Palm Oil Mill Design Procedure Ch1

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The Palm Oil Mill Plant can be defined as The creation and Implementation of
Plans for machines, structures and systems or processes to perform the desired
milling function of oil palm fruits to efficiently recover palm oil and palm kernels
with minimum loss. The completed plant is mean to process oil palm fruits
commercially either for own estates and also for both own estates and third party

The processes in an oil palm mill are made up of many sub processes which should
have the following attributes

1.1 Safe and user friendly

1.2 Good and high performance

1.3 Cost Effective

1.4 Environmental friendly

A part from mill layout and machinery configurations, there are no significant
different between palm oil mills in the industries. Crude Palm Oil and Palm Kernel
are extracted mechanically and all oil mills are basically consist of the following

1.5 Material Handling using conveyors and elevators

1.6 Mechanical Extraction using screw press

1.7 Separation (Mechanical, Pneumatic & Hydraulic)

1.8 Heat Transfer (Sterilization & Drying)

1.9 Energy Conversion (Boiler, Turbine, Fans, Pumps)

1.10 Distribution of Energy


The design of palm oil mill should meet the followings requirements i.e

1.1.1 To be suitable for processing all oil palm fruits from the suitable
hectare of oil palm plantations.

1.1.2 Designed for cost effectiveness for operation and maintenance

1.1.3 To extract and recover CPO and PK with acceptable minimum


1.1.4 To produce CPO and PK of highest quality that meet the MPOB
set standard for product specification for sales agreement.

1.1.5 To facilitate the disposal of shell, fibre and empty bunches.

Nowadays empty bunch is subject to further downstream process
through EFB press to recover minimum of 0.25% additional oil.
EFB fibre can be further treated and used as fuel to produce steam
for more valuable electrical power generation.

1.1.6 To have a suitable size of own steam and power generating plant.

1.1.7 To have suitable size of water treatment plant

1.1.8 The plant and process should be environmentally friendly and to

dispose of waste water (sludge) through proper waste water
treatment so as not to pollute local rivers and waters.

1.1.9 To be reliable and suitable for local conditions of labor,

supervision and maintenance. Too sophisticated design of the mill
at very remote area should be avoided.

1.1.10 Consideration and incorporation of safety aspects that comply with

OSHA such as good ventilation, reasonable area of working space,
elimination of dust/ dust free and noise levels within permissible

1.1.11 The design of the mill should as much as practicable to incorporate

the operating procedures of equipment, plant and process systems
to meet the ecological, hygienic and cleanliness of the plant on par
with food manufacturing standards (New Challenge HACCP)

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