Spe 140555 MS
Spe 140555 MS
Spe 140555 MS
Bo SongTexas A&M University Michael J. EconomidesUniversity of Houston,
Christine Ehlig-EconomidesTexas A&M University
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition held in The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 2426 January 2011.
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The game changing technology enabling economic natural gas production from shale is the multiple fracture well (MFTW), a
horizontal well with multiple transverse fractures. The well itself can create a stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) that
delineates sufficient gas reserves to payout the well and provide continued return for several decades. This paper shows the
importance of permeability and adsorbed gas in ensuring a well design that will achieve these objectives.
In this paper we base decisions about the number and size of fractures and the horizontal well length (and therefore the
fracture spacing) first on the physics of production and then on investment economics. Current practices using a repetitive
well template applied to all wells in a given shale gas play result in some wells doing far better than expected while others
barely pay out. We show that linear flow is likely to dominate production behavior until pressure interference occurs between
adjacent fractures and that the time of inter-fracture interference predicted by linear flow pressure penetration is prolonged by
The shale permeability and the adsorbed gas parameters are used to design an economically successful well while
ensuring at least 50% gas recovery in the SRV within a specified period of time. Field data from several shale gas formations
are used to provide examples of the well design approach. The gas adsorption characterization typically comes from
laboratory analysis, which we use to develop what we have called the adsorption index. Because the gas recovery factor
depends on lowering the average pressure in the SRV, permeability and the adsorption index are used to estimate the time of
inter-fracture interference, which in turn indicates the optimal spacing between fractures. This paper provides insights on the
effective exploitation of a shale gas reservoir by optimizing the fracture and well architecture.
Shale gas resource is playing a significant role in todays energy supply in the United States and Canada and is likely to
evolve in other countries. By 2008, the natural gas resource potential for gas shale was estimated to be 50-100 Tcf (Cipolla et
al 2009). There have been many other, speculative, reports that put shale gas potential several times these estimates. Success
with the multiple transverse fracture well (MTFW) design is demonstrating profitable gas production from this vast resource
(Arthur, Bohm and Layne, 2008).
Compared to conventional gas reservoirs, the permeability of shale gas formations is much lower, typically between 10 to
100 nano-Darcy (10-4 to 10-5 md) (Cipolla et al 2009). Moreover, unlike in conventional and even tight sandstone gas
reservoirs where all the gas is stored as free gas, a large fraction of gas in place in shale gas reservoirs is stored by the
adsorption mechanism, which affects the production and pressure behavior of the shale gas wells and enhances their
estimated ultimate recovery (EUR).
Lane, Watson and Lancaster (1989) indicated that the gas in shale reservoirs is stored both as free gas in matrix pores and
fractures and as adsorbed gas on the surface of matrix particles. Kuuskraa et al (1985) also indicated the importance of gas
adsorption to gas recovery and behavior of shale gas wells in Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Zuber et al (2002)
provided a conceptual model for New Albany Shale, and Schepers et al (2009) formulated a triple porosity/dual permeability
model including the consideration of both free gas and adsorbed gas.
The MTFW strategy has been widely used in the Barnett Shale and the Marcellus Shale (Arthur, Bohm and Layne,
2008). Clarkson et al (2009), Freeman et al (2009) and Al-Kobashi et al (2006) offered flow regimes analyses of MTFW and
a common conclusion emerges from their work. Pope. et al (2010) evaluated the sensitivity of fracture spacing, length, and
2 Bo Song, Michael J. Economides, Christine Ehlig-Economides 140555
conductivity to Haynesville shale well performance. Meyer et al (2010) refer to the volume defined by the transverse
fractures from the horizontal wellbore as a stimulated reservoir volume (SRV).
This paper provides a well design approach using the shale permeability and adsorbed gas parameters as inputs along with
estimations for shale porosity, thickness, pressure and temperature. Given targets for the well payout time and its time on
production, the design provides fracture spacing and half-length values that achieve at least 50% recovery of the SRV gas in
place over the life of the well. This work underscores the importance of permeability estimation to the well design, as well as
a realistic estimate for achievable fracture half-length.
