WEF Realizing Potential Blockchain
WEF Realizing Potential Blockchain
WEF Realizing Potential Blockchain
Preface 2
Executive Summary 3
The Blockchain as a New Global Resource 4
New Thinking in How to Steward a Global Resource: The Internet as a Case Study 5
Blockchain Governance Challenges 7
1. Stewardship of platforms 10
2. Stewardship of applications 24
3. Stewardship of the ecosystem as a whole 27
The Players in the Blockchain Ecosystem 32
The Global Solution Networks (GSN) Framework Applied to Blockchain 34
Standards networks: Dont deify differences; codify common ground 36
Networked institutions: Welcome stakeholders everywhere 37
Advocacy networks: Respect members interests and constraints 38
Watchdog networks: Do no harm 38
Policy networks: Participate in debate and coordinate regulation 39
Knowledge networks: Know what you dont know 40
Delivery networks: Keep incentives for mass collaboration in mind 41
Summary: What Needs to Be Done 42
About the Authors 45
Appendix: Global Solution Networks 46
Knowledge networks 46
Operational and delivery networks 48
Policy networks 49
Advocacy networks 49
Standards networks 50
Networked institutions 51
Acknowledgements 51
Notice 51
Endnotes 53
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World Economic Forum
Distributed ledger technology promises to have far-reaching economic and social implications. By
leveraging a global peer network to assure directly and transparently the integrity of value exchanged
between parties, blockchain appears likely to transform a number of important industries that
supply or rely upon third-party assurance. It could prove to be a broader force for transparency and
integrity in society, including in the fight against bribery and corruption. It could also lead to extensive
changes in supply chains and governmental functions, such as central banking.
The extent to which this new technology realizes its potential will depend in substantial part upon
how well stakeholders steward its development. There remain important open governance questions
regarding both the functioning of the technology and its current and potential applications.
The World Economic Forum and its new Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is pleased
to publish this foundational survey of blockchain governance challenges and multistakeholder
cooperation opportunities. Authored by Don and Alex Tapscott, leading experts on both blockchain
and multistakeholder governance, this White Paper provides a structured analytical framework
and taxonomy for use by industry, technical, governmental, civil society and other stakeholders in
considering how they might collaborate to resolve problems and unlock opportunities beyond the
reach of any single actor.
As Don and Alex emphasize, a distributed ecosystem need not be a disorganized one, and improved
governance need not imply formal governmental legislation or regulation. A cooperative process of
multistakeholder dialogue and stewardship can go a long way in improving trust and helping new
technological systems develop in a socially beneficial manner.
This is the animating purpose of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: to provide an
international platform for public-private dialogue and cooperation in respect of the stewardship
and agile governance of new technologies. We thank the authors for their contribution, which we
believe provides a solid foundation for precisely such a process in respect of blockchain. We also
thank members of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on the Future of Blockchain
and others who provided feedback on the White Paper, which expresses the perspectives of the
authors alone and not necessarily those of the Forum as an institution or its individual Members and
Richard Samans
Head of the Center for the Global Agenda and Member of the Managing Board
Zvika Krieger
Head of Technology Policy and Partnerships
Like the first generation of the internet, this second generation promises to disrupt business models
and transform industries. Blockchain (also called distributed ledger), the technology enabling
cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum, is pulling us into a new era of openness, decentralization
and global inclusion. It leverages the resources of a global peer-to-peer network to ensure the
integrity of the value exchanged among billions of devices without going through a trusted third
party. Unlike the internet alone, blockchains are distributed, not centralized; open, not hidden;
inclusive, not exclusive; immutable, not alterable; and secure. Blockchain gives us unprecedented
capabilities to create and trade value in society. As the foundational platform of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution,1 it enables such innovations as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, the internet of
things (IoT), robotics and even technology in our bodies, so that more people can participate in the
economy, create wealth and improve the state of the world.
Like the first era of the internet, this blockchain era should not be governed by nation states, state-
based institutions or corporations. How we govern the internet of information as a global resource
serves as a model for how to govern this new resource: through a multistakeholder approach using
what we call global governance networks a concept developed in our previous multimillion-dollar
programme investigating multistakeholder networks for global problem-solving.2 We discuss seven
types of networks: standards networks, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force; knowledge
networks, such as the Internet Research Task Force; delivery networks, such as the International
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; policy networks, such as the Internet Policy
Research Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); advocacy networks, such as
the Alliance for Affordable Internet; watchdog networks, such as the Electronic Freedom Forum; and
networked institutions, such as the World Economic Forum.
We explain the core differences between the internet of information as a network of similar networks
and the blockchain as a balkanized internet of value, where real assets are at stake. Then we cover
what we have found to be the most urgent threats to this resource, which we view as governance
challenges. By governance, we mean stewardship, which involves collaborating, identifying common
interests and creating incentives to act on them. We do not mean government, regulation or top-
down control. We explore governance needs at three levels: platform, application and the ecosystem
as a whole.
Unlike the internet of information, which is a vast network of similar networks, this internet
of value requires stewardship at not just one level but three. At the platform level, we look at
bitcoins scalability issue and energy consumption, Ethereums switch to proof-of-stake and crisis
management by consensus, and Hyperledgers call for both urgency and moderation around
standards. At the application level, we look at the need for oversight, skilled talent and user-friendly
interfaces. At the overall ecosystem level, we look at the need for a proper legal structure, regulatory
restraint, diversity of viewpoints and scientific research in tandem with business development. We
introduce each of the eight stakeholders in the ecosystem: innovators, venture capitalists, banks and
financial services, developers, academics, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government
bodies, and users or citizens.
