BS EN 196 Part 2-1995 PDF
BS EN 196 Part 2-1995 PDF
BS EN 196 Part 2-1995 PDF
Methods of testing
Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement
Cooperating organizations
Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Foreword 2
Text of EN 196-2 3
National annex NA (informative) Determination of total sulfur 25
National annex NB (informative) Determination of
minor constituents (TiO2 and P2O5) and free lime 25
National annex NC (informative) Determination of propylene
glycol content 27
National annex ND (informative) Method of analysis of
cements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry 28
National annex NE (informative) Methylene blue test 36
National annex NF (informative) Determination of total
organic carbon 38
National annex NG (informative) Committees responsible Inside back cover
National annex NH (informative) Cross-references Inside back cover
BSI 03-1999 i
BS EN 196-2:1995
National foreword
This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical
Committee B/516, Cement and lime. It is the English language version of
EN 196-2:1994 Methods of testing cement Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement,
published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). EN 196-2 was
drawn up by CEN Technical Committee 51, Cement and building limes, as
Part 2 of a series on testing cement which was originally accepted by CEN
on 15 November 1985 and made available on 12 May 1987. The UK gave a
negative vote at the final voting stage and, under the CEN Rules then in force,
was not obliged to implement this Part. A second formal vote was taken in
November 1992 when the UK again gave a negative vote but, under the CEN
Rules now in force, is obliged to implement this Part which supersedes
BS 4550-2:1970, which is now withdrawn.
BS 4550-2:1970 included some useful UK methods of analysis which do not
appear in EN 196-2. These are included for information in the following national
annexes (clause numbers refer to BS 4550-2:1970).
National annex NA Determination of total sulfur (clause 12)
National annex NB Determination of minor constituents(TiO2 and P2O5) and
free lime (clause 14)
National annex NC Determination of propylene glycol content (clause 18).
The pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements in clause 15 of BS 4550-2:1970 is
now published in BS EN 196-5:1995. The methods for determining alkali content
and chloride content in clauses 16 and 17, respectively, of BS 4550-2:1970 are
now published in BS EN 196-21:1992.
Though the methods given in this standard are generally the reference
procedures, the great majority of cement analyses at the present time are carried
out using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. A method suitable for the major oxide
analysis of cements conforming to BS 12 is given in National annex ND.
There are limiting requirements in BS 7583 and in the European Prestandard
specification for cement, ENV 197-1, for methylene blue adsorption and total
organic carbon content of limestone used as a main constituent of cement.
National annex NE and National annex NF give appropriate methods for the
determination of methylene blue adsorption and of total organic carbon content,
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
the EN title page, pages 2 to 46, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
ii BSI 03-1999
December 1994
Descriptors: Cement, chemical analysis, determination of content, losses on ignition, sulfates, sulfides, manganese, silicon dioxide, iron
oxides, aluminium oxides, calcium oxides, magnesium oxides, evaporation residue, gravimetric analysis,
spectrophotometric analysis, EDTA.
English version
European Committee for Standardization
Comit Europen de Normalisation
Europisches Komitee fr Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels
Foreword Contents
This European Standard was drawn up by Page
CEN/TC 51, Cement and building limes, the Foreword2
secretariat of which is held by IBN.
1 Scope5
The standard on the methods of testing cement
2 Normative references5
comprises the following Parts:
3 General requirements for testing5
EN 196-1, Methods of testing cement
Part 1: Determination of strength. 4 Reagents5
EN 196-2, Methods of testing cement 5 Apparatus11
Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement. 6 Preparation of a cement sample12
EN 196-3, Methods of testing cement 7 Determination of loss on ignition12
Part 3: Determination of setting time and soundness. 8 Gravimetric determination of sulfate13
ENV 196-4, Methods of testing cement 9 Determination of residue insoluble
Part 4: Quantitative determination of constituents. in hydrochloric acid and sodium
EN 196-5, Methods of testing cement carbonate14
Part 5: Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements. 10 Determination of residue insoluble
EN 196-6, Methods of testing cement in hydrochloric acid and
Part 6: Determination of fineness. potassium hydroxide14
EN 196-7, Methods of testing cement 11 Determination of sulfide15
Part 7: Methods of taking and preparing samples of 12 Photometric determination of
cement. manganese15
EN 196-21, Methods of testing cement 13 Determination of main constituents16
Part 21: Determination of the chloride, carbon
dioxide and alkali content of cement. 13.1 Principle 16
13.2 Decomposition with sodium peroxide16
This European Standard shall be given the status of
a National Standard, either by publication of an 13.3 Precipitation and determination of
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by silica Polyethylene oxide
June 1995, and conflicting national standards shall method (reference method)17
be withdrawn at the latest by June 1995. 13.4 Precipitation and determination of
This European Standard supersedes silica Double evaporation
EN 196-2:1987. method (alternative method)19
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal 13.5 Decomposition with hydrochloric
Regulations, the following countries are bound to acid and ammonium chloride and
implement this European Standard: Austria, precipitation of silica
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, (alternative method)19
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, 13.6 Determination of pure silica20
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, 13.7 Decomposition of the evaporation
Switzerland, United Kingdom. residue20
13.8 Determination of soluble silica20
13.9 Total silica21
13.10 Determination of iron (III) oxide21
13.11 Determination of aluminium oxide21
13.12 Determination of calcium oxide by
EGTA (reference method)22
13.13 Determination of magnesium oxide
by DCTA (reference method)22
13.14 Determination of calcium oxide by
EDTA (alternative method)23
13.15 Determination of magnesium oxide
by EDTA (alternative method)23
2 BSI 03-1999
EN 196-2:1994
BSI 03-1999 3
4 blank
EN 196-2:1994
Definitions taken from ISO 3534.
The values of the standard deviation for repeatibility and standard deviation for reproducibility given in this standard shall be
considered as provisional. These values will subsequently by stipulated according to experience acquired in the laboratories.
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EN 196-2:1994
Unless otherwise stated % means % by mass. 4.26 Sodium hydroxide solution 2 mol/l.