Conceptual Model of the Shale Gas Reservoirs
Shale gas is stored in two different ways: free gas and adsorbed gas. Free gas molecules are stored in micro pore space and
natural fractures. Adsorbed gas molecules are stored on the matrix particle surface. In Figure 1 we refer to the matrix, natural
fractures and adsorption porosity 1, 2 and 3. Although it is not real pore space, we define as the adsorbed gas phase as a
virtual porosity because it represents a storage capacity for the gas in shale reservoirs. Figure 2 shows the shale as transport
mechanism in which flow through micro fractures induces flow in the matrix and, with sufficient pressure drop, release of
adsorbed gas from particle surfaces in micro fractures and the matrix pores.
Figure 1. Storage mechanism of shale gas reservoirs Figure 2. Flow mechanism of shale gas reservoirs
Gas adsorption is a surface phenomenon and is predominantly a physical bond caused by the inter-molecular attractive
forces (i.e., Van der Waals forces) (Rushing et al 2008). Desorption is the reverse process of adsorption. The Langmuir
Model is applied to describe this process. Equation 1 is the Langmuir equation, which describes the adsorption capacity of
rock as pressure changes under isothermal conditions.
VL p .... (1)
Vads =
pL + p
where: Vads is the gas volume that can be adsorbed by a rock of unit mass in scf/ton, VL is the Langmuir volume in scf/ton,
the maximum gas volume can be adsorbed, pL is Langmuir pressure in psi, at which half of Langmuir volume gas can be
adsorbed, and p is the pore pressure in psi.
To describe the adsorption/desorption of a particular reservoir rock,
Langmuir pressure and Langmuir Volume are needed. Figure 3 shows the shape
of a typical Langmuir isotherm curve indicating the amount of gas adsorbed as
pressure increases (adsorption) or desorbed as pressure decreases (desorption).
The Langmuir Volume can be represented as adsorption density, ads. In g/cc:
ads = rock gas VL . (2)
Drawdown Behavior of a Horizontal Well with Transverse Fractures in a Shale Gas Reservoir
Figure 4 shows a plane view of an SRV defined by a horizontal well with 8 transverse fractures. The SRV extent is drawn
with approximately one half of the fracture spacing beyond the fractures at the heal and toe of the well and approximately one
quarter of the fracture spacing beyond the fracture tip.
A sensitivity study showing the effect of permeability on the drawdown
behavior for an SRV located in an effective infinite reservoir is shown in
Fig. 5. The graph on log-log axes shows a pair of curves representing the
pressure change and its derivative with respect to the logarithm of time
(logarithmic derivative) color coded for each of the permeability values
ranging from 1 md to 100 nanodarcy (0.0001 md). The study is shown as
drawdown so that key features in the response are clearly visible. Table 1
lists the parameters used in the simulation.
In early time fracture storage is seen in both pressure change and
derivative aligned in a unit slope trend. This is followed by a hump
representing the transition to pseudolinear flow marked by a half slope
trend in both curves. During pseudolinear flow each fracture produces
independently with the reservoir fluid flowing mainly perpendicular to the
fracture planes with a small fraction of the flow coming to the fracture tips.
During pseudolinear flow, the shale permeability is related to the fracture half-length by:
1/ 2
4.064qo Bo o
nf xf k = for oil
m h c
lf t
1/ 2
724qg Bg g ... (3)
nf xf k = for high pressure gas with rate in Mscf/d
mlf h ct
1/ 2
40.93qT 1
nf xf k = for gas using m( p ) with rate in Mscf/d
m h c
lf t
Where nf is the number of transverse fractures, all assumed to have the same half-length, xf.
