ContractFIDIC Comparison Autosaved

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Contract analysis and comparison with FIDIC

Condition Contract Condition FIDIC

- - Advantages Disadvantages - Advantages Disadvantages

-Disputes -the number

shall be is not so
adjudicated stated and
- Many
by a DAB in the Parties
-If any dispute accordance do not
included in the
occurs between - As a sister - The owner's with Sub- agree
dispute may
the contractor company, point of view Clause 20.4 otherwise,
lead to many
and consultant disputes are may not be [Obtaining the DAB
engineer / solved in the always right. Dispute shall
between the
Dispute administration company and Adjudication comprise
contractor and
the dispute is doesn't go to - It takes much Boards three
the owner.
converted to any courts, time to solve Decision]. persons.
the owner to be which saves disputes. The Parties
-It takes a lot
discussed and money. shall jointly -Less time
of money to
solved appoint a is taken to
solve problems
DAB by the solve
with FIDIC
date stated disputes
in the with the
Appendix to FIDIC

-Contractor has
to provide full
analysis of
categories of
-any taxes
contract within
-In case of properly
two weeks of
delay of the levied in the
signing the -It helps The Member
contractor in Country on - Taking-Over
contract and it putting the shall be paid
providing the payments Certificate is
fills the tables exact date of as follows,
required price made to the issued for the
for analyzing payments. in the
analysis is fine Member. whole of the
price and this currency
Payment worth 20000 Works, the
analysis is used -Provides the named in the
E.P and -Being retainer fee
in studying exact amount Dispute
entitled in this available on shall be
bids and of money to be Adjudication
case to the 28 days reduced by
command paid in the Agreement
owner put price notice for 50%.
pricing project.
analysis he all site visits
sees fit and
Contract analysis and comparison with FIDIC
-The contractor
has to make
gateways work
site fencing
and guarded
around the
- Safety
clock and
make sure that -If the
increases the
nobody's who's contractor
quality of the
not allowed to following
enter the site. fittings is late,
- It prevents
-On site an inaction is
processing deducted
Safety contractor must expenses of
precautions provide contractor
in case of any
firefighting benefits a week
equipment and after an
Social impact
distribution in ultimatum
to increase the
the close from owner.
quarters of
rate of labors.
by fires and
number some
of the workers
to learn how to
use these
-Contractor has
to finish
according to
his schedule
which is
adopted with
-The owner is
the owner with -It saves time
entitled to
a commitment and money to
deduct the
Duration of of the general be performing
value of extra
work supervisor on schedule of
hours directly
execution -The daily the project.
from monthly
work routine is
8 hours from
8:00 am to
5:00 pm ( 6
days / week )
Contract analysis and comparison with FIDIC
-Contractor has
to offer in a
month the - It helps - In case of
schedule of determining delay of the
workshop problems in the contractor to
drawings and designs and deliver timely
approving it correcting graphics there
and samples
from the them. are signing fine
consultant 100000 E.P
engineer and
he can review

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