SAP References
SAP References
SAP References
DECEMBER 3, 2009
STMS is a very powerful transaction in the BASIS world. The whole transport system in SAP is
paramount to its functionality. 99% of the time, you will use STMS for your transport
needs. What of that last 1%? Sometimes it becomes more efficient, or just safer, to have a little
more manual control.
It is possible to add transport requests to the buffer, and even import them via the CLI
(Command Line Interface). Keep in mind, whenever working on an instance at the OS level,
you should be logged in as [sid]adm.
To add transports to the buffer:
tp addtobuffer [transport number] [SID] Client=[client number]
If I wanted to add transport number DV1K907046 to the buffer for Q01 client 400 and the
transport domain controller was DV1 the string would look like this:
tp addtobuffer DV1K907046 Q01 Client=400 pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_DV1.PFL
To import transports via CLI:
tp pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_[DOMAIN_SID].PFL import [transport number] [SID] U128 client=400
Since Ive added DV1K907046 to the buffer, I can now import it with this string:
tp pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_DV1.PFL import DV1K907046 Q01 U128 client=400
It is also possible to create shell or batch scripts from these commands to do multiple transports
at one time. Ive found that this is when CLI tp management is most effective.
Using your favorite text editor, simply stack the commands ontop of each other:
tp addtobuffer DV1K907046 Q01 Client=400 pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_DV1.PFL
tp addtobuffer DV1K907047 Q01 Client=400 pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_DV1.PFL
tp addtobuffer DV1K907048 Q01 Client=400 pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_DV1.PFL
CAUTION: If you reset SAP buffers, there may be unintended consequences. It is very likely
that system performance will suffer, and worse problems may arise. These transactions should
only really be used if you are sure of what you are doing and are unable to restart the system to
solve the problem.
For example, resetting the number range buffer can lead to skipped document numbers. This
isnt a technical problem, but could lead to legal compliance issues.
It is also possible to reset the user buffer in transaction SU56 using menu path Authorization
Values -> Reset User Buffer
nge request>: The complete objects in the request from the source system will be transported.
This command also Used by SAP System when it releases a request.
tp r3e <change request>: R3trans export of one transport request.
tp sde <change request>: Application defined objects in one transport request can be
tp tst <change request><SAP system >: The test import for transport request can be done using
this command.
tp createinfo <change request>: This command creates a information file that is
automatically done during the export.
tp verse <request>: This command creates version creates versions of the objects in
the specified request.
tp showbuffer <sid>: Shows all the change requests ready to be imported to the target
tp count <sid>: Using this command users can find out the number of requests
in the buffer waiting for import.
tp go <sid>: This command shows the environment variables needed for the
connection to the database
of the <sid> or target system.
s <sid>: All the values of modifiable tp parameters in the global parameter file. The default value is
shown for parameters that
Tp showbuffer<sID> : show all change requests ready to be imported to the target
Tp count<SID> number of requests in the buffer waiting for import
Tp importall<SID>: Imports all the request from buffer to the target system
Tp put<SID> imports all the request from buffer to the target system and locks
the system
tp sapstart <sid>: To start the R/3 system.
tp stopsap <sid>: To stop the R/3 system.
tp dbstart <sid>: To start the database.
tp dbstop <sid>: To stop the database
>: This command locks the system for all the users except SAP* and DDIC. The users that
have already logged on are not affected by the call.
tp unlocksys <sid>: This command unlocks the system for all the users.
tp lock_eu <sid>: This command sets the system change option to "system can
not be changed" tmporarily.
tp unlock_eu <sid>: This command unlocks the system for all the changes.
sid>: This command starts a complete backup using R3trans command. It uses
/usr/sap/trans/backup directory for the backup
R3trans commands:
R3trans -d : This command is used to check the database connection .
R3trans -u <int>: Unconditional mode can be used as we have seen in the above
R3trans -v : This is used for verbose mode. It writes additional details to the log
R3trans -i <file>: This command directly imports data from data file without a
control file.
R3trans -l <file>: This provides output of a table of contents to the log file.