We apply our previously developed global solution networks3 (GSN) framework to blockchain
governance. We urge stakeholders in the space to codify their common ground through standards
networks; welcome stakeholders with radically diverse views of what needs to be done through
networked institutions; respect members interests and constraints through advocacy networks;
ensure that no one does any harm through watchdog networks; participate in policy debates and
coordinate regulation through policy networks; get up to speed through knowledge networks; and
keep incentives for mass collaboration in mind through delivery networks. Finally, we outline the
most pressing governance work to be done, if we are to preserve and steward this new global
resource to achieve its vast potential.
New Global Resource single institution charged with auditing transactions and
keeping records. No one can hide a transaction, and that
makes bitcoin more traceable than cash. It is open-source
code: anyone can download it for free, run it and use it to
The internet is entering a second era thats based on develop new tools for managing transactions online. Private
blockchain. The last few decades brought us the internet of blockchains have emerged that dont use cryptocurrency
information. We are now witnessing the rise of the internet for consensus.
of value. Where the first era was sparked by a convergence
of computing and communications technologies, this Blockchain is, for the most part, inclusive. Satoshi imagined
second era will be powered by a clever combination of that the typical person would be interacting with the
cryptography, mathematics, software engineering and blockchain through what he called simplified payment
behavioural economics. It is blockchain technology, also verification mode that can work on a mobile device.5
called distributed ledger technology. Like the internet Now anyone with a flip phone can participate in the global
before it, the blockchain promises to upend business economy; no documentation is required to be trusted.
models and disrupt industries. It is pushing us to challenge
how we have structured society, defined value and Blockchain is immutable. Within minutes or even seconds,
rewarded participation. all the transactions conducted are verified, cleared and
stored in a block that is linked to the preceding block,
Blockchain emerged in the wake of the global economic thereby creating a chain. Each block must refer to the
crisis, when a pseudonymous person or persons named preceding block to be valid. This structure permanently
Satoshi Nakamoto released a new protocol for A Peer- timestamps and stores exchanges of value, preventing
to-Peer Electronic Cash System using a cryptocurrency anyone from altering the ledger.
called bitcoin.4 Cryptocurrencies (digital currencies)
are different from traditional fiat currencies because no Blockchain is historical. If we wanted to steal a bitcoin,
government issues or controls them. Theyre not saved wed have to rewrite a coins or assets entire history on
in a file somewhere; theyre represented by transactions the blockchain in broad daylight. So the blockchain is a
recorded in a blockchain like a global spreadsheet or distributed ledger representing a network consensus of
ledger, which leverages the resources of a large peer-to- every transaction that has ever occurred. Therefore, we
peer bitcoin network to verify and approve each bitcoin must preserve the blockchain in its entirety. Thats why
transaction. Satoshis protocol established a set of rules storage matters.
in the form of distributed computations that ensured the
integrity of the data exchanged among billions of devices This is much more than the financial services industry.
without going through a trusted third party. This new Innovators are programming this new digital ledger
resource has six critical qualities. to record anything of value to humankind birth and
death certificates, marriage licenses, deeds and titles
Each blockchain, like the one that uses bitcoin, is of ownership, rights to intellectual property, educational
distributed: it runs on computers provided by volunteers degrees, financial accounts, medical history, insurance
around the world; there is no central database to hack claims, citizenship and voting privileges, location of
or shut down. We can send money and soon any form portable assets, provenance of food and diamonds, job
of digitized value from stocks and bonds to intellectual recommendations and performance ratings, charitable
property, art, music and even votes directly and safely donations tied to specific outcomes, employment
between us without going through a bank, a credit-card contracts, managerial decision rights and anything else
company, PayPal or Western Union, social network, that we can express in code.
government or other middleman. Of course, this does not
mean that middlemen will disappear. Rather the technology So important is this new resource that some have called
provides profound opportunities for innovative companies the blockchain a public utility like the internet, a utility that
and institutions in the middle to streamline processes, requires public support. Paul Brody, principal and global
increase their metabolism, create new value and enter new innovation leader of blockchain technology at Ernst &
markets. Young, thinks that all our appliances should donate their
processing power to the upkeep of a blockchain: Thanks
Blockchain is encrypted: it uses heavy-duty encryption to the smartphone business driving very low-cost systems,
involving public and private keys (rather like the two-key your lawnmower or dishwasher is going to come with a
system to access a safety deposit box) to maintain virtual CPU that is probably a thousand times more powerful than
security. We neednt worry about the weak firewalls of the it actually needs, so why not have the appliance mine?
US Democratic National Party, a thieving staffer of Morgan Not to make money, but to contribute to the security and
Stanley or a perversely incentivized employee of Wells viability of the blockchain as a whole, he said.6
to Steward a Global
authenticated by mass collaboration, and powered by
collective self-interests, rather than by corporations
as a Case Study
true paradigm shift ushered in by decentralized ledger
Challenges power to do, what you can do. Joichi Ito put it in these
terms: You can regulate networks, you can regulate
operations, but you cant regulate software.17 On the
internet of value, people will have the power to express
themselves and the power to preserve their expression
without restriction.
