C Purlin Design

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DESIGN OF PURLINS (COLD FORM SECTION) Modified By: Multibuild Consultants, Va

Purlin Designation P1 JOB No.:

Input Data: Purlin Geometry
Span of the purlin = 5.500 M
Spacing of the purlin = 1.15 M
No. of Sag rods = 1
Slope of the Roof = 10 deg.

Number of Spans = 3
(for 1 or 2 spans, Bending Moment Coefficient is 8, for 3 or more spans, it is 10)
(in case of Bending about minor axis, (No of spans)x(No of sagrods+1) is used.

Input Data: Loads

Dead Loads
Weight of Sheeting = 6 kg/sqm
Self Weight of Purlin = Automatically Calculated from Section properties
Extra for cleats, as % of Purlin weight = 10 %
Additional Dead Loads to Consider = 4 kg/sqm

Live Loads
Live load on Roof = Automatically Calculated from Slope
= 75 kg/sqm
Additional Live Loads to be considered = 0 kg/sqm
(For Design of Wall Girt (Cladding Runner), additional Live loads to be considered can be entered as -ve of LL on roof)
(Live load will be 0 effectively)
Wind Loads
Basic Wind Speed 44 m/s Terrain Category 3
k1 1 Maximum Horizontal Dimension of Building 44 m
k3 1 Hence, Bldg Class B
Height of Top 8.25 m
Based on the data on right, k2 is obtained from the tables
k2 0.88

Ht of building at eaves level, h = 6.35 m

Width of the building, w = 24 m
Length of the Building, l = 44 m

Hence, h/w = 0.265

and l/w = 1.833

Based on the h/w and l/w, the values of Cpe is obtained from tables as noted below:
Maximum Downward Cpe (include sign) -1.2
Maximum Upward Cpe (include sign) -0.8

Based on % of openings, Cpi is taken as +/- 0.7

y: Multibuild Consultants, Vapi

ion properties

of LL on roof)
will be 0 effectively)
Input Data: Purlin Section Being Checked

Try C 200x50x20x3.15

Yield stress of material 2400 KG/CM2

Flange Width, b 50 mm
Depth of section d 200 mm
Thickness t 3.15 mm
Length of Lip lip_l 20 mm
Inner Bending Radius 4.73 mm

Area 9.86 cm2

Zxx 53.50 cm3 Section Modulus about Major Axis
Zyy 7.89 cm3 Section Modulus about Minor Axis
Ixx 535.00 cm4 Moment of Inertia about Major Axis
Iyy 29.20 cm4 Moment of Inertia about Minor Axis

Purlin Weight 7.740 kg/sqm

Output Summary

Section Properties OK? OK Based on Section 9 of BS:5950 Part 5 1998

OK Based on IS 801 Clause

Stresses Ok? Ok
Critical Stress Factor 0.999

Deflection Check OK? OK

1. Section Properties Check based on Section 9 of B:5950 Part 5 is a guideline and not mandatory
Hence, Design is considered Safe even if above check only is not okay but all other che
2. Currently, this design only works if full width is effective. If full width is not effective,
this spreadsheet will report Failure in Stress Check
3. Not suitable currently for curved roofs.
4. Design is not suitable for varying spans of purlins (varying truss spacing)
e and not mandatory
okay but all other checks are okay
Z Purlin Design
Report by Madurai ES Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd

Cold Form Purlin Design Report Modified By: Multibuild Consultants, Vapi
User: Arif

Code Version: R1 Code Year: 2011

Revision History R0: Basic Design with checks for Stresses and Deflection based on IS 800 only
R1: Added Section property checks and Allowable Stress Calculations based on IS 801

JOB No.: 26.MBC.MWV.FGPM3 DATE : 16/6/17

Input Data: Purlin Geometry

Span of the purlin = 5.500 M
Spacing of the purlin = 1.15 M
No. of Sag rods = 1
Slope of the Roof = 10 deg.