We use the term pseudo pseudosteady state because the small part of the fracture drainage area boundary opposite the
fracture tips is not actually closed. As a result, the pressure change is not quite linear with time, and the derivative trend may
be slightly less than unit slope. Whether pseudosteady or pseudo pseudosteady state flow occurs, in either case the SRV pore
volume, Vsr=Vp is related to the pressure change versus time as [Lee, Rollins, and Spivey (2003)]
dpwf 0.234qB
= for oil
dt V p ct
dpwf 41.7qB .... (5)
= for high pressure gas (rate in MSCF/d)
dt V p ct
dm( pwf ) 2.36qT
= for any pressure gas (rate in MSCF/d)
dt Z V p ct
The derivative dpwf/dt is easily determined from the log-log graph as the product of the logarithmic derivative and time. A
careful look at Figure 5 reveals that the trends marked pseudo pseudosteady state all follow the same approximately unit
slope line because each represents the same value for Vsr. Figure 6 shows a diagram of the flow to each fracture during
pseudo pseudosteady state flow.
Table 1. Sensitivity Study Model Inputs
Reservoir properties When the average pressure in the SRV
h, ft Pay zone thickness 30 approaches that at the wellbore, the fluid in
Porosity 0.1 the SRV is effectively depleted. At this time
T, F Reservoir temperature 212 the SRV becomes a sink producing from the
pi, psia Initial reservoir pressure 5000
remainder of the drainage volume of the
Well and stimulated fracture properties
MTFW. If the MTFW drainage area is much
Lw, ft Well length 3200
nf Number of fractures 8
larger than the SRV, compound linear flow
xf, ft Half-length of fractures 1200 will occur first followed by pseudoradial flow
rw, ft Wellbore radius 0.3 to the SRV. Although compound linear flow,
zw, ft well vertical distance to reservoir bottom 15 like pseudolinear flow, exhibits a slope
PVT properties trend, its duration is less than one log cycle.
g Gas specific gravity 0.7 When slope behavior is observed for more
Well and wellbore parameters than one log cycle in time, it represents
Wellbore model No wellbore storage pseuudolinear flow. Once the outer boundary
s Skin factor 0
of the MTFW is sensed, the well will reach
Fracture model infinite-conductivity
Desorption parameters
final steady or, more likely, pseudosteady
pL, psia Langmuir pressure 2000 state flow.
ads, g/cc Adsorption density 0.1 The flow regimes described in the
previous paragraph, while mathematically
interesting, in almost all shale gas reservoirs they are not likely to happen in any economically meaningful production time,
even after many years. Flow in the SRV effectively represents a significant skin on the flow from outside the SRV to the
created fractures. Therefore, the flow rate is likely to drop below
the economic rate before the end of pseudo pseudosteady state
flow, or, if the fracture spacing is too large, before the end of
pesudolinear flow. For this reason wells should be spaced
sufficiently close that the SRVs are effectively adjacent, and our
well design approach puts the focus only on depleting the SRV as
though it is equivalent to the drainage volume for the MTFW.
During pseudolinear and pseudo pseudosteady state flow each
fracture independently drains its own drainage area, and the total
flow from the well is the sum of the flow to each of the fractures.
Therefore, the well design treats the MTFW as the sum of nf
fractures, each draining an area Af = 2(xf + 1/4xs)xs. with width xs
Figure 6: Pseudo pseudosteady state and length 2(xf + 1/4xs). The pore volume of the SRV is given by
Vsr = n f Af h = n f 2 x f + xs h (6)
Figure 7 shows a sensitivity study varying the fracture spacing for a given permeability. As the fracture spacing narrows,
pseudo pseudosteady state behavior starts sooner and lasts longer. In some field data the fracture spacing is small enough that
the entire production history is dominated by this flow regime. This may represent spacing between fracture stages, between
multiple fractures per stage, or even an effective fracture spacing of what is loosely called complexity. The model inputs for
this study are shown in Table 2 and represent properties similar to reported values for the Haynesville Shale.
Figure 7: Sensitivity study for k = 0.0001 md showing the effect of fracture spacing on the start and duration of pseudo pseudosteady state flow
Figure 10 shows the impact of adsorption on the pressure drawdown response. Effectively, gas adsorption delays the
pressure penetration as an effective time shift. To take this into account, we define the adsorption index (Iads) to quantify this
effect. The definition of Iads is the ratio of pressure investigation time with adsorption to its corresponding investigation time
without adsorption.