In our previous research, we determined that the But these differences dont require government to control,
stewardship of the internet of information was relatively oversee or somehow govern the blockchain revolution. The
simple compared to what this nascent internet of value genius of distributed ledgers is that the technology (and
would need. True, the internet has been a vast network everything that happens with it) is and must be distributed.
of networks with intricate issues of standards and other Power is distributed. Heavy-handed government
governance challenges. But we all use basically the same intervention would kill this embryonic technology in its egg.
coherent platform globally. On it rests the world wide web
and countless other applications. Rather, we need self-organizing, bottom-up and
multistakeholder governance. In fact, this type of
Blockchain, at least at this stage of its development, is governance is the best protection from government
more balkanized and complex. The economic stakes interference and subjugation. According to Primavera
are higher. This is very different from the somewhat De Filippi, faculty associate at the Berkman Center for
hippy style that the open-source, free software internet Internet & Society at Harvard and a permanent researcher
movement had, Joichi Ito, Director of the MIT Media Lab at the National Center of Scientific Research in Paris, the
said. Were going a little too fast in promising our investors absence of a formalized governance structure has two
a functioning infrastructure. Many companies are raising possible effects: either blockchain-based communities
money as if theyre ready for production. ... These guys are have difficulty acting or reacting expeditiously or else
all under the microscope, under the gun. Many of them are informal and invisible power dynamics emerge, often more
heavily funded and its really hard.15 centralized than they appear.18 That bears repeating:
without governance, invisible powers could emerge.
The internet is a network of similar networks.
The blockchain is a ledger of different and sometimes In our research, we found ourselves exploring three levels
competing ledgers. of blockchain that warrant stewardship (see Figure 1). The
first is the platform level, the protocols of blockchains such
Bitcoin is a car going down the road at 1,000 mph, said as bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple or Hyperledger. While people
Matthew Roszak, Co-Founder of Bloq Inc. Developers are often speak of virtual currency as a financial instrument
not the drivers of this car, yet they are tasked with repairing and blockchain as a payment system and, therefore,
and upgrading this car without turning it off, stopping it relevant narrowly to banking and finance we think of
or rebooting it.16 Most developers prefer it that way. They them more broadly as an ownership claim on a particular
think bitcoin is already very well regulated by mathematics, technology platform, a claim represented by a token that
which are not up to the whims of governments. Other comes with decision rights and usually an incentive to
developers take issue with the word, governance, because ensure the platforms long-term success. So what we
they associate it with the belief that the technology is discuss throughout this report applies to all domains, not
broken and needs to be fixed or that the process has just finance.
stopped working and needs to be saved. They prefer the
word, stewardship and appropriately so.
Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency and platform by value, Making decisions in a decentralized system is not
volume and hashing rate (a measure of participation), easy, said Roszak of Bloq Inc. The bitcoin ecosystem
started as an experiment in monetary theory, where the is currently facing some significant growing pains as the
network functioned in service of the bitcoin token of number of transactions has been growing exponentially
value. Satoshi Nakamoto attempted to align stakeholder over 200,000 transactions per day. Roszak views this
incentives through the code itself, and the technology growth as a clear measure of success and a testament
thrived in its early years, blossoming into the ecosystem we to bitcoins adoption and evolution. He told the US House
know today. of Representatives, As it grows, it faces governance
challenges which it is currently struggling to overcome.
In our research, we found that code alone has been These challenges, I would imagine, are similar to those
insufficient. Open-source collaboration is a great organizing faced by the US Congress on a daily basis. This industry
principle but its not a modus operandi for making big needs a *call to action* to resolve its differences and find a
decisions and moving forward. Open-source projects like path forward.25
Wikipedia and Linux, despite their meritocratic principles,
still have benevolent dictators Jimmy Wales and Linus Just because youre decentralized doesnt mean youre
Torvalds. To many observers, bitcoin has a governance disorganized, said Pindar Wong, Chairman of VeriFi
crisis. As with all disruptive technologies, competing (Hong Kong), former Vice-Chair of ICANN and Trustee
interpretations of Satoshis vision have emerged. Even of the Internet Society. People believe, mistakenly,
the core blockchain contingent has begun splitting into that the blockchain ecosystem, specifically the bitcoin
different cryptocamps, each advocating a separate system, is disorganized. They get that impression from
agenda. the very voluminous and heated debates around this very
contentious technology. These disputes, the so-called
Some experts interviewed argued that all will be well, that scaling wars, the block-size debate, are examples of a
debate is good and that as the song goes Dont worry, be healthy ecosystem.
happy. But virtually all agreed that most recent attempts to
get the parties together have been distasteful and deeply Decentralized doesnt mean disorganized.
unproductive events.
In our decades of research in technology and innovation,
The open war, as some called it, is clearly hurting bitcoin. deadlock has rarely been a positive, particularly when
This is likely one of the factors in the looming blockchain both sides are accusing the other of spreading falsehoods,
flippening where the upstart blockchain Ethereum is censoring opinion and trolling (that is, making provocative
about to eclipse bitcoin in value. The community is not so or deliberately offensive comments online with the primary
happy about the state of bitcoin. For example, blockchain intent of upsetting or angering an individual or group and
publishing company CoinDesk reported that in a survey of the secondary intent of sounding unnecessary alarms,
1,100 virtual currency users, 94% stated they were positive raising baseless doubt or distracting attention from real
about the state of Ethereum, while only 49% were positive issues) rather than seeking common ground on which to
about bitcoin.22 have a civil conversation. Any consensus mechanism that
you have is going to be susceptible to marketing where
At one time, the Bitcoin Foundation funded development powerful interests spend money trying to convince people
of the Bitcoin Core protocol (the common standards to do a certain thing, said Stephen Pair, Chief Executive
used by the community), but it nearly collapsed from its Officer of BitPay.26 Consider this April 2017 exchange on
own mismanagement: board member Mark Karpeles Twitter regarding upgrades to the bitcoin protocol:
was arrested in Japan for embezzlement through his Mt.
