, which is
forthecementandmineralsindustry.ItisusedforFinish-andSemi-Finish- designed V-SEPARATOR and linked to a dedicated SEPMASTER
Grindingofrawmaterials,cementandslag. the high - efficiency dynamic LC offering quality control of one
COMFLEX combinesseveralprovenKHDtechnologies: and LC-Separator are linked
Roller Press with Swing Frame for easy and fast roller service pneumatically to one unit the The conical rotor design of the
Tailor - made separating unit to separate, dry and convey materials SEPMASTERVLC. The VLC LC-Separator and optimized
Efficient product collection system minimizes the need for auxiliary cyclone arrangement offers a low
equipment. Together with the pressure drop for the system fan.
upgraded Roller Press and various Together with reduced air flow,
COMFLEX isavailablewithfourbasicproductionlevelsfromsmall
COMFLEX arrangements the VLC system fans for COMFLEX require
offers everything to provide up to 50 % less energy compared
COMFLEX S Single system for small to medium capacity grinding from small to very with competing grinding systems.
COMFLEX D Double system for medium to high capacity large capacity. For raw mills with low to medium
capacity, the static L-Separator
COMFLEX SC Cement and / or slag The V-SEPARATOR location below instead of the SEPMASTERLC is an
COMFLEX DR Raw material Roller Press is ideal for grinding excellent choice.
blast furnace slag. Leaving the Roller
COMFLEX DR-16/4500 16 Roller Press size Press, ground slag becomes highly
4500 Separator rotor diameter reactive. To avoid build - up in
the vertical conveying system,
ground slag is dried in the When designed with a fully
V- SEPARATOR, right after static VL-Separator (V-SEPA-
The system enables production rates of more than 800 t/h raw meal and leaving the rollers. Only RATOR plus L-Separator), COM-
400 t/h cement perfect as a single grinding unit serving large kilns. process air for separating FLEX offers the lowest fan pressure
COMFLEX features high flexibility for a wide range of applications, and drying is used for verti- drop and energy consumption that
product qualities and minimal energy consumption. cally conveying of material. can be reached for mill systems in
With the V-SEPARATOR loca- present market. Further reduction of
Process air, required for drying and separating is also used ted below and the LC-Separator moving parts and electrical consu-
for material lifting, reducing mechanical material circulation. above the Roller Press, LC - rejects mers provide low maintenance and
One of COMFLEX 's features is that the size of the system are conveyed pneumatically to even higher availability.
fan depends only on the separating and drying process the Roller Press, reducing bucket
Separator size range
and is almost indepedent from the grindability elevator size, loading with fine
of the material. material and eliminating dust hand- 2,0
ling problems. The same concept is LC =DynamicSeparator
L =StaticSeparator
Unlike other grinding systems, COMFLEX D used for grinding cement and raw
offers at least 50 % of its grinding capacity materials, taking advantage of the 1,5

during maintenance of grinding tools. slag arrangement. One standard ar-

AirFlowx106 (m3/h)

rangement is used throughout the

cement plant. 1,0

1 Largest VLC-Separators reach air

volumes of 600 m3/s to separate 0,5
1 Product large product quantities and to dry
3 2 Feed raw materials with high feed moi-
3 Gasinlet sture. With the compact COMFLEX 0,0

L 48/LC 2000 L 72/LC 3000 L 100/LC 4000 LC 5000 LC 6000 LC 7000

4 Wastegas system, each Roller Press works with Diameter(mm)
Good news for maintenance engineers: Roller
replacement and maintaining welded rollers have
become a time - saving and easy operation with
the swing frame.

Roller Press view from drive end

Both rollers can be dismantled to one side no need
RollerPressStandardSizes for large overhead cranes. The Separator, Roller
Press and feeding system are combined in a
Roller Presses for COMFLEX are available compact arrangement.
RollerPressstandardsizes in four standard sizes, ranging from 7 to
Mega- Diameter Motor 16 mega - newton grinding force. Optionally, with a special designed sliding
Newton x width power
system, gear boxes can be disassembled from
mn (mm x mm) (max kW) The roller diameter is standardized to the roller shaft, with precise vertical and
1.7 meters to allow common material horizontal alignment.
7 1700 x 900 1600
feed size of up to 80 mm for raw
10 1700 x 1100 2000
material grinding. The roller width is
13 1700 x 1400 2600
related to the grinding force and
16 1700 x 1800 4000
ranges from 0.9 to 1.8 meters.

Lowest wear rates are achieved, Two different concepts of wear STUD - lined rollers offer maximum
if the ground material provides protection are offered: the welded roller lifetimes with nearly no main-
wear protection. This is reached by roller surface CHF (Complete Hard tenance. Extremely wear resistant
profiling the roller surface so it is Facing) and KHDs patented carbide cylinders are inserted in RPS Gearslidingsystem
partly covered with ground material STUD - Lining. the roller surface. More than 70
during operation. % of the roller surface is
CHF - lined rollers are used for feed covered with ground material,
Besides low wear rates, this "autoge- materials with normal wear charac- acting as autogenous wear
nous wear protection features teristics. Roller surfaces can be rene- protection. Even for extremely
excellent nipping properties, larger wed easy and quickly, either by abrasive materials, such as
roller gap and low vibration rewelding only the profiles with the blast furnace slag, STUD - Lining
even when grinding products with rollers in place, or by completely withstands much more than
high fineness. renewing the welded wear layer. 20,000 hours of operation.

Roller Press axial roller guide and bearing oil lubrication

RPS Swingframe


DR -16/4250 DC -16/3750/BM38 DC -16/3750

COMFLEX standsfora"COMminutionsystem,FLEXibleinapplication,built


510 t/h 350 t/h 170 t/h
RAWMEAL OPC 4500BlaineSlag

8000 Triple




7 10 13 16

COMFLEX range of grinding power

To reduce initial investment, cut operating cost and improve quality

control, users generally prefer to produce products in one grinding
unit. In the future COMFLEX will essentially eliminate limits in
production capacity by setting up multiple grinding modules lea- COMFLEX
ding into one product separation system. We are working on
special arrangements and Separator designs to serve very GrindingPackageforCementPlants
large kilns of up to 15,000 tons of clinker per day.

COMFLEX consists of small modu- even blast furnace slag, identical

COMFLEX in single arrangement (COMFLEX S) can
les that cover the whole range of Roller Presses can be selected,
grind up to 400 t/h raw meal or 160 t/h cement.
grinding capacity in a cement reducing the necessary number of
Since the grinding energy for larger capacities
plant. Even for very large grinding spare parts and replacement cost.
cannot be transferred with only two rollers,
units, the key parts such as rollers,
our future task is to have COMFLEX with
gear boxes, fans and motors are of Raw- and cement mills basically
multiple modules, in different arrange-
common size. follow the same arrangement,
ments, giving double, triple or even
taking advantage of identical
quadruple the capacities. Very large
With a complete COMFLEX auxiliary equipment and savings in
SEPMASTERLC`s are designed
grinding package in a cement civil engineering and construction.
for 600 m3/s to separate up to
plant for raw material, cement and
1500 t/h raw meal.


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