Number of Spans = 3

Bending Moment Coefficients: Use 8 for Single/Two spans, 10 for 3 or more spans
Bending Moment Coefficient for Mxx(BMCX) 10
For Bending About Minor Axis, Number of spans= number of spans x (number of sagrods+1)
Number of Spans about Minor Axis = 6
Bending Moment Coefficient for Myy(BMCY) 10
TRY PURLIN SIZE - C 200x50x20x3.15 (IS 811)
Cross Sectional Area of Purlin 9.86 cm2
Purlin Weight = 7.740 kg/m (Area in sqcm x 0.785 kg/sqcm/m) in kg/m
= 6.731 kg/sqm (Weight in kg/m)/spacing

Design Calculations: Primary Load Cases


Weight of Sheeting 6.000 kg/sqm

Self Weight of Purlin (calculated above) 6.731 kg/sqm
Extra load for weight 10 % of purlin weight 0.673 kg/sqm
Other Dead Loads 4.000 kg/sqm

Total Dead Load 17.404 kg/sqm

= 0.174 kN/sqm


Live Load on Roof = 75 kg/sqm if slope is less than 10 degrees. If Slope is more than 10 degrees, LL = 75 2x(slope-10), subject to minimum of 40 kg/sqm
Live load on Roof = 75 KG/M2
Additional Live Loads to be considered = 0 KG/M2
(For Design of Wall Girt (Cladding Runner), additional Live loads to be considered can be entered as -ve of LL on roof)

Total Live Load 75 kg/sqm

= 0.750 kN/sqm

Basic Wind Speed Vb 44 m/s

k1 1
k3 1

Terrain Category 3
Maximum Horizontal Dimension of Building 44 m
Hence, Building Class is B
Height of Top 8.25 m

Based on the above data, k2 is obtained from the tables

k2 0.88

Design Wind Speed Vz=k1.k2.k3.Vb 38.72 m/s

Design Wind Pressure pz=0.6Vz^2 899.543 N/sqm
= 0.900 kN/sqm

Ht of building at eaves level, h = 6.35 m

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Z Purlin Design
Report by Madurai ES Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd

Width of the building, w = 24 m

Length of the Building, l = 44 m

Hence, h/w = 0.265

and l/w = 1.833

Based on the h/w and l/w, the values of Cpe is obtained from tables as noted below:
Maximum Downward Cpe (including sign) -1.2
Maximum Upward Cpe (including sign) -0.8

Based on % of openings, Cpi is taken as +/- 0.7

Wind Load is included in two load combinations DL+WL and DL+LL+WL

Since, Dead Load and Live Load are downward, DL+WL will be critical for the maximum upward wind force
Similarly, DL+LL+WL will be critical for the maximum downward wind force

WL1: Maximum Upward Wind Force To be used in combination DL+WL1

Maximum Upward Cpe (including sign) -1.2

Cpi to use (for upward, use -) -0.7

Hence, Cpe+Cpi = -1.9

Design Wind Pressure pz 0.900 kN/sqm

Wind pressure for Purlin Design -1.709 kN/sqm

WL2: Maximum Downward Wind Force To be used in combination DL+LL+WL2

Maximum Downward Cpe (including sign) -0.8

Cpi to use (for upward, use -) 0.7

Hence, Cpe+Cpi = -0.1

Design Wind Pressure pz 0.900 kN/sqm

Wind pressure for Purlin Design -0.090 kN/sqm

Design Calculations: Primary Load Cases Conversion of forces to Normal And Tangential Components

Spacing of the purlin = 1.15 m

Slope of the Roof = 10 degrees

Total Dead Load = 0.174 kN/sqm

DL Normal Component = DL x Spacing x cos(slope) = 0.197 kN/m

DL Tangential Component = DL x Spacing x sin(slope) = 0.035 kN/m

Total Live Load = 0.750 kN/sqm

LL Normal Component = LL x Spacing x cos(slope) = 0.849 kN/m

LL Tangential Component = LL x Spacing x sin(slope) = 0.150 kN/m

Total Wind Load in WL1 = -1.709 kN/sqm

WL is normal to roof
Hence, WL1 normal component = WL1 x Spacing = -1.966 kN/m
And, WL1 Tangential component = 0.000 kN/m