Iads = tads / tnoads (7)
A large number of simulations were run to establish the following correlation for the adsorption index as a function of
adsorption parameters and reservoir properties.
Iads = Cadsads + 1 (8)
where the adsorption coefficient, Cads, is given by:
1 log 2 ( pL / pi )
Cads = C ( , pi , p L ) = Ac 2
2 2
for = 0.6644 and Ac = (6875.34/pi + 2.429810-4pi - 0.1992)-1.0215. The correlation applies for 0.01 < < 0.1, 0.01 g/cc
< ads < 0.1g/cc, 1000 psi < pi <10000 psi and pi/10 < pL <10pi . When parameters are outside the above ranges, simulation is
recommended to determine the adsorption index.
6 Bo Song, Michael J. Economides, Christine Ehlig-Economides 140555
Transient Flow to SRV Pseudosteady
Pressure Depletion State
Transient Flow in SRV
to Each Fracture
Pseudo Compound Pseudoradial Derivative Slope =1
Fracture Storage Pseudolinear Flow Pseudosteady Linear Flow Flow
p = Constant
The previous observations enable calculation of the approximate rate decline behavior for a MTFW shale gas well with
equally spaced fractures of a given fracture half-length and given reservoir and adsorption properties. During pseudolinear
flow the gas flow rate to a single transverse fracture under constant pressure production is given by
(1/ 2)
kh[m( pi ) m( pwf )] 0.000264 k (tIads ) (10)
qg =
1424 ( / 2) T (ct )i x2f
and during pseudo pseudosteady state flow, the gas flow rate for constant pressure production is approximated by
qg = qgi e Di t (11)
( )
where Di is given by Di = q(teplf ) / Vsr / Bgi Q(t eplf ) . These equations are used for the well design approach in the next
Rate Decline Behavior of a Horizontal Well with Transverse Fractures in a Shale Gas Reservoir
Very likely during much of the time the well is on production it will be produced with a variable, not a constant, rate. In that
case the rate-normalized pressure (RNP) computed as [pi - pwf(t)] / q(t) and its derivative with respect to the logarithm of the
material balance time, te = Q(t)/q(t) provides a virtual drawdown response for production at a constant reference rate. When
graphed with logarithmic axes as a function of material balance time, the RNP and its derivative following the same behavior
as the constant rate drawdown response, and the flow regimes discussed previously are clearly visible. Alternatively, the
pressure normalized rate, or transient productivity index, computed as the reciprocal of the RNP, which is also called the
reciprocal productivity index, provides a virtual rate decline for production at a constant flowing pressure. When graphed
with logarithmic axes as a function of material balance time, the pressure normalized rate shows a straight trend with
negative unit (-1) slope under pseudo pseudosteady and pseudosteady state flow conditions, and this behavior is analogous to
exponential rate decline.
Figure 11 shows rate decline and cumulative 1010 Vsr
production for the same cases as are shown in Ultimate Recovery
Production, SCF
10 9
Fig. 7 for flow at a constant pressure of 100 psi.
reservoir pressure and temperature, as well as economic parameters including cost estimates for drilling the vertical well
segment, the cost per foot for horizontal drilling, the cost of each fracture (for an assumed fracture half-length), the discount
rate and any royalty payments to be charged against production revenue at an assumed natural gas selling price. The goal is to
arrive at a profitable design that pays out by a target payout time, and that will achieve at least a 50% recovery factor over the
life of the well.
One approach for the well design could be to assume a target SRV shape. As in Eq. 6, the SRV length is approximately
the horizontal well length, the SRV height is the shale thickness, and the SRV width corresponds to approximately twice the
fracture half-length. With this approach there is a need to decide on the number of fracture stages. The minimum number of
fracture stages should be sufficient to payout the well within a specified period and provide sufficient return on investment
over its time on production. However, an additional objective could target a recovery factor for the well. To recover a
significant fraction of the gas in place in the SRV it is essential that inter-fracture interference occurs during its time on
After inter-fracture interference has occurred, the average pressure in the SRV drops linearly with material balance time.
