Distribution Transformer
Distribution Transformer
Distribution Transformer
List of figures...ii
List of
2.1. How electricity is transported
2.2. Basic Principle
3.1. Core Type Transformer
3.2. Shell Type Transformer
4.2. CRGO steel processing
4.3. Core building
4.4. Selection of the Core Diameter
5. Winding Wires and Strips.21
5.1. Basic material and their processing
5.2. Paper covering on the conductors
5.3. Insulation paper
5.4. Choice of using chopper or aluminium as winding material
5.5. Selection of winding wires and strips
5.6. Selection of number of turns
5.7. Calculations of size of a high-voltage conductor
5.8. Calculation of size of a low-voltage conductor
5.7. Transposition
5.7. Insulation design
6. Transformer oil..30
6.1. Transformer Oil Testing
7. Various type of cooling..32
7.1. ONAN type cooling
7.2. ONAF type cooling
7.3. OFAF type cooling
7.4. Radiators
8.Protecting Devices34
8.1. Bushings
8.2. Surge Arresters
8.3. Buchholz Relay
8.4. Breather
9. Step-by-step Manufacturing Process of
Oil-Cooled Transformer..............40
9.1. Coil Winding
9.2. Core Assembly
9.3. Core-Coil Assembly
9.4. Tank-Up
9.5. Transformer Tanks
9.6. Testing Process
9.7. Finishing & Dispatch
The work has not been for any degree or examination in any other
university. All the assistance taken during the course of this project and
1. ASTM American Standard for Transformer
2. AC Alternate Current
3. BS British Standard
4. CRGO Cold Rolled Grain Oriented
5. DC Direct Current
6. DVB Delhi Vidyut Board
7. EGIP Electrical Grade Insulation Paper
8. EMF Electro Motive Force
9. ERW Electric Resistance Welding
10 HI-B High Saturation Flux (Brand Name of CRGO)
11 HPSEB Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board
12 HV High Voltage
13 IS Indian Standard
14 ISI Indian Standard Institute
15 ISO International Organization for Standardization
16 ISS Indian Standard Specification
17 LV Low Voltage
18 PCB Chlorinated Bi Phenyl
19 RMS Root Mean Square
20 UPPCL Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited
21 27 M4 Grade of CRGO Steel-M4, Thickness 0.27 mm
22 ZDMH Grade of CRGO Steel-ZDMH, Thickness 0.23 mm
23. Diameter, Flux
24 A Ampere
25 ASTM Volt
26 AC Watt
27 BS Ohm
28 CRGO Kilo gram
29 DC Millimetre
. 6
30 DVB Centimetre
List of Figures
1. Fig: (2.1) Step-down transformer showing magnetic flux 5
2. Fig: (3.1) Core-type Transformer 7
3. Fig: (3.2) Shell type transformer 8
4. Fig: (3.3) Core type 9
5. Fig: (3.4) Shell type 9
6. Fig: (3.5) Single phase Transformer 10
7. Fig: (3.9) Cross section of a 3-phase Distribution Transformer 11
8. Fig: (4.1) Rectangular cut lamination 17
9. Fig: (5.2) Miter-cut lamination 17
10. Fig: (5.1) Wires & strips 21
11. Fig: (5.2) Paper covered conductors 22
2. Fig: (5.3) Insulating paper 23
13. Fig: (5.4) Rectangle strip of low-voltage winding 26
4. Fig: (5.5) Transposition 28
5. Fig: (7.1) Stamped-plate radiators 33
6. Fig: (7.2) Tubular radiators 33
7. Fig: (8.1) Bushing 34
8. Fig: (9.1) Buchholz relay 38
9. Fig: (10.1) Breather 39
20. Fig: (11.1) Tanking 42
21. Fig: (11.2) Tank 43
22. Fig: (11.3) Painting 43
23. Fig: (11.4) Final assembly 45
24. Fig: (11.4) Transformer after Assembly 45
List of Tables
8. Table-8 Comparison of a single thick strip with multiple 27
strips in parallel. In respect of surface length
Company Profile
Vishwanath Transformers Limited was incorporated in the year
2004 as Engineering, Design and Manufacturing Company for Power and
distribution transformers. The Company is accredited with ISO 9001-
2008 certificate from TUV India Ltd for its Quality systems and
Procedures, and also accredited with BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency)
star rating for transformers.
