MPSA-SOP - 07 Cranes and Lifting Equipment
MPSA-SOP - 07 Cranes and Lifting Equipment
MPSA-SOP - 07 Cranes and Lifting Equipment
Table of Content
2. Applicability/Scope .................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 4
8. Inspection ....................................................................................................................................... 8
9. Communications. ................................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix A: Wire Rope Clip Spacing and Orientation (Not to be used for slings) ................................ 12
2. Applicability/Scope
The present procedure is applicable to all project activities performed by Minera Panama or their contractors
that involve use of cranes and lifting equipment.
4. Definitions
4.1. Competent Person
A person who has acquired through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, the knowledge
and skill enabling that person to correctly perform the required task.
5. General requirements
- Before any crane or hoisting equipment is placed in use, it shall be inspected and tested and certified in
writing by a competent person to be in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and the
requirements of this procedure.
- When the manufacturer's instructions or recommendations are more stringent than the requirements of this
procedure, the manufacturer's instructions or recommendations shall apply.
- The use of electronic equipment for entertainment purposes while operating equipment is prohibited.
- Mechanized equipment shall be shut down before and during refuelling operations. Closed systems, with an
automatic shut- off that will prevent spillage if connections are broken, may be used to fuel diesel powered
equipment left running.
- Riding on loads, hooks, hammers, buckets, material hoists, or other hoisting equipment not meant for
personnel handling is prohibited.
Control Document Version #1 Last Review: 2014-06-28
Cranes and Lifting Equipment Page 5 of 14
- Lifting tackle will be stored or protected so as to prevent damage or deterioration when not in use.
- All types of lifting tackle used are to be clearly marked with the maximum mass load, which it is designed to
carry with safety and identification particulars.
5.4. Parking
- Whenever equipment is parked, the parking brake shall be set.
- Equipment parked on an incline shall have the wheels chocked or track mechanisms blocked and the
parking brake set.
- All equipment left unattended at night, adjacent to a highway in normal use or adjacent to construction
areas where work is in progress, shall have lights or reflectors, or barricades equipped with lights or
reflectors, to identify the location of the equipment.
5.7. Riggers
- The riggers must be certified by a competent person in the project.
- Rigger is responsible of inspection of all lifting accessories, and responsible on the verification of proper
capacity of these in according with the task.
- Two level of Riggers will be implemented in according with the weights of the loads
o Less than 20 tons
o 20 or more tons, in this case the rigger must have 3 years of experience.
6. Normal lifts
Is considered a normal lift:
- Lifts using of 70% of the nominal capacity of the crane and the load is of neutral type.
A lift planning must include:
- Weight of load and rigging, fly, hooks etc.
- Select appropriate load chart for crane configuration/proposed configuration.
- Confirm ground bearing pressure capacity.
- Check for underground services.
- Know required orientation at placement.
7. Critical lifts
When using cranes or hoists, the following are identified as critical lifts requiring detailed planning and specific safety
precautions. Critical lifts are defined as:
- Lifts involving hazardous materials (e.g., explosives, highly volatile substances);
- Hoisting personnel with a crane or hoist;
- Lifts made with more than one crane;
- Lifts where the centre of gravity could change;
The work platform and suspension system shall be designed and certified by a Registered Professional Engineer
with knowledge in this area.
- The work platform (excluding fall protection systems) shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its
own weight and at least five times the maximum intended load.
- The suspension system shall be designed to minimize tipping of the platform due to movement of the
employees on the work platform.
- The system used to connect the work platform to the equipment shall allow the platform to remain within
10 degrees of level, regardless of boom angle.
- All welding of the work platform and its components shall be performed by a Certified Welder familiar
with the weld grades, types, and material specified in the platform design.
Crane supported work platforms shall meet the following requirements:
- The scaffold shall be of metal or metal frame construction with a standard guardrail system and shall be
enclosed at least from the toe board to mid-rail with either solid construction material or expanded metal
having openings no greater than inch (1.2 cm).
- A grab rail shall be installed inside the entire perimeter of the personnel platform.
- Access gates, if installed, shall not swing outward and shall be equipped with a device to prevent
accidental opening.
- Headroom shall be provided which allows employees to stand upright in the platform.
- In addition to the use of hardhats, employees shall be protected by overhead protection on the personnel
platform when the employee(s) are exposed to falling objects.
- The platform shall be conspicuously posted with a plate or other permanent marking that indicates the
weight of the platform and its rated load capacity or maximum intended load.
8. Inspection
The following equipment is to be inspected every three months:
- Chain slings and attachments.
- Wire rope slings and attachments.
- Synthetic fibre slings and attachments.
- Hand operated hoists.
- Air hoists and air winches.
- Plate clamps.
- Lifting hooks (which are an integral part of lifting equipment such as a chain block or lever hoist).
An appropriate colour coded tag shall be attached in accordance with the Project coding as follows:
Lifting equipment shall be inspected at month intervals or as prescribed by legislation, and results recorded.
Inspection reports shall include the date, condition of the equipment, corrective actions required and the name of
the inspector and organisation.
(a) Performed by the manufacturer.
(b) Altered is defined as any change to the original manufacturers design configuration, that is, replacement
of weight handling equipment parts and components.
(c) Initial use refers to (1) the first time takes possession of and assembles a crane, or (2) whenever a Contractor
brings a crane onto a job site and assembles the crane.
(d) This requirement is in addition to the requirement for a periodic inspection.
(e) Standby cranes are those cranes that are not used on a regular basis but are available - on a standby basis -
for emergencies; requirements for frequent inspections of standby cranes are in addition to the requirement for
a periodic inspection.
(f) In addition to the semi-annual frequent inspection, a frequent inspection shall be conducted prior to use
9. Communications.
A standard signal system shall be used on all cranes and hoisting equipment (by hand, voice, audible or comparable
signals). Manual (hand) signals may be used when the distance between the operator and signal person is not more
than 100 ft (30.4 m). If using hand signals, Standard Method must be used.
Radio, telephone, or a visual and audible electrically- operated system shall be used when the distance between
operator and signal person is more than 100 ft or when they cannot see each other.
10. Appendices
Appendix A: Wire Rope Clip Spacing and Orientation (Not to be used for slings)
Number of clips and the proper torque necessary to assemble wire rope eye loop connections with a probable
efficiency not more than 80%
# OF
At end connection
At end connection
In one rope lay
ASME/B30.16 Overhead hoists 12** 4 N/S
ANSI/A10.4 Personnel hoists 6** 3 2 2** 2
Not Not
ANSI/A10.5 Material hoists 6**
Specified Specified