Gox cryptocurrency exchange. Recognizing the profound
Without governance, invisible powers could Wilcox-OHearn suggested a representative body with
emerge some responsibilities: It would be *possible* to set up
a system in which Bitcoin Core has publicly verifiable
Our research revealed this recent exchange on Twitter. membership and spokespeople. But you dont want.
It is both illuminating and representative of the debate ?[sic]52
and bitcoins implicit need for stewardship.
Matthew Corallo, a developer at ChainCode, asked,
Ryan X. Charles, a software engineer formerly at But, really, do you *want* Core folks to be tied to a
BitGo, called out the Bitcoin Core developers for their hierarchy like BU [Bitcoin Unlimited], instead of speaking
antisocial culture. Yes, they are good security engineers. for themselves?53 So Bitcoin Unlimited was perceived
No, that doesnt make trolling OK.40 He was referring to as a hierarchy.
alleged trolling to promote the adoption of SegWit.41
Lets separate out whether it is possible to have such
Jameson Lopp, software engineer at BitGo, sought controls and whether it is desirable. I think people are
clarification: Seems like youre trying to blame shifting between the two, Wilcox-OHearn suggested.
the actions of a few on a larger group. Im a minor I assert that it is possible, and I argue that it might
contributor; are you saying Im responsible?42 be better in at least some ways.54 So some type of
stewardship could be positive for the platform.
Charles: Im sure many or most Core devs are genuine,
but a handful of toxic influential devs encourage me to Corallo disagreed on both counts: It is neither possible
look elsewhere for protocol leadership.43 There it was nor preferable. He explained, Not possible in part
the absence of leadership in the bitcoin community. because of the group contributing now wed all fork
and go create a competitor that had no strict hierarchy
Lopp: I agree, though I dont think calling out Core again and Not preferable as it results in a system with
makes much sense calling out individuals makes more little advantages over other systems.55
We found that miners do have an incentive to maintain That leads us to the 51% attack, where a huge mining pool
the bitcoin infrastructure because, if the network fails, or a cartel of large mining pools controls 51% of the hash
all the unconverted bitcoin theyd earned (or could earn) rate. With that much firepower, they would constitute a
through mining would be lost, worthless or at risk. Before majority vote of miners and could hijack block generation
we dig into incentives, lets be clear about the service that and thrust their version of the truth on the bitcoin network.
miners provide: it is not transaction validation. Every full They wouldnt necessarily get rich. Far from it. All they
node can validate transactions. Rather, miners preserve could do is to reverse their own transactions within a
the distribution of power the power to decide which previous block, rather like a credit-card chargeback. Lets
transactions to include in each block, the power to mint say the attackers bought some big-ticket item from the
coins, the power to vote on the truth. same merchant, waited until it shipped, then attacked
the network to get their money back. That wouldnt
Any design change to the original bitcoin protocol, whether mean tacking its own block to the end of the blockchain.
through an altcoin or an upgrade, must keep in mind That would mean going back and redoing the block that
appropriate economic incentives to sustain hardcore contained all their purchases as well as all subsequent
miner decentralization, so the network gets good value blocks, even as the network continues to generate new
from miners in exchange for the large sums of bitcoin. To blocks. When the cartels branch became longer, it would
Bitcoin Core developer Peter Todd, that means that smaller become the new valid one. Satoshi bet on that being wildly
miners in geographically dispersed locations should be more costly than mining new coins.
able to compete nose to nose with larger miners that are
geographically centralized, that is, large mining pools in Trying to bootstrap or change a network protocol [such
Iceland or China.58 as IPv6] is just a monumental task, said Austin Hill, a
blockchain entrepreneur. You just dont want to be making
Is that possible? As the number of new bitcoins minted changes ad hoc or very fast on an ecosystem thats
halves every four years, what will happen when the reward managing anywhere from 3 to 10 billion dollars worth of
drops to zero? The mining cycle depends on the market peoples wealth and assets.61 At the end of the day, said
price of bitcoin. When the price drops, some bitcoin miners Andresen, That governance model is driven very much by
park their supply, but they continue to play the lottery what code the people actually want to run, what standards
until the price increases. Other miners cant afford to park people want to implement in the equipment they sell. He
and play; they just dry-dock their mining rigs or divert said that bitcoin, like the internet, will have a similar messy,
their processing power to another altchain that might be chaotic governance process that will eventually come down
more profitable. Still others join mining pools, pooling their to what codes the people choose to run.62 That worked
computing power with nodes with the hope of increasing well for the internet of information, which had decades to
their odds and at least getting some fraction of the evolve before commercial adoption, but it could prove risky
winnings rather than nothing at all. for assets on the internet of value, which companies have
already adopted and deployed in commercial ventures.