If production from adjacent fractures never intersects over the life of the well, the sections of the SRV between the fractures
will remain at the original reservoir pressure as by-passed resource. After interference, the well productivity becomes
constant, but if the well is producing at a constant wellbore pressure, the rate will decline exponentially.
As an approximation the design program assumes the well is to be produced at constant pressure and computes the rate
decline for each fracture as pseudolinear (Eq 10) until the time of pressure interference between adjacent fractures and as
exponential decline thereafter (Eq 11). The total well rate decline is that of an individual fracture multiplied by the number of
fractures. With this approach, we are able to forecast the well rate, cumulative production and discount production revenue.
n f Pg (1 rroyalty )Qai
PV payout = i =1 (1 + rdis )i
Where Pg is the gas price in $/Mscf, rroyalty is the fraction to be paid as royalty, Qai is cumulative production during every
single year in Mscf, and rdis is the discount ra te. Payout occurs when the discount production revenue is equal to the capital
cost of the well.
PV payout = dCuvw + n f xs Cuhw + Cufrac ) (13)
where nf is the minimum fracture number needed, d is the vertical depth of the well in ft, Cuvw is the unit vertical drilling cost
in $/ft, Cufrac is the single fracture cost in $, Cuhw is the unit horizontal drilling cost in $/ft and xs is the fracture spacing in ft.
After that production can continue as long as production revenue exceeds the operational cost.
Once all essential parameters have been specified, the design process starts with a recommendation for the fracture
spacing based on an input value for the interference time, teplf, based on a rearrangement of Eq 4 and incorporating the
adsorption index:
kteplf / I ads
xs = 4 (14)
948 ct
With the spacing thus determined, the well production forecast is computed for a single fracture to determine whether one
fracture can produce sufficient revenue at least to pay for the fracture and horizontal segment it would require. If this test is
passed, the number of fracture is increased until
there are enough fractures to payout the well, or
the number of fractures exceeds the input maximum number, or
the well length exceeds the input maximum well length.
Figure 12 shows the input and output for the well design. Figure 13 shows the flow chart of the MTFW design strategy.
Figure 11. Input and Output of the MTFW design Figure 12. Flow Chart of MTFW Design
The fracture number calculation can fail to provide a result for the following reasons:
1. Single Fracture Failure. Production from each fracture must cover the cost of that fracture plus a portion of the
cost to drill the vertical well segment. If the precondition PVpayout > Cufrac + xsCuhw, which omits the vertical well
cost altogether, cannot be satisfied for even one fracture, the more fractures are created, the greater will be the
2. Multiple Fracture Failure.
a. Fracture number limit. Theoretically, a minimum fracture number can be found to achieve the payout goal.
However, there is a practical limit to the number of fractures. If the fracture number calculated exceeds the
maximum fracture number allowed, an adjusted fracture cost or a horizontal drilling cost that could achieve
the economic criteria can be computed.
b. Well length limit. Again, a fracture number can be calculated. However, if the horizontal well length
determined from the product of fracture spacing and number of fractures exceeds a maximum horizontal well
length limit, as before an adjusted fracture cost or a horizontal drilling cost that could achieve the economic
criteria can be computed.
After determining the fracture number, the geometry of the MTFW is determined. Multiplying the production rate for a
single fracture by the fracture number provides the corresponding performances for the whole MTFW system. Moreover, the
stimulated reservoir pore volume is determined from Eq 6 and gas in place within SRV, considering both free gas and
adsorbed gas, can be calculated as:
VSRV (1 S w ) VL pi (15)
GIPtotal = GIPfree + GIPads = + VSRV rock
Bgi ( pL + pi )
The recovery factor is estimated using the cumulative production forecast computed down to an economic rate.