Total Wind Load in WL2 = -0.090 kN/sqm

WL is normal to roof
Hence, WL2 normal component = WL2 x Spacing = -0.103 kN/m
And, WL2 Tangential component = 0.000 kN/m

Design Calculations:Summary of Loads in Load Combinations

From above calculations, the components of load in the various load combinations are tabulated

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Z Purlin Design
Report by Madurai ES Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd


Normal Load 1.046 -1.768 0.943 kN/m
Tangential Load 0.185 0.035 0.185 kN/m

For Strength Design, 0.75 factor is applicable for combinations with Wind Load since 33.33% extra stress is allowed
Hence, the components of load in the various load combinations for Strength design are
DL+LL 0.75(DL+WL1) 0.75(DL+LL+WL2)
Normal Load 1.046 -1.327 0.707 kN/m
Tangential Load 0.185 0.026 0.138 kN/m

Maximum Normal Component = 1.046 kN/m

Purlin Section Selected:

Section Name C 200x50x20x3.15

Yield stress of material 2400 kg/sqcm

Flange Width, b 50 mm
Depth of section d 200 mm
Thickness t 3.15 mm
Length of Lip lip_l 20 mm
Internal Bending radius 4.73 mm
Total bending Radius, rad 7.88 mm

Flange Width w/o bend, w = b 2 x rad 34.24 mm

Area 9.86 cm2

Zxx 53.50 cm3
Zyy 7.89 cm3
Ixx 535.00 cm4
Iyy 29.20 cm4

Purlin Weight = 7.740 kg/m (Area in sqcm x 0.785 kg/sqcm/m) in kg/m

= 6.731 kg/sqm (Weight in kg/m)/spacing

Design Calculations: Checking Basic Section Properties based on Section 9 of BS:5950 Part 5 1998

Check No. 1 Overall Depth <= 100t & >=L/45

Overall Depth 200 mm
100t = 315 mm
L/45 = 122.222 mm

Hence Ok

Check No. 2 Overall Width of Compression Flange<=35t

Flange Width, b 50 mm
35t = 110.25 mm

Hence Ok

Check No. 3 Width of Lip >= b/5

Width of Lip 20 mm
B/5 = 10 mm

Hence OK

Check No. 4 Total Width over both flanges >= L/60

Total Width over both flanges 96.85 mm
L/60 = 91.667 mm

Hence OK

Check No. 5 Zxx of Purlin >= WL/1400 for Simply Supported Purlin and >=WL/1800 for Continuous Purlin
Zxx = 53.50 cm3

W is normal component of unfactored distributed dead load plus imposed load in kN

L is span of purlin in mm
W= 5.756 kN

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Z Purlin Design
Report by Madurai ES Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd

L= 5500 mm
Number of Spans = 3
Hence, denominator = 1800

WL/denominator 17.587

Hence Ok

Result 1: Check for Section Properties Based on BS 5950 Part 5 Sec.9: OK

Design Calculations: Checking Basic Section Properties based on IS 801 for Lip of Purlin

Minimum Depth of Lip shall be 2.8 x t x ((w/t)^2-281200/Fy)^(1/6) and not less than 4.8t

t= 3.15 mm
w= 34.24 mm
Fy= 2400 kg/sqcm
w/t= 10.87
2.8 x t x ((w/t)^2-281200/Fy)^(1/6) 8.810 mm
4.8t= 15.12 mm

Lip l= 20 mm

Hence Ok

Lip is Edge stiffener only if w/t<60

Here, w/t = 10.8698412698

Hence Ok

Result 2: Check for Section Properties Based on IS 801 Clause OK

Design Calculations: Stress Checks

Check for w/t, lim = 1435/sqrt(f)

As per clause of IS 801,

f is the actual stress in compression element computed based on effective width

Compression stress based on full width = Max (Mxx/Zxx+Myy/Zyy) for all three unfactored combinations