One answer is fees. Satoshi wrote, There will be
transaction fees, so [mining] nodes will have an incentive to
receive and include all the transactions they can. Nodes will
eventually be compensated by transaction fees alone when
Dont fix an app-layer problem with a Governance challenge: Managing the switch
protocol-level solution. to proof-of-stake
Lubin identified six different classes of stakeholders The first version of the Ethereum blockchain Frontier
developers, exchanges, miners, mining pools, token also uses proof of work. For Vitalik Buterin, the concern
holders and other community members who weighed about energy consumption is legitimate and worth
in, in the very vigorous debate over whether to fork. Those solving. Thats what other chains have done: explored
who argued for the hard fork sought to prevent the hacker alternative consensus algorithms for securing the network
from taking control of a very sizable portion of all the while retaining decentralization. The open-source nature
Ether in circulation. Those who argued against sought to of the bitcoin protocol makes it technically easy to do.
prevent what they considered censorship of the Ethereum Remember, the purpose of consensus algorithms is
blockchain. Some viewed the code as the law: the terms to distribute the authority to decide on the state of the
of the DAO contract, however flawed, should stand, and blockchain to a decentralized set of users. To the mind of
those who invested should suffer for the greater good of Buterin, there are only three securely decentralized sets
Ethereums reputation as an immutable chain. of users, and each set corresponds to a set of consensus
algorithms: owners of computing power, with standard
The six stakeholder groups voted overwhelmingly (89%) proof-of-work algorithms; stakeholders, with various
in favour of the hard fork. Users of the Ethereum platform proof-of-stake algorithms in wallet software; and members
then had to decide for themselves whether to use the of a social network, with a federated style consensus
forked version or continue on the non-forked version, now algorithm.84 Note that only one of those consensus
known as Ethereum Classic. The Foundation itself, which mechanisms includes the word power.
is a legally conservative, risk-averse entity, did not take a
position early on. Instead, it gathered information. After The developers of Ethereum expect to replace Frontier
the vote, it acknowledged Ethereum Classics right to with Caspar, a proof-of-stake mechanism. Proof-of-stake
exist. I dont think the verdict is in on whether it was good requires miners to invest in and hang on to some store
governance, but it was quite decentralized governance, of value (i.e. the native token of the blockchain such as
and I continue to applaud Vitalik for the studied approach Ether) in order to vote on the state of the chain. They are
he takes to decision-making and the care he takes in not no longer miners; they are validators. They neednt spend
issuing rash communications, said Lubin.81 He continued: energy to vote. If they break the rules, they may lose
their holdings. The plan is to phase in the proof-of-stake.
These systems are complex and subtle and According to CoinDesks Alyssa Hertig, Since [Casper]
theyre protecting important and valuable assets in has been pushed back several times, detractors see this
cryptography that we need a few hundred or so global hybrid as the latest evidence that proof-of-stake wont
experts to take a good look at them and try to beat the ever be fully implemented successfully on Ethereum.
**** out of them for three or five years, then well have Thoughtful discussions have sprung up on Reddit, such
some well-vetted frameworks that we can all share that as Fundamental problems with Casper and Vlad
handle certain foundational functions like escrowing Zamfir said its a reasonable possibility Casper wont be
money, enabling deposits and withdrawals, issuing implemented on Ethereum... is this cause for concern?85
new token allocations, etc. Layers of increasingly The latter referred to a couple of tweets by Vlad Zamfir
sophisticated functionality will have to be built and the who, according to Ethereums blog, has worked on proof-
deeper layers will need to be very well vetted so that of-stake blockchain architecture since September 2014.86
they dont need to change much because many will
build on them.82
As blockchain applications have evolved from potential to of the coin. ICOs can be very equity-like, where tokens
actual use cases, we can see that particular use cases will represent a fractional ownership in the underlying value of
raise specific governance questions best answered at the an organization, subject to profit or loss, and presumably
level of each use case (e.g. payments, smart contracts, at a later date entitlement to shares of profits.
securities clearance, insurance, etc.). There will not be
a single blockchain but many, some of which may serve However, often ICOs are not offering equity-like value at
specific industries or geographies. At the highest level, we all. Augur did one of the first ICOs granting token owners
need to focus on interoperability. Commercial blockchain the right to participate in its prediction markets. Others still
applications are taking off, and governance will be critical are offering something more akin to access, for developers
to their success. For example, Ripples global payments to build applications and for users to run them. Bilaji
steering group, a blockchain bankers network with defined Srinivasan, partner at Andreessen Horowitz, likened them
rules and governance, has been a major step forward in to a paid API key. He said, When you buy an API key
terms of adoption and industry acceptance.115 from Amazon Web Services for dollars, you can redeem
that API key for time on Amazons cloud. The purchase of
a token like Ether is similar, in that you can redeem ETH
Governance challenge: Oversight of for compute time on the decentralized Ethereum computer
applications whose off-chain equivalents are network. This redemption value gives tokens inherent
regulated utility.117
The ICO is an application whereby organizations of any size While the definitions are still evolving, the value is clear,
can raise money peer-to-peer by offering tokens or coins which is why the New York-based venture capital firm
in a new venture, project or network. In 2016, blockchain Union Square Ventures (USV) broadened its investment
organizations raised nearly $200 million through ICOs. strategy so that it could buy ICOs directly. Menlo Park-
These arent just new cryptocurrencies masquerading as based venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz joined
companies. They represent digital rights management USV in investing in Polychain Capital, a hedge fund that
platforms (SingularDTV), distributed venture funds (the buys only tokens.
