P. Fitzgerald - 8.02.10
P. Fitzgerald - 8.02.10
P. Fitzgerald - 8.02.10
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next Monday -- or Saturday and Sunday, and then very fortunate. I can't put my finger on why we've
we get it going Monday morning. had a little bit of a good run.
With that, how about questions. But at the end of the day I think we've
played pretty well. We've executed. We've won
Q. Coach, talk about the idea of playing the turnover battle, I think, if you look back over
Illinois at Wrigley Field later this season. those games.
COACH FITZGERALD: It's going to be a That's typically an indicator of success in
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our young men to the field, and we've just been very fortunate. I
go down there. There hasn't been a college think there's two programs in Northwestern and
football game there since the '30s, and there's not Iowa that have a lot of respect for each other, and I
been a football game at Wrigley Field, if you think they've just been really hard-fought games
include the Bears, since the '70s. and a lot of fun to be on both sides of the sidelines.
So this could be a once-in-a-lifetime We just have been fortunate to be on the winning
opportunity. Obviously the support we've gotten edge.
from our leadership to start a major marketing
campaign, we got a great home schedule at Ryan Q. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think
Field, and the crowning jewel will be that game at the last couple of years when you've come here
Wrigley Field for our fans and our students. you've talked about a clear-cut starting No. 1
And especially for our student-athletes. quarterback. Even though you've lost a guy
It's going to be pretty neat to run out where Gale and had a replace, replace, now you've had
Sayers and Dick Butkus and George Halas were another clear-cut, how much does it help your
on that field. That's going to be really special. program knowing here we are a month before
the season knowing who that guy's going to
Q. You're obviously the youngest be?
coach in the conference. Kind of old school in COACH FITZGERALD: As Bret alluded to
terms of the ideas related to expansion and title earlier with a quarterback coming back, Dan's
game, all that stuff. Have you come around played a lot of football for us. He started last year
somewhat in the last few months, or are you against Iowa and Iowa City, came in second half
still where you were before? against Penn State, but he had also played the
COACH FITZGERALD: Yeah, from my year before in the kicking game.
standpoint whatever is better for the conference is It helps you sleep a little bit better at night.
better for Northwestern. And I trust in the But, more importantly, Mick McCall and our
leadership in Commissioner (Jim) Delany and offensive staff do a great job developing our
directors of athletics and presidents from the quarterbacks. And they're doing a great job
direction of where our conference is going. developing the next guys in Evan Watkins and our
I'm excited. I said -- I think initially my two freshmen that will be on campus starting on
quote was as long as we expand like we did with Saturday.
the Beast from the East in Penn State, I'll be We think we have a good plan on
excited. More so as a fan and as a former player developing quarterbacks. I believe our system is
in the Big Ten. And Commissioner Delany was quarterback friendly. It's amazing, when you come
able to do that with Nebraska. out of the Outback Bowl, I get a bunch of calls from
So it's going to be exciting. Change is in quarterbacks nationally. So you throw the ball 79
the air. And who knows where that's going to go. times. Cool. Okay. So obviously it's pretty
But I trust in the leadership, and look forward to quarterback friendly from the standpoint of
seeing where things are going to go in the future. development, too.
Q. Three in a row at Kinnick Stadium. I Q. Where would you like to see the
think four out of five against the Hawkeyes. running game after camp, and where is that
Given how strong that program has been lately, group right now?
what's been the key for you guys beating them COACH FITZGERALD: Well, as I alluded
consistently? to earlier, the amount of production that we have
COACH FITZGERALD: An oblong football coming back, first I'd like to see one of our
that bounces a lot of different ways. We've been tailbacks potentially take over the role.
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I remember back when I played against And we'll get there. But it's been a great
Michigan, and it just seemed like every town there source of motivation, I promise you that, because
was a different back, and they just kept hitting and that was one play of about 50 that if it would have
hitting and hitting you. And obviously there was gone to the left instead of right or the right instead
also some guys like (Tshimanga) Biakabutuka that of left, we'd be bowl champions.
were back there that took over the lion's share of So a lot of games between now and then.
the role. I'd like to see that evolve.