Span for major axis bending = Span of purlin

= 5.500 m
Span for minor axis bending = Span of purlin / (no. of sagrods + 1)
= 2.75 m

Bending Moment Coefficient for Mxx(BMCX) 10

Bending Moment Coefficient for Myy(BMCY) 10
Note: Calculation for the above is at the top of the report


Normal Load 1.046 -1.768 0.943 kN/m
Tangential Load 0.185 0.035 0.185 kN/m

Mxx 3.166 5.349 2.853 KN-m

Myy 0.140 0.026 0.140 KN-m

Mxx/Zxx 59.171 99.989 53.322 N/sqmm

Myy/Zyy 17.687 3.331 17.687 N/sqmm

Mxx/Zxx+Myy/Zyy 76.858 103.320 71.009 N/sqmm

Max. Compression Stress = 103.320 N/sqmm

f = 103.320 N/sqmm
= 1033.202 kg/sqcm

w/t (lim) = 1435/sqrt(f) = 44.644

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w/t = 10.8698412698

Hence Ok Design is restricted to Fully Effective Section

Maximum Compressive Stress based on Lateral Buckling of Flange, as per Clause 6.3 of IS 801

Calculate X=L2Sxc/(dIyc)

and Y = Pi2ECb/Fy

Fb, the Allowable Compressive Stress based on Lateral Buckling of Flange is calculated as
X<0.18Y implies, Fb = 0.6 Fy - CASE (i)
X>0.18Y but X<0.9Y implies, Fb= 0.667 Fy Fy . X / (2.7 Y) - CASE (ii)
X>0.9Y implies Fb = 0.3 Fy . Y / X - CASE (iii)

L = Unbraced Length of member = Span / (Number of sagrods+1) 275 cm

Sxc = Compression Section Modulus of section about major axis = Zxx 53.50 Cm^3
d = Depth of Section = 20 cm
Iyc = Moment of Inertia of the compression portion = Iyy/2 14.6 Cm^4

Hence, X = 13855.950 (Unitless)

Pi = 3.1415926536
E = Modulus of Elasticity, as per IS 801 is taken as 2074000 kgf/sqcm
Cb as per IS 801 can be taken conservatively assuming M1=0 (end span) 1.75
Fy = 2400 kg/sqcm

Hence Y = 14925.720 (Unitless)

Hence, 0.18 Y = 2686.630

And, 0.9 Y = 13433.148

Comparing X with 0.18Y and 0.9Y, the applicable case is 3

Hence, Fb = 0.3 Fy . Y / X
= 775.588710987 kg/sqcm
= 77.559 N/sqmm

Basic Allowable Design Stress = 0.6Fy 1440 kg/sqcm

= 144 N/sqmm

Hence, allowable stress is calculated as lower of the two = 77.559 N/sqmm


Mxx/Zxx+Myy/Zyy 76.858 103.320 71.009 N/sqmm, calculated above
Allowed 77.559 103.386 103.386

Safety Ratio 0.991 0.999 0.687

Max. Safety Ratio 0.999 Ok

Shear Stress in Web

As per clause 6.4.1 of IS 801,allowed maximum average shear stress Fv in kgf/sqcm is calculated as

Case 1: If h/t is less than 4590/sqrt(Fy), Fv=1275 x sqrt(Fy) / (h/t) 1275 x sqrt(Fy)/(h/t) = 1015.773
Case 2: If h/t is more than 4590/sqrt(Fy), Fv=5850000 / (h/t)^2 5850000/(h/t)^2 = 1547.098
Both are subject to maximum 0.4Fy 0.4Fy = 960

h 193.700 mm (Clear Depth between flanges = Depth 2 x thickness)

t 3.150
Hence, h/t = 61.492

4590/sqrt(Fy) = 93.693

Hence, Case is : 1

Hence, Fv = 1275 x sqrt(Fy)/(h/t), subject to maximum of 0.4Fy

= 960.000 kgf/sqcm

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= 96.000 kgf/sqmm
Actual Shear '=wl/2 Here, w = SQRT(Wn^2+Wt^2)

