Figurative Language
Figurative Language
Figurative Language
is the use of figures of speech to be feel they have the ability to act
more effective, persuasive and like human beings.
impactful. It is not merely a decorative
Figures of Speech device but it serves the purpose
is a word or phrase that has of giving deeper meanings to
a meaning something different than its literary texts. It adds vividness
literal meaning. to expressions as we always
look at the world from a human
1. Simile perspective.
a figure of speech that makes a
comparison, showing Examples
similarities between two Have you got a brook
different things. Unlike a in your little heart,
metaphor, a simile draws Where bashful flowers
resemblance with the help of blow,
the words like or as. And blushing birds go
Therefore, it is a direct down to drink,
comparison. And shadows tremble
Using similes attracts the so?
attention and appeals directly to
the senses of listeners or 4. Apostrophe
readers encouraging their a rhetorical device used by
imagination to comprehend playwrights and authors
what is being communicated. In whenever their characters
addition, it inspires life-like address a character that isnt
quality in our daily talks and in present in the scene.
the characters of fiction or apostrophe is often used by
poetry characters who are addressing
a personification or an idea.
Example: (apostrophe in the form of
I would have given anything personification)
for the power to soothe her frail soul,
tormenting itself in its invincible Example
ignorance like a small bird beating Grim death, how foul and
about the cruel wires of a cage loathsome is thine image.
-Taming of the Shew,
-Joseph Conrad Shakespeare
2. Metaphor 5. Hyperbole
a figure of speech which makes derived from a Greek word
an implicit, implied or hidden meaning over-casting this
comparison between two things figure of speech involves an
that are unrelated but share exaggeration of ideas for the
some common characteristics. sake of emphasis.
In other words, a resemblance in literature, it has very serious
of two contradictory or different implications. By using
objects is made based on a hyperbole, a writer or a poet
single or some common makes common human feelings
characteristics. remarkable and intense to such
Furthermore, a metaphor an extent that they do not
develops a comparison which is remain ordinary.
different from a simile i.e. we do In literature, usage of hyperbole
not use like or as to develop develops contrasts. When one
a comparison in a metaphor. thing is described with an over-
Using appropriate metaphors statement and the other thing is
appeals directly to the senses of presented normally, a striking
listeners or readers, sharpening contrast is developed. This
their imaginations to technique is employed to catch
comprehend what is being the readers attention.
communicated to them.
I had to wait in the station for
Example: ten days-an eternity.
I am the wind that you - The Heart of
breathe. Darkness Joseph
I am the song of your life. Conrad
3. Personification
a figure of speech in which a 6. Litotes
thing, an idea or an animal is derived from a Greek word
given human attributes. The meaning simple, it is a figure
non-human objects are of speech which employs an
understatement by using that their intended meaning is
double negatives or, in other different from the actual
words, positive statement is meaning of the words.
expressed by negating its It may also be a situation that
opposite expressions. may end up in quite a different
Litotes uses ironical way than what is generally
understatement in order to anticipated.
emphasize an idea or situation In simple words, it is a
rather than minimizing its difference between the
importance. appearance and the reality.
The western wave was all a-
9. Irony
a figure of speech in which
words are used in such a way