Final Project Proposal
Final Project Proposal
Final Project Proposal
2.4. Hypothesis .............................................................................................. 20
References ............................................................................................................ 29
good speaker provided he manages to deliver what is in his mind well and
skill. Students' low level of speaking ability and their inability to speak
Games are effective teaching tools and save many positive aspects,
because they provide motivation, lower students' stress, and give them the
opportunity for real communication. Not only that, Games can involve all
the basic language skills, i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and
the activity as the ability to express oneself in the situation, or the activity
life granted.
Since Indonesia is not an English speaking country, when
attempting to speak, learners must combine all other elements their thoughts
and encode those ideas of the target language. However, most students face
some difficulties, one of them is about anxiety. In fact, most of students get
struggle to speak even they have a lot of vocabularies, good in all elements
and have written the materials well. The problem is afraid of making
mistakes that makes them stutter and their speaking skill is not developed
very well.
Games also give positive effect on the students interest and motivation in
studying English as well as to increase their speaking ability. Not only that,
challenging for students. According to Kuzu and Ural findings (as cited in
Donmus, 2010, p.1499) "when games and education are combined, it can be
who learned with the use of games, gain positive attitudes and can be more
Skill. Through Say Your Word Game, the students may be able to speak
1.3. Research Questions
speaking skill?
(2) How is the students response toward the application of Say Your
(2) To discuss the students' opinions and responses to the teaching and
First, for the teachers this research will be very useful to improve
their teaching performance in class. They will get better insight using game
technique especially Say Your Word game and finally they will realize
Second, for the students the process of this research will give new
and good insight into learning process since Say Your Word game
technique is a new alternative fun learning in teaching and learning process
Third, for the writer the process of observing this research will
inspire to create and explore the innovative process of teaching and learning
Based on the research question above, the researcher will limit the
This researcher only focuses on the use of Say Your Word game
important role in speaking. For scoring process, the researcher would score
1. Game is an agreeable and fun way of getting a class to use its initiative
2. Say Your Word game is a game that makes the player to spontaneously
This study proposal will be divided into three parts. The first
of the study, limitation of the study, definitions of key terms and the
review of the previous studies, review of the theoretical studies and the
framework of analysis.
and triangulation.
The fifth chapter deals with conclusions and suggestions of the
obstacle is the students in one class may have different level of speaking
ability. Therefore, providing them with more exciting and fun way of
game, recorded role play and peer feedback activities can improve students
speaking skills. This has been shown during learning processes. Some
students with a low speaking ability can speak English in the average level,
them still need more time to think of what sentence they should produce.
The idea of providing them with more exciting and fun way of teaching
speaking brings good impact for them. They felt enthusiastic and motivated
enough to join.
speaking skill especially for 7th grade have lack motivation and low
Rama, Ying, Lee & Luei Lueis (2008) conducted an action research
The participants in this study were 78 students. The researchers used two
different methods for two different groups; they divided students into
perform a conversation. The study shows that the participants expressed that
group, in the first one 21% of the students considered that they were not
able to speak better, but in the second group only 11% although in
activities that involved oral interaction mainly because students were afraid
of criticism and jokes about what they said. The students of English at the
Federico Garca Lorca School had the ability to communicate their ideas in
listening exercises, and could read and comprehend basic texts. However,
guessing speculating, and story games. The results showed that students
felt better, free and confident when they participated in oral tasks,
interaction among them. In addition, they were relaxed and happy at the
observed as well. Questionnaires, observations and interviews were used as
another language.
2.2.1. Speaking
to deliver thought, ideas and feeling. In this case speaker not only
has to know what to be delivered but also knows how to deliver it.
own head and put it into coherent order, so that it comes out in forms
that comprehensible and convey the meaning. (Jeremy Harmer,
2.2.2. Games
governed by rules. They should be enjoyed and fun. They are not
just a break from routine activities, but make the learner to use the
Educational games are the games which are both designed for
medium for all ages if they are attentively selected, adapted and
accordance to the game system and also with the context presented
2.2.3. Say Your Word Game
ensure they could not hear the word. Then, the one member team is
given times to describe or give a clue of the word to the second team
member without saying the word, who, after guessing the word, then
do the same thing to the third team member and so on. But, one clue
cannot be used twice. For instance, one member was given a word
Even though Say Your Word is an old game show, but this
game is still popular until now. This game has so much fun. It makes
think to understand what they hear. They can study while play a
game and not boring. This game also reduce students anxiety
because they play to have fun. It is also easy for teachers to apply it
used in the game and pay attention to what students say. This can be
old who are in the grade 10 to 12. However, the age of children is
instruction and they could play the game without many problems
prepared well. Games is good and effective way to reduce anxiety that
Teacher must know the characteristic and advantages of games, and
also how to implement games teaching style to get good result. The
1. Characteristic of Games
Peter Hastie (2010) stated that all games have these four
the goal of the games. The goal here is not winning, per se, but it
The second necessary condition is that a game must have rules, and
Games will also include rules about what is not allowed in the course
of play. Nearly all games include rules that flavour less efficient over
more efficient ways to achieve the goal. Indeed, sometimes the most
logical and easiest solution is not available. And so these limits are
from the same set of rules and agree to these, the game cannot exist.
