The document lists Spanish verbs and their conjugations in the preterite tense (past tense) and past participle forms. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, as well as the preterite tense and past participle translations in English. Some example conjugations included are: ser/estar - was/were, convertirse en - became, empezar/comenzar - began, and morder - bit/bitten. Over 50 additional Spanish verbs and their preterite and past participle forms are listed.
The document lists Spanish verbs and their conjugations in the preterite tense (past tense) and past participle forms. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, as well as the preterite tense and past participle translations in English. Some example conjugations included are: ser/estar - was/were, convertirse en - became, empezar/comenzar - began, and morder - bit/bitten. Over 50 additional Spanish verbs and their preterite and past participle forms are listed.
The document lists Spanish verbs and their conjugations in the preterite tense (past tense) and past participle forms. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, as well as the preterite tense and past participle translations in English. Some example conjugations included are: ser/estar - was/were, convertirse en - became, empezar/comenzar - began, and morder - bit/bitten. Over 50 additional Spanish verbs and their preterite and past participle forms are listed.
The document lists Spanish verbs and their conjugations in the preterite tense (past tense) and past participle forms. It provides the infinitive form of each verb, as well as the preterite tense and past participle translations in English. Some example conjugations included are: ser/estar - was/were, convertirse en - became, empezar/comenzar - began, and morder - bit/bitten. Over 50 additional Spanish verbs and their preterite and past participle forms are listed.
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ser, estar was / were been
convertirse en, hacerse became become
empezar, comenzar began begun morder bit bitten soplar blew blown romper broke broken llevar, traer brought brought construir built built comprar bought bought poder could been able coger, atrapar, tomar caught caught elegir, escoger chose chosen venir came come costar cost cost cortar cut cut hacer did done dibujar drew drawn beber drank drunk conducir drove driven comer ate eaten caer fell fallen sentir felt felt pelear, luchar fought fought encontrar found found volar ew own olvidarse forgot forgotten perdonar forgave forgiven congelar froze frozen recibir, conseguir, llegar, etc got got / gotten dar gave given ir went gone crecer grew grown colgar hung hung tener had had esconder hid hidden pegar, golpear hit hit sostener held held hacer dao hurt hurt guardar, continuar kept kept conocer, saber knew known liderar, guiar, conducir led led irse, dejar left left dejar prestado lent lent permitir, alquilar let let perder lost lost hacer made made signicar, querer decir meant meant conocer, reunirse, encontrarse met met pagar paid paid poner, colocar put put leer read /red/ read /red/ montar (en transporte) rode ridden llamar, sonar rang rung levantarse, alzarse, subir rose risen correr ran run decir, contar said said ver saw seen vender sold sold enviar, remitir sent sent poner, colocar set set mostrar, ensear showed shown cerrar shut shut cantar sang sung hundirse sank sunk sentarse sat sat dormir slept slept hablar spoke spoken gastar dinero, pasar tiempo spent spent robar stole stolen nadar swam swum tomar, llevar took taken ensear taught taught decir, contar told told pensar thought thought lanzar, tirar, arrojar threw thrown entender, comprender understood understood despertarse woke woken llevar puesto wore worn ganar won won escribir wrote written GraciasporevaluarWondersharePDFConverter4.0.5.Slopuedesconvertir5pginasenlav indeprueba.