The concentrated liquid reagents used in this Dissolve 80 g of sodium hydroxide in water and
standard have the following densities () (in g/cm3 make up to 1 000 ml. Store in a polyethylene flask.
at 20 C): 4.27 Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl).
hydrochloric acid 1,18 to 1,19 4.28 Tin (II) chloride (SnCl2.2H2O).
hydrofluoric acid 1,13 4.29 Potassium periodate (KIO4).
nitric acid 1,40 to 1,42 4.30 Sodium peroxide in powder form (Na2O2).
4.31 Mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium
sulfuric acid 1,84
chloride. Mix 7 g of sodium carbonate (anhydrous
phosphoric acid 1,71 to 1,75 Na2CO3) with 1 g sodium chloride (NaCl).
acetic acid 1,05 to 1,06 4.32 Barium chloride solution. Dissolve 120 g of
barium chloride (BaCl2.2H2O) in water and make
ammonium hydroxide 0,88 to 0,91
up to 1 000 ml.
triethanolamine 1,12
4.33 Silver nitrate solution. Dissolve 5 g of silver
The degree of dilution is always given as a nitrate (AgNO3) in water, add 10 ml of concentrated
volumetric sum, for example: hydrochloric acid 1 + 2 nitric acid (HNO3) and make up to 1 000 ml with
means that 1 volume of concentrated hydrochloric water.
acid is to be mixed with 2 volumes of water. 4.34 Sodium carbonate solution. Dissolve 50 g of
4.1 Concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl). sodium carbonate (anhydrous Na2CO3) in water
4.2 Dilute hydrochloric acid 1 + 1. and make up to 1 000 ml.
4.3 Dilute hydrochloric acid 1 + 2. 4.35 Potassium hydroxide solution. Dissolve 250 g
of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in water and make
4.4 Dilute hydrochloric acid 1 + 3. up to 1 000 ml.
4.5 Dilute hydrochloric acid 1 + 9. 4.36 Ammoniacal zinc sulfate solution.
4.6 Dilute hydrochloric acid 1 + 11. Dissolve 50 g of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4.7H2O)
4.7 Dilute hydrochloric acid 1 + 19. in 150 ml water and add 350 ml of concentrated
4.8 Dilute hydrochloric acid 1 + 99. ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH). Leave to stand for
at least 24 h and filter.
4.9 Dilute hydrochloric acid of pH 1,60. Add five or
six drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid 4.37 Lead acetate solution. Dissolve
to 2 l water. Control the pH value by means approximately 0,2 g of lead acetate
of a pH-meter. Store the solution in a polyethylene Pb(CH3COO)2.3H2O in water and make up
flask. to 100 ml.
4.10 Concentrated hydrofluoric acid (HF). 4.38 Starch solution. To 1 g of starch (water
soluble), add 1 g of potassium iodide (KI), dissolve in
4.11 Dilute hydrofluoric acid 1 + 3. water and make up to 100 ml.
4.12 Nitric acid (HNO3). 4.39 Polyethylene oxide solution. Dissolve 0,25 g of
4.13 Concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO). polyethylene oxide (CH2CH2O)n of average
4.14 Dilute sulfuric acid 1 + 1. molecular mass 200 000 to 600 000, in 100 ml water
while stirring vigorously.
4.15 Phosphoric acid (H3PO4).
This solution is stable for approximately two weeks.
4.16 Boric acid (H3BO3).
4.17 Acetic acid (CH3COOH). 4.40 Boric acid solution, saturated. Dissolve
approximately 50 g of boric acid (H3BO3) in water
4.18 Amino-acetic acid (NH2CH2COOH). and make up to 1 000 ml.
4.19 Metallic chromium in powder form (Cr). 4.41 Citric acid solution. Dissolve 10 g of citric acid
4.20 Concentrated ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH.) (C6H8O7.H2O) in water and make up to 100 ml.
4.21 Dilute ammonium hydroxide 1 + 1. 4.42 Ammonium molybdate solution. Dissolve 10 g
4.22 Dilute ammonium hydroxide 1 + 10. of ammonium molybdate (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O in
water and make up to 100 ml
4.23 Dilute ammonium hydroxide 1 + 16.
Store the solution in a polyethylene flask. This
4.24 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
keeps for approximately one week.
4.25 Sodium hydroxide solution 4 mol/l.
4.43 Copper sulfate solution. In a 50 ml volumetric
Dissolve 160 g of sodium hydroxide in water and
flask dissolve 0,45 g of copper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O)
make up to 1 000 ml. Store in a polyethylene flask.
in water and make up to the mark.
6 BSI 03-1999
EN 196-2:1994
4.44 Ammonium acetate solution. Dissolve 250 g of Then add 2 ml of the starch solution (4.38) and
ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) in water and continue the titration until the colour changes from
make up to 1 000 ml. blue to colourless.
4.45 Triethanolamine N(CH2CH2OH)3 The factor f of this solution is calculated from the
solution 1 + 4. formula:
4.46 Reducing solution. Dissolve successively in
water 0,15 g of 1-amino-2-hydroxy (2)
naphthalene-4-sulfonic acid (C10H9NO4S), 0,7 g of
sodium sulfite (anhydrous Na2SO3) and 9,0 g of
sodium metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) and make up
to 100 ml. F is the factor of the standard potassium
This solution will keep for a maximum of one week. iodate solution (4.48);
4.47 Buffer solution of pH 1,40. Dissolve 7,505 g of V1 is the volume of the
amino-acetic acid (NH2CH2COOH) and 5,850 g of approximately 0,1 mol/l sodium
sodium chloride (NaCl) in water and make up thiosulfate solution used for the titration,
to 1 000 ml. Dilute 300 ml of this solution in millilitres;
to 1 000 ml with dilute hydrochloric acid 1 + 99. 3,5668 is the mass of potassium iodate
4.48 Standard potassium iodate solution containing corresponding to a solution with
approximately 0,0166 mol/l3). Dissolve exactly 0,01667 mol/l of potassium iodate,
successively, in freshly boiled and cooled water in in grams;
a 1 000 ml volumetric flask, (3,6 0,1) g of 214,01 is the molecular mass of KIO3.
potassium iodate (KIO3, dried at 120 C), two tablets
of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and 25 g of potassium The standardization may also be carried
iodide (KI). Make up to the mark with freshly boiled out in relation to a known quality of potassium
and cooled water. iodate.