I express my special thanks to principal Dr.K.SRINIVAS on of
our EEE department for his kind co-operation.
Lucien Gaulard and John Dixon Gibbs, who first exhibited a device with
an open iron core called a 'secondary generator' in London in 1882 and
then sold the idea to American company Westinghouse. This may have
been the first practical power transformer. They also exhibited the
invention in Turin in 1884, where it was adopted for an electric lighting
Dobrovolsky developed the first three-phase transformer in 1889. In 1891
Nikolas Tesla invented the Tesla coil, an air-cored, dual-tuned resonant
transformer for generating very high voltages at high frequency.
Audio frequency transformers (at the time called repeating coils) were
used by the earliest experimenters in the development of the telephone.
While new technologies have made transformers in some electronics
applications obsolete, transformers are still found in many electronic
devices. Transformers are essential for high voltage power transmission,
which makes long distance transmission economically practical. This
advantage was the principal factor in the selection of alternating current
power transmission in the "War of Currents" in the late 1880s. Many
others have patents on transformers.
You learned that alternating current has certain advantages over direct
current. One important advantage is that when ac is used, the voltage and
current levels can be increased or decreased by means of a transformer.
How electricity is transported
The actual transmission of that power isnt straightforward at all.
To begin with, the wires used in power lines are less than perfect
conductors of electricity. Along any given length of wire there are all
sorts of imperfections in the metal, and these tend to resist the flow of
electrical current. These imperfections will always exist to some extent,
even with the best manufacturing techniques and quality control, and the
longer the power line, the more resistance the power flow will meet. The
result is loss of electrical power.
For example, lets say that an electric generator puts out 12,000 volts,
and a step-up transformer raises that to 765,000 volts (for example),
enabling transmission to customers far away. With electrical
transformers, there is an inverse relationship between voltage and
current. So, when a step-up transformer increases input voltage, it
actually results in a lowering of electrical current. So how does this
phenomenon aid in power transmission? Simply put, when there is less
current flowing through the wires, there is an accompanying reduction in
power loss over the long length of the transmission line.
Lets take a look at what happens when the power reaches our homes.
Figure 2 shows a simplified distribution route from the power plant.
Figure 2 A Step-Down Transformer is Used to Supply Electric
Utility Customers
First, the higher voltage originating from the step-up transformer at the
power plant is decreased by the use of a step-down transformer located in
a substation many miles away at the other end of the transmission line.
The use of this intermediary step-down transformer effectively lowers the
voltage and at the same time raises the current at the other end of the line,
the end where customers are waiting to use. The path that the power
follows is somewhat circuitous, but well planned out, with numerous
strategically positioned distribution lines acting as the final leg of
delivery. These distribution lines do what their name implies; they weave
their way along streets and alleys, finally distributing electricity to
An ideal step-down transformer showing magnetic flux in the core.
The principles of the transformer are illustrated by consideration of a
hypothetical ideal transformer consisting of two windings of zero
resistance around a core of negligible reluctance. A voltage applied to the
primary winding causes a current, which develops a magneto motive
force (MMF) in the core. The current required to create the MMF is
termed the magnetizing current; in the ideal transformer it is considered
to be negligible. The MMF drives flux around the magnetic circuit of the
terminal voltages. In accordance with Faraday's law of induction, they are
proportional to the rate of change of flux:
In the ideal transformer, all flux produced by the primary winding also
links the secondary and so , from which the well-known
transformer equation follows:
Transformer Construction
Fig: (3.1) Core-type Transformer
The core of shell type is shown Fig.(2), Fig.(3), Fig.(4), and Fig.