R3trans -n : This option provides a brief information about new features of
R3trans t: This option is used for the test mode. All modifications in the
database are rolled back
This command is used for a complete backup. we will see in the next paragraph how to use the
Control file for the backup.
R3trans bd: This command is used for a delta backup if the user does not want
a complete backup.
R3trans bi: This option will display backup information
3. To import the transport request (Single command line).
tp pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_<DOMAIN_SID>.PFL
tp pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_DEV.PFL
sappfpar check path=profile path checks the required space for memory
topas Memory
Diverse error messages that refer to memory bottlenecks, or, more precisely, a swap space bottleneck.
For example, System Panic; cmemreserve: reservation overrun; ENOMEM, Not enough core; ENOSPC,
No space left on device; SIGDANGER (under AIX only). In the SAP System, the SAP system log
message "no memory of class perm" is output.
This problem can occur with SAP processes and external processes as well. The relevant process cannot
allocate anymore heap memory. This can lead to the database operation being ended or SAP work
processes being stopped.
Error messages in the SAP System appear in the developer trace files dev_disp, dev_w<n> in the
system log and in dumps. The following messages may
e class PERM. This problem mostly occurs if background jobs are active with large amounts of
data. Possible Causes
The highest value for one of the SAP profile parameters that limit the swap space usage has been
exceeded. In this case, the following parameters are
relevant:abap/heap_area_dia, abap/heap_area_nondia and abap/heap_area_total.
The operating system limits for the process size (segment size) have been exceeded. For example, no
more that 256 MB can be assigned under AIX and no more than 384 under SINIX.Corrective
action Increase the swap space or decrease the SAP Extended Memory. If the swap space already
corresponds to the SAP recommendations, 1.5 to 2 GB may still be required. There should always be
several hundred MB of free swap space available. You can reduce the maximum swap space need of the
SAP System by reducing the value of parameterabap_heap_area_total. You can also distribute the load
onto several application servers and increase the roll area. Check if the maximum process size (operating
system parameters) is sufficient.
LSMW: There are 2 ways for transporting LSMW data from a system to another.
1. 1. Export/import this method gives you the opportunity to select the subprojects or objects you want to transfer.
LSMW -> Extras -> Export project
2. 2. Transport request with this method, you can transport a LSMW project in full (you can not select the objects you
want). With this method, the project will be transported as any other SAP object in a transport order. LSMW -> Extras ->
Create change request
Program variants
If you have several program variants in a development system that you want to transport, use the
following method to transport them:
Execute program 'RSTRANSP' (via se38) and inform the program and/or variant names (you can
transport variant of several programs in one shot).
Layout In some transactions, one can save layout of the screen (sort, filter, ... criteria).
These layouts can be transported: In the required transaction, when your layouts have been saved, go to
Settings -> Layout -> Layout Management. Select the desired layouts and go to Layout -> Transport...
There you can add your layouts in existing TO or create a new one.
Database data
In some unusual cases, you might have to transport data of a SAP table.
Go to transaction SE16, select your entries and go to Table entry -> Transport entries. It's only possible
for some tables...
If you cannot do it that way,you have to create a Workbench transport order with transaction SE10.
When created, click on it, go in menu Request/task -> Object list -> Display object list.
PgmID = R3TR
Obj = TABU
Object name = Name of your table
Double-click on the created line and, depending on your need, put '*' in the key field or double-click on it
and select the key you need to transport.
Queries, datasets and user groups can be exported/imported between the systems using the
Program RSAQR3TR.
Use the program RSTXSCRP to upload and Download the SAPSCRIPT files to different systems
Use the Program RSWBO052 to create the Transport Request for a SAPSCRIPT, In the Selection screen of
the program, give R3TR - FORM - Give the Form name and press Execute button, it will ask the
Development Class and the transport Request No.
Standard texts
Standard texts used in SAPScript(created with transaction SO10) can be included in transport orders. You
have to create a Workbench transport order with transaction SE10. When created, click on it, go in menu
Request/task -> Object list -> Display object list. Go in modification mode and add a new line with:
PgmID = R3TR
Obj = TEXT
Object name = TEXT,,ST,
Example :