2. Advantages of games
a) Games add interest to what students might not find very interesting.
meaningful communication takes place as students seek to
understand how to play the game and as they communicate about the
game: before, during, and after the game (Wright, Betteridge, &
Buckby, 2005).
d) The variety and intensity that games offer may lower anxiety
e) Games can involve all the basic language skills, i.e., listening,
games, and games can often be organized such that students have
such as the skill of disagreeing politely and the skill of asking for
turn, rather than letting others do all the talking and other actions,
sounds and sound patterns, use word and sentences stress, intonation
patterns and the rhythm of the second language, select appropriate words
use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses,
means that they are teenagers. Teens are in between childhood and
teaching them.
They have enough knowledge and ability to express their ideas, but
a) Presentation: the teacher shows the students a picture and asks them
sentence individually, and she corrects any mistakes she hears. Now
she goes back and models sentences from the picture, getting choral
the teacher puts the students in pairs to practice the sentences a bit
are asked to use the new language (in this case the present
As with other learning activities, teachers need to pay careful
attention to the difficulty level of games. Part of the appeal of games lies
in the challenge, but if the challenge is too great, some students may
become discouraged.
2.4. Hypothesis
pre-test and post-test model is used since this research will only use one
before and after receiving the treatment. The design for the research is
pictured as follows:
The writer of the research will collect the data from eleventh grade students
of a Senior High School. The specific place to collect the data will be SMA
3.3. Subject of the Study
The subject of this study will be the students of SMA 1 Bae. Then
the writer categorized the subject of the study into population, sample, and
technique of sampling.
3.3.1 Population
3.3.2 Sample
The object of this study is the effect of Say Your Word games
3.5. Variables
3.5.1 Independent Variable
independent variable in this study is the use of Say Your Word game
3.6. Procedures of Data Collection: Instruments of Collecting the Data
the research in order to get the appropriate result of the research. The
First, the writer will conduct pre-test. The test will be given to
using using Say Your Word game. This treatment will be conducted
speaking achievement.
achievement after the treatments done. The test items were the same
support the primary data in this research and to know how far the result
3.6.2 Instruments of Collecting the Data Test Questionnaire
collecting of the data, analyzing the data, and the appearance of the
product. An analysis in this study is based on the result to find out the
t =
N (N 1)
a. Md = ,used to determine mean difference of pre-test and post-
Md = mean from difference pre test with post test (post test - pre
N = subject of sample
( d)
b. x 2 d = d ,used to determine the sum of
deviation quadrate.
N = subject of sample
the researcher and the respondent select from or evaluate the option
3.8. Triangulation
the location of fixed point based on the laws of trigonometry. These laws
that if one side and two angles of a triangle are known, the other two sides
her findings. In her study, the researcher used several data collection, such
Interview Tests
Anders, B.A., Briggs, D.J., Hai-Jew, S., Caby, Z.J., and Werick, M. (2011).
Creating an online global health course and game. Retrieved December 27,
Bruce Forsyth's Hot Streak. (2007) In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Wiki].
Limited: pp 101-103.
Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st
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Jacobs, G. M., & Kline Liu, K. (1996). Integrating language functions and
collaborative skills in the second language classroom. TESL Reporter, 29, 21-
Krashen, S.D. (1985). The input hypothesis: Issues and implications. New York:
Lee, S. K. (1995, January-March). Creative games for the language class. Forum,
Len, W. U,. Cely, E. V. (2010\\) Encouraging Teenagers to Improve Speaking
Nunan, D. (2001). Second language teaching and learning. Boston: Heinle &
Orlick, T. (2006). Cooperative games and sports: Joyful activities for everyone.
Rama, J., Ying, C., Lee, K., Luei, A. (2008). Using Games in English Language
Learning. Jurong.
Uberman, A. (1998). The use of games for vocabulary presentation and revision.
Teaching of the Four Language Skills. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH &
Wright, A., Betteridge, D., & Buckby, M. (2005). Games for language learning (3rd