10 Scoala
10 Scoala
10 Scoala
Smiedt Ancuta
Etapa pe scoala
1. Read the following article. For questions 1- 5, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D: (5 x 2 =
Valerie Jones runs a company called Peanuts whose job is to look after pop stars and pop groups
when they go on tour. She is the person who feeds the stars and shes been doing it for the past ten
When the stars are playing at a festival, Valerie may have to cook for up to a thousand people
which includes all the crew and the people who work backstage. She lifts a big tent and the food is
served buffet style from a central serving area. She has to cater for different tastes, so there are
normally four or more choices of menu. She also has to look after people who may be on a special diet
or some singers who dont eat dairy food before a concert. She drives an enormous truck full of kitchen
equipment and hires at least three walk-in refrigerators, a dishwasher unit and portable cabins which
act as storerooms and office.
All the bands have to queue up to be served and everyone has to have a meal ticket. The stars
are usually more relaxed when they are eating as no one is bothering them for autographs, although
Valerie says that sometimes the security men and the stars managers are more trouble than the stars
themselves. There are certain things which she always has to keep in stock like herbal teas and her own
particular mixture of honey, lemon and ginger which singers like to keep in flasks on stage with them
when theyre singing. Years ago, bands used to drink quite a lot of alcohol, but these days theyre much
healthier. Most bands drink fresh fruit juice and prefer to eat salads
A lot of people in the bands are quite young and they are not used to very expensive food, so
Valerie prepares plain food, unless a band sends her a rider. This is a list of special requirements. When
people are tired, unwell or homesick they like to have familiar comfort food, so she keeps a stock of
peoples requirements, just in case. As a result of all this, Valerie says she has become an expert shopper
and in less than an hour in a supermarket she can spend 1.000.
2. Read the following magazine article in which four young people talk about running their own
business. For questions 1-15, choose from the people A-D. The people may be chosen more than
once. When one answer is required, these may be given in any order. (15 x 1 = 15p)
Who :
An old factory was empty for 30 years until young people started moving in and setting up their own
A: Stuart C: Euan
I started up my own business because I was out of I tried to get a loan from a bank in order to start up
work. I was fed up with applying for jobs and not my business. I spent hours producing a business plan,
even making it to the interview stage. Anyway, I but the manager turned me down because she
saw an article in the local newspaper about renting thought it would take years for me to make any kind
work space in an old factory. You could get a loan of profit. Well, how wrong she was! My parents lent
for any equipment and you only needed to repay me the money for the first years rent and I started
the money once your business was making a profit. work in one of the factorys smallest rooms. Now, my
Added to which the rent was very low. So, thats business has grown to such an extend that I actually
what I did. I borrowed some money and bought a rent three rooms. I make wigs for people in show
computer and a colour printer. Ive always been business. Its not that these people are bald, theyve
interested in art and design and I love music and all got their own hair. Its just that most of them are
watching videos. I set about designing covers for on stage night after night and they dont always have
music CDs and videos and sent off some of my work time to look after their hair or to get a hairdresser. So
to various music companies, entertainment they rely on being able to wear a wig that exactly
magazines and so on and within a year I had more matches their own hair colour. A wig is very
orders than I could cope with by myself. Now, two expensive- anything from 1.000 upwards for just a
years down the line, I employ a staff of three and small hairpiece. The raw material to make a wig is
weve branched out into designing the covers for very costly and then every hair has to be threaded by
computer games. Ive been incredibly lucky and my hand so its hours of work. And then you have to
business has really taken off. looks after a wig very carefully; it needs to be
repaired quite often which takes time. For that
reason a lot of people actually have two.
B: Sonya D: Meryl
My parents told me about the factory when I was I moved into the factory straight after leaving
looking for a studio to set up my own business. I university. I studied history but ever since I was a
had left art college full of ideas as to what I was small child Ive been interested in sewing. And
going to do. But I was horrified when I saw the cost halfway through my degree course I realized that
of renting even for a tiny studio. I produce hand- although I was enjoying the subject, what I really
made gift boxes and wrapping paper. Each box is wanted to do as a career was embroidery- thats
individually designed and decorated with gold stitching with silk and threads and suchlike. I used to
flowers and butterflies. The wrapping paper is embroider scares for friends for birthday presents
made to match and I will also take customers and people loved them. So, I sent some scarves to a
requests if they want something very special. So, couple of top London stores and they placed orders
because everything is hand-made my products are almost straightaway. They send me the scarves made
quite expensive. But you cant buy them in shops or by their own design team and I embroider and
supermarkets so they really are special. Actually, as decorate each scarf so that its completely unique
the demand for my work has increased, Ive now and individual. As its a very expensive decorative
got someone working for me and Im thinking of technique and takes hours to do., the scarves are only
setting up a mail order business using the Internet found at the top end of the fashion market. Recently,
Ive been asked to embroider the necklines of jackets
and the bottom edges of trousers and skirts, so
business continues to expand.
Olimpiada clasa 10 a
Smiedt Ancuta
1. In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Write about the advantages
and disadvantages of having a job while being at school. Support your opinions by using specific
reasons and details. Write between 180- 200 words. (50p)
2.You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently youve received a letter from your bank
stating that your account is 240 overdrawn and that you will be charged 70 which will be taken
directly from your bank account. You know that this information is incorrect. Write a letter to the
bank manager. Write about 150 words. (25p)
In your letter:
Introduce yourself
Ask to be explained what has happened
Say what you would like him to do about it
1 C 1 C
2 B 2 A
3 A 3 B
4 D 4 C
5 C 5 A
6 B
7 D
8 A
9 D
10 C
11 D
12 C
13 D
14 A
15 C