Well Design Examples
In this section we show 2 cases to illustrate the design process, one based on Haynesville Shale properties like those listed in
Table 2, and the other based on New Albany Shale properties. Cases showing both successful and failed payout are shown.
These designs assume $130/ft cost for drilling the vertical well segment and $220/ft for the horizontal segment. Also, the gas
price is assumed to be $4/MSCF, 15% royalty and 5% discount rate.
Haynesville Shale Case
By entering the inter-fracture interference time determined from Eq. 6, we determined well designs for some of the cases
shown in Figs. 7 and 11. Table 3 summarizes the design results.
Table 3: Haynesville Shale well designs
xs nf Lw Payout time Cufrac Ctotal End time Recovery
ft 1 ft yr $ $ yr factor
207 11 2,277 6 100,000 2,770,879 32 97%
104 20 2,070 3 100,000 3,625,344 11 95%
52 40 2,070 3 12,000 2,105,345 3 60%
All of these designs target a 2000 ft horizontal well length. The above fracture spacing values are suitable for a longer
well length: for example a 4000 ft well with twice as many fractures at the same cost per fracture would pay out in a similar
time frame with double the rate and double the ultimate recovery.
This design sensitivity study shows that closer fracture or effective fracture spacing accelerates recovery. With 11
fractures spaced at about 200 ft, payout time is 6 years and after 32 years recovery efficiency is 97%, while with 20 effective
fractures spaced at about 100 ft, the SRV is depleted to 95% recovery in only 11 years. For the 50 ft fracture spacing the
fractures must cost considerably less, no more than $12,000 per fracture instead of the $100,000 per fracture assumed in the
other two cases in the table. For this to be achievable, the 50 ft fracture density must be achieved as fracture complexity or by
creating simultaneous multiple fractures in a single fracture stage. If an effective fracture spacing of 50 ft can be achieved at
$12,000 per fracture, then the SRV would be depleted to only 60% recovery in 3 years. It would appear that increasing the
design to 20 fractures makes sense, but the 40 effective fracture case appears to be neither economically feasible nor
advisable from the recovery perspective.
10 Bo Song, Michael J. Economides, Christine Ehlig-Economides 140555
Instead of assuming a well drainage area and deciding how to drain it, the MTFW design method in this paper is providing a
dynamic SRV determination method by calculating a minimum fracture number needed. This is not only because it is usually
difficult to figure out a drainage area for a well in shale gas formation, but because the design is aimed to achieve the
particular engineering (targeted interference time) and economic goal (targeted payout time). The reason to target the
interference time is to ensure the well can recover a significant fraction of the gas in place in the SRV over its productive life.
In this design the shale formation permeability is important because it is directly used for the design of fracture spacing to
meet the interference time goal and to forecast the production performance. However, the shale formation permeability is
hard to determine because it is too low for laboratory measurement. Some operators are attempting to measure shale
permeability from fracture calibration tests (Mohamed, et al. 2010).
Fracture half-length is another important information for this design strategy because it is directly related to the SRV.
Accurate estimate for the achievable fracture half-length is challenging. Microseismic measurements that may give insight
into the real geometry of the created fractures in shale formations suggest they are complex. It is unknown whether
microseismic indications of fracture extent are an indication of the productive fracture length.
The current efforts to place proppant in the fractures may be misplaced. It is imperative that operators evaluate the
consistency between indications from microseismic measurements and from long term production behavior. The latter
indicates clearly the extent of the SRV whenever pseudo pseudosteady state behavior is observed. For some wells this is in a
matter of days or weeks. Once quantified from production data, the fracture half-length can be compared with microseismic
indications. The timing of the start of pseudo pseudosteady state behavior enables estimation of permeability from production
data. With this, it is possible to determine the effective number of fractures that have been created. In turn, it may be possible
to evaluate the effective fracture widths. If the proppant volume is not consistent with this analysis, it begs the question
whether the proppant is required, much as has been indicated previously for tight gas sand (Meyerhoffer and Meehan 1998).
