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We are the gods of the atoms that make up

ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods
that make up the universe. - Manly P. Hall

The number 666 relates to the carbon atom, and man.

Carbon-12; one of 5 elements in the human DNA is
composed of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons,
which equates to 666. Carbon-12 is the most abundant
of the two stable isotopes of the element carbon,
accounting for 98.89% of carbon. Its abundance is due
to the Triple-alpha process by which it is created in
stars, and as Carl Sagan had once said, were made of
star stuff."

The English name carbon, comes from the Latin carbo

for coal and charcoal, whence also comes the French
charbon, meaning charcoal. Proof of 666 is found in
the bible via .Isaiah 6:6 - "Then one of the seraphim
flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he
had taken with tongs from the altar " The name
Seraphim meaning "the burning ones", are the first
hierarchy of angels who some call demons that were
Cherubim and Thrones. Beelzebub was a prince of the
Seraphim, just below Lucifer.
Lucifer is another word for phosphorus. The Latin word
corresponding to Greek Phosphorus is Lucifer.
Phosphorus (Greek Phsphoros), a name
meaning Light-Bringer, is the Morning Star.

When phosphorus is combined with the elements below

and carbon, it forms our very DNA.
When combined with oxygen and hydrogen, carbon can
form many groups of important biological compounds,
including sugars, lignans, chitins, alcohols, fats,
aromatic esters, carotenoids and terpenes. With
nitrogen it forms alkaloids, and with the addition of
sulfur it also forms antibiotics, amino acids, and rubber
products. With the addition of phosphorus to these
other elements, it forms DNA and RNA, the chemical-
code carriers of life, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP),
the most important energy-transfer molecule in all
living cells.
Nucleotides are biological molecules that form the
building blocks of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Each
nucleotide has three components: a phosphate group, a
five-carbon sugar, and a nitrogen-containing base. The
phosphate groups and the sugars form the backbone of
each strand of DNA or RNA. The phosphate is a
component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the
phospholipids that form all cell membranes.
Phosphorus (Lucifer) is just the spark in our DNA that
makes us fire.
When the 666 of Carbon is combined with the
elements above and mixed with Lucifer, AKA Phosp-
Horus, we get a combination or reaction of chemical
elements that forms DNA and RNA. This magical god
given chemical-code carrier is the very code for all life,
and of course, it is the number of a man; his number is
6 neutrons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons, Six hundred
threescore and six (666).
Various chemical elements when combined with
Carbon, forms our very material reality, or what some
may call, the Matrix.
John the Baptist said of the coming Antichrist and the
Number of the Beast: Let him that hath

understanding count the number of the beast :

for it is the number of a man; and his number

is Six hundred threescore and six.

666 could represent many possible scenarios or

conspiracies, but the truth is that this number was
passed down to us for the Apocalypse (unveiling of
something hidden), to help us identify this beast man
with the mathematical number 666.
The number 666 may be the sequence of DNA genetic
signals or DNA fragments necessary for successful
cloning. Man was created on the sixth day.

The number 6 represents man and is not a perfect

number. Therefor 666 is "man's" number, and stops
short of the perfect number seven. The two first letters
in the name of "Christ," are Ch and R, and they
represent seven hundred (700), the perfect number.
Our body has 7 parts, the head, chest, abdomen, two
legs and two arms. Christ was crucified at Golgotha,
which was the place of the skull.
Revelation 13:18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone
has insight, let him calculate the number of the
beast, for it is mans number 666number. His
number is 666.
In 66, when Nero was emperor and the Jews revolted
against Rome and coined their own money. The Greek
word translated as mark (of the beast), , also
means stamped money or coin; "no one buys or sells
without the money of the beast."
It was 666 talents that were the yearly revenue tax of
King Solomon noted by Saint Beda.
666 is the number of Adonikam's descendants who
return to Jerusalem and Judah from the Babylonian
exile (see Ezra 2:13).
In the year 286 A.D., the Theban Legion, an entire
Roman legion of "six thousand six hundred and
sixty-six men (6,666)" were led by their chief Saint
Maurice who had converted en masse to Christianity,
but were then martyred together when they refused to
sacrifice to the gods.
The Washington Monument height of the obelisk is
555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches. Did you know
that Washington DC was once called Rome?
666 A.D. is the year when Wilfrid returns from France,
newly consecrated as Bishop of York and the
subsequent conversion of the Saxons from Paganism to
Martin Luther had said that the "Pontifex Maximus"
(Pope) was first considered as uncontrollable about the
year 666 A.D.
King Lucius is exhorted by Pope Eleutherius to prize
the law of God far above the law of Caesar superior
papal authority and dominion is derived from the law
of the Caesars.- Lucius Ferraris
Saint Bede, the Father of English History in his
Biographical Writings and Letters written in the 7th
and 8th century said this about Augustus: In the forty-
second year of Augustus Caesar, in the twenty-seventh
from the death of Antony and Cleopatra. when Egypt
became a Roman Province, in the third year of the 193rd
Olympiad, and in the 752nd from the building of the
city, in the year when all the commotions of nations
were stilled throughout the whole world, and by the
appointment of God, Caesar had established real and
durable tranquility, Jesus Christ consecrated by his
advent of the 6th age of the world.

The "Head of the Church" is a title given in the New

Testament given to Jesus. The "Vicar of Jesus Christ" as
the second official title of the Pope.
In Kabbalistic Judaism, 666 is the number which
represents the creation and perfection of the world. The
world was created in 6 days, and there are 6 cardinal
directions (North, South, East, West, Up, Down).

A prime reciprocal magic square based on 1/149 in base

10 have a magic total of 666.
666 relates to the carbon atom and man. Carbon-12 is one
of the 5 elements that make up the human DNA, being
composed of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons, which
equates to 666.
Therefor, 666 is mans number, and stops short of the
perfect number seven.
Man was created on the sixth day.
Our body has 7 parts, the head, chest, abdomen, two
legs and two arms.
Christ was crucified at Golgotha, which was the place of
the skull. Man was created on the sixth day.
This 6th Age was started by Augustus Caesar in 8 A.D.,
and the first Pontifex Maximus of this 6th Age was
Octavian Augustus Caesar.
The next Age will be the 7th.

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