The factor F of this solution is calculated from the For this standardization, place in a 500 ml conical
following formula: flask (0,07 0,005) g (m2) of potassium iodate and
m1 dissolve in approximately 150 ml of water.
F = -------------------
- (1) Add about 1 g of potassium iodide, acidify
with 25 ml of hydrochloric acid 1 + 1 and titrate
where m1 is the mass of the portion of potassium with the approximately 0,1 mol/l sodium thiosulfate
iodate, in grams. solution until a pale yellow colour is obtained. Then
4.49 Sodium thiosulfate solution add 2 ml of the starch solution (4.38) and titrate
approximately 0,1 mol/l3) until the colour changes from blue to colourless.
4.49.1 Preparation The factor f of this solution is calculated from the
Dissolve 24,82 g of sodium thiosulfate
(Na2S2O3.5H2O) in water and make up to 1 000 ml.
Before each test series, determine the factor f of this (3)
solution as described in 4.49.2
4.49.2 Standardization where: This standardization is carried out m2 is the mass of the portion of potassium
preferably in relation to the standard potassium iodate, in grams;
iodate solution (4.48). V2 is the volume of the
For this standardization, pipette 20 ml of the approximately 0,1 mol/l sodium
standard potassium iodate solution into a 500 ml thiosulfate solution used for the
conical flask and dilute with approximately 150 ml titration, in millilitres;
of water. Acidify with 25 ml of hydrochloric 3,5668 is the mass of potassium iodate, in grams
acid 1 + 1 and titrate with the corresponding to a solution with
approximately 0,1 mol/l sodium thiosulfate solution exactly 0,01667 mol/l of potassium
to a pale yellow colour. iodate.
If the sulfide content is low (< 0,1 %), solutions ten times less concentrated should be used. They are prepared by
pipetting 100 ml of the solutions 4.48 and 4.49 into 1 000 ml volumetric flasks and making up to the mark with water.
BSI 03-1999 7
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8 BSI 03-1999
EN 196-2:1994
Table 3 Composition of the silica calibration solutions and their silica content
Serial No. Blank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Standard SiO2 solution 0 2 4 5 6 8 10 15 20
Water (ml) 20 18 16 15 14 12 10 5 0
Silica content 0 0,04 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,16 0,20 0,30 0,40
(mg SiO2/100 ml)
Adjust the pH of the solution to (1,15 0,05) by 4.52 Standard calcium ion solution,
adding, drop by drop, either the sodium hydroxide approximately 0,01 mol/l
solution (4.25), or hydrochloric acid 1 + 2. Carry out 4.52.1 Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), dried at 200 C
this operation with the aid of a pH meter calibrated of purity > 99,9 %.
using a buffer (4.47) with a neighbouring pH value
(e.g. 1,40). 4.52.2 Standard solution
Pipette 5 ml of the ammonium molybdate Weigh approximately 1 g of calcium carbonate and
solution (4.42) into the solution (time 0). Adjust the place it in a 400 ml beaker with
pH of this solution to 1,60 by adding, drop by drop, approximately 100 ml of water. Cover the beaker
either the sodium hydroxide solution (4.25) or with a watch glass and carefully introduce
hydrochloric acid 1 + 2. Transfer the solution to approximately 10 ml of hydrochloric acid 1 + 2.
a 100 ml volumetric flask rinsing with dilute After the reaction is completed, bring to boiling in
hydrochloric acid of pH = 1,60 (4.9). order to expel the dissolved carbon dioxide. Cool and
make up to 1 000 ml in a volumetric flask.
After 20 min, pipette 5 ml of the citric acid
solution (4.41) into the volumetric flask, stir and 4.53 EDTA solution, approximately 0,03 mol/l
leave to stand for 5 min. 4.53.1 Dihydrated disodium salt of
Then pipette 2 ml of the reducing solution (4.46) ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA)
into the volumetric flask. Make up to the mark with 4.53.2 Preparation
dilute hydrochloric acid pH = 1,60 (4.9) and mix
thoroughly. Exactly 30 min after introducing the Dissolve 11,17 g of EDTA in water and make up
ammonium molybdate (time 0 + 30), measure the to 1 000 ml. Store in a polyethylene bottle.
optical density with a photometer (5.9) using a cell 4.53.3 Standardization
of 1 cm optical length against the blank solution Pipette 50 ml of the standard calcium ion
prepared in the same way, using the wavelength of solution (4.52) into a beaker suitable for the
maximum extinction near 815 nm. Construct a measuring apparatus (5.11). Then dilute with water
graph giving the measured optical densities as to a volume suitable for the operation of the
function of the corresponding silica contents given apparatus.
in Table 3.
Using a pH meter, adjust the pH of this solution
The blank solution used in constructing the to 12,5 with the sodium hydroxide solution or
calibration curve may be used as the blank solution solutions (4.25 and 4.26).
here. The calibration curve enables the silica
content in mg SiO2/100 ml to be determined. Determine the end-point using one of the following
two methods.
BSI 03-1999 9
EN 196-2:1994
10 BSI 03-1999
EN 196-2:1994
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EN 196-2:1994
5.6 Desiccator(s), containing anhydrous magnesium 5.16 Volumetric glassware. The volumetric
perchlorate (Mg(ClO4)2). glassware shall be of analytical accuracy, i.e. class A
5.7 Bulb condenser. as defined in the ISO standards on laboratory
5.8 Apparatus for determining sulfides. A typical
apparatus is shown in Figure 1.
6 Preparation of a cement sample
Before chemical analysis, the laboratory sample
taken in accordance with EN 196-7 is treated to give
a sample for testing.
Take approximately 100 g of the sample by means of
a sample divider or by quartering. Sieve this portion
on a 150 4m or 125 4m sieve until no more passes
through. Remove with a magnet all the metallic iron
from the material retained on the sieve. Then grind
the iron-free fraction of the retained material so
that it completely passes the 150 4m or 125 4m
sieve. Transfer the sample to a clean dry flask with
an airtight closure and shake vigorously to mix it
The preceding operations are to be carried out as
quickly as possible so that the sample is exposed to
ambient air for the minimum time.
