Building A Winning Culture Lead With Purpose
Building A Winning Culture Lead With Purpose
Building A Winning Culture Lead With Purpose
Why are most mission statements just While your true mission will be unique, in broad
back room jokes? Because were trying to strokes they all sound something like this: We
engage peoples passions and talents in a are going where no other people can go
mission they have no passion for, and no because no other people are like us. No
involvement in. one else has the unique combination of
talent, passion, and conscience that drives
Yet, there is nothing more powerful than the us. No one else can make the contribution we
passions that drive people. Tap into those, can make.
and you create an unstoppable force. But
management often boils out all the passion THE JOB USED THE JOB THAT YOU
to reduce it to a mediocre mission statement, TO BE MUST DO NOW
and thats where cynicism comes from.
Put a framed Find and articulate
Shawn Moon, author of The Ultimate mission statement the voice of the
Competitive Advantage, says, I was working on the wall organization
with a group of leaders from an organization
Regularly evaluate
once, when I noticed that on the wall of their
the job your team
boardroom was a beautifully framed copy
is being hired to do
of their mission statement. The words were right now
nice and the sentiment meaningful. With the
leaders all sitting around the boardroom
table and the framed mission statement just The dabbawalas are like that. They are
a few feet away, I said, On the wall is your intensely proud of the service they have
mission statement. Dont look at it. Who can given for more than a century, a service no
tell me what it says? Crickets. Who can tell one can duplicate. Other great companies
me the gist of what it says? Again, crickets. are like that, too. Passion for the mission
What followed was an interesting discussion governs everything they do. According
on what a mission statement really is and to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook was not
how individuals and organizations bring originally created to be a company. It was
them to life. built to accomplish a social mission to make
the world more open and connected. The
company therefore draws people who have
the energy for that mission.
To provide the public with the best Our purpose is to empower logistics
possible fire suppression, emergency, for companies and organizations
medical, and fire-prevention service, with winning aspirations who seek
and to treat all individuals to make a difference.
as if they were family. - SWEDISH SOFTWARE-
The mission should be the collective voice
of the people in your organization, not
just the leaders voice. The principle of no
involvement, no commitment clearly applies
to the creation of a mission statement. If you
want everyone to own the mission, it has to In other words, an engaging organizational
reflect their thinking, express their potential, voice or mission must appeal to peoples
and appeal to their souls. passionate interests, leverage their distinctive
talents, satisfy the conscience, and meet a
compelling market need. Its not easy to fulfill
VOICE LIES AT all of these criteria at the same time, but the
leaders job is to combine all those elements
of the organizations voice. Leaders who do
so tap into a miraculous power source.
GET ALIGNED TO THE MISSION way. Think of the core process in the
dabbawala organization. After collecting the
Whats the second reason people are cynical lunchboxes between nine and ten in the
about the company mission statement? The morning, they pack them onto trolleys and
company is so often misaligned with it. The push them to the railway stations. The boxes
grand pronouncements dont line up with the go by train to a central station for unloading,
things people are asked to do every day. In then color-coded so they end up in a similar
short, managers and leaders dont walk the destination as other boxes. At the receiving
talk. If the mission statement is about valuing station, the dabbawalas load the boxes onto
customers above all while management their trademark silver bicycles. They only
obsesses over everything but the customers, have their bicycles, the coded boxes, and
people simply disengage from the mission. the city train system as a resource. And then
in the afternoon they reverse the process,
Assuming you really want people to engage picking up the empty boxes and returning
with the mission, everything you do needs to them to the residents.
align with it. This means carefully examining
and possibly redesigning the core processes After studying the dabbawalas core
of the organization everything from processes, Forbes compared it to a Six Sigma
strategy to marketing to R&D to sales to process, which means the lunchbox men
compensation. Are any of these processes make only one error in every sixteen million
undermining the mission? transactions! According to the professionals
who evaluated their system, the dabbawalas
Every core process needs to support the process works so well because it is simple,
mission in a simple, visible, and consistent visible, and consistent.
Here are the key steps to lead your team or
organization with purpose. Involve your team
in discussing these questions. The outcomes
Does our mission leverage the
irreplaceable talents of each team
member? Do we even know what those
What are their most important goals? What do we need to make our processes:
What unique capabilities do we bring Simple?
to help them meet those goals? What Visible?
are they hiring us to do or provide? Consistent?
Given our answers to these questions,
how can we refine our mission or Learn more about the second key practice
purpose statement? to engage your people in our next white
paper, Building a Winning Culture: Execute
Step 2: Align with the mission. with Excellence.
What are our core processes?
Do our core processes clearly
support the mission?
For over 30 years, Shawn D. Moon has Sue Dathe-Douglass draws on more than
worked with clients across the globe, bringing 30 years of organizational and leadership
experience in leadership and management, experience, and is a catalyst for high
sales and marketing, program development, performance and engagement at all levels
and consulting services to help them achieve of the organization. Sue joined FranklinCovey
remarkable results. His deep knowledge and in 1996 as a Leadership Delivery Consultant
robust experience inspires others to become responsible for designing, developing, and
leaders through personal effectiveness delivering customized leadership engagement
and execution. Shawn is the author or co- solutions that met the unique needs of her
author of several books, Talent Unleashed: many clients. She is the co-author of The
3 Leadership Conversations to Ignite the Ultimate Competitive Advantage: Why
Unlimited Potential in People, The Ultimate Your People Make All the Difference and
Competitive Advantage: Why Your People 6 Practices You Need to Engage Them.
Make All the Difference and 6 Practices You
Need to Engage Them, and A Winning Culture
in Government: The Ultimate Mission Essential.