Teaching Project Summary Paper Erinkeim
Teaching Project Summary Paper Erinkeim
Teaching Project Summary Paper Erinkeim
Erin Keim
I am a PACU nurse (Post-Anesthesia Care Unit). This is a fast-paced unit that sees 30-50
cases a day come through the doors and it requires each nurse to be efficient and communicate
well. Each nurse sees 1-2 patients at a time and recovers each patient in usually two hours or
less. I see roughly eight patients a day, on average. Because this unit has such a high turnover
rate, with patients coming and going quickly, it is crucial to have an effective communication
tool between nurses with handoff of care. The SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment,
the next nurse. The SBAR form used in PACU is specific for surgical procedures. The SBAR
form covers the patients procedure, surgeon, date/time, medical/surgical history, allergies,
medications/fluids received in the Operating Room, estimated blood loss, urine output, drain
output in the operating room, IV site, drains, catheters, incisions and dressings, a quick
assessment, any STAT orders or consults, and any other pertinent information. Any valuable
information a nurse would need about a surgical patient coming to his/her floor would be on this
Needs Assessment
A problem that I have identified in the PACU is many nurses are not completely filling
this form out before faxing it to the floor the patient is being admitted to. Many times there are
days where there are too many surgical patients and not enough open hospital beds to
accommodate them. In this situation, a PACU nurse will then assume care of four medical-
surgical patients who are now considered in holding for a room. The recovery nurse is often
found with incomplete SBAR forms, requiring the hold nurse to search for needed information.
This causes problems when the recovery nurse has a maximum patient load of two and the hold
nurse now has four. It also poses issues with the floor nurse, who does not know the patient or
has had time to assess the patient, receives an incomplete form. In an emergency situation, if the
nurse needed vital information regarding the patient, she could easily look on the form to find
most of it. She should have a well-developed picture of the patient and their health before the
patient even arrives to her unit. According to the ANA Standards of Practice, it is essential that
the nurse have an accurate assessment of the patient in order to identify the potential problems,
plan their care, and implement any interventions during the patients stay in PACU. A good
nurse cannot help any patient unless she can thoroughly assess her patients.
A survey was collected (see Appendix B for Needs Assessment Survey) to determine
learning styles, preferences, and problems in PACU before the teaching session took place. Data
was then used to correlate with visual aids and teaching styles.
Teaching Plan
On the unit I work in, we have 12 PACU nurses, usually 8-10 a day, working four, 9
hour shifts. On a typical day, two to three nurses arrive at 0800, one or two at 0900, one at 1000,
one or two at 1200, and one at 1300. Because it is such a fast-paced work day, timing for the
teaching session is crucial and would need to work around the case load and be planned on a
lighter case day. The backgrounds of the nurses are: Intensive Care Unit (ICU), telemetry, and
Emergency Department. The mornings are usually unpredictable- one day the cases may be
coming out slowly, and others, there are cases waiting for nurses at 0800. The busiest hours of
the day are anywhere from 1000-1500. Because of the time constraint and busy atmosphere, it
was thought that the best time to do this teaching session would be on late start Thursdays at
0800 before cases come out. Discussion, visual aids, and demonstration were decided to be the
When I was thinking about which issue poses the biggest problem in PACU that could be
resolved with a teaching session, my choices were two: SBAR form completion and
communication between nurse and anesthesiologist for sign-out of patient from anesthesia care.
The SBAR form would be something easily corrected with one session, whereas the
anesthesia/nurse problem would take some tweaking in many areas and would require a much
larger teaching group, considering there are 12 PACU nurses and 10+ anesthesiologists. From
what I have learned over the years, nurses like instruction to be short and to the point, especially
when it is during their workday. It is impossible to do this teaching session during the middle of
the day, when most people are there due to it being the busiest. On most floors, the busiest times
are at the beginning after change of shift and at the end. In PACU, it is right in the middle of the
The nurses were told in advance about the teaching session, including what day and what
time it would be. Flyers were posted throughout the unit. Anyone that absolutely could not
attend was given opportunities for one-on-one teaching on another day that was appropriate.
This session was held in the break room. A presentation poster including a blank SBAR form
with category descriptions, as well as a SBAR form with sample information was included.
Blank SBAR forms were given to each nurse in attendance. Power point was set up (see
Appendix C for Teaching Session PowerPoint). Other materials included pens/pencils and
There were three objectives used during this teaching session. The first one was
cognitive and the nurses were to discuss within 5-10 minutes, three reasons why we use the
SBAR form as a form of communication between nurses. An affective outcome used was for the
nurses to express their top five concerns with the inappropriate use of the form and what dangers
it could have caused. And, finally, a psychomotor outcome was used with the nurses showing
100% accuracy in completing the SBAR form with a given scenario. Each outcome was
had to show 100% accuracy after the teaching session on one of her patients. Two nurses out of
the twelve had to be reminded about not leaving blanks, but, overall, the nurses responded well
to this teaching session and felt confident to continue using the form with each patient. The
poster presentation was left in the break room for future reference. The teaching session was
Through the use of the SBAR form, poster, and Power Point presentation, the nurses felt
comfortable with the use of the visual aids. There are a few nurses who are from other countries,
but they have been in PACU for 5+ years and are familiar with the SBAR form. The more
seasoned nurses stated that they felt comfortable helping their peers, the newer PACU nurses.
Many of the nurses learn through peer reinforcement. Through polite reminders and
encouragement, the nurses were able to keep each other on target with the SBAR completion.
Time was the biggest obstacle in this teaching session, due to the high volume of patients
coming and going in the PACU. Morning was the best time to teach, but it was still challenging
due to the anticipation of patients coming from the Operating Room (OR).
Each nurse was evaluated during the teaching session as well as throughout the day.
Questions were answered throughout the day as well as visual aids such as the poster, left in the
breakroom as a reference. This teaching session was effective due to the high number of nurses
completing the form without much coaching. Those who did have questions or leave any blanks
After this teaching session, I have learned that everyone learns differently. As nurses, not
only do we have to consider the different learning styles, but also time constraints because
nursing is such a busy profession. Anything that is too long needs to be set aside on its own and
count as an education day in which the nurses only focus on that. Nurses need visual aids as well
as the verbal and hands-on. Leaving the poster behind for a little while after the session
reinforces what they have learned and they know that they can look to it for clarification.
"I pledge to support the honor system of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form
the honor system. I will report to Honor Council hearings if summoned." Erin Keim 4/9/17
Bastable, S.B. (2014). Nurse as educator: principles of teaching and learning for nursing
Looking to improve your bedside report? Try SBAR: Nursing made Incredibly Easy. (n.d.).
Powell, S.K. (n.d.). Editorial: SBAR-Its Not Just Another Communication Tool. Retrieved April
PACU Survey
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