NOTE The sample is presented for analysis as marketed. If it
contains particles of metallic iron, such as those that may be
introduced accidentally during grinding, the complete separation
of these iron particles is carried out by means of a magnetic
stirrer in a suspension, for example in cyclohexane.
12 BSI 03-1999
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EN 196-2:1994
14 BSI 03-1999
EN 196-2:1994
If the sulfide content is low (< 0,10 %) the mass of the test sample is increased in proportion.
Chromium contributes to the solution of any pyrites (FeS2) that happens to be present in the cement.
For contents of the order of 0,01%, taking a test portion close to 1 g and varying its amount to suit the probable manganese
oxide concentration is recommended.
7) Forcements with a high insoluble residue, fusion of a separate sample may be necessary to obtain complete solution. This is
carried out by the method of sintering with sodium peroxide as described for the determination of the main constituents
(see 13.2).
BSI 03-1999 15
EN 196-2:1994
Filter through a medium filter paper into a 400 ml The cement is decomposed by sintering with sodium
beaker. Wash the residue with hot water until the peroxide or by treatment with hydrochloric acid in
volume of the filtrate is 120 ml. To this filtrate, the presence of ammonium chloride. In the first
add 10 ml of phosphoric acid (4.15), mix and case, after dissolution of the sintered solid in
add 1.5 g of potassium periodate (4.29). Heat to hydrochloric acid, the major part of the silica is
boiling until the characteristic pink colour of precipitated either by hydrochloric acid with
permanganate appears. If it does not appear, reduce coagulation by polyethylene oxide or by double
the acidity by adding a few drops of concentrated evaporation; in the second case, the major part of
ammonium hydroxide. Once the colour has the silica is separated by the treatment. The impure
appeared, continue boiling gently for 30 min. Cool silica precipitated is treated with hydrofluoric acid
and transfer the contents of the beaker to a 200 ml and sulphuric acid to volatilize silica; the residue,
volumetric flask. treated with a mixture of sodium carbonate and
Cool to 20 C and make up to the mark with water. sodium chloride, is dissolved in hydrochloric acid
and added to the silica filtrate.
Using a photometer, measure the optical density of
the solution against water at a wavelength of In the case of the treatment with hydrochloric acid
approximately 525 nm (5.9 and 5.10). in the presence of ammonium chloride, if the residue
obtained after volatilization of impure silica by
Record the optical density value to three decimal
means of hydrofluoric acid and sulfuric acid is
places. The optical density read from the calibration
greater than 0,5 %, the method is not applicable.
graph corresponding to the cell used gives the
The cement shall in this case be decomposed by
concentration of manganese, C, in milligrams of
sodium peroxide.
Mn per 200 ml. Record the manganese
concentration, C, to three decimal places. In the final solution made up to 500 ml, the silica in
solution is determined by photometric
12.3 Expression of results determination, and iron (III) oxide, aluminium
The manganese content is calculated in percent oxide, calcium oxide and magnesium oxide are
from the formula: determined by complexometric methods.
The schematic diagram of the chemical analysis is
(14) shown in Figure 2.
The scheme given in Figure 2 results, as far as the
determination of silica is concerned, in the same
where values for total silica whichever path is chosen.
C is the manganese concentration of the 13.2 Decomposition with sodium peroxide
solution in mg/200 ml; Weigh (1 0,05) g of cement (m17) and 2 g of sodium
m16 is the mass of the test portion, in grams, as peroxide (4.30) into a platinum crucible (5.2); mix
in 12.2. thoroughly with a spatula. Brush back into the
mixture any particles adhering to the spatula.
The manganese content may be converted into MnO
Cover the mixture with 1 g of sodium peroxide.
or Mn2O3 by means of the following formulae:
Carefully preheat the covered crucible for
MnO = 1,2912 Mn (in %) (15) about 2 min at the opening of the furnace (5.5)
Mn2O3 = 1,4368 Mn (in %) (16) before placing it on its support (5.3) in the heated
zone controlled at a uniform temperature
12.4 Repeatability and reproducibility of (500 10) C.
The standard deviation for repeatability is 0,003 %. After 30 min, remove the crucible from the furnace
The standard deviation for reproducibility is 0,03 %. and allow it to cool to room temperature. The
sintered mass should not stick to the sides of the
13 Determination of main constituents crucible. If it does, then repeat the decomposition at
a temperature 10 C lower than was first used.
13.1 Principle
Transfer the sintered mass to a 400 ml beaker and
The analysis is carried out after the sample is rinse the crucible with 150 ml cold water.
completely dissolved.
16 BSI 03-1999
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18 BSI 03-1999
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where where:
m17 is the mass of the test portion as in 13.2, in m20 is the mass of the test portion as in 13.5.1,
grams; in grams;
m19 is the mass determined in accordance m21 is the mass determined in accordance
with 13.4.1, in grams. with 13.5.1, in grams.
BSI 03-1999 19
EN 196-2:1994
13.6 Determination of pure silica The solution shall be perfectly clear. If not, filter
13.6.1 Procedure through a medium filter paper, wash, burn off the
paper, ignite and then repeat the decomposition as
Moisten the residue obtained in accordance above. Transfer the solution to the 500 ml
with 13.3.1 (m18) or 13.4.1 (m19) or 13.5.1 (m21) volumetric flask containing the filtrate and
with about 0,5 ml to 1 ml of water, add washings from the precipitation of silica in
approximately 10 ml of hydrofluoric acid then two accordance with 13.3.1 or 13.4.1 or 13.5.1. Fill the
drops of sulfuric acid. Evaporate in a fume cupboard flask up to the mark with water. After stirring, this
over a sand bath or hot plate (5.14), then continue to solution is ready for use.
heat until free from white sulfuric acid fumes.
