17-PRO-1738 Local Board Plan Summaries FRANKLIN - FINAL

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Help Shape
Franklins future
Summary of the draft Franklin
Local Board Plan 2017
He krero mai i te Heamana
From the Chair
Its my privilege to present this summary of the draft Franklin Local Board
Plan 2017. The draft plan sets out five outcomes we believe we should
focus on in the next three years.
We face a huge challenge from the amount of growth coming our way,
with a population predicted to grow to 106,800 residents by 2033.
Services such as wastewater and water, as well as our parks, beaches,
sports grounds and roads face ever-increasing demand. To cope with this,
we need to be proactive and adaptable. We have listened to your concerns
and ideas and are working hard to develop solutions.
Advocating for better transport connections to ease congestion is also
We understand the challenges that come with maintaining services, while
keeping rates rises at acceptable levels. We want to work with you to meet
the challenges coming our way, and get the best outcome for everyone.
We look forward to your feedback.

Angela Fulljames
Franklin Local Board

This summary is an overview of the statement of proposal for our draft

Franklin Local Board Plan 2017. We encourage you to read the full draft
plan, available online at shapeauckland.co.nz, at public libraries, council
service centres and local board offices and tell us what you think by
Friday 30 June, 2017. Or tell us what you think in person see page 7
for details of local meetings.

2 | Franklin Local Board Plan Summary 2017

Ng mea ka ta tirohia e mtou
What we propose to focus on
We propose to focus on five outcomes which acknowledge the feedback
and ideas you have given us.

1. A well-cared for natural environment

Our aim is to enhance, protect and maintain our diverse natural
environment so that it can be enjoyed by all. We plan to do this by:
implementing local paths plans to enable open spaces to be
connected, accessible and well used
supporting groups and individuals to control weeds and animal
pests in the natural environment and raising awareness of good pest
management practices
improving water quality in waterways, along the coastline and on
reducing the amount of waste to landfill and championing for a zero
waste management facility in Pukekohe and Beachlands.

2. A thriving local economy

A strong local economy will attract people to live, work locally and visit
our areas attractions. We can work towards this by:
encouraging new major employers to locate in Franklin and provide
local jobs
advocating for better connectivity in rural areas for mobile phones and
helping our young people to have clear pathways from school to work
encouraging rural innovation hubs to be established in Franklin
increasing the numbers of tourists and visitor spend in Franklin by
promoting and linking local attractions, events and heritage.

We want to help develop a strong local economy.

Franklin Local Board Plan Summary 2017 | 3

3. An improved transport system
A better and safer transport system is a major focus for us over the next
three years. We will continue to work towards better public transport and
safer roads in Franklin by:
continuing to advocate to Auckland Transport for improvements to
Franklins public transport services and infrastructure
advocating to Auckland Transport and the New Zealand Transport
Agency for roads that are fit for all types of users, safe and reflect the
rural environment
working with Auckland Transport to improve pedestrian safety and
accessibility in urban centres.

4. Growth is dealt with effectively

To meet the needs of our growing communities, we need to make the best
use of our existing outdoor areas, sports centres, swimming pools and
local halls before developing new facilities. We plan to do this by:
advocating to the governing body and working with the community to
ensure areas experiencing growth have appropriate, action-focused plans
working with key agencies such as Watercare, Auckland Transport and
central government to ensure services, including water, wastewater
and roads are in place for growth areas
making better use of existing outdoor space and facilities and planning
new facilities to support growth, where needed.

We are also proposing to explore the idea of introducing a local targeted

rate to fund local improvements or facilities, if requested by the
community, but not currently proposed or budgeted for.
A local targeted rate would involve ratepayers having an additional
charge included on their rates bill with this money used specifically to
fund a project in their area.

4 | Franklin Local Board Plan Summary 2017

We want to implement path plans to link walkways,
cycleways and other trails across Franklin.
Franklin Local Board Plan Summary 2017 | 5
5. Communities feel ownership and
connection to their area
We want our communities to be actively involved in shaping their quality
of life, creativity, health and wellbeing. We can do this by:
supporting activities that create quality places for people to live, work,
play and learn in
encouraging initiatives that reflect the diversity of our communities
improving community facilities to make them fit-for-purpose, safe and
accessible for all ages and abilities
supporting local events and community arts programmes that
celebrate the identity of Franklin.

Supporting local events and community art programmes celebrating Franklins identity.

Te horanga o t mtou mahere poari -rohe

Delivering our local board plan
To deliver a successful plan, we need to focus our limited resources on
what matters most to our community and what we can influence. Find
out more in our draft plan, available online at shapeauckland.co.nz or at
public libraries, council service centres or local board offices.