(5), in which The winding is surrounded by the iron Circuit Consisting
of two or more paths through which the flux divides. This arrangement
affords somewhat Better protection to coils under short circuit conditions.
Fig: (3.7) 3- phase Transformer Shell type
Before going into depth of Manufactring Process, we shall now
discuss on the processing of three major raw materials which constitute
about 70 percent of cost of transformer. They are:
a) CRGO (Cold Rolled Grain-Oriented) silicon steel
b) Winding wires and strips
c) Oil
The purpose of discussing these raw materials is to know how the
qualities of raw materials influence the performance of the transformer.
The right choices of materials also improve the performance.
Distribution transformers can achieve low no-load losses by using
cores made with low-loss high-permeability silicon steel or amorphous
(non-crystalline) metal alloy. The higher initial cost of the core material is
offset over the life of the transformer by its lower losses at light load.
JIS C 2553 (1986)
Classification Iron Loss
Density Magnetic
Thickness (kg/dm) (W/kg)
Symbol Flux Density (T) B
mm W17/50
27 P 100 7.65 1.00 max.
27 P 100 1.00 max.
27 G 120 0.27 1.20 max.
27 G 130 1.30 max.
27 G 140 1.40 max. 1.75
30 P 110 0.30 1.10 max.
30 P 120 1.20 max.
30 G 130 1.30 max. 1.78
30 G 140 1.40 max.
30 G 150 1.50 max. 1.75
35 P 125 1.25 max.
35 P 135 1.35 max.
35 G 145 0.35 1.45 max.
35 G 155 1.55 max.
35 G 165 1.655 max. 1.75
BS 601 Part 2 (1973)
Maximum specific total loss at a peak magnetic flux density of 1.5T and a frequency of
50 Hz.
Grade Maximum specific total loss W/kg
35M6 1.11
30M6 1.07
30M5 0.97
28M5 0.95
28M4 0.89
AISI ( 1983 )
MAXIMUM CORE LOSSES - Electrical Steels Grain Oriented Full Processed ASTM
ASTM Former Maximum Core Loss at 15 kg (1.5 T)
Type AISI W / lb W /kg
Type Inch mm 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz
27G053 M-4 0.0106 0.27 0.53 0.40 1.17 0.89
30G058 M-5 0.0118 0.30 0.58 0.44 1.28 0.97
35G066 M-6 0.0138 0.35 0.66 0.50 1.46 1.11
Camber in
Deviation of
Width Thickness any 2
thickness in
mm mm Thickness Width metres
transverse Shear Burr mm
mm mm (Slit
0.18 +0.02
0.20 +0.02
0.23 +0.02
or 0.02 or under +0.20
0.27 +0.03
0.30 +0.03
0.35 +0.03
0.18 +0.02
0.20 +0.02
0.23 +0.02 0.02
150 +0.30
0.27 +0.03 or under
to 400
0.30 +0.03
0.35 +0.03 1.0 or 0.05
0.18 +0.02 under or unde
0.20 +0.02
0.23 +0.02 0.03
400 +0.50
0.27 +0.03 or under
to 750
0.30 +0.03
0.35 +0.03
0.18 +0.02
0.20 +0.02
over 0.23 +0.02 0.03 +0.6
750 0.27 +0.03 or under 0
0.30 +0.03
0.35 +0.03
Besides the Watt Losses at specific flux densities of 1.5 T and 1.7 T
CRGO manufacturers also give curves of indicating Watt Losses ad A.C.
Magnetization at various flux densities. These curves are of immense
help to Transformer designers, and available on request.
A. K. Steel Corp. of USA ( formally ARMCO) has also come out with
their own brand of low loss CRGO called Trancor H-0 and Trancor H-1.