It is used in the photometric determination of the
Ignite the crucible with the evaporation residue in silica remaining in solution (13.8) and also in the
an electric furnace (1 175 25) C (5.5) for 10 min, complexometric determinations of iron (III)
leave to cool to room temperature in a desiccator and oxide (13.10), aluminium oxide (13.11), calcium
weigh (m22). oxide (13.12 or 13.14) and magnesium oxide (13.13
The evaporation residue is decomposed as described or 13.15).
in 13.7. If the residue obtained by this method 13.8 Determination of soluble silica
exceeds 0,5 %, the analysis shall be restarted and
decomposition with sodium peroxide used (13.2). 13.8.1 Procedure
13.6.2 Expression of results Pipette 20 ml of the solution prepared in accordance
with 13.7 from the 500 ml volumetric flask into a
The pure silica content is calculated in percent from polyethylene beaker already containing a magnetic
the formula: stirrer bar and add 20 ml water. While stirring with
the magnetic stirrer, add 15 drops of hydrofluoric
(20) acid 1 + 3. Stir again for at least 1 min. Then
pipette 15 ml of the boric acid solution (4.40). Adjust
the pH of the solution to (1,15 0,05) by adding,
m22 is the mass determined in accordance drop by drop, sodium hydroxide (4.25) or
with 13.6.1, in grams; hydrochloric acid 1 + 2, using a pH meter calibrated
with a buffer solution of similar pH value
m23 is the mass of the test portion as in 13.2
(e.g. 1,40, see 4.47). Add from a pipette 5 ml of the
(m17) or 13.5.1 (m20), in grams;
ammonium molybdate solution (4.42) to the solution
m24 is the mass determined in accordance (time 0). Adjust the pH of the solution to 1,60 by
with 13.3.1 (m18), 13.4.1 (m19) or 13.5.1 adding, drop by drop, the sodium hydroxide
(m21), in grams. solution (4.25) or hydrochloric acid 1 + 2. Transfer
the solution to a 100 ml volumetric flask and rinse
13.7 Decomposition of the evaporation residue the beaker with hydrochloric acid of pH 1,60 (4.9).
To the evaporation residue, obtained in accordance After 20 min, add from a pipette 5 ml of the citric
with 13.6.1, add 2 g of the sodium carbonate and acid solution (4.41), stir and leave to stand
sodium chloride mixture (4.31) and fuse to a bright for 5 min. Then add from a pipette 2 ml of the
red heat using a gas burner. Swirl the melt reducing solution (4.46). Make up to volume with
frequently until the residue is completely dissolved. dilute hydrochloric acid of pH 1,60 and mix. At
time 0 + 30 min measure the optical density with
Check visually that no part of the residue remains
the photometer (5.9) against a blank solution
at the base of the crucible. Allow the crucible and its
prepared in a similar way and using the same
contents to cool, transfer to a 250 ml beaker, add
wavelength of a cell of the same optical length as
about 100 ml water and acidify with a few millilitres
used for the construction of the calibration
of concentrated hydrochloric acid.
graph (4.50.3). The silica concentration in mg
When the decomposed mass is completely dissolved, SiO2/100 ml is read from the calibration graph.
remove the platinum crucible from the solution and
rinse it with water.
20 BSI 03-1999
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EN 196-2:1994
V12 is the volume of 0,03 mol/l EGTA solution
used for titration, in millilitres;
fG is the factor of the 0,03 mol/l EGTA
solution defined in 4.55.3;
m23 is the mass of the test portion as in 13.2
V11 is the volume of 0,03 mol/l EDTA solution (m17) or 13.5.1 (m20), in grams.
used for the titration, in millilitres;
NOTE Strontium oxide is determined and expressed as calcium
fD is the factor of the 0,03 mol/l EDTA oxide.
solution defined in 4.53.3;
13.12.3 Repeatability and reproducibility
m23 is the mass of the test portion as in 13.2
The standard deviation for repeatability is 0,18 %.
(m17) or 13.5.1 (m20), in grams.
The standard deviation for reproducibility is 0,37 %.
13.11.3 Repeatability and reproducibility 13.13 Determination of magnesium oxide by
The standard deviation for repeatability is 0,10 %. DCTA (reference method)
The standard deviation for reproducibility is 0,25 %. 13.13.1 Procedure
13.12 Determination of calcium oxide by EGTA Pipette 50 ml of the solution prepared in accordance
(reference method) with 13.7 from the 500 ml volumetric flask into a
13.12.1 Procedure beaker compatible with the measuring
apparatus (5.11), add 50 ml of triethanolamine
Pipette 25 ml of the solution prepared in accordance solution 1 + 4 (4.45) and a volume V13 of the EGTA
with 13.7 from the 500 ml volumetric flask into a solution. The volume V13 required is calculated in
beaker compatible with the measuring millilitres from the formula:
apparatus (5.11) and make up to the same volume
as in 4.55.3 with water and then add 25 ml of the
V13 = 2 V12 + 1,5 (25)
triethanolamine solution 1 + 4 (4.45). Adjust the pH
of this solution to 12,5 (using a pH meter) with a where
sodium hydroxide solution (4.25). Add about 0,1 g of V12 is the volume of the EGTA solution used
murexide (4.57) or calcein indicator (4.58). Place the for titration in accordance with 13.12.1, in
beaker in the apparatus (5.11) set at 520 nm when millilitres;
using calcein or at 620 nm when using murexide
and, while stirring, titrate with the 0,03 mol/l EGTA V13 is the volume of the EGTA solution, in
solution (4.55). In the vicinity of the colour change, millilitres.
construct a diagram of the readings from the After addition of the calculated volume of EGTA
measuring apparatus as a function of the volume of solution, dilute with water to a volume suitable for
EGTA added. The volume V12 used is determined the correct operation of the apparatus. Using a pH
from the intersection of the line of greatest slope in meter, adjust the pH of this solution to 10,5 with
the region of the colour change and the line of concentrated ammonium hydroxide.
almost constant optical density after the colour
Add about 0,1 g of methylthymol blue
indicator (4.62).
