BootyBuilding 2
BootyBuilding 2
BootyBuilding 2
Table of
Not for Resale..........................................4
Success Stories!.......................................6
Success Stories Cont................................7
Track Your Progress.................................9
Workout Schedule...................................10
Needed Equipment...................................11
Warm Up & Cool Down...........................12
Your Routine............................................13
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Thank you for purchasing my eBook. The
information contained in this eBook is for your
education. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or
cure any medical condition or dispense medical
advice. If you decide to follow this plan, you
should seek the advice and counsel of a licensed
health professional and then use your own
judgment. It is important to obtain proper
medical advice before you make any decisions
about nutrition, diet, supplements, or other
health-related issues that are discussed in this
eBook. Neither the author nor the publisher is
qualified to provide medical, financial, or
psychological advice or services. The reader
should consult an appropriate healthcare
professional before heeding any of the advice
given in this eBook.
-Rocio -Jessica
Ive Had Other Trainers Before It was the best decision Ive ever made..
it changed my life in more ways than
Reggie, They Dont Compare.
No gimmicks, just hard With Reggies guidance I was able to
develop core strength that Ive never had
work. and saw my very own set of abs before
-Tangela -Karina
Beginners are welcome to use this eBook workout. If you consider yourself
at intermediate or advanced level, you may add dumbbells, weight vests, or
other weighted materials (at the appropriate weight) to make workouts more
challenging. In order to know if a weight is challenging enough, you should
have a hard time doing the last 2-3 repetitions of every completed set. If you
can do this with no problem, you should increase your weight. If you get to
the last 5-6 reps, or more, and you have trouble; decrease your weight.
Track your
You will perform this workout two times per week so
that you have the proper rest between sessions.
What Youll
v A towel
v Yoga mat
v Water
v Music!!!!!!
WA R M U P &
It is important to warm up and cool down after
a workout in order to prevent any injuries and
provide optimum blood flow to the muscles and
joints you need to properly perform the
exercises. Also, cooling down allows your heart
rate to lower safely to its resting state.
Your Routine:
1. Alternate Jumping Lunges with Squats- 2 to 3 sets @ 10 reps per
2. Curtsy Lunge Calf Raises- 3 sets @ 10 reps per leg.
3. Downward Dog Knee Tucks- 3 sets @ 20 reps per leg.
4. Glute Kickbacks w/Reverse Lunge- 3 sets @ 20 reps per leg.
5. Lunge Pulse Jumps- 3 sets @ 10 reps per leg.
6. Reach & Touch Squats- 3 sets @ 10 reps per set.
7. Single leg squats- 3 sets @ 10 reps per leg.
v Assume a lunge stance position with one foot forward with the knee bent,
and the rear knee nearly touching the ground. Ensure that the front knee
is over the midline of the foot. Extending through both legs, jump as high
as possible, swinging your arms to gain lift.
v As you jump as high as you can, switch the position of your legs, moving
your front leg to the back and the rear leg to the front. As you land,
absorb the impact through the legs by adopting the lunge position.
v Jump once more, When you land, lower your body back into the squat
position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires
v Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. You should be looking straight
forward, with your chest up and shoulders back. This will be your starting
Initiate the movement by shifting your weight to your right foot, lifting your
left from the ground. While keeping your torso facing forward, place your left
leg behind your right, taking a wide, lateral step behind the front leg.
Descend into a lunge by bending your knees, lowering your body straight
down. Continue until your front knee is at approximately 90 degrees, and then
drive through the heel and extend the knee and hip.
As you come back up, return the back leg to the starting position. Raise
yourself onto your tip-toes to complete one rep.
Alternate the movement; switch back and forth between both sides for 3 sets
of 10 reps per leg.
v From standing position, bend over, placing your hands to the floor. Walk
your hands out until both your hands and your feet are completely
touching the mat. You should resemble a downward v. Take your legs out
to shoulder width apart and spread your fingers apart. Make sure your
wrists are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips.
v Press through your palms and shoulders, keeping your stomach tucked in
and your hips lifted. Try to walk your legs out further back. Focus on
trying to touch your heels to the mat. Keep the neck relaxed.
Lift your right leg off the mat, bending at the knee. Bring your right knee in,
tucking it as far under your chest as you can. Try to reach towards your nose.
Return right leg back and repeat with left leg. Continue alternating legs in
downward dog for 60 seconds to complete one set. Repeat for 8 sets.
1. Step back with your right foot and lower into a reverse lunge.
Squeeze your glutes and keep your core tight as you push down
through your left heel for stability
2. Kick your right leg behind you as you straighten your left leg, this
should be a fluid motion. Return your right leg to the reverse lunge
position and that is one rep. Do 15 continuous reps to complete a
set, and then repeat on the other side, kicking your left leg.
3. Do 4 sets on each leg.
Start in a forward lunge position, with front leg bent and back leg
straight, jump up and simultaneously switch leg positions, so that
opposite leg is forward and then pulse up and down 3 times. Thats
one rep
Jump again switching leg positions so that opposite leg is lunging
forward and pulse 3 times and continue jumping and pulsing 3 times
between each jump.
Each time you switch legs, thats one rep. continue for 4 sets at 12
reps per set.
1.Position your feet just a little over shoulder-width apart and put
your arms straight in the air. While keeping your torso up, lower
your body and your arms until you can touch the floor with your
fingertips. Come back up to your starting position to complete
the move.
2.Do 4 sets at 20 reps per set.
v Stand with arms extended out in front. Balance on one leg with
opposite leg extended straight leg forward as high as possible.
v Squat down as far as possible while keeping leg elevated off of
floor. Keep back straight and supporting knee pointed same
direction as foot supporting. Raise body back up to original
position until knee and hip of supporting leg is straight. This is
one rep.
v Continue for 5 sets at 15 reps per set for each leg.
Repeat and continue with opposite leg.