The Watt Losses are as follows :
@ 1.7 T/50 Hz
(TC) 1.7 T 1.7 T
TC H0 .009 ( .23 ) 1.32 0.90 0.80
TC H1 .011 ( .27 ) 1.46 1.00 0.90
TC H2 .012 ( .30 ) 1.05 0.95
The rotation of flux and the cutting angle have been shown in figure
Core building
Slitting - For building the transformer cores, laminations sheets of
different widths and packet heights are needed. The manufacturing
schedule may include cores of different diameters and different types of
constructions necessitating slitting laminations in many widths and
lengths. CRGOS rolls cannot be ordered in so many different widths and
Various types of core stackings for three-phase transformers have
commonly been adopted during manufacturing. Some core building
schemes have been show in fig. which are, however, only representative
Each scheme has its own advantages and limitations. The designer
should look into the applicability of the scheme before going for the final
design of core laminations.
Core building from the finished lamination sheet is done in
horizontal position on specially raised platforms. The lamination sheets
are susceptible to mechanical stresses of bending, twisting, and impact. A
lot of care is taken while handling and normally two persons are needed
to hold the two ends of laminations at the time of laying. Steel bands are
used for tightening the lamination is only a temporary arrangement and
are later removed. To hold the leg laminations resiglass tapes, are tightly
wound around the legs at specified pitch and cured by heating, this tape
shrinks after heating and provides a firm grip.
Apart from the models of core building schemes shown above,
there is one more scheme of construction, commonly known as step-lap
Based on the requirement of no-load loss and no-load current, a
suitable working flux density. In India, PSEB, HPSEB, DVB etc. have
restricted the choice of flux density at rated voltage and frequency to 1.6
tesla(maximum), where RSEB and UPPCL have restricted the same to
1.69 tesla (maximum)
Once the number of turns and flux density are known, the gross
core area may be calculated by using the formula:
Et=phase voltage turns =4.44fBmAg0.9710-4
From the above equation, the gross core area can easily be calculated.
Once the gross area Ag is known, the approximate core diameter can be
calculated by using the following formula:
Where,K1 is a factor to be selected on the basis of the number of
core steps and d is the required core diameter we are looking for.
Core Assembly:
The basic raw-material is COLD ROLLED GRAIN ORIENTED
(CRGO) Silicon Steel
It is in the form of thin sheets & cut to size as per design, as it is
shown in the design specification sheet. (refer case-study for
design sheet so that you can understand)
Generally three different shapes of core laminations are used in one
Notching is performed to increase the magnetic path.
The laminations are put through annealing process.
These laminations are assembled in such a manner that there is no
air gap between the joints of two consecutive sheets.
The entire assembly is done on a frame commonly known as core
channel. These frames being used as a clamping support of the core
Like CRGO laminations, winding wires and strips are also a vital
raw materials used in transformers, the basic material available in the
market are in form of rods having a varying diameter from 8mm to
16mm. the rod is drawn to the required designed sizes and then insulated
with paper or other insulating materials. Annealing or heat treatment is
also done on drawn materials for softening and stress relieving.
Fig: (5.1) Wires & strips
Test on paper covered conductor
(a) Bare size - Physical check.
(b) Covered size - Physical check.
(c) Resistance - Electrical check.
(d) Tensile strength - Mechanical check.
(e) Overlap - Physical check.
(f) Oil absorption test - Mechanical check.
(g) Corner radius of strip - Mechanical check
(h) Electric strength proof test - Electrical check.
Insulation paper:
Electrical Grade insulation papers (EGIP) are generally used for
covering the bar conductors. EGIP has certain technical superiority
pertaining to their usability as insulation in electrical requirements.
These have:
(a) Flexibility;
(b) Easy to use;
(c) Higher insulation with lesser thickness;
(d) Higher resistance to oil;
(e) Reasonable heat resistance;
(f) Lower chloride impurities.
Fig: (5.3) Insulating paper
The EGIP are available in various widths, the jumbo roll is further
slitted to various sizes in shape of small discs. The paper is slitted into
various widths, depending upon the number of coverings required on the
conductors. The width of slit also depends on the factor of over-lapping.