DAO) and even new platforms for investing in ICOs
(ICONOMI). The euphoria around them is palpable. The Blythe Masters, consummate Wall-Street-insider-turned-
token launch (some are calling certain forms of these ICOs), blockchain-pioneer, expressed her concern: Newcomers
the first killer app for crowdfunding, is a powerful tool to are simply able to do things that regulated institutions are
enable the ecosystem to build itself out, with the issuance not able to do, but one needs to think very carefully about
of protocol tokens, said Lubin of Ethereum. 116 why those regulations exist, and what purpose they serve,
before one can conclude that exposing consumers to
They have been likened to the initial public offering (IPO), unregulated financial activities is a good thing.118
the process through which a privately held firm raises
capital through public markets by issuing stock that Lubin of Ethereum does not even call them financial
investors can buy. Heres where the analogy breaks down: instruments: There are no investors. There are
IPOs are highly regulated affairs, involving a number of stakeholders who bought a software product called Ether
intermediaries, such as investment bankers, exchange that enables business and software developers to build
operators, auditors, lawyers and crowdfunding platforms on and use the decentralized application platform.119
(such as Kick-starter and Indiegogo), whereas ICOs are
not. IPOs are issuances of securities, mostly equities. With
ICOs, the classification really depends on the purpose
Because they lack a central point of control, these But will people actually take the counterparty to court?
networks, applications and organizations require new De Filippi estimates that, in the analogue world, 80%
distributed governance systems to coordinate on of contract breaches arent enforced because theyre
matters such as interoperability, privacy and security, in too costly to pursue in court, too expensive to go into
a collaborative manner, Primavera De Filippi said. We proceedings. Why should those numbers improve in
need to figure out new decentralized governance systems a blockchain world? When the code indicates that the
that can be easily deployed on top of these decentralized contract has been fully executed rather than breached,
infrastructures.124 except one party is dissatisfied with the outcome, will the
dissatisfied party actually pursue a lawsuit? Will the courts
Decentralized governance systems for decentralized recognize the case? Will the small business owner back
infrastructure away from the corporate legal team of Dewey, Cheatham
and Howe or with his modest resources even be able
The ecosystem needs a proper regulatory framework that to identify his anonymous counterparty, so that he could
understands and accommodates blockchain technologies, file a lawsuit in the first place?
De Filippi said.125 Such a framework would mitigate some
of the strong legal uncertainty surrounding these emergent The courts are going to get it wrong. Theyve already
technologies, thereby helping start-ups and larger started to get it wrong, applying intellectual property rules
companies alike to move beyond the proof-of-concept to anything that is intangible. They think that physicality is
stage. Proper legal and regulatory frameworks also favour the dividing line between virtual property and intellectual
long-term, more sustainable and more technically sound property, and its not, said Fairfield. Theres no intellectual
business models over short-term high-risk ones. property element, theres no part of a bitcoin that is
intellectual property, theres no creative spark for copyright,
theres no patentable idea, theres no patent, theres no
Governance challenge: The lack of a proper trademark.128 So their challenge is formidable. They must
legal structure for stewardship oversee the unforeseeable. On the one hand, they must
avoid stifling innovation by overreacting to worst cases
De Filippi and Cardozo Law School Professor Aaron human trafficking, illicit drug trade, gunrunning, child
Wright, co-authors on a forthcoming Harvard University pornography, terrorism, tax evasion and counterfeiting, for
Press book on the blockchain, questioned whether the instance. On the other hand, they must not twist new but
current legal framework could handle the questions raised unproven applications such as blockchain-based platforms
by smart property deployed globally at scale. Smart for identity management to restrict civil liberties. There
contracts both define and manage ownership rights. Their must be a stable approach to regulation, legislation and the
code makes no assumptions about the assignment of international negotiation of treaties to minimize regulatory
rights, and code cant arbitrarily seize, divest or transfer uncertainty, so that investors will continue to support the
these rights. For example, if during the process of land technologys global development.
registration, government officials assigned the ownership
of a parcel of land to someone who wasnt the legal owner Fairfield focused more on process: The common law isnt
of that parcel, that person would have absolute sovereignty affecting technology law; the common law is technology
over the parcel, and the legal owner couldnt simply reverse law. The common law is the process of adapting human
the assignment. systems to technological change the real fight is how do
we take old rules meant for old technology and adapt them
Right now there is a lack of legal recourse in a world of rapidly and competently, so they are recognizable when
irrevocable transactions and unavoidable smart contracts. we start using them but iterated so theyre state of the art
According to De Filippi and Wright, People are, indeed, when the technology really hits.129
free to decide the particular set of rules to which they
want to abide, but after the choice has been made The common law is technology law.
can no longer deviate from these rules, to the extent
that smart contracts are automatically enforced by the Last but not least, and this should be no surprise, identity
underlying code of the technology, regardless of the will matters big-time or at least how we construct it on the
of the parties.126 This very high degree of certainty blockchain matters. If we combine a precisely coded
mathematical certainty as to the outcome of a transaction version of personhood with a precisely coded version
or a smart contract is unprecedented in society. It of society, we get the stuff of science fiction novels and
delivers greater efficiencies and effectively eliminates non- Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. De Filippi and Wright
performance risk because we have no choice of breach, conjured images of self-enforcing contracts, walled
no choice of damages. But thats also a downside. It allows gardens or trusted systems, owned and managed by a
no room for human beings. To Josh Fairfield of Washington sophisticated network of decentralized organizations that
and Lee University School of Law, that means more dictate what people can or cannot do, without any kind of
messiness, not less. Were going to see more fights. You constitutional safeguards or constraints. In other words, a
didnt actually renovate my house, I want my money back. machine-driven totalitarian regime.