DL+LL 0.75(DL+WL1) 0.75(DL+LL+WL2)

Normal Load 1.046 -1.327 0.707 kN/m
Tangential Load 0.185 0.026 0.138 kN/m

w= 1.063 1.327 0.721 kN/m

Hence, Shear= 2.922 3.649 1.982 kN
Shear Stress fv=V/dt 4.789 5.980 3.249

Stress Ratio 0.050 0.062 0.034

Max. Shear Stress Ratio in Web 0.062

Hence Ok

Bending Stress in Web

As per clause 6.4.2of IS 801 for the design check of allowable stress in combined shear and bending
Fbw = 36560000/(h/t)^2
Here, h/t already calculated above as 61.492

Hence, Fbw = 9668.699 kg/sqcm

966.870 N/sqmm
Basic Allowable Design Stress calculated earlier = 0.6Fy
144 N/sqmm

Hence, governing value for Fbw = 144.000 N/sqmm

Already calculated fbw = Mxx/Zxx since Zyy at web is very high (x=t/2, Z=I/x)
Mxx/Zxx 59.171 99.989 53.322 N/sqmm
Fbw 144.00 191.952 191.952

Safety Ratio 0.411 0.521 0.278

Max. Safety Ratio 0.521
In summary, Bending stresses in Web is: Ok

Combined Shear and Bending Stresses in Web

As per clause 6.4.3 of IS 801 for the design check of allowable stress in combined shear and bending
SQRT((fbw/Fbw)^2+(fv/Fv)^2) must be less than 1

In this clause, Fbw is not restricted by 0.6Fy and Fv is not restricted by 0.4Fy


Hence, Fbw = 966.870 1289.160 1289.160
And Fv = 1015.773 1354.364 1354.364

Actual stresses already calculated are

fbw 59.171 99.989 53.322
fv= 4.789 5.980 3.249

fbw/Fbw 0.061 0.078 0.041

fv/Fv 0.005 0.004 0.002

SQRT of sum of squar 0.061 0.078 0.041

Maximum Combined Stress Ratio in Web is 0.078

In summary, Combined stresses in Web is: Ok

Result 3: Check for Stresses: Ok

Overall Safety Ratio 0.999

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Report by Madurai ES Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd

Design Calculations: Deflection Check

Theoretical Deflection is calculated as (5/384) (wl^4/EI) for Simply Supported beam and (3/384) (wl^4/EI) for multiple spans

Here, number of spans = 3

Hence, formula to use = (3/384) (wl^4/EI)

w is normal component of unfactored distributed load in kN/m, max. of all load combinations
= 1.768 kN/m

L = Span of the Purlin 5.500 m

E = Modulus of Elasticity, as per IS 801 is taken as 2074000 kg/sqcm

= 207400 N/sqmm

I = Ixx 535.00 Cm^4

Hence, Theoretical Deflection = 11.39 mm

Allowable Deflection as IS codes is Span/180: 30.56 mm

Hence Ok

As per MBMA, allowed deflection from Live load component must be within Span/240

Span 5.500 m
or 5500 mm

Span/240 = 22.92 mm

Normal Component of Live Load 0.85 kN/m

Hence, deflection from Live Load = 5.47 mm

Hence Ok

Result 4: Check for Deflection: OK

Results Summary

Section Properties OK? OK Based on Section 9 of BS:5950 Part 5 1998

OK Based on IS 801 Clause

Stresses Ok? Ok
Critical Stress Factor 0.999

Deflection Check OK? OK

1. Section Properties Check based on Section 9 of B:5950 Part 5 is a guideline and not mandatory
2. Currently, this design only works if full width is effective. If full width is not effective,
this spreadsheet will report Failure in Stress Check
3. Not suitable currently for curved roofs.
4. Design is not suitable for varying spans of purlins (varying truss spacing)

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