Quadratic Higher Degree Equation Practise Exercise 1

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Quadratic & Higher degree Equations

Total Time: 60 mins Practise Exercise no. 1 Total no. Of Qs:20

1. Find the maximum value of the expression 11. Find the positive integral value of x that satisfies
1 / (x2 + 5x + 10). the equation x3 5x2 - 32x + 64 = 0.
a. 15/2 b. 1 c. 4/15 d. 1/3 a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

2. Find the minimum value of the expression p + 1/p, 12. If a, b, c are positive integers, such that 1/a + 1/b
given p > 0. + 1/c = 29/72 and c < b < a < 60, how many sets of
a. 1 b. 0 c. 2 (a, b, c) exist?
d. Dependant on value of p a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6

3. If the product of roots of the equation x2 3(2a + 13. The sum of a fraction and its reciprocal equals
4)x + a2 + 18a + 81 = 0 is unity, then a can take 85/18. Find the fraction.
the values as a. 2/6 b. 2/3 c. 2/9 d. 4/9
a. 3, -6 b. 10, -8
c. -10, -8 d. -10, -6 14. A journey between Mumbai and Pune (192 Km
apart) takes 2 hours less by a car than by a truck.
4. For the equation 2a+3 = 4a+2 48, the value of a Determine the average speed of the car if the
will be average speed of the truck is 16 km/hr less than
a. -3/2 b. -3 c. -2 d. 1 the car.
a. 48 km/hr b. 64 km/hr
5. If f(x) = (x + 2) and g(x) = (4x + 5), and h(x) is c. 16 km/hr d. 24 km/hr
defined as h(x) = f(x).g(x), then sum of roots of
h(x) will be 15. If one root of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c =
a. 3/4 b. 13/4 c. -13/4 d. -3/4 0 is three times the other, find the relationship
between a, b and c.
6. Two numbers a and b are such that the quadratic a. 3b2 = 16ac b. b2 = 4ac
equation ax2 + 3x + 2b = 0 has -6 as the sum and 2
c. (a + c) = 4b d. (a2 + c2)/ac = b/2
the product of the roots. Find (a + b).
a. 2 b. -1 c. 1 d. -2 16. Value of the expression (x2 x + 1) (x - 1) cannot
lie between
7. If a = (7 + 43), then what will be the value of (a a. 1, 3 b. -1, -3
+ 1/a)? c. 1, -3 d. -1, 2
a. 7 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2
17. Sum of the real roots of the equation x2 + 5|x| + 6
2 2 2
8. If the roots of the equation (a + b )x 2b(a + c)x =0
+ (b2 + c2) = 0 are equal then a, b and c are in a. equals to 5 b. equals to 10
a. AP b. GP c. HP c. equals to -5 d. None of these
d. Nothing can be said
18. One day each of Nehas friends consumed some
9. Find all the values of b for which the equation x2 cold drink and some orange squash. Though the
bx + 1 = 0 does not possess real roots. quantities of cold drink and orange squash varied
a. -1 < b < 1 b. 0 < b < 2 for the friends, the total consumption of the two
c. -2 < b < 2 d. -1.9 < b < 1.9 liquids was exactly 9 litres for each friend. If Neha
had one-ninth of the total cold drink consumed
10. 9a-2 3a+4 = 81a-11, the find the value of 3a-8 + 3a-6 and one-eleventh of the total squash consumed,
a.972 b. 2916 c. 810 d. 2268 find the ratio of the quantity of cold drink to that
of orange squash consumed by Neha on that day.

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a. 3 : 2 b. 5 : 4
c. 2 : 1 d. 1 : 1

19. If the roots of the equation x3 ax2 + bx 1080 = 0

are in ratio 2 : 4 : 5, find the value of the
coefficient of x2.
a. 33 b. 66 c. -33 d. 99

20. If f(x) is a quadratic polynomial, such that f(5) = 75

and f(-5) = 55, and f(p) = f(q) = 0, then find p*q,
given that the value of constant term in the
polynomial is 10.
a. 2 b. -3
c. 5 d. Cannot be Determined

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Quadratic & Higher degree Equations Practise Exercise 1 (Solutions)
1 C
2 C
3 C
4 D
5 C
6 B
7 B
8 B
9 C
10 C
11 D
12 D
13 C
14 A
15 A
16 D
17 D
18 A
19 C
20 C

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