Before 2015, few major financial institutions had The year 2015 proved transformative for the burgeoning
announced investments in the sector. In its Global FinTech constellation of NGOs and civil society organizations
Report 2017, PricewaterhouseCoopers reported that 77% focused specifically on this technology. Groups include
of survey respondents in financial services expected to Jerry Britos Coin Center and Perianne Borings Chamber
adopt blockchain as part of an in production system or of Digital Commerce. These groups are gaining traction in
process by 2020.153 Today, Bank of Montreal, BNY Mellon, the community. Brito said, Governance comes into play
CIBC, Commerzbank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, when there are serious decisions that need to be made
ING, Macquarie, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Mizuho and you need a process or institution for that to happen.160
Bank, Nordea, RBC, Socit Gnrale, State Street, TD
Bank, UniCredit, Wells Fargo and dozens of others are Governments, regulators and law enforcement
investing in the technology and wading into the leadership
discussion. Many of the worlds biggest banks have signed The internet of value will deal with money, stocks, bonds
up to the R3 CEV consortium. Stakeholders must remain and other financial assets, deeds, votes, identities and
cautious of any powerful incumbents looking to control this other assets that governments tend to originate, register
technology, just as they had to tread cautiously in the early or otherwise oversee to preserve the public interest.
days of the internet. When it comes to transactions involving these assets
the foundation of our economies they would be right to
Coders and developers express both curiosity and concern for the common good.
Blockchain developers lack formal oversight bodies such For example, central banks are each taking different
as ICANN, the IETF or W3C to anticipate development steps to understand this technology. Benjamin Lawsky,
needs and guide their resolution and the bitcoin former Superintendent of Financial Services for the State
community prefers it that way. Members do have a few of New York, said strong regulations are the first step
norms, such as participating in online forums, posting towards industry growth.161 Carolyn Wilkins, Senior Deputy-
protocol improvement proposals publicly for peer review, Governor of the Bank of Canada, believes central banks
discussing and addressing other members concerns, everywhere should seriously study the implications of
advocating for particular solutions, testing proposed code moving entire national currency systems to digital money.
and jumping in to debug code that is, not just suggesting The Bank of Englands top economist, Andrew Haldane,
but implementing a fix. Bypassing peer review is a real has proposed a national digital currency for the United
no-no, while trolling to improve ideas is OK.154 When we Kingdom.162 The Deputy Chief of the Bank of Russia, Olga
spoke with Bitcoin Core developer Gavin Andresen in 2015, Skorobogatova, said that it was time to develop national
he was at the centre of the block-size debate. He told us, cryptocurrencies, and the Peoples Republic of China has
Id prefer to stay in the engine room, keeping the bitcoin been experimenting with Ethereum to develop a digital
engine going rather than spending every waking moment yuan.163
advocating for bitcoins future.155 At the time, he viewed the
internet governance network as a useful starting point. I However, governments around the world are uncoordinated
always look for role models. The role model is the IETF.156 in their approach to blockchain some favouring laissez-
Its kind of chaotic and messy, he said, but it works faire policy, others diving in with new rules and regulations,
and its reliable. However, in the absence of clear and such as the BitLicense in New York. Some regimes
transparent leadership, Andresen either found himself or are openly hostile, increasingly a fringe response. Even
put himself too much in the spotlight. It was a Catch 22 of those stakeholders who resist government intervention
sorts that cost him his developer privileges.157 acknowledge the merit of regulator participation in
governance debates. Adam Draper, a prolific VC in
Academics and scholars the industry, reluctantly acknowledged, Government
endorsement creates institutional endorsement, which has
Academic institutions are funding labs and centres to value.164
study this technology and collaborate with colleagues
outside their silo. Joichi Ito, Director of the MIT Media Users
Lab, saw an opportunity for academia to step up: MIT
and the academic layer can be a place where we can do All of humanity and every company and institution will use
assessments, do research and be able to talk about things this technology as foundational. People have a legitimate
like scalability without any bias or special interests.158 right to care about identity, security, privacy, human rights
Notable universities such as Stanford, Princeton, Duke and in general, fair adjudication and the long-term viability
New York also teach courses on blockchain, bitcoin and of this resource. Yet there is no shared taxonomy or
cryptocurrencies.159 categorization of the space: Does blockchain refer to the
bitcoin blockchain or the technology in general? Is it big
B Blockchain or little b blockchain? Is it a currency,
commodity or technology? Is it all of these things or none
of them?