The rated current may be calculated on the basis of its KVA, number of
phase and the rated voltage.
difference between the calculated values and the guaranteed values, a
separate re-run is done with a revised value of k.
Conductor area =
a transformer. Current has a tendency to flow through the surface of the
conductor. This is commonly known as a skin effect. One has to be very
selective while making the final choice of the strip. The mode of selection
of a strip may be well justified with the following calculations.
For example , if we are looking for a strip having a cross-sectional
area of 54 sq mm, an equivalent size of the strip may be taken as 96 as
shown in figure
As an alternative of the above strip, two parallel strips may be taken, each
having a size of 93mm as shown in the figure.
The equivalent cross-section area of the alternative conductor =2
(93) =54 sq mm, which is the same as that of the original strip. But this
alternative strip is definitely better than the single strip in respect of
surface length.
The surface length of the alternative strip: 29+3=48mm, which is
about 1.6 times more than the first choice? This is one of the reasons for
using more rectangular strip in parallel rather than thick, single strip.
The use of two parallel strips is definitely a better option than a single
thick strip in respect of skin effect. This can be tabulated too.
Surface length 30 mm 48 mm The alternative
Strip has a better surface
Ratio of surface _ 48/30=1.6 Skin effort on the
length times alternative strip will be
Yielding less stray loss.
In case of coil has been designed with more then one strip and if
the strips are placed one above the other, then the transposition is must.
In the case of a non-transposed coil, the strip placed below (no: 2)
will have a comparatively lower mean length than that of the upper stripe
(no: 1). In such case, since the lengths of the two strips are different, the
resistance will be different too. When two such strips of unequal
resistance are placed in parallel, the strip placed below will have greater
share of the current because of its low resistance, while the strip placed
above will share less current due to its high resistance.
The purpose of transposing the strips is to make the length of the
strips almost similar, there by making the resistances of both the strips
equal. Distribution of current among the parallel strips of a properly
transposed coil will be equal, making it advantageous over the non-
transposed coil. Moreover, transposition is almost done to minimize the
leakage reactance. A non-transposed coil is one of the reasons to yield
more reactance than the calculated design value.
As the following figure shows the nature of transposition.
Insulation design:
Transformer winding have insulation with in the winding, between
windings and windings to earth. Insulation with in winding is generally
paper insulation, however helical and disc type of winding has ducts
between turns or discs. Paper thickness should be such that it should be
able to withstand various voltage stresses appearing during normal and
transient condition. Some times paper thickness is increased on pre-
transposed cable of large cross sectional area, to increase the paper
strength of paper insulation. Electrical clearances between windings of
various voltage class and winding to earth dependent upon their BIL and
insulation arrangement adopted. Various clearances and disposition of
solid insulation should be such that adequate cooling ducts are available
to have effective cooling of windings. Also voltage stresses are controlled
with in limits.
Voltage variation in electrical system is a normal phenomenon, because
of rapid growth of industries and distribution network. It is very essential
to maintain the system voltage with in prescisabed limit for better health
of electrical equipments. Voltage of the system can be varied by changing
the turns ratio of transformer. The device tapchanger is used for adding
or cutting out turns of primary or secondary winding of the transformer.
Generally tapchanging equipments are of two forms:
Off-circuit tapchanger,
On-load tap changer.
Transformer oil
of high voltage capacitors, fluorescent lamp ballasts, and some types of
high voltage switches and circuit breakers. Its functions are to insulate,
suppress corona and arcing, and to serve as a coolant.
The oil helps cool the transformer. Because it also provides part of
the electrical insulation between internal live parts, transformer oil must
remain stable at high temperatures for an extended period. To improve
cooling of large power transformers, the oil-filled tank may have
external radiators through which the oil circulates by natural convection.
