Layers of Culture

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People even within the same culture carry several layers of mental programming within
themselves. Different layers of culture exist at the following levels:

The national level: Associated with the nation as a whole.

The regional level: Associated with ethnic, linguistic, or religious differences that
exist within a nation.
The gender level: Associated with gender differences (female vs. male)
The generation level: Associated with the differences between grandparents and
parents, parents and children.
The social class level: Associated with educational opportunities and differences
in occupation.
The corporate level: Associated with the particular culture of an organization.
Applicable to those who are employed.

Gerard (Geert) Hendrik Hofstede (born 3 October 1928) created

the model of the Cultural Onion

It is made of 3 layers around a core. The core stands for the values of a
certain culture, which is not moving a lot. It mostly remains the same.
Therefore it is still interesting to learn about from history. Even if something
seems to be outdated, it still can subconsciously play a role in a modern society.

The first layer around the core is described as rituals. A ritual can be the
way of personal hygiene (most Asians shower in the evening, Europeans in the
morning). German people like to shake hands often, Malay tenderly touch the
fingertips and then point it to the heart. Those rituals are changing slowly.

The second layer around the core are the heroes. A hero can be a fictive
person, but has influence on the culture. A nice example is Dracula (written by
Bram Stoker, published 1897). Since this book was published, many people in
Western world developed a fear about Vampires, even if it never existed in their
culture before. It also can be national heroes, photo-models or scientists all
people, who play a role-model in that society.

The third layer is about the symbols. Nowadays most symbols appear as
brands like BMW, Apple or Louis Vuitton. Those symbols usually move according
to the momentary fashion.

All three layers can be trained and learned through practices except for
the core: the inner cultural values (Good vs. Bad, dirty vs. clean, ugly vs.
beautiful, unnatural vs. natural, abnormal vs. normal, paradoxical vs. logical, irrational
vs. rational).

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