Networks (GSN) asymmetry and the greater their advantages, but those
advantages have harmful systemic implications in both civic
GitHub Reddit
This open-source, online software development tool This online platform describes itself as the front page of
serves as a repository for code and a platform for code the internet where conversations begin, with communities
development, peer review and problem-solving. Unlike forming around cryptocurrencies (Dogecoin, Litecoin),
client-server systems, every Git directory resides on every blockchain platforms (bitcoin, Ethereum) and ecosystem
computer as a full record and complete history of every issues (block size, consensus mechanisms).
change to the code. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc
Global Solution Networks (GSN) Trust in Digital Life (TDL) Blockchain Working Group
Founded by Don Tapscott, GSN seeks to (a) identify, A membership association founded by the Intel
analyse and summarize the potential components of a Corporation, TDL consists of industry leaders and
global governance network; (b) place the requisite tools academic institutions that exchange research on customer,
in the hands of global problem-solvers; and (c) facilitate market and technology insights into improving DLT to
connections among multistakeholder networks. expedite a trusted single European digital market.
https://gsnetworks.org https://trustindigitallife.eu/
Input Output Cryptocurrency Collaborative Research Chair UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies
(Tokyo) Launched by University College London (UCL), the centre
Established by former Ethereum Co-Founder Charles generates multidisciplinary, multistakeholder research
Hoskins with the Tokyo Institute of Technology, this across such topics as cryptography, law, smart contracts,
research chair differs from traditional academiccorporate automation and the sociological impact of decentralized
research partnerships in that its R&D is open-source and decision-making systems. http://blockchain.cs.ucl.ac.uk/
patent-free so industry participants can share research
findings. WhiteChapel Think Tank (WTT)
Founded by Jeremy Wilson of Barclays and John Edge
MIT Media Lab Digital Currency Initiative (DCI) of Red Rose in London, this group produces reports that
This global hub supports deep research in such areas bring decentralized ledger technology use cases to life and
as healthcare and medical records, global rights shares information among industries, government and non-
management, decentralized publishing, user-controlled governmental organizations. http://www.wthinktank.org/
credit identities, central bank and digital currency adoption,
and securitized financing for solar microgrids.
Wall Street Blockchain Alliance (WSBA) International Securities Association for Institutional Trade
This non-profit trade association speaks with such Communication (ISITC) (Blockchain Working Group)
blockchain stakeholders as market participants, policy- ISITC represents financial institutions and technology
makers and technology innovators, and produces reports providers striving to improve the financial industry in
of its findings. It also hosts Wall Street Education Day to Europe. Its blockchain working group is creating a list of
educate the public and advance mainstream adoption. benchmarks to help standardize blockchain tools.
We have obtained the information in this report from 1 The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a concept
sources we believe to be reliable and accurate. However, developed by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic
we have not independently verified information from third- Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/
party sources. We make no representation or warranty, the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-
express or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. how-to-respond/
In addition, the statements in this report may provide 2 Global Solution Networks Program. A programme
current expectations of future events based on certain conducted by The Tapscott Group for the Rotman
assumptions and include any statement that does not School of Management, 2014-2016. http://gsnetworks.
directly relate to a historical fact or a current fact. These org/, accessed 20 June 2017.
3 Global Solution Networks. http://gsnetworks.org/,
statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties
accessed 20 June 2017.
and other factors that are not exhaustive. The individuals
4 Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic
and companies contributing to this report operate in a
Cash System. www.bitcoin.org, 1 November 2008.
constantly changing environment and new risks emerge www.bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf, accessed 20 June 2017.
continually. We caution readers not to place undue reliance 5 Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic
on these statements. The individuals or companies Cash System. www.bitcoin.org, 1 November 2008.
contributing to this report undertake no obligation to revise www.bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf, accessed 20 June 2017.
or update publicly any statements, whether as a result of 6 Interview with Paul Brody, 7 July 2015. Updated via
new information, future events or otherwise; they shall in no email from Brody, 16 June 2017.
event be liable for any loss or damage arising in connection 7 David D. Clark. A Cloudy Crystal Ball, presentation,
with the use of the information in this report. IETF, 16 July 1992. http://groups.csail.mit.edu/ana/
People/DDC/future_ietf_92.pdf, accessed 20 June
The Tapscott Group, Toronto, June 2017 2017.
8 Don Tapscott and Lynne St. Amour. The Remarkable
2017 All rights reserved. Internet Governance Network Part I Global Solution
All rights reserved. No one may reproduce, store in a Networks Program, Martin Prosperity Institute,
retrieval system or transmit any part of this publication University of Toronto, 2014.
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, 9 Internet & Jurisdiction. www.Internetjurisdiction.net,
photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission of accessed 17 May 2017.
the Tapscott Group. 10 InternetPolicyPlatform.org; Timothy Karr. 17
Organizations Release 2016 Internet Policy Platform.
13 June 2016. https://www.freepress.net/press-
Internet-policy-platform, accessed 17 May 2017.
11 Industrial Internet Consortium. www.iiconsortium.org,
accessed 17 May 2017.
12 Electronic Frontier Foundation. https://www.eff.org/
about, accessed 17 May 2017.
13 Internet Society. Policy & Development. http://www.
organisations/our-community-and-partners, accessed
17 May 2017.
14 Online governance. Lost in the splinternet. The
Economist. 5 November 2016.
15 Interview with Joichi Ito, 1 May 2017.
16 Matthew Roszak. Written statement prepared
for the Committee on Energy and Commerce of
the United States House of Representatives. 16
March 2016. http://docs.house.gov/meetings/
roszakm-20160316.pdf, accessed 15 June 2017.
17 Interview with Joichi Ito, 24 August 2015.
18 Email from Primavera De Filippi, 24 May 2017.