Very large or high-power transformers (with capacities of thousands of
KVA) may also have cooling fans, oil pumps, and even oil-to-water heat
Large, high voltage transformers undergo prolonged drying
processes, using electrical self-heating, the application of a vacuum, or
both to ensure that the transformer is completely free of water
vapour before the cooling oil is introduced. This helps
prevent corona formation and subsequent electrical breakdown under
Oil filled transformers with a conservator (an oil tank above the
transformer) tend to be equipped with Buchholz relays. These are safety
devices that detect the build up of gases (such as acetylene) inside the
transformer (a side effect of corona or an electric arc in the windings) and
switch off the transformer. Transformers without conservators are usually
equipped with sudden pressure relays, which perform a similar function
as the Buchholz relay.
The flash point (min) and pour point (max) are 140 C and 6 C
respectively. The dielectric strength of new untreated oil is 12 MV/m
(RMS) and after treatment it should be >24 MV/m (RMS).
Transformer Oil Testing:
Transformer oils are subject to electrical and mechanical stresses
while a transformer is in operation. In addition there are contaminations
caused due to chemical interactions with windings and other solid
insulations, catalyzed by high operating temperature. As a result the
original chemical properties of transformer oil changes gradually,
rendering it ineffective for its intended purpose after many years. Hence
this oil has to be periodically tested to ascertain its basic electrical
properties, and make sure it is suitable for further use or necessary actions
like filtration/regeneration has to be done. These tests can be divided into:
1. Dissolved gas analysis
2. Furan analysis
3. PCB analysis
4. General electrical & physical tests:
directly to the atmospheric air, while bigger rating require additional
dissipating surface in the form of tube or radiators connected to tank or in
the form of radiator bank. In these cases the heat dissipation is
transformer oil to atmospheric air by natural means. This form of cooling
is known as ONAN (oil natural, air natural) type cooling. Normally this
type of cooling is employed in Distribution transformers (as this is
ONAF type cooling:
In this type fans blowing on to the cooling surface are employed.
The forced air takes away the heat at faster rate, thus gives better cooling
rate than natural air. This type of cooling is called ONAF (oil natural, air
forced) type of cooling. Generally this type of cooling system is
employed in higher rating transformers like Station transformers.
OFAF type cooling:
Better rate of heat dissipation could be obtained if in additional to
forced air, means to force circulating the oil are also employed. The oil
can be forced with in the closed loop of transformer tank and the cooling
equipment by means of oil pumps. This type of cooling is called OFAF
(oil forced, air forced) type of cooling. As this type of cooling is
employed in high rating transformers like power transformers.
Transformers need to dissipate the heat they generate during
operation to keep efficiency. Such heat dissipation (cooling) in mainly
obtained via external radiators. There are two basic Transformers
radiators designs currently available on the market:
experience, have demonstrated that tubular radiators have a 25%/ 30%
stronger heat dissipation efficiency than stamped plate radiators at
surface parity. This means that a tubular designed radiator requires
30% less surface than a stamped plate radiator to guarantee the
required heat dissipation. So, for instance, the same dissipation of a
1000m2 stamped steel radiators package is guaranteed by a 700 m2
package of tubular radiators.
Given this important advantage, tubular radiators REQUIRE
LESS STEEL TO BE BUILT. As a consequence: tubular radiators
are circa 35% LIGHTER (easier transportation) and generally
CHEAPER than stamped steel radiators.
Tubular radiators REQUIRE -40 / -50 % OIL to function
compared to standard stamped plate radiators. This is a tremendous
cost advantage that should be accounted for when comparing the cost
of a tubular vs stamped plate radiator. Not only the tubular radiator is
generally cheaper, given its lightness, but the transformer requires 40%
/ 50% less oil to function, with an immediate economic advantage both
for the manufacturer and end-user (during the life cycle of the
transformer). Considering a 40 MVA transformer, for instance, while a
tubular designed radiator requires 3.200 kg of oil to function, a
stamped plate radiator requires more than 7.000 kg.
A bushing is a hollow insulating liner through which a conductor
may pass. Bushings appear on switchgear, transformers, circuit breakers
and other high voltage equipment.