22 BSI 03-1999
EN 196-2:1994
Place the beaker in the apparatus (5.11) set Add about 0,1 g of murexide (4.57) or calcein
at 620 nm and, while stirring the solution, titrate indicator (4.58). Place the beaker in the
with the 0,01 mol/l DCTA solution (4.56). In the apparatus (5.11) set at 620 nm when using
vicinity of the colour change of the indicator, plot a murexide or at 520 nm when using calcein and,
graph of the optical density values as a function of while stirring the solution, titrate with
the volume of DCTA added. The volume V14 used is the 0,03 mol/l EDTA solution (4.53). In the vicinity
determined from the intersection of the line of of the colour change of the indicator, plot a graph of
greatest slope in the region of the colour change and the optical density values as a function of the
the line of almost constant optical density after the volume of EDTA added. The volume V15 used is
colour change. determined from the intersection of the line of
13.13.2 Expression of results greatest slope in the region of the colour change and
the line of almost constant optical density after the
The magnesium oxide content is calculated in colour change.
percent from the formula:
13.14.3 Expression of results
The calcium oxide content is calculated in percent
from the formula:
where (27)
V14 is the volume of 0,01 mol/l DCTA solution
used for the titration, in millilitres;
fc is the factor of the 0,01 mol/1 solution
defined as 4.56.3; V15 is the volume of 0,03 mol/l EDTA solution
used for the titration, in millilitres;
m23 is the mass of the test portion as in 13.2
(m17) or 13.5.1 (m20), in grams. fD is the factor of the 0,03 mol/l EDTA
solution defined in 4.53.3;
13.13.3 Repeatability and reproducibility
m23 is the mass of the test portion as in 13.2
The standard deviation for repeatability is 0,15 %. (m17) or 13.5.1 (m20), in grams.
The standard deviation for reproducibility is 0,15 %.
NOTE Strontium oxide is determined and expressed as calcium
13.14 Determination of calcium oxide by EDTA oxide.
(alternative method) 13.14.4 Repeatability and reproducibility
13.14.1 Restriction on the method The standard deviation for repeatability is 0,15 %.
This method shall be preceded by the determination The standard deviation for reproducibility is 0,43 %
of manganese content (see clause 12 and 13.15 Determination of magnesium oxide by
also 13.15.1). EDTA (alternative method)
13.14.2 Procedure 13.15.1 Restriction on the method
Pipette 50 ml of the solution prepared in accordance For the rare particular instances where cements
with 13.7 from the 500 ml volumetric flask into a have a manganese oxide (Mn2O3) content greater
beaker compatible with the measuring than 0,5 %, the method of determination of
apparatus (5.11). Then dilute with water to a magnesium oxide by DCTA (13.13) is applicable.
volume suitable for the correct operation of the Indeed in this case, the alternative method gives
equipment. Add 50 ml of the triethanolamine high results, or it requires a preliminary separation
solution 1 + 4 (4.45). of hydroxides by precipitation.
Using a pH meter, adjust the pH of this solution
13.15.2 Procedure
to 12,5 with the sodium hydroxide solution (4.25).
Pipette 50 ml of the solution prepared in accordance
with 13.7 from the 500 ml volumetric flask into a
beaker compatible with the measuring
apparatus (5.11). Then dilute with water to a
volume suitable for the correct operation of the
equipment. Add 50 ml of the triethanolamine
solution 1 + 4 (4.45).
BSI 03-1999 23
EN 196-2:1994
Using a pH meter, adjust the pH of this solution 13.16 Comments on the visual observation of
to 10,5 with dilute ammonium hydroxide 1 + 1. the titrations for the determinations of
Using a burette, add the volume V15 of EDTA calcium oxide and magnesium oxide
required for the titration of calcium oxide previously The methods described in 13.12, 13.13, 13.14
determined in 13.14.2. and 13.15 use a photometric determination of the
Then add about 0,1 g of methylthymol blue end-points.
indicator (4.62). It is possible to make visual observations of the
Place the beaker in the apparatus (5.11) set titrations but with less precision. The indicators
at 620 nm and, while stirring the solution, titrate often used for this purpose are as follows:
with the 0,03 mol/l EDTA solution (4.53). In the a) For the determination of calcium oxide by
vicinity of the colour change of the indicator, plot a EGTA:
graph of the optical density values as a function of mixed indicator: calcein and methylthymol
the volume of EDTA added. The volume V16 used is blue (4.63) (colour change from pale green to
determined from the intersection of the line of pink).
greatest slope in the region of the colour change and
the line of almost constant optical density after the This indicator is suitable also for the
colour change. photometric determination.
b) For the determination of magnesium oxide by
13.15.3 Expression of results
The magnesium oxide content is calculated in
methylthymol blue (4.62) (colour change from
percent from the formula: blue to grey).
c) For the determination of calcium oxide by
calcon (4.59) (colour change from pink to
(28) blue).
d) For the determination of magnesium oxide by
where EDTA:
V15 is the volume of EDTA required for the a dispersion of 1 g of phthalein purple in 100 g
determination of calcium oxide determined of solid NaCl (colour change from violet to pale
in 13.14.2, in millilitres; pink).
V16 is the volume of EDTA required for the
determination of calcium oxide and
magnesium oxide defined in 13.15.2, in
fD is the factor of the 0,03 mol/l EDTA
solution defined in 4.53.3;
m23 is the mass of the test portion as in 13.2
(m17) or 13.5.1 (m20), in grams.
24 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
A Whatman No. 541 or similar filter paper is suitable.
An Ilford 601 filter is suitable.
BSI 03-1999 25
BS EN 196-2:1995
NB.3.1.2 Standard phosphate solution. Dissolve NOTE Water content in absolute alcohol and glycol can be
exactly 0.186 g of dry diammonium phosphate in determined by titration by the Karl Fischer method.
water and dilute to 1 l. One ml contains 0.1 mg Add to each litre of glycol 5 ml of mixed
P2O5. indicator (NB.4.1.1) and adjust if necessary by the
addition of alcoholic potassium hydroxide to a green
NB.3.1.3 Sodium fluoride solution. Dissolve 20 g of
sodium fluoride in 1 l of water. colour.
NB.3.2 Procedure NB.4.1.4 Hydrochloric acid. (0.1 N).