I'd like to see our offensive line stay Q. Your teams are fun to watch. You've
healthy in camp and come together a little better been very successful. What's the ceiling on
than a we did a year ago. attendance and what do you do to improve that
We have good balance, when you look at at home?
the stats. We just have to be more efficient. And if COACH FITZGERALD: We need to keep
you want to win the championship in this league, winning, number one. The direction that Morton
you have got to be able to run the football Schapiro, our president, and our board of trustees
efficiently. We define that by four or more on first and Jim Phillips have gone now with adding Mike
down, half or more on second down, pick it up on Polisky as our associate AD in charge of external
third and fourth, and score on the goal line. affairs, giving him a budget to be able to market
It's not a complicated equation, but we here in Chicago, and to continue to do the things
definitely need to be better there. And we put a we can control on the field. That's obviously the 12
strong focus in that in the spring, and we'll go right Saturdays of winning football games.
back there to start a camp. But I think our fan base is more impressed
by the culture and the quality of young people that
Q. It's been eight months. How many we have within our program, the success
times have you watched that last play? And academically, how unselfish our guys are in the
looking back on it, is it significant or was it just community.
one more play in a long season? I just believe a byproduct of that is success
COACH FITZGERALD: Well, significant on the field. You get the right culture and
because it was the last play. It would have been chemistry and develop the right kind of attitude and
very significant if we executed and I would have learn how to be successful on adversity.
coached it better. So we would have gotten it We'll keep building. Our goal is to take the
done. next step. Go to our third bowl game, things of that
But that was about one of about 55 plays nature. The only way you do that is take it, the old
that we came back -- we flew back after the game, coachism, one day at a time. But, literally, you've
and a couple days later I had to get on a flight out got to go to work and improve every day and just
to LA to go out recruiting. I had not watched the stay humble in the way you approach it. And our
game until I got on the plane. The minute I got off guys will. They will.
the plane the game was over for me from an
emotional standpoint. Q. If you could appraise Persa as
And, you know, it was a great infomercial specifically as possible, what do you think he
for us. Four and a half hours of our guys does well and what does he need to work on.
competing their tail off. We faced a ton of COACH FITZGERALD: Pound for pound,
adversity. Mike Kafka arguably played the best he's our best conditioned athlete. He was named
game in our quarterbacking history at our Iron Cat, which is our top point getter in the
Northwestern, and then there's a few throws you'd off-season from strength, speed, and conditioning
like to have back. But there was a neat interview standpoint. I'm pretty confident he'll win that again.
with him and Chris Martin after the game in the He kind of won that going away last year.
tunnel how Mike alluded to kind of the hallmark of He's a tremendous leader off the field. He
our program, and that's what's important now. first and foremost starts by leading by example.
And Mike looked at it and said, hey, there He's the first to show and last to go. That's the
were some throws I'd like to have back, but I had a way you want your quarterback described.
blast. And I just kept on battling and fighting But he has an uncanny ability to have
through adversity. To hear that from our outgoing others around him want to be associated with him.
quarterback, I think our young men believe in what So everybody raises up to his level. He's had two
we're trying to accomplish as a program. really good, I guess, mentors, so to speak, in
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teammates to watch in C.J. and Mike. And now it's
his turn.
And he's chomping at the bit. On the field
he can do everything we asked our quarterbacks to
do. Number one, he understands the tempos that
we want to play at and he understands
schematically what we want to do. And I think the
best hallmark of a quarterback is he gets on the
field, he makes the other ten guys that much
better. I believe that's Danny Persa.
You'll get a chance to visit with him as we
go through the next couple of days. You'll see the
look in his eye and intensity in his eye, and I'm
fired to jump in this season with him.
THE MODERATOR: Thank you, Coach.
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