The bushing is a hollow insulator, allowing a conductor to pass
along its centre and connect at both ends to other equipment. Bushings
are often made of wet-process fired porcelain, and may be coated with a
semi-conducting glaze to assist in equalizing the electrical stress along
the length of the bushing.
The inside of the bushing may contain paper insulation and the bushing is
often filled with oil to provide additional insulation. Bushings for
medium-voltage and low-voltage apparatus may be made of resins
reinforced with paper. The use of polymer bushings for high voltage
applications is becoming more common. The largest high-voltage
bushings made are usually associated with high-voltage direct-
current converters.
Surge Arresters
of lightning. Metal oxide varistors (MOVs) have been used for power
system protection since the mid 1970s. The typical lightning arrester also
known as surge arrester has a high voltage terminal and a ground
terminal. When a lightning surge or switching surge travels down the
power system to the arrester, the current from the surge is diverted around
the protected insulation in most cases to earth.
Arrester Selection
The objective of arrester application is to select the lowest rated
surge arrester which will provide adequate overall protection of the
equipment insulation and have a satisfactory service life when connected
to the power system. The arrester with the minimum rating is preferred
because it provides the greatest margin of protection for the insulation. A
higher rated arrester increases the ability of the arrester to survive on the
power system, but reduces the protective margin it provides for a specific
insulation level. Both arrester survival and equipment protection must be
considered in arrester selection.
The proper selection and application of lightning arresters in a
system involve decisions in three areas:
1. Selecting the arrester voltage rating. This decision is based on whether
or not the system is grounded and the method of system grounding.
2. Selecting the class of arrester. In general there are three classes of
arresters. In order of protection, capability and cost, the classes are:
Station class Intermediate class Distribution class The station class
arrester has the best protection capability and is the most expensive.
3. Determine where the arrester should be physically located.
Arrester Class
The class of lightning arrester to be applied depends upon the
importance and value of the protected equipment, its impulse insulation
level and the expected discharge currents the arrester must withstand.
Station class arresters are designed for protection of equipment that
may be exposed to significant energy due to line switching surges and at
locations where significant fault current is available. They have superior
electrical performance because their energy absorption capabilities are
greater, the discharge voltages (protective levels) are lower and the
pressure relief is greater. The value of the protected equipment and the
importance of uninterrupted service generally warrant the use of station
class arresters throughout their voltage range. Industry standards dictate
the use of both station class and intermediate class arresters for
equipment protection in the 5-to 20-mVA size ranges. Above 20 mVA,
station class arresters are predominately used.
Intermediate class arresters are designed to provide economic and
reliable protection of medium voltage class power equipment.
Intermediate arresters are an excellent choice for the 10protection of dry-
type transformers, for use in switching and sectionalizing equipment and
for the protection of URD cables. Traditional applications include
equipment protection in the range of 1 to 20 mVA for substations and
rotating machines.
Distribution class arresters are frequently used for smaller liquid-
filled and dry-type transformers 1000 kVA and less. These arresters can
also be used, if available in the proper voltage rating, for application at
the terminals of rotating machines below 1000 kVA. The distribution
arrester is often used out on exposed lines that are directly connected to
rotating machines.
Location of Arresters
The ideal location for lightning arresters, from the standpoint of
protection, is directly at the terminals of the equipment to be protected. At
this location, with the arrester grounded directly at the tank, frame or
other metallic structure which supports the insulated parts, the surge
voltage applied to the insulation will be limited to the discharge voltage
of the arrester. Practical system circumstance and sound economics often
dictate that arresters be mounted remotely from the equipment to be
protected. Often, one set of arresters can be applied to protect more than
one piece of equipment. Low BIL apparatus (certain dry-type
transformers and rotating machines) will often require surge protective
devices be connected directly at the terminals of the equipment being
In many switchgear installations, the only exposure to lightning
will be through a transformer located on its up stream side. When the
transformer has adequate lightning protection on its primary, experience
has shown that the surge transferred through the transformer is usually
not of a magnitude that would be harmful to the switchgear. Hence, it is
generally not necessary to provide arresters in the switchgear.