NB.4.1.5 Calcium oxide standard. Ignite
Dilute the filtrate, including the dissolved
about 0.20 g of calcium carbonate in a weighed
hydrofluoric acid residue, from a silica
platinum crucible at 1 000 C in an electric furnace.
separation (13.5.1) to 500 ml. Place a 50 ml aliquot
Verify the complete removal of carbon dioxide by
(equivalent to 0.1 g of cement) in a 100 ml
volumetric flask, add 15 ml of AVM re-weighing and record the mass of calcium oxide.
reagent (NB.3.1.1) and allow to stand. (If the iron NB.4.2 Procedure
content of the cement exceeds 3 % Fe2O3 add 5 ml of Weigh a 1 000 g sample into a dry conical 200 ml
sodium fluoride solution after 20 min). Dilute flask, add 1 g to 2 g of dry sand11). and about 0.5 g of
to 100 ml and mix. Measure the optical dry filter paper or pulp. Mix thoroughly. Add 40 ml
density 30 min after adding the AVM solution. of glycol, stopper the flask. Shake or stir vigorously.
NB.3.3 Measurement Place the flask for 30 min in a water bath at 65 C
The colour can be measured by visual comparison or to 70 C and shake manually every 5 min.
Continuous mechanical agitation is even better.
instrumentally, using a spectrophotometer.
Filter the mixture under suction through a dry filter
With the monochromator-type instrument, operate
of suitable porosity to provide a clear filtrate. Unless
at 426 nm; with the filter-type instrument, use a
the filtration is rapid it may be necessary to keep the
filter of which the wavelength band is as near as
possible to 426 nm10). mouth of the sintered glass filter protected by an
apparatus which will remove moisture and carbon
Prepare a range of standards containing known dioxide from incoming air (for instance a close
amounts of phosphorus and the same amounts of fitting rubber cover connected to guard tubes
reagents as the sample. Construct a standard curve containing soda-lime and magnesium perchlorate).
giving the optical density as a function of
Wash with three separate 10 ml portions of absolute
concentration. Refer the optical density obtained for
the sample solution to this curve and calculate the alcohol or hot glycol, carefully rinsing the conical
percentage P2O5 content. flask, then remove the filtration flask and titrate
with 0.1 N hydrochloric acid until the colour
NB.4 Estimation of free lime (calcium oxide changes (colour changes through brown to orange).
plus calcium hydroxide)
NB.4.3 Standardization
NB.4.1 Special reagents
Transfer the weighed calcium oxide obtained
NB.4.1.1 Mixed indicator. Dissolve 0.05 g of methyl in NB.4.1.5 to a dry conical flask, add 40 ml of
red in about 40 ml of absolute ethyl alcohol, glycol, agitate and heat as in NB.4.2. The lime
and 0.05 g of bromocresol green in about 40 ml of should dissolve without residue. Nevertheless, filter
ethyl alcohol. Mix both solutions and make up and titrate as in NB.4.2.
to 100 ml with ethyl alcohol.
NB.4.4 Calculation
NB.4.1.2 Absolute ethyl alcohol. This liquid readily
Calculate the free lime content, Ca, as a percentage
absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. It should be
from the formula:
kept in tightly stoppered bottles fitted with an
airtight cap, and opened only for the lapse of time
necessary for manipulations.
NB.4.1.3 Glycol. (1 : 2 ethane diol). Ensure that this
reagent is pure and anhydrous. It absorbs where
atmospheric moisture and should be treated in the w is the mass of standard calcium oxide (in g);
same way as absolute alcohol. Ensure that the glycol ts is the volume of hydrochloric acid used
does not contain more than 0.5 % of water. in NB.4.3 (in ml);
An Ilford 601 filter is suitable.
It is best to use quartz sand (grains of about 0.5 mm diameter upwards or glass beads for this purpose. Alternatively,
magnetic stirring with a naked magnet may be employed.
26 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
For information on the availability of a suitable electric centrifuge, write to Customer Services, Information Services Group,
BSI, 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL.
BSI 03-1999 27
BS EN 196-2:1995
28 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
BSI 03-1999 29
BS EN 196-2:1995
30 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
See Tertian and Claisse. Principles of quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis. Heyden, London 1982, p.349.
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BS EN 196-2:1995
32 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
Table ND.5 Calibration standards: mass of ingredients required for each fusion
Ingredient Bead number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
g g g g g g g
ND.10.3 Influence of potassium on calcium Prepare two beads in duplicate using the masses
To calibrate for calcium it is necessary to know the given in Table ND.7 and following the procedure
influence coefficient (!) of potassium on calcium. given in ND.7.3 and ND.7.4.
This is defined by the equation: Measure the intensities for calcium on each bead
using identical measuring conditions to those used
C CaO = C 9 CaO (1 + ! C K O).
2 in the main calibration, and calculate ! for
NOTE This equation is based on an alpha coefficient expressed potassium on calcium using the formula:
in terms of per cent concentration units. Where ! has been
calculated from intensity or other units, an appropriate
conversion is required.
Hence, for calcium, utilize in ND.10.2 a)
or ND.10.2 b) the calibration lines of apparent where
concentration, calculated from: I1 is the intensity for calcium in bead 1;
I2 is the intensity for calcium in bead 2.
BSI 03-1999 33
BS EN 196-2:1995
Table ND.7 Composition of beads for ND.11.2 High and low monitors method
determination of !-correction Calculate the oxide content of the test sample for all
Bead 1 Bead 2 the elements except calcium using the equation:
Mass Equivalent Mass Equivalent % oxide (as-received, basis)
Ingredient oxide oxide
g % g %
34 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
Table ND.9 Multipliers for precision values ND.12.4 Each of the values r1, r2 and R is a value
for Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, K2O and SO3 which should be exceeded on only 1 in 20 occasions
Oxide Range r1 r2 R
by the difference between two test results:
r1 should be used when the two results are
% % % %
obtained from repeat runs on the same bead (and
Al2O3 3.1 to 6.7 0.050 0.065 0.099 obtained by the same operator, using the same
Fe2O3 2.3 to 5.0 0.029 0.038 0.077 equipment);
MgO 0.9 to 2.7 0.094 0.097 0.143 r2 should be used when the two results are
0.2 to 1.0 0.018 0.025 0.101 obtained from different beads made from the
K 2O
same cement sample (and obtained by the same
SO3 1.4 to 3.7 0.035 0.077 0.151 operator, using the same equipment);
ND.12.3 The precision information given here was R should be used when the two results are
obtained from an experiment carried out in the obtained by different operators, using different
period 1986 to 1988, involving 12 laboratories. The equipment, analysing different beads made from
experiment was designed, and the data analysed, by the same cement sample.
