Simplified Wells Score

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Education modules for appropriate imaging referrals Clinical Decision Rule Summary

Simplified Wells Score Summary Statement:

Algorithm: This is a large study based on the Wells Score. It creates a simplified version
of the Wells rule that is easier to follow and should be easier to apply in
clinical situations. It is also a larger external validation of the Wells Score. It
may be applied in adult inpatient and outpatients with confidence. The study
found that using the Simplified Wells Score, a patient with a score of 1 and a
negative D dimer has an extremely low probability of PE and an alternative
diagnosis should be sought.
In addition, the PERC rule may be used with patients with a score of 1 to
determine who should have a D dimer and who require no further testing for

Gibson NS, Sohne M, Kruip MJ, Tick LW, Gerdes VE, Bossuyt PM, et al.
Further validation and simplification of the Wells clinical decision rule in
pulmonary embolism. J Thromb Haemost. 2008; 99(1): 229-34.

RANZCR 2015 Suspected Pulmonary Embolism 1|Page

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