6 | Franklin Local Board Plan Summary 2017

Tukuna mai whakaaro m te tauira
Mahere Poari -Rohe o Franklin 2017
Have your say on Franklins draft Local Board Plan 2017
Feedback must be received by 4pm on Friday 30 June 2017.
All feedback will go to elected members of Franklin Local Board to help inform their decisions.

We encourage you to read a full copy of our draft plan send a private message using Facebook Messenger
before providing your feedback between Monday 22 to @FranklinLocalBoard and include Local Board
May and Friday 30 June. Plan feedback.
Copies of the full plan and forms are available: In person
online at shapeauckland.co.nz Come and talk to us at one of the pop-up events below.
This is an opportunity for you to find out more about
at public libraries, council service centres, and local our ideas and provide feedback to board members.
board offices
Thursday 25 May, 10.30am-12 pm, Pukekohe
or phone us on 09 301 0101 and we will send a copy Library, 12 Massey Avenue
to you.
Saturday 27 May, 10am-12pm, Franklin Market,
Or you can fill out this form and return it to us: 9 Massey Avenue
by email - simply scan your completed form and email Thursday 1 June, 10am-12pm, Waiuku (outside
to localboardplans@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz New World), 49 Bowen Street
in person - drop it off at your local public library, Saturday 3 June, 10am-12pm, Pine Harbour Market,
council service centre or local board office 190 Jack Lachlan Drive, Beachlands
by post - place your completed form in an envelope Saturday 10 June, 10.30am-12pm, Waiuku Library,
and send to this freepost address: Civic Centre, 10 King Street
Local Board Plans Sunday 11 June, 10 am-12 pm, Clevedon Farmers
Auckland Council Market, 107 Monument Road
Freepost Authority 232621
Private Bag 92 300, Auckland 1142 Alternatively, come along to a drop-in discussion
Social media hosted by local board members.
Comments made through Facebook will be considered: Friday 16 June, 2pm-4pm, Wairoa Community
write something on the Franklin Local Board Clinic, Clevedon District Centre, 2 North Road,
Facebook page - Facebook.com/FranklinLocalBoard Clevedon
and include Local Board Plan feedback Friday 16 June, 2pm-4pm, Waiuku Community
Clinic, Waiuku Community Hall, 10 King Street.

Your name and feedback will be Local board/s you are providing feedback on: The following information is optional.
considered public documents. All other
Are you?
personal details will remain private.
First name: Is your feedback on behalf of an Female Male Gender
organisation? diverse
Last name:
No these are my own personal views What age group do you belong to?
Email address or postal address:
Yes I am the official spokesperson for <15 15-24 25-34
my organisation 35-44 45-54 55-64
65-74 75+
If yes, what is the name of your
If you want to give us feedback on more organisation?
than one draft local board plan you can: Which of the following describes your
complete a separate form for each ethnicity? (Please select as many as apply)
draft plan. Additional forms are Would you like to speak in support of your NZ European Mori
available by calling 09 3010101 or submission on the draft Franklin Local Samoan Tongan
online at shapeauckland.co.nz Board Plan at a public hearing being held Chinese Indian
fill in a submission form and attach on 8 August? Other (please specify)
your comments, making it clear which
draft local board plan they apply to. Yes No

Franklin Local Board Plan Summary 2017 | 7

Question 1: On a scale of one to five, are we on the right track with Question 4: If you support the introduction of a targeted rate
our proposed local board plan? for your area, what would you like to see it spent on? (Examples
might include a new council facility, local recreation paths or
5 = I strongly agree that the local board is on the right track
seal extension on an existing road.)
4 = I agree that the local board is on the right track
3 = I neither agree or disagree that the local board is on the Please comment:
right track
2 = I disagree that the local board is on the right track
1 = I strongly disagree that the local board is on the right track

Please comment:

Question 2: Tell us what you like most about our proposed local Question 5: Do you have any other comments about our
board plan? proposed local board plan?

Please comment: Please comment:

Question 3: One of our ideas is to investigate introducing a local

targeted rate for Franklin residents to help pay for new initiatives
or improvements not currently proposed. Do you?
Agree Disagree Not sure

Please comment:

Need more room? You can attach extra pages,

but please ensure they are A4 and include your
name and contact details.

Yes, I want to be added to your mailing list to be kept informed

about news and events in the Franklin Local Board area.

All personal information that you provide in this submission will be held and protected by Auckland Council in accordance with our
privacy policy (available at aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/privacy and at our libraries and service centres) and with the Privacy Act 1993.
Our privacy policy explains how we may use and share your personal information in relation to any interaction you have with the
council, and how you can access and correct that information. We recommend you familiarise yourself with this policy.

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