following the principles set out in BS 5497-1. Seven The precision values were first calculated for each
cements were used with the compositions shown in cement separately. For SiO2 and CaO the ranges of
Table ND.10. Approximately 5 kg of each of these concentrations in the seven cements were
cements was homogenised and one 100 g sample of numerically small, so values of r1, r2 and R were
each sent to each participant. The participants were calculated as averages over the seven cements.
required to calibrate their instruments by the These values are given in Table ND.8.
procedure described in the method, make two beads For the other oxides the precision values varied with
from each sample, then do two analyses on each bed the level of concentration of the oxides, so equations
one or two weeks apart. of the form given in ND.12.2 are used to provide a
concise summary of the results.
Table ND.10 Composition of cements used in precision experiment
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 K2 O
Cement Type
% % % % % % %
BSI 03-1999 35
BS EN 196-2:1995
36 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
See standard NF P 18-101 Aggregates Terminology, definitions, classification, in preparation.
See standard NF P 18-553 Preparation of a sample for test.
NF P 18-597 Determination of the property of sands: sand equivalent with 10 % of fines. (Translators note: particles
below 80 4m).
BSI 03-1999 37
BS EN 196-2:1995
The article first appeared in ZKG International issue 8/1990.
38 BSI 03-1999
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BS EN 196-2:1995
40 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
mu1 is the mass of the U-tube before absorption
of carbon dioxide (in g);
mu2 is the mass of the U-tube after absorption
of carbon dioxide (in g);
m is the mass of the sample (in g).
Express the result to two decimal places.
BSI 03-1999 41
BS EN 196-2:1995
42 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
NF.5.3 Reagents Move the short furnace (4) into position, and heat
Use only reagents of analytical quality and distilled to (900 25) C maintaining this temperature
water or water of equal purity during the analysis. for 15 min. Then switch it off, but pass oxygen
The density of concentrated liquid reagents is through the tube for another 20 min. After that
expressed in g/cm3. close the taps of the U-tube (8). Remove the U-tube,
cool in a desiccator, and weigh it to the
Oxidation catalyst. Ignited silver permanganate
nearest 0.0001 g.
with a composition of approximately AgMnO2.
NF.5.5 Calculation
Silver gauze, Ag
Calculate the carbon content using the formula (1)
Lead chromate, PbCrO4 (see NF.4.5). Express the result to two decimal
Platinum on quartz wool18) as carrier places.
Oxygen, O2 NF.6 Automatic determination method
Hydrochloric acid, HCl, = 1.19 (alternative method 2)
Magnesium perchlorate. Mg(ClO4)2 with a NF.6.1 Principle
particle size of 0.6 mm to 1.2 mm. The carbon dioxide in the limestone is driven off by
the use of hydrochloric acid. The carbon content of
Absorbent for carbon dioxide. NaOH on an inert
the residue is oxidized with oxygen in a high
inorganic carrier.
frequency furnace in the presence of an accelerator
NF.5.4 Procedure at approximately 1 500 C. The resulting gas
NF.5.4.1 Filling the quartz tube mixture which consists of oxygen, carbon dioxide,
Close the left-hand side outlet of the quartz tube in carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and water is
Figure NF.2 with a 1 cm quartz wool plug. While treated with manganese dioxide to absorb sulfur
holding the quartz tube in a vertical position, fill it dioxide. The carbon monoxide is oxidized by copper
with 6 cm of the oxidation catalyst (Ox), 6 cm silver oxide to give carbon dioxide. The water is absorbed
gauze (Ag), and 6.5 cm lead chromate (Bc). Compact by magnesium perchlorate. The carbon dioxide is
the catalyst and the lead chromate by slight first absorbed on a molecular sieve, then liberated
vibration while filling the tube. Compact the silver again, and quantitatively determined by a thermal
gauze with a glass rod. conductivity meter (10).
Fix the three layers in place with a plug of platinum NF.6.2 Apparatus
on quartz wool18). Position the tube in the long The apparatus for the automatic determination of
furnace (6) as shown in Figure NF.2. Heat the long carbon is illustrated in a flow sheet in Figure NF.3.
furnace to (500 20) C, while passing oxygen After thirty determinations the dust filter (4) and
through the tube. The flow rate of the oxygen should the water traps (7) and (9) have to be changed. At
be at least 7 ml/min. After 30 min the equipment is the same time the combustion tube in the furnace
ready for the carbon determination. The catalyst (3) has to be cleaned. The SO2 absorbent (5) has to
filling in the tube is sufficient for about 15 carbon be changed every 500 analyses. The CO2 and water
determinations, after which it has to be renewed. traps (1) and (2) have to be changed once a month
NF.5.4.2 Analysis and the catalyst (6) once a year.
Weigh (0.4 0.1) g of the limestone sample to the
nearest 0.0001 g in a PTFE dish. Moisten the
weighed test sample with 1 or 2 drops of water and
then add slowly 10 ml of hydrochloric acid. At the
end of the first intensive reaction heat the dish on a
hot plate with a furnace temperature
of (140 10) C. Heat the sample to complete
dryness. Break up the residue and remove it from
the wall of the bowl with a PTFE rod, while still on
the hot plate. Transfer the dried residue completely
into a platinum boat, which is immediately
introduced into the right-hand side inlet of the
quartz tube (3), whilst oxygen is still passing
through the tube at a flow rate of at least 7 ml/min.
Close the inlet with a rubber stopper.
The original document (see NF.1) refers to asbestos. However, asbestos is no longer to be used in the UK.
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44 BSI 03-1999
BS EN 196-2:1995
This step gives the possibility of calculating the mineral carbon content.
BSI 03-1999 45
46 blank
BS EN 196-2:1995
BSI 03-1999
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