When arresters are located away from the terminals of the
protected equipment, the voltage wave will reflect positively on the
equipment terminals and the voltage magnitude at the terminal point will
always be higher than the discharge voltage of the arrester. This, as
discussed earlier, is due to the fact that the protected equipment usually
has higher surge impedance than the line or cable serving it. If the circuit
is open at the protected equipment (infinite surge impedance), the voltage
will be double the arrester discharge voltage.
The actual surge voltage appearing at the protected equipment
depends, in part, on the incoming wave magnitude at the instant of
arrester discharge. If a positive reflected surge from the protected
equipment arrives back at the arrester before arrester discharge, it will
add to the incoming wave to produce discharge at a lower incoming wave
magnitude. The reflected wave, in this case, results in improved
protection. The closer the arrester is to the protected equipment, the
greater the effect of the reflected surge on arrester discharge and the
better the protection.
Buchholz Relay
Conditions Detected
General Arrangement
Front View Rear View (Cover Removed)
B - Upper Float
A - Gas Collection Chamber C - Lower Float
D - Oil Surge Detector
the breathing point of the unit, that when the insulating oil of the
transformer gets heated up, it expands and goes back to the conservator
tank and subsequently pushes the dry air out of the conservator tank
through the breather which is filled with silica gel, when the oil cools
down, it retracts and sucks fresh air from the atmosphere through the
breather and from this point, the silica gel dries up the air that goes back
in to the conservator tank.
1. Coil Winding
2. Core Assembly
3. Core-Coil Assembly
4. Tank-up
5. Transformer Tank
6. Painting & Finishing
Coil Winding
The Test: The "Turn Test" is carried out on the H.V. Coils as per the
Core Assembly
Core-Coil Assembly
The complete assembly of core and winding is dried out
completely and put into temperature controlled oven. This ensures that all
the moistures contents if present shall be remove resulting in elimination
of any detrimental component.
The core-coil assembly and tank supplied by the fabrication dept. are
taken into tank-up stage. The procedure is:
* The core-coil assembly is taken out of the oven and the "Megger test"
is carried out.
* Only if the megger value is as per the specification, the assembly may
be taken for tank-up.
* The tanks, supplied by fabrication dept. are brought to tank-up
department duly painted.
* Fittings like drain valves, HV & LV Bushings, conservator, oil level
indicator and explosion vent are fitted in the tanks.
* The Core-coil assembly is then placed into the tank and properly locked
* Pure filtered transformer oil is filled in the tank to immerse the
assembly only.
* Connections of primary and secondary to the terminal bushings are
made. Operating handle for ratio switch is fitted, wherever required.
Transformer Tanks
All tanks are made of high quality steel and can withstand vaccum
as specified by the international standards and the customer. All welds are
tested, ensuring 100% leak proof of seems and mechanical strength.
Transformer with Corrugated Fin-Type radiators can also be supplied.
The fins are manufactured of Gold-rolled steel. The fin height and length
are according to customer's specifications
And fins can be plain or embossed. All transformer tanks are given a
smooth finishing by using the "SHOT BLASTING" process.
Paint Process
Cleaning of Tanks
* The cleaning of tank is done normally by chipping/grinding.
* The outside surface of the tank is short blasted to achieve a very fine
and smooth finish.
Painting of Tanks
* After cleaning the tanks, a coat of hot oil resistance paint is applied on
the internal surface of the tank.
* The outside surface is painted with a coat of Red Oxide primer and
subsequently with one coat of enamel paint as per customer's
Testing Process
2026 by qualified & experienced engineers with precision grade
Final assembly:
All the parts like bushings, terminals, pipes, radiators, breather,
vents, marshalling box, etc are been carefully fitted and checked before
Fig: (11.4) Final assembly
Case study