Theory Chart Edu608

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Theory View of the Role of the How learning Practices

learner teacher happens

Piaget Active, hands on, Facilitator, sets Through Center time,
independent, up problem experiences, experiment,
accountability to question, problem solving, discovery
self (assimilation disequilibrium depends on stages learning, inquiry
and learning,
accommodation) modeling
Vygotsky Active, Facilitator, Through Discussions,
accountability to involved using interaction, scaffolding,
ask-use scaffolding, internalizing, ZPD, cognitive tools,
resources question asking, groups self talk, group
guiding, work, within
encourager ZPD
Information Active, computer Main role, Processing, Repetition,
Processing processor programmer, attending, organized,
facilitator meaningful memory codes,
connection, novel
previous experiences,
knowledge is connecting old
important, to new
repetitive, knowledge,
organized, gaining and
student attention
Social Observant To model and With an effective Live modeling,
Cognitive learner produce models, model symbolic
(Bandura) (power/prestige, modeling, and
competent, gender verbal
appropriate, modeling, I do
relevant) we do you do I
Meteorically monitor,

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