Conclusions and Recommendations
Both free gas and adsorbed gas are present in shale gas reservoirs, and gas adsorption has varying impacts on the
pressure investigation and production according to specific adsorption parameters and reservoir properties. We have
quantified this effect with an adsorption index, for which we provided a correlation.
MTFWs are widely applied in shale gas development, and the typical flow regimes during production (in order of
appearance) include fracture storage, pseudolinear flow normal to transverse fracture, and pseudo pseudosteady
state. Compound linear flow and infinite-acting or boundary flow according to particular outer boundary conditions
have been shown for completeness, but typically an economic rate limit is reached before these flow regimes can be
During the pseudolinear flow, the product of total fracture half-length and square root of reservoir permeability is a
constant. That means if either of them is known, the other one could be estimated. The pressure penetrates the
formation at twice the rate of pressure penetration during radial or pseudoradial flow.
The end of pseudolinear flow is dependent on the diffusivity coefficient. When this is observed in production data,
the shale permeability can be estimated.
The pseudo pseudosteady state trend defines the SRV pore volume. When and h are known, the fracture half-
length can be determined from this flow regime trend. This trend, which others have called transitional is quite
strategic for understanding the potential well recovery and recovery factor.
We have presented an MTFW design strategy to meet specific engineering and economic criteria. Given an estimate
for the shale permeability, the fracture spacing is determined from a designated time of interference between
adjacent transverse fractures. The minimum number of fractures sufficient to pay out the well in a specified time is
determined based on a simplified model for the production performance and the cost of each single fracture.
Low production potential and high well cost can result in a failure of achieving the economic goal of payout in a
targeted time. Reasons could be single fracture failure indicated when production from a single fracture cannot cover
the horizontal drilling and fracturing cost for a single fracture stage, or multiple fracture failure when the number of
fractures required to pay out the well within the specified time or the well length exceed designated values. The
design strategy can provide insights on single facture costs or well costs that could make the process economically
attractive for a specified natural gas price.
Applying the design technique to the low pressure New Albany Shale showed that economics for this case are very
marginal. Unless the costs of fractures and horizontal drilling are significantly decreased, it is difficult to achieve
payout even after several years.
Prospects for the Haynesville Shale are much better because high reservoir pressure provides much more gas in
place within the SRV, resulting in production income that can easily cover the fracture and horizontal drilling cost
for a 20-stage MTFW to achieve a 3-year payout goal if permeability is 100 nd. When permeability is as low as 1
nd, the economics are quite marginal and imply a much more aggressive well design.
The importance of permeability to the well design cannot be overstated. Permeability variations in a given shale play
imply a need to determine the local shale permeability and adjust the well design accordingly before drilling and
fracturing execution.
For the cases we have investigated, as long as the well is designed with fractures spaced sufficiently close to reach
inter-fracture interference before the production rate declines below the economic limit rate, the well will recover at
least 50% of the gas in place in the SRV. If inter-fracture interference does not occur, gas at the original reservoir
pressure will be left behind.
Af = single fracture drainage area, ft2
B = formation volume factor, res bbl/stb
Bg = gas formation volume factor, rcf/scf
Bgi = initial gas formation volume factor, rcf/scf
cf = formation compressibility, psi-1
12 Bo Song, Michael J. Economides, Christine Ehlig-Economides 140555
a = annual
ads = adsorption
dis = discount
f = fracture or formation
L = Langmuir
eplf = end of pseudolinear flow
p = pore
payout = payout time
SRV = stimulated reservoir volume
royalty = royalty
t = total
u = unit
w = well
We would like to thank Miss. C. Angelica in Gas Technology Institute (GTI) and Mr. R. Hamilton in NGAS for
providing guidance in the New Albany Shale study. We would also like to thank Shell Oil Company for sharing production
data from the Haynesville Shale. We also express our appreciation to Kappa Engineering for the technical support during the
research and for use of the Ecrin software. Moreover, we would like to thank Dr. B. Wattenbarger of Texas A&M University
for his help.
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